ATLAS - Ti 8 Windows User Manual
ATLAS - Ti 8 Windows User Manual
ATLAS - Ti 8 Windows User Manual
ti 8 Windows
User Manual
ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - User Manual - updated for program version 8.4
Please ensure your installation of ATLAS.ti is fully updated at all times ( WINDOWS START > SCIENTIFIC SOFTWARE > CHECK FOR UPDATES).
Copyright ©2020 by ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH, Berlin. All rights reserved.
Document version: 782.20200326.
Copying or duplicating this document or any part thereof is a violation of applicable law. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, photocopying, without written permission
from ATLAS.ti GmbH.
Trademarks: ATLAS.ti is a registered trademark of ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH. Adobe Acrobat is a trademark of
Adobe Systems Incorporated; Microsoft, Windows, Excel, and other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or in other countries. Google Earth is a trademark of Google, Inc. All other product names and any
registered and unregistered trademarks mentioned in this document are used for identification purposes only and remain the exclusive
property of their respective owners.
About this Manual................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
How to Use This Manual................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Manual Conventions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Useful Resources For Getting Started.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
The VISE Principle........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Areas of Application...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Teamwork...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Starting ATLAS.ti.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Selecting The Display Language .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Creating a New Project................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Importing An Existing Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Importing an ATLAS.ti 7 Project.................................................................................................................................................. 23
Importing Copy Bundle Files (Versions 5, 6 Or 7)....................................................................................................................... 23
Entity Managers..................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Launching An Entity Manager..................................................................................................................................................... 30
The Document Manager............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Quotation Manager....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Code Manager................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Tools tab........................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Memo Manager............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Network Manager......................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Link Manager................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
Relation Manager......................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Adding Documents................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
How To Add Documents............................................................................................................................................................... 47
Sort Order Of Documents............................................................................................................................................................ 48
Renumbering All Documents...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Loading And Navigating Documents.......................................................................................................................................... 48
Importing Multimedia Transcripts.............................................................................................................................................. 48
Project Management............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Renaming Documents.................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Deleting Project Documents........................................................................................................................................................ 50
Duplicating Documents................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Saving A Project............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Password Protection..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Creating Project Backups.............................................................................................................................................................. 51
Creating A Snapshot..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Pin To Favorites............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Hide/ Show Projects..................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Deleting A Project......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
User Accounts............................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Team Work.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Overview Of Main Steps............................................................................................................................................................... 63
Important To Know...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Coding Data............................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Working With Codes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Appendix............................................................................................................................................................................................... 240
Language Settings..................................................................................................................................................................... 240
Useful Resources........................................................................................................................................................................ 240
Get In Touch................................................................................................................................................................................ 242
Service Packs & Patches – Live Update.................................................................................................................................... 243
For all basic-level work like creating quotations, coding, and writing memos, consult the chapters under the main heading: “Entity
Managers“, "Exploring Data ," "Working With Quotations ," "Coding Data" "Working With Comments And Memos," and "Working
With Groups."
Advanced functions are described under: "Working With Hyperlinks," "Querying Data," and "Working With Networks."
The sequence of the chapters follows the steps that are necessary to start and work on an ATLAS.ti project: First, the main
concepts that ATLAS.ti utilizes are explained; next, an overview of all available tools is provided. These introductory and more
theoretically-oriented parts are followed by more practically-oriented chapters providing step-by-step instructions. You will
learn how to manage your data and how to set up and start a project. Once a project is set up, the basic functions such as
coding, text search, auto-coding, writing memos, etc. become relevant. Conceptual-level functions such as the network
editor, the Query Tool, and Co-occurrence Explorer build on the data-level work (at least in most cases) and are therefore
described last.
The section "Useful Resources" offers some useful advice on how to get support and where to find further information on the
This is largely a technical document. You should not expect any detailed discussion of methodological aspects of
qualitative research other than cursory statements from this manual.
To those seeking in-depth instruction on methodological aspects, the ATLAS.ti Training Center offers a full complement
of dedicated ATLAS.ti training events worldwide, both through online courses and face-to-face seminars in nearly all
parts of the world. Visit the Training Center at
Manual Conventions
Margin notes:
This paragraph contains a general note that may be of interest or worth remembering.
Margin notes contain
important observations
of a general nature.
This paragraph contains a tip or recommendation, i. e., something we advise you to make a practice in your work.
This paragraph contains a warning or caution, i. e., something you should avoid doing or be aware of consequences
beyond the action itself.
This paragraph contains an instruction, i. e., something you should follow along and/or execute in the program.
Additional Reading
ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio, and video data. It
offers a variety of tools for accomplishing the tasks associated with any systematic approach to unstructured data, i. e., data
that cannot be meaningfully analyzed by formal, statistical approaches. In the course of such a qualitative analysis, ATLAS.ti
helps you to explore the complex phenomena hidden in your data. For coping with the inherent complexity of the tasks and
the data, ATLAS.ti offers a powerful and intuitive environment that keeps you focused on the analyzed materials. It offers
tools to manage, extract, compare, explore, and reassemble meaningful pieces from large amounts of data in creative,
flexible, yet systematic ways.
Vis ua li z a ti o n
The visualization component of the program means directly supports the way human beings (this includes researchers!)
think, plan, and approach solutions in creative, yet systematic ways.
Tools are available to visualize complex properties and relations between the objects accumulated during the process of
eliciting meaning and structure from the analyzed data.
The object-oriented design of ATLAS.ti seeks to keep the necessary operations close to the data to which they are applied.
The visual approach of the interface keeps you focused on the data, and quite often the functions you need are just a few
mouse clicks away.
Integra ti o n
Another fundamental design aspect of the software is to integrate all pieces that comprise a project, in order not to lose
sight of the whole when going into detail.
Therefore, all relevant entities are stored in a container, the so-called "Hermeneutic Unit (HU)." Like the spider in its web, the
HU keeps all data within reach. Loading a project with hundreds of files is merely a matter of opening a single HU.
Serendi pi ty
Webster's Dictionary defines serendipity as "a seeming gift for making fortunate discoveries accidentally." Other meanings
are: Fortunate accidents, lucky discoveries. In the context of information systems, one should add: Finding something
without having actually searched for it.
The term "serendipity" can be equated with an intuitive approach to data. A typical operation that relies on the serendipity
effect is browsing. This information-seeking method is a genuinely human activity: When you spend a day in the local library
(or on the World Wide Web), you often start with searching for particular books (or key words). But after a short while, you
typically find yourself increasingly engaged in browsing through books that were not exactly what you originally had in mind.
Examples of tools and procedures ATLAS.ti offers for exploiting the concept of serendipity are the Object Managers, the HU
Explorer, the interactive margin area, full text search, and the hypertext functionality.
Expl o ra ti o n
Exploration is closely related to the above principles. Through an exploratory, yet systematic approach to your data (as
opposed to a mere "bureaucratic" handling), it is assumed that especially constructive activities like theory building will be of
great benefit. The entire program's concept, including the process of getting acquainted with its particular idiosyncrasies, is
particularly conducive to an exploratory, discovery-oriented approach.
Areas of Application
ATLAS.ti serves as a powerful utility for qualitative analysis, particularly of larger bodies of textual, graphical, audio, and
video data. The content or subject matter of these materials is in no way limited to any one particular field of scientific or
scholarly investigation.
Its emphasis is on qualitative, rather than quantitative, analysis, i. e., determining the elements that comprise the primary
data material and interpreting their meaning. A related term would be "knowledge management," which emphasizes the
transformation of data into useful knowledge.
ATLAS.ti can be of great help in any field where this kind of "soft data" analysis is carried out. While ATLAS.ti was originally
designed with the social scientist in mind, it is now being put to use in areas that we had not really anticipated. Such areas
include psychology, literature, medicine, software engineering, quality control, criminology, administration, text linguistics,
stylistics, knowledge elicitation, history, geography, theology, and law, to name just some of the more prominent.
Emerging daily are numerous new fields that can also take full advantage of the program's facilities for working with
graphical, audio, and video data. A few examples:
• Anthropology: Micro-gestures, mimics, maps, geographical locations, observations, field notes
• Architecture: Annotated floor plans
• Art / Art History: Detailed interpretative descriptions of paintings or educational explanations of style
• Business Administration: Analysis of interviews, reports, web pages
• Criminology: Analysis of letters, finger prints, photographs, surveillance data
• Geography and Cultural Geography: Analysis of maps, locations
• Graphology: Micro comments to handwriting features.
• Industrial Quality Assurance: Analyzing video taped user-system interaction
• Medicine and health care practice: Analysis of X-ray images, CAT scans, microscope samples, video data of patient care,
training of health personal using video data
• Media Studies: Analysis of films, TV shows, online communities
• Tourism: Maps, locations, visitor reviews
ATLAS.ti offers support Many more applications from a host of academic and professional fields are the reality. In fact, we encourage all users to let
to the researcher - us know about the specific use they are making of ATLAS.ti in their area or work. You can always reach us via the ATLAS.ti
without taking control of Support Center at
the intellectual process. The fundamental design objective in creating ATLAS.ti was to develop a tool that effectively supports the human interpreter,
particularly in handling relatively large amounts of research material, notes, and associated theories.
Although ATLAS.ti facilitates many of the activities involved in qualitative data analysis and interpretation (particularly
selecting, indexing/coding, and annotating), its purpose is not to automate these processes. Automatic interpretation of
text cannot succeed in grasping the complexity, lack of explicitness, or "contextuality" of everyday or scientific knowledge. In
fact, ATLAS.ti was designed to be more than a single tool—think of it as a professional workbench that provides a broad
selection of effective tools for a variety of problems and tasks.
ATLAS.ti facilitates co-authoring, i. e., it allows two or more researchers or work groups to work on the same project, albeit
asynchronously. This means each person works on his or her own project file. Access to the same data source is possible. The
sub-projects are then merged into one comprehensive MASTER project. ATLAS.ti provides the tools that allow for the
transfer and conversion of research data while keeping the respective sources of ideas identifiable at all times.
Create a project, an "idea container," meant to enclose your data, all your findings, codes, memos, and structures under a
single name. See "Creating a New Project."
Next, add documents, text, graphic, audio and video files, or geo documents to your ATLAS.ti project. See "Adding
Documents" .
Read and select text passages or identify areas in an image or select segments on the time line of an audio or video file
that are of further interest, assign key words (codes), and write comments and memos (see “Working With Comments
And Memos“) that contain your thinking about the data. Build a coding system. See "Working With Codes ."
Compare data segments based on the codes you have assigned; possibly add more data files to the project. See for
example "Retrieving Coded Data."
Query the data based on your research questions utilizing the different tools ATLAS.ti provides. The key words to look for
are: simple retrieval, complex code retrievals using the Query Tool, simple or complex retrievals in combination with
variables via the scope button, the Code Co-occurrence Tools (tree explorer and table), the Codes-Document Table, data
export for further statistical analysis (see "Querying Data" and "Data Export For Further Statistical Analysis."
Build semantic, prepositional or terminological networks from the codes you have created. These networks, together with
your codes and memos, form the framework for emerging theory. See "Working With Networks" and "Working With
Comments And Memos."
Finally, compile a written report based on the memos you have written throughout the various phases of your project and
the networks you have created. See "Exporting Networks" and "Creating Reports."
For additional reading about working with ATLAS.ti, see The ATLAS.ti Research Blog and The ATLAS.ti conference
The most basic level of an ATLAS.ti project consists of the documents you are analyzing, followed closely by the "quotations"
(= selections from these document). On the next level, codes refer to quotations. And comments and memos - you meet
them everywhere. Your ATLAS.ti project can become a highly connected entity, a dense web of primary data, associated
memos and codes, and interrelations between the codes and the data. To find your way through this web, ATLAS.ti provides
powerful browsing, retrieval and editing tools.
In the following all entities of an ATLAS.ti project are explain in more detail.
Documents represent the data you have added to an ATLAS.ti project. These can be text, image, audio, video or geographic
materials that you wish to interpret.
A quotation is a segment from a document that is interesting or important to the user. In textual documents, a quotation is
an arbitrary sequence of characters ranging in length from a single character, to a word, a sentence, or a paragraph, even up
to the entire data file.
Free quotations resemble passages highlighted with a marker.
Usually, quotations are created manually by the researcher. However, if repetitive words or phrases are contained in the text,
the Auto-Coding feature can be used to automatically segment these quotations and assign a code to them.
When a quotation is created, ATLAS.ti automatically assigns an identifier to it. This identifier is built from the index of the
document to which it belongs plus the first 70 characters of the text segment, e. g., "1:7 But the warnings for prospective
parents are even more stark than ‘it'......" The identifier is displayed in list windows and reports. For graphic, audio, and video
segments, the original file name of the document is chosen as identifier.
Although the creation of quotations is almost always part of a broader task like coding or writing memos, "free"
quotations can be created that indicate interesting parts in the data for which a meaningful classification has not yet
been found. Each quotation name can be renamed. Thus an approach could also be to rename a quote instead of
attaching a code label that only describes a data segment and cannot be applied anywhere else because it is too specific.
Attaching code labels at this level of analysis can result in a very long and difficult to manage code list. Additional
Quo ta ti o ns a s La yers
Quotations can be regarded like a transparent layer on top of a document. Technically speaking, a quotation consists of the
identifier (a number) and a pair of coordinates that specify the beginning and end of the quotation. The content of a
document file (the data source) is therefore not altered by the creation, deletion, or modification of quotations.
Quotations are stored inside the ATLAS.ti project file, independent of the document to which they belong.
Types of Q uo ta ti o ns
There are six different types of quotations corresponding with the six different types of data file formats ATLAS.ti accepts:
Textual quotations represent (for the computer) a sequence of characters ("strings") and can be of arbitrary size. Sentences,
speech turns, or paragraphs are often the basis for the length of textual quotations. Only text offers enough "syntactical
clues" to allow for searches for the occurrence of specific evidence that may support a concept. Text also offers the option for
automatic segmentation as used by the Auto-Coding procedure.
The creation, activation, and display of graphical quotations has similarities with, but also differs from, their textual
A graphical quotation is a rectangular region inside a graphical document. From its data structure, it is identical to textual
quotations, since their main attributes are also the document identifier and two coordinates that mark the beginning and
end, defining a rectangle through its upper left and lower right corner. Handling graphical quotations is largely analogous to
marking text passages in a textual document.
PDF quotations can be of a textual or of a graphical nature. The quotation references for textual quotations indicate the page
number and the start and end position on the basis of character counts. For example: (31:1537-31:1745) means that this
quotation is from page 31, starting at character 1537 and ending at character 1745. The reference for coded images indicates
the position of the quotation within the PDF file, like (@422-@618),
When creating a Geo quotation, you see the ATLAS.ti icon on an Open Street map. It is linked to one location and thus is
different from all other types of quotations that present a range. The quotation ID shows the name of the document In
addition the geographic reference of the marked location is provided.
More detail on how to work with quotation can be found in the section "Working With Quotations "
Coding Objectives
The term "code" is used in many different ways. First, we would like to define what that term means in qualitative research,
and then in ATLAS.ti.
From a methodological standpoint, codes serve a variety of purposes. They capture meaning in the data. They also serve as
handles for specific occurrences in the data that cannot be found by simple text-based search techniques.
Codes are used as classification devices at different levels of abstraction in order to create sets of related information units
for the purpose of comparison (e. g., a concept like "Coping Strategy").
Keep code names brief and succinct. Use the comment pane for longer elaborations.
From a "low level" tool perspective, codes are typically short pieces of text referencing other pieces of text, graphical, audio,
or video data. Their purpose is to classify an often large number of textual or other data units.
In the realm of information retrieval systems, the terms "index," "indexing," or "keyword" are often used for what we call
"code" or "coding."
The length of a code should be restricted and should not be too verbose. If textual annotations are what you want, you
should use quotation comments instead.
The technical aspects of coding are described in the section “Coding Data“ and “Working With Codes “.
Memos capture your thoughts regarding the text and are an important device for creating theory. A "memo" is similar to a
code, but usually contains longer passages of text.
A memo may "stand alone" or it may refer to quotations, codes, and other memos. They can be sorted by type (method,
theoretical, descriptive, etc.), which is helpful in organizing and sorting them, or by creating memo groups. Memos may also
be included in the analysis as data to be coded by converting them into a project document.
You can write comments for all entities in ATLAS.ti. Comments different from memos are always directly connected to the
entity you write them for. Writing comments is similar to scribbling notes in the margin of a paper, or attaching sticky notes
to things. Comments can be written for documents, quotations, codes, memos, networks, all types of groups, and for
Groups are a way to form clusters of documents, codes, memos and networks to be used as filters. Document groups can be
regarded as attributes or variables (see Working With Groups). It is possible combine them using logical operators (AND, OR,
NOT), e.g. to retrieve and analyze not only female respondents, but female respondents from the Northern region – which is
an AND combination of the group: female and the group: Northern Region.
Networks are a bit more sophisticated than groups. They allow you to conceptualize the structure by connecting sets of
related elements together in a visual diagram. With the aid of Networks you can express relationships between codes,
quotations, and memos. documents, and groups. Also Networks themselves can be "nodes" in a network.
N etwo rk Ma na ger
The Network Manager contains a list of all saved Network previously constructed by the user. It can be used to create new
Network, to access or delete existing ones, or to write and edit comments. See "Network Manager."
N etwo rk edi to r
The network editor displays and offers all editing capability to construct and refine semantic networks. In addition, it allows
the visual creation and traversal of hypertext structures.
Li nk M ana ger
The Link Managers provide an overview of all code-code links and of all hyperlinks you have created. See "Working With
Rel a ti o n Ma na ger
Should the already built-in relations that are used to connect nodes in Networks prove not sufficient, you can edit them or
create new ones using the Relation Editor. See “Creating New Relations“.
Find more information on the network function under "Working With Networks."
Navigation Area
When you open ATLAS.ti, the navigation area is displayed on the left-hand side of your screen. The Project Explorer displays
all the elements of a project in a strictly hierarchical manner, even if the structures are non-hierarchical, or even cyclic. On the
first level it displays documents, codes, memos, networks, document groups, code groups, memo groups and network
groups. By opening up the various branches, you can see and also access all linked entities. When double-clicking one of the
main branches, the associated manager opens. See "Entity Managers."
In addition to the main Project Explorer, you can open a browser for each of the main entities: documents, quotations, codes,
memos and networks. They also include a search field. Further options are to display the Code Co-occurence Explorer and the
code tree. See "Code Co-Occurrence Tools."
Project Search
Use the project wide search to search for words, sentences, expressions in your entire project. The search can be restricted to
a particular author or to any of the entities like documents, codes, memo, comments, groups, etc. The reports show the
search term with surrounding context. In addition it is possible to access each hit within the context of the project. See
"Project Search."
ATLAS.ti contains multiple powerful, dedicated analytical tool to help to make sense of your data.
Wo rd Cl o uds and Wo rd Li s ts
ATLAS.ti can count all words in all or selected documents, all or selected quotations, or quotations coded by one or more
selected codes. The result can be displayed in form of a word cloud, an internal report, or as Excel table. Stop and go lists in
various languages can be defined and applied. See "Creating Word Clouds And Word Lists."
Co de Do cumentTa b l e
The Code Document Table counts the frequency of codes across documents. Aggregated counts based on code and
document groups are also available. Optionally, the table cells can also contain the word counts for the quotations per code
across documents or document group. The table can be exported to Excel. See "Code Document Table."
Query To ol
For more complex search requests, the Query Tool is at your disposal. Here you can formulate search requests that are based
on combinations of codes using one or a combination of 14 different operators, Boolean, semantic and proximity operators
(see "The Query Tool").
Sma rt Co des
A Smart Code is a stored query, thus provides an answer to a question (in the best case) and typically consists of several
combined codes. See "Working With Smart Codes ."
Team Tools
Team work is a normal scenario in data analysis, and ATLAS.ti is uniquely suited for collaborative work. A number of special
tools and features support efficient work in a team. For further information see the chapter on "Team Work."
Please note that synchronous work is no supported. Each team member work in his or her own project file and these files
need to be merged from time to time.
Wo rd / PDF
There are output options for each of the main entities in ATLAS.ti: Documents, Quotations, Codes and Memos and within the
various tools. All reports are user configurable and you can decide which type of content to include. See "Creating Reports."
SPSS E xpo rt
You can export your coded data as SPSS syntax file. When executed in SPSS, your quotations become cases and your codes
and code groups variables. In addition, further identifying information in form of variables is provided like the document
number for each case, start and end position and creation date. These variables allow you to aggregate your data in SPSS if
needed ("SPSS Syntax Export").
If you need a less detailed output, see “Code Document Table" The table provides an output that is already aggregated by
documents or document groups.
Excel E xpo rt
You find an Excel Export option in each Manager and quotation list. In addition, the results of the Code Co-occurrence Table
and the Code-Document-Table can be exported as Excel file. See "Creating Reports“.
Gra phi c Fi l es
Networks can be saved in various graphic file formats (jpg, png, tiff, gif, bmp). See “Exporting Networks“. The code-
document table can be exported as pgn file.
You can later merge the result with your existing ATLAS.ti desktop project. This is explained in section "What You Need To
Know When Merging Projects" and “Merging Projects“.
The Process
There are two principal modes of working with ATLAS.ti, the data level and the conceptual level. The data level includes
activities like segmentation of data files; coding text, image, audio, and video passages; and writing comments and memos.
The conceptual level focuses on querying data and model-building activities such as linking codes to networks, in addition to
writing some more comments and memos.
Da ta -Level Wo rk
Data-level research activities include exploring your data using word clouds and word lists, segmenting the data that you
have assigned to a project into quotations, adding comments to respective passages (note-making/annotating), linking data
segments to each other called hyperlinking in ATLAS.ti, and coding data segments and memos to facilitate their later
retrieval. The act of comparing noteworthy segments leads to a creative conceptualization phase that involves higher-level
interpretive work and theory-building.
ATLAS.ti assists you in all of these tasks and provides a comprehensive overview of your work as well as rapid search,
retrieval, and browsing functions.
Within ATLAS.ti, initial ideas often find expression through their assignment to a code or memo, to which similar ideas or
text selections also become assigned. ATLAS.ti provides the researcher with a highly effective means for quickly retrieving all
data selections and notes relevant to one idea.
Co nceptua l Level Wo rk
Beyond coding and simple data retrieval:
ATLAS.ti allows you to query your data in lots of different ways, combining complex code queries with variables, exploring
relationships between codes and to visualize your findings using the network tool.
ATLAS.ti allows you to visually "connect" selected passages, memos, and codes into diagrams that graphically outline
complex relations. This feature virtually transforms your text-based work space into a graphical "playground" where you can
construct concepts and theories based on relationships between codes, data segments, or memos.
This process sometimes uncovers other relations in the data that were not obvious before and still allows you the ability to
instantly revert to your notes or primary data selection. – For more detail, see "Querying Data" and "Working With
Starting ATLAS.ti
In Windows 10, start ATLAS.ti by typing ATLAS.ti 8 into the Cortana search field, or ask the voice assistant Cortana to open it
for you.
In older Windows versions, go to START / P ROGRAMS and select S CIENTIFIC S OFTWARE / ATLAS.ti 8. Or double-click the
ATLAS.ti shortcut on your desktop if you selected this option during installation.
Figure 8:
To change the user interface language, select FILE / O PTIONS / APPLICATION P REFERENCES / DISPLAY OPTIONS.
If a project is already open, click on FILE to open the backdrop. From there select the CREATE NEW P ROJECT button.
In version 7, select PROJECT / EXPORT / TRANSFER BUNDLE (FOR MAC & A8).
Open ATLAS.ti 8 and select the regular IMPORT P ROJECT option to open your version 7 project.
If ATLAS.ti is already open, select FILE / NEW , and from there the Import Project Bundle option.
You are probably familiar with ribbons from other contemporary Windows software that you use. A ribbon is a graphical
control element in the form of a set of toolbars placed on several tabs. They are grouped by functionality rather than object
types, as was the case in older versions of ATLAS.ti. Ribbons, in comparison, use tabs to expose different sets of controls,
eliminating the need for numerous parallel toolbars. This highly improves the workflow and makes it easier for users to see
which functions are available for a given context.
• Home
• Search Project
• Analyze
• Import / Export
Depending on the function you are using, additional contextual tabs will appear. These will be highlighted by a colored line at
the top of the ribbon.
The HOME tab is the starting point for most projects. You can start here to add documents to a project, create new codes,
memos and networks (NEW ENTITIES ), open various navigators to be displayed in the navigation area on the left-hand side of
the screen, write a comment for your project, open the various managers, and project explorers, or auto code your project.
The S EARCH P ROJECT tab allows to search through all entities of your project. Later in this tour there will be an exercise where
you practice its functionality.
The ANALYZE tab offers a number of advanced functions to analyze your data after coding. See “Querying Data“
Use the IMPORT & EXPORT tab to import Twitter data (“Working With Twitter Data“), to add data stored in Evernote, to import
data from reference managers like Endnotes, Medeley, etc. to support the analysis of literature (“Working With Reference
Manager Data“), to import survey data, especially responses to open-ended questions (“Error: Reference source not found“)
and already existing code lists. If you are interested in a mixed-method approach, you can generate a SPSS syntax file for
further quantitative analysis in SPSS of your qualitative coding, or export a generic version in form of an Excel file for import
in R, SAS or STATA (“Data Export For Further Statistical Analysis“). Further you can import and export code books in Excel
format, or in the QDPX format for exchange with other CAQDAS software. Another option is to import or export document
groups as, or on the basis of an Excel file. See “Importing and Exporting Document Groups“.
If you want to report a problem, send suggestions, create or manage user accounts, want to access the Quick Tour or other
resources, click on the T OOLS &S UPPORT tab. A further options is to clean up your project by finding and removing redundant
codings. See “Finding Redundant Codings ”.
The Backdrop
Under FILE you find all options that concern your project, like creating a new project, open existing projects, saving and
deleting projects, exporting and merging projects (see “Project Management“. For more information on merging projects, see
“What You Need To Know When Merging Projects“.
Figure 15: Access the six main entity types via the Home tab
Figure 14:
The six main entity types in ATLAS.ti are: Documents, Quotations, Codes, Memos, Networks, and Links. All entity types have
their own manager (see "Entity Managers"). The Entity Managers allow access to the entities and provide several options
and functions.
When you open ATLAS.ti, the Project Explorer opens automatically. From the main branches you can access documents,
codes, memos, networks and all groups. If you are looking for something in particular, you can enter a search term into the
search field. If you open the branches of the various entities, they will only show you items that contain the seearch term.
To open a branch, click on the triangle in front of each entity, or right-click and select the EXPAND option from the context
Figure 17: Expand or collapse With a double-click on a main branch, the respective manager of the selected entity type is opened (see "Entity Managers."
Under the main Documents branch, you see all documents. Below each document, you can access all quotations of a
Under the main Codes branch, you see the list of all codes. On the next level, you see all linked codes. For further information
see "Linking Nodes."
Under the main Memo branch, you see the list of all memos. On the next level, you see all linked entities, which for memos
can be other memos, quotations and codes.
Under the main Networks branch, you see the list of all networks. On the next level, you see all entities that are contained in
the network. If you open the branches further, you see the entities that are linked to the respective items.
Under the Group branches, you see the list of all groups and below each group, the list of all members of the selected group.
If an entity has a comment, indicated by the yellow post-it note, it is shown in the bottom pane. See Figure 18.
Context Menus
Each item in the navigation panel has a context menu, which means a context sensitive menu opens when you right-click. As
each of the options are explained elsewhere, in the following only one example is shown. Depending on the entity that you
click, each context-menu will be slightly different:
Common to all context menus is the Expand and Collapse option, and the option to open the Entity Manager.
In addition to the Project Explorer that contains all project items, you can also open browsers that only contain one entity
type. Browsers are available for documents, quotations, memos and networks.
To open a Browser, click on the drop-down arrow of the Navigator button. The Documents and Quotations Browser can
also be launched directly from the Navigator Group.
The single entity Browsers open in tabs next to the Project Explorer. Different from the Explorers, all Browsers have a Search
field on top of the list of entities. This facilitates working with long lists. As shown in Figure 20, the list of codes only shows
codes that contain the word 'child' as entered in the search field.
You can open three types of explorers in the navigation panel: the Project Explorer (see "The Navigation Panel"), the Code
Forest, and The Code Co-occurrence Explorer (see "Code Co-Occurrence Tools").
To close all browsers/explorers, or all but one, right-click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate option from
the context menu.
Open the Code Manager by clicking the CODES button in the Home Tab.
To dock this window, click on the icon shown in Figure 22. To float the window again, click on the drop down arrow as
shown in Figure 23 and select FLOAT .
Al wa ys O n To p
A floating window disappears in the background if you click outside the window. If you prefer the window to stay on top of
other windows, right-click on the button at the top left of the window and select the option ALWAYS ON T OP (Figure 24).
To load a document, open the document tree in the navigation area on the left-hand side and double-click document, e.g.
D1 and D3:
The documents are loaded into two tabs in the main work space. The tab of the currently loaded document is colored in
If you want to see the documents side-by-side, you can move one of the documents into a different tab group, click on the
down arrow and select NEW TAB G ROUP / R IGHT .
You have the option to move it into a tab group to the right, left, below or above.
By the way, this can also be done with any other items you open, be it your list of codes, a memo, or a network. You can
individualize your work space as it suits your needs. An example is shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28: Individualize your work space so that it suits your needs
Entity Managers
There is a separate manager for each of the six entity types: Documents, Quotations, Codes, Memos, Networks, and Links.
The Entity Managers allow access to the entities and provide several options and functions. As there are differences among
the various entity types, each manager is described in more detail further below.
An alternative way is to double-click on Documents, Codes, Memos, etc. in the Project Explorer in the navigation panel on
the left (see "The Navigation Panel").
The managers open as floating windows, but all windows can be docked as well (see arrow on the top right in Figure 29).
Each manager contains a list of the entities it manages and some detailed information about them. At the bottom of the
list, you find a comment field in each manager and in some managers, also a preview field. In the Document and Quotation
Manager you can preview the content of either the selected document or the selected quotation. In the Memo Manager, the
memo content is shown next to the comment field.
Another common element is the side panel on the left-hand side, which can be used to quickly access and filter the elements
listed in the managers via groups.
You can activate or deactivate the side panel by selecting the first option in the VIEW TAB, which is to show or hide entity
groups (see Figure 30).
The Spl i t Ba r
The relative size of the side panel, list, preview and comment pane can be modified by dragging the split bar between the
panes. The cursor changes when the mouse moves over the split bar. You can re-size the adjacent panes by dragging the split
bar to the desired position.
Sea rchi ng
On top of the side-panel and entity lists, you find a search field.
Use the search field to search for either documents, quotations, codes or memos in the respective managers.
If you enter a search term, all objects that include the term somewhere will be shown in the list. For example, if you enter the
term "children" in the code manager, all codes that include the word "children" somewhere in the code name will be shown
like children: unrelated to personal happiness, or source: children, or SQ: Reasons for having children.
Remember to delete the search term if you want to see all codes again.
Co ntext Menus
The list and text panes offer context sensitive pop-up menus. The list pane's context menu contains a portion of the
commands that you also find in the ribbon.
Vi ew Opti o ns
In the View tab, you can activate or deactivate the side panel, the preview field (if available) or the comments. In addition you
can switch between Detail and Single Column view.
Avoid long delays between entering characters. After a certain system-defined timeout, the next character starts a new
forward search.
Double-click: Double-clicking a document loads the data source and displays its content in the main window. For each
document a new tab will be opened.
Multiple Selection: You can select more than one document at a time by holding down the Shift or Ctrl key. This can be
useful when running an analysis for multiple documents, when creating groups or reports.
Filter: Click on one or more document groups in the side panel to set a local filter. This means only the items in the manager
are filtered. If you set a global filter, all project items are effected (version 8.1 and higher). See "Applying Global Filters For
Data Analysis"
Status Bar: The Status Bar shows how many documents there are in the project.
Too l s Ta b
Renumber Documents: When adding documents to a project, they are numbered by ATLAS.ti in consecutive order. If you
remove one or more documents, this may result in gaps. To close these gaps and renumber all documents in consecutive
order, select the Renumber Documents option. You can also use this option to re-order documents the way you want them to
be ordered. To achieve this, rename the document that sorting by name results in the order you want. Sort the document by
name and then renumber. The numbers will then follow the alphabetical order.
Renumber Quotations: Selecting this option will close any gap in the numbering of quotations. Each quotation that you
create has an ID. The ID consists of the document number and a number indicating the chronological order when it was
created. For example, the ID 3:12 means that this is a quotation in document D3 and that it was the twelfth quotation that
was created. The ID 9:41 means that this quotation is in document D9 and it was the 41 st quotation that was created in the
document. If you delete quotations or modify them, the ID does not change. If you delete a quotation with the ID 3:11, this
does not mean that quotation 3:12 automatically becomes quotation 3:11. Such an automatism is not always desired. If you
for instance have already started the writing process and made reference to some quotations using their ID, you would not
want ATLAS.ti change the Ids all the time. If you do want all quotations to be numbered in sequential order, you need to
evoke it manually by selecting the Renumber Quotations option.
Import Transcript: This option is available after you have added a multimedia document (audio or video). If you have a
transcript with timestamps for this document, you can add it as transcript. The transcript and multimedia document are
synched via the timemarks. See “Importing Multimedia Transcripts“,
Document Export: This option allows you to export your documents as external data files. Text files are exported as Word
docx files, all PDF. image and multimedia files in their original fomat.
Repair Link: If you have linked an audio or video file to a project and the link is no longer valid, you can repair the link using
this option.
Remove Codings: You can use this option if you want to unlink all codes from all quotations. This means all quotations and
all codes remain in the document, but none of the quotation is coded. This is useful at times for team projects and inter-
coder agreement analysis.
Browse Geo Location; All geo documents are based on Open Street Map. If you want to see a geo location in Google Maps,
you can use this option. See “Working With Geo Docs“ on page 134.
Duplicate document(s): This allows you to create an exact copy of one or more documents with all quotations, codes, links,
ect. This can be useful if for instance you want to code a document based on different aspects. Once text editing becomes
available, this option will allow you to split a document, also when it is already coded. You duplicate it first, then (entering
edito mode) you delete the second part of one document and the first part in the other.
Quotation Manager
The Quotation Manager is very useful for interpretive approaches, discourse analysis, or any other approaches where you do
not want to code data immediately. It is also used for retrieving and reviewing data by codes, creating smart codes, writing
comments on the quotation level, creating reports, or opening networks. When working with multimedia and geo data, it is
useful to rename quotation names to use the as titles for audio- or video segments or for location names in case of geo data.
A single-click selects a quotation. If you have written a comment for the selected quotation, it is displayed in the text pane.
A double-click on a quotation loads its document (unless already loaded)n and displays its content in context.
Multiple Selection: You can select more than one quotation at a time, either to delete them, to attach codes, to open a
network on them, or to create output.
Drag & Drop: By dragging one or more quotations onto other quotations, you create hyperlinks. See "Working With
Hyperlinks" for further information.
Filter: Click on one or more codes in the side panel to view only quotations linked to the selected code(s). See "Activating and
Displaying Quotations" for further detail.
Status Bar: The Status Bar shows how many quotations there are in the project.
A tilde sign (~) indicates that a comment was written for this quotation; the brackets (< or >) indicate that the quotation is a
start anchor or target for a hyperlink.
Name: The first 60 characters of a quotation are used as the default list name. This name can be changed if desired. The
default name of a graphic, audio, or video quotation is the name of the data file name. The name for geo quotations is the
geographic reference.
Document: The name of the document it belongs to.
Density: Number of links to other quotations.
Codes: the codes linked to the quotation
Created By: The name of the user who created the quotation.
Modified By: The name of the user modifying a quotation, either changing the boundaries, renaming it or writing a
Created / Modified: Date and time when a quotation was created and modified.
Start / End / Extent: Start and end position of a quotation in the document, and the total length of a quotation. The
measure that is used is dependent on the media type. See below:
Start / End
• Text quotation: number of characters
• Text PDF: page number in ATLAS.ti plus number of characters on the page
• Graphic quotation: upper left coordinates / lower right coordinates
• Audio quotation: hours:minutes:seconds: milliseconds
• Video quotation: hours:minutes:seconds: milliseconds
• Geo quotation: n/a
• Text quotation: total number of characters
• Text PDF: n/a
• Graphic quotation: height in pixel of the quotation's rectangle.
• Audio quotation: hour:minutes:seconds:milliseconds
• Video quotation: hour:minutes:seconds:milliseconds
• Geo quotation: n/a
Quo ta ti o n Ma na ger Ri b b o n
Open Network: Open a network on one or more selected quotations. See "Working With Networks" and "Opening A Network
On One Or More Entities”.
Word Cloud: See "Creating Word Clouds And Word Lists."
Word List: See "Word Lists."
Report / Excel Export: See "Creating Reports."
Code Manager
The Code Manager is frequently used to create and modify codes, to code data segments via drag & drop, to set code colors,
to retrieve coded data segments, to organize them in code groups, to merge and to split codes, to filter them, to review them
in networks, to review its content using word clouds and word lists, and to create reports.
A double-click on a code opens the list of linked quotations. You can browse through the list of quotations and view them
highlighted in the context of its document. If there is only one quotation linked to a code, it will immediately highlighted in
the context of its document. See "Activating and Displaying Quotations."
Single-click: Selects a code. If you have written a definition for the selected code, it is displayed in the comment pane below
the list. Once selected, the code can be used for drag & drop coding, or you can add it to a code group via drag & drop.
Multiple Selection: You can select more than one code at a time by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key to delete, code a data
segment with all of the selected codes, open a network, create reports, assign them to a code group or remove them, or to
create a code group containing the selected codes.
Drag & Drop: You can use the Code Manager as a convenient tool for coding by dragging codes onto a highlighted piece of
data. If you drag codes onto another code within the same list pane, code-links will be created. If you drag a code on top of
another code in the margin area, it will be replaced.
Colors: If you add code colors, a colored circle is displayed in front of the code icon and name. Code colors also have an effect
on the display of code nodes in networks. See "Working With Networks."
Filter: Click on one or more code groups in the side panel to set a local filter. This means only the items in the manager are
filtered. If you set a global filter, all project items are effected (version 8.1 and higher). See "Applying Global Filters For Data
Status Bar: The Status Bar shows how many codes there are in the project.
Co de Ma na ger Co l umns
The information provided for each code consists of:
Name: Code name.
Grounded: Code frequency or "groundedness." It shows how many quotations are linked to a code.
Density: Number of linkages to other codes. See "Linking Nodes."
Groups: This column lists all groups a document belongs to.
Created By: The name of the user who created the code.
Modified By: The name of the user modifying the code, either renaming it or writing a comment.
Created / Modified: Date and time when a code was created and modified (i.e. renaming it, writing a comment, merging or
splitting it).
Co de Ma na ger Ri bb o n
Tools tab
Import Codebook: A codebook can be imported in two formats: Excel and the QDPX exchange format. See "Importing A List
Of Codes."
Export Codebook: A codebook can be exported in two formats: Excel and the QDPX exchange format. See "Exporting The
Codebook for Use In Another ATLAS.ti Project"
Memo Manager
The Memo Manager is used to keep track of your writing. You can create, read and review, comment, sort and organize, and
group your memos. Further options are to view a memo and its connection in a network, or to turn a memo into a document
for further analysis.
Single-click selects a memo. The content and if available comment of the memo is displayed in the bottom pane of the
Multiple Selection: You can select more than one memo at a time holding down the Ctrl or Shift-key for bulk deletion, to
attach all selected memos to a data segment, to open a network on them, to create a report, to assign them to a memo
group or remove them, or to create a memo group containing the selected memos.
Double-click opens the memo editor as floating window. This window can be docked into the currently active region.
Ctr + Double-click opens the list of linked quotations.
Drag & Drop: You can attach a memo to a data selection ("memoing") by dragging it into the document pane.
Filter: Click on one or more memo groups in the side panel to set a local filter. This means only the items in the manager are
filtered. If you set a global filter, all project items are effected (version 8.1 and higher). See "Applying Global Filters For Data
Status Bar: The Status Bar shows how many memos there are in the project.
Memo Ma na ger Ri bb o n
Network Manager
The Network Manager is frequently used to create and open networks, to rename, comment and group them.
Single-click selects a network. The comment of the network is displayed in the pane at the bottom of the window.
Multiple Selection: You can select more than one network at a time holding down the Ctrl or Shift-key for bulk deletion, to
assign them to a network group, to create a network group containing the selected memos, or to remove them from a group.
Double-click opens the network editor as floating window. This window can be docked into the currently active region.
Drag & Drop: You can add a network as node to a network editor, or assign selected networks to a group via drag & drop.
Filter: Click on one or more network groups in the side panel to set a local filter. This means only the items in the manager
are filtered.
Status Bar: The Status Bar shows how many networks there are in the project.
Link Manager
The Links Manager lists all existing code-code links and all existing Hyperlinks (links between two quotations). It is frequently
used to review, modify or comment these links. You can switch to view the list of Code Code Links and the list of Hyperlinks.
Li nks Ma na ger Ri b b o n
Figure 45 Shows the ribbon for Code-Code links. They are the same for Hyperlinks.
Relation Manager
The Relation Manager is used to review the properties of existing relations, to edit existing relations, or to create new
relations. In the Links Manager, you can switch between relations for code-code links and relations for hyperlinks. As the
column information and the ribbon options are the same for both, below you find only one description. For further
information see "Working With Networks" and "Relations."
Single-click: Selects a relation. Its properties and comment are displayed in the bottom pane of the window.
Textual Documents
The following file formats are supported:
Synchronized documents
If you have a transcript with time marks linked to an audio or a video file, you can add the two documents to your ATLAS.ti
project and view the transcript in sync with the associated audio or video file. You can then also add new time marks and edit
existing ones. Once full text editing for primary documents is implemented you will also be able also prepare your own
transcripts directly in ATLAS.ti. - Imported transcripts can be text, rtf or doc(x) files. The format for the time stamps must
be [00:00:00].
Graphical Documents
Supported graphic file formats are: bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, tif and tiff.
Si z e recommenda ti o ns
Digital cameras and scanners often create images with a resolution that significantly exceeds the screen's resolution. When
preparing a graphic file for use with ATLAS.ti, use image-processing software to reduce the size so that the graphics are
comfortably displayed on your computer's screen. If an image does not fit into the primary pane, you can use the zoom
function available via the mouse wheel or the zoom button when displaying the image using ATLAS.ti.
Geo Documents
When you want to work with Geo data, you only need to add a new Geo Document to your ATLAS.ti project. This opens an
Open Street world map. When you click on the option: Query Address, you can navigate to a specific region or location on the
map. For more information, see “Working With Geo Docs“.
Survey Data
The survey import option allows you to import data via an Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx files). Its main purpose is to support
the analysis of open-ended questions. In addition to the answers to open-ended questions, data attributes can also be
imported. These will be turned into document groups in ATLAS.ti. The survey import option can also be used for other case-
based data that can easily be prepared as Excel table. For further detail on how to prepare survey data, see "Error: Reference
source not found."
If you collect and store you data using Evernote, You can directly import files and folders from Evernote. See “Bring out the
best in Evernote with ATLAS.ti 8 Windows”.
Supported formats are:
Evernote 2.x database .enb
Evernote exported XML data .enex
Evernote database .exb
Evernote data .reco
Evernote handwritten notes and sketches .top
Evernote for Google Androide note file .enml
You can collect data from Twitter searching for keywords, hashtags, users, etc. ATLAS.ti can collect tweets that are not older
than one week. In order to use this option, you need to sign in with your own twitter account. See “Working With Twitter
Size Restrictions
Theoretically, size restrictions do not play a major role due to the way ATLAS.ti handles documents. However, you should
bear in mind that your computer's processing speed and storage capacity affect the performance. Excessively large
documents can be uncomfortable to work with, even when you have an excellently equipped computer. The crucial issue is
not always the file size, but rather, in the case of multimedia files, the length of playing time. For textual documents, the
number and size of embedded objects may cause extraordinarily long load times. There is a high likelihood that if a textual
document loads slowly in ATLAS.ti, it would also load slowly in WORD or WordPad.
For very long texts or multimedia files, navigation can be severely handicapped, e. g., scrolling to exact positions.
Make your data sources
as small as possible but We recommend making data sources as small as possible but as large as necessary without breaking passages that belong
as large as necessary. together. Even with many smaller documents, ATLAS.ti supports unified processing and fast navigation.
A Word about "Big Data:" Please keep in mind that the purpose of ATLAS.ti is to support qualitative data analysis. Big
data is a buzz word nowadays, and a lot of big data often comes as text or images, hence could be considered
qualitative. ATLAS.ti, however, is not suited for true big data analysis, which is not the same as qualitative data
analysis. As point of orientation, coding can be supported using the auto coding feature. However, you still need to read
and correct the coding and most coding in ATLAS.ti is done while the researcher reads the data and creates or selects
and applies a code that fits. A project is too large if you have so much data that you no longer can handle this part of the
work and have to to rely on a machine to do all the coding for you. If this is the case, ATLAS.ti is not the right tool for the
Adding Documents
When you add documents to a project, they are stamped with a unique ID. This ID allows ATLAS.ti to detect if documents are
the same when merging different projects.
When you work in a team and want to work on the same documents, it is important that one person is setting up the
project and adds all documents that should be shared. The consequence of not doing is that documents of the same
content are duplicated or multiplied during the process of merging projects, and you cannot bring them together. If this
happens, please contact the help desk. One of our developers may be able to rescue the situation.
All documents that you add to a project are copied, and the copies become internal ATLAS.ti files. This means, strictly
speaking, that ATLAS.ti no longer needs the original files. However, we strongly recommend that you keep a backup
copy of your original source files.
As audio and video files can be quite sizable, you have the option to link them to a project instead of adding them. This
Figure 49: Add documents to a means they remain at their original location and are accessed from there. Preferably, these files should not be moved to a
project different location. If the files need to be moved, you need to re-link the files to your project. ATLAS.ti will alert you, if there is
an issue and a file can no longer be accessed. You find a Repair Link option in the Document Manager under the "Tools Tab."
If you click on "Add Documents” you can select individual files. If you want to add entire folders or link larger multimedia files
(audio / video) to your project, click on the dialog box launcher and select the appropriate option.
All added or linked documents are numbered consecutively starting with D1, D2, D3 and so on.
Another use case is if the documents are not listed in the order you want them to be listed as by default they are sorted in
alphabetical order. You can impose your own sort order by renaming the documents, then click on the NAME column in the
Document Manager and as described above select the Renumber Documents option.
It is not necessary to renumber documents for ATLAS.ti. But doing so can give reports a cleaner appearance.
Lo a di ng Do cuments
Whenever the content of a document needs to be displayed, printed, or searched, it accesses its data source and loads the
content. This request is often triggered indirectly, e. g., by displaying (or printing) a quotation. The following lists a few
procedures that directly or indirectly load the content of a document:
• Activating it in the Project Explorer or the Document Manager.
• Activating a quotation in a navigator or the Quotation Manager.
• Selecting a quotation for an activated code or memo.
• Activating a hyperlink in the margin area.
• Using the Show in Document option when double-clicking on a quotation node in a network editor.
The first step is to add a multimedia file to your project (audio or video).
Load the multimedia document and select from the Tools tab of the contextual Documents ribbon, the option IMPORT
Select the transcript. It will be imported into the project. You will see a new entry in the Project Explorer under the
Multimedia Transcripts tree (see left).
If you double-click on either the transcript or the multimedia file in the Project Explorer, the documents will be opened
To play the document and view the transcript at the same time, activate SYNCHRONIZED SCROLLING in the Tools tab and play
the multimedia file.
You can also move the playhead to a different position and start to play the document from there.
Currently time stamps are not visible. This will change as soon as text editing becomes available. The Mac version offers
some more advanced functionality like being able to see the time stamps, using them to navigate through the
document and being able to edit existing time stamps or create new ones.
To remove a document from a project that is linked to either a multimedia file or a transcript, delete the association first
. You can delete an association in the Multimedia Transcript section of the Project Explorer. Right-click and select DELETE .
This will only remove the association, not the document from your project.
Project Management
Renaming Documents
Select a document and either select the RENAME button in the ribbon, or right-click and select the Rename option from the
context menu, or press F2. In-place rename is not yet implemented.
Renaming a document in ATLAS.ti does not change the name of the original source file. As described above under "Adding
Documents" documents are copied into the ATLAS.ti library when adding them to an ATLAS.ti project, and ATLAS.ti no
longer needs the original source files.
If you delete a document by mistake, you can always use the U NDO option in the Quick Access tool bar.
After deleting documents, the consecutive numbering may be off. To renumber documents in consecutive order again,
select the U TILITIES tab in the Document Manager and the R ENUMBER DOCUMENTS option (see "Renumbering All
Duplicating Documents
If you need a document for different purposes, e.g. you want to view it from different angels and want to code different
aspects; or if you want to associate it with different transcripts, you can duplicate a document. All work that you have done
so far in the document, like the document comment you have written, all quotations and their comments, all hyperlinks, all
linked codes and memos will be duplicated as well,
Open the Document Manager and select one or more documents that you want to duplicate.
The duplicated document(s) will be added at the end of the list of documents. They have the same name as the original
document(s) plus a consecutive number in parentheses.
In terms of project size, the file(s) in the library are not duplicated. The duplicated document uses the same source file as the
original document.
Saving A Project
To save a project, click on the Save icon in the Quick Access tool bar (see left), or select FILE / SAVE .
The project is saved as internal ATLAS.ti file in the Windows application folder called AppData roaming on your computer. For
further information, see “Where Does ATLAS.ti Store Project Data?“.
Password Protection
Figure 56: Quick access tool
To set a password for your project, you need to load it first.
Click on on the S ET P ASSWORD button and follow the instruction on the screen.
Please note that ATLAS.ti Scientific Software GmbH does not save your passwords. We cannot access, read or recover
your password. If you cannot remember your password, you can no longer access your project!
Please export your projects on a regular basis and store the bundle files in a safe location. In case something happens to
your computer, you still have a copy of your project to fall back on!
Click on the P ROJECT BUNDLE button. This opens the Windows File Manager. Select a location for storing the project bundle
file. The default name for the bundle will be the project name plus the name of the currently logged in user and the date:
"project name (user name YYYY-MM-DD).
The default name of the bundle is the project name. You can rename the bundle file at this stage. However, please note
– renaming the bundle does not automatically change the name of your project. Think of the project bundle file like a box
that contains your project. Putting a different label on the outside of the box does not change anything that is inside,
which is your project with all your coded segments, comments, memos, networks, etc. and all of the documents that
have been added to it.
The project bundle file can be used as project backup and to transfer your project to a different computer. It can be read by
both ATLAS.ti 8 Windows and ATLAS.ti Mac.
Please note: ATLAS.ti 8 and ATLAS.ti for Mac projects cannot be used in ATLAS.ti 7.
Video Tutorials:
• ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - Exporting the Project
• ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - Transfer from ATLAS.ti 7 to ATLAS.ti 8
Creating A Snapshot
You may want to create a snapshot:
• to preserve certain stages of your project to review them later.
• as backup of your project file.
• as fall-back version before a merge, in case something turns out differently than you expected and you have already
saved the merged project.
• as a copy of your project that you want to use as template for another project.
When creating a snapshot, ATLAS.ti automatically adds the following to the project name: (Snapshot YYYY-MM-DD
hh:min:sec). You can, however, also enter any other name.
Accept the default name or enter another unique name, and click CREATE SNAPSHOT.
Just like ATLAS.ti project files, snapshots are saved internally in the ATLAS.ti environment. A snapshot has the same ID as
the project from which it is created.
Pin To Favorites
We recommend that you pin all projects on which you are currently working to the Favorites list:
Right-click on a project in the opening screen and select PIN TO FAVORITES (see Figure 67).
Or move with the mouse over a project name in the side panel on the left and click on the pin icon (see Figure 65).
All hidden projects display an icon on the top left of the project button.
If at some point you want to see all projects again, activate the option SHOW ALL PROJECTS that you find above your list of
In this view you can change the project status "hidden" back to "show":
Figure 62: Show all projects
Deleting A Project
You can delete projects from the opening screen, either when you start ATLAS.ti or when closing all projects.
To delete a project, select it in the opening screen, right click and select the option D ELETE PROJECT .
You will be asked to confirm the deletion as this is a permanent action that cannot be undone.
User Accounts
ATLAS.ti automatically creates a user account based on the name that you use on your computer.
If you want to check under which name you are working, select the TOOLS & SUPPORT tab.
To create a new user account, select M ANAGE U SERS. Next, click on the button NEW U SER at the left-hand side in the
After creating a new account, select S WITCH U SER to log in using a different user name.
A reason for creating a new user account is for instance if two persons on a team have the same name. When merging
projects that come from different computers and that use the same user name, the user name will be duplicated (e.g. Tom
and Tom (2). This means you can still distinguish the two users. However, it may be a bit cumbersome to always remember
who is who.
The ATLAS.ti library is a system folder and not meant for user access. Files in this folder cannot be used outside
For all users familiar with ATLAS.ti 7: This is NOT the same as in version 7 where you could create project-specific
libraries that could be shared.
In ATLAS.ti 8, each user works within her or his own ATLAS.ti environment. Users can define where this ATLAS.ti
environment is located (version 8.1 and higher). This location can be within another folder on the C: drive, any other drive on
your computer, a server, or an external drive.
It is not possible, however, to use a cloud sharing service like Dropbox because the specific way in which such systems
work can jeopardize the integrity of your ATLAS.ti library.
It is possible to work with multiple libraries. Theoretically, you could create a new empty library every time you start a new
project. This, however, requires careful data management on your part as you need to keep track on your own where all of
these different libraries are located.
We strongly recommend that you create project backups on a regular basis by exporting your projects (see "Creating
Project Backups").
When you start ATLAS.ti, select OPTIONS at the bottom left of your screen. If a project is already open, you need to close it.
You cannot change the location of the library, if a project is currently open.
The last option under Application Preferences lets you change the library location or select a different library (S WITCH
A wizard opens that guides you through the process. The next choice you need to make is whether you want to open an
existing library, move the library to a different location, or create a new empty library.
Open an existing library: Chose this option if you work with multiple libraries and you want to gain access to an already
existing library at a different location.
Note that the ATLAS.ti 8 library contains all of your documents plus your "project file." This is different from version 7,
where only the project documents were stored in the library and the user saved the project file (HU) independently of it.
In version 8, ATLAS.ti handles and manages ALL of your project-related data in the library.
If you selected to open an existing library, select the location for this library:
If you selected to move the library, select the location where you want this library to be. You can keep a copy of the actual
state of the library at the current location. Just keep in mind that this copy is not updated if you continue your work using
the library at the new location.
If you selected to create a new empty library, select where this new library shall be created. After confirming the new
location, your opening screen will be empty and you can begin to fill it with new projects.
Figure 69: Select a location where you want your new library to be stored
A note from the HelpDesk: We know that your project data is very valuable to you and that you do not want to lose it.
Therefore, please select a sensible location for the ATLAS.ti library. For instance: Do not store it on the desktop. You
probably have a folder within your document system for the project you are currently working on where you store all
project related data. If you cannot or do not want to use the ATLAS.ti default location, we recommend that you create a
sub-folder for your ATLAS.ti related work within your project folder, and within this sub-folder, a dedicated folder for
your library. Make sure that your project folder is included in any automated back-up routine of your computer!
Often data come from different sources, locations, respondents with various demographic backgrounds etc. To facilitate the
handling of the different types of data, they can be organized into document groups. Document groups allow quick access to
subsets of your data. They can be used for analytic comparisons in later stages of the analysis, or for administrative purposes
in team projects by for instance creating a group that contains all documents for coder 1, another group that contains the
documents for coder 2 and so on.
Depending on your data, you may want to include a comparison of different groups based on categories such as gender,
profession, age, income, location, as well as data types and sources. In ATLAS.ti a single document can be a member of
multiple groups. For instance: "Gender:: female" / "Profession:: teacher" / "Age group:: 31 - 40," and so on. When querying
data, you can combine the various groups as needed.
Groups can be created in two ways – you can create them in the side panel of the Document Manager, or in the Document
Group Manager. Both options are explained below.
The side panels in document, quotation, code and memo managers allow much more immediate access to fundamental
activities like selecting codes, groups, creating groups and smart groups, and setting local and global filters (8.1 and higher).
This allows a much more effective integration into the work flow and saves a lot of mouse movements and clicks. It is also
possible to run simple AND and OR queries.
You can activate or deactivate the side panel by selecting the VIEW TAB in a Manager. Click on the first button for groups to
activate or deactivate the side panel.
As the mouse-clicks are the same for all actions related to the various types of groups (documents, codes, memos and
networks), the description below applies to all groups.
Select several documents and drag-and-drop them into the side panel on the left. Use the common Windows selection
technique (hold down the Ctrl- or Shift key).
Once a group has been set as filter, a yellow bar appears above the entity list, here: the documents. To reset the filter to see
all entities again, click the X on the top right-hand side of the yellow bar.
You can also select a number of entities in a Manager, right-click and select the option NEW GROUP from the context menu.
In the Group Manager, select the button New Group and enter a name.
Next select on ore more items (here: documents) on the right-hand side in the pane: 'Documents / Codes / Memos /
Networks not in group' and move them to the left-hand side 'Documents / Codes / Memos / Networks in group' by
clicking on the button with the left arrow (<). You can also double-click each item that you want to move.
Select a group. In the pane 'Documents / Codes / Memos / Networks in group' select those items that you want to
remove from the group and click on the button with the right arrow (>), or double-click on each item to remove it.
Righ-click on one or more items that you want to remove and select REMOVE FROM G ROUP in the context menu.
Select the items that you want to remove from this group in the list of items on the right. Use the Ctrl- or Shift-key to
select multiple items (see Figure 73).
Right-click on the group in the side-panel and select the option R EMOVE DOCUMENTS / CODE / M EMO / NETWORK ( S) FROM
Figure 75: Removing items from a group using the side panels
Deleting A Group
Select a group in the group manager and click on the Delete button in the ribbon. In the side panel of manager, right-click
and select the Delete Group(s) option.
Renaming A Group
Select an entry in the side panel or the group manager, right-click and select the Rename option. Or select the Rename
button in the ribbon.
To reset the filter, click on the X on the right-hand side of the yellow bar.
Figure 78: Combining two document groups (all criteria must apply)
To change the operator, you can either open the drop down menu as shown in Figure 70, or right click inside the side panel
and select the option CHANGE OPERATOR from the context menu.
If you select multiple groups in the side panel and ANY is selected, any item of all selected groups are shown (think 'plus').
If ALL is selected, only the common items of the selected groups are shown (all criteria must apply).
No prefix: a document group is created for all documents with a cell value of 1. See 'survey question: bring fulfillment &
purpose' as an example.
After importing this table, the groups and assignments to document groups are as follows:
Figure 80: Document Manager after importing document groups from Excel
After exporting the table, add document attributes in the required format. See “Content Of A Document Group Table“ and
Figure 79.
Go to ATLAS.ti, select Import & Export and the DOCUMENT GROUPS import option.
Team Work
In the following we describe how you set up a team project when using ATLAS.ti 8 Windows exclusively. On our website, you
find a document that only describes team work. It includes everything that is important to know in relation to teamwork.
If your team uses the Mac version, or you work in a mixed Windows-Mac team, please check our website for the
instructions that fit your situation.
Each team member needs to works on his or her copy of the project. The location where the project data for each user is
stored can be selected. However, this is always a personal, not a shared space (see “Where Does ATLAS.ti Store Project
The kind of team work supported is shared coding and analyzing. This means if you have a lot of data you can spread the
coding work across different team members. Each team member codes parts of the data and the work of all coders is put
together via merging the various sub projects.
When you first opened ATLAS.ti, you were asked to add a user name. This name will be used to "stamp" all project
entries. If you want to check your user name or want to change it, see “User Accounts“.
1. The project administrator sets up the projects. Let's call the project administrator "Mary," and the project "Master Project."
2. Mary adds documents to the project and possibly a list of codes.
PLEASE NOTE: When you work in a team with shared document and codes, you need to start with a MASTER project
that contains all documents and codes that you want to share with the team. If all team members start independently,
you end up with duplicate documents and codes after merging the projects.
Figure 82: Steps 1 and 2: Creating and distributing the Master project
3. She saves the project and exports it. This means creating a project bundle file (see Figure 82).
4. All team members import the project bundle file and begin their work.
5. To combine the work of all team members, each team member creates a project bundle file and sends it to Mary.
6. Mary merges all sub projects and creates a new Master file.
7. Mary exports the new Master file and distributes it to all team members (see Figure 83).
8. The team members continue their work.
Figure 83: Steps 3 and 4: Combining the work of all team members and distributing it again
This cycle continues. If new documents need to be added to the project, this needs to be done by Mary. A good time for doing
this is after merging and before creating the new Master file.
Important To Know
• If all team members should work on the same documents, it is essential that only one person (the project administrator)
is setting up the project adding all documents. Otherwise the documents are duplicated or multiplied during the process
of merging. See “Adding Documents“.
• The location of where ATLAS.ti stores project related data can be determined by each user. See "Working With ATLAS.ti
• Document libraries CANNOT be shared. Each person always works with her/his own copy of the data set within
her/his own environment of ATLAS.ti.
Our support team will reject any repair requests that are caused by attempts to share libraries.
The kind of team work supported is shared coding and analyzing. This means if you have a lot of data you can spread the
coding work across different team members. Each team member codes parts of the data and the work of all coders is put
together via merging the various sub-projects.
Each team member works within her or his own library folder. Each team member can set the library independently of
any other team member. The library location is not set or determined by the project administratior.
1. Project Administrator
Addi ng Do cuments
The standard procedure is that documents are imported. This means a copy of the document is created, converted into an
ATLAS.ti compatible format and stored in an internal library
For audio and video files you have the option to link them to your project. This avoids file duplication and saves hard disk
space, as especially video files can be quite sizable. When you link a file to a project, it is not copied and imported into the
project. It remains at its source location and ATLAS.ti opens it from there when needed.
This means that the file should remain at this location. You should not rename or move it to a different folder. If this
happens, the file can no longer be displayed in the project and you need to redirect ATLAS.ti to its new location. You will be
prompted to do so if this happens.
Figure 84: Adding documents To add documents, click on the ADD DOCUMENTS button in the H OME tab, or click on the dialog box launcher (drop-down
If you click on "Add Documents" you can select individual files. If you want to add entire folders, click on the dialog box
launcher. All documents that you add to a project are copied and become internal ATLAS.ti files.
If you want to analyze larger-size audio or video files, us the ADD LINKED VIDEO /AUDIO option.
Linked files are currently automatically added to the project bundle file when exporting a project. This could mean that
your exported projects are quite sizable. With future updates you will have the option to exclude video files when
creating a project bundle file.
To add document groups, open the Document Manager with a click on the DOCUMENTS button, or via the main document
Figure 85: Example for the use of document groups in team projects
Select the items you want to group by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key. Drag and drop the selected items into the side
panel to the left, or right-click and select NEW G ROUP. See “Creating Groups In A Manager“.
Figure 86: This is how you should prepare your code list in Excel
If you color the code names, this color is used in ATLAS.ti as code color.
To import the Excel file, select the IMPORT & EXPORT tab and next the Import Codes button (the one with the down arrow).
To add code definitions or coding rules, open the Code Manager with a click on the Codes button in the Home tab.
Select a code and write a description or coding rule in the comment field below.
Select the items you want to group by holding down the Shift or Ctrl-key. Drag and drop the selected items into the side
panel to the left.
It is possible to change the default location where ATLAS.ti stores project data. For more information see "Working With
Figure 90: Quick Access ATLAS.ti Libraries."
To export the project for distribution to all team member, select FILE / EXPORT .
Click on the P ROJECT BUNDLE button. This opens the Windows File Manager. Select a location for storing the project bundle.
The default project bundle name consists of the project name plus the author and date in parentheses behind it, e.g.,
"Project X (Mary 2017-09-27)."
Distribute the project bundle file to all team members, e.g. via email, a folder on a server that everyone can access, or also
via a cloud link or cloud folder.
The project bundle file has the file extension ".atlproj" and can be read by both ATLAS.ti 8.1 and higher for Windows and Mac.
Project bundle files can be shared via a cloud services like Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, etc. - Another option is to
upload the project bundle file to a server of your choice and send a link to all team members so that they can download
the file.
The default name of the bundle is the project name + author and date. Renaming the bundle does not change the name
of the project contained within the bundle. Think of the project bundle file as a box that contains your ATLAS.ti project
plus all documents that you want to analyze. Putting a different label on the outside of the box will not change the
name of the project file, which is contained inside the box.
Rename the project by adding your name or initials to the project name. This is important for the project administrator
later when he or she merges the projects of all team members (see Figure 84).
On the opening screen, right click on the project that you want to rename and select R ENAME P ROJECT.
Expo rti ng Sub -Pro jects Fo r The Pro ject Admi ni s tra to r
After an agreed period of time, i. e., when everyone has done some work on the project, team members create their own
project bundle file and send it to the project administrator.
To export the project, select FILE / EXPORT. See "Exporting The Project For Distribution." The name of the exported bundle
file will include the name of the currently logged in user and the date, e.g. Project X_coder 2 (Tom 2017-09-30).
3. Project Administrator
Figure 95: Steps 3 and 4: Combining the work of all team members and distributing it again
Before you merge, the recommendation is that you import all project bundle files first and take a look at the projects. If a
conflict arises during the process of merging, you need to decide whether to keep all changes in the Master project or
whether to override them. If you do not know what is contained in the projects to be imported, you cannot make an informed
decision. Principally, it is possible to merge project bundle files without importing them prior to merging.
You have the option to select either a project or a project bundle file. If you have previously imported the bundle files of all
team members, select MERGE P ROJECT, otherwise M ERGE P ROJECT BUNDLE.
Select a project from the list offered by ATLAS.ti, or load a project bundle file.
If you have a long list of projects, just enter the first few letters of the project name into the Search field.
In both cases, you have the option to create a snapshot of the current project before merging. There may be times, when you
want or need to go back to an older version of your project. The default name for snapshot project is: project name
If there are no conflicts, you can proceed with merging the two projects by clicking MERGE .
If there are conflicts between the Master project and the project that you import, you can solve the conflict in two ways (see
"Examples" on page 73).
Keep means, the Master project "wins" and the changes made in the project that you import will be ignored.
Override means, that all changes made in the project to be imported "win" and the entries in the Master project are
You currently cannot chose for each conflict how to solve it. All conflicts need to be solved by either selecting the
strategy 'keep' or the strategy 'override'.
After merging, check the final merge report and the merged project for plausibility. If you are satisfied with the results,
save the project. If not, you can always select U NDO.
If applicable, continue with merging the next sub-project or project bundle file.
If all team members have been coding different documents, merge conflicts are unlikely to occur. A conflict could arise,
for instance, if someone has modified a document or code group, or modified a comment. As project administrator, you
will have to decide whether to accept this change or not.
Ho us ekeepi ng
After merging all projects, the project administrator may need to perform some housekeeping work, such cleaning up the
code list, adding or modifying code groups, adding a memo with information for the team, or adding new documents and
document groups.
Open the Code Manager. Highlight the codes that you want to merge, right click and select the MERGE CODES option from
the context menu, or click on the "Merge Codes" button in the ribbon.
Figure 98: Importing project bundle and renaming project file when the
name already exist
As you previously exported your project to send it to the project administrator, you already have a backup of your project.
Therefore it will be OK in most cases to overwrite the existing project.
Continue the cycle of project exchange and merging between project administrator and team members as needed.
Merge Strategy
The default option is to unify all objects that are identical and to add all objects that do not yet exist in the Master project.
Exa mpl es
Groups are additive: Group B with documents {1, 2, 3} in the Master project merged with Group B' with documents {3, 4} in
the Import project will result in Group B= {1, 2, 3, 4}) in the merged project.
Entities with and without comments: If there is a code C in the Master project that has no comment, and a code C in the
Import project that has a comment, the merged procedure will add this comment to the merged project.
In the case of an unsolvable conflict—code C in the Master project has a comment, and code C in the Import project also has a
comment—the user can define which of the two conflicting entities will win. If the comment of the Master project should be
kept, you need to select the option "Keep." If the comment of the Import project should be kept, you need to select the
option "Override," as shown in Figure 99.
The decision which changes to keep can currently be taken only for all entities.
How deleted entities are handled: It is not possible to "subtract" entities. If one team member has deleted a code or some
codings, and these entities still exist in another project, the merged project will contain those codes or codings again.
If you want to clean up a project, this is best done in a "fresh" Master project after merging and before distributing the
new Master file to all team members.
Exploring Data
In the following the focus is on exploring document content using the word cloud and word list tools. However, these
tools can also be applied to quotations and codes. See "Exploring Coded Data."
A quick way to get a feeling for the content of a text document is by creating a word cloud or list.
To create a word cloud or list for documents, select one or more documents e.g. in the Project Explorer or Document
Manager,right-click and select the option W ORD CLOUD or WORD L IST. Another option is to load the document and select
the WORD CLOUD OR WORD L IST button in the ribbon.
Figure 104: Creating a word cloud or list from the Document Manager
The word cloud or list opens in the main editor and shows the scope in the side panel:
Figure 106: Changing the scope for word clouds or word lists
Wo rl d Cl o ud Ri b bo n
The Word Cloud ribbon provides several options:
Show Scope: You can activate or deactive the side panel that allows you to select the scope.
Spiral: Display of the words in a spiral as shown in Figure 103.
Typewriter: Display of words from left to right. You can select whether to list the words in alphabetic order, by frequency of
occurrence of by word length in either ascending or descending order.
Sorting: The word cloud can be sorted in alphabetical order, by frequency or word length.
Threshold: My moving the slider from left to right, you can determine that for instance only words with a frequency of at
least 10 should be displayed. The number of the left-hand side shows the lowest, the number on the right-hand side the
highest occurring frequency.
Exclude: You can exclude single character words, numbers, hyphens and underscores. These options are activated by default.
Stop / Go Lists: To exlude particular words, you can select stop lists. If only certain words should be displayed, you can
create a Go List. See Stop And Go Lists,
Export: You can save a word cloud as graphic file (.jpg).
Stemming is the process of reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their word stem, base or root form—
generally a written word form. The stem need not be identical to the morphological root of the word; it is usually
sufficient that related words map to the same stem, even if this stem is not in itself a valid root. (Source)
Filter Tab: In this section you can enter special characters that you do not want to be counted and displayed in the word
cloud. Another option is to reduce the words to their stem. For this to work, it is necessary to select a language. Currently,
German, English and Italian are supported.
Enter a name for the list and select as list type: Stop or Go List. You can always change it later. In the comment field, you
Figure 109: Selecting stop or go lists can write a description for the list. Click on the button CREATE .
To add words to the newly created list, click on the New Word button a few times. Every time you click a new field is
added where you can enter a word.
Enter words or expressions that you do not want to be included in the word cloud. If you enter a regular expression, you
need to tick the Regex box. Optionally you can write a comment that explains the regular expression.
Right-click on a word in either the cloud or the word list and select ADD TO STOP LIST .
Figure 112: Context menu for word clouds and word lists
The COPY TO CLIPBOARD option is useful, if you want to run the auto coding tool based on some words in the word cloud. See
"Auto Coding."
Search in Context opens the Project Search and shows the selected word in its context:
Wo rd Li s ts
This feature offers word "crunching" capabilities for a simple quantitative content analysis. It creates a list of word frequency
counts for the selected or all or selected textual documents, codes or quotations. A stop and go word list and a list of
'ignorable' characters can be used to control the analysis.
To create a word list for one or more entities:
Select one or more documents / codes / quotations in the Project Explorer or the managers and click the WORD LIST button
in the ribbon, or select the option from the context menu.
As in word clouds, you can set the scope on the left-hand side of the window. The context menu for word lists is the same as
for word clouds (see Figure 112).
You can sort the table by any of the column headers by double-clicking on it. The above table is sorted by word frequency
There are limits in terms of how much data can be meaningfully processed, or moreover handled by and displayed in
Excel. Assuming there are 2000 unique words in a document and you process 100 documents, this results in an Excel
table consisting of 200.000 cells.
Filter Tab: In this section you can enter special characters that you do not want to be counted, or reduce the words to their
stem. Another option is to educe the words to their stem. For this to work, it is necessary to select a language. Currently,
German, English and Italian are supported. See Figure 108.
Type-Token Ratio
The type-toke ration (TTR) is the relationship between the number of words that occurr in a text and their frequencies. The
number of words in a text is often referred to as the number of tokens. Several of these tokens are repeated. As we can for
instance see in Figure 114, the word kids occurs 19 times.
The type-token ratio can vary between 0 and 1. The more types there are in comparison to the number of tokens (the higher
the value), the more varied is the vocabulary. This means there is greater lexical variety in the text.
The type-token ration is calculated as follows:
Type-Token Ratio = (number of types/number of tokens) * 100
In word lists and word clouds, you find the type-token ratio in the blue status bar:
Project Search
Use the Project Search tool to search for text and patterns in all elements of your project, not only in the documents that you
added. The search can be restricted to certain fields, like name, author, date, comments, and content. Search terms can
contain regular expressions (GREP). See “Regular Expressions (GREP)“.
The results of the search are listed in an interactive list, where you can click on a specific hit and you will be able to see the
term within its larger context. See Figure 116.
All entities that do not include the search term are grayed out.
If you only want to search for instance the comments for codes, click on Show None and then activate the entity type and
elements you are interested in, e.g. code and comment.
Another option is to only display the first hit per entity in the result window.
Double-click on the selection to expand it to the sentence embedding the current selection.
Figure 118: Text segmenting Double-click on the selection to expand it to the full paragraph surrounding the selection.
Double-click again to select the complete text.
After highlighting something in the document, several buttons in the ribbon have become active. Select the first option:
CREATE FREE QUOTATION . Or right-click and select this option from the context menu, or use the short-cut Ctrl+H.
If you accidentally select a section for which a quotation already exists, the Create Free Quotation command will be
grayed out in the ribbon, and it is not included in the context menu.
If you open the Quotation Manager, you will now see a first entry. In the Project Explorer in the navigation panel, you can see
the quotation if you open the branch of the document you are currently working on.
Figure 119: Quotation Manager with preview area and comment field
If you click on the quotation in the Quotation Manager, you can preview the content in the Preview area. Next to this area,
you see a comment field. Write some text into the comment field.
Please note on your screen, as soon as you work inside the Quotation Manager, the active tab in the ribbon changes to
Q UOTATIONS . See also "Quotation Manager Ribbon."
Quotation ID: Each quotation has an ID which consists of the document number and a number that indicates the
chronological order when a quotation was created, For example, quotation 1:4 in Figure 121 was created after quotation 1:3,
and quotation 1:3 after quotation 1:2 and so on. Further towards the right, you find two columns with the start and stop
position for each quotation indicating the sequential order of the quotation in the document.
If you want to close gaps or reorder all of your quotations in sequential order, click RENUMBER QUOTATIONS .
Quotation Name: By default, the quotation name consists of the first 60 characters of textual quotations (document name
for all other document types).
Density: The density is still 0 for all quotations as 'Density” indicates the number of codes linked to a quotation.
Search: When the list of quotation gets longer and longer and you are looking for a particular quotation—a fully coded project
may have hundreds, if not thousands of quotations—you can use the search field on top of the quotation list.
If you want to create a more elaborated search term or want to specify where you want to search (quotation name, content
or comment), you find further options u nder the Search & Filter tab. Here is is possible to use regular expresions in your
search term (Grep), or set it to case-sensitive. Further you can filter by author (created by), or other criteria like “today”, “this
week”, “only mine”, “commented”, or “hyperlinked” quotations.
If a global filter was set, you can remove it; or – if you select one or more codes in the side panel of the Quotation Manager,
you can set these codes as global filter.
View Tab
Several view options are available: If for instance you want to save screen space and you are not yet coding your data, you
can hide the 'Codes' column in the Quotation Manager: Select V IEW and deactivate CODES .
If you select a quotation in the Quotation Manager, you see a preview of the quotation in the panel below the quotation list
as shown in Figure 121. Previews are currently available for text, PDF and image quotations. Audio and video previews will
Once you have coded data, quotations can also be retrieved via their codes (see “ Retrieving Coded Data“). Quotations can
also be activated when included in networks (see "Working With Networks"), or from the result list of a project search (see
"Project Search").
Rena mi ng Q uo ta ti o ns
You can rename quotations, either by clicking on the R ENAME QUOTATION option in the ribbon of the Quotation Manager, or
by right-clicking and selecting the Rename option from the context menu.
Deleti ng Quo ta ti o ns
To delete a single quotation, right-click on a quotation and select the DELETE option from the context menu.
This option is available in all browsers, windows and lists where you see quotations, i.e. the Project Explorer, the Quotations
Browser, the Quotation Manager, in a network, or the margin area. You can also right-click on a highlighted quotation in
context of the data to delete a quotation, to rename it or to activate other options:
Move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the rectangular section that you are going to create.
Drag (holding down the left mouse button) the mouse to the lower right corner of the rectangle. Release the mouse
button. You have now created a selection and the rectangle will be highlighted.
You can preview graphical quotations in the Quotation Manager; they can be inserted into networks, and they are included as
graphical snippets in reports.
To modify an image quotation, just re-size the rectangle.
PDF files can be text or image files. Sometimes users accidentally add an image PDF and wonder why they cannot select
or retreive text. If this happens, you need to re-create the PDF file, e.g. by letting an OCR scanner running over your PDF
image file. In a lot of PDF creators these days this is an option in the software, no additional physical scan is needed.
Coding Data
Co di ng Wi th A N ew Co de
Open a document and highlight a selected piece of text, a rectangular area in a graphic document, a section on the audio
wave of a video or audio document, or a location in a geo document.
See "Working With Multimedia Data " and "Working With Geo Docs" for more information on working with these
Next, click on the OPEN CODING button in the Document ribbon. Enter a name and click CREATE CODES . It is also possible to
code a selection with multiple codes. You can enter as many codes as apply (see Figure 128).
An alternative is to right-click on the highlighted section and to choose OPEN CODING from the context menu (see Figure 129),
or to use the short-cut Ctrl+J.
Figure 129: Coding with a new code via the context menu
Please note that the name of the ATLAS.ti coding option for creating a new code is unrelated to the open coding process
in Grounded Theory. For a translation of ATLAS.ti functions and features for use in a Grounded Theory approach, see
Friese, Susanne (2016): CAQDAS and Grounded Theory Analysis.
Co de In Vi vo
Use in-vivo coding when the text itself contains a useful and meaningful name for a code.
In-vivo coding creates a quotation from the selected text AND uses the selected text - trimmed to 40 characters - as the
code name. If the selected text's boundaries are not exactly what you want for the quotation, modifying the quotation's
"spread" is often the next step after creating the in-vivo code. See "Modifying The Length of A Coded Segment."
Select a segment in a text document. Click on the button CODE IN VIVO in the ribbons, or right-click and select the Code in
Vivo option from the context menu.
Figure 131: Project Explorer after some codes have been created and
The number behind the codes (1-0) means that the code has been applied 1 time (grounded = 1) and that it has not yet been
linked to other codes (density = 0). The density remains 0 until the researcher manually links codes to other codes, mostly in
later stages of the analysis if relationships between codes become apparent. The density is not a value that is calculated by
the software. It goes up, when the researcher begins to link codes to each other. See "Working With Networks."
If you want to code from the navigation panel, the recommended option is to use the Code Browser as it has a search field. If
your list of codes gets longer, it is easier to enter the first letters of a code into the search field rather than to scroll the list
up and down.
The advantage of using the Code Manager for drag-and-drop coding is that a) you also see the code comments (=code
definitions), and b) you can quickly access codes using code groups or the search field. When using smaller screens, it is
recommended to dock the Code Manager and to move it into a separate tab group. See "Working With Docked And Floated
Windows" and "Working With Tabs And Tab Groups ."
To use drag-and-drop coding highlight a data segment, select one or more codes in the above mentioned lists or windows
and drag the code onto the highlighted data segment.
Click the List coding button. A window opens that shows all existing codes. Enter a word or a few letters that occur
somewhere in an already existing code. The list will be shortened and only shows the codes that contain the search term.
Select one or more codes from the list and click the OK button.
Figure 133: List Coding window: enter a search term to quickly find the code
you are looking for
Quick Coding assigns the last used code to the current data segment. This is an efficient method for the consecutive coding
of segments using the most recently used code.
Right click and select QUICK CODING from the context menu, or use the short-cut: Ctrl+L. Another option is to click on the
Quick Coding button in the toolbar, but this is (admittedly) less quick.
In the Home tab, open the drop down menu for NEW ENTITIES and select the option New Code(s).
If the Code Manager is open, you can also create new codes there. Click on the Free Code(s) button in the ribbon of the
Code Manager:
If you already have a list of codes, possibly including code descriptions and groupings elsewhere, you can use the option;
"Importing A List Of Codes."
You can prepare a codebook including code descriptions, code groups and colors in Excel and import the Excel file. This is how
you need to prepare the Excel file:
You can enter headings like Code, Code Definition, Code Group 1, Code Group 2, but you do not have to. If you do not enter
headings, the columns are interpreted in the following order:
• column 1: code name
• column 2: code description (comment)
• column 3: code group
• column 4: code group
• all subsequent columns: further code groups
Figure 136: This is how you should prepare your code list in Excel
If you color the code names, this color is used in ATLAS.ti as code color.
To import the Excel file, select the IMPORT & EXPORT tab and next the Import Codebook button (the one with the down
arrow). Select IMPORT FROM EXCEL.
Select a file and activate / deactivate the option”My data contains headers”.
If your project already has codes, you need to decide what ATLAS.ti should do if the list of codes in the Excel table contains
codes that are already in your project. You can overwrite the existing codes, or ignore the duplicate codes, so that they are
not imported again.
You also find the export / import code list options in the Tools tab of the Code Manager.
Decide whether the Excel file should contain headers for codes, comments and groups, and whether to open the list in
Excel immediately.
You need to use this export option if you want to use the code list with comments and groups into another ATLAS.ti project.
For purposes of creating a codebook for a report or appendix, we recommend to use the Export option offered in the
Code Manager. This export is already formatted. See “Creating A Codebook“.
Repla ci ng A Co de
If you want to replace a code that is linked to a data segment, you can simply drag and drop another code from either the
Project Explorer, Code Browser, or the Code Manager on top of it.
Figure 140: Code color Code color can also be modified in a network. See "Setting Code Node Colors”
Mergi ng Co des
You may begin your coding very close to the data generating lots of codes. In order not to drown in a long list of codes, you
need to aggregate those codes from time to time, which means merging and renaming them to reflect the higher abstract
level. Another reason for merging is that you realize that two codes have the same meaning but you have used two different
Currently code comments cannot be merged. The workaround is to copy all comments of the codes that you want to
merge to the comment field of the code you merge all other codes into.
Select two or more codes in the Code Manager and click on the MERGE button (or right-click and select the Merge option
from the context menu).
Next, select which code should be kept, in other words the target into which all other codes should be merged, and click on
the Merge Codes button.
It is also possible to use the network editor for merging codes. This provides a visual space where you can arrange your codes,
review, sort and order them and decide which once to merge. See "Merging Codes In Networks ."
Spl i tti ng A Co de
Splitting a code is necessary if you have been lumping together many quotations under a broad theme. This is a suitable
approach for a first run through to get an idea about your data. At some point, however, those codes must be split up into
smaller sub codes. Think of a basket full of fruit. At first it is OK to collect all kinds of fruits, but then the basket gets very full
and you realize that it might be a good idea to use separate baskets for citrus fruits, apples and bananas.
Select a code that you want to split in the Code Manager and click on the SPLIT CODE button in the ribbon, or select the
option from the context menu.
In the Split Code tool, you see the list of the quotations coded with the code.
After you created the subcodes, you can assign the quotations to one or more subcodes. When you select a quotation, its
content is shown below the list of quotation.
Assign the quotations by clicking on the checkbox of any of the subcodes that apply. The quotation is automatically
unlinked from the main code that you are splitting.
If you do not want to allow that a quotation is coded with two of the subcodes, activate the option MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE . This is
a requirement for some content analysis approaches and for calculating inter-coder agreement (see “Requirements For
It is recommended not to double-code with the main and the subcode as it unneccessarily takes up space in the margin.
Instead, create a code group of all codes that share the same prefix. This way, you can access all data of this category on
the aggreate level if required.
After you have distributed some or all of the quotations into subcodes, click on the button SPLIT CODE . Now the subcodes
are created and the quotations assigned accordingly.
It is not required that you assign all quotations to subcodes. If you are not sure what to do with a quotation, you can leave it
coded with the main code and split it later. In case you are familiar with the first version of the Split Code tool, multiple
rounds of splitting are now supported. You can also split quotations in already existing codes.
Figure 146 shows an example of a split code. If you are developing categories and subcategories, you may want to
differentiate these different levels of coding by writing the category label in capital letters.
Copy Comments: Select if you want all sub codes to have the same comment as the code you split.
Copy links: Select if you want all sub codes to inherit existing links to other codes or memos.
Mutually exclusive: If activated, you can assign a quotation to only one subcode. This is a requirement for some content
analysis approaches and for calculating inter-coder agreement (see “Requirements For Coding).
Dupl i ca ti ng A Co de
It is also possible to duplicate a codes with all its linkages. The duplicated code is a perfect clone of the original code including
color, comment, code-quotation links, code memo links and code-code links. Instead of using the splitting tool, you can
duplicate a code, open it in a network ("Opening A Network On One Or More Entities"), import all neighbors or only the
quotation neighbors ("Add Node Neighbors"), and cut quotations from each code, the original and the duplicate ("Cutting
To duplicate a code, open the Code Manager, select one or more codes, right-click and select the D UPLICATE CODE (S) option
from the context menu, or select the Duplicate Code(s) button in the ribbon.
In the Project Explorer, the Code Browser, or Code Manager, right-click on a code and select the RENAME option. In the Code
Manager, you can also click the Rename button in the ribbon. In-place rename is currently not available.
Unl i nki ng A Co de
This option is the reverse function of coding. It removes the links between codes and quotations. Unlike the delete function,
neither codes nor quotations are removed; only the association between the code and the quotation is removed. This is done
in the margin area.
To cut the link between a code and a quotation, select it in the margin area, right-click and select the UNLINK option from
the context menu.
Wri ti ng Co de Co mments
Code comments can be used for various types of purposes. The most common usage is to use them for a code definition. If
you work in teams, you may also want to add a coding rule or an example quote. If you work inductively, you can use them to
write down first ideas of how you want to apply this code. You can also use it to write up summaries of all segments coded
with this code and your interpretation about it. There are several ways to write a code comment.
If the Code Manager is open, you can use the comment field at the bottom of the window.
In the margin area or the navigator, you can right-click on a code and select the EDIT COMMENT option (Figure 149). Another
option is to click on the Edit Comment button in the ribbon of the contextual Code tab.
In the margin area, you can double-click on a code to write or edit a comment. In addition you can access all quotations
that you have coded with the code from there.
Figure 149: Places where you can access the code comment option
All codes that have a comment display a tilde (~) at the end of the code name and the code icon shows a little yellow
To create a group in the Code Manager, click on the H OME tab and open the Code Manager by clicking on the CODES button.
Select a few codes and drag them into the side panel on the left-hand side.
After dropping the codes, enter a name for the code group and click on the button CREATE .
When you click on the newly created code group, only the codes from this group will show up in the list on the right-hand
side. This allows you to quickly access codes in your list without having to scroll the list all the time.
To show all codes again, close the yellow pane that shows up on top of the code list when selecting a group.
For more information on how to work with groups, see "Working With Groups."
If you are interested in learning about the differences between codes, code groups and smart codes, please view this
Next double-click a code. A list of quotations coded with the selected code opens. If you click on the “Eye” button, you get
a preview for all quotations.
If you want a report, click on the Export button. See Figure 151.
If you dock the quotation list, it is comfortably stored away on the right or left-hand side of your screen and you can view or
read through them there:
Select a code in the side panel. The list of quotations only shows the quotations of the selected code. If you click on a
quotation, it will be shown in the preview area. If you double-click, the quotation will be shown in the context of the
The yellow bar on top shows the code you have selected. In technical terms, it functions as a filter. When selecting two or
more codes, this filter can be extended and you can formulate simple AND (all codes must apply) and OR (any of the codes
apply) queries:
Figure 155 shows an OR query for two selected codes. With a click on the down arrow next to any, you can change the
operator to 'all.'
ALL means that two or more codes have been applied to the exact same quotation. It is a very restrictive operator. For
other query option see "Querying Data".
You findthe report options in the contextual Quotations ribbon. You can create a Text or an Excel report
For creating a text report you have the following options:
Expl o ri ng Co ded Da ta
To explore the words that have been used in the quotations linked to one or more codes, you can create a word list or word
cloud. Word lists and word clouds have been described in detail in the section "Exploring Data ."
Creating A Codebook
To create a Code Book, open the Code Manager and click on the Report button
Depending on how you have set up your code system, you may want to group the output by code groups. If you have
written comments for your code groups, include those as well.
Depending on the current activity, you can set various display options.
even other applications like Word. In the latter case, the ATLAS.ti entity lose their ATLAS.ti specific "objectiveness" but at
least they render into something useful, e. g., a formatted title and rich text comment.
Mo ve Li nked Ob jects
When an entity (e. g., a code, memo, or hyperlink) is dropped on a quotation bar, a new link is created between the entity and
the quotation represented by the bar. In the figure below, the code ‘historic context' is cut from its original quotation and
linked to the quotation of the target bar, coded with 'class system'.
Co py Li nked Ob jects
To copy linked objects:
hold down the Ctrl key To keep the entity from being cut from its original place, hold down the CTRL-key when dropping. This resembles dragging
and drag a margin object entities from managers and browsers into the margin area, which does not change existing links.
(e. g., a code) onto
another quotation bar.
Li nki ng Q uo ta ti o ns
Dragging a quotation bar onto another quotation bar creates a new hyperlink between the two (see "Creating Hyperlinks In
The Margin Area").
Auto Coding
The Auto-Coding tool finds text passages, selects a specified amount of text (e. g., the exact match, or spread to the
Auto-Coding = Text surrounding word, sentence, or paragraph), and codes the passages with a previously selected code.
Search + Automatic
Segmentation + Coding Auto-coding allows you to quickly collect ideas that belong to a certain concept on the basis of words or patterns found in the
text. It is also is useful when coding structural information like speaker turns in group interviews, or other sections that can
easily be identified by a text search.
The Auto-Coding tool combines the Text Search tool with an automatic segmentation and code assignment mechanism.
Secti o n 1
Search for: Enter a search term, consisting of either a string of characters, a word or multiple words, or a search term
including regular expressions (GREP).
Ignore case: Deactivate this option, if you do characters to match the searched text exactly. When deactivated, you will not
find "Love" when you search for "love."
Select TEXT if you want to find a word that contains the characters you have entered in the 'Search for' field, e.g. child. In
addition to these five letters, ATLAS.ti will also find children, childhood, childless, childish, etc.
Select WORD, if you are want to find the word exactly as entered.
Select EXPRESSION , if you want to find a sentence or paragraph that contains two words that are however not adjacent to each
other, like family and love, select the option Expression. As search term you need to enter 'family love'.
The last used search terms (up to 10) are stored. If you need a search term again, you can select it from a drop-down list.
Selecting REGULAR EXPRESSION allows you to build search terms using regular expressions. An example would be to search for
the words 'kid|children|youngster|minor'. The pipe | as regular expression means OR. Given the above search time, ATLAS.ti
will search for any occurrences of the words in the term.
You can use all common regular expressions as supported by the Microsoft .net framework. You find an overview here. In
the section Regular Expressions (GREP) a few examples are provided.
Context: Here you can define the context in which an expression should occur. For example, if you only want to code a
paragraph if it contains the two words 'family' and 'love', select paragraph.
Note that this option only applies if you have selected 'Expression' or 'Regular Expression.'
• Word: This is useful if you look for occurrences of numbers or single letters within a word.
• Sentence: Select if the two words entered as search expression, e.g. 'family' and 'love', should occur within the same
sentence. Sentence is defined as a section until the next period (.).
• Paragraph: Select if the two words entered as search expression, e.g. 'family' and 'love', should occur within the same
paragraph. A paragraph is defined as a section ending with a paragraph mark.
• Chapter: Select if the two words entered as search expression, e.g. 'family' and 'love', should occur within the same
chapter. A chapter is defined as lines of text until the next empty line (at least 2 paragraph marks).
• Document: Select if the two words entered as search expression, e.g. 'family' and 'love', should occur within the same
Section 2: Code
Select Code: Select an existing code, or create a new one by clicking on the button 'New Code'.
Expand to: When a matched string is found, the size of the segment to be coded can be specified as follows:
• the Document
Please note that ATLAS.ti cannot detect chapters in PDF documents due to the non-tagged internal structure of PDF
documents. If you select to expand the match 'chapter', the entire page is coded.
Confirm matches: As it is not always desirable to let the program decide whether or not to code a given text passage, you
can control the process by checking "Confirm matches." You will then be asked to confirm each match before it is coded.
Exa mpl e
An example for the usage of semi-automatic coding would be to code for the concept "distress." Indications that a person
might be distressed could be words like nervousness, tension, unease, edginess, etc. In order to capture this, you would do
the following:
Enter a search expression, like: nervousness|tension|unease|edginess. The pipe symbol | means that ATLAS.ti will look for
nervousness OR tension OR unease OR edginess.
Every time the program finds a piece of text that matches your search expression, it stops the search and highlights the
text it has found. You can then read the surrounding context and decide whether the text passage really has something to
do with distress. If it does, click CODE IT , otherwise click S KIP IT. The program continues to search for the next match.
You can deactivate the CONFIRM MATCHES box at any time and let ATLAS.ti scan through the rest of your texts without
prompting for further confirmation.
\ The escape character disables the special GREP functionality of the following character. For example: \[
matches an opening bracket.
| OR. Enclose ORed expressions with parentheses if OR should be restricted to certain sequences of
characters or expressions
These escapes are also allowed in character classes: [\w+-] means "any character that is either a word constituent, or a plus,
or a minus."
\<\w+\> matches any whole word
\<[[:alpha:]]+\> matches whole words containing only alphanumeric characters.
Character classes can also include the following elements:
Note that these elements are components of the character classes, i. e. they have to be enclosed in an extra set of
square brackets to form a valid regular expression. A non-empty string of digits or arbitrary length would be represented
as [[:digit:]]+
You can test and debug any regular expression you formulate on this web site:
Tom: So is that how, is that how you met just, just through you striking up a
Deb: I'm trying to think exactly [laughs] I think that's what it was, we were both in
the same research methods class …
or like this:
I don't know, I'm the sort, I don't really struggle making friends cos everyone tells
me I've got a big mouth and I don't stop talking [laughs] …
So is that how, is that how you met just, just through you striking up a conversation?
I'm trying to think exactly [laughs] I think that's what it was, we were both in the
same research methods class
It is also possible to add further information to each speaker like their gender, age group, educational level etc. This way, also
this information will be automatically coded. An Example might look like this:
Alex: gender male: age group 1: education level high school:
I don't know, I'm the sort, I don't really struggle making friends cos everyone tells
me I've got a big mouth and I don't stop talking [laughs] …
@Alex: I don't know, I'm the sort, I don't really struggle making friends cos
everyone tells me I've got a big mouth and I don't stop talking [laughs] …
@Tom: So is that how, is that how you met just, just through you striking up a
@Deb: I'm trying to think exactly [laughs] I think that's what it was, we were both in
the same research methods class …
If your data is not transcribed yet, we recommend using pattern 2 as it is unlikekly that this pattern will find sections
that are not speaker units.
Custom Pattern
You can also define your own pattern, or use GREP expressions in case there are typos or an inconsistent use of speaker or
other identifiers. For instance, the regular expression: To +(m|n) matches "Toom," "Ton," or “Toon” to find different spellings
of the name 'Tom'. For more information on GREP, see “Regular Expressions (GREP)“.
For readability you may want to consider to start each speaker unit on a new line. Additionally, you may want to enter an
empty line between speaker units. Both is not required. When a pattern is recognized the chosen code(s) are applied from
the first letter of the pattern to the start of the next recognized pattern. Therefore it does not matter whether a new unit
starts on a new line or whether there is an empty line in between.
Tom: So is that how, is that how you met just, just through you striking up a
Deb: I'm trying to think exactly [laughs] I think that's what it was, we were both in
the same research methods class…
@Tom: So is that how, is that how you met just, just through you striking up a
@Deb: I'm trying to think exactly [laughs] I think that's what it was, we were both in
the same research methods class …
Custom Pattern
If you have used a different way to indicate a speaker, enter your own pattern. You can also use this function to auto code
any data that has a specific structure. So it does not necessarily have to be a speaker. It could be a date, a number, or any
other type of identifier. As mentioned above, regular expressions can also be used as custom pattern. For instance:
([A-Z]+): only recognizes identifiers consisting of letters from A to Z.
([A-Z]+[0-9]+): recognizes identifiers that consist of a combination of letters and numbers
See “Regular Expressions (GREP)“ for further information.
items that you would not classify as speakers or identifiers but fit the pattern. If so, you can deselect them.
Check the suggested codes and add additional ones, if you want to code the speaker unit or section with multiple codes. If
you enter multiple codes, they need to be separated by a semicolon.
As described in the section “Guidelines For Preparing Focus Group Data,“ you could also add information that describe the
speakers like age, gender, educational level, etc. into the transcript. Those would be picked up as identifiers and codes , and
there would be no need to add attribute codes to each speaker. The Choose Coding window might then look like this:
Figure 171: Choose Coding window if attribute codes have already been entered in the transcript
If you enter codes that already exist in your code list, they will not be duplicated. In a future update, you will be able to select
existing codes from a list.
Double-check the results in context and take a look at the Code Manager. ATLAS.ti creates a code group from all codes
that have been entered in the previous step in the Coding window called 'Focus Group Coding'.
Redundant codings are overlapping or embedded quotations that are associated with the same code. Such codings can result
from normal coding but may occur unnoticed during a merge procedure when working in teams. The Codings Analyzer finds
all redundant codings and offers appropriate procedures to correct it. An example of a redundant coding is shown below.
To find all redundant codings, select FIND R EDUNDANT CODINGS under the T OOLS & S UPPORT tab, or open the Code Manager
and select the options from the Tools tab there.
The upper pane lists all codes for which redundant codings were found. The Redundancy column displays the number of pairs
of redundant quotations found for the codes. If you select one of the codes, the redundant quotations are listed in pairs in
the middle pane. If you select a pair, you see a preview of the quotation in the bottom pane. Double-clicking on a listed
quotation displays it in context.
Figure 175: Hover over a quoation to see which other items are linked to it
If you see a quotation listed more than once, it means that three or more quotations are involved in a redundant coding. You
will notice, that merging one pair of quotations may have the effect that other pairs are removed from the list as well, as the
redundancy assertion does not hold any longer for the remaining pairs of quotations for this code.
Please keep in mind that the inter-coder agreement tool crosses the qualitative-quantitative divide. Establishing inter-
coder agreement has its origin in quantitative content analysis (see for instance Krippendorff, 2018; Schreier, 2012). If
you want to apply it and want to adhere to scientific standards, you must follow some rules that are much stricter than
those for qualitative coding.
researchers demonstrably agree on what they are talking about. Here, then, reliability is the degree in which members of a
designated community agree on the readings, interpretations, responses to, or uses of given texts or data. […] Researchers
need to demonstrate the trustworthiness of their data by measuring their reliability” (Krippendorff, 2004, p. 212).
Testing the reliability of the data is a first step. Only after establishing that the reliability is sufficiently high, it makes sense
to proceed with the analysis of the data. If there is considerable doubt what the data mean, it will be difficult to justify the
further analysis and also the results of this analysis.
There are two requirements for developing and working with semantic domains: exhaustiveness and mutual exclusiveness.
Exhaustiveness means that the codes of the code system cover the variability in the data and that no aspect that is relevant
for the research question is left-out. On the domain level this means that all main topics are covered. On the sub code level,
this means that the codes of a semantic domain cover all aspects of the domain and the data can be sorted in the available
codes without forcing them. An easy way out is to include a catch all 'miscellaneous' code for each domain into which coders
can add all data that they think does not fit anywhere else. However, keep in mind that such catch all codes will contribute
little to answering the research questions.
Mutual exclusiveness affects two areas. One is the meaning of the sub codes: Each of the sub codes within each domain
needs to be different and this needs to be clearly specified in the code definitions and coding rules. There should be no doubt
when to apply sub code 1, 2 or 3. The second is the application of the sub code: You can only apply one of the sub codes of
a semantic domain to a quotation or to overlapping quotations. Using the same code colour for all codes of a semantic
domain will help you to detect possible errors. See Figure 177.
If you find that you have coded a quotation with two codes from the same semantic domain, you can fix it by splitting the
quotation. This means, you change the length of the original quotation and create one new quotation, so you can apply the
two codes to two distinct quotations.
If you need to split a code into sub codes to create a semantic domain, you find an option in the split code tool to assign
quotations to subcodes in a mutually exclusive manner. See “Splitting A Code“.
If codes within a semantic domain are not applied in a mutually exclusive manner, the ICA coefficient is inflated – and in
the current implementation of the tool cannot be calculated!
In version 2 of the ICA tool released with version 9, ATLAS.ti will calculate the coefficient but will indicate that there is a
problem. There will also be a link to the segments in your data that are problematic.
Coding with codes from multiple semantic domains will allow you to see how the various semantic domains are related. For
example, what kind of people are involved in what kinds of events and how they experience the event. For this you can use
the code co-occurrence tools at a later stage in the analysis. See “Code Co-Occurrence Tools“.
Co mmo n M is ta kes
A common belief is that consensus is better than individual judgment. Rather than to work independently, coders are
encouraged to discuss what they code and to reach their decision by compromise. However, data generated in this way does
not ensure reproducibility, nor does it reveal the extent of it. The results often reflect the social structure of the group, the
most prestigious member of the group dominating the outcome. Reproducibility requires at least two independent coders.
Another common procedure is to allow coders to consult each other if problems arise, e.g. they do not understand a coding
instruction, or they have problems applying some of the codes to the data given to them. This also compromises reliability.
Ideally, the coding instructions should be clear and easy to understand. If this is not the case, the coders involved in the
discussion create their own interpretation of what the codes mean. This is difficult to communicate to others and therefore
jeopardizes reproducibility. In addition, the process loses stability as the data coded in the early phases were coded based on
a different understanding of the codes. If coders do not work independently and discuss problems during the process of
coding, the reliability coefficient might be higher in the end, but this is partly illusory. If the data were to be given to different
coders not having the same insights, reliability is likely to be lower again. As it is common that code systems evolve, and
code definitions and coding rules need to be refined, you can ask coders to write down all the issues they see with the current
instructions and definitions. Based on their notes, the coding system can be refined and tested again, but with different
Another common mistake is to assume that it is best to ask other experts, colleagues with a long history of
involvement in the subject of the research, or close friends and associates to serve as coders. Those coders are likely to
agree, but not because they carefully follow the coding instructions, but because they know each other and the purpose of
the research. This also results in higher measures of reliability, but also does not serve reproducibility.
Evidently. The first pair of segments agree in length and location on the continuum.
The second pair agree in length but not in location. They have an intersection in common. In the third case, coder A finds a
segment relevant, not recognized by coder B. the largest disagreement is observed in the last pair of segments. Coder A
takes a narrower view than coder B.
In terms of your ATLAS.ti coding, you need to think of your document as a textual continuum. Each character of your text is a
unit of analysis for ICA, starting at character 1 and ending for instance at character 17500. For audio and video documents,
the unit of analysis is a second. Images can currently not be used in an ICA analysis. The quotation itself does not go into the
analysis, only the characters or seconds that have been coded. If you add multiple documents to the analysis, the continuum
is extended like pearls strung on a chain. Thus every character or second where coders agree go into the calculation of the ICA
According to Krippendorff (2019), the simplest inter-coder agreement coefficient is:
It is a measure of the extent to which data can be trusted to represent the phenomena of analytical interest that one hopes
to analyze in place of the raw phenomena.
When coders pay no attention to the text, which means they just apply the codes in an arbitrary manner, their coding has no
relationship to what the text is about, then the observed disagreement Do equals the expected disagreement De, then a = 1–1
= 0.000. On the other hand, if agreement is perfect, which means disagreement Do = 0, then a = 1- 0 = 1.000. For further
information on how alpha is calcuated, see the appendix.
To better understand the relationship between actual, observed and expected agreement, let's look a the following
contingency table:
The matrices with perfect and expected agreement/disagreement serve only as a benchmark. In this simple example you
could have worked it out in your head, but in a real example in ATLAS.ti this is no longer possible. The numbers are much
higher, and often also odd since the calculation is based on the number of coded / non-coded characters / seconds.
Therefore, it is good to see the perfect and expected agreements as a point of reference.
In the example above, the tables represent a semantic domain with five codes. If all coders agreed, they would have applied
the semantic domain codes to 10 units each. If they had been applied randomly, they would have been evenly distributed
amongst 10 units each (10/5 = 2). In the observed contingency table, we can see that the coders agree in applying code 4.
There is some confusion about the application of code 2 and even more for code 5. The coders have applied the latter to three
different codes: 1, 3, and 5. For all codes, where there is confusion the code definition needs to be revisited. For code 5 for
instance you need to ask why it was confused with code 1 and 3? Are there any overlaps in the definition? Why was it
understood in different ways?
Percent Agreement
Percentage Agreement is the simplest measure of inter-coder agreement. It is calculated as the number of times a set of
ratings agree, divided by the total number of units of observation that are rated, multiplied by 100.
The benefits of percentage agreement are that it is simple to calculate and it can be used with any type of measurement
scale. Let's take a look at the following example: There are ten segments of text and two coders only needed to decide
whether a code applies or does not apply:
Segments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coder 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coder 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Hol s ti Index
Holsti's method (1969) is a variation of percentage agreement, as percent agreement cannot be used if the coders have not
all coded the same data segments. When coders were allowed to create their own quotations and did not code pre-defined
quotations, the Holsti index needs to be user. P'lease note, that also the Holsti index does not take into account chance
The formula for the Holsti Index is:
PA (Holsti) = 2A/ (N1+N2)
PA (Holsti) represents percentage of agreement between two coders,
A is the number of the two coders' consensus decisions, and N1 and N2 are numbers of decisions the coders have made
respectively .
Percentage agreement and the Holsti Index are equal when all coders code the same units of sample.
Holsti, O. R. (1969). Content analysis for the social sciences and humanities, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Co hens ka ppa
Cohen's Kappa (Cohen, 1960) is another coefficient used in the calculation of ICA and offered by other CAQDAS programs. We
have been asked by users why ATLAS.ti does not offer it. Kappa is a modification of Scott's pi and according to Krippendorff
(2019) and Zwick (1988) a rather unfortunate modification. There is a conceptual flaw in his calculation, as Kappa counts
disagreements between observer preferences for available categories as agreements. In addition, both Cohen's kappa and
Scott's P assume an infinite sample size. Krippendorff's alpha coefficient is sensitive to different sample sizes and can also
be used on small samples.
Zwick, Rebecca (1988). Another look at interrater agreement. Psychological Bulletin, 103, 347-387.
Figure 181: Krippendorff’s alpha family – from the general to the specific
|cua indicates the extent to which coders agree on the relevance of texts for the research project (currently alpha binary)
Sua indicates the extent to which coders agree on the presence or absence of semantic domains, (currently Cu-alpha)
(s)ua indicates the degree to which coders identify a particular semantic domain (currently cu-alpha)
csua indicates the agreement on coding within a semantic domain (currently not yet implemented)
As background reading we recommend: Krippendorff, Klaus (2019). Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology.
Thousand Oaks, 4th edition. California: SAGE publications.
Currently implemented are the c-alpha binary and the cu & Cu-Alpha coefficients:
The calculations require that codes of semantic domains have been applied mutually exclusively. This means only one of
the sub codes per domain is applied to a given quotation. If this rule is violated cu or Cu-Alpha cannot be calculated.
Decision Rules
A number of decisions have to be made when testing for inter-coder agreement. For instance, how much data material needs
to be used, how many instances need to be coded with any given code for the calculation to be possible, and how to evaluate
the obtained coefficient.
Sa mple s iz e
The data you use for the ICA analysis needs to be representative of the total amount of data you have collected, thus of
those data whose reliability is in question. Furthermore, the number of codings per code needs to be sufficiently high. As a
rule of thumb, the codings per code should at least yield five agreements by chance. Krippendorff (2019) uses Bloch and
Kraemer’s formula 3.7 (1989:276) to obtain the required sample size. The table below lists the sample size for the three
smallest acceptable reliabilities αmin: 0.667 / 0.800 / 0.900; for four levels of statistical significance: 0.100 / 0.050 / 0.010 /
0.005, and for semantic domains up to10 codes (probability p c):
Example: If you have a semantic domain with 4 codes and each of the codes are equally distributed, you need a minimum of
139 codings for this semantic domain if the minimum alpha should be 0.800 at a 0.05 level of statistical significance. For a
lower alpha of 0.667, you need a minimum of 81 codings at the same level of statistical significance. If the frequencies across
the sub categories per domain are not equally distributed, you need to increase the sample size. By 4 codes in a semantic
domain, the estimated proportion p c of all values c in the population is .250 (¼).
If the distribution of your codes in a semantic domain is unequal, you need to make a new estimate for the sample size by
using a pc in the formula shown in Figure 182that is correspondingly less than ¼.
If your semantic domain has more than 10 codes, you can calculate the needed sample size using the following equation. It
applies if you work with two independent coders.
You can see the corresponding z value from a standard normal distribution table. For a p-value of 0,05, z = 1,65.
You need to start from a Master project set up by the main analyst or principal investigator. The principal investigator
adds all documents and codes that will be subjected to the ICA analysis to the Master project and creates sub projects
based on the Master project for each coder.
• The coders import the project bundle file, rename the project file during the process of import, double-check under which
user name they are logged in.
• The coders code the data independently. If they have questions or difficulties applying the codes, they write notes into a
• Once the coders are done, they prepare a project bundle file for the principal investigator.
• The principal investigator imports the project bundle files from each coder and briefly checks the work of each coder and
reads the memo they have written (if any).
• The principal investigator starts the inter-coder agreement mode and merges the projects of the coders.
• The principal investigator runs the ICA analysis.
Open the project of coder 1 and create a snapshot. Do not accept the default name, enter a name that indicates that this is
the project for the ICA test for coder 1 and 2.
Close the project of coder 1 and continue to work with the renamed snapshot.
Figure 184: First step in staring an ICA analysis: Enable the Intercoder Mode
Next, merge the project of coder 2 and save the merged project.
A coding is the link between a code an a quotation. In ICA mode, you can see which coder has applied which code to a
To see the authors of the various codings, change the view settings from icons to user in the View tab of the contextual
Document ribbon:
Each coder is indicated by a different color. Hover over the user icon to see the name of the user. In Figure 186, all quotations
where created by the blue user Susanne. The brown user was asked to apply the codes of the code system to these
predefined quotations.
Click on the ADD CODER button and select two or more coders.
Click on the ADD DOCUMENTS button and select the documents that should be included in the analysis. The default option is
for all selected documents to be regarded as one continuum and all coded quotations of these documents will go into the
calculation. You can, however, also view agreements / disagreements per document and get a coefficient for each
Only the documents are shown that have been coded by the selected coders.
Click on the ADD S EMANTIC DOMAIN button and add one or more codes to the domain. Alternatively, you can drag and drop
codes from the Project Explorer or the code list into the semantic domain field:
After you have added coders, documents and codes, your screen looks similar to what is shown in Figure 188.
Figure 188: ICA view after adding coders, documents and codes
The quotations of the semantic domain are displayed on the right-hand side. When you select a quotation, the full content is
shown in the preview and you can write comments. You also see where the quotation is located in the document continuum.
When you scroll to the right in the quotation view window, you see the codes that have been applied by the selected coders.
If you click on one of the lines, only the quotations of the selected code and coder are shown in the quotation window (Figure
Figure 189: Quotations coded by coder Susanne with the code activities: sport
You can remove coders, codes or documents from the analysis by clicking on the red x.
To the right of each coder line you see some descriptive statistics:
The blue coder (Susanne) has applied the code “activities clubbing / going for a drink” 11 times. The number of characters
that are coded with this code are 1331 out of a total of 172.414 characters in all three selected documents, which is 0,8%.
The brown coder (Sabine) has applied the code “activities clubbing / going for a drink” 8 times. The number of characters that
are coded with this code are 1057 out of a total of 172.414 characters in all three selected documents, which is 0,6%.
In Figure 192, the c-alpha binary for the semantic domain 'activities' is 0, 983 and for the semantic domain 'benefits' is 0,937,
For both domains, it is 0,949. This means that the reliability for identifying relevant from irrelevant matter related to the
codes of these domain is high.
The results for cu-alpha and Cu-alpha for the two selected domains are shown in Figure 193.
The difference between the two measures is that the lower case cu-alpha applies to one semantic domain only, the capital
Cu-alpha applies to all selected semantic domains. It is not simply an average of all lower case cu-alphas, as sub codes from
different domains can potentially be applied to one quotations. This is referred to as multi-valued coding (see also
Krippendorff et al., 2016) and “Multi-valued Coding“ above.
To link audio or video files to the project, in the Home tab click on the drop down arrow of of the ADD DOCUMENTS BUTTON
Linked documents remain at their original location and ATLAS.ti accesses them from there. Preferably, these files should not
be moved to a different location. If the files need to be moved, you need to re-link the files to your project. ATLAS.ti will alert
you, if there is an issue and a file can no longer be accessed. You find a R EPAIR L INK option in the Document Manager under
the "Tools Tab."
Figure 194: Linking multimedia
files to a project
Audio wave: On the right-hand side the audio wave is displayed. You can make is smaller or wider by positioning your mouse
on the left-hand side of the audio wave and dragging it either to the right-hand side or the left-hand side.
Preview images: For video files, preview images are displayed in the full preview and the margin area. When you add a new
video to a project, you do not immediately see the preview images as they first need to be generated. Depending on the
length of the video this may take a few seconds or up to a few minutes.
Preview images are generated from key frames. A key frame is defined as one of the frames in a video that provide the best
summary of the video content. The key frame rate is a variable that you can set using most good encoding software. A fast
key frame rate (with a lower number on the scale, as this refers to the interval between key frames) means that the video
has more frames designated as key frames. A slower key frame rate means that fewer frames are designated as key frames.
If you've got a typical talking head video or something else with little motion, you can get away with a slow key frame rate. If
you are shooting something with a lot of motion like a sporting event or a dance recital, a faster key frame rate is necessary.
The standard rate is to include a key frame every 5 seconds.
Playhead: The playhead shows the current position in the video or audio file.
Full preview: Below the display area you see a preview of the entire file. You can use it to select the segment that should be
displayed in the margin area.
Zoom: As the space from top to bottom of your computer screen will be too small in most cases to meaningfully display your
audio or video file, especially it it is coded, you can zoom the file in the full preview section. For this you use the two orange
lines that you see to the right and left of the full preview. See "Zooming the Time Line."
Media Controls
If you move the cursor inside the audio or video pane, the media controls appear and you can start, stop and pause the video,
skip forward and backwards. You can also start and stop the multimedia file by pressing the space bar.
Click the space bar to stop and start an audio or video file.
Multimedia Toolbar
As soon as an audio or video file is loaded, the multimedia options will be displayed in the Document tab. If you hoover over
each button with the mouse, a screen tip is displayed explaining each option. The options in the first sections are described
above ("Media Controls").
Capture Snapshot: If you want to analyze a particular frame in more detail, you can take a snapshot. If you click on it, the
frame will be added as new document to your project as image file.
Media Controls: See "Media Controls."
Volume: Set the volume on slider between 0% (mute) and 100%
Playback Rate: If you want the video to play faster or slower, you can select a playback rate between 0,25 times the original
speed to 4 times the original speed. The current play back rate is shown in the blue status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Mark Position: Sets the start position for a quotation. The short-cut key is < or ,
Create Quotation: Sets the end position for a quotation and creates a quotation at the same time. The short-cut key is > or .
You can also access the media controls with a right-click on the audio or video area (see Figure 211).
Multimedia Documents
Pause Play F4
Play P
Play Shift+P
Play Play
Pause Pause
Stop S
Stop Shift+S
A quick way to zoom the time line is by putting the mouse pointer onto the preview images on the right-hand side or
the margin area, holding down the Ctrl-key and scrolling the mouse wheel.
You can also zoom the timeline using the two orange sliders to select just the section of the audio or video that you want to
see in the margin area:
When you move the mouse pointer over the full preview, two orange sliders appear (see Figure 201).
The time line can be positioned at the bottom of the screen horizontally, or vertically next to the audio wave form.
You can show or hide the audio waveform or the video previews in both the margin or the zoom line.
If you deactivate 'auto-scroll margin' the playhead moves from the top to the bottom of the screen. The margin does not
move. If you have zoomed the margin, the playhead will be out of view if the audio or video file plays beyond the zoom area.
If you are only working within the zoomed area, or display the entire multimedia file on the screen, you may want to
deactivate the auto-scroll option as this is a lot smoother on your eye.
If you activate 'auto-scroll margin' the playhead remains in the middle of the screen and everything else moves (preview
images, audio wave form, margin).
As soon as you let go of the mouse, a quotation is created and you see the blue quotation boundary in the margin area:
If you want to take it one step slower, you can change the following setting under multimedia preferences that requires an
additional step to create a quotation (see also “Multimedia Preferences“:
If you have deactivate auto-create, hoover with the mouse over the selection and click the CREATE QUOTATION button as
shown in Figure 206.
Play the video. If you find something interesting that you want to mark as a quotation, click on the , or the < key. Which
one to use depends on your keyboard.
Click . or > to mark the end position and to create the quotation.
You can of course also immediately code multimedia files (see "Coding Multimedia Documents." However, as especially video
files contain so much more information as compared to text, it is often easier to first go through and segment the audio or
video file, i.e. creating quotations before coding. You have both options, whatever suits better.
To adjust or change the length of the quotation, drag the start or end position to the desired position.
Audio and video quotations can be easily recognized by their special icon.
You can also move the playhead with the mouse to any position within an audio or video file.
Click on the camera icon in ribbon, or right-click on the video area and select the option CAPTURE VIDEO FRAME .
See "Creating Graphical Quotations" for further information on how to work with image files.
Figure 211: Accessing the media controls via the context menu
To create a report, select a few video quotations in the Quotation Manager. Select the REPORT button in the ribbon. Under
options, select Comment. The report will show an overview of all the titles you have created for your video (or audio)
segments and the comments you have written. Plus, it provides the exact position within the audio or video file (start
position [duration}).
Multimedia Preferences
Under P ROJECT P REFERENCES (File / Options), you can set project specific preferences for multimedia files:
The effect of Autopreview is that the audio or video quotation immediately starts to play when you activate or open a
When selecting autopreview for documents the multimedia quotation immediately begins to play when selecting a
multimedia document in the Document Manager.
When selecting autopreview for quotations the multimedia quotation immediately begins to play when selecting a
multimedia document in the Quotation Manager.
When selecting autopreview for hyperlinks the multimedia quotation immediately begins to play when activating a hyperlink.
The default option is that a multimedia quotation is created as soon as you have made a selection on the audio wave form.
If you prefer to make a selection first before creating a quotation with an additional mouse click, deactivate this option.
Finding A Location
The first thing you probably want to do is to query an address:
In the Document tab, click on the button QUERY ADDRESS. A new tab opens in the navigator on the left. Enter a search
Figure 218: Entering a search time to move to the desired location on the map
The map immediately displays the location that fits the search term and adds a place mark.
Right-click on the place mark and select the option CREATE FREE QUOTATION (or click on the Create Free Quotation button in
the Document ribbon).
To create further quotations, either enter a new address and search for a location of interest, or left-click a point of
interest on the map to set a place mark. Right-click and select Create Free Quotation from the context menu.
If you move your mouse over a quotation, a text window opens displaying information about the quotation like the name,
the author, when it was created, any codes and memos that are attached to it, the longitude and latitude and the address.
Set a place mark or select an existing one, right-click and select the option OPEN CODING or L IST CODING (or click on the
equivalent coding buttons in the Document ribbon).
All other drag-and-drop operations described for coding also apply. See "More Drag-And-Drop Options."
Dis pl a y of Geo Q uo ta ti o ns
Geo quotations can be access in the margin area, the Quotation Manager, the Quotation Browser, the Project Explorer and
also from within networks. Geo quotations are displayed as follows:
The quotation icon shows a place mark and the quotation name consists of the Geo coordinates for degree of longitude and
degree of latitude written in the decimal system,
In addition the Quotation Manager shows a preview of the Geo location (Figure 221). You may want to consider renaming Geo
quotations, e.g. by adding the name of the location to the coordinates. Another option is to add a comment, See also
"Describing Multimedia Quotations To Improve Output."
Acti va ti ng Geo Q uo ta ti o ns
Select a Geo quotation in any of the above mentioned browsers or windows and double-click. It will be displayed in
context, The place mark is colored in pink. All non-activated place marks are colored in light-blue.
Mo di f yi ng A Geo quo ta ti o n
To modify a Geo quotation, activate it (see "Activating Geo Quotations") so it is highlighted in pink.
Move the place mark to a different location. The quotation follows along.
Creating A Snapshot
You can create a snapshot from the geographic region that is currently shown on your screen. This snapshot is automatically
added as a new image document. This allows you to select a region to create a quotation or to code it. Further you can
browse the Geo location in Google Maps (see "Browsing Geo Locations").
A new document is created. The default name is: 'Geo Snapshot @ longitude:latitude' of the last selected location.
As a snapshot results in an image document, you can also handle it like an image document. See for example "Creating
Graphical Quotations."
Bro ws i ng Geo Lo ca ti o ns
Based on a Geo snapshot, you can look at the location on Google Maps by selecting the button BROWSE GEO L OCATION in the
Document tab. This opens Google Maps in your default browser outside of ATLAS.ti.
These days, a great many surveys are conducted through online tools. A positive side effect is that (a) all data is immediately
available in digital format, and (b) respondents are often willing to provide longer answers to open-ended questions. This
was rarely the case with paper-and-pencil surveys. Statistical programs like SPSS ™ offer some options to analyze open-
ended questions, but basically require you to encode each answer with a number. A proper qualitative analysis of the answers
is not possible with these tools. ATLAS.ti, however, does permit comprehensive analysis with great ease and in great depth.
A typical work flow for working with survey data looks like this:
Online surveys can be created using a variety of tools. What most of them have in common is that they let you export data as
Excel™ file. And this is what you need to prepare for import in ATLAS.ti (see below). Based on specific prefixes that you add
to your variable names, ATLAS.ti interprets the column headers and cells of the Excel™ table in various ways and turns them
into primary documents, the contents of the primary documents, primary document families, quotations, codes, comments,
and code families.
Data are imported case-based. This means each row of the Excel™ table that is imported from the online survey tool is
transformed into a primary document.
This does not mean that you cannot turn a multiple-choice question into a code. It all depends on how you define the
columns in your Excel table. If you turn single or multiple choice questions into codes, you later need to do some automatic
coding based on the response choices available in the questionnaire.
Always remember that ATLAS.ti is not a software for analyzing statistical data, although it is possible to add information
from traditional quantitative questions. A general recommendation is to include the following variables from the online
• Variables describing the respondents, i. e. the classical demographic variables like age group, gender, profession,
educational level, income groups, etc.. Turn those variables into document groups.
Open End::How do I
! create a question that
&dateTime ^Name .Academic :Gender bands do you listen to Tell us a dream
caseID is interpreted as open-
This is a lengthy
I was walking on
20100414T1200 Michell response to a question
Case 1 0 female Beatles, Stones the roof of a 12-
00 e that may elicit
story building….
loooooong answers.
Quite simple: every
I am sorry, I don't field name (question)
Case 2 Hans 1 male Stones, Scorpions remember any that has no prefix is an
dreams at all. open-ended question
by default.
Figure 226: Sample table ready for import
Select the IMPORT & EXPORT tab and then the S URVEY button. Select the Excel file to be imported and click Open. The import
procedure starts. You see a progress report and ATLAS.ti informs you when the import is finished.
If you do not specify a name for each case, the default is case 1, case 2, case 3 and so on. Here the name/synonym of each
respondent was known and entered as author. Based on the information provided in the Excel table, document groups were
created. The highlighted respondent 'case 6' for example has some college education, is a female, single, and has no children.
She answered the question: 'Do children bring happiness' with yes.
ATLAS.ti automatically creates a group that contains all survey data in case you work with data from multiple sources.
If your data comes in waves, you can add the data to the same data and import it again. ATLAS.ti will only import the
new information. This also applies if you add new variables.
Each open-ended question was also automatically coded with the information provided in Excel.
Double-click case 6 to open it and open the Code Manager alongside ( H OME tab / CODES button or double-click on the main
Codes branch in the Project Explorer).
The first code has no a comment and the full length name is used as code label because no syntax was added in the Excel.
SQ: Reasons for not having children
For the second open ended questions, the column in Excel was labeled:
SQ1:: Reasons for having children
Note the syntax that was used ::. The effect is that the text that follows the two colons is entered as code definition in the
code comment field. The code label is shorter and the full label also does not appear in the body of the text, which can for
instance effect word clouds and word frequency counts in unwanted ways.
ATLAS.ti 8 provides even better support for literature review as you can import your articles directly from your favorite
Reference Manager. The prerequisite is that you are either using Endnote, or a reference manager that allows you to create
an export for Endnote in XML format. This is for instance the case in following programs:
• Reference Manager
• Mendeley
• Zotero
You might collect a great many documents in your reference manager for a first screening, or because you have come across
an article that might potentially be of interest at some point. You do not want to import all of these articles into ATLAS.ti,
only those that you want to look at more closely and that you have already identified as being useful for your literature
review and subsequent theory chapter. Therefore we recommend that you prepare your data in the reference manager of
your choice in such a way that the export only contains a pre-selection of documents. How this is done is different in each
reference manager.
In Mendeley, for instance, you highlight the documents that you want to export, right-click and select EXPORT. When
saving the file, you can select the file format:
In Zotero, you find the export option under the FILE menu: EXPORT LIBRARY .
Zotero offers about ten different formats to export to. Here, too, select the Endnote XML option.
In addition, you can export your notes and the full content of the documents. Select both options. The notes will be
imported as document comments in ATLAS.ti.
Importing Documents
To start importing the file into ATLAS.ti, select the IMPORT & EXPORT tab and the button R ERFERENCE M ANAGER .
ATLAS.ti can create document groups for you based on the following meta data:
• First authors
• Co-authors
• type of document (journal article, book, book chapter, etc.)
• Language
• Source – If you import documents from more than one reference manager, it is useful to group documents by source, so
that you know where they were coming from.
• Periodical
• Year
• Volume
• Issue
• Edition
• Publisher
If you have written a note about the document in your Reference Manager, this note will be immported as document
The imported documents are sorted by author and year in alphabetical order. Further, document groups were created based
on the available information. Document 4 for instance was published in Nurse Researcher in 2002 and the source is Zotero.
The text entered as note in Zotero was imported as comment. If there are no notes for the document, the URL of the
document is added into the comment field (if available).
A sample project showing how to work with Twitter data will follow later.
To import Twitter data, select the IMPORT & EXPORT tab and then the T WITTER button.
Enter a query. You can also look for multiple hashtags or authors by using OR. For example: #WorldAidsDay|#HIV|#Aids.
Next, select whether you want to import the most recent or the most popular tweets and whether to include re-tweets,
images and profile images.
Note that you only will be able to import tweets from the last week. Further, as the final selection is done by Twitter and
not within our control, queries at different times, or on different computers may result in different tweets.
The imported data is automatically coded based on the selection you make:
Tweets often contain many more hashtags than the original one that you searched for. Coding all hashtags often results
in great many codes. Therefore you have an option to only code the queried hashtags. Further options are to code all
authors and all mentioned Twitter users, the location, and the language.
Lastly you can decide whether a link should be created between authors and locations and between the authors and
mentioned Twitter users.
Open the Code Manager to inspect the code and code groups that have been created (H OME tab / CODES button):
Figure 237: Codes and code groups created during Twitter import
The code groups help you to navigate through your codes. By clicking on the code group Twitter: Languages, for instance, you
can immediately see how many and which languages are used in the tweets you imported.
Creating Hyperlinks
A hyperlink is a named linked between two quotations. If, for instance, you notice that one statement in a report or interview
is explaining a previous statement in a bit more detail, you can link the two using the relation "explains.” Or you may find a
contradictory or supporting statement. These are just a few of the default relations that come with the software. If they do
not fit what you want to express, you can create user-defined relations in the Relation Manager. See "Defining New
Hyperlink Relations."
ATLAS.ti offers a variety of options for creating and traversing hypertext links. Similar to the linking of codes, you may create
hyperlinks in a the network editor (see "Linking Nodes"). In addition, hypertext links can be created "in context," or via Drag &
Drag in the Quotation Manager and in the margin area.
Right click on the selection select the option CREATE LINK SOURCE from the context menu.
If you select a data segment as source or target that was not yet a quotation, ATLAS.ti automatically creates a
quotation from it.
Select a target segment or an existing quotation as target, right click and select the option CREATE LINK TARGET . The list of
available relations opens up. Select a relation with a left-click.
If none of the existing relations fit, create a new relation in the Relation Manager. See "Defining New Hyperlink Relations."
You can continue linking by highlighting another segment and selecting the CREATE L INK T ARGET option again. This eventually
will result in a star like formation. A hyperlink star connects many quotations from one source quotation. In the example
shown in Figure 242, the source quotation is 3:160, which is linked to seven target quotations via a number of different
if you want to create a chain linkage, you need to select the target quotation again and set it as source and select a third
quotation as target, and so on, as shown in Figure 242:
Quotation 3:26 served as a source quotation and was linked to the target quotation 3:160. In order to continue the chain, the
target quotation 3,160 became the source quotation and was linked to the new target quotation 3:209.
Symbol Explanation
~ Quotation has a comment
< Quotation is source of a hyperlink
> Quotation is target of a hyperlink
<> Quotation is both start and target, thus at least two other quotations are linked
Select one or more source quotations in the Quotation Manager (multiple selections can be done in the standard way).
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the quotation(s) to a target quotation in the Quotation Manager.
Release the left mouse button. The Relation menu opens and you can specify the relation to be used for the hyperlinks.
Figure 245: Linking two quotations via drag & drop in the Quotation Manager
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the bar onto another quotation bar.
Release the left mouse button. The Relation menu opens. Select a relation. The linking procedure ends here.
Left click a quotation bar in the active region, drag the mouse to a quotation bar on a document in a different tab group,
release the left mouse button and select a relation. See Figure 248.
You can also use the short-cut Ctrl + double-click to immediately jump to the linked quotation.
Mo di f yi ng Hyperl i nks
You can modify existing hyperlinks, i.e. cutting a link, flipping (reversing) a link, or changing the relation at various places.
To modify a hyperlink, select it, right-click and select the desired option (CUT LINK , FLIP L INK or CHANGE R ELATION ) from the
context menu.
In the network editor, right click on a link label and select the desired option (FLIP L INK, CUT L INK or CHANGE R ELATION ) from
the context menu.
At this point, here is a very useful application of renaming quotations: As the names are displayed in a network, it allows you
to create meaningful and easy to understand models of your data. 'The hook for the article' <expands> 'guiding questions'
<continued by> 'worse than expectations....' and this is discussed by quotation [1:2] 'consistent evidence of negative
To expand the hyperlinks you see in a network, or to see which other entities are linked to a hyperlinked quotation, you can
import neighbors.
If you want to see how many entities are linked to a quotation, select the View tab and activate the option SHOW
FREQUENCIES . See Figure 252.
Quotation 2:20 is linked to three other entities and quotation 2:14 to two other entities, which could be other quotations,
codes or memos.
Directly linked entities are 'neighbors' and you can import them by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate option from
the context menu. You can import all neighbors, or select a specific entity type that you are interested in:
For more information on how to work with networks see the chapter "Working With Networks."
Code-code and quote-quote links are the only types of network connections that allow you to assign a name to the
connection that appears on the line or arrow that runs between nodes.
E di ti ng Hyperl i nk Co mments
The links between quotations use fully qualified relations, like the links between codes and unlike the simple association
Use the margin area to between a code and a quotation. As "first-class" objects, these links can be assigned a dedicated comment.
display and edit link
comments. Such a comment could explain why quotation A has been linked to quotation B. Link comments can be accessed, displayed
and edited from three locations: the margin area, the Hyperlink Manager and the network editor.
The margin area has the advantage that it is readily available during scrolling through the documents. The network editor
method offers a visual approach to accomplishing this goal.
Select a hyperlink.
Edit the comment in text pane below the link list, or open a text editor by clicking the Editor comment button in the
ribbon, or the Edit Comment option in the context menu.
Move the mouse pointer to the link between two quotations and right-click.
notes about the analytical process, keeping a journal of to-dos, and to write up your analysis, formulating answers to
your research questions.
Memos can also be assigned as documents, if you want to code them (see "Using Memos as Document ").
Below there are only some ideas on how memos can be used. These are probably sufficient to get your started. But do not
feel restricted by the suggestions. In gaining more experience in working with the software, you may come up with more
ideas on how to use memos.
Notes for team members Things you notice during the analysis and that you want to discuss with your for team
Ideas As a place to collect ideas that arise during analysis memo
On the code system Notes on the code system like ideas on code refinement; ideas for potential memo
categories / higher order codes / sub codes; notes to yourself where you still
see areas of improvement
To-do-memo A general memo on things that are still on the to-do-list memo
Interpretations / answers to Memos can be used as a place for writing-up analysis. Use a quotation analysis
research questions comment for interpretations on single data segments and memos for
interpretations across a larger range of quotations, e.g. a retrieval by code or
the results of more complex retrievals in the query tool, the results of a code-
cooccurence or code-document table, etc.
Writing Comments
As detailed in the table above, you can write comments for:
• projects • codes • networks
• documents • memos • links
• quotations • groups • relations
In the Entity Managers, the comment for a selected entity is displayed in the text pane below the list pane. You may edit the
text right there or you might prefer to open a full-fledged text editor (see Figure 256). For minor changes, or if you do not
need any formatting options, working in the text pane in the Entity Manager is quite comfortable.
Sa vi ng A Co mment
A comment is saved automatically whenever you select another entity in the list or when you close the window. Changes can
be explicitly saved at any time by y clicking on the S AVE icon at the top right of the text pane (see Figure 257).
Creating Memos
Memos can be created from the H OME TAB, or in the Memo Manager(see Figure 259).
To create a memo from the Home tab , open the drop-down menu of NEW ENTITIES and select FREE M EMO.
Depending on your last settings, the memo editor may open as floating or docked window. Figure 261 shows a floating editor.
If you want to change between floated and docked windows, see "Working With Docked And Floated Windows,"
ATLAS.ti will remember your last used settings.
Begin to write your memo. When you are done, click the Save button and close the window.
All memos are listed in the Memo Manager.
Open the Memo Manager by clicking on MEMOS in the H OME TAB . The Memo Manager offers the following options:
All options in the Memos ribbon are explained here: "Memo Manager Ribbon."
Figure 260: Set types in Memo Cha ngi ng The M emo Type
Memos can be organized, sorted and filtered by the type attribute. Several standard memo types are offered by ATLAS.ti:
commentary, memo and theory. You can add new types or modify existing ones. The default type is 'memo'.
To change the memo type or create a new one:
Select one of the existing types to change the current one, or enter a new one in the field: Memo type.
Openi ng An E xi s ti ng M emo
If you want to review or continue to work on a memo, double-click the memo either in the Project Explorer, the Memo
Manager or in the margin area if you have linked a memo to a quotation.
Li nki ng M emos
Memos can be linked to other memos, quotations and codes. When writing up your analysis, you probably come across
segments in your data (quotations) that nicely illustrate the points you are making in the memo. In order not to lose these
quotations, you can link the memo to them.
Different from hyperlinks (quotation-quotation links), memo-entity links cannot be named. See "First and Second-Class
Links" for further detail.
If you drop a memo onto a code in the margin area, the code will be replaced!.
Figure 263 Illustrates the various options. In the margin area, the memo link shows the magenta colored memo icon. In the
Memo Manager you see the Groundedness count going up if you successfully linked a memo to a quotation. See
"Groundedness And Density Counts For Memos" for more information.
You can also link a quotation from the Project Explorer or the Quotation Browser to a memo via drag & drop.
Another option is to drag a quotation from the Quotation Manager to a memo in the Memo Manager to link the two; or vice
versa from the Memo Manager to the Quotation Manager.
You can also link a memo from the Project Explorer or the Memo Browser to a memo in the Memo Manager or margin area
via drag & drop. This also works the other way around.
Please note, of you drag-and-drop a memo on top of a code in the margin area you replace the code with the memo.
Which entities are linked to the memo can be seen in the Project Explorer on the left or in a network.
The easiest way to open a network for a memo is to right-click on a memo (no matter where you are – you can select a
memo in the margin area, the Memo Manager or the navigator) and select OPEN NETWORK from the context menu.
Figure 266: Open a network on a memo (here a memo has been selected in the margin area)
Figure 266 Shows the memo 'RQ2: positive and negative effects of parenting' and its links to two quotations and four codes.
Us i ng Memos a s Do cument
Memos can be assigned as documents to a project. You may want to consider this option if you want to code the memo. This
is how you do it.
Select the CONVERT TO DOCUMENT button in the ribbon, or from the context menu.
The memo is now added to your list of documents. You can continue to use the memo as memo (this is different from
version 7, where a memo that was converted to a document could not longer be edited).
The memo comment is not transferred. It is treated independently of the comment that you may want to write for the
memo document.
Querying Data
All exercises described in this chapter are based on the sample project Children & happiness (stage 2). You can download
and import it if you want to follow along.
There are several ways to query data. You already learned the steps for a simple retrieval based on one code, and based on
multiple codes using the Boolean operators AND or OR (see "Retrieving Coded Data"). In the following, four further ways of
querying data are shown:
• Code-Document Table: Looking for code frequencies (and content) across documents or document groups
• Code-Cooccurence Explorer and Table: Looking for code cooccurences. You might also think of it as a cross-tabulation of
• Query Tool: Looking for combinations of codes using Boolean, proximity or semantic operators
• Global Filtering
The Query Tool finds quotations based on a combination of codes like: "Show me all quotations where both Code A and Code
B have been applied." Such queries can also be combined with variables in form of documents or document groups. This
means that you can restrict a query to parts of your data like: "Show me all quotations where both Code A and Code B have
been applied, but only for female respondents between the age of 21 and 30." See "The Query Tool."
Smart Codes are stored queries. They can be reused and always reflect the current state of coding, e. g. after more coding
has been done or after coding has been modified. They can also be used as part of other query, thus, you can build complex
queries step by step. See "Working With Smart Codes ."
Smart Groups: Like smart codes, smart groups are stored queries based on groups. The purpose is to create groups on an
aggregate level. For instance, if you have groups for gender, age and location, you can create smart groups that reflect a
combination of these like all females from age group 1 living in city X (see "Working With Smart Codes ").
Global Filtering: Global filters allow you to restrict searches across the entire project. If you set a document group as global
filter, the results in the Codes-Document or Code-Cooccurence Table will be calculated based on the data in the filter and not
for the entire project. Global filters effect all tools, windows and also networks (see “Applying Global Filters For Data
• Before using the Code-Cooccurence Explorer or Table, you should be familiar with the "”Proximity Operators."
• If you want to create smart groups, you need to know about "Set Operators," especially how to use the operators AND
and OR.
• If you want to build queries or smart codes, you need to to know them all.
• To know about "Semantic Operators" helps to understand relation properties (see "Transitives Relationship") in
networks and how they can be queried.
Set O pera to rs
The following set operators are available: OR, AND, ONE OF and NOT.
OR, AND and ONE OF are binary operators which need exactly two operands as input. NOT needs only one operand. However,
the operands themselves may be of arbitrary complexity. Codes, code groups, or other smart codes can be used as operands:
ONE OF (Exactly one of the following is true): The ONE OF operator asks that "EXACTLY one of…" the conditions must
meet. It translates into everyday "either-or." Example: All quotations coded with EITHER 'Earth' OR 'Fire' (but not with both).
Figure 268: Available set AND (All of the following are true): The AND operator finds quotations that match ALL the conditions specified in the
operators query. This means you have applied two or more codes to the same quotation. Example: "All quotations coded with "Earth
AND Fire”. The AND operator is very selective and often produces an empty result set as it requires that the selected codes
have all been applied to exactly the same data segment. It produces best results when combined with less restrictive
operators or when the overall number of the available text segments is large.
OR (ANY of the following are true): The OR operator does not really match the everyday usage of "OR." Its meaning is "At
least one of…," including the case where ALL conditions match. The OR operator retrieves all quotations that are coded with
any of the codes used in the expression. Example: "All quotations coded with "Earth OR Fire” will produce a result list that
contains all quotations coded with 'Earth' and all quotations coded with 'Fire'.
NOT (None of the following are true): The NOT operator tests for the absence of a condition. Technically, it subtracts the
findings of the non-negated term from all data segments available. Given 120 quotations in the project and 12 quotations
assigned to code 'Fire', the query "NOT Fire” retrieves 108 quotations - those which are not coded with 'Fire'. Of course, the
operator can be used with an arbitrary expression as in the argument "NOT (Earth OR Fire)" which is the equivalent of
"neither Earth nor Fire."
Figure 269: Boolean queries
depicted as Venn diagrams Venn diagrams are descriptive schemes for illustrating the different set operations associated with Set operators.
The UP operator looks at all directly linked codes and their quotations at higher levels - all parents of a code.
The DOWN operator traverses the network from higher to lower concepts, collecting all quotations from any of the sub
codes. Only transitive code-code relations are processed; all others are ignored (see "Transitives Relationship").
When building a terminology from your codes, use the ISA relation for sub-term links.
Like the OR operator, the DOWN operator may produce large result sets. However, because you make use of purposefully
established links, the "precision" is likely better as compared to using OR. The SIBLING operator finds all quotations that are
connected to the selected code or any other descendants of the same parent code. Example: "All quotations coded with Love
or any other Positive Attitude, here: kindness (Figure 270 below).
Pro xi mi ty O pera to rs
Proximity describes the spatial relation between quotations. Quotations can be embedded in one another, one may follow
another, etc. The operators in this section exploit these relationships. They require two operands as their arguments. They
differ from the other operators in one important aspect: Proximity operators are non-commutative. This property makes their
usage a little more difficult to learn.
Non-commutativity requires a certain input sequence for the operands. While "A OR B" is equal to "B OR A," this does not
hold for any of the proximity operators: "A FOLLOWS B" is not equal to "B FOLLOWS A." When building a query, always enter
the expressions in the order in which they appear in their natural language manifestation.
Another important characteristic for these operators is the specification of the operand for which you want the quotations
retrieved. "A WITHIN B" specifies the constraint, but you must also specify if you want the quotations for the As or the Bs.
This is done implicitly by the sequence. The code (or term) that is entered first is the one in which you are interested. If B's
quotations are requested, you have to enter "B ENCLOSES A" using the query language described below.
The embedding operators describe quotations that are contained in one another and that are coded with certain codes.
Quotations enclosing quotations: A ENCLOSES B retrieves all quotations coded with A that contain quotations coded with
Quotations being enclosed by quotations: A being enclosed by B (WITHIN) retrieves all quotations coded with A that are
contained within data segments coded with B.
For example, if you want to retrieve all segments for 'hard work but: fulfillment' related to the code '#fam: have children',
you would need to enter the query as follows (Figure 273):
If you were to enter the query the other way around (i.e., the code 'fam: have children' on the left hand side), the query tool
would not deliver any results. If you are however interested in reading all quotations coded with '#fam: have children' that
contain segments coded with 'hard work but: fulfillment', the query would need to look as follows:
You always need to enter the code whose content you are most interested in on the right-hand side of the query.
The overlap operators describe quotations that overlap one another:
Overlaps (quotation overlapping at start): A OVERLAPS B retrieves all quotations coded with A that overlap quotations
coded with B
Overlapped by (quotations overlapping at end): A OVERLAPPED BY B retrieves all quotations coded with A that are
overlapped by quotations coded with B.
The query shown in Figure 275 retrieves all quotations that are coded with '#fam: 2 or more children' that cooccur with
quotations coded with codes in the code group 'effects of parenting positive' in whatever way.
The more general cooccurrence operator is quite useful when working with transcripts. In interviews, people often jump back
and forth in time or between contexts, and therefore it often does not make much sense to use the very specific embedding
or overlap operators. With other types of data they are however quite useful. Think of video data where it might be
important whether action A was already going on before action B started or vice versa. Or if you have coded longer sections in
your data like biographical time periods in a person's life and then did some more fine-grained coding within these time
periods. The WITHIN operator comes in very handy in such instances. The same applies when working with pre-coded survey
data where all questions are automatically coded by ATLAS.ti. Using the WITHIN operator you can ask for instance for all
quotations coded with 'topic x' WITHIN 'question 5'.
The distance operators describe a sequence of disjointed quotations.
Quotations following quotations: A FOLLOWS B retrieves all quotations coded with A that follow quotations coded with B.
Quotations preceding quotations: A PRECEDES B retrieves all quotations coded with A followed by quotations coded with
B. Currently the base unit is 1 (character or second). In future versions you will be able to specify a user-defined distance.
Openi ng The To o l
To open the tool, select the ANALYZE tab and click CODES-DOCUMENT -T ABLE .
In the following we present an example query based on the Children & Happiness - stage 2 sample project. If you want to
follow along, the project can be downloaded here.
In the example we compare statements about positive and negative effects of parenting across two documents. The
documents represent comments from readers of a parenting blog and from readers of an article that was published in the
New York Time Magazine on the topic of children and happiness.
After opening the tool, select codes or code groups and documents or documents groups to populate the cells in the table.
To select an item, you need to click the check-box. In front of it. It is also possible to select multiple items via the
standard selection techniques using the Ctrl or Shift-key. After highlighting multiple items, push the space bar to
activate the check boxes of all selected items, or right click and chose CHECK SELECTED .
The context menu in each selection list facilitates selection. See Figure 277.
To generate the table in Figure 279, all codes with the prefix 'effects pos” were selected. Entering a prefix in the Search field
above the selection lists will facilitate finding the items you are interested in.
Further the two documents D3 and D5 were selected.
In the ribbon, the option Codes as Rows was set.
The results in the table cells show how often each selected code was applied in each document (= the number codings). If you
click on a cell in the talbe, the quotation content is shown. You can select between list or preview option. In addition, it is
possible to export the quotations from there, currently in Excel format.
Next to each code, you see how often the code was applied in total in the entire project. If you select a code group, you see
the total number of codings for all codes in the code group. Below the documents, you see the total number of quotations in
each document. If you select a document group, the number of quotations plus the number of documents in each group is
This additional information allows you to better evaluate the numbers inside the table cells. If the value in the table cell is 10,
but the code overall was applied 100 times, this leads to a different interpretation as if the code was only applied 12 times in
the entire project.
When looking across documents, the total number of quotations gives you a hint whether it is better to normalize the data.
The same applies when comparing document groups. The number of documents in a group in combination with the total
number of quotations gives you an indication whether normalization will give you a better comparison. See “Normalization
and Relative Frequencies in the Code-Document Table.“
Show Lists: If you only want to see the table and not the selection lists, deactivate this option.
Refresh: If the table is open and you change some coding, you can click the 'Refresh' option to update the results.
Row Totals: Display the row total table
Column Totals: Display the column total in the table
Normalize: If documents are of unequal length, or document groups are of unequal size, you can normalize the data. This
means the number of codings per documents that are selected for the table are adjusted. As base the document with the
highest number of codings for the selected codes is used. For example, if you compare two documents and the total number
of codings for the first document is 100 andfor the second document it is 50, then all codings of the selected codes for the
second document are multiplied by 100/50 = 2. Below an example is shown.
Binarize: This option reduces the table to the information whether a code, or codes of a code group, occurs or do not occur in
a document or a document group. If they occur a black dot is shown; if not, the cell is empty. When you export the table to
Excel, the dots are 1s and the empty cells are 0s.
Absolute Frequencies: Display number of quotation occurrence per code or codes of a code group.
Column Rel.-Frequencies: Display relative frequencies based on the column codes. The total of each column will add up to
100%. See below for a more detailed description.
Row Rel.-Frequencies: Display relative frequencies based on the row codes. The total of each row will add up to 100%. See
below for a more detailed description.
Table Rel.-Frequencies: Display relative frequencies based on all codes used in the table. The totals of all row and column
codes will add up to 100%. See below for a more detailed description.
Count Codings: Count the number of times a code has been applied to a quotation. Please note, The number of codings can
be higher than the number of quotations as you can apply multiple codes to one quotation.
Count Words: Count the words of the quotations coded by code or codes of a code group.
Compress: This is a quick way to remove all rows or columns that only show empty cells. This is the same as manually
deactivating codes or documents that yield no results. Thus, you cannot “uncompress” a table.
Codes as Rows: Display all selected codes / code groups in the rows of the table.
Codes as Columns: Display all selected codes / code groups in the columns of the table.
Details: You can deactivate the quotation count that is shown after each code/code group, or below each document /
document group. Currently it is still included when you export the table to Excel.
Export: You can export the table to Excel, as plain text file, and as graphic file (see Figure 278).
Show Lists: If you only want to see the table and not the selection lists, deactivate this option.
Refresh: If the table is open and you change some coding, you can click the 'Refresh' option to update the results.
Autosize Columns: Adjust the size of the columns automatically so that the full label is shown.
Freeze first Column: Set if you do not want the auto size option to affect the first column.
Set Column Size: You can manually set the column size. 100 means that the column is as wide as the full label.
Which relative frequency count you select depends on how you display the table. If the two document groups were listed
as rows and the codes as columns, you would need to us row relative frequencies for a within group comparison.
Figure 281: Code-Document Table displaying absolute counts and column relative frequencies
You must read this table from top to bottom along the columns. It shows the distribution of the selected codes within the
two document group. The results of the table could be summarized as follows: As reasons for not having children, women
have mostly mentioned "self-centered" (58%) and "being there for others" (25%). For men, “self-centered” was also the
main reason (60%), followed by "responsibility" (20%) and "not worth the trade-off" and "state of the world" (both 10%).
Apart from the fact that these data are completely fictitious, this summary shows that percentages can inflate the results
quite a bit. There is only one quote for "not worth the trade-off" and "state of the world". In terms of percentage, it looks like
a lot more. Use this option with care. It is very useful for larger data sets and if you have a higher number of quotations.
Figure 282shows the absolute frequencies of the codings after normalization. The codings for the document group
gender::male have been multiplied by 12/10 = 1,2 so that the totals for both groups are the same.
For an easier comparison of the two groups, relative row frequencies can be calculated:
This table must be read from left to right. It allows you to compare the application of codes across documents or document
groups. If we for example compare males and females with regard to how often they mentioned “self-centered” as reasons
for not having children, than males mentioned it slightly more (50,7% as compared to 49,3% for females). The absolute
count would let us conclude that they mention is slightly less (6 times as compared to 7 times for women).
Let's consider one more example. Document 3 is about twice as long as document 5 in the Children & Happiness sample
project. Thus, the number of codings regarding a specific topic can be expected to be higher as well in document 3. If we
compare how often positive and negative effects of parenting were mentioned in both documents, normalizing the data will
give a more accurate picture.
Looking at the data without normalization it looks like that the readers of the NYTM article mention much fewer positive and
negative effects of parenting. After normalization, this interpretation needs to be adjusted. The reader of the NYTM article
mentioned more negative effects of parenting as compared to the readers of parenting blog (55% as compared to 45%) and
only slightly less positive effects (47% as compared to 53%).
You can display all values: absolute frequencies and all relative frequencies in one table by selecting all options. It depends on
the purpose for which you want to use the table. For interpreting the data, it is probably easier if you look at each of the
relative frequency counts separately. But for a comprehensive report for an appendix, you may want to export the table with
all options included.
The Code-Cooccurence Explorer can also be loaded from the Home tab into the navigator on the left hand side by
clicking on the drop-down arrow of the Navigator button.
After opening the tool, you only see the root objects.
Open the branches by clicking on arrow in front the root for Codes or Documents.
You will see the list of codes on the first level, if you expand the tree further, you see all co-occurring codes, and on the third
level the quotations.
When you open the Documents branch, you see all project documents on the first level, followed by codes that have been
applied to the document on the second level and the quotations coded with those codes on the third level.
Expand: If you select Codes, you can automatically expand to the code level, the cooccurence level or the quotation level.
If you select Documents, you can automatically expand to the document level, the cooccurence level or the quotation level.
In the above example, you can see all codes that cooccur with the code 'source (of happiness): children'. We can see that it
was mentioned by people commenting on the blog or the NYTM article, by those with children (1 or 2 children), by female
respondents mentioning some effects of parenting and some reasons for having children, plus as additional source of
happiness 'relationships'.
To see the data that were coded with the co-occurring codes, you can either double-click the code- all quotations coded
with that code are opened in a list – or you can expand the tree to the quotation level (see Figure 292):
We recommend to use the Code Co-occurrence Explorer to get a quick overview where there might be interesting
overlaps in your data. For accessing the quotations of co-occurring codes, the Code-Cooccurence Table is better suitable.
The document tree shows all codes that have been applied to a document. If you expand the tree further, you see the
quotation coded by these codes. The example shown in Figure 293 compares the coding of case 2 and case 3, which are
responses to two survey questions.
Co de Co -O ccurrence Ta b l e
The Co-occurrence Table in comparison to the Explorer shows the frequencies of co-occurrence in form of a matrix similar to a
correlation matrix that you may know from statistical software.
To open the tool, select the ANALYZE tab and click Codes-Document-Table.
Next, as indicated on the screen, you need to select the codes that you want to relate to each other:
As soon as you select at least one row code and one column code, the table fills with content. The results are displayed
The context menu in each selection list facilitates selection. See Figure 295.
To select an item, you need to click the check-box in front of it. It is also possible to select multiple items via the
standard selection techniques using the Ctrl or Shift-key. After highlighting multiple items, push the space bar to
activate the check boxes of all selected items, or right click and chose CHECK SELECTED FROM the context menu.
The number in the cell indicates the number of hits, how often the two code co-occur. See "Number Of Hits And Number Of
Involved Quotations" for more information.
If you click on a cell, the corresponding row and column codes and their quotations are displayed at the bottom of the
You can change between list and preview mode and you have an option to export the quotations. If you double-click on a
quotation, you can view it in the context of the document.
Show Lists: If you only want to see the table and not the selection lists, deactivate this option.
Refresh: If the table is open and you change some coding, you can click the 'Refresh' option to update the results.
Color: You can choose among three colors for the table cells ( blue, red and green) and no coloring. If you select a color, the
table cells are colored in different shades. The lighter the color, the higher the number in the cell.
Show count: Show the number of co-occurrences (=number of hits, see below).
Show Coefficient: The c-coefficient can only be meaningfully interpreted with larger data sets, or a large number of
quotations per case, e.g. if you code video data very fine-grained. Therefore it can be activated or deactivated. See "C-
Coefficient" for more detail.
Cluster quotations: If you want to count embedded quotations as only one count (compare "Embedding Operators"),
activate this option.
Compress: This is a quick way to remove all rows or columns that only show empty cells. This is the same as manually
deactivating codes that yield no results. Thus, you cannot “uncompress” a table.
Rows => Columns: Select to switch row and column codes.
Auto Size Columns: Adjust the size of the columns automatically so that the full label is shown.
Freeze first column: Set if you do not want the auto size option to affect the first column.
Set Column Size: You can manually set the column size. 100 means that the column is as wide as the full label.
Details: If activated, you see the total number of times the code has been applied to a quotation. This helps you to better
evaluate the numbers in each cell. The interpretation is likely different if two codes co-occur 10 times, if each of the codes
have been applied 50 or only 15 times.
Export: You can export the table to Excel (see Figure 299). If 'Show Count' is selected, only the number of co-occurrences are
exported. If 'Show Coefficient' is selected, only the c-coefficient and not the absolute number of hits are exported. If you
have selected both, both are exported:
The second co-occurrence is a 100% overlap, thus an AND occurrence as the two codes code the same quotation: 3:32.
The first and third cooccurence is an overlap as the quotation Ids are different for both codes. In the context of the data, the
overlaps for the third co-occurrence is as shown in Figure 301. Quotations 3:317 is embedded in the larger quotation and
if you select one of the co-occurring quotations, it is highlighted. If you select the corresponding second one, the boundary of
the second one is shown by the two orange dots.
The number of quotations can also be different in each list. This is the case if one code occurs two or more times within
another one.
The c-coefficient indicates the strength of the relation between two codes similar to a correlation coefficient. This option can
be activated in the ribbon of the Code Co-occurence Table. The calculation of the c-coefficient is based on approaches
borrowed from quantitative content analysis. The range of the c-coefficient is between 0: codes do not co-occur, and 1: these
two codes co-occur wherever they are used. It is calculated as follows:
c = n12/(n1 + n2 – n12)
n12 = co-occurrence frequency of two codes c1 and c2, whereby n1 and n2 are their occurrence frequency
When you hover with the mouse over a cell, a pop-up displays the ratio of the two codes.
The c-index (structurally resembling the Tanimoto and Jaquard Coefficient, which are similarity measures) assumes separate
non-overlapping text entities. Only then can we expect a correct range of values.
However, ATLAS.ti's quotations may overlap to any degree. Overlaps would only then bear no problem if there wasn't any
„coding redundancy. Let's look at a few scenarios.
Example 1: Two differently coded quotations overlap, we assume no more quotations available. Let P1 be a textual
document, q1 and q2 = quotations, and a,b = codes. q1 is coded with a, q2 is coded with b.
Example 2: q1 is coded with both codes a and b, the overlapping quotation q2 is coded with b
n_ab = 2. q1 alone counts for a co-occurrence event and the overlapping q1*q2 for another.
n_a = 1, n_b = 2
c = 2/(1 + 2 – 2) = 2!!
This results in a value of twice the allowed maximum. Thus, the C index is not appropriate to correctly represent co-
occurrence in redundantly overlapping texts. If the c-coefficient exceeds 1, you need to do some cleaning up and eliminate the
redundant codes (see “Finding Redundant Codings .“). ATLAS.ti currently does not correct such redundancies automatically.
In order not to present a misleading image, all cells displaying an out-of-range number (> 1) show a red dot in the top right
Correcting the redundant overlaps, could for example look like this:
We get three quotations. q1' coded with a and b, q1*2 coded with a and b, q2' coded with b:
The result is within the allowed range and it correctly takes into account that of the three possible co-occurrence events only
two apply. a.
When the mouse hovers over a cell, a pop-up displays the ratio of the two codes.
This video tutorial explains the co-occurrence concept in ATLAS.ti and shows how to examine them qualitatively and
The two Co-occurrence Tools are very useful for many kinds of analysis. But not all options make sense for all type of data. If
you have a smaller data set like a typical interview study with 10 to 20 respondents, then taking a look at the frequency
count for exploratory purposes is likely to provide some new ideas and where to pursue the analysis.
The c-coefficient is useful when working with larger amounts of cases and structured data like open-ended questions from
surveys. If you use the c-index, pay attention to the additional colored hints. As your data base is qualitative, the c-
coefficient is not the same as for instance a Pearson correlation coefficient and therefore also no p-values are provided.
In any case, co-occurrence measures need to be clearly understood, not only for the mechanical but also for semantic issues
involved in their meaningful interpretation (e. g., mixed application of codes with different level like broader and sub terms).
Furthermore, you need to be aware of the artifacts enforced by a table approach like being reduced to a pairwise comparison.
Higher order co-occurrences which would take more than two codes into account need more elaborate methods.
The Query Tool is used for retrieving quotations using the codes they were associated with during the process of coding. This
You need the Query Tool is different from a text search: To search for occurrences of text that match a specified pattern or string. For this you need to
for queries using more use "Project Search."
than a single code.
The simplest retrieval of this kind - search for quotations with codes- is what you frequently do with the Code Manager:
double-clicking on a code retrieves all its quotations (see "Simple Retrieval Using The Code Manager Or Navigator"). This may
already be regarded as a query, although it is a simple one. The next level are the "Simple AND And OR Queries In The
Quotation Manager." The Query Tool is more complex in that it can be used to create and process queries that include a
variety of combinations of codes.
A query is a search expression built from operands (codes and code groups) and operators (e. g. NOT, AND, OR, etc.) that
define the conditions that a quotation must meet to be retrieved (e. g., all quotations coded with both codes A and B).
By selecting codes or code code groups and operators, a query can be built incrementally which is instantaneously evaluated
and displayed as a list of quotations. This incremental building of complex search queries gives you an exploratory approach
toward even the most complex queries.
To open the tool, select the ANALYZE tab and click QUERY T OOL .
The query tool ribbon contains all "Available Operators For Querying Data ," plus a few options that help you build a query like
adding a code, changing an operator or saving a smart code. These options are explained below when explaining how to build
and edit queries.
At the left-hand side you see the list of codes and code groups that can be used as operands in a query. The main space is
reserved for displaying the query and the results. Remember the results of a query in the query tool are always quotations.
At the top right-hand side you find the report button to export the results of a query.
The tool is best understood when actually seeing how queries are build. Therefore in the following a few example queries are
Second step: Select the code 'reason for hc: cultural embedded believes' in the list of codes and double-click, or click on the
button ADD CODE in the ribbon. Drag-and-drop is currently not supported. Note the change in the query term.
Third step: Click on the second place holder to make it the active node. You recognize an active note by its blue frame (see
Select the code 'reason for hc: focusing illusion' in the list of codes and double-click, or click on the button ADD CODE in the
You can switch to preview mode. This option works well if your quotatoins are not long. For longer quotatoins, double-click a
quotation in the result list and read the quotation in context, or you create a report.
Creating A Report
To export the data to Excel, you can click on the report button on the top right-hand side of the quotation list (see Figure
to create a text report, click on the Report button in the ribbon. The drop-down menu offers the following options:
Report: This is a report that you can customize. It is explained in more detail in the section “Creating Reports." An example
is shown below.
List: Use this output for audio and video data that have no text content. Only the reference, the quotation ID and name are
included in the report. It can also be a useful option if you have started your analysis utilizing the quotation level, renaming
and commenting quotations instead of coding right-away
List With Comments: Same application as the List output including comments. If you have made extensive use of
comments to describe your data segment, this output option is useful.
Full Content: Includes the full content of text and image quotations, plus the full quotation reference, any codes, memos
Figure 316: Report options
and hyperlinks that apply.
Content plus Comments: Includes the full content of text and image quotations including comments, the full quotation
reference, any codes, memos and hyperlinks that apply.
To create a report that contains the quotations show in the list of results in Figure 316, click the REPORT button.
Select 'Content' if you only want to read the quotations in full. Add 'Codes' if you want to see which other codes have been
applied to the quotations.
Figure 318: Create document groups from results in the query tool
You can enter a name for the document group after clicking on the button New Document Group. The document group will
then be shown in the Project Explorer and the Document Manager:
Question: Find all quotations where people who have more than two children talk about how to define happiness.
Second step: As we want to read only the segments where those with two children talk about how to define happiness,
we first need to select the code group 'definition happiness'. If we were to enter the code 'fam: 2 or more children' on the
right hand side, we would get get the entire response of all respondents with two children and not only the parts where
they talk about the definition of happiness. Compare "Proximity Operators."
Figure 321: Adding the code to the query whose quotation we want to read
If you got the operands the wrong way around, you can swap them by clicking on the Swap button in the ribbon.
Third step: Click on the second place holder to make it the active node. You recognize an active note by its blue frame (see
left). Select the code '#fam: 2 or more children' in the list of codes and double-click, or click on the button ADD CODE in the
Next, we want to show how to build a query that contains two operators. The question that should be examined is as follows:
Question: Do parents who report negative aspects of parenting also talk about positive aspects?
Second step: As for this query in the first step, we want all segments where parents write about negative effects of
parenting, select the '#fam: have children' code via a double-click to be entered in the node on the left hand side.
Figure 323:On the left-hand side select the code whose quotation you want to read
On the right-hand side, you enter the code group 'effects of parenting negative'.
Figure 324: On the right-hand side select the cooccurring code that
you are interested in
As we only want to find comments where parents both raise positive and negative issues around parenting, we need to
extend the query further:
Step 4: Make sure that the cooccurence node is the active element in the query. You will see a blue frame around it. Now
select the Co-occurs operator again.
Select the code group 'effects of parenting positive' to complete the query.
The resulting number of quotations for this query is 7. Thus, seven respondents have written about both positive and
negative effects of parenting. You can review the results in context, or create a report if you prefer to read all quotations in
an editor.
Another option is to store the query as a smart code for further re-use:
Click on the S AVE SMART CODE button in the QUERY T OOL tab.
Enter a name for the smart code and click CREATE . If the query result is needed to answer a particular research question,
this could be reflected in the name, e.g. Research question 3: positive & negative views on parenting.
You can now review all quotations of this query at any time that is convenient, e.g. in the Code or Quotation Manager. Smart
codes can be recognized by the gray dot at the bottom left hand side of the code icon. See "Working With Smart Codes " for
further information.
Question: Find all blog comments where respondents express the opinion that children bring greater happiness, but at the
same time also report negative effects of parenting.
The resulting query should then be modified:
• to find blog comments where respondents express the opinion that children bring greater happiness and also write about
positive effects of parenting.
• to find blog comments here respondents express the opinion that children lower happiness and write about negative
effects of parenting.
• to find blog comments here respondents express the opinion that children lower happiness, but at the same time report
positive effects of parenting.
First step: Select the operator Encloses in the ribbon. On the left-hand side enter the code '#blog entry' and on the right-
hand side the code 'children: > happiness'
Figure 328: Finding all blog entries that contain segments coded with children:>happiness
Second step: As the blog entry should also contain comments on negative effects of parenting, we need to find matching
blog entries. This means we need to select the operator AND. The new node we use to enter a new query that finds the
matching blog entries that we are looking for.
Third step: Click on the new node to make it the active node. Select the ENCLOSES operator again.
Figure 331: Entering a second query term for the AND operation
Fourth Step: On the left-hand side enter the code '#blog entry' and on the right-hand side the code group 'effects of
parenting negative', ATLAS.ti finds one quotation.
And this is the blog entry which fit the criteria, we have been looking for:
Select the node with the code group 'Effects of parenting negative' and click on the DELETE button in the ribbon.
Click on the empty node so it is activated and select the code group "Effects of parenting positive'. ATLAS.ti finds 4 blog
entries this time.
The other two modifications look as follows – you exchange the code 'children: > happiness' with 'children: < happiness',
and also match it with blog entries that either contain comments on positive or negative effects of parenting:
After starting the query tool, select the code group 'definition happiness' with a double-click. This retrieval results in 20
quotations that you see at the bottom right in the blue status line.
To filter the result list by documents or document groups, switch to the Scope Tool ribbon and click on the button EDIT
After selecting the Edit Scope option, an additional region opens on the left-hand side.
As scope select document 3 is selected (double-click). This filters the list of quotations in the result pane at the bottom
right. Also the information in the blue status bar changes and the scope is added above the query term.
With the scope set to document D3, the number of resulting quotations is 11. In addition, ATLAS.ti provides the total number
of quotations of the term that you have set as scope (here: the 320 quotations of document D3). The term can be as simple
as just one document or document group. You can however also build a more complex scope using Boolean operators (AND,
OR, ONE OF and NOT).
To change the scope, click on the D ELETE button in the Scope Tool!. This resets the scope.
If you want to delete a scope, pay attention that you are in the Scope Tool and not the Query tool. If you click the Delete
button in the Query Tool, your query is deleted.
Smart Codes store a query to compute their virtual references whenever needed.
They "automatically" change their behavior during the course of the analysis. If you have a Smart Code based on a query like
(Code A | Code B) COOCCUR Code C
and you add or delete quotations linked to either Code A, B or C, then the smart code will automatically be adjusted. Smart
Codes can be selected in code lists like any other code and they will display their quotations in an identical way.
Smart codes are displayed in the Code Manager just like regular codes and can be recognized by a gray dot at the bottom left
of the code icon.
The list of quotations associated with the Smart Code can be displayed with a double-click, just as for any other code.
Frequencies/density are only shown if the smart code has been activated at least one time during a session, e.g. with a
double-click in the Code Manager.
If you start a new session, an asterisk (*) replaces the frequency count. The reason for this is that a Smart Code is dynamic
and its density/frequency count changes as soon as you modify any of the codes contained in the query of the Smart Code.
For the same reason, Smart Codes are not displayed in the margin area.
Smart Codes can be used in code groups, networks, and, last but not least, as powerful operands in queries, allowing you to
incrementally build complex queries.
There is the possibility to create a regular code from a Smart Code. See "Creating Snapshot Codes."
Select the two codes '#fam: don't want children' and '#fam: don't have children yet' in the side-panel by holding down the
Right-click on one of the selected codes and select the option CREATE SMART CODE from the context menu, or click on the
S MART CODE button in the ribbon.
Figure 340: Select Create Smart Code option from the context menu
Open the Code Manager, select two or more codes, right-click and selec the CREATE S MART CODE option from the context
E di ti ng Sma rt Co des
If you want to see the query behind a smart code, of if you want to modify the query, you can edit a smart code. To do so:
Open the Code Manager, select the Smart Code and click on the button EDIT SMART CODE .
This opens the query tool where you can review and modify the smart code.Figure 342 shows the smart code that is
shown to be created in Figure 341.
Select a Smart Code and click on the button CREATE S NAPSHOT in the ribbon.
To create a new smart group, open an entity manager. See "Launching An Entity Manager."
Select the desired operator first. Click on the operator button, or right-click in the side panel and select CHANGE OPERATOR.
Next select the groups that you want to combine and the desired operator from the down down menu as shown in Figure
Right-click on one of the selected groups and select the option NEW SMART G ROUP from the context menu. Accept the
suggested name or enter a new one and click CREATE .
Smart entities can be recognized by the little gray circle at the bottom left of the icon. See left.
Select the smart group in the Group Manager. Select the CREATE S NAPSHOT button from the ribbon.
Currently only groups can be set a global filter. Other entities will be added in the future. If you want to set a single
document or code as global filter, you need to create a group for it. This is a current work around until it is possible to
also set single entities as global filter.
As mentioned above, document group filters have an effect on quotations. If you open the Quotation Manager and a
document group is set as global filter, you will see an orange global filter bar on top of the quotation list.
In Figure 353 the global filter is combined with a local code filter (beige colored bar). This results in the following query: Show
me all quotations of the code “reasons for nhc: self-centered” for all female respondents.
Figure 346: A global quotation filter combined with a local code filter
Figure 347: Network created with the support of global filters + filtered emphasize one area of interest (ATLAS.ti Mac)
Figure 347 Shows a network that has been created with the help of a global code filter. The question behind the network
was: Which positive and negative effects of parenting have been mentioned by those with 1, 2 or 3 children.
These were the steps to create the network:
The data are comprised of 140 comments to a parenting blog and a NYTM article Thus, there are many comments by
different people in one data file. Therefore demographics like gender or number of children was coded.
In order to filter out all other aspects, a code group was created that only contained the three attribute codes (#fam, 1 child,
#fam: 2 children, #fam: 3 or more children) + the effects of parenting codes. Subsequently this group was set as global
The next step was to open a network for each attribute code and to import all co-occurring codes. As the global filter was set,
only the 'effects of parenting' codes were imported.
Based on these, a network with all three attribute codes was created. This was achieved by adding all attribute codes for
number of children into one network and importing all code neighbors:
Figure 166 shows the resulting network using the organic layout and poly-line rerouting option:
Figure 351: Network with all three attribute codes based on an organic layout and poly-line rerouting (ATLAS.ti Win)
Next, the global filter was changed to codes from the code group: 'Positive effects of parenting'. All other effects are faded
out in the background.
If you want to remove a filter completely, click on the X on the right. The Project Explorer in the navigation area offers a
convenient way to do so.
The word "network" is an ubiquitous and powerful metaphor found in many different fields of research and application. Flow
charts in project planning, text graphs in hypertext systems, cognitive models of memory and knowledge representation
(semantic networks) are all networks that serve to represent complex information by intuitively accessible graphic means.
One of the most attractive properties of graphs is their intuitive graphical presentation, mostly in form of two-dimensional
layouts of labeled nodes and links.
In contrast with linear, sequential representations (e. g., text), presentations of knowledge in networks resemble more
closely the way human memory and thought is structured. Cognitive "load" in handling complex relationships is reduced with
the aid of spatial representation techniques. ATLAS.ti uses networks to help represent and explore conceptual structures.
Networks add a heuristic "right brain" approach to qualitative analysis.
The user can manipulate and display almost all entities of a project as nodes in a network: quotations, codes, code group,
memos, memo groups, other networks, documents, document groups and also all smart entities. The following discussion
applies to all nodes regardless of their type. See "Node Types."
Video Tutorials: ATLAS.ti 8 Windows-Visualizing Linkages in Networks and ATLAS.ti 8 Windows-Creating and Displaying
Semantic Linkages
Links are created either implicitly (e. g., when coding a quotation, the quotation is "linked" to a code), or explicitly by the user.
See "Linking Nodes."
Strictly speaking, code-quotation associations ("codings") also form a network . However, you cannot name these links, the
code is simply associated with a quotation through the act of coding. In a network you can visualize these links (Figure 359).
In ATLAS.ti all unnamed links are referred to as second class links, all named links are referred to as first-class links.
ATLAS.ti allows you to establish named links to more clearly express the nature of the relationships between concepts. With
A default set of relations named links, you may express a sentence like "a broken leg causes pain" by two nodes (the source node "broken leg" and the
is provided. You may target node "pain") connected with a named link ("causes" or "is-cause-of").
define your own.
The name of a link is displayed in the network editor as a label attached to the link midway between the two connected
nodes. Six pre-set relations are available in ATLAS.ti. These standard relations can be substituted, modified, or
supplemented by user-defined relations.
Some of these characteristics directly affect the display of links, while others affect processing (e. g., search routines,
automatic layout). A link between concepts is displayed in a network editor by a line with the relation's label. You can choose
from three different labels (name, short and symbolic).
The "formal attribute" affects both the display and processing capabilities of a relation. All transitive and asymmetric
relations are symbolized in the network editor with an arrow pointing toward the target code. Symmetric relations are
displayed as a line without arrows.
The following properties are user-definable: the lables, the width and color of the line linking two nodes, the formal property,
and the preferred layout direction. The preferred layout direction affects the layout of a network when ATLAS.ti
automatically arranges the nodes. See "Layout And Routing ."
A relation R is symmetric if it holds for all A and B related with R that A is related to B if, and only if, B is related to A.
If A has a relation R to B, and B has a relation R to C, then A has a relation R to B.
• equality is a transitive relation: a = b, b = c, hence a = c
• "is descendant of"
• "less than" is a transitive relation: a < b, b < c, hence a < c
• mother(x,y) is not a transitive relation
• sister(x,y) is a transitive relation (if all are females)
• brother (x,y) is a transitive relation (if all are males)
If x has a relation R to y, but y does not have a relation R to x.
A graph is asymmetric if:
• for every edge, there is not an edge in the other direction, then the relation is asymmetric
• loops are not allowed in an asymmetric digraph
• "is a child of": if Martin is the child of Marilyn, then Marilyn cannot be the child of Martin.
• "is less than," if x < y, then y is not less than x
A lot of your directed relations in ATLAS.ti will probably be asymmetric as often if A leads to B, it does not automatically
also lead to / result in / is part of C. Thus, it is not transitive. Transitive relations are for instance applicable if you
develop a taxonomy.
In Figure 366 a conceptual network is shown, which is more like telling a story how things fit together in your data. Those
stories can in most cases not be expressed based on transitive relations.
Li nk vs . Rel a ti o n
It is important to understand the difference between a relation (or a link type) and the link itself: There is only one "is part of"
relation, but potentially many links using it. In the Network below, the relation "is part of" is used four times and the the
relation "strategy for" is used five times.
Another way to think of links and relations is to view links as instances of relations. Links are well informed about the
characteristics of relations, which define their styles. If a characteristic of a relation is changed (e. g., line width, color,
symbol), these changes are propagated to all links using it.
If you are interested in learning more about network theory and how it is applied in ATLAS.ti, you can watch the
following video: Did you ever wonder what's behind the ATLAS.ti network function .
No de Types
The following object classes can be displayed and edited as nodes within the network editor.
Memos in networks are often an important supplement to code networks.
Figure 370: A memo as
node Several theoretical memos can be imported into a network to map out their relationship. The visual layout provides
comfortable territory for moving from memo to memo to read and contemplate each individually and the relationship(s)
between them.
Documents as nodes are useful for case comparisons paired with the option to "Add Node Neighbors." Further, documents as
nodes make a nice graphical content table for graphical documents when selecting the preview.
Depending on the file format, the document node icon is slightly different. It contains the comment icon, if a comment has
been written for the document.
Displaying groups and their members in networks are useful to present all members that are part of the group. The links
Figure 372:
Quotations as nodes between a group and its members are depicted by a dotted red line. The line property cannot be changed.
Another application is to import code neighbors of document groups. The following network shows the result of a social
network analysis with the two persons serving as bridges between the two groups:
The lines between document groups and their members are colored in blue (source: McKether, Willi L. and Friese, S. (2016).
Qualitative Social Network Analysis with ATLAS.ti: Increasing power in a black community.)
Networks as nodes allow the inclusion of networks in other networks. They cannot be linked to anything, but via the context
menu you can open the network in a separate network editor. You can also double-click to open the network (see Figure 376).
If it has a comment, the comment is displayed and from there you can click to open it. This is for instance useful if you are
running out of space on your screen. Instead of trying to represent everything in one network, you can create several
networks that build on each other. Via a network node in a network, you can continue to tell the story you want to tell.
View Options
The display characteristics of the nodes can be altered in a variety of ways.
To change the node or link style, select the View tab in a network editor, or in the contextual tab of the Network Tools.
Vi ew
Overview: If you select this option, a schematic overview of the network is shown.
Fit to Window:This options adjust the network to fit the size of the currently opened network editor.
Grid: The grid helps you to position nodes.
Snap: Snapping llows an object to be easily positioned in alignment with grid lines, guide lines or another object, by causing
Figure 380: Node options
it to automatically jump to an exact position when the user drags it to the proximity of the desired location.
Routing: See “Layout And Routing .”
Layout: See “Layout And Routing .”
Link Label: In Figure 360the default relations are shown. See also "Relation Manager." You can define three labels for each
relation, a full name, a short name and a symbolic name. Depending on what you want to see in your network, you can switch
the label that is shown. If you change to a different label, this applies to all relations in the network.
Node Styles: Nodes can be displayed in four different styles. In the View tab open the drop-down menu for Node Styles. The
default style is 'flat'
Styl e
Comments: If activated the comments of all nodes that have comments are displayed.
Code-Documents Connections: There are no direct links between documents and codes as you do not directly apply codes to
a document. You apply codes to quotations that are part of a document. Nonetheless at times it is interesting to see which
codes have been applied to a document or a document group. In order to see those connections, you need to activate this
option. Code-Documents Connection are shown as blue lines. See Figure 384 and also Figure 375.
Preview: The preview can be activated for all nodes where it applies if you activate the option in the ribbon. If you only want
to see the preview of selected entities, right-click the entity and select the Preview option from the context menu.
Frequencies: If activated it displays the the groundedness and density of code and memo nodes in the network. See "Code
Manager Columns" and Memo Manager Columns."
Show Node Icons: The node type icon can be switched on and off for all nodes. The small image used as a node icon
increases the distinctiveness of the nodes, especially when a mixture of node types exists in a network. Nonetheless, when
space runs low, you may prefer to switch off the icons.
Crea ti ng A N ew N etwo rk
In the Home tab open the drop-down menu for New Entities and select NEW NETWORKS . Enter a name for the network and
click CREATE .
Another option is to open the Network Manager with a click on the Networks button and select New Network in the ribbon of
the Network Manager.
Import nodes with any of the methods described in the section "Adding Nodes To A Network" below.
Select the entity type and then the entities that you want to add to the network.
Select the node(s) you want to import into the network and drag-and-drop them into the editor. If you want to make
multiple selections, you need to open an entity browser or a manager and drag-and-drop from there.
Drag the selected objects into the network editor, and drop them there.
Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard, move the mouse pointer over the node and left click.
Move the mouse pointer above and left to one of the nodes to be selected.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer down and right to cover all nodes to be selected with the
selection marquee.
Li nki ng N o des
The links between nodes in a network are real connections between the entities. Therefore, creating and removing links
should not be regarded as solely "cosmetic" operations. Links make permanent changes to the project.
There are several ways to link nodes:
The two nodes are now linked to each other. In case of a first-class link between two codes or between two quotations, the
relation name is displayed above the line (rotated).
To set the display options, select DISPLAY / LINK DISPLAY from the network editor's menu.
A black line appears. Move the end on top of another node and left-click.
If you link two codes to each other or two quotations, then a list of relations pops up. Select one of the offered relations
via a left click.
You need to use the method for linking if you want to link more than two nodes at a time.
As a reminder, Density counts all direct links to other codes. For instance, if six source codes are linked to one target
code, the target code is incremented by 6; each source code is incremented by one.
Select one or more source items in the Manager's list pane and drag them to the target item in the same pane.
Select a relation from the list of relations in case you link codes, or quotations.
Figure 389: Linking quotations in the Quotation Manager via drag & drop
Select an entity in the margin area, in a manager, the project explorer or any browser, right-click and select O PEN NETWORK
(or Open in Network Editor). Another option is to select the Open Network button in the ribbon. It is available if you select
an entity in a manager.
In the managers and browsers you can select multiple entities and select the OPEN NETWORK option. If multiple entities are
selected, their neighbors are not automatically included in the network. You can import their neighbors in a subsequent step.
The nodes are initially placed using the semantic layout procedure, but can be rearranged manually or using any of the other
layout procedures (see "Layout And Routing "). More nodes can be added to this network using different techniques . See
"Adding Nodes To A Network."
Each time a network is opened on a selected entity, a new network is created. There is no need to save it, as you can
easily display it at any time following the steps above. If you rearrange the nodes and want to preserve the new layout,
or if you add or remove nodes, then you need to save it explicitly: In the main Network ribbon select SAVE . Saved
networks can be selected from the Project Explorer, the list or the Network Manager, the Networks Browser and the
Network Manager.
Move the mouse pointer to the line and left-click. The selected link label will be displayed boxed. All previously selected
nodes/links are deselected.
If you want to edit the link, right-click and open the context menu, or select the available options in the ribbon.
Being able to flip a link is relevant for directed links, i.e. relations with the property asymmetric or transitive. See "Formal
In the Nodes tab, select the option S ELECT NEIGHBORS, or press the short-cut CTRL-N on the keyboard.
To mark a complete connected sub-network, repeat the previous step until all nodes within the partial network are
Cutti ng Li nks
Several approaches to disconnecting previously linked nodes are available. The first method is useful when many nodes
linked to one other node are to be disconnected, but it also works to cut just one link.
Select one or more nodes whose connections to another node are to be removed.
Click the CUT LINKS button in the ribbon. Nothing happens until you move the mouse pointer over the target node. If you
do the target node is boxed and the links to be cut are colored in orange.
To cut a single link, right-click on the link and select the CUT LINK option from the context menu (see Figure 390).
Mo vi ng N o des
By moving nodes to different positions, you can modify an initial layout created by the automatic layout procedure. For
precision placement of nodes, use the Grid and Snap option under the View tab.
Do not forget to save the network (and the project itself at the end of the session) if you want to make the new layout
Res i zi ng N o des
Nodes can be individually resized.
Left-click a node at the bottom right corner and drag the box to make it larger or smaller.
Cl ea r N o de Si z es
If you have modified the node size, this option will reset the node size of selected node(s) to the default size.
Setti ng Co de No de Col o rs
In addition to applying colors to codes in the Code Manager, you can also set or edit the color of code nodes in networks.
Click on the main Network tab, open the drop down menu of the COLOR button and select a color.
If you click on the Color button and not on the drop down arrow, you remove any existing color.
Right-click and select R EMOVE FROM VIEW, or press the Del key on your keyboard, or select the Remove Nodes option in the
‘Removing Nodes' will not Nodes ribbon.
delete the entities they
Add all codes that you want to review and eventually merge into a network editor.
Select the code nodes that you want to merge, but not the target node. This is the node where you want all codes to be
merged into.
Click on the MERGE button in the ribbon of the Nodes tab. Move with your mouse over the target code node. A green
colored frame will appear.
Click on the target node and all selected code nodes will be merged into it.
Dupl i ca te Co des
If you duplicate a code, it will be like a clone. It will inherit all attributes like comment and color and all links. You find the
Duplicate option on the Nodes ribbon.
Crea ti ng A N ew Co de
When building networks, at times the need arises to insert a new code to be able to build the model you want to build, or to
tell just the story that fits your data. Therefore you find an option to create a new code in both the Network and the Node
Co py / Pa s te
You can copy and paste nodes from one network into another. If you paste a copied node into a text editor like a comment or
memo, the name of the node is pasted. You find the option und Nodes ribbon.
Sa vi ng A N etwo rk
All links that you create are saved as soon as you save the project file. You only need to save a network, if you want to
preserve the layout, i. e. the way you have arranged the nodes within the editor. If you do not save a particular view, you can
always open up a network on an entity again and ATLAS.ti will arrange the entities according to the default or user-defined
layout directions.
To save a specific layout you have created, click on the button SAVE in the main Network ribbon.
The automatic layouts are not stored when you save a network. See "Layout And Routing ."
Dupl i ca ti ng A Netwo rk
If you want to continue working on a copy of a network, you can create a spin-off by clicking on the button CREATE S PIN-
OFF in the main Network ribbon.
In the network manager you can enter a comment for each network to describe it.
User-defined relations are only available for code-code or quotation-quotation links. All other links use "hard-wired"
relations (like the ones between quotations and codes).
New relations are stored together with the project in which they are used in addition to the default relations that come with
ATLAS.ti (see "ATLAS.ti Default Relations“).
New relations are created in the Relation Manager. You can define how a relation should look like in terms of color, width and
line style. Further you can select the layout direction and the formal property. The formal property defines whether a relation
is directed (transitive, asymmetric), or non-directed (symmetric).
You can access the Relation Editor via the LINKS button in the Home tab. Click on the drop-down arrow and select
R ELATIONS . Another option is to select the R ELATION M ANAGER button in the main ribbon in a network editor.
The ribbon options and column information has been described in detail in the section: "Relation Manager."
Depending on whether you want to create a new code-code relation or a new hyperlink relation, you need to select the
appropriate category first. The process of how to create a new relation is the same for both.
If you wish, you can specify the preferred layout direction that is used to automatically draw the picture when opening a
network on an object.
The final attribute to enter is the "formal property" of the relation: transitive, symmetric, or asymmetric. See "Formal
Properties" for further information.
Optionally, you can describe the newly created relation in comment field to the right.
E di ti ng E xi s ti ng Rela ti o ns
You can change the properties of relations. If these relations are already in use by the currently loaded project, changes will
take immediate affect and are stored along with the project when saving it.
In the list of relations, select a relation that you want to modify and change any of the values. You can rename the
relation, change the line color, line width or style and its property.
You can access them in the Network Editor via the main Network Tab and the View tab.
La yo ut
Orthogonal Layout: Orthogonal layouts allow the edges of the graph to run horizontally or vertically, parallel to the coordinate
axes of the layout. It produces compact drawings with no overlaps, few crossings, and few bends.
Orthogonal Tree Layout: Same as the standard orthogonal layout, but larger sub trees are processed using a specialized tree
layout algorithm, which is better suited for tree-like structures than the original orthogonal layout style.
Circular Layout: The circular layout places the nodes on a circle, choosing carefully the ordering of the nodes around the circle
to reduce crossings and place adjacent nodes close to each other. It emphasize group and tree structures within a network. It
creates node partitions by analyzing the connectivity structure of the network, and arranges the partitions as separate
circles. The circles themselves are arranged in a radial tree layout fashion. This algorithm suits social network analysis quite
Circular Single Cycle Layout: This is similar to the circular layout, only that sub groups are not created and all nodes are
placed on a single circle. Useful for creating an overview and for shallow hierarchies.
Organic Layout: The organic layout style is based on the force-directed layout paradigm. When calculating a layout, the
nodes are considered to be physical objects with mutually repulsive forces, like, e.g., protons or electrons. The connections
between nodes also follow the physical analogy and are considered to be springs attached to the pair of nodes. These springs
produce repulsive or attractive forces between their end points if they are too short or too long. The layout algorithm
simulates these physical forces and rearranges the positions of the nodes in such a way that the sum of the forces emitted
by the nodes and the edges reaches a (local) minimum. Resulting layouts often expose the inherent symmetric and clustered
structure of a graph, they show a well-balanced distribution of nodes and have few edge crossings.
Radial Layout: When applying the radial layout style, the nodes of a graph are arranged on concentric circles. The layout
calculation starts by conceptually reducing the graph to a tree structure whose root node is taken as the center of all circles.
Each child node in this tree structure is then placed on the next outer circle within the sector of the circle that was reserved
by its parent node. All edges that were initially ignored are re-established and the radii of the circles are calculated taking the
sector sizes needed by each whole sub tree into account. This layout style is well suited for the visualization of directed
graphs and tree-like structures.
Hierarchical Layout: The hierarchical layout style aims to highlight the main direction or flow within a directed graph. The
nodes of a graph are placed in hierarchically arranged layers such that the (majority of) edges of the graph show the same
overall orientation, for example, top-to-bottom. Additionally, the ordering of the nodes within each layer is chosen in such a
way that the number of edge crossings is small.
Hierarchical Layout (Top-Bottom): Prefers to place nodes downwards from top to bottom along directed links.
Hierarchical Layout (Bottom-Top): Prefers to place nodes upwards from bottom to top along directed links.
Hierarchical Layout (Left-Right): Prefers to place nodes from left to right along directed links.
Hierarchical Layout (Right-Left: Prefers to place nodes from right to left along directed links.
Tree Layout: The tree layout is designed to arrange directed and non-directed trees that have a unique root node. All
children are placed below their parent in relation to the main layout direction. A child-parent relation in ATLAS.ti is defined
via a transitive or asymmetric link. Before applying the layout all nodes compromising a strict tree are removed and added
after the tree layout by connecting them with curved edges.
Tree layout algorithms are commonly used for visualizing relational data. The layout algorithm starts from the root and
recursively assigns coordinates to all tree nodes. In this manner, leaf nodes will be placed first, while each parent node is
placed centered above its children.
Random Layout: Randomly places the nodes every time this layout is invoked.
Ro uti ng
The positions of the nodes in the network are not altered by rerouting the edges.
Orthogonal Routing:This is a versatile and powerful layout algorithm for routing a diagram's edges
using vertical and horizontal line segments only. The positions of the diagram's nodes will remain
fixed. Usually, the routed edges will not cut through any nodes or overlap any other edges.
Poly Line Edge Routing: Polyline edge routing calculates polyline edge paths for a diagram's edges. The positions of the
nodes in the diagram are not altered by this algorithm. Edges can be routed orthogonally, i.e., each edge path consists of
horizontal and vertical segments, or octilinear. Octilinear means that the slope of each segment of an edge path is a multiple
of 45 degree.
Organic Routing: This algorithm routes edges organically to ensure that they do not overlap nodes and that they keep a
specifiable minimal distance to the nodes. It is especially well suited for nonorthogonal, organic or cyclic layout styles.
Straight Routing: Draw the links between nodes as straight lines without any consideration of node and edge crossing.
Please note, that currently all non-straight edges are not retained when closing and reopening the network.
Analytic Functions
Add No de N ei ghb o rs
This method imports all direct neighbors of the selected nodes into the network. This option is also available from the node's
context menu. Importing direct neighbors allows you to construct a connected network step-by-step. In a connected graph,
there is always a direct or indirect path between any two nodes.
Select one or more nodes, right-click and select the option ADD NEIGHBORS and then the type of entity that you want to
Below you see the list of neighbors for each entity. The option “all common” imports all neighboring nodes.
Documents • Codes
• Quotations
• Groups
Quotations • Codes
• Memos
• Quotations
• Documents
Codes • Codes
• Memos
• Quotations
• Groups
Memos • Codes
• Memos
• Quotations
• Groups
Co mpa ri ng Ca s es
Adding code neighbors to documents or document groups allows to create case-based network. You can ask questions like:
Which of the codes have been applied in which document or document group (and where do they not occur). ATLAS.ti
automatically draws light gray lines between codes and the primary documents.
In Figure 403 you see an example. It shows the type of reasons that have been mentioned by respondents of the two
document groups “education::highschool” and “education::come college”. In order to focus only on the “reasons for having
children codes”, the code group “reasons for having children” was set as global filter.
Depending which neighbors you are adding, it often is useful to set a global filter as otherwise too many items might be
imported. See “Applying Global Filters For Data Analysis.“
Figure 403: Using networks to compare cases (here two document groups)
Ad Co -o ccurri ng Co des
For code nodes, there is a special import feature that exploits the spatial relations of different codings. A code co-occurs with
another if it has been used to code quotations that are in close proximity: embedded, overlapping, or if two or more codes are
applied to the same quotation.
The proximity of coding applied to a text can also be exploited via the Query Tool’s “co-occurrence” proximity operator.
However, while the Query Tool yields quotations for explicitly specified codes, the import function brings in only the codes.
See “Proximity Operators“.
To import co-occurring codes:
Select one or more code nodes, right-click and select ADD CO-OCCURING CODES , or select NODES / A DD CO-CCCURRING CODES
from the ribbon.
When importing co-occuring codes it is often useful to set a global filter first. See “Applying Global Filters For Data
Exporting Networks
Networks can be exported as graphic file, exported as XPS or PDF file, or printed.
To save a network as graphic file, select the EXPOR t tab in the Network Editor and the EXPORT BITMAP option. When saving
the file, you can chose among the following graphic file formats:
To save a network in the Microsoft XPS format, select the EXPORT XPS option. The XPS format is Microsoft's alternative to
If you want to create a PDF file, make sure a PDF writer is installed on your computer. If so, you can select the PRINT option
and chose your PDF Writer as printer.
Creating Reports
ATLAS.ti 8 offers user configurable reports in Word, PDF or Excel format. This means you can decide what should be
displayed in the report. You find an report option in each browser at the top right-hand side in the ribbon.
In addition, predefined reports are available in the Query Tool under the Report button. If you hover over an option with your
mouse, the screen tip explains what each of the report contains:
Figure 405: You find these four predefined reports in the query tool
Tables can be exported in Excel format, or text or graphic file. Take for example a look at the EXPORT button of the Code-
Document-Table in the Analyze tab. The graphic export option converts the table to .png format.
The first option you may want to select is how the output is sorted. The default sort order is by code. If you select
multiple codes from different code groups, you can choose to group the output by code groups. Or if work in a team, you
may want to view the quotations by creating or modifying user.
The next step is to select all items that you want to include in the report:
Given the selections made in Figure 405, the output will contain the code name and all quotations with full content that are
linked to the selected codes.
If you for instance select 'Hyperlinks' under 'Quotations', a further sub-tree opens and you have more options (Figure 417). If
you only select Hyperlinks, the IDs and names of hyperlinked quotations are listed. If you are interested in reading the
content of the hyperlinks and you want to know which codes have been applied to them, in addition you would need to select
'Content' and 'Codes' in the Hyperlinks sub tree.
Click on the S AVE button on top of the report to save it either as Word or PDF file
Click on the EXCEL EXPORT button and select the following options:
The resulting Excel table looks as follows:
Video Tutorials:
• ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - Creating a Report of Coded Quotations
• ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - Creating an Output of Quotations Linked to a Code
Creating A Codebook
To create a Code Book, you may want to select to group the output by code groups, include the descriptions (= comment)
of each code group, and the definitions for each code (= code comment):
Click on the EXCEL EXPORT button and select the options: Code / Comment / Code Group.
Exporting Documents
You can export all documents that you have added to an ATLAS.ti project.
PDF and multimedia files (audio, video, images) are exported in their original format.
Text documents are exported as Word (docx) files. The formatting of the exported document may differ from the original, as
all text documents are converted to html when they are imported.
To export documents:
Select the T OOLS tab of the Manage Document ribbon, and from there the DOCUMENT EXPORT button.
The info sheets of more varied reports contain more detail like which relative frequencies was selected in a Code-Document
Table, whether the c-coeffient was selected in the Code Co-occurence Table, an explanation of abbreviations used, or the
coders of an ICA report.
Figure 416: Example of an info sheet with more detail (Code-Docment Table report)
evaluation %bad
evaluation %good
evaluation %not so good
A special naming convention is necessary to let ATLAS.ti identify variable codes from dichotomous codes.
This notation allows the system to construct one variable from all codes with the same prefix. The variable name will be
Do not assign multiple "Preference", and the values for this variable are: red, blue and green. You can use string or numerical values; anything that
values to the same follows the special symbol is interpreted as a value. Keep in mind that ordinal codes only have meaning in the context of the
quotation. Scaled codes statistic program you are using. Within ATLAS.ti, the differently valued codes are treated like every other code: in a
need to be applied in a dichotomous way
mutually exclusive way.
For the SPSS syntax export, you may choose an alternative character separating variable and value. If so, you can enter
the special character you used in the process of creating the SPSS syntax file.
Do not assign more than one scaled variable value (e. g., 'evaluation %good' and 'evaluation %2bad' to the same
quotation. Although ATLAS.ti permits an arbitrary number of codes to be attached to a quotation, this would not make
much sense with mutually exclusive values of scaled variables. If you do so, the SPSS generator will simply ignore
additional values after processing the first one it finds for a given quotation. Since it cannot be guaranteed which value
will be detected first, this will most likely produce unpredictable results-
Code and primary document families are handled using COMPUTE statements.
If applicable super codes can turn into non-dichotomous variables.
The SPSS syntax output created with ATLAS.ti is plain ASCII and can be edited before storing it as a file for further
processing with SPSS. Below you see an example syntax file:
VARIABLE LABELS CG1 'CG_Code family name with more than 40 characters'.
IF (D = 5) MediaType = 1.
IF (D = 4) MediaType = 2.
IF (D = 6) MediaType = 3.
IF (D = 1) MediaType = 4.
IF (D = 3) MediaType = 5.
IF (D = 2) MediaType = 6.
000001000002000001 username000000000000000000000000000000003668487978
000002000004000001 username000000000000000000000000000000283668488199
000003000005000001A name with more000000000000001600000000000000283668488282
000027000004000014 username000000010000139900000001000014123668488199
To prepare a generic export, select the Import & Export tab and from there S TATISTICAL DATA .
Below you see an example how the exported data are shown in Excel:
To import the data for instance to Rstudio, select FILE / IMPORT DATSET.
What is QDPX
ATLAS.ti is a founding member of the Rotterdam Exchange Format Initiative (REFI), the consortium that designs and
governs the interoperability standard QDPX. At the heart of the matter, QDPX is an XML-based structured data format that
permits not only long-term product storage and product-independent archival of qualitative research projects, but also aims
at the exchange of projects between different software products.
ATLAS.ti has long championed the idea of universal exchangeability of qualitative research data between different
applications and was the first manufacturer to introduce a full XML project export in their software as early as 2004. The idea
of a universal data export was always a very obvious feature for us, considering the immense value that is added to data that
have been processed, analyzed, and structured in the qualitative analysis process.
In the past fifteen years, we have demonstrated through many exemplary applications (many embedded in older versions of
ATLAS.ti) what kinds of additional value lies in this data and in how many different and powerful ways it be used and re-
purposed–from direct transformation into visually oriented presentations formats (web pages, printable reports, ebooks) to
transformation into a huge variety of data formats (e.g, .rtf, csv, sql). And despite the wide spectrum of these sample
applications, they barely scratch the surface of what further powerful uses will still be possible in the future.
The most immediate benefit of QDPX quite obviously lies in the fact that it enables users of various QDA software products
to migrate their research projects between different packages. As more manufacturer join the initiative and implement the
new standard, its usefulness to researchers will doubtlessly grow exponentially.
Miscellaneous Goodies
You can copy the content of every entity, be it a document name, a group name, a code, memo or quotation name, or a node
in a network and paste it into an editor or a network.
If you copy an entity name from a list into an editor, the name is pasted.
If you copy a node and paste it into an editor, the name of the node is pasted.
If you copy the name of an entity and paste it into a network, it is pasted as node. If links already exist, they will be shown
Language Settings
In ATLAS.ti 8, explicit language settings are no longer required. It offers full Unicode support.
Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in
most of the world's writing systems. The latest version of Unicode contains a repertoire of 128,237 characters covering
135 modern and historic scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets.
Useful Resources
The ATLAS.ti website should be a regular place to visit. Here you will find important information such as video tutorials,
additional documentation of various software features, workshop announcements, special service providers, and
announcements of recent service packs and patches.
Qui ck To ur
To get started, we recommend to work your way through the Quick Tour. In about two hours you get an overview of the main
functions and an idea on how to conduct an analysis with ATLAS.ti. When you are ready to start your own project, use the
"Short Manual"(see below) as your continuing guide.
This document is intended specifically for users who already have experience using the previous version, ATLAS.ti 6, and who
are making the switch to the latest generation, in this case v.7.
Find the Quick Tour, How To Documents like installation instruction, information on project exchange, and team work, the
sample projects, our research blog and the library on this page.
If you like to learn via video tutorials, we offer a range of short videos on the following topics: Features and Interface, Getting
started on a project, Coding, Visualizing – Working with networks and Hyperlinks. Under the following link you find a playlist
that contain video tutorials about how to work with ATLAS.ti 8 Windows including how to create a project, how to add
documents, how to add codes, how to create groups, etc.: Quick Tour ATLAS.ti 8 Windows - English
The ATLAS.ti Research Blog plays a very important role in the development and consolidation of the international
community of users. Consultants, academics, and researchers publish short and practical articles highlighting functions and
procedures with the software, and recommending strategies to successfully incorporate ATLAS.ti into a qualitative data
analysis process. We invite you to submit short articles explaining interesting ways of making the best use of ATLAS.ti, as
well as describing how you are using it in your own research. To do so, please contact us.
So cia l M edia
You find a growing number of video tutorials on the ATLAS.ti YouTube channel. So far videos are available in English and
Stay updated with the latest news on product updates, special offers, new training materials, etc. by joining us on Facebook.
We are also happy to hear from users via facebook. Stop by and let us know about your projects and experience with
Follow us on Twitter for the most essential bits of information and announcements (version and service pack releases,
special offers, training opportunities, etc.).
N ews ro o m
The newsroom aggregates all pertinent company news conveniently on a single platform. Press releases, articles and
comments from the various ATLAS.ti profiles on social networking sites are agglomerated in real time. In addition, the
newsroom lets you subscribe to available content via RSS so you're always up-to-date on what's going on with ATLAS.ti.
Us er Co nf erence
The biannual international ATLAS.ti User Conference is a fantastic opportunity for users to meet developers, trainers,
experts, and other users from all over the world to learn from one another.
Pub l i ca ti o ns
• Friese, Susanne (2014, 2ed). Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti. London: Sage.
• Susanne Friese & Thomas Ringmayr, eds., ATLAS.ti User Conference 2015: Qualitative Data Analysis and Beyond.
Conference Proceedings. Universitätsverlag TU Berlin. August 2016. Online
Getti ng Suppo rt
The easiest way to contact the Support Center is via the main menu option H ELP / MORE RESOURCES / CONTACT S UPPORT. Or
access the Support Center directly via the above URL.
Frequently asked questions are collected in our knowledge base on our website.
To access the site directly from ATLAS.ti, select H ELP / M ORE R ESOURCES / VISIT FAQ from the HU editor's main menu. An
active Internet connection is required to access this web page.
Get In Touch
Under the Tools & Support tab you find an option to report a problem and to send suggestions. We invite you to make use
of these options.
Sendi ng Sugges ti o ns
We are interested in reading about your ideas and suggestions you may have. Please feel free to use this as a wish list. While
we cannot grant all wishes, knowing about what you need will help us to continuously improve the program to fit your needs.
To update ATLAS.ti manually, go to To update ATLAS.ti manually, go to File > Options > ATLAS.ti > Check for Updates.
– Alternatively, can also update via *Windows Start* > Scientific Software > Check for ATLAS.ti 8 Updates.