WJ 1990 09 s362 PDF
WJ 1990 09 s362 PDF
WJ 1990 09 s362 PDF
ABSTRACT. The influences of several fac- using GMA welding. He reported that of a crack: 1) thermal factor, heat neces-
tors on heat-affected zone cracking of cracks could be developed due to the in- sary to melt grain boundaries; 2) metallur-
aluminum Alloy A6061 were investigated. vasion of low-melting compounds and/or gical factor, crack susceptibility of a mate-
First, the influence of the grain size on the the diffusion of Mg and Si from the weld rial; and 3) mechanical factor, force or
weld heat-affected zone cracking of GTA metal along grain boundaries in the HAZ deformation necessary to open grain
spot welds on A6061 was studied using a (Ref. 1). boundaries.
Varestraint test. The maximum crack Moreover, Gittos, ef ai, performed a There are still many factors which have
length increased when the grain size was study using the Patch test, and reported not yet been investigated in detail. The
increased from 0.05 to 2 mm, but in- that longitudinal cracking was developed present investigation was made first on
creased more gradually for further in- when the solidus temperature of the weld the influence of the grain size using a
creases in grain size. The influences of metal was higher than that of the base Varestraint test when GTA welding was
solidus temperature and penetration of metal (Ref. 2). These results are all qualita- performed. The influences of solidus tem-
alloying elements from the weld metal tive. Katoh and Kerr have performed a perature and penetration of alloying ele-
into the HAZ were investigated for GMA quantitative study on Al-Mg-Si alloys using ments from weld metal into the HAZ were
welds. For dilutions between 20 and 80%, the Varestraint test (Refs. 3, 4). The main also investigated.
for both 5356 and 4043 filler metals, the results obtained are as follows: liquation
solidus temperature was increased by Si, cracks were developed in the HAZ of the Materials Used and Experimental
but decreased by Mg. Generally, the soli- weld metal with GTA welding, and both
dus was higher in the case of 5356 filler Procedures
augmented strain and heat input larger
metal. Longitudinal cracking was devel- than critical values were necessary for the Table 1 shows the chemical composi-
oped along the fusion boundary only in cracks to be developed. In the case of an tions of the materials used. Commercial
the case of 5356 filler metal. This phe- extruded material in which the grain size A6061-0 alloy, which was obtained by
nomenon was explained using the relation was larger than in the case of a rolled ma- annealing A6061-T6 listed in Table 1, was
between the solidus temperature and the terial, the crack length tended to become used to investigate the influence of grain
heat input. Transverse cracking was ob- longer even for the same heat input and size, and the commercial A6061-T6 alloy
served for the welded condition using augmented strain. The crack susceptibility was used to examine other aspects. Di-
4043 filler metal, but in the case of 5356 in GTA welding was decreased by alloying mensions of the test specimens were 6
filler metal, subsurface cracks developed, elements such as Cr, Mn and Cu, but was mm (0.24 in.) thick, 50 mm (2 in.) wide and
and were observed only after machining- increased by M g and Si. With GMA weld- 110 mm (4.3 in.) long.
off the reinforcement. High concentra- ing, both longitudinal and transverse Grain sizes of the base metal were
tions of Si and Mg were observed near cracks were developed in the HAZ when changed using the strain-annealing
cracks in the case of 4043 and 5356 filler 5356 filler metal was used. Only trans- method. That is, the base metals were
metals, respectively. This indicates that verse cracks were developed when 4043 annealed in air for 15 h at 590°C (1094°F)
penetration of these elements affects the filler metal was used. Generalizing these after being tensile strained between 2 and
transverse cracking. results, it is considered that the following 30%. The largest average grain size of
three factors will affect the development about 9 mm (0.35 in.) was obtained in the
Introduction case of tensile strain of about 4%. When
tensile strains were larger than 4%, aver-
Al-Mg-Si alloys have been widely used age grain sizes decreased hyperbolicly
in welded structures. Anticorrosion treat- with increases in tensile strain. An average
ment is almost unnecessary for these grain size of about 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) was
alloys even near a beach, because they Aluminum Alloy A6061 obtained for a tensile strain of 20%. Little
have good corrosion resistance. The proof A6061 HAZ Cracking coarsening of grain size was obtained for
stress of A6061-T6 is defined to be more Quantitative Study
than 250 MPa (36 ksi); almost the same as 5356 Filler Metal
the yield stress of a mild steel. These alloys 4043 Filler Metal
Effect of Mg Addition M. MIYAZAKI, K. NISHIO, M. KATOH and S.
have, however, higher crack susceptibili- MUKAE are with the Department of Materials
ties than mild steel in the weld heat- Effect of Si Addition
Solidus Temp. Effect Science and Engineering, Kyushu Institute of
affected zone. Technology, Kitakyushu, lapan. H. W. KERR is
Liquation Cracking
Previous work has been reported con- with the Department of Mechanical Engineer-
GTA Spot/GMA Welding ing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Onta-
cerning this HAZ cracking. For example,
Tsujimoto, et al., has performed studies rio, Canada.
Fig. 1 —Schematic representation of a Varestraint test. tb]
cracks w e r e measured after t h e r e i n f o r c e - Fig. 2 - Schematic representation of HAZ cracking. A—In the case of base metal; B — in the case of
m e n t w a s r e m o v e d b y machining. having two grain boundaries; C-in the case of having lamellar grain boundaries.
s; rW
9 B-
< l r\
cc \J
u A
n 1 i i i
2 4 6 10 300
0 2 i\ 6 8 10
F/g. 3 — Relation between the maximum crack length and a verage grain Fig. 4 — Relation between the distance from the fusion boundary into
size (( = 3.0%). HAZ and the maximum temperature.
112 <
I 12 tn
Z z UJ
_l a.
< < tl >
u 4 ui
u a
0 _L 06 UJ
20 40 60 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 DILUTION BY BASE METAL, D (%)
DILUTION BY BASE METAL, D ( I ) Fig. 10 — Relation between solidus temperature and dilution (experimen-
Fig. 9 - Relation between solidus temperature and dilution (after Ref. 2). tal value).
pool, but the area of such regions de- When the A6061 alloy was actually GMA minimum value 514°C (957°F) at the dilu-
creased when approaching the crack end. welded using 5356 filler metal, longitudinal tion of 85%, and after that gradually
These effects are consistent with results cracking was observed, but contrary to increased with decreases in the dilution. A
already reported by t w o of the authors Gittos, et ai, it was not observed that the decrease in the dilution corresponds to a
(Ref. 3). solidus temperature of the weld metal decrease in the heat input in the actual
became higher than that of the base metal welding. In the case of 5356 filler metal,
(Ref. 3). the solidus temperature initially decreased
Study on Solidus Temperature
This aspect was investigated further, down to 573°C (1063°F) and after that
Gittos, et ai, obtained the relation using carefully controlled alloy composi- increased up to 580°C (1076°F) at the di-
shown in Fig. 9 between the solidus tem- tions. Specimens were obtained by melt- lution of 65%. With further decreases in
perature Ts and the dilution D by the base ing different ratios of the base metal and the dilution, the solidus temperature de-
metal, using the Al-Mg-Si ternary phase the filler metal using a high-frequency in- creased down to 554°C (1029°F) at the
diagram (Ref. 2). Because of intermediate duction heating furnace. Using these spec- dilution of 15%, and after that tended to
phases formed in this system, in the range imens, the solidus temperature was mea- increase again.
of the dilution between 50 and 90%, the sured for an average cooling rate be- These relations between the solidus
predicted solidus temperature of the weld tween the liquidus and the solidus temperature and the dilution are qualita-
metal was higher than that of the base temperatures of about 30°C/s (54°F/s). tively the same as those shown in Fig. 9.
metal when 5356 filler metal was used. The result thus obtained is shown in Fig. However, the phenomenon that the soli-
They reported that a crack would be de- 10. In the case of 4043 filler metal, the dus temperature in the case of 5356 filler
veloped along the fusion boundary in this solidus temperature abruptly decreased metal is higher for certain dilutions than
region (they performed the Patch test). from that of the base metal (597°C) to the that of the base metal was not observed.
Moreover, the solidus temperature shown
in Fig. 10 is generally lower than that
Fig. 11-Relation 60 shown in Fig. 9. This is considered to be
between dilution ~ due to the phenomenon that small
and heat input. w
amounts of minor solute elements greatly
affect the solidus temperature in addition
to the effects of Mg and Si (Ref. 5).
The dilution actually obtained de-
pended on both heat input and filler
metal, as shown in Fig. 11, A similar
tendency is observed in each case, that is,
the dilution initially increases and after that
the slope of the dilution vs. the heat input
tends to decrease with further increases in
the heat input. When the heat input
increased from 1.8 to 9.2 kj/cm, the dilu-
tion increased by about 20%. Generally,
the dilution in the case of 4043 filler metal
4 6 10 is larger by about 10% than in the case of
HEAT INPUT, Q (kj/cm) 5356 filler metal.
AI-Mg2Si 595
Al-Si 579 D2
AI-Mg2Si-Si 559 D
l l l l l
2 4 6 10
HEAT I N P U T , Q (kJ/cm)
;'K v 5-y ;
• • •. '*
50 r
• - - * -. . . 50 m
- - ~%ill55iiS '" 1
Fjg. 14 —Relation between the maximum length of transverse crack and Fig. 76 — SEM images and Si K a images at some locations in Fig. 15. A •
heat input. A - For 4043 filler metal; B - for 5356 filler metal At location A; B — at location B; C — at location C
* / ' ' "'•
*?h #V5 - lb
**' /- ^*»*|**'%
.*%.' *• .-|. ! % • ' * _,**•
vfc'»"«: 1 k
l Fig. 18-SEM image
/^ of crack in the case
V*. ,
*-- * \.'#-.;' B^pi of 5356 filler metal.
t u^.
.. . e-W
y**S B ^^,^^v'" •
"^.- - 'jf „ • ..VV-'
N * «?' , so,™ 50
sBfiHl '"" j
Fig. 21-Relation
between the width
w and heat input. '
2 1 6 10
HEAT INPUT, Q (kj/cm)
This position paper recommends design methods which represent the collective "best methods" of the
industry. These enhanced design methods are developed by reviewing the issues that have added to the
complexity of design and fabrication of piping systems.
Publication of this report was sponsored by the Task Group on Nuclear Plant Pipe Supports of the
Technical Committee on Piping Systems of the Pressure Vessel Research Council of the Welding Research
Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 353 is $25.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for U.S., or $10.00 for overseas,
postage and handling. Orders should be sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, 345 E. 47th
St., Room 1301, New York, NY 10017.
The first paper gives a detailed metallurgical failure analysis of cracking in a longitudinally welded hot
reheat pipe with 184,000 hours of operation at 1050°F. The second paper defines the role of the welding
flux in submerged arc welding of 2V4Cr-lMo steel.
Publication of this report was sponsored by the Steering and Technical Committees on Piping Systems
of the Pressure Vessel Research Council of the Welding Research Council. The price of WRC Bulletin 354
is $50.00 per copy, plus $5.00 for U.S. and $10.00 for overseas postage and handling. Orders should be
sent with payment to the Welding Research Council, 345 E. 47th St., Room 1301, New York, NY 10017.