Job Details
Job Details
Job Details
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
9. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • Master Degree in Civil Engg. • Selection of • Develop project plans,
(PROGRAM SPECIALIST- / Environmental Engg / candidate from define project scope, goals
I) Agriculture Engg. / Chemical market / and deliverables in
Engg. / Water Resources Government collaboration with
Engg. / M.Phil. in sector through stakeholders to support and
Max Age: 45 Years Environmental Sciences from advertisement of achieve defined goals.
HEC recognized university. post in • Prepare project relevant
• In case of appointment of a (Master Degree i.e. 18-Years newspapers documents.
person from market, s/he Education) • By transfer of • Execute / implement
will draw tentative salary of • Have post-qualification Government PGDP under supervision of
Rs. 300,000/- experience of 05 years in case Officer of BPS-18 Project Director /Secretary,
• In case of selection / of Master Degree and 03 years fulfilling the EPD.
transfer of a Government in case of PhD. eligibility • Manage changes in project
officer / official against the • Have experience in designing, Criteria. scope, identify potential
Post of SP&IU, s/he will planning, execution, • The eligibility crises, and recommend and
draw her/his salary as per monitoring and management criteria of age devise contingency plans.
applicable Govt. Policy of development shall not stricto • Prepare draft PC-I / PC-II
program/project. sensu apply to this of development projects
• Domiciled in province of the key position in • Work effectively with
Punjab. case of interdisciplinary teams for
• Government officers with appointment of successful implementation
above qualifications and officers of EPD of development projects
experience are also eligible as and other Govt. and assigned tasks.
per applicable government Departments for a • Make field visits to ensure
policy. period of six smooth execution of
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
months as a stop development projects of
gap arrangement. department.
• NOC from • Draft and submit
employer is development budget
required in case of proposals and recommend
Government subsequent budget
employee. changes.
• Plans and schedules project
time lines and milestones
using appropriate project
management tools.
• Develop and deliver
progress reports,
proposals, requirements
documentation, and
• Any other task assigned by
Project Director / Secretary
10. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • Master Degree in Civil Engg. • Selection of • Develop project plans,
(PROGRAM SPECIALIST- / Environmental Engg. candidate from define project scope, goals
II) /Agriculture Engg. / market / and deliverables in
Chemical Engg. / Water Government collaboration with
Max Age: 45 Years Resources Engg. / M.Phil. in sector through stakeholders to support and
Environmental Sciences from advertisement of achieve defined goals.
• In case of appointment of a HEC recognized university. post in • Prepare project relevant
person from market, s/he (Master Degree i.e. 18-Years newspapers documents.
will draw tentative salary of Education) • Execute / implement
Rs. 300,000/ • Have post-qualification PGDP under supervision of
• In case of selection / experience of 05 years in case • By transfer of Project Director /Secretary,
transfer of a Government of Master Degree and 03 years Government EPD.
officer / official against the in case of PhD. Officer of BPS-18 • Manage changes in project
Post of SP&IU, s/he will • Have experience in designing, fulfilling the scope, identify potential
draw her/his salary as per planning, execution, eligibility Criteria. crises, and recommend and
applicable Govt. Policy monitoring and management devise contingency plans.
of development • The eligibility • Prepare draft PC-I / PC-II
program/project. criteria of age of development projects
• Domiciled in province of the shall not stricto • Work effectively with
Punjab. sensu apply to this interdisciplinary teams for
• Government officers with key position in successful implementation
above qualifications and case of of development projects
experience are also eligible as appointment of and assigned tasks.
per applicable government officers of EPD • Make field visits to ensure
policy. and other Govt. smooth execution of
Departments for a development projects of
period of six department.
months as a stop • Draft and submit
gap arrangement. development budget
• The eligibility proposals and recommend
criteria shall not subsequent budget
stricto sensu apply changes.
to this key • Plans and schedules project
position in case of timelines and milestones
appointment of using appropriate project
officers of EPD management tools.
and other Govt. • Develop and deliver
Departments for a progress reports,
period of six proposals, requirements
months as a stop documentation, and
gap arrangement. presentations.
• NOC from • Any other task assigned by
employer is Project Director / Secretary
required in case of EPD.
11. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • Master Degree in Engineering • Selection of • Provide technical expertise
(MONITORING & / Sciences / Management / candidate from pertaining to Planning,
EVALUATION EXPERT) Administration / Statistics, market / M&E and Knowledge
International Development / Government Management.
Max Age: 45 Years Social Sciences from HEC sector through • Introduce and develop
recognized university. advertisement of Project Planning, M&E
• In case of appointment of a (Master Degree i.e. 18-Years post in tools, modules and
person from market, s/he Education) newspapers guidance notes for the
will draw tentative salary of • Have post-qualification • By transfer of effective implementation
Rs.300,000/- experience of 05 years in case Government of the Project;
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
• In case of selection / of Master Degree and 03 years Officer of BPS-18 • Review and consolidation
transfer of a Government in case of PhD. fulfilling the of quarterly and annual
officer / official against the • Experience of latest trends in eligibility Progress reports of PGDP.
Post of SP&IU, s/he will project monitoring & Criteria. • Support all M&E
draw her/his salary as per evaluation systems. • The eligibility initiatives for
applicable Govt. Policy • Proven success in designing, criteria of age grant(s)/project(s)
implementing, and operating shall not stricto including monitoring data
project M&E systems from sensu apply to this quality, tracking the
project initiation to closeout key position in progress of activities, and
stages. case of contribute to staff capacity
• Knowledge of major appointment of building initiatives.
evaluation methodologies officers of EPD • Any other task assigned by
(e.g., qualitative, quantitative, and other Govt. Project Director / Secretary
mixed method, and impact) Departments for a EPD
and data collection and period of six
analysis methodologies. months as a stop
gap arrangement
• Domiciled in province of the • NOC from
Punjab. employer is
• Government officers with required in case of
above qualifications and Government
experience are also eligible as employee.
per applicable government
12. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • M.Com / MBA / Master’s • Selection of • Handle administrative
(ADMIN) degree in Public candidate from matters of employees of
Administration, Business market / PGDP.
Max Age: 45 Years Administration, Public Policy, Government • Any other task assigned by
Project Management from sector through the Program Director /
• In case of appointment of a HEC recognized University advertisement of Secretary EPD.
person from market, s/he from HEC recognized institute post in • Deal with administrative
will draw tentative salary of / university. (Master Degree newspapers matters of the office / staff.
Rs.300,000/ i.e. 16-Years Education) • By transfer of • Any other task assigned by
• In case of selection / • 07 years post-qualification Government the Project Director /
transfer of a Government experience in administration Officer of BPS-18 Secretary EPD.
officer / official against the and financial management, fulfilling the
Post of SP&IU, s/he will preferably in public sector. eligibility
draw her/his salary as per • Fully aware of Government Criteria.
applicable Govt. Policy Rules, Procedures and • The eligibility
regulations for administration. criteria of age
• Domiciled in province of the shall not stricto
Punjab. sensu apply to this
• Government officers with key position in
above qualifications and case of
experience are also eligible as appointment of
per applicable government officers of EPD
policy. and other Govt.
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
13. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • M.Com/ CA / CFA, MA • Selection of • Organize and maintain all
(BUDGET & ACCOUNTS (S.A.S), or MBA (Finance) candidate from files, records, cash and
EXPERT) or Master’s degree in other market / cash equivalents in
related disciplines from Government accordance with policies
Max Age: 45 Years HEC recognized institute / sector through and procedures.
university. (Master Degree advertisement of • Record, store, access,
• In case of appointment of a i.e. 16-Years Education) post in and/or analyze
person from market, s/he • 05 years’ post-qualification newspapers computerized financial
will draw tentative salary of experience of preparing/ information.
Rs.300,000/- maintaining of accounts in • Classify, code, and
• In case of selection / public organization • By transfer of summarize numerical and
transfer of a Government • Full knowledge of Government financial data to compile
officer / official against the Government bills processing Officer of BPS-18 and keep financial records,
Post of SP&IU, s/he will procedures / World Bank fulfilling the using ledgers, and/or
draw her/his salary as per releases / re-imbursements / eligibility computers.
applicable Govt. Policy. DLIs and payments. Criteria. • Complete period-end
• Domiciled in province of the closing procedures and
Punjab. • The eligibility reports as specified.
• Government officers with criteria of age • Prepare, review, reconcile,
above qualifications and shall not stricto and issue bills, invoices,
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
experience are also eligible sensu apply to this and account statements
as per applicable government key position in according to procedures.
policy. case of • Perform related duties and
appointment of fulfills responsibilities as
officers of EPD required.
and other Govt. • Any other task assigned by
Departments for a Project Director / Secretary
period of six EPD
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
14. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • Master’s degree in mass • Selection of • Drafting and disseminating
(COMMUNICATIONS communication / Journalism candidate from press releases and
SPECIALIST) or other related disciplines market / managing public events.
from HEC recognized Government • Develop a comprehensive
Max Age: 45 Years institute / university (Master sector through communication framework
Degree i.e. 16-Years advertisement of to design and deliver a
• In case of appointment of a Education) post in coherent strategic and
person from market, s/he • 05 years of relevant work newspapers differentiated
will draw tentative salary of post-qualification experience • By transfer of communications and
Rs.300,000/ • Working knowledge of the Government marketing strategy,
• In case of selection / government departments is Officer of BPS-18 reaching out to multiple
transfer of a Government preferable. fulfilling the levels of target audience.
officer / official against the • Domiciled in province of the eligibility • Encourage key institutions
Post of SP&IU, s/he will Punjab. Criteria. and stakeholders to work
draw her/his salary as per • Government officers with • The eligibility towards a shared vision of
applicable Govt. Policy above qualifications and criteria of age promoting Environmental
experience are also eligible shall not stricto awareness
as per applicable government sensu apply to this • Launch a multi-pronged,
policy. key position in high profile image building
case of campaign to promote
appointment of Environmental Awareness
officers of EPD through print, digital and
and other Govt. social media, achieving
Departments for a consistency, recall and
period of six reach through developing
months as a stop new channels of
gap arrangement. engagement and
• NOC from knowledge sharing
employer is • Draft and send press
required in case of releases containing
Government important updates about
employee. the Environmental
initiatives to print and
broadcast media outlets.
• Organize events on
Environmental Awareness
to increase environmental
awareness/ knowledge on
recent developments
• Any other task assigned by
Project Director / Secretary
15. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 01 • Master’s Degree in Business • Selection of • Make procurements of
(PROCUREMENT) Administration / Public candidate from goods, services and works
Administration/ Contract market / under PGDP as per PPRA
Max Age: 45 Years Management/ Project Government Rules and other
Management / Finance/ Public sector through Government Policies /
• In case of appointment of a Policy/ B.Sc. (Engineering) advertisement of Regulations / Rules.
person from market, s/he from HEC recognized post in • Develop specifications,
will draw tentative salary of University. (Master Degree newspapers Purchase Order and quality
Rs.300,000/- i.e. 16-Years Education) assurance criteria.
• In case of selection / • Have post-qualification • Monitor contractor
transfer of a Government experience of 05 years in case • By transfer of performance for
officer / official against the of Master Degree and 07 years Government compliance with
Post of SP&IU, s/he will in case of B.Sc./Bachelor Officer of BPS-18 applicable laws, delivery
draw her/his salary as per Degree of large/small scale fulfilling the schedules and payment
applicable Govt. Policy. procurements in reputed eligibility provisions.
organizations. Criteria.
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
• Domiciled in province of the • The eligibility • Analyze price and cost data
Punjab. criteria of age to establish transparency in
• Government officers with shall not stricto procurements.
above qualifications and sensu apply to this • Conduct pre- and post-
experience are also eligible as key position in award conferences and site
per applicable government case of visits, where required.
policy. appointment of • Any other task assigned by
officers of EPD Project Director / Secretary
and other Govt. EPD.
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
16. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 01 • Bachelor’s Degree in IT / • Selection of • Work with departmental
(MIS) Computer Science / Computer candidate from officers/officials to
Engg./ Network market / determine future network
Max Age: 40 Years Administration/ Electronics Government needs and plan for network
Engineering from HEC sector through & system changes.
• In case of appointment of a recognized University. advertisement of • Develop methods and tools
person from market, s/he (Master Degree i.e. 16-Years post in to be used to test and
will draw tentative salary of Education) newspapers implement new
Rs.200,000/ • 03 years post-qualification LAN/WAN equipment.
• In case of selection / experience in LAN & WAN • Establishes network
transfer of a Government installation & configuration, • By transfer of specifications by
officer / official against the routing & switching, and Government conferring with users;
Post of SP&IU, s/he will network security. Officer of BPS-17 analyzing workflow,
draw her/his salary as per • Effective problem-solving fulfilling the access, information, and
applicable Govt. Policy. skills. eligibility security requirements;
• Domiciled in province of the Criteria. designing router
Punjab. administration, including
• Domiciled in province of the • The eligibility interface configuration and
Punjab. criteria of age routing protocols.
• Government officers with shall not stricto • Address IT relates issues /
above qualifications and sensu apply to this matters of SP&IU in best
experience are also eligible as key position in professional manner.
per applicable government case of • Any other task assigned by
policy. appointment of Project Director / Secretary
officers of EPD EPD.
and other Govt.
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
17. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 01 • BSc. in Environmental • Selection of • Gather data and other
(ENVIRONMENTAL Engg./Civil Engg./ candidate from information to be used in
EXPERT) Agricultural Engg/Chemical market / environmental and
Engg/ M.Sc. in Government sustainable development
Max Age: 40 Years Environmental Sciences from sector through planning
HEC recognized university. advertisement of • Compile and organize
• In case of appointment of a (Master Degree i.e. 16-Years post in environmental data
person from market, s/he Education) newspapers collected by others and
will draw tentative salary of • Have post-qualification work and interpret it for
Rs.200,000/ experience of 03 years in case informed decision making
• In case of selection / of MSc. and 05 years in case • By transfer of in environment sector in
transfer of a Government of BSc. Government the province.
officer / official against the • Have knowledge and Officer of BPS-17 • Draft scientific documents,
Post of SP&IU, s/he will experience in national fulfilling the technical reports, and
draw her/his salary as per environmental planning and eligibility environmental policy
applicable Govt. Policy governance. Criteria. documents.
• Familiar with goals and • Any other task assigned by
national commitments under • The eligibility Project Director / Secretary
bilateral and multilateral criteria of age EPD
environmental agreements. shall not stricto
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
• Domiciled in province of the sensu apply to this
Punjab. key position in
• Government officers with case of
above qualifications and appointment of
experience are also eligible as officers of EPD
per applicable government and other Govt.
policy. Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
18. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 01 • B.Sc. in GIS from HEC • Selection of • Analyze needs of the
(GIS SPECIALIST) recognized University. candidate from department to define
(Master Degree i.e. 16-Years market / appropriate GIS products
Max Age: 40 Years Education) Government or services; design and
• Should have over all 05 years sector through create maps.
• In case of appointment of a post-qualification experience. advertisement of • Prepare reports, maps,
person from market, s/he • Have experience of post in charts, and metadata to
will draw tentative salary of administrating GIS in a newspapers describe programming
Rs.200,000/- government or a large private procedures, data
• In case of selection / sector organization. requirements, and software
transfer of a Government • Domiciled in province of the • By transfer of functions.
officer / official against the Punjab. Government • Design and develop GIS
Post of SP&IU, s/he will • Government officers with Officer of BPS-17 application procedure and
draw her/his salary as per above qualifications and fulfilling the custom programming as
applicable Govt. Policy experience are also eligible as eligibility required and write, test,
per applicable government Criteria. and execute those
policy. programs.
• The eligibility • Perform moderate to
criteria of age complex GIS analysis and
shall not stricto geo-processing functions,
sensu apply to this including input, editing,
key position in manipulation,
case of management, and analysis
appointment of of spatial and tabular data
officers of EPD • Organize data acquisition
and other Govt. and coordinate with
Departments for a enterprise-level GIS
period of six services, policies,
months as a stop standards, and procedures
gap arrangement. with professionals and
outside agencies.
• NOC from • Perform related duties and
employer is fulfills responsibilities as
required in case of required.
Government • Any other task assigned by
employee. Project Director / Secretary
19. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 01 • LLB or B.A/B.S. degree in • Selection of • Ensure adherence to
(GRIEVANCE social sciences, business candidate from grievances redressal
REDRESSAL OFFICER) administration, development market / processes, monitor its
studies, environmental Government implementation and
Max Age: 40 Years sciences, environmental sector through initiate corrective action as
engineering. (Master Degree advertisement of per law.
• In case of appointment of a i.e. 16-Years Education) post in • Provide adequate and
person from market, s/he • Good understanding of newspapers quick resolution to
will draw tentative salary of grievances redressal system / complaints.
Rs.200,000/- procedures / requirements of • Handle grievances in a
• In case of selection / World Bank and other donor • By transfer of professional, fair, ethical
transfer of a Government agencies. Government and confidential manner.
officer / official against the • 03 years of post-qualification Officer of BPS-17 • Provide assistance to
Post of SP&IU, s/he will experience in the fulfilling the authority for proper
draw her/his salary as per development sector. eligibility disposal/solution of
applicable Govt. Policy. • Good understanding of design Criteria. complaints.
and implementation of • Take all necessary steps to
government and donor • The eligibility resolve the complaints as
programs. criteria of age per PPRA Rules 2014 /
• Familiar with concepts of shall not stricto World Bank procedures /
project management and sensu apply to this requirements.
project cycle management. key position in
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
• Domiciled in province of the case of
Punjab. appointment of
• Government officers with officers of EPD
above qualifications and and other Govt.
experience are also eligible as Departments for a
per applicable government period of six
policy. months as a stop
gap arrangement.
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
21. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 01 • B.A/B.Sc. Social Sciences • Selection of • Support the Project
(GENDER SPECIALIST) especially in gender studies candidate from Director in implementation
from HEC recognized market / of gender related policies/
university (16-Years Government rules of World Bank /
• In case of appointment of a Education) sector through donors / Government of the
person from market, s/he • 03 Years post-qualification advertisement of Punjab.
will draw tentative salary of work experience in managing post in • Develop and disseminate a
Rs.200,000/ gender portfolio. newspapers collection of good practice
• In case of selection / • Have full knowledge of examples of gender
transfer of a Government gender issues and social mainstreaming in different
officer / official against the impacts. • By transfer of types of works.
Post of SP&IU, s/he will • Domiciled in province of the Government • Provide technical support
draw her/his salary as per Punjab. Officer of BPS-17 in the field of gender
applicable Govt. Policy. • Government officers with fulfilling the including the development
above qualifications and eligibility of training activities
experience are also eligible as Criteria. • Support in implementing,
per applicable government monitoring and updating
policy. • The eligibility gender action plan with
criteria of age recent developments
shall not stricto • Any other task assigned by
sensu apply to this Project Director / Secretary
key position in EPD.
case of
appointment of
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
officers of EPD
and other Govt.
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement.
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
22. PROCUREMENT 01 • Master’s Degree in Business • Selection of • Make procurements of
SPECIALIST Administration / Public candidate from goods, services and works
Administration/Contract market / under PGDP as per PPRA
Max Age: 40 Years Management/Project Government Rules and other
Management / Finance/ Public sector through Government Policies /
• In case of appointment of a Policy/ B.Sc. (Engineering) advertisement of Regulations / Rules.
person from market, s/he from HEC recognized post in • Develop specifications,
will draw tentative salary of University. (16-Years newspapers Purchase Order and quality
Rs.200,000/ Education) • By transfer of assurance criteria.
• In case of selection / • Have post-qualification Government • Monitor contractor
transfer of a Government experience of 03 years in case Officer of BPS-17 performance for
officer / official against the of Master Degree and 05 years fulfilling the compliance with
Post of SP&IU, s/he will in case of B.Sc./Bachelor eligibility applicable laws, delivery
draw her/his salary as per Degree of large/small scale Criteria. schedules and payment
applicable Govt. Policy. procurements in reputed provisions.
organizations. Domiciled in • The eligibility • Analyze price and cost data
province of the Punjab. criteria of age to establish transparency in
• Government officers with shall not stricto procurements.
above qualifications and sensu apply to this • Conduct pre- and post-
experience are also eligible as key position in award conferences and site
per applicable government case of visits, where required.
policy. appointment of • Any other task assigned by
officers of EPD Project Director / Secretary
and other Govt. EPD
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
23. ACCOUNTANT /CASHIER 01 • B.A. / B.Sc./ B.Com from • Selection of • Prepare and process bills of
/ ASSISTANT HEC recognized institute / candidate from goods/works/services as
university market / per donor procedures and
Max Age: 40 Years • 05 years’ post-qualification Government Govt. of the Punjab rules.
experience as cashier in public sector through • Maintain Cash Book.
• In case of appointment of a sector. advertisement of • Drawing of payments from
person from market, s/he • Domiciled in province of the post in State Bank where required.
will draw tentative salary of Punjab. newspapers • Any other task assigned by
Rs.150,000/ • Government officers with • By transfer of Project Director / Secretary
• In case of selection / above qualifications and Government EPD
transfer of a Government experience are also eligible as Officer of BPS-16
officer / official against the per applicable government fulfilling the
Post of SP&IU, s/he will policy. eligibility
draw her/his salary as per Criteria.
applicable Govt. Policy.
• The eligibility
criteria of age
shall not stricto
sensu apply to this
key position in
case of
appointment of
officers of EPD
and other Govt.
Departments for a
period of six
months as a stop
gap arrangement.
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
24. OFFICE SECRETARY 01 BSC/B.COM/B.A. from HEC • Selection of • Provide support as required
recognized university. candidate from for office work.
• Max Age: 40 Years • 5 years’ experience of market /
• In case of appointment of a office work in similar Government
person from market, s/he capacity sector through
will draw tentative salary of advertisement of
• Excellent communication
Rs.70,000/ post in
(oral, written) and
presentation skills
• By transfer of
In case of selection / transfer • Outstanding organizational
of a Government officer / Government
and planning abilities with
official against the Post of Officer of BPS-12
the ability to handle and
SP&IU, s/he will draw her/his fulfilling the
prioritize multiple tasks and
salary as per applicable Govt. eligibility
relationships with attention.
Policy. Criteria.
• Should be proficient in the
use of information
technology and computers. • NOC from
• Only persons domiciled in employer is
province of the Punjab are required in case of
eligible to apply. Government
• NOC is required from the
present employer
25. JUNIOR COMPUTER 05 • Intermediate + MS office / • Selection of • Do typing work on
OPERATOR ICS (2nd Division) with 40 candidate from computer as per
WPM speed on computer. market / requirements of the
Max Age: 35 Years • Domiciled in province of the Government controlling officer.
Punjab. sector through • Manage all office files,
• In case of appointment of a • Government officials with advertisement of records, and maintain data
person from market, s/he above qualifications and post in base in hard and soft form;
will draw tentative salary of experience are also eligible as newspapers • Any other task assigned by
Rs.70,000/ per applicable government the Project Director /
• In case of selection / policy. • By transfer of Controlling Officer.
transfer of a Government • 03 years work experience Government
officer / official against the official of BPS-12
Post of SP&IU, s/he will fulfilling the
draw her/his salary as per eligibility
applicable Govt. Policy. Criteria.
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
26. STORE KEEPER / CARE- 01 • Intermediate • Selection of • Look after office goods
TAKER (ICS / I.Com/ FA/ F.Sc.) from candidate from equipment, office rooms
a recognized board. market / sanitation etc, under the
Max Age: 35 Years • Domiciled in province of the Government guidance of the controlling
Punjab. sector through officer.
• In case of appointment of a • Government officials with advertisement of • Take necessary steps for
person from market, s/he above qualifications and post in the repair and maintenance
will draw tentative salary of experience are also eligible as newspapers of official items (i.e.
Rs.60,000/ per applicable government • By transfer of Vehicles, furniture &
• In case of selection / policy. Government fixture and IT equipment.
transfer of a Government • 03 years work experience Official of BPS-
officer / official against the 11 fulfilling the
Post of SP&IU, s/he will eligibility
draw her/his salary as per Criteria.
applicable Govt. Policy. • NOC from
employer is
required in case of
27. DRIVER 04 • Matric • Selection of Drive and maintain logbook
• LTV License candidate from of vehicle.
Max Age: 40 Years • 05 Years’ experience market /
• Domiciled in province of the Government
• In case of appointment of a Punjab. sector through
person from market, s/he • Government officials with advertisement of
will draw tentative salary of above qualifications and post in
Rs.40,000/ experience are also eligible as newspapers
• In case of selection /
transfer of a Government
Sr. No
No. Name of Post, Age and Minimum Qualification for Method of
of Job Description
Salary Appointment Recruitment
officer / official against the per applicable government • By transfer of
Post of SP&IU, s/he will policy. Government
draw her/his salary as per Official of BPS-
applicable Govt. Policy. 04 fulfilling the
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
28. NAIB QASID / OFFICE 05 • Matric • Selection of • Regular cleaning of office
BOY • Domiciled in province of the candidate from premises, bathrooms, etc.
Punjab. market / • Prepare and serve tea when
Max Age: 35 Years • Government officials with Government required.
above qualifications and sector through • Dusting of furniture /
• In case of appointment of a experience are also eligible as advertisement of rooms / files.
person from market, s/he per applicable government post in
will draw tentative salary of policy. newspapers.
• In case of selection /
transfer of a Government • By transfer of
officer / official against the Government
Post of SP&IU, s/he will Official of BPS-
draw her/his salary as per 01 fulfilling the
applicable Govt. Policy. eligibility
• NOC from
employer is
required in case of
29. SANITARY WORKER 02 • Middle • Selection of • Regular cleaning of office
(BPS-01) • Domiciled in province of the candidate from premises, bathrooms, etc.
Punjab. market /
Max Age: 40 Years • Government officials with Government
above qualifications and sector through
• In case of appointment of a experience are also eligible as advertisement of
person from market, s/he per applicable government post in
will draw tentative salary of policy. newspapers
Rs.35,000/ • By transfer of
• In case of selection / Government
transfer of a Government Official fulfilling
officer / official against the the eligibility
Post of SP&IU, s/he will Criteria.
draw her/his salary as per • NOC from
applicable Govt. Policy. employer is
required in case of
2. General Instructions
1. Prospective applicants are advised to read requisite qualification, age, experience,
salary package and job descriptions thoroughly available at Departmental Website i.e. for better understanding about the project/ roles/
2. All the positions are project positions / temporary till June 2023 or till the completion
of the project / program.
3. Test/interview date will be communicated to shortlisted candidates only.
4. The Application Form available at EPD website along with CV, attested copies of all
relevant documents/testimonials in descending order, experience certificate, CNIC & 2
latest passport size photographs must reach in the office of Director (Admin, Finance
& Procurement) Environment Protection Department, Gate No. 10. National Hockey
Stadium, Qaddafi Stadium Complex, Lahore by 15.07.2020 before closure of office
5. Separate application containing all documents should be sent for each post in case a
candidate intends to apply for more than one posts.
6. If any instruction available on the website or advertisement is found contradictory to
the relevant Law, Rules and Regulations and Policy Decisions, the relevant Laws,
Rules and Regulations and Policy Decisions will prevail over the instructions.
7. Persons already in Government Service should send their applications through proper
channel and attach NOC issued by the concerned Department/employer.
8. Applications received after due date and incomplete ones will not be entertained.
9. No. TA/DA will be admissible for attending test / interview etc.
10. Department may increase or decrease the number of posts as per its requirements.
11. All recruitments will be made as per applicable Government
Passport Size
3. Application Form color
Eligibility Criteria: (If your reply is yes to A,B& C below, then please proceed further).
A. Do you have the relevant qualification of the post mentioned in YES NO
B. Do you have the relevant experience required for the post? YES NO
2) Name of Applicant:
(Name in block letters)
3) Academic Qualification
(12 Years)
(14 Years, if
Bachelor (Hons.)
/ Master
(16 Years)
(18 Years)
4) Employment Record / Experience:
Sr. No. Organization / Employer Name (Please Job Title/Position Job Duration
write the most recent first) From To
5) Training/courses/Attended etc.
7) Hafiz-e-Quran: Yes
8) (i) Are you a Government Servant and applying through proper channel : Yes
(iii) Type:
I , S/D/W of Picture 2
Affix your recent Passport Size
do hereby declare that I have color photograph
read and understood the instructions and conditions of the
post, and filled-up the application form as per instructions
and attached the relevant documents/experience
certificates, as desired. In case of any information contained
herein is found to be missing,untrue,false or forged at any
stage, my candidature can be cancelled at any stage( even
after employment, if so revealed later), and I shall be liable
to be proceeded upon legal action.
(11) Checklist: Please check whether you have attached the copies of following.
# Description Yes No
9 Photograph
(02 Passport size )