STW120CT: Computer Architecture and Networks
STW120CT: Computer Architecture and Networks
STW120CT: Computer Architecture and Networks
This Module will provide students with a broad overview of computer architecture, such that
they will be able to explain the origin, structure and use of fundamental components of a
computer. Students will be guided in investigating operating systems from a historical
perspective, reviewing the development of the operating system over time as computers
became more complex and diverse. This will lead them into exploring practical and theoretical
aspects of computer hardware and software as well as fundamental concepts of networking
and the internet.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the development of the computer and its major components.
2. Explain the main components of a computer, and the function and operation of each.
4. Describe the purpose and basic features of an operating system and its role within a variety of computing
systems and with a variety of input-output techniques, peripherals and storage devices.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of network protocols and hardware, networked operating systems and
cloud computing.
Indicative Content
Operating systems:
History, Classes of operating system, Real-time, Multi and single user, Multi-tasking,
Distributed, Cloud based, and Embedded Operating Systems.
Computer Networking:
OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Protocols, Hardware, Ports, Interrupts, Internet history, design
and protocols, mobile computing and smartphones.
Special Features
Students are expected to engage in both class and online activities and discussions. This module also
requires students to participate in additional guided reading and self-directed study to reinforce the
learning gained from timetabled sessions. Formative assessment will be used to prepare students for
summative assessment and give students an early indication of their progress towards the course
intended learning outcomes.
Method of Delivery
Note that the hours below may include a contribution to Activity Led Learning projects.
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Weight 1 2 3 4 5
Coursework 1 - 35 minute Phase Test 1 10% ü ü
Coursework 1 - 35 minute Phase Test 2 15% ü ü ü
Coursework 2 –Group Project 25% ü ü ü ü ü
2 hour Exam 50% ü ü ü ü ü
Composition of module mark: 50% Coursework and 50% Exam
Pass requirements: Module Mark must be at least 40%
Essential Reading
Stallings, W. (2003) Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance. Pearson
Education India
Recommended Reading
Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L. (2013) Computer Organization and Design Mips Edition: The
Hardware/Software Interface. Newnes
Harris, D. and Harris, S. (2010) Digital Design and Computer Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann
Required Equipment