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BIS1002 Assessment Brief T1 2022

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Assessment Brief: BIS1002 Data and Information Management

Trimester-1 2022

Assessment Overview
Assessment Task Type Weighting Due Length ULO

Assessment 1: Database Individual 40% Weeks 2500 ULO-1

Interrogation 2, 4, 6, words ULO-2
Practical exercises assess 8, 10 ULO-3
students’ ability to apply ULO-4
theoretical learning to practical,
real world situations on a weekly
Assessment 2: Applied Project -1 Individual 30% Week 7 2500 ULO-1
Design a relational database words ULO-2
system for a specify organization. ULO-3
The design covers ERD, modelling
the rules of organisation, entities
and attributes and relationships.
Assessment 3: Applied Project – Group 30% Week 12 2500 ULO-1
2 words ULO-2
Design and implement and ULO-3
physical data-based system ULO-4
according to specified
requirements. The design
convers the process of logical
and physical design. The students
have to implement the proposed
design and demonstrate the use
of SQL language.

Assessment 1: Database Interrogation

Due date: Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 2500 words
Weighting: 40%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3, ULO-4
Assessment Details:
Database Interrogation are practical exercises that assess students’ ability to apply
theoretical learning to practical database questions. This assessment will improve student’s
ability to design databases and write SQL queries.
Students will not be assessed on work that the tutor has not seen them produce in class so
that attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students are required to submit the
work that they have completed during the lab session. The details of the lab work and
requirements are provided on the online learning system.

Marking Information: The assessments will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted
40% of the total unit mark.

Assessment 2: Applied Project-1

Due date: Week 7

Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 2500 words
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3

Assessment Details:
The Technology and Engineering college decides to develop a scheduling system. The
development team started working on the project. There are three groups in the team
working on the front end, the back end, and the database, respectively. The database
analyst had meetings with the project stakeholders (management, teaching staff and tech
support) and developed the following database business rules:

• There are 3 faculties in the college (management, IT, and engineering)

• Each faculty consists of several departments
• All courses (units) provided by the College are unique
• All employees involved in the teaching process are divided into three groups:
technicians, administrators, and lecturers.
• The technicians provide a support for the College website, computer and
engineering labs, and the College network
• The administrators are receptionists, student support officers, course advisors,
assistants, coordinators etc.
• Each lecturer belongs to one department
• A Faculty Dean is a lecturer
• A Head of a Department is also a lecturer
• Each student belongs to one Faculty
• To take a course, a student needs to enrol in a class. There can be several classes for
a course
• A room is assigned for each class
• A building is associated with each room
• The college database stores the following common information about employees:
employee ID, first name, last name, address, email, and phone number
• For the tech staff the database stores a position name and skills (there can be
multiple skills for a tech person: network , hardware, software, database, and
website support etc.)
• An admin position name is stored as an attribute for the administrators
• A specialty and a rank are stored for the lecturers
• The Faculty attributes are the faculty ID and faculty name
• The Department attributes are the department ID and department name
• The Student attributes stored in the database are student ID, first name, last name,
email, and phone number
• The course attributes are course ID, title, and description
• The class attributes are class ID, and time
• The room attributes are room ID, capacity, and type (lecture room, computer lab, or
engineering lab)
• The building attributes are building ID and location
• A student can be enrolled in several classes. When a student enrols in a class then an
enrolment date associated with the class is also stored
• A student can also be employed as a tech staff in the College. He/she can do various
jobs like database admin, code development, web development, system help,
software installation, hardware and network setup etc.

You must submit your assignment as a MS Word document. The diagrams must be drawn
using app.diagrams.net online tool, saved as .png or .jpg file and inserted in the Word
assignment document.
Don’t forget to include the assignment cover sheet !!!
Part 1. Conceptual Model
Please remember that the Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram is only a part of your
assignment. You need to describe the Conceptual Model, which must include the following

• Entities and their attributes. For each entity you must also specify unique identifier
• Entity supertypes and subtypes. Describe inheritance types and the corresponding
• Identify multi-valued and composite attributes (if any). In this case, they need to be
shown in the ER diagram with the corresponding notations.
• Describe relationships between entities and their cardinalities. Remember that
relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and also optional or
• Draw the Conceptual Model Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram using
app.diagrams.net tool, save it as .png or .jpg file and insert it in the Word document
Part 2. Logical Model
Describe the algorithm of convert the Conceptual Model into the Logical Model.
Remember that your description should include the following elements:

• Entities in the Conceptual Model become relations (tables) in the Logical Model, and
unique identifiers become primary keys.
• For one-to-one or one-to-many relationship between two entities you will need to
create a foreign key in one of the relations (tables).
• If there is a many-to-many relationship between two entities, then you will need to
create a new relation (table) with a composite primary key
• For each field (column) in a relation, describe a data type (integer, float, character,
text etc.)
• If an entity contains a multi-valued attribute, then you will need to create a new
relation in the Logical Model corresponding to this attribute.
• Draw the Logical Model diagram using app.diagrams.net tool, save it as .png or .jpg
file and insert it in the Word document

Marking Information: The assessments will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted
30% of the total unit mark.

Not Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Marking Criteria
satisfactory (50-64%) of (65-74%) of (75-84%) of (85-100%) of
(0-49%) of the criterion the criterion the criterion the criterion
the criterion mark mark mark mark
Demonstrate an Inadequate Basic Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding and understanding knowledge only and depth of accurate and exceptional
describe the and describing of understanding detailed breadth understanding of
Conceptual Model Conceptual understanding and describing and depth of concepts and
design processes Model design and describing Conceptual understanding their practical
(25%) process Conceptual Model design and describing application in
Model design process Conceptual Conceptual
process Model design Model design
process process
Demonstrate an Inadequate Basic Exhibits breadth
Exhibits Displays
understanding and understanding knowledge only and depth ofaccurate and exceptional
describe the and describing of understanding
detailed breadth understanding of
Logical Model Logical Model understanding and describing
and depth of concepts and
design processes design process and describing Conceptual understanding their practical
(25%) Conceptual Model designand describing application in
Model design process Conceptual Conceptual
process Model design Model design
process process
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding and understanding understanding and depth of accurate and exceptional
skills of creating and skills of and skills of understanding detailed breadth understanding
the Conceptual creating the creating the and skills of and depth of and skills of
Model diagram Conceptual Conceptual creating the understanding creating the
(25%) Model diagram Model diagram Conceptual and skills of Conceptual
Model diagram creating the Model diagram
Model diagram
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding and understanding understanding and depth of accurate and exceptional
skills of creating and skills of and skills of understanding detailed breadth understanding
the Logical model creating the creating the and skills of and depth of and skills of
diagram (25%) Logical Model Logical Model creating the understanding creating the
diagram diagram Logical Model and skills of Logical Model
diagram creating the diagram
Logical Model

Assessment 3: Applied Project-2

Due date: Week 12

Group/individual: Group
Word count / Time provided: 2500 words
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3, ULO-4

The Global Trading company sells various building and gardening tools. It has sales offices
and warehouses all over Australia. The company developed a data warehouse to store
information about sales, customers and products. These data are stored in the
AppliedProject2 SQLite database file provided for you.
The database consists of 6 tables:
• CompanyDim – with the sales office address, state and email
• ProductDim – product information
• WarehouseDim – warehouse locations
• CustomerDim – information about customers
• DateDim – sales dates
• SaleFacts – information about sales

Please notice that all data (customers, sales, dates, warehouses, and products) are randomly
generated. Table and field names are self-explanatory.
The company wants to retrieve information from the database for reporting and data
analysis. To get the data, a database analyst writes SQL queries.
Your assignment consists of the following tasks:
1. In the MS Word document:
a. Identify dimension and fact tables. (Remember that the database structure is
a database star schema).
b. Analyse and describe the tables (fields, field datatypes, primary and foreign
c. Draw the database diagram.
d. Copy all queries you wrote in the SQLite Browser to the Word document and
explain them.

2. In the SQLite Browser, you need to write, save, and run the following SQL queries:
a Create all primary and foreign keys for all tables. It is very important to
understand that the tables already created and populated. You will
need to write queries similar to the ones provided for the database in
weeks 9 and 10.
b Insert a new customer. Devise your own data for this record.
c Create a new sale fact related to the new customer. You can choose any
existing product, warehouse, date, and sales office.
d Display all customer names, their addresses, and states.
e Display all customer names from Queensland.
f Display the total amount of all company sales in 2018.
g Display total amount of sales for each product separately.
h Display total amount of sales (in $) for each product and state
separately, i.e. the output should contain 3 columns: product, state and
total amount for this product and state.
i Display products sold from warehouses located in Victoria.
j For each sale, display a customer name and a purchase date.
k Display a total number of sales (NOT AMOUNT!) for each customer.
l For each sales office (branch), display: branchKey, branch state, a
customer name (a customer purchased in this office), a product name
purchased by this customer, and a month number of the purchase.
Your submission should consist of the following documents:

• MS Word document containing answers to the Task 1

• SQLite Browser project file with stored SQL queries from the Task 2
• The AppliedProject2.db SQLite database with created primary and foreign keys.
You will lose marks for not submitting any of the above files.

Don’t forget to include the assignment cover sheet !!!

Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be
weighted 30% of the total unit mark

Not Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Marking Criteria
satisfactory (50-64%) of (65-74%) of (75-84%) of (85-100%) of
(0-49%) of the criterion the criterion the criterion the criterion
the criterion mark mark mark mark
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic knowledge Exhibits breadth
Exhibits Displays
understanding of understandin only of and depth of accurate and exceptional
database design g of database understanding understanding detailed breadth understanding of
and ability to draw design and and of database of database and depth of database design
database diagrams database design and design and understanding and database
(20%) diagrams. database database of database diagrams.
diagrams. diagrams. design and
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic knowledge Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding of understandin only of and depth of accurate and exceptional
database primary g of database understanding understanding detailed breadth understanding of
and foreign keys, primary and of database of database and depth of database primary
and database foreign keys, primary and primary and understanding and foreign keys,
referential and database foreign keys, foreign keys, of database and database
integrity. (10%) referential and database and database primary and referential
integrity. referential referential foreign keys, integrity.
integrity. integrity. and database
Demonstrate an Inadequate Basic knowledge Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding and understandin only of and depth of accurate and exceptional
ability to write and g and ability understanding understanding detailed breadth understanding
run simple SQL to write and and ability to and ability to and depth of and ability to
run simple write and run write and run and ability to write and run
DDL and DML SQL DDL and simple SQL DDL simple SQL DDL write and run simple SQL DDL
queries (20%) DML queries and DML queries and DML queries simple SQL DDL and DML queries
and DML queries
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
understanding and understandin understanding and depth of accurate and exceptional
skills of writing g and skills of and skills of understanding detailed breadth understanding
advanced SQL writing writing and skills of and depth of and skills of
queries, including advanced SQL advanced SQL writing understanding writing advanced
table joins, queries, queries, advanced SQL and skills of SQL queries,
functions and including including table queries, writing including table
aliases. (30%) table joins, joins, functions including table advanced SQL joins, functions
functions and and aliases. joins, functions queries, and aliases.
aliases. and aliases. including table
joins, functions
and aliases.
Demonstrate Inadequate Basic document Exhibits breadth Exhibits Displays
document and SQL document and SQL writing and depth of accurate and exceptional
query writing skills and SQL skills document and detailed breadth document and
(20%) writing skills SQL writing skills and depth of SQL writing skills
document and
SQL writing skills

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