Topography Optimization and Parametric Analysis of Bead Layout For Sheet Metal Bracket
Topography Optimization and Parametric Analysis of Bead Layout For Sheet Metal Bracket
Topography Optimization and Parametric Analysis of Bead Layout For Sheet Metal Bracket
Cheng Wang
Key Safety System Inc, China Operation
Fang Liao
SAIC Motor Technical Center, China
higher than the one without bead (w2=0mm). It proves that is bead pattern optimization in order to increase the stiffness
the bracket can be reinforced effectively by stamping bead. of shell structures.
Along with the rise of the bead width w2, the height of the For the beads layout of the bracket through topography
section centroid h increases with linear rule and Iy′ changes optimization, the following works are required before
with conic rule. The value of Iy′ reaches the maximum when optimization calculation: the FEA models are established
including meshing and boundary conditions; the optimization
the bead width w2 is equal to 50mm which is half of the total
object is confirmed; the geometric parameters of beads are
bracket width and the section centroid height h is equal to specified including the bead height, the minimum width and
1.56mm which is in the middle of the bracket height range the drawn angle; the designable regions of the bracket are
(−1mm, 4mm). defined. After those works are finished, the optimal beads
layout of the bracket can be gotten by the calculations of
The width of the bracket bead has a great effect on the y axis topography optimization software, such as OptiStruct
polar moment of inertia Iy′. The maximum of Iy′ (w2=50mm) (trademark of Altair). If the results of topography
is more than two times of the one when the bead width is too optimization can not meet the requirements still, it proves that
small (w2=10mm) or too big (w2=90mm). the final design proposal can not be gotten by the way of
improving bracket stiffness just through adding beads. For
THE INTRODUCTION OF meeting the requirements, initial design must be changed.
TOPOGRAPHY OPTIMIZATION IN The design period spent on the bracket beads layout is greatly
BEADS DESIGN PROCESS reduced by this design process and the whole bracket design
In the actual process of the beads layout design, the regions process is optimized. The flow chart of the bracket beads
where beads will be stamped can not be defined easily and optimization procedure is shown in Figure 4.
quickly because the shape of the bracket is complex for the
restriction of loads, assembles and positions. The theories
discussed above just give an instruction for beads layout, but
the best proposal of beads layout can not be given quickly.
The traditional methods of trial and error are still necessary.
With the increasing requirements of shortening design period
and improving quality, a quick and convenient way is needed
to fulfill the best proposal of bracket beads layout.
AN EXAMPLE OF BRACKET BEADS of the assembly is 51.3Hz, and the mode shape of the
assembly can be characterized as simple first-order bending
LAYOUT BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY mode. The first mode shape of the bracket is that the bracket
OPTIMIZATION bottoms below 2 underside fixed holes bend, as shown in
An automotive DVD and bracket assembly is shown in
Figure5, and the intial design of the DVD bracket without
beads is shown in Figure 6. The bracket is fastened on
automotive body by the four fixed holes in the middle of
bracket. The design requirment is that the first natural
frequency of the assemble is above 60Hz
holes and buffer zone for stamping and punching process, etc;
then, the regions of bracket bending continually or the normal
angle of the meshes changing acutely will be excluded from
designable regions also to avoid non-convergence of
optimization iteration due to coming about poor quality of
meshes in those regions. The surplus regions of the bracket
are defined as the designable regions as shown in Figure 8.
The normals of all elements in designable regions are
adjusted to point at one direction only. This is the direction
the bead will be stamped.
The optimization object is defined as the first natural For checking the results of modal analysis, the frequencies of
frequency of the assembly is the maximum after the the assembly with the final bracket design are calculated and
designable regions and the bead parameters are confirmed, the first natural frequency of the assembly is equal to 66.6Hz.
then the FEA models of the assembly are ready for The result is compatible with the one of topography
topography optimization analysis. The optimization results optimization. Compared with the initial analysis result, the
are gotten after 10 iteration calculations and the first natural first natural frequency of the DVD and bracket assembly is
frequency of the assembly is 66.3Hz. The beads pattern of the increased 30% which meets the design requirement.
bracket is shown in Figure 9.
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The authors would like to acknowledge all who ever give
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CONCLUSION Butterworth Heinemann Publications. 1997
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in this paper, it shows the rules of the beads parameters which Sheet Metal Forming, Second Edition. Butterworth
affect on the stiffness of the bracket greatly. The direction of Heinemann Publications. 2002
beads layout and the geometric parameters of beads section
are both have great effects on bracket stiffness. The bead 5. Krishna, M.M.R., “Topology & Topography Optimization
section plane should be parallel to the direction of the bracket a Drive Shaft,” SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-3552, 2005.
deformation; and the normal of bead section plane should be 6. Krishna, M.M.R., “Finite Element Topography and Shape
vertical to the direction. The height and width of bead are the Optimization of a Jounce Bumper Bracket,” SAE Technical
two key factors which affect greatly on the stiffness of Paper 2002-01-1468, 2002.
7. Leiva Juan Pablo, Methods for Generating Perturbation
The bigger of bead height, the stiffer of bracket, but the bead Vectors for Topography Optimization of Structures[J],
height is restricted by the forming characteristic of material. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Structural and
According to the theories discussed above, an optimal bead Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2003.
width can reinforce bracket effectively when beads height is 8. Altair Inc., Hypermesh Reference Manual, 10.0 edition.
constant. The stiffness of bracket arrives at the maximum
when the width of the region with beads is as much as the one 9. Altair Inc., Optistruct Reference Manual, 10.0 edition.
of the region without beads or the section centroid height is in
the middle of the whole section height range along with CONTACT
stamping direction. Above theoretic instructions have general
meaning for the bracket beads design. Cheng Wang
Structure and safety analysis, Global CAE department of
For meeting requirements of the cost and specifications, a KSS(Key Safety System) Inc
best way is necessary to define the regions of the bead layout Location:Shanghai, China
corresponding to the design object when the maximum bead
height is confirmed. The optimal bracket beads layout regions
can be confirmed quickly and conveniently by topography
optimization. In the example of the DVD bracket design, the
best bracket bead pattern is gotten by the method of
topography optimization and the first natural frequency of the
assembly is improved effectively after the beads are laid out.
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