Glanela Manaloto: Clinical Chemistry
Glanela Manaloto: Clinical Chemistry
Glanela Manaloto: Clinical Chemistry
1. Driving force of bicarbonate buffer system Carbon dioxide
4. Tissues that secrete hormones Ex. anterior pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid
7. High WBC count = Substantial decreased Leukocytosis can lead to excessive glycolysis
8. Therapeutic drug Measuring serum or plasma concentrations at indicated times
monitoring (TDM) after administration (PEAK level, TROUGH level or both,
depending on the particular need), useful information can be
generated allowing the clinical staff to adjust dosage and
increase benefit and safety for the patient
M - Myocardial infarction
I –Infectious mononucleosis
11. Decreased anion gap of <10 mmol/L Decrease in the unmeasured anions
Increase in unmeasured cations
13. Specimen for drug testing Drug of abuse: urine / TDM: serum, plasma
27. Important use of serum protein electrophoresis Detection of monoclonal gammopathies such
as M.myeloma
Potassium - violet
Magnesium - blue
46. Bilirubin level interfering assays for albumin, 430 mmoL/l (25 mg/L)
cholesterol and total protein
47. Beta gamma bridging pattern in electrophoresis Liver Cirrhosis,
55. Patency of biliary ducts, hepatocellular Ratio of direct and total bilirubin
56. Overall capacity to transport bile Serum bilirubin level
pCO2 increased by 3%
68. Chemical spills and exposure: when skin contact Best first aid is to flush the area with
occurs large amounts of water FOR AT LEAST 15
70. Response of any given patient to drug treatment Age, physical condition and genetic make-up
is highly individual and variable
Patients differ response to same medication
81. Method for drug detection/quantification GC/MS (GOLD STANDARD FOR DRUG TESTING)
89. Lock and Key (Emil fischer) The shape of the key (substrate) must fit
into the lock (enzyme)
92. Air displacement pipet Relies on piston for suction to draw sample
into disposable tip; the piston does not
come in contact with the liquid
93. Lean Six sigma DMAIC (Define, measure analyze, Improve and
control ) methodology
98. Lysergenic acid diethylamide (LSD, lysergide) “Undulating vision ; “bad trip” –panic
Colorimetric : endpoint
Enzymatic: UV
Colorimetric, diacetyl
Enyzmatic: UV
Enyzmatic: H2O2
102. Modified Allen’s test Assess collateral circulation before collecting a blood
specimen from the radial artery
104. OGTT patient preparation Ingest at least 150g of CHO for 3days
106. 5 to 10 years (10yrs) Patient with Gestational diabetes may develop DM after
115. HDL of 60mg/dl Negative risk factor for coronary heart disease
116. HDL of ≤40mg/dl Positive risk factor for coronary heart disease
Triglycerides CV of ≤5%
124. Growth
test Condition Screening Confirmatory
Arginine stimulation
test- 2ndconfirmatory
125. Cortisol
Condition Screening Confirmatory
-Overnight dexamethasone -Midnight plasma cortisol
suppression test
suppression test
Condition Tests
ALT Liver
Lipase Pancrease
LD All tissues
Glycosidase: AMS,
134. Isoenzyme Multiple forms of the same enzyme catalyzing the same chemical
141. Stages of
impairment by
Blood Alcohol % Signs and symptoms
Obese type 1 30 to 40 30 to 40
149. Point of care testing Alternative site testing, Near-patient test, decentralized testing,
bedside testing, or ancillary testing
-Addison’s disease
-Muscle/cellular injury
-Gastric suction
-Intestinal tumor
-Cancer therapy—chemotherapy,
radiation therapy
-Cushing’s syndrome
-Acute leukemia
Insulin overdose
170. bicarbonate the second most abundant anion in the Extra Cellular Fluid
172. chloride shift Bicarbonate diffuses out of the cell in exchange for
chlorideto maintain ionic charge neutrality within the
173. GI tract, Kidney, Bone Organ systems that regulates Calcium and phosphorous metabolism
174. Increase Effect of high bilirubin and Hemoglobin level in ACP measurement
176. Components of the Bicarbonate, Carbon dioxide, Carbonic acid, Water, and protons
buffering system
M- methanol poisoning
D-Diabetic Ketoacidosis
L-Lactic acidosis
S-salicylate poisoning
180. Decrease anion gap Decrease unmeasured anion, Increased Unmeasured cation
H- Hypoalbuminemia
M-Multiple myeloma
-marker of malnutrition
182. Troponin I Most specific AND REFERENCE cardiac marker for ACUTE
185. Ethosuximide (1st answer) The drug of choice for treating PETIT-MAL(absence
186. Valproic acid (2nd answer if seizures)
wala yung ethosuximide)
187. Capillary puncture/capillary Sample used for glucose monitoring done or performed by
blood patients
191. QC errors
195. below 400mg/dL or (4.52 mmo/L) The fridewald formula is valid only if the TAG level
196. >600mg/dl TAG level greater than ____hinders the usage of LDL-C
203. Effect of marked hemolysis in Decrease sodium level due to dilutional effect
204. Quadruple test for down syndrome
AFP Decrease
Estriol(E3) Decrease
Inhibin A Increase
HcG Increase
Cortisol, ACTH, Plasma renin activity,
Aldosterone, insulin, growth hormone,
ACP,Prolaction, and Iron
206. Cardiac troponins Gold standard in the diagnosis of Acute coronary syndrome
207. Immunochemical and Two basic techniques involved in measuring drugs, whether
Chromatographic methods drug of abuse or therapeutic drugs
208. Marijuana Oldest and most widely used mind altering drug
209. Enzyme: First order Reaction rate is directly proportional to the substrate
kinetics concentration
210. Enzyme: Zero order kinetics Reaction rate is directly proportional to enzyme
211. Transporters
ceruloplasmin copper
Amitriptyline Nortriptyline
Cocaine Benzylecgonine
Heroin Morphine
marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol
Primidone Phenobarbital
CONCENTRATION (Highest to lowest)
Median Middle point of the data and is often used with skewed
222. 10 to 15% Whole blood glucose is ____ lower than serum glucose
225. Organs sensitive to ethanol abuse LIVER, stomach, GI tract, CNS (brain), Pancreas
226. Sodium and Chloride Electrolytes that provides that largest contribution of serum
228. Posterior pituitary gland Endocrine gland that secretes that ADH and Oxytocin
235. The hormones that assist in controlling thyroxine, growth hormone, insulin, and
protein synthesis testosterone.
241. Beta-Trace Protein Recently, it was verified that BTP was established as an accurate
marker of CSF leakage.
244. Amyloids Amyloids are insoluble fibrous protein aggregates formed due to an
alteration in their secondary structure known as Beta-pleated
sheets. Amyloid characteristically stains with Congo red. It can
be used as supplemental tests to help differentiate a diagnosis of
Alzheimer disease from other forms of dementia. (Increase in
Alzheimer Disease)
245. High-sensitity CRP High-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) is the same protein but is named for
the newer, monoclonal antibody–based test methodologies that can
detect CRP at levels below 1 mg/L. The hsCRP test determines risk
of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. High levels of hsCRP consistently
predict recurrent coronary events in patients with unstable angina
and AMI.
248. Blood pH
average 7.40
250. Through Lowest concentration of drug in blood obtained in the dosing interval
252. RENIN
253. Liver disease The most common cause of abnormal ammonia metabolism
255. Acid Substance that can yield a hydrogen ion or hydronium ion when
dissolved in water
-Hydrogen Donator
256. Base Substance that can yield hydroxide ion (OH)when dissolved in water
-Hydrogen acceptor
257. Colligative properties Freezing point , vapor pressure, osmotic pressure, boiling point
258. vapor pressure the pressure at which the liquid solventis in equilibrium with the
water vapor
259. Freezing point the temperature at which the vapor pressures of the solid and
liquid phases are the same
260. boiling point temperature at which the vapor pressure of the solvent reaches one
261. osmotic pressure the pressure that opposes osmosis when a solvent flows through a
semipermeable membrane to establish equilibrium between
compartments of differing concentration
262. errors
80% of the liver should be damaged to abolish its function
273. Criteria for Oral Glucose tolerance Test Normal/Non diabetic = 2hr plasma glucose <140mg/dl
Impaired GTT = 2hr plasma glucose 140-199mg/dl
Diabetes Mellitus = 2hr plasma glucose ≥200mg/dl
276. BASAL STATE COLLECTION Blood collection early in the morning before the patient has eaten or
become physically active. This is a good time to draw blood sample because
the body is at rest and food has not been ingested during the night
281. Marasmus Caused by caloric insufficiency without protein insufficiency so that the serum albumin
level remains normal; there is considerable loss of body weight
286. 9 grams dissolved in 1L How will you prepare 1 liter of NSS using pure Sodium chloride
of water crystals?
289. Standard are highly purified substances of a known composition. A standard may
differ from a control in its overall composition and in the way it is
handled in the test. Standards are the best way to measure accuracy.
Standards are used to establish reference points in the construction of
graphs (such as the manual hemoglobin curve) or to calculate a test
290. Quality control a process that monitors the accuracy and reproducibility of results through the use of
control specimens
continuous quality improvement The ongoing process of making certain the correct laboratory result is reported for the
right patient in a timely manner and at the correct cost is known as
293. (CQI)
294. Total Quality is a systematic problem-solving approach using visual tools to
Management (TQM) identify the steps in the process for meeting customer
satisfaction of quality care in a timely manner at reduced costs
295. Benchmarking Individual facility COMPARE ITS RESULTS WITH THOSE OF ITS PEERS
297. Calcium and albumin Significantly affected by a change in posture from supine to a
sitting or standing position
Measure Unit
302. Ortho toluidine, and condensation CHEMICAL method for glucose that is still widely
method used
307. >100 mg/dl Blood alcohol level that is considered as legally intoxicated
310. Posterior pituitary gland It stores and secretes ADH and oxytocin
314. Arterial blood gas monitoring is the standard for assessing a patient’s
oxygenation, ventilation, and acid-base status. Although ABG monitoring
has been largely replaced by non-invasive monitoring, it is still useful
in the confirmation and calibration of non-invasive monitoring
315. Serum
electrophoresis Increase alpha-2-macroglobulin with Nephrotic syndrome
patterns decrease albumin
Extra band between beta and gamma region Usage of plasma (due to
(pseudo beta gamma bridging) fibrinogen)
316. Detection of monoclonal Single most important and clinical application of serum
gammopathies (E.g Multiple protein electrophoresis
317. Characteristic of liver Presence of fibrosis, scarring and destruction of normal
cirrhosis liver architecture
319. Critical or panic values -Test results that indicate a potentially life-threatening
situation. Patient care personnel must be notified
321. Read back policy Person receving critical values must record and read back
patient’s name and critical values. Laboratory must document
person who received information and time of notification.
323. Uremia or uremic syndrome Toxic condition of very high plasma urea concentration
accompanied with renal failure
327. Molarity Refers to gram molecular mass or weight of a compound per liter of solution
330. Age,Sex, and What are the factors that affect TDM?
renal function
Ratio of direct and total bilirubin Patency of biliary ducts; hepatocellular metabolism of bilirubin
Urine urobilinogen Patency of biliary ducts; quantity of bilirubin processed; hepatocellular excretory
339. Errors
refers to a difference between the target value and the assayed value
it is independent of sample concentration
it exists when there is a continual difference between the comparative
method and the test method regardless of the concentration
b.Proportional / Slope/ Percent error
Clerical error it is the highest frequency of clerical errors occurs with the use of
handwritten labels and requests form
340. Jaundice Physical sign characterized by a yellow appearance of the skin, mucuous
membrane, and sclera cause by bilirubin deposition. It is usually apparent
341. Enzymes 1. No truly specific enzyme ; all enzymes are found in more than one
2. Enzyme data cannot be interpreted by itself. We must look at other
lab results and other pertinent clinical information before a
diagnosis can be made
3. Negative or normal results are useful
4. Serial measurements provide most useful data; a single measurement
can be misleading
342. decreased Level of chloride in hyponatremia
343. NPN
urea Major end product of protein metabolism
Type 2b – mixed effect High High High High N High Cardiac Risk
-Familial combined
Familial Hyperglycedemia
349. Pronounced (≥5X) elevation of LDH MEGALOBASLTIC ANEMIA, systemic shock and hypoxia, Hepatitis, Renal
351. Pronounced (≥5X) elevation of AST Acute hepatitis, Myocardial infarction, Circulatory collapse, Acute
pancreatitis, Infectious mononucleosis
352. Pronounced (≥5X) elevation of ALP Bile duct obstruction(intra and extra hepatic) , Biliary cirrhosis, Osteitis
deformans (Paget’s disease) , Osteogenic sarcoma, Hyperparathyroidism
353. Flipped LD pattern (LD1>2) Associated with MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, RENAL INFARCTION, AND
358. Errors
Pre- analytical incorrect patient identification, improper patient preparation, incorrect specimen
collection ,mislabeled specimen, incorrect order of draw, incorrect used of tubes for blood
collection, incorrect anticoagulant to blood ratio, improper mixing of blood and anticoagulant,
incorrect specimen preservation, mishandled specimen
Analytical errors incorrect sample and reagent volume, incorrect incubation of solution, equipment/instrument
malfunction, improper calibration of equipment
Post analytical unavailable or delayed laboratory results, long turnaround time, incomplete laboratory
results, wrong transcription of the patient’s data and lab results, missing laboratory results
M = ___Grams of solute_____
N =____Grams of solute____
EW x Volume (L)
m = __Grams of solute____
MW x Kg of solvent
Dilution = ___________solute___________
Centigrade to Kelvin = 273 + ‘C
362. Zero order kinetics Reaction rate depends only on enzyme concentration
369. Von Gierke disease Most common congenital form of glycogen storage disease ;
associated with hyperlipidemia
374. Monochromators 1. Glass filters and interference filters are used in photometers
2. Diffraction gratings and prisms are used in spectrophotometers
375. Used to calibrate 1. HOLMIUM OXIDE = for narrow spectral bandwidth instrument
wavelength 2. DIDYNIUM FILTER = for broader bandpass instrument
376. Hallow-cathode lamp Light source used in Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
377. Quenching of Excited state of the molecule loses some of its energy by
fluorescence interaction with another component of the reaction
380. Fresh, and chilled Specimen for determination of ammonia level in the body
*urea is only a rough estimate of renal function and will not show
any significant level of increased concentration until GFR is
decreased by at least 50%
388. Biochemical changes INCREASED =Urea, creatinine, electrolytes (K,Phosphate, Magnesium &
in acute kidney disease H+
and End stage renal
393. Immunoassay technique Method of choice for individual assay assays of anticonvulsants
395. Biological
safety cabinet
Class I Allows room (unsterilized) air to pass into the cabinet and around the area and material
within, sterilizing only the air to be exhausted; they have negative pressure, are
ventilated to the outside, and are usually operated with an open front
Class II Sterilizes air that flows over the infectious material, as well as air to be exhausted.
IIB Exhaust air cabinets is discharged outside the building; selected if radioisotopes, toxic
chemicals, or carcinogens will be used
Class III Completely enclosed and have negative pressure, afford the most protection to the
worker; air coming into and going out of the cabinet is filter sterilized, and the infectious
material within is handled with rubber gloves that are attached and sealed to the
396. 25mg/dl(430 umol/L) Icteric serum sample is apparent when bilirubin level approaches by
399. Chronic cholestasis Highest value of GGT (>10x) , may be found in __ due to primary
biliary cirrhosis or sclerosing cholangitis
Situation 1 – the intensity of fluorescence is theoretically linear with the concentration of the fluorescing molecule.