Chapter One The Concept of Contract
Chapter One The Concept of Contract
Chapter One The Concept of Contract
enough to extended
simply name a these
third party. exceptions as
Nor will it be
shown in
The effect is Jackson v
unless the
that no one Horizon
third party is
Sc1.1.a - the other than the Holidays Ltd.
expressly Sc1.1.b the Generally,
contract parties to a
identified in Sc1 - A third term purports only the
expressly contract can
the contract by party to confer a parties to a
says. bring court
name, as a (someone who benefit. contract are
action to Sc11 Married
member of is not a party bound by it.
enforce a Women's
class or as to the contract. Established Property Act
answering a contract) can
particular and attempted 1882 allows a
description but enforce a term exceptions non
need not be in of the contract The leading contracted
existence Sc1.1.b if... case is party to sue
cannot be Tweedle v Privity
when the of contract A contract when
contract is enforced if the Atkinson. someone's life
parties did not cannot place a
entered into burden on a insurance is in
(Sc1.3). intend so favour of
(Sc1.2). third party -
Dunlop them.
Tyre Co Ltd v
A contract
Selfridge & Co
Avraamides v gives parties
Colwill held Contracts legal rights.
the wording (Rights of
insufficiently Third Parties)
precise. Act 1999
Chapter One: An agreement
The Concept that gives rise
What is a to obligations
of Contract and which is
Sc7.1 contract?
Contracting enforceable
preserves the
parties may and
old rules
exclude third recognised by
which sit
parties. the law.
alongside the
new ones.
The essentials Parties must
of a valid agree and the
Agreement contract agreement
(offer and must be
acceptance). recognised
Intention to enforceable by
create legal law.