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Power Systems Protection Course: Al-Balqa Applied University

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Al-Balqa Applied University

Power systems Protection


Department of Electrical Energy Engineering

Dr Audih 1
Part 5


Dr Audih 2
Dr Audih 3
Relay: Is a device which receive a signal from the
power system thought CT and VT and determines
whether conditions are "normal" or "abnormal" ,if an
abnormal condition detect, relay signals CB to trip
equipment .
The Purpose of the Relay:
Relaying is used to isolate only the faulty component of
power system.
Relay is classified into two groups:
1. Primary relaying equipment..
2. Back-up relaying equipment: works only when the
primary relaying equipment fails .

Dr Audih 4
Relay and back-up relay



**Note: Backup relay is with delay time greater than main relay
Dr Audih 5
Discrimination Characteristics of Relay
1)Speed: (1/60 sec):
• Minimizes damage from current.
• Maximizes power transfer during normal conditions.
2)Security: Should not cause circuit breaker to open
during normal conditions.
3)Dependability: Should cause circuit breaker to open
during abnormal conditions.
4)Sensitivity: Ability to detect all faults for the expected
limiting system and fault conditions
5)Selectivity: Ability to discriminate between faults
internal and external to its intended protective zones.

Dr Audih 6
Classifications of Relays
Protection relays can be classified accordance with:
a) Function of Relays: Auxiliary relay, protection relay,
monitoring relay, control relay
b) Construction of Relays: Electromagnetic relay, Solid
state relay, microprocessor relay, computerized relay
and nonelectric (thermal, pressure..etc.)relay.

c) Incoming signal of Relays:- Current, voltage,

frequency. Temperature, pressure, velocity, and
d) Type of protection: Over current, directional over
current, distance, over voltage, differential and others.
Dr Audih 7
Relay construction types
1.Electromagnetic relays: The principle is a mechanical
force causing operation of a relay contact. The
mechanical force provided from magnetic core
windings). The advantages are simply, cheap and
reliable .

Dr Audih 8
Electromechanical relays types
Electromagnetic relays construction composed of
two parts :
a) Electrical magnetic
b) Mechanical components.
Have an operating coil and various contacts and are
very strong, inexpensive and reliable, they required
maintenance by skilled personnel.
Relay types are:
1)magnetic attracted armature
2)magnetic induction.
3)moving coil.
5)motor operated.
Dr Audih 9
1.1. Magnetic attraction relays
Magnetic attraction relays :
 Its supplied by AC or DC,
operate by the movement of metal contacts when it is
attracted by the magnetic field produced in the coil.
There are two types:-
a) Attracted armature (clapper type) Figure 1.

Figure 1

Dr Audih 10
Attracted armature principle:
• The armature is attracted to
the electromagnet when
the current reaches a
certain predetermined
value and force of the
armature will trip .
• The armature is attracted
against gravity or a spring.

Setting can be carried by :

 adjusting the distance of the armature from the
 the tension of the spring,
The armature carries the moving part of the contact, which is
closed or opened according to the design.

Dr Audih 11
b) Plunger type relay:
•Its other type of magnetic attraction relays which consist
of a piston or solenoid relay, Figure 2,
• piston is attracted axially within the field of the
solenoid, the piston carries the operating contacts. This
called plunger type relay.


Net force Fn=F1-F2 or K1I2 -K2 or K1I2 =K2 Figure 2 Solenoid-type (plunger ) relay

Dr Audih 12
If ϕ is increased the force increased or voice versa F=ϕ
And reluctance R=mmf/φ

Proportionality relation



Coil turns
φ mag. flux

Dr Audih 13
Relay setting operation depending on :-
1. Tension of the spring .
2. Resistance of the solenoid.

Attraction relays effectively have no time delay and, for

that reason, are widely used when instantaneous
operations are required.
Dr Audih 14
Mag.force Mech.force

K 2  K 1I 2 Mechanical greater than

electrical force
Dr Audih 15
K 1I  K 2

Mechanical less than electrical force

This is the minimum current

in which the relay will be

In this case Ft   0.6(4.08)2  10  0

Dr Audih 16
1.2 Magnetic induction relays
 works only with alternating current.
 They are three classes types :-
a) Wattmetric-induction type relay
It consists of two electromagnets
constructed as shown in Fig. one for
voltage and the other for current, which
operates on a moving conductor, in the
form of a disc.
Induction working Principle
• Induction type relay:
General operating principle:
The two magnets of the induction type
relay produce two alternating magnetic
primary coil
Secondary coil Fig.. Induction type overload relay

Dr Audih 17
d 1
i 1  1m sin t  i 1  1m sin t   1m cos t
i 2  2 m sin t    i 2  2 2 m sin t     2 m cos t  
Dr Audih 18
 B 
I .L
If L is negected
F   .I

(Since they are in opposite direction)

In the next slide

Dr Audih 19
The result of geometrical operation is


Dr Audih 20
b) Induction Type Relay with plug settings
Same as wattmeter but with plugs

Fig. Induction type relay with Plug settings

Dr Audih 21
Dr Audih 22
c) Induction-Cup relay
Operation as induction disc.
 Two fluxes at right angles induce eddy currents in a
bell-shaped cup which rotates and carries the moving
A four-pole relay is shown in Figure .

Fig .Four-pole induction-cup relay.

Dr Audih 23
1.3 Shaded-pole relay
 operation of the electromagnetic section is short-
circuited by means of a copper ring or coil.
 creates a flux in the area influenced by the short
circuited section
(the so-called shaded section) which lags the flux in the
non-shaded section, see Figure .

 Two flux produce one flows through the normal ('pole") and the
other flows through the shaded pole. These two fluxes are similar
in magnitude but different in angle.
Dr Audih 24
 In the electromagnetic induction principle, the relay
element has a non­magnetic rotor (an aluminum or
copper disc or cylinder)
 coils create magnetic fluxes that induce circulating
currents which generates torque (like operation
principle of motor)

> Note that the main coils has TAPS, this means that
the number of turns is actually adjustable.

Features of the Induction Principle

Suitable for AC Systems
The Torque Does Not Vary With Time: No Vibration.

Dr Audih 25
2. Solid State Relays (SSR)
is a solid state electronic component that a similar function
to an electromechanical relay but does not have any moving
Their design is based on analogue electronic such as
transistors and diodes ,resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.,
Advances is enabled the use of linear and digital integrated
circuits for signal processing and implementation of logic

a) small over-current relay b) circuit board for a simple static .

Dr Audih 26
Principle of Operation:

Solid state relays (static relays) are extremely fast in

their operation. They have no moving parts and have
very quick response time and they are very reliable.
Figure shows the elements used in a single - phase
time lag overcurrent relay.

Fig. 10

Dr Audih 27
3. Computerized Relay
3.1. Digital relays
 Utilizes a microcontroller with software based
protection algorithms for the detection of electrical
They are also called numerical relays.
 Microprocessors and microcontrollers replaced
analogue circuits used in static relays to implement
relay functions.
 Digital relays introduce analog or digital (A/D) of all
measured analogue quantities and use a
microprocessor to implement the protection algorithm.
 Digital relay contain advanced metering and
communication protocol ports, allowing the relay to
become a focal point in a SCADA system.
Dr Audih 28
Examples of digital relays are shown in Figure

Fig. Digital relays

Dr Audih 29
Signal Path for Microprocessor Relays

The signal path for voltage and current input signals are
shown in Fig..

Dr Audih 30
Digital Relay Construction
 Analog Input Subsystem
 Input Subsystem A/D Converter
 Microprocessor
 Discrete output Subsystem
 Operating signaling and communication subsystems

Digital Relay Architecture

Dr Audih 31
1- Analog Filter to reduce noise

2- Sampling signal for analysis

S/H sample and hold

Dr Audih 32

Dr Audih 33


Dr Audih 34

Dr Audih 35
 The relay logic makes the final decisions for tripping and other
relay functions.
 In some modern relays, the logic can be programmed by the user.
 The results of a logic function could be used to modify the
protection method.
 Sometimes this is called "torque control" to make a similitude with
old electromechanical relays.


Dr Audih 36
Programmable logic :
 is an extraordinary feature of digital relays. The user has a large
number of possibilities to define a logic function according to the
present needs.
 Inside the relay, there is a logic variable associated with several
relay and protection functions.
 These variables can be employed to create new logic variables,
according to laws defined by the user.
Dr Audih 37
Advantages of Digital Relays
Low Cost
Multi functionality
Protection and control
Fault recording
Communications capability
Compatibility with Digital Integrated Systems
High Reliability
Relays (integration, self-testing)
Protection system (supervised by the relays)
Sensitivity and Selectivity
New Protection Principles
New Relay Operating Characteristics
Reduced Burden on CTs and VTs
Adaptive Protection
Dr Audih 38
The distinction between digital and numerical relay rests
on points of fine technical detail, and is rarely found in
areas other than Protection.

They can be viewed

as natural
developments of
digital relays as a
result of advances in
technology. Typically,
they use a specialized
digital signal processor
(DSP) as the
hardware, together
with the associated
software tools.

Dr Audih 39
Advantages of numerical technology

All information supply

clear representation of the fault sequence

Dr Audih 40
Protection Methods
Overcurrent (50, 51)
Voltage (59, 27)
Directional (67)
Distance (21)
Differential (87)
Frequency (81)
Phasor calculation
Protection methods
Relay logic

These routines implement the protection function:

overcurrent, directional, distance, differential, etc. as
ANSI device numbers marked in appendix.

Dr Audih 41

Dr Audih 42
 Normally open contact ( N/O): is one which is open when the
relay is not energized.
 Normally closed contact (N/C): is one which is closed when the
relay is not energized.
 Operating force or torque: that which tends to close the contacts
of the relay.
 Restrain force or torque: that which opposes the operating force
or torque and tend to prevent the closure of the relay contacts.
 Pickup level: the value of the actuating quantity (current or
voltage), which is on the border above which the relay operates.
 Drop-out or reset level: the value of current or voltage below
which a relay opens its contacts and comes to original position..
 Operating time: the time which elapses between the instant when
the actuating quantity exceeds the pick-up value to the instant
when the relay contacts close.
 Reset time: the time which elapses between the instant when the
actuating quantity becomes less than the reset value to the instant
when the relay contact returns to its normal position.
Dr Audih 43
 Primary relays: the relays which are connected directly in the
circuit to be protected.
 Secondary relays: the relays which are connected in the circuit
to be protected through CTs and V.Ts.
 Auxiliary relays: relays which operate in response to the
opening or closing of its operating circuit to assist another relay in
the performance of its function. This relay may be instantaneous
or may have a time delay.
 Reach: a distance relay operates whenever the impedance seen
by the relay is less than a prescribed value, this impedance or rt]ic
corresponding distance is known as the reach ofthe relay.
 Instantaneous relay: One which has no intentional time-delay
and operates in less than 0.1 second.
 Blocking: preventing the protective relay from tripping cither due
to its own characteristics or to an additional relay.
 Time delay relay : One which is designed with a delaying means

Dr Audih 44
ANSI Device Numbers

The ANSI Standard Device Numbers denote what features a

protective device supports (such as a relay or circuit breaker).
These types of devices protect electrical systems and components
from damage when an unwanted event occurs, such as a electrical

List of Device Numbers 12 – Over speed Device

1 - Master Element 13 - Synchronous-speed Device
2 - Time Delay Starting or Closing 14 – Under speed Device
Relay 15 - Speed - or Frequency-Matching
3 - Checking or Interlocking Relay Device
4 - Master Contactor 16 - Elect. operated valve (solenoid
5 - Stopping Device valve)
6 - Starting Circuit Breaker 17 - Distance Relay
7 - Anode Circuit Breaker 18 - Temperature Control Device
8 - Control Power Disconnecting 19 - Synchronizing or Synchronism-
Device Check Device
9 - Reversing Device 20 - Apparatus Thermal Device
10 - Unit Sequence Switch Dr Audih 45
21 - Isolating Contactor
22 - Annunciator Relay 39 - Exciter or DC Generator Relay
23 - Directional Power Relay 40 - High-Speed DC Circuit Breaker
24 - Polarity or Polarizing Voltage 41 - Power Factor Relay
Devices 42 - Field Application Relay
25 - Undercurrent or Under power 43 - Overvoltage Relay
Relay 44 - Voltage or Current Balance Relay
26 - Bearing Protective Device 45 - Machine Split Phase Current Balance
27 - Mechanical Conduction Monitor 46 - Time-Delay Stopping or Opening Relay
28 - Field Relay 47 - Pressure Switch
29 - Field Circuit Breaker 48 - Ground Detector Relay
30 - Running Circuit Breaker 49 – Governor
31 - Manual Transfer or Selector 50 - Starts per Hour
Device 51 - AC Directional Overcurrent Relay
32 - Reverse-phase or Phase-Balance 52 - Blocking Relay
Relay 53 - Permissive Control Device
33 - Phase-Sequence Voltage Relay 54 - Level Switch
34 - Incomplete-Sequence Relay 55 - DC Circuit Breaker
35 - Machine or Transformer Thermal 56 - Alarm Relay
Relay 66 - Position Changing Mechanism
36 - Instantaneous Overcurrent
37 - AC Time Overcurrent Relay
38 - AC Circuit Breaker

Dr Audih 46
67 - DC Overcurrent Relay
68 - Phase-Angle Measuring or Out-of-Step
Protective Relay
69 - AC-Reclosing Relay
70 - Frequency Relay
71 - Automatic Selective Control or Transfer Relay
72 - Operating Mechanism
73 - Carrier or Pilot-Wire Receiver Relay
74 - Lockout Relay
75 - Differential Protective Relay
76 - Line Switch
77 - Regulating Device
78 - Voltage Directional Relay
79 - Voltage and Power Directional Relay
80 - Tripping or Trip-Free Relay
81 - Reluctance Torque Synchrocheck
82 - Autoloading Relay

Dr Audih 47
Dr Audih 48

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