Simplified Construction Estimate: Concrete
Simplified Construction Estimate: Concrete
Simplified Construction Estimate: Concrete
der the ff procedures: stock piling & mixing does not permit, ready-mixed concrete is the most
practical solution
ESTIMATE 1. Water cement ratio is determined at the
very first hour of mixing to meet the
volume of sand & gravel for all classes of mixture is constant at 0.5 &
1.0m3, respectively. It is true, on the assumption that the cement paste
Max B. Fajardo Jr.2000 Edition
requirements of strength & durability enters the void of the sand & at the same instance, the composition of
CONCRETE 2. Cement-aggregate ratio is then chose these 2 materials fill the voids of the gravel & thereafter, form a solid mass
Basic Types 1. Plain – cement, fine & coarse & established to satisfy the workability called concrete equivalent to 1m3
aggregates, & water requirements. Workability means the
2. RC ability of fresh concrete to fill all the based on actual concreting work, 1m3 of gravel + 0.5 m3 sand mixed w/
Types Used in Ordinary Portland cement voids between the steel bars & the cement & water will obtain a little bit more than , 1m 3 solid concrete. The
Construction Rapid Hardening Portland Cement – for high forms w/o necessarily exerting much small excess over , 1m3 will be considered as contingency
early strength effort in tamping Some Factors that might affect estimate accuracy
Blast Furnace or Surface Cement – resist * Laboratory tests showed that water-cement content ratio is the most 1. Inaccurate volume of delivered aggregates (always check volume if
chemical attack important consideration in mixing because it determines not only the it is exactly as ordered)
Low Heat Portland Cement – for massive strength & durability of the concrete but also the workability of the mixture 2. Dumping of aggregates on uneven ground surface & grass areas
sections designed to reduce heat of hydration *Concrete mixtures in paste form – preferred that mixtures w/c are flowing reduces net volme
Portland Pozzolan Cement – low hardening w/ water 3. Improper measuring of aggregates during mixing operation;
High Alumina Cement/ Aluminous Cement / ACI Requirements Fresh concrete – workable common practice when work is on its momentum where laborers
for Concrete Hardened concrete – strong enough to carry fails to observe the right measuring of aggregates being delivered
Cement Fundu – chemical composition
design load to the mixer
different from Portland for having predominant
Hardened concrete – could withstand the 4. Cement & fine aggregate for grouting concrete joints – overlooked
alumina oxide contend of at least 32% by
conditions to w/c it is expected to perform in the estimating processes
weight; alumina lime is within the limit of
Concrete – economically produced 5. Cement waste due to reckless handling & hauling
0.85% - 1.3%; high rate of strength
Classification of 1. Designed Mixture – contractor is responsible 6. Pure cement powder used by mason in plastering operations to
development compared w/ ordinary Portland;
Concrete Mixture in establishing mixture proportion that will prevent plaster from sliding downward is no considered in
aside from its rapid hardening properties, it
achieve the required strength & workability as estimating
can resist chemical attack by sulfate & weak
specified in the plan 7. Pilferage of materials (establish effective system of construction
acids including sea water; can also withstand
2. Prescribed Mixture – designing engineer management)
prolonged exposure to high temperature of
more than 1,000°c; not advisable for mixing specify the mixture proportion; contractor’s Ordering of Course a. Kind of gravel, either crushed stone or natural
w/ any other types of cement responsibility is only to provide a properly Aggregate must be gravel from the creek
mixed concrete containing the right specific as to: b. Min and max size of stone must be specified;
Main Composition Lime (1.6 – 65%)
proportions as prescribed in the plan should be free from mixed san d because
of Cement Silica (18 – 25%)
UNIT OF Materials for concrete structures – m3 sand is cheaper than gravel
Alumina (3 – 8%) c. Natural gravel from creek requires screening
Iron oxide (3 – 5%) MEASURE Cement – pounds
Sand – ft3 to obtain a well-graded coarse aggregate.
Magnesia (2 – 5%) Take note that screening of aggregates
Gravel & water – gallons per bag
Sulfur trioxide means additional cost of labor & reduction in
Aggregates Coarse Aggregate – such as crushed stone, From 94 pounds per bad cement equivalent to the net usable volume of gravel
crushed gravel or natural gravel w/ particles
retained on a 5mm sieve; coarsed aggregate
42.72 kgs to 40kgs. Per bag CONCRETE SLAB
*Traditional wooden box used to measure sand & NOTE: TEXTS THAT ARE HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW ARE
(gravel) max nominal size varies from 40, 20, gravel is 12” x 12” long & 12” high, having a net
14 or 10mm Ø(the choice depends upon the MY PREFERRED METHODS
volume of 1ft.3. Today, instead of the wooden box, NOTE: IF MAY EXTRA TIME, SEARCH SA NET FOR
dimensions of the concrete member more the empty plastic bag of cement is popularly used to
particularly, the spacing of the steel bars SOLUTIONS ON MAX FAJARDO PROBLEM EXERCISES
measure volume of sand & gravel for convenience FOR PRACTICE PURPOSES
reinforcement or as specified) in handling aggregates during mixing operations
Fine Aggregate – crushed stone, crushed (VOLUME 1. Find volume
Concrete 2 Ways: METHOD) 2. Cement (bags) = Volume x (Factor in Table
gravel, sand or natural sand w/ particals Proportioning Weight Method – measuring aggregates &
passing on a 5mm sieve 1-2)
water by weight is sometimes used in a Sand (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2)
Size of Aggregates Good practice –max size of coarse aggregate concrete batching plant for ready-mixed
(gravel) should not exceed 25% of the min Gravel (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2)
concrete or as plan specified
thickness of the member structure nor exceed the Volume Method – most common way; uses AREA METHOD 1. Find Area
clear distance between the reinforcing bars & the empty plastic bag of cement, or by measuring *EASIER ACCDG. 2. Cement (bags) = (Area x Factor in Table 1-3)
form; coarse aggregate should be small enough for box for sand & gravel TO MAX Sand (m3) = (Area x Factor in Table 1-3)
the concrete mixture to flow smoothly around the
reinforcement (workability of concrete) Gravel (m3) = (Area x Factor in Table 1-3)
on construction
Principles of Proportion that will be adopted in concrete mixing where space for
Concrete Mixing has to be established by trial & adjustment materials SQUARE CONCRETE COLUMN
processes to attain desired strength & quality of
(VOLUME 1. Find volume # OF CHB PIECES
METHOD 2. Cement (bags) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-
FUNDAMENTAL 1. Divide height of wall by height of 1 CHB
METHODS 2. Divide length of wall by length of 1 CHB
Sand (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2)
(DIRECT 3. (#1) x (#2)
Gravel (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2)
*if there are posts, subtract area of posts
LINEAR METER 1. Total length of all columns to be estimated
AREA METHODS 1. Area of wall x 12.5 (pieces of CHB per 1qm.)
METHOD 2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 1-4 Factor)
(preferred for
Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-4 Factor)
convenience, *if there are posts, subtract area of posts
Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-4 Factor)
simplicity & direct
to the answer)
Considerations when estimating # of pieces
POST AND FOOTING 1. Does the elevation as indicated in the plan specify the height
VOLUME 1. Find Total Volume of Posts and Slabs from 1st floor to the 2nd floor line or is it from floor to ceiling? In
METHOD (Footing) either case, depth of the beam has to be considered in the
2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 1-2 Factor) estimate, either add or subtract
Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Factor in Table 1-2) 2. Have you considered the CHB to be installed from the
Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Factor in Table 1-2) underground foundation to the floor line? This particular
portion of the wall is often overlook in the process or
AREA + LINEAR 1. Total Length of Posts to be estimated estimating especially when there is no detailed plan or cross
METHOD 2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 1-4 Factor) section detail
COMBINED FOR Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Factor in Table 1-4) CONCRETE PIPE 3. See to it that the CHBs to be installed are uniform in sizes & in
POST & FOOTING Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Factor in Table 1-4) -For small & medium drainage construction thickness. Have it ordered from 1 manufacturer or supplier
3. Total Area of Footing Slabs -Use of concrete pipe as drainage structure materially save cost only. Installing different sizes of CHB means additional
4. Cement (bags) = (#3) x (Table 1-3 Factor) of forms, time & labor costs as well expenses for cement plaster & labor. If several suppliers
Sand (m3) = (#3) x (Factor in Table 1-3) VOLUME 1. Net volume of concrete pipe (subtract volume cannot be avoided, have their respective blocks installed in a
Gravel (m3) = (#3) x (Factor in Table 1-3) METHOD occupied by the hole from gross volume of particular phase of work.
5. Add results of Step 2 & 4 pipe) CEMENT MORTAR FOR BLOCK LAYING
2. Cement (bags) = Volume x (Factor in Table - CEMENT, SAND + WATER
RECTANGULAR COLUMN 1-2) - Bonding materials in installing masonry blocks & other various
Same as for the square column (by Volume & Linear Method) Sand (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2) plastering work
Gravel (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-2) Considerations when Estimating Cement Mortar
RECTANGULAR BEAM & GIRDER 1. Mortar to be used in between CHB layers
Same as for the square column (by Volume & Linear Method) PER PIPE USING 1. Use the inside diameter 2. Mortar filler for hollow core or cell of the blocks (could be pure
CIRCULAR COLUMN TABLE 1-6 2. Cement (bags) = Volume x (Factor in Table
mortar or mortar w/ gravel for economy)
VOLUME 1. Find volume of all columns to be estimated 3. Fine screened sand for plastering
Sand (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-6) VOLUME 1. Determine volume in between CHB layers
METHOD 2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 1-2 Factor)
Gravel (m3) = Volume x (Factor in Table 1-6) METHOD (adopt 12mm or 0.12m mortar thickness)
Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-2 Factor)
Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-2 Factor) MASONRY 2. Find # of layers (Divide height of wall by
LINEAR METER 1. Total Length of columns CHB Load – Bearing (15 – 20cm thk.) height of 1 CHB); Multiply # of layers by #1
METHOD 2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 1-5 Factor) Non – Load Bearing (7 – 10cm thk.) 3. Find total volume of hollow cores
Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-5 Factor)
Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Table 1-2 Factor) Standard HB – has 3 void cells, 2 half cells at both 4. (#3) x number of CHBs
ends having a total of 4. It is recommended that 5. #2 + #4
CHB with bigger cells be considered in estimating 6. Cement (bags): (#5) x (Factor from Table 2-1)
for a more realistic result Sand: (#5) x (Factor from Table 2-1)
In this study, what we want to know is the quantity of the materials needed
for a certain masonry work made of concrete. Generally comprises of the AREA METHOD 1. Find Area of Wall
ff: 2. Cement (bags): (#1) x (Factor from Table 2-
1. CHB 2)
2. Cement & sand for block laying Sand (m3): (#1) x (Factor from Table 2-2)
3. Cement, sand, & gravel filler for the hollow core or cell
4. Cement & fine sand for plastering
5. Cement, sand & gravel for foundation or footing
6. Reinforcing steel bars &
7. Tie Wires
CHB wall, is supported by a continuous wall footing of various thickness & GRAVEL FOR 2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 2-6 Factor)
width, depending upon the size of the blocks & the load it has to carry or as OTHER TYPES Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Table 2-6 Factor)
indicated in the plan. OF CONCRETE Gravel (m3) = (#1) x (Table 2-6 Factor)
1. Find volume of wall footing. Length minus the
space occupied by posts to get the net length.
- Manufactured from either cement mortar or clay
2. Cement (bags): (#1) x (Factor from Table 1-2)
- Widely used for ventilation & decorative purposes
Sand (m3): (#1) x (Factor from Table 1-2)
Gravel (m3): (#1) x (Factor from Table 1-2)
LINEAR METHOD 1. Solve for Net Length of CHB Wall
2. Cement (bags): (#1) x (Factor from Table 2-5)
Sand (m3): (#1) x (Factor from Table 2-5)
HUNDRED BLOCK 1. Find # of CHBs Gravel (m3): (#1) x (Factor from Table 2-5)
METHOD 2. Convert to unit of 100 (divide #1 by 100) OTHER TYPES OF CONCRETE BLOCKS
3. Cement (bags): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2- Purpose of this is to
3) create a wider core to
Sand (m3): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2-3) accommodate concrete
& steel reinforcement.
Before using Table 2-2 & Table 2-3, know first the kind of mixture & size of Estimating method is
CHB to be used because it is where most errors are being committed. similar w/ the standard
type of blocks using the
This does not include the footing. For this item, refer to previous constant value of 12.5
discussions pieces per sqm. & 25
CEMENT MORTAR FOR PLASTERING pieces for the half block
although this type is
- Most estimators make their estimate of mortar for block laying
usually determined by
& plastering though simple guessing & calculation, assuming
direct counting.
the quantity of cement & sand w/o computing (lack of time)
VOLUME 1. Find the two sides area of the wall In estimating CHB, what
METHOD 2. Volume of Plaster = (#1) x (16mm or 0.016m is considered is the side
which is the assumed thickness of plaster) portion of the block.
3. Cement (bags): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2-1) Thickness is only used
Sand (m3): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2-1) in computing the
AREA METHOD 1. Find 2 sides area of wall cement mortar for block
(USING TABLE 2- 2. Cement (bags): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2-4) laying.
4) Sand (m3): (#2) x (Factor from Table 2-4)
Introduction of these
CHBs facilitated the use
of posts & beams for
housing projects avoiding the much used of form lumber. Wall is designed
as a continuous interlocking support of the roof framing.
In block laying work, concrete being a mixture of cement, sand & gravel
should be used to fill the hollow core of the blocks for economic reasons. If
cement mortar will be used to fill the core, cost will be substantially high
because of the higher cement content in proportion w/ sand w/o gravel.
1. In finding wall area, height should be measured from top of Use of pure mortar to fill the hollow core of blocks is costlier than to use
fence down to the foundation line not just to the floor line only RC walls even if forms are used.
2. Subtract area occupied by posts from the gross wall area; for Mortar for block laying is a mixture of cement & sand laid in between the ADOBE STONE
practical purposes, it should not be subtracted because by layer of the blocks at approx. 0.5” or 12mm as bonding materials. Hollow - Commonly used for fencing materials as substitue to CHBs for
computing back to determine its area & the plaster required is core is filled w/ concrete, a mixture of mortar & gravel. economic reasons. Lately, the used of adobe stone was no
considerably a waste of time ESTIMATE OF 1. Itemized the blocks according to its category & longer limited to ordinary zocalo & fencing work but also
CEMENT, SAND, indicate # of pcs. extensively used as finishing & decorative materials for exterior
& interior of buildings & other related structures. 3. MORTAR FOR WALL FOOTING:
- The use of adobe stone for fences, buttresses, cross footings, Cement (bags) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-10
& stairs minimizes the use of mortart filler unlik ein working w/ factor)
CHBs. Plastering is sometimes not applied specially when the Sand (m3) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-10
design calls for exposure of the natural texture of the stone. factor)
LAYING AND PLASTERING CEMENT 1. Find total surface area of the wall & the
PLASTER buttresses to be plastered (1 face) (Note: we
do not plaster the wall below the ground)
2. Cement (bags) = (#1) x (Table 2-11 factor)
Sand (m3) = (#1) x (Table 2-11 factor)
3. If 2 sides will be plastered, double the quantity
Practical use of gravity retaining wall is controlled by height limitations.
Indeed, the required wall cross section increases w/ heights due to the
effect of the triangular soil pressure distributed behind the retaining wall.
If the ground water level rises into the backfill behind a retaining wall due to
either changing ground water condition or percolating water surface, the
lateral pressure against the wall is also changed. The combined effect of EXCAVATION AND PLACING
soil & water pressure causes overturning moments & sliding forces. This is Bed for rip-rap is excavated down to the required depth & properly
greater than the condition where there is no water. compacted, trimmed & shaped. Rip-rap foundation is laid below the depth
of the scour filling the toe trench w/ stone of the same class as specified.
To avoid the rise of water that is building up behind the retaining wall, a
weep hole or collector drainage system or both are provided as part of the Each stone is laid w/ its longest axis perpendicular to the slope in close
design construction. Weep holes should be at least 3” in diameter provided contact w/ adjacent stone. Rip-rap is thoroughly rammed into place & the
w/ a granular soil filter fabric at the wall to prevent backfill eroosion. The finished stones are laid to an even tight surface. Intersections between
horizontal spacing ranges from 120 – 300cm apart. stones are filled w/ small broken fragments firmly rammed into place.
For taller walls, 2 or more rows of weep holes may be provided w/ a typical The stones are placed by hand or individually laid by machine. Spaces
vertical spacing of 150 cm. between stones are then filled w/ cement mortart sufficient enough to
completely fill all the voids except the face surface of the stones left
A Satisfactory Retaning Wall Design must Satisfy these: exposed.
1. Base & stem of the retaining wall must be capable of resisting
# OF ADOBE 1. Length of fence – space occupied by the the internal shear & bending moments developing as a result Cement grout is placed starting from the bottom to the top of the surface &
STONE buttresses (if there area any) of soil & other loadings then swept w/ a stiff brrom. After grouting, the surface is cured like
2. Find area of fence 2. Wall must be safe against overturning structural concrete for a period of at least 3 days after the installation.
3. (#2) x (Table 2-9 factor) 3. Wall structure must be safe against sliding.
# OF 1. Find total length of post 4. Bearing capacity of the foundation material supporting the wall
BUTTRESSES 2. (#1) x (Table 2-10 factor) must noe be exceeded
# OF 1. Find the number of courses RIP-RAP & GROUTED RIP-RAP
BUTTRESSES 2. (#1) x (Table 2-10 factor) - Either w/ or w/o grout, w/ or w/o filter backing
FOOTING - Stone intended for rip-raping shall consist of rocks w/ c are
WALL FOOTING 1. Length of fence – space occupied by buttress nearly rectangular in section as possible; shall be tough,
footing durable & dense; shall be resistance to the action of air & water
2. (#1) x (stones per meter length, see Table 2- & suitable in all aspects for the purpose intended
10) - Adobe stone shall not be used unless specified
MORTAR Cement (bags) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-9 QUANTITY OF 1. Find volume of rip-rap
CLASS A Stones from 15-25kgs. w/ at least 50% of the
factor) CEMENT & SAND 2. Cement (bags): (#1) x (Table 2-12 factor)
stones weighing more than 20kgs.
Sand (m3) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-10 ON A STONE RIP- Sand (m3): (#1) x (Table 2-12 factor)
CLASS B 30-70kg w/ at least 50% of the stones weighing
factor) RAP 3. Length of riprap divided by spacing of weep
more than 50kgs.
CLASS C 60-100kg. w/ at least 50% of the stones weighing 4. Find volume of granular soil (gravel) filter
Cement (bags) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-10 more than 80kgs.
factor) (usually 0.3 x 0.3 area)
CLASS D 100kg-200kg. w/ at least 50% of the stones 5. For back filling, add 20% to volume for
Sand (m3) = (Area of Fence) x (Table 2-10 weighing more than 150kgs.
factor) compaction
8m x 10m or
Existing stable earth slope can experience significant movement called
6m x 6m
slope failure or landslide due to changes in its natural condition or man-
induced changes. There are instances where the materials in cut banks CHAPTER 3 – METAL REINFORCEMENT
slip down to the roadway or carrying portion of the shoulder of the road. STEEL BARS 10x stronger than concrete in resisting compression
This pattern of failure is common in fills or cut slopes of homogenous non- load ; 100x stronger in tensile stresses
granular materials.
MATERIALS 1. Find volume of stem
REQUIRED 2. Find volume of footing
3. Total volume of (#1) + (#2)
4. Cement (bags): (#3) x (Table 1-2 factor)
Sand (m3): (#3) x (Table 1-2 factor)
Gravel (m3): (#3) x (Table 1-2 factor)
5. Find reinforcement
6. Find weep hole pope
7. Find volume of backfill materials
8. Add 20% for compaction
Used to give permanent
proteciton & support to
sea walls, river banks,
culverts, reservoirs, road
bridges & many other
structures in CE works.
Gabions are box shaped
containers made of
tough woven hexagonal
netting strengthened by
- Provided w/ distinctive markings identifying the name of the
selvedges of heavier
manufacturer w/ its initial brand * the bar size # including the
wires. To further strengthen the container, diaphragms are added to divide
type of steel bars presented as follows:
the gabion into 1m compartments.
When filled w/ quarried stone on site, Gabions & Mattresses prove to be
excellent materials for construction of retaining & anti-erosion structures.
Major applications include:
1. Slope stabilization for embankment & cutting
2. Prevention of erosion in river embankments
3. Coastal protection in sea walls & sand dunes
4. Construction of river weirs & channel linings.
5. Groynes projecting into rivers, inland waters & sea
6. Protection of bridge support & surroundings etc.
TFIC Gabioins & Mattresses are available in many sizes & combinations of
wire diameter & mesh size. When ordering TFIC Gabions & Mattresses,
specify the following:
1. Overall size
Length (L) x Breadth (B) x Height (H)
2m x 1m x 1m
4m x 1m x 1m
3m x 1m x 1m
2. Wire Diameter
Diameter in mm
20mm, 2.2mm or 2.7mm BAR SPLICE, HOOK & BEND
Width x Length of mesh FAMILIARIZED WITH
A. CHB Reinforcement – simplest type of vertical & horizontal cannot be totally avoided. small & medium size steel bars. For larger bars, length of ties
reinforcement placed in between the layers & the hollow core of the 3. For other reinforcement parts such as lateral ties, stirrups, varies depending upon the convenience of the steel man
blocks. This is installed & spliced progressively w/ the rise of the spirals, dowels, cut bars & the like should be treated or - Always included in the BOM but never been computed.
concrete blocks. estimated separately one at a time taking into consideration Quanitty is determined through a more or less calculation. In
B. Footing Reinforcements the additional length for the hook, bend, & splicing length short, it is a quantity w/ uncertainty of its accuracy. The only
1. Footing slab reinforcement for small & medium size footings 4. After kowing the length of the lateral ties, stirrups & other thing that is certain is either it is over estimated or under
2. Dowels, cut bars, anchor & bend bars similar parts, select the steel ars form the various commercial estimated w/c is as bad as the other
3. Beam reinforcement for medium construction length of 6-13.5m long where these cut bars could be obtained
4. Beam & slab for large construction avoiding or minimizing unnecessary extra cuts. Extra cuts are
5. Stirrups waste when classified as junk materials. Common size of bar reinforcement specified for CHB work is either: 10mm,
C. Post & Column Reinforcements 5. Considering its cost, tie wire for reinforcement joints is a big 12mm or 16mm diameter depending upon the plan & specifications. For
1. Main Vertical Reinforcement item in large constructino work. The length of each tie wire this particular size of reinforcement, a 25-40cm long tie wire folded at the
a. Single or should be cut to the minimum required length based on the center is satisfactory
b. Bundled Bars diameter of the bars to be tied on. Indiscriminate cutting of tie
2. Lateral Ties wire should not be permitted.
a. Outer ties
b. Inner ties
c. Straight ties DIRECT Vertical & horizontal reinforcements are counted
3. Spiral Ties for circular column COUNTING individually in the plan. Length is also determined
4. Dowels for partitions & other future attachments METHOD from the elevation. The hook, bend, & lapping
D. Beam & Girder Reinforcements splices are imaginably calculated & added to its
1. Main Reinforcement length because it is very rare to see a plan in a
a. Straight Bars large scale drawing showing this particular
b. Bend bars requirements of rebars. Thus, estimators must be
c. Additional cut bars for tension & compression familiar w/ the hook, the bend & splicing
d. Dowel bars for future attachment requirements to be able to work effectively even if
2. Stirrups the plan is not accompanied w/ such details.
a. Open stirrups AREA METHOD 1. Solve for area of the fence
b. Closed stirrups (simplest according 2. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT: (#1) x
c. Straight stirrups or ties to Max) (vertical reinforcement factor in Table 3-5)
3. Cut bars 3. HORIONTAL BARS: (#1) x (horizontal 1. Find wall area
a. Over & across the support With the aid of reinforcement factor in Table 3-5) 2. (#1) x (Table 3-6 factor)
Table 3-5 (table 4. #3 + #4
b. Between supports
include the 5. Convert to commercial value
c. Dowels & hangers for ceiling & partition Also referred as individual/ isolated footing. ACI Code provides that the
E. Floor Slab Reinforcement allowances
required for minimum underground protective covering of concrete to steel
1. Main Reinforcement reinforcement shall not be less than 7.5cm. the reinforcement for this type
a. Straight main rebars extending from 1 beam to the other standard bend,
hook & lapping of structure is determined by direct counting from the detailed plan under
b. Alternate main rebars w/ bend between & over the beam the following procedures:
support (see figure floor slab reinforcement) splices)
c. Main alternate bars over support (beam or girder)
2. Temperature bars tied perpendicular to the main reinforcement
3. Additional alternate cut bars over the support (beam)
4. Dowels & hangers for ceiling & other attachment UNIT BLOCK 1. Find wall area
F. Other Types of Reinforcement METHOD 2. Determine # of CHBs (use Table 2-2)
Other special types of reinforcement designed for a particular 3. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT: (#2) x
structure w/c may be presented in details. Not until after familiarizing (vertical reinforcement factor in Table 3-5)
w/ these different parts & types of reinforcement could one make a HORIZONTAL BARS: (#2) x (horizontal
sound & reliable estimate. reinforcement factor in Table 3-5)
Suggested Procedures in Estimating Steel Bar Reinforcement 4. Add vertical & horizontal bars
1. The main reinforcement of post, column, beam, girder & the 5. Conver to commercial size
like structures, are determined by the simple Direct Counting
Method, that is, by counting the number of main vertial
TIE WIRE FOR CHB REINFORCEMENT 1. Know the actual dimensions of the footing as to its length and
- Refers to gauge No. 16 GI tie wire width
reinforcement on one structure then multiplied by the total # of 2. Considert the 7.5cm minimum underground protective
- Used to secure the steel bars into its designed position
the same type or category in the plan covering of concrete to the steel reinforcement
- Ordering tie wire is not by feet nor by meter length but in
2. Do not forget to include the additional length for hook, bend & 3. If the plan does not specifyhook or bend of the footing
kilograms or roll.
splices for end lapping joints. The additional length is the one reinforcement, the length of the bar is equal to the length or
- 1 roll = 45kgs., or approx 2,385 meters at 53m per kg.
most often overlooked in ordering length of steel bars. In width of the footing minus the 7.5 protective covering at both
- Length of each tie wire depends upon the size of the bars to be
ordering steel bars, always think of minimizing the splices if it ends.
tied on. Tie wire is cut into length ranging from 20 – 40cm for
4. If the plan indicate hook or bend of the reinforcement, the bar Direct Counting – best method in determininig the # of main reinforcement c. Least dimension of the column
cut should include the allowances for the hook & band as of beam & girder. The length, however, is determined by the physical 2. Find the longest value among a, b & c. adopt it for the spacing
presented in Figure 3-4 & 3-5 condition of the structures in relation w/ their support. of the lateral ties.
5. Know the spacing distance of the steel bars both ways to 3. Divide height by #2 to determine number of lateral ties then
determine the exact number required. As much as possible, 1. Verify the plan if the span or distance of the column where the add 1.
select the appropriate commercial length of steel bar w/c is beam is resting indicates the following conditions: 4. (#3) x number of columns
divisible by the required cut length to avoid unwanted cuts. a. Center to center of the column 5. Determine the length of 1 lateral tie by inspection.
b. Outer to center of the column 6. Find how many lateral ties could be derived from a commercial
One important consideration in estimating steel bar reinforcement is to find c. Outer to outer side of the column length of steel bars ranging from 6, 7.5, or 9.
the required length & quantity of a particular reinforcement then choose a d. Inside to inside span 7. Divide (#4) by (#6)
commerical length bars w/c when cut into the required sizes will minimize 2. Verify the splicing postion of the reinforcement, if it is adjusted
unwanted cuts. For instance, if 5 pieces at 1.2m long is needed, the most to the comemrcial length of steel bars. Take note that “the *#6 is important because withouth these trial divisions, cutting have so
ideal order is 6m long steel bar. Likewise, if the work requires 2.5m cut lesser the splice, the lesser is the cost.” many extra cuts to be classified later as surplus or junks.
length, the order will not be 6m but 7.5, long steel bars. 3. Identify the bars w/ hook & bend for adjustment of their order *in cases where results of the trial divisions does not given an exact
length. quotient, it becomes the estimator’s choice to decide w/c length to use that
1. Find net length of 1 cut rebar will not produce excessive waste.
2. Find total number of these cut bars in 1 footing TIE WIRES
3. (#2) x # of footings
1. Find # of main reinforcement in 1 column multiplied by the
4. Find the commercial value
number of intersections w/ the lateral ties.
5. Divide #3 by #4 disregard 0.something value, make it whole #)
2. (#1) x number of columns
ESTIMATING THE FOOTING TIE WIRE 3. (#2) x length of tie wire
Same concept as concept for CHB reinforcement 4. 1kg of No. 16 G..I. wire is approximately 53m, divide (#3) by
53m to convert to kgs
1. Find # of steel bars 1. Determine spacing of lateral ties
2. (#1) x (total # of footings) a. 16 x the longitudinal bar diameter
3. (#2) x (length of long ties) b. 48 x longitudinal bar diameter or
4. Convert length to kilograms (1 kg of No. 16 tie wire is approx c. Least dimension of the column
53m long) Divide #3 by 53m 2. Find smallest value
3. Height of column divided by (#2)
POST AND COLUMN REINFORCEMENT 4. Multiply (#3) x number of columns
Considerations: 5. Find length of tie wire by inspection
1. Main or vertical reinforcement 6. Divide commercial length by (#5)
2. Lateral ties 7. Find efficient commercial length to be used
3. Spiral ties for circular column
Gives attention to the additional length for: Tied column has reinforcement consisting of vertical bars held in a position
a. Lap joints of end splices by lateral reinforcement called lateral ties.
b. Allowance for bending & or hook
c. Additional length for beam depth & floor thickness if the height The ACI Code provides that: “All non pre-stressed bars for tied column
indicated in the plan is from floor to ceiling shall be enclosed by lateral ties of at least NO. 3 in size for longitudinal
d. Distance from floor to footing slab bars No. 10 or smaller & at least No. 4 in size for No. 11 – 18 & bundled
e. Provisions for splices of succeeding floors longitudinal bars.”
Process in estimating # of stirrups for beam & girder is the same as that of
the lateral ties as explained using Table 3-8. However, the spacing
distance of the stirrup requires special consideration because they are
gradually becoming closer towards the support. Hence, it is important to
get the average # of stirrups per span or by direct counting from the
detailed plan.
FINDING TIE 1. Find # of vertical bars per column
1. Find the # of stirrps WIRES USING 2. (#1) x (Table 3-9 factor) = ties per meter
2. (#1) x number of beams TABLE 3-9 height
3. (#2) divided by efficient commercial size to be used (refer table 3. (#2) x (height per column) x (# of columns)
3-8) = # of total ties
4. (#3) x (length of wire per tie) = meters
SPIRAL & COLUMN TIES 5. Convert to kgs. (#4) divided by 53
Spiral reinforcement consist of evenly spaced continuous spirals held firmly
in place by at least 3 vertical bar spaces under the following considerations
1. Center to center spacing of the spiral shouldnot exceed 6th part One of the most commonly used concrete floor systems is the solid slab
of the diameter core. that is continuous over parallel supports. Supports may consist of bearing
2. That, the clear spacing between the spirals should not exceed walls of masonry or a set of evenly spaced concrete beams. The principal
7.5cm nor less than 5cm. reinforcement runs in 1 direction parallel to the slab span & perpendicular
3. Clear spacing between the spirals be less than 1-1/2x biggest to the supports.
size of the coarse aggregate. DIRECT 1. Divide length of slab by spacing
1. Find COUNTING 2. Add 1 to get the number of steel bars. These
total METHOD are the alternate straight & bend bars.
length 3. Find the number of cut bars in between the
of all bent bars.Length of slab divided by
temperature bar spacing. Add 1. Multiply for 2 AREA METHOD 1. Determine floor area
sides. 2. (#1) x (Refer to Table 3-10 factor) = pieces
4. Divide commercial size by length of
reinforcement. Use the whole number. Solving the Tie Wires at 0.3cm long
Disregard excess (0.something) (#1) x (Table 3-11) = kg. #16 G.I. wire
5. Divide (#3) by (#4)
6. (#2) + (#5)
1. Main reinforcement divided by spacing
2. Top bars span divided by spacing. Round off.
3. (#2) x 2 sides
4. Add (#1) + (#3)
5. Summary:
Main Reinforcement
Temperature Bars
Thickness of siding wood board varies from 16-20mm. likewise, the width
ranges from 15mm (6”) to 20mm (8”) of even length from 8-16ft. the
quantity is estimated under the following considerations:
a. Area of the opening such as windows, doors & the like are
subtracted from the gross area of the wall to be covered by the
siding wood boards.
b. Consider the additional depth length for the girts, flooring, floor
joist & the girder.
c. The length of the siding wood board must be specified to avoid
joints in between the heights.
SOLUTION #1 1. Wall area
BY BOARD FOOT 2. (#1) x (Table 4-2 factor)
FLOOR JOIST & WOOD FLOORING PER SQM. 3. Convert to board ft.
Floor Joist – supports wood flooring; estimated by direct counting method SOLUTION #2 2. Determine length of the wall board
based on the floor framing plan. In the absence of plan, estimating could Floor to ceiling + depth of girts +
also be done if the spacing & length of girder is known flooring and joist + depth of girder
T&G – popular name for Tongue & Groove wood board used for flooring, 3. Length of wall
ceiling, paneling, forms etc. the thickness of the board varies from 16 – 4. (#2) x (Table 4-2 factor)
20mm. its width also varies from 7.5 to 15cm. other sizes for Architectural 5. Find board feet.
purposes are obtained through special order. ROOF FRAMING
FINDING FLOOR 1. Find length of girder. Divide length by - Direct Counting Method (girts, bottom chord, rafters, purlins,
JOIST spacing of floorj oist. collar plate, center post, strut and blocks)
2. (#1) + 1 - Shorter parts like collar plates, king post, strut and wood blocks
3. For 2 span, multiply by 2 are determined according to their sizes combined together &
4. Convert length of floor joist to feet. adjusted to the commercial length of lumber. For accuracy of
SOLID BRIDGING 1. Find length of girder in feet estimating these items, a detailed drawing indicating their sizes
2. Find the total number & thickness of & length should be made as basis in finding the unit length of
the joist. every parts.
3. Subtract (#2) from (#1)
- Sidings or partition boards are fastened. It is sometimes
referred to as the ribs of wooden walls or partitions. Lumber
intended for studs should be straight & uniform in width of
either S2s or S4s for uniformity of wall thickness.