Major Final Report PDF
Major Final Report PDF
Major Final Report PDF
Bachelor of Technology
Civil Engineering
Submitted by
Is the Bonafide work carried under the guidance of Mr. M. SUNIL BIRADAR
(Assistant Professor) in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree in
Bachelor of Technology in ‘Civil Engineering’ during the academic year 2019- 2020.
This paper deals with the experimental study of concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregate
with copper slag to increase the strength parameters such as compressive strength, split tensile
strength, and flexural strengths of the M30 concrete. Here the fine aggregate partially replaced by
copper slag (CS) in 20%,30%, & 40%. by weight of sand. Mix design was prepared for M30 grade of
concrete. By replacement of copper slag as fine aggregate we can reduce the digging of river sand
which effects the hydraulic structure stability and as well as we can reduce the open land fill and
environmental pollution with copper slag usage it in concrete. Graphs are drawn strength vs.
replacement with M Sand results are compared with normal concrete. The strength has been increased
by 46% by replacement of 40% fine aggregate with CS. Copper slag is an excellent by-product or
waste material which retains its original properties. Due to its chemical composition which includes
high iron, silica and aluminum oxide content, it can be used as a partial replacement for sand in
concrete mixes. The cube, beam and cylindrical specimens were then prepared, demolded after 24
hours and properly cured. The specimens were subjected to compression testing, split tensile strength
testing and flexural testing at 7,14-and 28-days.
Glass powder waste creates chronic environmental problems, mainly due to the inconsistency of
waste glass streams. Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet
glass, bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing. Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use of
recycled glass helps in energy saving. The increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up
inspections on the use of waste glass with different forms in various fields. One of its significant
contributions is to the construction field where the waste glass was reused for concrete production.
The properties of concretes glass dust waste as fine aggregate were investigated in this study. Glass
dust waste was used as a partial replacement for sand at 10%, 20% and 30% of concrete mixes.
Compression strength for 7, 14- and 28-days concrete of age were compared with those of concrete
made with natural fine aggregates. The results proved that highest strength activity given by glass dust
waste after 28days.
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person
nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment
has been made in the text.
i. Abstract
ii. Acknowledgements
iii. Declaration
Chapter 1
1.1 Concrete …………………………1 TO 19
1.2 Copper Slag
1.3 Background of Copper Slag
1.3.1 Production of Copper Slag
1.4 Use of Copper Slag in Various Fields
1.4.1 Use of Copper Slag in Cement Clinker Production
1.4.2 Use of Copper Slag in Blended Cement
1.4.3 Use of Copper Slag in Concrete
1.5 Copper Slag Replacement for Sand
1.6 Fine Aggregate
1.7 M Sand
1.8 Glass Powder
1.9 Use of Waste Production in Concrete
1.9.1 Water
1.9.2 Cement
Chapter 2
2.1 General
2.2 Papers Reviewed
2.3 Objectives
Chapter 3
3.1 General
3.2 Aim
3.3 Scope
Chapter 4
4.1 General
4.2 Cement
4.2.1 Specific Gravity (Le – Chatelier Flask) (Is: 1727- 1967)
4.2.2 Standard Consistency (Is: 4031 – 1988 Part 4) Procedure
4.2.3 Initial Setting Time (IS: 4031 – 1988 Part 5) Determination of Initial
Setting Time
4.2.4 Final Setting Time (Is: 4031 – 1988 Part 5) Determination of Final
Setting Time
4.3 Fine Aggregate
4.3.1 Sieve Analysis and Fineness Modulus
4.3.2 Water Absorption Test on Fine Aggregate
4.3.3 Specific Gravity of Sand
4.3.4 Voids in Sand
4.4 Coarse Aggregate
4.4.1 Aggregate Impact Test
4.4.2 Sieve Analysis for Coarse Aggregate
4.4.3 Water Absorption Test on Coarse Aggregate
4.4.4 Specific Gravity Of Course Aggregate
4.5 Water
4.6 Copper Slag
4.6.1 Sieve Analysis Report of Copper Slag
4.6.2 Physical Properties of Copper Slag
4.6.3 Chemical Analysis of Copper Slag
4.6.4 Leaching of Heavy Elements in Copper Slag
4.7 Glass Powder
4.7.1 Objectives
4.7.2 Methodology of The Study
4.7.3 Physical Properties of Glass Powder
4.8 Experimental Investigation
4.8.1 Chemical Properties of Glass Powder
4.9 Mixture Proportioning
4.10 Batching, Mixing and Casting of Specimens
Chapter 5
5.1 General
5.2 Preparation of Specimens
5.3 Testing Procedure
5.4 Slump Cone Test
5.4.1 Compacting
5.4.2 Compacting and Vibration
5.4.3 Curing
5.5 Experimental Procedures
5.5.1 Compressive Strength Test
5.5.2 Split Tensile Strength Test
5.5.3 Flexural Strength Test
5.5.4 Durability Test
5.5.5 Sulphate Attack
5.5.6 Chloride Attack
5.5.7 Curing in Acid Solution
Chapter 6
6.1 General
6.2 Copper Slag Replacement for Sand
6.2.1 Compressive Strength Test on Concrete Cubes
6.2.2 Result and Discussions
6.3 Slump Cone Test
6.4 Compaction Factor Test
6.5 Flexural Strength Test
6.6 Split Tensile Strength Test on Concrete Cylinders
6.6.1 Result and Discussion
6.6.2 Durability Analysis
Chapter 7
GLASS POWDER ………………………71 TO 95
7.1 Abstract
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Use of Waste Production in Concrete
7.4 Introduction of Glass in Concrete
7.5 Concrete Composite Materials
7.5.1 Water
7.5.2 Cement
7.5.3 Coarse Aggregate
7.5.4 Waste Glass
7.6 Use of Recycled Glass Bottles as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture
7.7 Experimental Investigation
7.7.1 Project Design
7.7.2 Sample Identification
7.8 Project Development
7.8.1 Concrete Mix Design
7.8.2 Types of Mix
7.9 Testing Procedure
7.10 Compression Strength Test
7.11 Split Tensile Strength Test
7.12 Flexural Strength Test
Chapter 8
8.2.1 Conclusion
List of Figures
Figure Description Page
no no
1 Coarse Aggregate
2 Copper Slag 12
3 M Sand 16
4 Sheet Glass, Crusted Glass and Sheet Glass Powder 18
5 Cement 19
6 Compression Testing Machine 47
7 Compacting 48
8 Curing of Concrete Specimen 49
9 Mixing of Concrete 49
10 Compression Test on Cubes 55
13 Slump Test 59
14 Slump Test 30% Replacement 60
16 Mixing Concrete 62
17 Split Tensile Test for Cylinder and Testing 66
24 Casted Cylinders 86
25 Casted Cube 86
26 Casted Beams 89
27 Crusted Occurred in The Beam Specimen 90
List of Figures
Table Description Page
no no
1 Properties of Copper Slag 12
2 Test on Cement 30
14 Mix Proportioning 45
Chapter 1
Concrete is the most basic material which is been used in construction industry since very long
time in various fields of construction such as in buildings, bridges, pavements, dams, marine, sanitary
structures and many others. Concrete is durable in nature. It is plastic and pliable in nature in its fresh
state. Concrete is a building matter mainly composed of water, FA and CA embedded in a harden
matrix of material called cement, which fills up the voids among aggregates and adheres them
strongly. Concrete is good in compression but weak in tension, therefore the reinforcements are
provided so that the required strength can be achieved in the tension zone.
The most important component of a concrete is cement. The manufacture of cement causes
various environmental and social consequences depending on considerations which are both harmful
and are welcomed. Cement industries produce a huge amount of carbon dioxide. Various attempts
have been made to reduce the carbon dioxide emission relating to concrete from both industrial and
academicals sectors by substitution of conventional clinkers with industrial bi products such as fly
ash. The use of industrial wastes gaining importance as additives, because they increase strength,
decrease density and most importantly decrease environmental impacts.
During the coal combustion process huge amount of combustion residues are produced and
require proper disposal. Fly ash and bottom ash are the major ingredients. Fly ash is reprocessed more
as compared to bottom ash, as it is used in concrete to enhance the strength.
The characteristics of fly ash and bottom ash differ completely even if the source is same. Fly ash a
small particulate grey in color with diameter less than 300 microns is captured and removed from flue
gas by electrostatic precipitators. Bottom ash is a residue at the bottom of the furnace and consists of
large particles. Coal ashes are mainly composed of oxides of silica, aluminum, iron, calcium,
magnesium and Sulphur.
The utilization of industrial waste or secondary materials has encouraged the production of
cement and concrete in construction field. Newby-products and waste materials are being generated
by various industries. Dumping or disposal waste materials causes environmental and health
problems. Therefore, recycling of waste materials is a great potential in concrete industry. For many
years, byproducts such as fly ash, silica fume and slag were considered as waste materials. Concrete
prepared with such materials showed improvement in workability and durability compared to normal
concrete and has been used in the construction of power, chemical plants and under-water structures.
Fig 1.2 Appearance of copper slag sample
This slag is currently being used for many purposes. It is a glassy granular material with high
specific gravity particle sizes. The various myths about copper slag is shown in Table 1.1. The size of
the particle is of the order of sand and can be used as a fine aggregate in concrete. To reduce the
accumulation of copper slag and also to provide an alternative material for sand and cement, an
approach has been done to investigate the use of copper slag in concrete for the partial replacement of
sand and cement.
S. No Properties
1 Non-toxic material
2 High durability
3 Improves concrete strength
4 No bleeding of concrete up to 40-40% replacement
Copper slag is a by-product obtained during the matte smelting and refining of copper has
been reported by Biwa’s and Davenport (2002). The major constituent of a smelting charge are
sulphides and oxides of iron and copper. The charge also contains oxides such as SiO2, Al2O3 CaO
and MgO, which are either present in original concentrate or added as flux. It is Iron, Copper,
Sulphur, Oxygen and their oxides which largely control the chemistry and physical constitution of
smelting system. A further important factor is the oxidation/reduction potential of the gases which are
used to heat and melt the charge stated by Gorai et al (2002). As a result of this process copper- rich
matte (sulphides) and copper slag (oxides) are formed as two separate liquid phases. The addition of
silica during smelting process forms strongly bonded silicate anions by combining with the oxides.
This reaction produces copper slag phase, whereas sulphide from matte phase, due to low
tendency to form the anion complexes. Silica is added directly for the most complete isolation of
copper in matte which occurs at near saturation concentration with SiO2.The slag structure is
stabilized with the addition of lime and alumina. The molten slag is discharged from the furnace at
When liquid is cooled slowly, it forms a dense, hard crystalline product, while a granulated
amorphous slag is formed through quick solidification by pouring molten slag.
mobasher (1999) suggested that up to 15% of copper slag can be used as a cement replacement with
constant w/c ratio of 0.4. This gives higher compressive strength than ordinary cement.
1.4.3 Use of Copper Slag in Concrete
Several researchers have investigated the possible use of copper slag as a fine and coarse
aggregate and cement in concrete and its effects on the different mechanical and long-term properties
of mortar and concrete. Hwang and Laiw (1989) evaluated the compressive strength development of
mortars and concrete containing fine copper slag aggregate with different water cement ratios. The
strength of mixtures with 20-80% substitution of copper slag was higher than that of control
specimens. Shoya et al (1997) reported that the amount and rate of bleeding increased by using copper
slag fine aggregate depending on the water to cement ratio and also, they recommended using less
than 40% copper slag as partial replacement of aggregate to control the amount of bleeding to less
than 5 l/m2. Therefore, copper slag can be replaced 40% with that of sand.
The pozzolanic activity of copper slag has been investigated by Pavez et al 2002. The effect of
copper slag on hydration of cement was investigated by Mobasher et al and Tixier et al 1997. Up to
15% by weight of copper slag was used as a Portland cement replacement together with 1.5% of
Hydrated lime as an activator to pozzolanic reaction. Result indicated a significant increase in the
compressive strength.
Although there are many studies that have been reported by investigators from other countries
on the use of copper slag in cement concrete, not much research has been carried out in India
concerning the incorporation of copper slag in concrete and also its durability effects. Therefore, to
generate specific experiment data on the potential use of copper slag as sand and cement replacement
in concrete, this research was performed. In this research work, an extensive study using copper slag
has been carried out to investigate the following.
Aggregate is the granular material used to produce concrete or mortar and when the particles of the
granular material are so fine that they pass through a 4.75mm sieve, it is called fine aggregate. It is
widely used in the construction industry to increase the volume of concrete; thus, it is a cost saving
material and you should know everything about the fine aggregate size, its density and grading zone
to find the best material.
Fine aggregate is the essential ingredient in concrete that consists of natural sand or crushed stone.
The quality and fine aggregate density strongly influence the hardened properties of the concrete. The
concrete or mortar mixture can be made more durable, stronger and cheaper if you made the selection
of fine aggregate on basis of grading zone, particle shape and surface texture, abrasion and skid
resistance and absorption and surface moisture.
1.7 M SAND
M Sand which are also known as factory sand or artificial sand is a type of sand used as a
replacement for natural sand in every construction industry today, Since it has become very difficult
to get natural sand cheaply, Because the construction of dams are taking place on every river hence
these type of resources are washed away very quickly. Nowadays good quality sand is not very easily
available, since it should be transported from very long distances making it very uneconomical. The
artificial sands are manufactured using proper machines which have become a better substitute to
river sand. Sand which are to be used in construction should be enough sharp, clean and course. The
sand which is prepared by V.S.I crusher was found to be angular and cubical in shape. The sand
manufactured in other type of crushers was found to be flaky, which is usually troublesome. M sand
which is manufactured in other crushers usually contains large percentage of dusty matter and
contains flaky particles. Because of the presence of flaky and angular particles the concrete may
become harsh. And could result in spongy concrete.
Glass powder is a waste material and it becomes granulated by sieving by means of sieves after
they are crushed in the breaker and milled. ... Glass powders used as pozzolans are making strong
gains in the concrete industry. There is no single chemical composition that characterizes all glass.
Typical glass contains formers, fluxes, and stabilizers. Formers make up the largest percentage of the
mixture to be melted. In typical soda-lime-silica glass the former is silica (Silicon dioxide) in the form
of sand.
Numerous waste materials are generated from manufacturing processes, service industries and
municipal solid wastes. The increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously
contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. Solid waste management is
one of the major environmental concerns in the world. With the scarcity of space for land filling and
due to its ever-increasing cost, waste utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal.
Research is being carried out on the utilization of waste products in concrete as a replacement of
natural sand. Such waste products include discarded tires, plastic, glass, burnt foundry sand, and coal
combustion by products (CCBs). Each of these waste products has provided a specific effect on the
properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The use of waste products in concrete not only makes it
economical, but also helps in reducing disposal problems. Reuse of bulky wastes is considered the
best environmental alternative for solving the problem of disposal.
One such waste is plastic, which could be used in various applications. However, efforts have also
been made to explore its use in concrete/asphalt concrete. The development of new construction
materials using recycled plastics is important to both the construction and the plastic recycling
industries. This paper presents a detailed review about waste and recycled materials that can be
effectively used in concrete as a sand replacement. Waste management options, and research
published on the effect of waste materials on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete.
Nearly 20% of rock is converted into rock flour while crushing rock into aggregate at stone
crushing plants. In ceramic insulator industry, there is a mass failure of about 30 to 40% of the total
production due to improper mixing of raw materials.
This paper examines the possibility of using SGP as a replacement in fine aggregate for a new
concrete. Natural sand was partially replaced (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%)
with SGP. Compressive strength, Tensile strength (cubes and cylinders) and Flexural strength up to
180 days of age were compared with those of concrete made with natural fine aggregates. Fineness
modulus, specific gravity, moisture content, water absorption, bulk density, %voids, % porosity (loose
and compact) state for sand (S) and SDA were also studied. The test results indicate that it is possible
to manufacture concrete containing Sheet glass powder (SGP) with characteristics similar to those of
natural sand aggregate concrete provided that the percentage of SGP as fine aggregate is limited to
10-20%, respectively. Attempts have been made for a long time to use waste glasses as an aggregate
in concrete, but it seems that the concrete with waste glasses always cracks. Very limited work has
been conducted for the use of ground glass as a concrete replacement. The raw materials, used for this
study are natural coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, Sheet glass Powder (SGP) aggregate and 53 grades
Portland cement.
Waste sheet glass is collected from shops. Collected glass sheets are broken into pieces manually by
small weights fed into crushing machine or compression machine and manually sieved below 1.18
mm Sieved &graded (as shown in fig.1)
Fig 1.5 Sheet Glass Fig 1.6 Crushed Sheet Glass Fig 1.7 Sheet Glass Powder
1.9.1 WATER
In the present investigation, potable water was used. Combining water with a cementitious
material forms a cement paste by the process of hydration. The cement paste glues the aggregate
together, fills voids within it, and makes it flow more freely.
A lower water-to-cement ratio yields a stronger, more durable concrete, whereas more water
gives a freer-flowing concrete with a higher slump. Impure water used to make concrete can cause
problems when setting or in causing premature failure of the structure.
Hydration involves many different reactions, often occurring at the same time. As the reactions
proceed, the products of the cement hydration process gradually bond together the individual sand and
gravel particles and other components of the concrete to form a solid mass.
Cement chemist notation: C3S + H → C-S-H + CH
Standard notation: Ca3SiO5 + H2O → (CaO)·(SiO2) · (H2O) (gel) + Ca (OH)2 Balanced: 2Ca3SiO5
+ 7H2O → 3(CaO)·2(SiO2) ·4(H2O) (gel) + 3Ca (OH)2
1.9.1 CEMENT
An OPC 43 Grade Sankar cement was used in this investigation. The quantity required for this
work was assessed and the entire quantity was purchased and stored properly in casting yard. The
following tests were conducted in accordance with IS codes.
Cement , one of the most important building materials, is a binding agent that sets and hardens
to adhere to building units such as stones, bricks, tiles, etc. ... Concrete is made of cement, water,
sand, and gravel mixed in definite proportions, whereas mortar consists of cement, water, and lime
Chapter 2
Concrete is a most versatile construction material because it is designed to withstand the harsh
environments. Engineers are continually pushing the limits to improve its performance with the help
of innovative chemical admixtures and supplementary materials. These materials are majority by
products from other processes. The use of these byproducts not only helps to utilize these waste
materials but also enhances the properties of concrete in fresh and hydrated states. The usage of
industrial by-products especially industrial slags in making of concrete is an important study of
worldwide interest. Many researchers have investigated the possible use of copper slag as a concrete
aggregate. For this investigation, some of the important literatures were re viewed and presented
1. Al-Jabri et al (2009) has investigated the performance of high strength concrete (HSC) made with
copper slag as a fine aggregate at constant workability and studied the effect of super plasticizer
addition on the properties of HSC made with copper slag. Two series of concrete mixtures were
prepared with different proportions of copper slag. The first series consisted of six concrete mixtures
prepared with different proportions of copper slag at constant workability. The water content was
adjusted in each mixture in order to achieve the same workability as that of the control mixture.
Twelve concrete mixtures were prepared in the second series. Only the first mixture was prepared
using super plasticizer whereas the other eleven mixtures were prepared without using super
plasticizer and with different proportions of copper slag used as sand replacement.
The results indicated that the water demand reduced by almost 22%at 100% copper slag replacement
compared to the control mixture. The strength and durability of HSC were generally improved with
the increase of copper slag content in the concrete mixture. However, the strength and durability
characteristics of HSC were adversely affected by the absence of the super plasticizer from the
concrete paste despite the improvement in the concrete strength with the increase of copper content.
The following conclusions were drawn from this study Compared to the control mix, there was a
slight increase in the HPC density of nearly 5% with increase of copper slag content, whereas the
workability increased rapidly with increase in copper slag percentage.
Addition of up to 40% of copper slag as sand replacement yielded comparable strength with that of
the control mix. However, further additions of copper slag caused reduction in the strength due to an
increase of the free water content in the mix.
There was a decrease in the surface water absorption as copper slag quantity increased up to 40%
replacement. Beyond that level of replacement, the absorption rate increases rapidly.
It was recommended that 40 wt.% of copper slag can be used as replacement of sand in order to obtain
HPC with good properties.
2. Al-Jabri (2009 a) investigated the effect of using copper slag as are placement of sand on the
properties of high-performance concrete (HPC). Eight concrete mixtures were prepared with different
proportions of copper slag ranging from 0% (for the control mix) to 100%. Concrete mixes were
evaluated for workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and
The results indicate that there is a slight increase in the HPC density of nearly 5% with the increase of
copper slag content, whereas the workability increased rapidly with increases in copper slag
percentage. Addition of up to 40% of copper slag as sand replacement yielded comparable strength
with that of the control mix. However, further additions of copper slag caused reduction in the
strength due to an increase of the free water content in the mix. Mixes with 80% and 100% copper
slag replacement gave the lowest compressive strength value of approximately 80MPa, which is
almost 16% lower than the strength of the control mix.
3. Wei wu et al (2010) investigated the mechanical properties of high strength concrete incorporating
copper slag as fine aggregate. The work ability and strength characteristics were assessed through a
series of tests on six different mixing proportions at 20% incremental copper slag by weight
replacement of sand from 0% to 100%. A high range water reducing admixture was incorporated to
achieve adequate workability. Micro silica with a specific gravity of 2.0 was used to supplement the
cementations contenting the mix for high strength requirement. The following conclusions were
drawn from this study
The results indicated that the strength of concrete with less than 40% copper slag replacement
was higher than or equal to the control specimen. The microscopic view also suggests that the
microstructure of concrete with more than 40% copper slag contains more voids, micro cracks, and
capillary channels that accelerate the damage of concrete during loading. The surface water
absorption decreases constantly until 40%of copper slag substitution.
4. Al-Jabri et al (2005) dealt with the effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on
mechanical properties of concrete. Here in addition to the control mixture, two different trial mixtures
were prepared using different proportions of copper slag (CS) and cement by-pass dust (CBPD).
CBPD was primarily used as an activator. One mixture consisted of 5%copper slag substitution for
Portland cement. The other mixture consisted of13.5% CS, 1.5% CBPD and 85% Portland cement.
Three water- to-binder ratios (0.5, 0.6 and 0.7) were studied. Concrete cubes, cylinders and prisms
were prepared and tested for strength after 7 and 28 days of curing.
The modulus of elasticity of these mixtures was also evaluated. The results showed that 5%
copper slag substitution for Portland cement gave a similar strength performance as the control
mixture, especially at low w/b ratios (0.5and 0.6). Higher copper slag (13.5%) replacement yielded
lower strength values. The results also demonstrated that the use of CS and CBPD as partial
replacements of Portland cement have no significant effect on the modulus of elasticity of concrete,
especially at small quantities substitution.
5. Caijun Shi et al (2008) reviewed the characteristics of copper slag and its effects on the engineering
properties of cement, mortars and concrete and they concluded that the utilization of copper slag in
cement and concrete provides additional environmental as well as technical benefits for all related
industries, particularly in areas where a considerable amount of copper slag is produced. When it is
used as a cement replacement or an aggregate replacement, the cement, mortar and concrete
containing different forms of copper slag have good performance in comparison with ordinary
Portland cement having normal and even higher strength.
6. Al-Jabri et al (2011) investigated the effect of using copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties
of cement mortars and concrete. Various mortar and concrete mixtures were prepared with different
proportions of copper slag ranging from 0% (for the control mixture) to 100% as fine aggregates
replacement. Cement mortar mixtures were evaluated for compressive strength, whereas concrete
mixtures were evaluated for workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural
strength and durability. The results obtained for cement mortars revealed that all mixtures with
different copper slag proportions yielded comparable or higher compressive strength than that of the
control mixture. There was more than70% improvement in the compressive strength of mortars with
40% copper slag substitution in comparison with the control mixture.
The results obtained for concrete indicated that there is a slight increase in density of nearly 5% as
copper slag content increases. On the other hand, the workability increased significantly as copper
slag percentage increase compared with the control mixture. A substitution of up to 40–40%copper
slag as a sand replacement yielded comparable strength to that of the control mixture. However,
addition of more copper slag resulted in strength reduction due to the increase in the free water
content in the mix. The results demonstrated that surface water absorption decreased as copper slag
content increases up to 40% replacement. Beyond that, the absorption rate increased rapidly and the
percentage volume of the permeable voids was comparable to the control mixture. Therefore, it was
recommended that up to 40–40% (by weight of sand) of copper slag can be used as a replacement for
fine aggregates in order to obtain a concrete with good strength and durability requirements.
7. Isa Yuksel and Turhan Biller (2007) presented the results of research aimed at studying the possible
usage of bottom ash (BA) and granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) in production of plain concrete
elements. Sufficient number of briquettes, paving blocks and Krebs specimens containing GBF Sand
BA as fine aggregate replacement were produced in laboratory. Then, a few tests were conducted for
investigating durability and mechanical properties of these specimens. Unit weight, compression
strength and freeze–thaw tests were conducted for briquette specimens. Compression strength, freeze–
thaw, water absorption and surface abrasion tests were conducted for paving blocks. Surface abrasion
and flexural tensile strength tests were conducted for kerb specimens. While compression strength
was decreased slightly, durability characteristics such as resistance of freeze–thaw and abrasion were
improved. The results showed that usage of partially fine aggregate of these industrial by-products
have more beneficial effects on durability characteristics of plain concrete elements.
8. Caroline Morrison et al (2003) reported that Ferro-silicate slag from the Imperial Smelting Furnace
production of zinc can be used as are placement for sand in cementitious mixes. The ISF slag contains
trace quantities of zinc and lead, which are known to cause retardation of concrete set. Testing of
experimental concrete mixes proves this retardation affect, although the delay in set does not appear
deleterious to the eventual concrete hydration. Leaching studies demonstrated that pulverized fuel ash
and ground granulated blast-furnace slag had the potential to reduce the leaching.
The following conclusions were drawn from this study:
The replacement of sand in concrete mixes with Ferro silicate slag from the ISF production of zinc
(ISF slag) caused a retardation of concrete set. The leaching of lead and zinc ions was increased in
high pH solutions. However, the combination of ISF slag and PFA or GGBS reduced leaching, even
in highly alkaline solutions containing PFA.
9. Caijun Shi and Jueshi Qian (1999) reported that most Industrial slags are being used without taking
full advantage of their properties or disposed rather than used. The industrial slags, which have
cementitious or pozzolanic properties, should be used as partial or full replacement for Portland
cement rather than as bulk aggregates or ballasts because of the high cost of Portland cement, which is
attributable to the high energy consumption for the production of Portland cement. They stated that
the traditional way to utilize metallurgical slags in cementing materials is to partially replace Portland
cement, which usually results in a lower early strength and longer setting times. The presence of
activator(s) can accelerate the break-up of structure and hydration of Slags. Many research results
have indicated that clinker less alkali-activated Slags even exhibit higher strengths, denser structure
and better durability compared with Portland cement. In this paper, the recent achievements in the
development of high-performance cementing materials is based on activated slags such as blast
furnace slag, steel slag, copper slag and phosphorus slag. They were reviewed and the following
conclusions were drawn from this study:
Copper slag such as blast furnace slag, steel slag, alkali activated slag and phosphorus slag exhibit not
only higher early and later strength, but also better corrosion resistance than normal Portland cement.
The production of Portland cement is an energy-intensive process, while the grinding of metallurgical
slags needs only approximately 10% of the energy required for the production of Portland cement.
10. Arino and Mobasher (1999) presented the effect of ground copper slag on the strength and fracture
of cement-based materials. up to 15% by mass of ground copper slag was used as a Portland cement
replacement. The strength and fracture toughness of concrete samples were studied using closed-loop
controlled compression and three-point bending fracture tests. The compression test utilized a
combination of the axial and transverse strains as a control parameter to develop a stable post-peak
response. A cyclic loading-unloading test was conducted on three- point bending notched specimens
under closed-loop crack mouth opening control. Test results were used to construct the Resistance
Curve (R-Curve) response of the specimens describing the dependence of fracture toughness on the
stable crack length. Mechanical response of GCS concrete was also reported. The compression test
results indicated that GCS concrete was stronger but more brittle than ordinary Portland cement
concrete. Fracture test results confirmed thein creased brittleness of concrete due to the use of GCS.
Long-term results showed equal or higher strengths for the GCS specimens without concern Forde
gradation of other properties. a slag replacement equal to or greater than 40%.
2.3 Objectives
1. To determine the workability of concrete at different replacement of fine
aggregate by copper slag.
2. To determine the compressive, flexural and split tensile strength of concrete
at different replacement of fine aggregate with copper slag.
Copper slag is considered as one of the waste materials which can have a promising future in
construction industry as partial or full substitute of either cement or aggregates. Many researchers
have already found it possible to use copper slag as a concrete aggregate. But not much research has
been carried out in India concerning the incorporation of copper slag in concrete and RCC members.
Therefore, this research was performed to create specific experimental data on the potential use of
copper slag in concrete and RCC members.
3.2 AIM
The main aim of this research work was to investigate effective replacement of sand and cement by
copper slag in concrete and RCC structural elements and its applications to reduce seismic earth
pressure. To achieve this, an extensive study has been carried out to investigate the following using
copper slag.
▪ To find the optimum proportion of copper slag that can be used as a replacement/
substitute material for cement and fine aggregate.
▪ To evaluate compressive and tensile strength of copper slag admixed concrete
▪ To investigate flexural, axial compressive and buckling strength of copper slag
replaced structural members.
▪ To investigate corrosion and durability characteristics of copper slag admixed
▪ To examine the possibility of using copper slag in
resisting seismic earth pressure.
The government of India has targeted the year 2010 and 2011 for providing housing for all. Such
large-scale housing construction activities require huge amount of money. Out of the total cost of
house construction, building materials contribute to about 70 percent costs in developing countries
like India. Therefore, the need of hour is replacement of costly and scarce conventional building
materials by innovative, cost effective and environment friend by alternate building materials.
Chapter 4
The materials used in the present investigation and their properties are briefly discussed
An OPC 43 Grade Sankar cement was used in this investigation. The quantity required for this
work was assessed and the entire quantity was purchased and stored properly in casting yard. The
following tests were conducted in accordance with IS codes.
1. Specific gravity (Le – Chatelier flask) (IS: 1727-1967)
2. Standard consistency (IS: 4031 – 1988 Part 4)
3. Initial setting time (IS: 4031 – 1988 Part 5)
4. Final setting time (IS: 4031 – 1988 Part 5)
Specific gravity of pozzolana shall be determined on the material as received, unless otherwise
Fill the flask with kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem between the zero and the 1 ml
mark and replace the stopper. Then immerse the flask in a constant temperature water bath,
maintained at about room temperature for sufficient interval to avoid greater than ± 0.2ºC in the
temperature of the liquid in the flask. Take the reading of the liquid in the flask.
Introduce a weighed quantity of pozzolana into flask, taking care that no portion of it adhere to
the inside of the flask above the liquid, by slightly vibrating the flask. Replace the stopper and roll the
flask in an inclined position to expel any bubble in the pozzolan, the level of the liquid will be in its
final position at some point of the upper series of graduations. The reading shall be taken after the
flasks immersed in the eater bath.
Note 1 – A rubber pad on the table may be used when filling or rolling the flask. Note 2 The flask
may be held in a vertical position in the water bath by means of a burette clamp.
Calculation: The difference between the first and final readings represents the volume of liquid
displaced by the weight of cement used in the test. Specific gravity shall be calculated as follows:
Weight of pozzolana∈ g
Specific gravity =
Displaced volume
Place the test block confined in the mould and resting on the non-porous plate, under the rod
bearing the needle (C); lower the needle gently until it comes in contact with the surface of the test
block and quickly release, allowing it to penetrate into the test block. In. the beginning, the needle
will completely pierce the test block. Repeat this procedure until the needle, when brought in contact
with the test block and released as described above, fails to pierce the block beyond5.0
± 0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould. The period elapsing between the time when water
is added to the cement and the time at which the needle fails to pierce the test block to a point 5.0 ±
0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould shall be the initial setting time.
Replace the needle ( C ) of the Vicat apparatus by the needle with an annular attachment ( F
).The cement shall be considered as finally set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface of
the test block, the needle makes an impression thereon, while the attachment fails to do so. The period
elapsing between the time when water is added to the cement and the time at which the needle makes
an impression on the surface of test block while the attachment fails to do so shall be the final setting
time. In the event of a scum forming on the surface of the test block, use the underside of the block
for the determination.
The fine aggregate used in this investigation was clean river sand and the following tests were carried
out on sand as per IS: 2386- 1968 (III).
5. Sieve analysis and fineness modulus
6. Water absorption test on fine aggregate
7. Specific gravity of sand
8. Voids in sand
5 Sample Taken = 2000 g
IS Sieve Size Wt. of Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
fine Wt. of fine Wt. % of Wt. % of fine
aggregate aggregate fine aggregate
retained in retained aggregate passing
each sieve retained
4.75 43 43 2.15 97.85
2.36 56 99 4.95 95.05
1.16 232 331 16.55 83.45
600μ 579 910 45.5 54.5
300μ 704 1614 80.7 19.3
150μ 333 1947 97.35 2.65
90μ 36 1983 99.15 0.85
75μ 8 1991 99.55 0.45
Receiver 9 2000 - 100
Total 2000 445.9
TABLE 4.3 Sieve Analysis and Fineness Modulus
Sieves in (mm)
• Sample Specimen = 200 g
• Weight of Specimen + container= 470 g (W1) Weight of Specimen water
absorbed + container = 477 g (W2)
(W 2−W 1) (0.653−0.453)
(W 4−W 1) −(W 3−W 2) (1.210−0.453) −(1.334−0.653)
• Weight of pycnometer (W1 g) = 660 g Weight of
pycnometer + Dry sand (W2 g) = 2012 g Weight of
pycnometer + water (W3 g) = 1515 g Weight of
sand (W1-W2) g = 1352 g Weight of
water in pycnometer (W3-W1) g = 855 g
1 Sieve analysis and fineness modulus 4.46
In the present investigation, locally available crushed blue granite stone aggregate of size 20
mm and down, was used and the various tests, carried out on the aggregates, are given below.
percentage Passing (%)
Sieves in (mm)
Fig 4.2 Finesse modulus graph on coarse aggregate
( W 2−WW1)1×100= ( 494−491)
× 100
(W 2−W 1) (0.655−0.453)
(W 4−W 1) −(W 3−W 2) (1.013−0.453) −(1.138−0.655)
1 Sieve analysis for coarse aggregate 4.7
In the present investigation, potable water was used. Combining water with a cementitious material
forms a cement paste by the process of hydration. The cement paste glues the aggregate together, fills
voids within it, and makes it flow more freely.
A lower water-to-cement ratio yields a stronger, more durable concrete, whereas more water
gives a freer-flowing concrete with a higher slump. Impure water used to make concrete can cause
problems when setting or in causing premature failure of the structure.
Hydration involves many different reactions, often occurring at the same time. As the reactions
proceed, the products of the cement hydration process gradually bond together the individual sand and
gravel particles and other components of the concrete to form a solid mass.
Cement chemist notation: C3S + H → C-S-H + CH
Standard notation: Ca3SiO5 + H2O → (CaO)·(SiO2) · (H2O) (gel) + Ca (OH)2 Balanced:
2Ca3SiO5 + 7H2O → 3(CaO)·2(SiO2) ·4(H2O) (gel) + 3Ca (OH)2
Copper slag is a by-product material produced from the process of manufacturing copper. As the
copper settles down in the smelter, it has a higher density, impurities stay in the top layer and then are
transported to a water basin with a low temperature for solidification. The end product is a solid, hard
material that goes to the crusher for further processing. Copper slag used in this work was bought
from Sterlite industries (India) ltd, Tuticorin, Telangana, India.
Fineness modulus of copper slag = 3.476
percentage Passing (%)
0.05 5
Sieves in (mm)
Physical Properties copper slag Copper
Particle shape Irregular
Appearance Black and
Type Air cooled
Specific gravity 3.91
Percentage of voids % 35
Bulk density g/cc 2.08
Fineness modulus 3.47
Angle of internal friction 51° 20’
Ultimate shear stress kg/cm2 0.4106
Water absorption % 0.16
Moisture content % 0.1
Fineness m2 /kg (after grinding) 125
% of chemical component
Chemical Component
SiO2 25.84
Fe2O3 68.29
Al2O3 0.22
CaO 0.15
Na2O 0.58
K2 O 0.23
Mn2O3 0.22
TiO2 0.41
SO3 0.11
CuO 1.20
Sulphide Sulphur 0.25
Insoluble residue 14.88
TABLE 4.9 Chemical composition of copper slag
Copper slag samples were dipped in distilled water and studied for leaching of heavy metals
from them up to a period of 15 days using ICP technique. No leaching of heavy metals such as Pb,
Zn, Cr, and Ni, Mo etc. was observed. Leaching of very small quantities of Ba (0.008 ppm), Cu
(0.087ppm), Mn (0.008 ppm) and Sr (0.002 ppm) was however observed at 15 days. The leaching of
heavy metals in copper slag samples was also conducted by National council for cement and building
materials, Ballabgar has per the method given in ASTM D-5233- 1995d which involves sample
treatment under aggressive conditions. Even though the Copper slag contains traces of heavy metals
such as As, Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, and Fe, it has been established in several studies that these metals are
present in highly stable conditions so that there is no possibility of leaching of any of these metals.
Hence, use of copper slag from environmental pollution considerations is acceptable (SERC, 2010).
The results presented in Table.4.6 indicate that the leaching of heavy metals was well below the
toxicity limits even under aggressive conditions.
Arsenic 0.923
Barium 0.258
Cadmium Nil
Cobalt Nil
Chromium Nil
Manganese 0.048
Molybdenum Nil
Nickel 0.097
Selenium Nil
Strontium 0.046
Zinc 0.991
CC -Control Concrete (0%)
S10 - 10% of sand replaced by copper slag
Concrete is a widely used material in the world. Based on global usage it is placed at second
position after water. River sand is one of the constituents used in the production of conventional
concrete has become highly expensive and also scare. In the backdrop of such a bleak atmosphere,
there is a large demand for alternative materials from industrial waste. Some alternative materials
have already been used as a part of natural sand. For example, fly ash, slag, red mud, ponded ashes
were used in concrete mixtures as a partial replacement of natural sand.
• To evaluate the utility of glass powder as a partial replacement of cement in concrete.
• To study and compare the performance conventional concrete and glass powder concrete.
Casting of specimens
Curing of specimens Test on
Hardened concrete
i. Compressive strength
ii. Split tensile strength
iii. Flexural strength
Scope for future study
The most common of all tests on hardened concrete is the compressive strength test. This is partly
because it is easy to make, and partly because many through not all, of the desirable characteristics of
concrete are qualitatively related to its strength, but mainly because of the intrinsic importance of the
compressive strength of concrete in construction. In this thesis work M50 grade is being used. The
design procedure is detailed below. (Based on IS: 10262 – 1982)
Water Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
The concrete samples are caste with mix 1: 1.626: 3.10 as per design, with partial replacement of fine
aggregate. The numbers of concrete samples caste are laid down as per IS code. The tests are carried
out after 7 & 28 days of casting of concrete,
Concrete cube compressive strength - 24 Nos. Split tensile
strength on cylinders - 16 Nos.
CC -Control Concrete (0%)
S10 - 10% of sand replaced by glass powder
• Mix proportioning (M30):
Cement = 440kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1071 kg/m3
Fine Aggregate = 656 kg/m3 W/C ratio= 0.45
• M30 with partial replacement of sand by 10% of copper slag (C10) –
Cement = 440 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1071 kg/m3
Fine aggregate = 590.4 kg/m3
Copper slag = 65.6kg/m3 W/C ratio = 0.45
• M30 with partial replacement of sand by 20% of copper slag (C20) –
Cement = 440 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1071 kg/m3
Fine aggregate = 524.8 kg/m3
Copper slag =131.2 kg/m3
W/C ratio = 0.45
• M 30 with partial replacement of sand by 30% of copper slag (C30)–
Cement = 440 kg/m3 m3
Coarse aggregate = 1071 kg/m3
Fine aggregate = 459.2 kg/m3
Copper slag =196.8 kg/m3
W/C ratio = 0.45
• M 30 with partial replacement of sand by 40% of copper slag (C40) –
Cement = 440 kg/m3 m3
Coarse aggregate = 1071 kg/m3
Fine aggregate =393.6 kg/m3
Copper slag =262.4 kg/m3
W/C ratio = 0.45
Composition ↓ Proportion
W/C ratio
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Chapter 5
The experimental setup and procedures for conducting tests on concrete.
5.2.1 The standard size of specimen.
2. Cube 150 mm×150 mm×150 mm.
3. Cylinder Día = 150mm, Height = 300mm.
4. The mould is metal preferable.
5. The concrete is made in proper proportion and fill the cube in proper
6. Using manual mean the compaction is down.
7. After removed the specimen in the mould and stored in water for specified (7,
14, 28) curing days.
5.3.1 The compression testing machine is used for test.
5.3.2 The cube specimen is placed horizontally between the loading surface and
applied load continuously up to the specimen get failed.
5.3.3 And the cylinder specimen is placed longitudinally between the loading
surface and applied load continuously up to the specimen get
5.3.4 The maximum load is applied to the specimen is recorded.
5.3.5 The recorded value is the compressive strength of concrete.
5.3.6 Test result.
The concrete slump test is an empirical test that measures workability of fresh concrete. The test
measures consistency of concrete in that specific batch. It is performed to check consistency of freshly
made concrete. Consistency refers to the ease with which concrete flows. It is used to indicate degree
of wetness. Work-ability is the ease with which the given concrete mix can be mixed together,
transported to the application place and can be placed/applied/compacted they’re within the initial
setting time of cement. This property depends largely on the amount of water added i.e. water cement
ratio of the concrete mix and kind of aggregates used. Generally, work-ability increases with the
addition of the water, however it results in the less strength of concrete. So, we have to settle for an
intermediate value of water cement ratio at which it may have the sufficient work-ability as well as
sufficient strength.
The test specimens are made as soon as practicable after mixing and in such a way as to
procedure full compaction of the concrete with neither segregation not excessive laitance. The
concrete is filled in to the mould in layers approximately 5cm deep.
5.5.1 Compressive Strength Test
Concrete cubes of size 150mm×150mm×150mm were cast with and without copper slag. During
casting, the cubes were mechanically vibrated using a table vibrator. After 24 hours, the specimens
were demolded and subjected to curing for 28 days in portable water. After curing, the specimens
were tested for compressive strength using compression testing machine of 2000KN capacity. The
maximum load at failure was taken. The average compressive strength of concrete and mortar
specimens was calculated by using the following equation 5.1.
ulimatecomprssive load (N)
Compressive strength (N/mm ) =
Area of cross section of specimen (mm2 )
The tests were carried out on a set of triplicate specimens and the average compressive strength
values were taken.
5.5.2 Split Tensile Strength Test
Concrete cylinders of size 150 mm diameter and 300mm length were cast with incorporating
copper slag as partial replacement of sand and cement. During casting, the cylinders were
mechanically vibrated using a table vibrator. After 24 hours, the specimens were demolded and
subjected to curing for 28 days in portable water. After curing, the cylindrical specimens were tested
for split tensile strength
using compression testing machine of 2000kN capacity. The ultimate load was taken and the
average split tensile strength was calculated using the equation.
Split tensile strength (N/mm2) =
P=Ultimate load at failure (N), L=Length of cylindrical
specimen (mm),
D=Diameter of cylindrical specimen (mm).
The tests were carried out on a set of triplicate specimens and the average tensile strength values were
kg/min for the 10.0 cm specimens. The center-point loading method shall be used in the laboratory.
The apparatus shall incorporate the following requirements. The load shall be applied at the center
point of the span, normal to the loaded surface of the beam, employing bearing blocks designed to
ensure that forces applied to the beam will be vertical only and applied without eccentricity. The
direction of the reactions shall be parallel to the direction of the applied load at all times during the
test. The load shall be applied at a uniform rate and in such a manner as to avoid shock. The edges of
the load-applying block and of the supports shall not depart from a plane by more than .002 in. (0.051
Calculation — The flexural strength of the specimen shall be expressed as the modulus of
rupture fb,
fb = 3*p*l/2b*d2
Most soils contain some Sulphate in the form of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. They
occur in soil or ground water. Because of solubility of calcium sulphate is low, ground waters contain
more of other sulphates and less of calcium sulphate. Ammonium sulphate is frequently present in
agricultural soil and water from the use of fertilizers or from sewage and industrial effluents. Decay of
organic matters in marshy land, shallow lakes often leads to the formation of H2S, in which can be
transformed in to Sulphur acid by bacterial action. Water used in concrete cooling towers can also be
a potential source of sulphate attack on concrete. Therefore, sulphate attack is a common occurrence
in natural or industrial situations. Solid sulphates do not attack the concrete severely but when the
chemicals are in solution, they find entry into porous concrete and react with the hydrated cement
products. Of all the sulphates magnesium sulphate causes maximum damage to concrete. A
Characteristic whitish appearance is the indication of sulphate attack. The term sulphate attack
denotes an increase in the volume of cement paste in concrete or mortar due to the chemical action
between the products of hydration of cement and solution containing sulphates. In the hardened
concrete, calcium sulphoaluminate, forming within the framework of hydrated cement paste. Because
of the increase in volume of the solid phase which can go up to 227 percent, a gradual disintegration
of concrete takes place. Another factor influencing the rate of attack is the speed in which the
sulphate gone into the reaction is replenished. For this it can be seen that when the concrete is
subjected to the pressure of sulphate bearing water on one side the rate of attack is highest.
5.5.7 Curing in acid solution-
Curing is adopted to promote the hardening of concrete under conditions of humidity and
temperature which are conducive to the progressive and proper setting of the constituent cement.
Curing has a major influence on the properties of hardened concrete such as durability, strength,
water-tightness, wear resistance, volume stability, and resistance to freezing and thawing. Concrete
that has been specified, batched, mixed, placed, and finished can still be a failure if improperly or
inadequately cured. Curing is usually the last step in a concrete project and, unfortunately, is often
neglected even by professionals. 6 cubes of five different mixes of M30 Grade namely referral M30,
C10, C20, C30, C40. by replacing (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%) of sand by copper slag. The cubes
were de molded after 1 day of casting and then kept in respective solutions of 5% H2SO4 for curing,
at room temperature with a normal humidity. The cubes are taken out from curing after 30 days. the
surface of specimen was cleaned and weights were measured. The mass loss and strength of specimen
due to acid attack will be determined in 30 days.
Chapter 6
In this chapter, Compressive strength, slump of M30 concrete mix incorporating copper slag in
varying percentages is discussed. All the tests conducted were in accordance with the methods
described in chapter three. Results were compared and checked for compressive strength of concrete.
Several researchers have investigated the possible use of copper slag as fine and coarse aggregates in
concrete and its effects on the different mechanical and long-term properties of mortar and concrete
(Tan et al 2000, Taeb et al 2002, Tang et al 2000, Zong et al 2003). While most of the reports point to
benefits of using copper slag as fine aggregates, in some stray cases some negative effects such as
delaying of the setting time have also been reported (Ueno et al 2005, Preach and et al 2000).
Although there are many studies that have been reported by investigators from other countries on the
use of copper slag in cement concrete, not much research has been carried out in India concerning the
incorporation of copper slag in concrete. Even though there are various research studies have been
reported by investigators about copper slag, its physical properties and chemical composition varies
countrywide and hence its mechanical performance also varies according to that. Therefore, this
research was performed to generate specific experimental data on potential use of copper slag
replacement in concrete.
The following tests were conducted to examine the mechanical behaviors of concrete
incorporating copper slag as partial replacement of sand.
1. Compressive strength test on concrete specimens
2. Slump cone test
3. Compaction factor test
4. Flexural test
5. Split tensile test on concrete cylinders of size 150mm diameter and 300mm height.
6. Durability analysis
Fig 6.1 Testing for concrete specimen
Fig 6.3 Compressive strength tests on concrete cubes
19.16 31
23.72 37.90
25.92 42.88
27.20 44.16
28.48 45
TABLE 6.1 Compressive strength test on concrete cubes at 7&28 Days
15 Compressive
Strength in
10 N/mm2 at 7
M30 10% 20% 30% 0
Compressive Strength in
20 N/mm2 at 28 Days
5 M30 10% 20% 30% 40%
0 % Replacement of copper slag
20 Compressive Strength in
15 N/mm2 at 28 Days
10% 20% 30% 4%0 50%
% Replacement of copper slag
6.1 Bar Chart for Compressive Strength
Fig 6.4 showing the results of compression test, after completing the compression test, I
concluded that the Optimum content of copper slag is 40% by weight replacement of copper slag with
sand in M30 mix. Maximum Compressive strength of concrete increased by 32.72% at 40%
replacement of fine aggregate by copper slag at 7 days, and 31.11% at 40% replacement of fine
aggregate by copper slag at 28 days.
In order to study slump of M30 mix containing different proportion of copper slag were prepared and
checked for workability.
Workability Slump (mm)
Very low 0-25
Low 25-50
High 50-100
Very high 100-175
M30 40
C10 47
C20 55
C30 62
C40 75
40 Slump(mm)
0 M30 10% 20% 30% 40%
Fig 6.7 Slump Test at 30% Replacement Fig 6.8 Slump Test at 40%Replacement
Above fig 6.6 shows the decrement in the height of concrete (called as slump) for different
proportions of copper slag in M30 grade of concrete and from fig 6.7 and table 6.8, it is observed that,
the workability of concrete increases for all percentage replacements done in design mix.
M30 0.70
C10 0.74
C20 0.79
C30 0.85
C40 0.87
TABLE 6.4 Compaction Factor for Different Mixes
Fig shows the test procedure of compaction test of the concrete and from fig and table, it is observed
that, the compaction factor of concrete increases for all percentage replacements done in design mix
In order to study the effect on flexural strength, the beams containing different proportion of copper
slag were prepared and kept for curing for 28 days. The test was conducted on U.T.M as per I.S.516-
Mix Flexure strength (N/mm2) at 28 days Average flexure
strength (N/mm2)
M30 4.07 4.12 4.11 4.10
C10 4.19 4.36 4.20 4.25
C20 4.37 4.39 4.44 4.40
C30 4.6 4.55 4.56 4.57
C40 4.59 4.57 4.64 4.60
4.2 Flexure Strength
(N/mm2) at 28
4.1 Days
3.8 M30 10% 20% 30% 40%
Split tensile strength is defined as a method of determining the tensile strength of concrete using
a cylinder which splits across the vertical diameter. The effect of copper slag substitution as a fine
aggregate on split tensile strength of concrete is given in Table 6.2.
Mix Avg. Split tensile strength (N/mm2) at Avg. Split tensile strength
7 days (N/mm2) at 28 days
M30 2.67 3.22
C10 2.75 3.27
C20 3.01 3.44
C30 3.19 3.92
C40 3.44 4.01
Avg. Split tensile strength
2. (N/mm2) at 7 days
5 Avg. Split tensile strength
(N/mm2) at 28 days
M3 10 20 30 40
0 % % % %
% Replacement of copper
1.5 Avg. Split Tensile
Strength (N/mm2) at 7
1 Days
Fig 6.11 Split Tensile Testing
% H2SO4 & in referral solution of 100 % H2O and six other cubes in 5% NaCl solution for curing, at
room temperature with a normal humidity. After 30 days the specimens were taken out from
respective solution. The surface of specimen was cleaned and weights were measured. The mass loss
and strength of specimen due to acid attack will be determined.
Fig 6.13 Chloride Attack Test Fig 6.14 Sulphate Attack Test
Fig 6.15 Durability Test Samples After 28 days Curing
Mix Compressive strength Reduction in Weight of cube (kg) weight of
(mpa) compressive cube (kg)
strength in after curing in
percentage H2SO4
M30 28.26 8.81% 2.05 2.20
C10 7.85% 2.10 2.16
C20 5.65% 2.15 2.27
C30 3.38% 2.20 2.32
C40 2.90% 2.22 2.24
TABLE 6.6 Durability Test for Sulphate Attack
Mi Compressive strength Reduction in Weight of cube (kg) weight of
(mpa) compressive cube (kg)
strength in after curing in
percentage NaCl
M3 25.11 19% 2.00 2.30
C1 15.7% 2.08 2.22
0 31.94
C2 12.9% 2.12 2.24
0 37.34
C3 10.2% 2.17 2.25
0 39.65
TABLE 6.7 Durability Test for Chloride Attack
35 Compressive Strength with
30 Normal curing at 28 Days (mpa)
Compressive Strength with
H2SO4 Curing at 28 Cays
15 (mpa)
10 Compressive Strength with
5 NaCl Curing at 28 Days (mpa)
M30 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
% Replacement of copper slag
Bar Chart for Compressive Strength in Different Type Curing
From table 6.6 and 6.7 we can conclude that increment in weight and decrement in compressive
strength of cubes is more in sulphate attack than chloride attack, it is just because Cl- ion has higher
mobility due to its smaller size.
For M30 Mix design was done by Indian standard method.
6. Calculation of fine aggregate Percentage of entrapped air into the concrete for 20
mm size aggregate = 2%
7. V = [W + (C/ Sc) + (1/p) *(Fa / Sfa)] * (1/1000) Where,
8. V - Absolute volume of fresh concrete Sc - Specific
gravity of cement
9. W - Mass of water per cubic meter of concrete
10. P - Ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume Fa - Total
mass of fine aggregate
11. Sfa - Specific gravity of fine aggregate Ca - Total
mass of coarse aggregate
Sca - Specific gravity of coarse aggregate to calculate fine
V = [W + (C/ Sc) + (1/p) *(Fa / Sfa)] * (1/1000)
0.98 = [189+ (378 / 3.15) + (1/0.315) * (Fa / 2.60] * (1/1000) Fa = 549.55 Kg/m3
12. To calculate coarse aggregate Ca = [
(1-p)/p x Fa x (Sca/ Sfa)
= [ (1-0.315)/0.315 x 549.55 x (2.62/2.6)
= 1278.5 Kg/ m3
13. Mix proportion by weight
Water: Cement: Sand: Coarse 189: 378:
549.55: 1195.05
0.5: 1: 1.45: 3.10
Chapter 7
Glass powder (GP) used in concrete making leads to greener environment. In shops, damaged
glass sheets & sheet glass cuttings are going to waste, which are not recycled at present and usually
delivered to landfills for disposal. Using GP in concrete is an interesting possibility for economy on
waste disposal sites and conservation of environment. This project examines the possibility of using
GP as fine aggregate replacement in concrete. Natural sand was partially replaced (0%-30%) with GP
in concrete. Tensile strength, Compressive strength (cubes and cylinders) and Flexural strength up to
28 days of age were compared with those of high-performance concrete made with natural sand.
Disposal of more than 300 tonnes waste glass daily derived from post-consumer beverage bottles is
one of the major environmental challenges for India, and this challenge continues to escalate as
limited recycling channels can be identified and the capacity of valuable landfill space is going to be
saturated at an alarming rate. For this reason, in the past ten years, a major research effort has been
carried out to find practical ways to recycle waste glass for the production of different concrete
products such as concrete blocks, self-compacting concrete and architectural mortar.
Some of these specialty glass-concrete products have been successfully commercialized and are
gaining wider acceptance. This paper gives an overview of the current management and recycling
situation of waste glass and the experience of using recycled waste glass in concrete products in India.
Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles,
glassware, and vacuum tubing. Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use of recycled glass
helps in energy saving.
The increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up inspections on the use of waste glass with
different forms in various fields. One of its significant contributions is to the construction field where
the waste glass was reused for concrete production. The application of glass in architectural concrete
still needs improvement.
Laboratory experiments were conducted to further explore the use of waste glass as coarse and fine
aggregates for both ASR (Alkali-Silica-Reaction) alleviation as well as the decorative purpose in
concrete. The study indicated that waste glass can effectively be used as fine aggregate replacement
(up to 40%) without substantial change in strength.
Laboratory investigations were carried out to assess the potential of the crushed recycled glass as
natural sand replacement using ratios of 0%,10%, 20% and 30%. Replacement of cementitious
materials in concrete was also considered using cement replacement ratios of 7.5%, 15% and 25% of
powder glass. The effects of glass sand replacement and cementitious materials replacement with
powder glass on fresh and hardened concrete properties were assessed. It was concluded that with the
incorporation of 45% of crushed glass as a natural sand replacement, the compressive and flexural
strengths have marginally increased, while the indirect tensile strength marginally decreased. The
concrete with glass as the natural sand replacement had lower shrinkage and significant lower
chloride diffusion coefficient. Concretes with powder glass as cementitious materials replacement
showed lower compressive strength and marginally higher drying shrinkage than the control mix, but
meeting the concrete mix design requirements.
Glass is a transparent material produced by melting a mixture of materials such as silica, soda ash,
and CaCO3 at high temperature followed by cooling where solidification occurs without
crystallization. Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass,
bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing. Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use of recycled
glass saves lot of energy and the increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up focus on the use of
waste glass with different forms in various fields.
One of its significant contributions is the construction field where the waste glass was reused for
concrete production. The application of glass in architectural concrete still needs improvement.
Several studies have shown that waste glass that is crushed and screened is a strong, safe and
economical alternative to sand used in concrete. During the last decade, it has been recognized that
sheet glass waste is of large volume and is increasing year by year in the shops, construction areas and
factories. Using waste glass in the concrete construction sector is advantageous, as the production cost
of concrete will go down.
following objectives:
1. To study the workability of concrete mode using glass waste as partial replacement of fine
2. To study the compressive strength of concrete mode using glass waste as partial replacement of
fine aggregate.
Numerous waste materials are generated from manufacturing processes, service industries and
municipal solid wastes. The increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously
contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. Solid waste management is
one of the major environmental concerns in the world. With the scarcity of space for land filling and
due to its ever-increasing cost, waste utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal.
Research is being carried out on the utilization of waste products in concrete as a replacement of
natural sand. Such waste products include discarded tires, plastic, glass, burnt foundry sand, and coal
combustion by products (CCBs). Each of these waste products has provided a specific effect on the
properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The use of waste products in concrete not only makes it
economical, but also helps in reducing disposal problems. Reuse of bulky wastes is considered the
best environmental alternative for solving the problem of disposal.
with SGP. Compressive strength, Tensile strength (cubes and cylinders) and Flexural strength up to
180 days of age were compared with those of concrete made with natural fine aggregates. Fineness
modulus, specific gravity, moisture content, water absorption, bulk density, %voids, % porosity (loose
and compact) state for sand (S) and SDA were also studied. The test results indicate that it is possible
to manufacture concrete containing Sheet glass powder (SGP) with characteristics similar to those of
natural sand aggregate concrete provided that the percentage of SGP as fine aggregate is limited to
10-20%, respectively.
(as shown in fig.1)
Sheet Glass Crushed Sheet Glass Sheet Glass Powder
The SG (Sheet Glass) was collected from shops in Chidambaram and its properties were tested.
Analysis was carried out in Concrete mixtures with 7 levels of SGP (Sheet Glass Powder)
replacement ranging from 10% to 40% and 100%.
The specimens were cast and tested to study the possibility of using SGP as a substitute material for
sand in concrete.
properties as follows:
1) The SGP is suitable for use in concrete making. The fineness modulus, specific gravity, moisture
content, uncompacted bulk density and compacted bulk density at 10% Sheet glass powder (SGP)
were found to be 2.25,3.27,2.57%,1510kg/m3 and 1620kg/m3.
2) For a given mix, the water requirement decreases as the SGP content increases. The compressive
strength of cubes and cylinders of the concrete.
This paper examines the possibility of using finely ground waste glass as partial natural sand
replacement in concrete. The reduction of waste glass particle size was accomplished in the laboratory
by crushing and grinding the waste glass in a jar mill. The compressive strength at 7, 28 and 90 days,
was determined for different ground waste glass sand percentage replacement in concrete.
Emphasizes on the possibility of using finely ground waste glass as partial natural sand replacement
in concrete. Using waste glass, as coarse aggregate in concrete, did not have a marked effect on the
workability of concrete, but the compressive strength decreases in proportion to an increase in waste
glass. The increase in the content of waste glass fine aggregate on concrete showed a slump decrease
tendency influenced by the grain shape and the fineness modulus of the waste glass aggregates.
In more details, if too little water were added, there would not be enough water available to finish the
reaction, thus some of the cement would harden and bond with other dry cement shorting the
hydration process. On the other hand, if too much water were added then while the cement is
undergoing hydration the cement would be in a slurry solution, and the probability of cement bonding
with aggregates would decrease. And as a result, when the hydration process is completed, the cement
content would still be in a slurry solution and with no strength. The type of water that can be used to
mix concrete must be potable which is essentially has neither noticeable taste nor odor. Basically,
water containing less than 2000 ppm of total 7 dissolved solids can be used. Thus, the type of water
that was used to mix concrete throughout the testing program was normal tap water with attention
paid for not including impurities.
7.5.2 CEMENT
There are currently more than eight types of cement that are used under specific conditions.
Cement is a very important part of the concrete because it is the cement, which gives the concrete its
strengths. Because of the importance of cement, the ASTM has set guide lines to follow for the make-
up of cement. For experimental program of this research study, normal Portland Cements Type I was
Water is the element that is used to begin the hydration reaction where cement reacts with the
water to produce a rock like substance. The reaction is also exothermic, where heat is released in the
chemical reactions. This is an important fact because in very large structure like concrete dams, the
heat released can pose a potential problem.
When the chemical reaction has reached the end, the initial cement past is transformed into a
substance, which has tremendous strength. But using too much cement in concrete is expensive, and
thus aggregates would take the place of cement without reducing its strength and reduce the cost. In
the engineering practice in Palestine, the dominating range of water-cement ratios in the concrete mix
process is between 0.4 up to 0.6. For this research, three different categories for water-cement ratios
were used during testing phase: 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6.
Aggregates are broken down into two main categories, which are coarse and fine aggregates. Coarse
aggregates in general are larger than 2 mm in diameter and fine aggregates are defined to be smaller
than 2 mm. Aggregates that are used in concrete have to pass the standards set in ASTM. The
economics part of concrete is to use as little cement as possible and still obtain the required strength.
Thus, when concrete is formed, the coarse aggregates with its large volume would make up a large
portion of the concrete. The fine aggregates would fill in the voids created form the coarse aggregate
and reduce the amount of cement required.
If only coarse aggregates are used then there would be voids between the particles and the voids
created would be filled with cement paste. Thus, fine aggregates are used to fill those voids. In
essence, the goal is to produce a concrete mixture that has the least amount of void spaces thus using
less cement paste to fill the voids between the particles. When fresh aggregates are used to mix
concrete, the aggregates themselves also contain some moisture either from water condensing on the
particles or the aggregates was washed in some way with water. Accordingly, there are four distinct
states that the aggregates can be in.
Oven dry aggregates would absorb water to fill its own internal voids and in doing so would reduce
the water cement ratio. If this occurs, then the hydration process is not permitted to continue and the
strength of the concrete mix would be reduced by a considerable amount. Air dry aggregates would
absorb some water but not to an extraneous degree like the oven dry aggregates. The surface would
appear dry and thus some water is absorbed and reduces the water cement ratio. Thus, the strength of
the concrete is reduced by a small amount. Saturated dry surface aggregates have their internal voids
fill with water and thus cannot absorb any more water. These aggregates would keep the water cement
ratio constant and the concrete would retain its full strength.
Aggregates have their internal voids and surface area saturated with water. Instead of absorbing water,
the aggregates would add water to the mixture and in doing so; the water cement ratio is increased,
decreasing the strength of the concrete. For this research the water content for the aggregates was
prepared under the saturated surface dried (SSD) condition in order to avoid any possible over or
under estimation of water content due to moisture absorption by the mixed aggregates, and also to
guarantee the true efficiency of the different water-cement ratios used for preparing the concrete mix.
Theoretically, glass is a fully recyclable material; it can be recycled without any loss of quality.
There are many examples of successful recycling of waste glass: as a cullet in glass production, as
raw material for the production of abrasives, in sand-blasting, as a pozzolanic additive, in road beds,
pavement and parking lots, as raw materials to produce glass pellets or 9 beads used in reflective paint
for highways, to produce fiberglass, and as fractionators for lighting matches and firing ammunition.
Waste glass can also be produced from empty glass bottles and pots, and come in several distinct
colors containing common liquids and other substances. This waste glass is usually crushed into small
pieces that resemble the sizes of gravels and sands. Therefore - as an alternative - there is a potential
to partially replace the concrete mix aggregate with waste glass due to the lack of natural recourses in
Gaza Strip.
In its original form, glass comes as a balanced combination from three main raw natural materials:
sand, silica, and limestone, in addition to a certain percentage of recycled waste glass utilized in the
manufacturing process. The glass recycling process produces a crushed glass product called "cullet",
which is often mixed with virgin glass materials to produce new end products. Table 2.1 lists some of
approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass.
Approximate compositions and the corresponding uses of various common forms of glass
Type of Glass Composition (by weight) Usages
Lead (Crystal) 57% Silica – 31% Lead Oxide Lead Crystal Tableware
– 12% Potassium Oxide
Despite the fact that glass materials can be recycled forever and the same glass can be recycled
so many times over to produce various products, but in order to keep producing the best end product
the recycled materials must be of a high quality. Therefore, continuous residual amounts of waste
glass resulting from construction deteriorations, domestic and medical disposals, and industrial output
junk materials are still cumulating and hence need to be land filled or reused in concrete mixes as a
partial substitute for coarse aggregates and/or fine aggregates.
Technically, glasses are usually manufactured in the form of tubes, rods, hollow vessels and a variety
of special shapes, as well as flat glass and granulate for use mainly in chemistry, laboratory
technology, pharmaceuticals, optoelectronics, various domestic uses, and household appliance
technology. For the purposes of classification, the multitude of technical glasses can be roughly
arranged in four main groups, according to their oxide composition (in weight percent).
Borosilicate glasses is the first main category with the presence of substantial amounts of silica
(SiO2) and boric oxide (B2O3 > 8%) as glass network formers. The amount of boric oxide affects the
glass properties in a particular way. Apart from the highly resistant varieties (B2O3 ≤ 13%) there are
others that – due to the different way in which the boric oxide is incorporated into the structural
network – have only low chemical resistance (B2O3 > 15%).
Secondly, the Alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses are free of alkali oxides and contain
15 – 25% Al2O3, 52 – 60% SiO2, and about 15% alkaline earths. Very high transformation
temperatures and softening points are typical features. Main fields of application are glass bulbs for
halogen lamps, display glasses, high-temperature thermometers, thermally and electrically highly
loadable film resistors and combustion tubes.
Alkali-lead silicate glasses are the third main category and such glasses typically contain over 10%
lead oxide (PbO). Lead glasses containing 20–30% PbO, 54–58% SiO2 and about 14% alkalis are
highly insulating and therefore of great importance in electrical engineering. They are used in lamp
stems and lead oxide is also of great importance as an X-ray protective component (radiation
shielding glass and cathode ray tube components).
The researcher believes that glass bottles can be processed into construction grade cullet using
any convenient mechanical method. For cullet-aggregate blends, glass cullet can be blended with
natural aggregates by any convenient mechanical method. Normal precautions should be followed to
prevent segregation.
Typical aggregates for construction include sands, gravels, crushed rock and recycled concrete. The
glass cullet and cullet aggregate blends should be compared with these standard specifications for
each specific application. The intent of this research is to encourage regulatory departments to amend
specifications to allow glass cullet and cullet aggregate blends as an alternative to conventional
aggregate in numerous applications. Several states in United States of America, including the
Washington State Department of Transportation, have already included specifications for glass
(2) The adequate workability necessary for full compaction with the compacting equipment
(3)Maximum water cement ratio and/or maximum cement content to give adequate durability for the
particular site conditions.
(4)Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage cracking due to temperature cycle in mass concrete.
7.8.2Types of mix
Nominal Mix: The past specifications for concrete prescribe the proportions of cement, fine and
coarse aggregates. These mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio ensure adequate strength, termed as
nominal mixes. These offer simplicity and under normal circumstances, have a margin of strength
above that specified. However, due to the variability of mix ingredients the nominal concrete for a
given strength.
Standard Mix: The nominal mix of fixed cement aggregate ratio (by volume) varies widely in
strength and may result in under or over rich mixes. For this reason, the minimum compressive
strength has been included in many specifications. These mixes are termed as standard mixes.
IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes into a number of grades as M10, M15, M20, M25,
M30 M35 and M40. The mixes of grade M10 M15, M20 and M25 correspond approximately to the
mix proportions (1:3:6), (1:2:4), (1:1.5:3) and (1:1:2) respectively.
Designed Mix: In these mixes, the performance of the concrete is specified by the designer but the
mix proportions are determined by the producer of concrete. This is most rational approach to the
selection of mix proportions with specific materials in mind possessing more or less unique
characteristics. The approach results in
the production of concrete with the appropriate properties most economically. However, the designed
mix does not serve as a guide, since; this does not guarantee the concrete mix proportion for the
prescribed performance.
a) For the concrete with undemanding performance, nominal or standard mixes (prescribed in the
codes by quantities of dry ingredients per cubic meter and by slump) may be used only for very small
jobs, when the 28 days strength of concrete does not exceed 30 N/mm2.
These are waste glass bottles, Portland cement, sand, gravel, water, crushing tools, mixing tools,
cylindrical molds and, experimental and testing equipment.
1. Compressive strength (cube specimen)
2. Tensile strength (cylinder specimen)
3. Flexural strength or Modulus of rupture (beam specimen)
Glass powder
In all but the least critical applications, care needs to be taken to properly cure concrete, to achieve
best strength and hardness. This happens after the concrete has been placed. Cement requires a moist,
controlled environment to gain strength and harden fully. The cement paste hardens over time,
initially setting and becoming rigid though very weak and gaining in strength in the weeks following.
Curing Tank with Specimen
Fig 7.2 Casted Cubes Fig 7.3 Casted Cylinders
The compressive strength of a material is that value of uniaxial compressive stress reached when
the material fails completely. The compressive strength is usually obtained experimentally by means
of a compressive test. The apparatus used for this experiment is the same as that used in a tensile test.
However, rather than applying a uniaxial tensile load, a uniaxial compressive load is applied. As can
be imagined, the specimen (usually cylindrical) is shortened as well as spread laterally. A Stress–
strain curve is plotted by the instrument and would look similar to the following:
Compressive strength of concrete is usually found by testing Cubes and cylinders. Cube of size 150
mm X 150mm X 150mm concrete specimens were casting using M30 grade concrete. Specimens with
Nominal concrete and glass powder concrete (glass powder is partially replaced with Natural sand)
were casted. During casting the cubes were manually compacted using tamping rods. After 24 hours,
the specimens were removed from the mould and subjected to water curing for 28 days. After curing,
the specimens were tested for compressive strength using a compression testing machine When
comparing with conventional concrete the glass powder concrete of shows an increased strength of
9.45% in 10% replacement.
Compressive strength
S. No Type of Compressive strength
Load in Strength in N/mm2
Mean Mean after 3-trails
after 3-
1 Conventional 222.6 3.14
2 10% glass 274.3 3.88
3 20% glass 228.3 3.31
Flexural strength is the one of the measures of tensile strength of concrete. It is the ability of a
beam to resist failure in bending. It is measured by loading un-reinforced 150mmX150mm concrete
beams with a span 1200mm. Beam of size 150mm x 150mm x 1200 mm were casting using M50
grade concrete. Specimens with Nominal concrete and glass powder concrete (glass powder is
partially replaced with Natural sand) were casted. During moulding, the beams were manually
compacted using tamping rods. After 24 hours, the specimens were removed from the mould and
subjected to water curing for 28days. After curing, the specimens were tested for compressive
strength on a standard reinforced concrete. The bed of testing machine should be supported, and these
rollers should be mounded that the distance from center is 300mm for 1200mm specimen. The beam
is simply supported and subjected to one third points loading flexure failure. The maximum tensile
stress reached in the modulus of rupture values for concrete using sand and glass powder.
While performing bending test on the glass powder concrete shows an increased strength of 71.4% in
10% replacement.
S. No Type of Flexural
Specimen Load in
kN Strength in
1 Conventional 16.30 4.34
Flexural Strength of PCC Beam
75 3.5 21.43
83 4 21
90 4.5 20
93 5 18.6
95 5.5 17.28
97 6 16
99 6.5 14.92
Load Vs Deflection Curve for 30% Replacement Beam
Chapter 8
• The replacement of fine aggregate using copper slag in concrete increases the density of
concrete thereby increases the self-weight of the concrete.
• Form the results of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength, the
concrete shown higher value at 40% replacement of fine aggregate using copper slag. So,
it is recommended that 40% of fine aggregate can be replaced by copper slag.
• The workability of concrete increased with the increase in copper slag content of fine
aggregate replacements at same water-cement ratio.
• According to literature review the workability should be between high to very high but in
our experimental work we found workability between low to high because in our
laboratory the cement available was perhydrates and there was some amount of lumps in
cement and the another reason was that the coarse aggregate we used were angular in
shape so that the friction increased and we got less workability.
• Compressive strength and Flexural strength were increased due to the high toughness
property of Copper slag.
• As the percentage of Copper slag in design mix as replacement increases, the density of
harden concrete observed to be increased.
• Jagmeet Singh, Dr. Jaspal Singh and Er. Manpreet Kaur (2015) ―Flexural Behavior of
Copper Slag and Fly Ash Concrete‐ A Case Study‖ International Journal of Innovations
in Engineering Research and Technology [Ijiert] Issn: 2394-3696 Volume 2, Issue 4apr. -
• Binaya Patnaik, Seshadri Sekhar.T and Srinivasa Rao (2015) ―Strength and durability
properties of copper slag admixed concrete‖ IJRET: International Journal of Research in
Engineering and Technology.
• T. Poovizhi and P. Kathirvel (2015) ―Behavior of Concrete with Partial Replacement of
Copper Slag as Cement and Fine Aggregate‖ Transactions on Engineering and Sciences
ISSN: 2347-1964 (Online) 2347-1875 (Print) Vol.3, Issue 2, February 2015.
• M. V. Patil, Y. D. Patil and G. R. Veshmawala (2015) “Performance of Copper Slag as
Sand Replacement in Concrete‖ International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 6 (2016) pp 4349-4353.
• R R Chavan and D B Kulkarni (2013) ―Performance of copper slag on strength
properties as partial replace of fine aggregate in concrete mix design‖ International
Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies.
• Amit S. Kharade, Sandip V. Kapadiya and Ravindra Chavan (2013) ―An Experimental
Investigation of Properties of Concrete with Partial or Full Replacement of Fine
Aggregates Through Copper Slag‖ International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT).
• Najimi, M., Sobhani, J. and Pourkhorshidi, A.R. (2011) ―Durability of copper slag
contained concrete exposed to sulfate attack‖, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.
25, No. 4, pp. 1895-1905, 2011.
• Brinda D, Baskaran T, Negan S, (2010) ―Assessment of Corrosion and
Durability Characteristics of Copper Slag Admixed Concrete‖, International Journal of
Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2010, pp. 192 – 211.
• Srinivas C. H and S. M Muranal (2010) ― Study of the Properties of Concrete
Containing Copper Slag as a Fine Aggregate‖
• Wei Wu, Weide Zhang, Guowei Ma (2010) ―Optimum content of copper slag as a fine
aggregate in high strength concrete‖ Materials and Design, Elsevier science Ltd, Vol. 31,
2010, pp. 2878–2883.
Based on the results of the materials properties and the experimental investigation on concrete
made with glass powder, the reason for the variation observed is summarized as follows.
• Summary of material properties
1. Fineness modulus of sand is more than that of glass powder. This means glass powder is
finer than sand.
2. Grading curve of both sand and glass powder is uniform and sand falls within the limits
of zone II
3. Sand particles rounded and globular whereas glass powder particles are angular, flaky
and irregular in shape.
4. The reasons with the fact that glass powder is finer than sand.
• Summary of experimental investigation on concrete
1. The compressive strength of concrete with glass powder is more than the conventional
concrete. The increase in compressive strength is the interlocking properties of particles in
the glass powder.
2. Split tensile strength of concrete increases for glass powder. The reason for variation is
the shape and texture of glass powder.
3. Flexural strength (modulus of rupture) of concrete increases for glass powder.
The reasons for variation are the shape and texture of the glass powder.
The development of concrete with glass powder as fine aggregate has been successfully
completed and the results were presented and analyzed in the previous chapters. Based on the test
results of M50 concrete the following conclusions are drawn:
• General Conclusions
1) It is possible to replace glass powder by scarce sand for concrete.
2) The glass powder concrete is less workable, strong and durable compared to sand concrete
• Specific conclusions
1) The increase of 9 % in the 28-day cube compressive strength of glass powder
concrete when compared to Conventional concrete.
2) Increase cylinder tensile strength there is an increase of about 23% in 28 days of
glass powder concrete when compared to conventional concrete.
3) There is an increase of 74 % in the 28-day flexural strength of glass powder.
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