SP-1097 DSS Welding Specs PDF
SP-1097 DSS Welding Specs PDF
SP-1097 DSS Welding Specs PDF
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Version 3.0
Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither
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i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue
Document Authorisation
ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of
all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
API 1104
Duplex Stainless Steel
Procedure Qualification Record
Production Welding
Welding Procedure Specification
Welder Qualification
1.1 Purpose 1
1 Scope 7
4.1 Equipment 7
4.2 Materials 8
5.2 Record 10
5.8.1 Preparation 20
5.11 Records 21
6.1 General 22
6.7 Retesting 24
6.8 Records 24
7.1 General 25
7.2 Alignment 26
7.4 Bevel 26
8.6 Records 29
9.1 General 29
14.1 General 33
A.1 General 34
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This specification is a revision of SP-1097 version 2.0, Specification for Welding of Duplex
Stainless Steel Pipelines, issued in May 2005. The purpose of this specification is to define
the minimum technical requirements for the welding of duplex stainless steel pipelines and
flow lines.
The basis of this specification is API Std 1104 Twenty first edition, September 2013
including addendum 2 May 2016.
This Specification is applicable to all classes of pipelines as defined in SP-1211 and is based
on API Std 1104, 21edition, including addendum 2 May 2016. Appendix B gives
amendments and supplements to the base standard. Tables or figures supplementary to those
of API Std 1104 have been designated with capital letters.
Welding of on-plot pipe work and fabricated equipment, (covered by PDO specification
Manufacture of longitudinally welded pipe,
Welding on to pipelines under operating conditions, (hot tap operations)
The scope of API Std 1104 is confined to carbon and low alloy steels and the extensive
amendments and supplements of the text in Appendix B have been necessary to incorporate
the special requirements for welding duplex stainless steels. Other general amendments and
supplements are included in Appendix B where considered necessary to ensure pipeline
integrity in accordance with PDO and Shell Group requirements
The Clause numbering in Appendix B follows that of API Std 1104. Where clauses of API
1104 are not amended or supplemented they shall apply in their entirety.
General Definitions
Contractor The party which carries out all or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or
management of a project, or operation or maintenance of a
facility. The Company may undertake all or part of the duties of
the Contractor.
Corporate Functional The person within the Company responsible for the discipline to
Discipline Head which the standard belongs
Specific Definitions
Batch or Lot As defined in AWS A5.01, Clause 5 (Classification) and Clause
(see App. B, 6 (Testing)
Duplex A chromium-nickel-molybdenum stainless steel containing a
stainless steel balance of austenite and ferrite stabilising alloying elements
such that the microstructure at room temperature consists of
approximately equal proportions of austenite and ferrite.
a Throat Thickness of Fillet Weld
HV Vickers Hardness
PT Penetrant Testing
RT Radiographic Testing
t Nominal Thickness
TA Technical Authority,
This specification covers the arc welding of butt, branch and fillet welds in duplex and super
duplex stainless steel pipelines used in field constructions.
Welding may be carried out by a SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, SAW, PAW or gas shielded
FCAW process, or a combination of these processes. A manual, automatic welding
technique, or combination of these techniques, may be used. The first and second passes of
single sided butt welds SHALL be made using GTAW process. Filler metal shall be used
for all passes. Roll welding shall be accepted when an automatic welding process is used.
GMAW, GTAW, and gas shielded FCAW shall be restricted to construction areas protected
against wind and draught.
1. Socket welds
2. Semi-automatic processes.
4. Gas welding, self- shielded gas FCAW welding and flash butt welding processes
2 Normative References
See also Appendix C of this specification.
4 Specifications
4.1 Equipment
Add the following:
GTAW power units shall incorporate a high frequency starting unit, slope-out control and
gas delay facility as a minimum. Direct contact shall be prevented between duplex stainless
steel and carbon steel equipment.
Grinding wheels dedicated to duplex and super duplex stainless steel work shall be used.
Wire brushes shall be of stainless steel. All such dedicated equipment and consumables
shall be identified by colour coding or other suitable means.
4.2 Materials
4.2.1 Pipe and Piping Components
The Contractor shall obtain verified copies of the materials certificates for all free-issue
items to be welded. Contractor supplied items shall have original or verified copies of
materials certificates and certification. Items without materials certificates shall not be used
unless they are re-certified by re-testing by company authorised representative. Types
Add as follows:
The welding consumable certificate shall be in accordance with ISO 10474 type 3.1.
Alternatively each batch of welding consumables may be tested in accordance with
applicable consumable classification specification.
The chromium content shall be at least match with the parent material and nickel content
All filler metals shall have classification society, e.g. Lloyd's, DNV type approval Types
The shielding and purge gas shall be certified as complying with ISO 14175, or equivalent.
The purity or component concentrations of the gas shall be as specified on the WPS and
shall be the same for procedure qualification and production welding
The dew point of shielding and purge gas shall be -30 degree C or below
The WPS and PQR SHALL [PS] be approved by the Company welding TA-2 for each
All welding procedure qualification shall be done in Oman only and shall be witnessed by the
Company welding Inspector under simulated site conditions.
Previously qualified welding procedures by the same contractor may be used subject to the
WPS proposals for qualification shall be submitted to the Company a minimum of two
weeks prior to the proposed date of test welding. The WPS proposals shall be endorsed and
signed by the Contractors authorised representative prior to submission. The Authorised
Company welding Engineer shall endorse “APPROVED FOR QUALIFICATION", the
contract number, the date and signature. Only WPSs endorsed shall be used for test welding.
5.2 Record
Add the following:
The PQR shall include the following Documents:
The WPS Approved for Qualification with all the details specified in clause 5.3.
The actual welding details with all the details specified in clause 2.3
Material certificates.
Consumables certificates.
PAMS printout of the welding parameters*.
Summary of welding parameters including heat input calculation
Visual inspection report.
NDT reports.
Laboratory test report.
* Welding parameters shall be recorded by means of a calibrated portable arc monitoring system with printout
Contractor’s logo
Revision number
Contract number
Project title
Contractors signature and endorsement
Service (Sour/non-sour)
Client: PDO Materials
UNS number of material specification and grade of pipe or fittings or flanges shall be stated.
The following limits shall apply for all diameters and thicknesses:
Qualified diameter range; when D <323mm, 0.5D to 2 D; when D > 323mm; 0.5D to
maximum to be welded.
Qualified wall thickness range, 0.75t to 1.5t. but not < 5mm. For t < 5mm, a change
outside the range t to 1.5t
Qualified throat thickness, (fillet weld), 0.75a to 1.5a.
Welds made using fully automatic equipment shall be separately qualified for each
combination of pipe diameter and wall thickness.
The WPS shall indicate the allowable tolerances on each of the joint design details.
Where automatic welding is specified, a U-groove preparation without root gap shall be
Details of the filler metal manufacturer and brand name shall be stated on the WPS for each
For SMAW, maximum bead width shall be restricted to 2.5 times the electrode diameter.
Based on the minimum line pipe thickness of 4.8 mm normally specified for pipelines, joints
shall be completed with a minimum of three passes.
Where applicable, electrode stick-out, contact tube-to-work distance, and wire feed speed
shall be specified for each bead. If pulse welding is used, background current and pulse
parameters shall also be specified or a unique program reference included. Position
WPSs for manually welded line pipe butt joints shall be qualified in the 5G position to cover
production welding 5 G positions. Automatic welds shall be qualified for each position to be
used in production. Branches, attachment welds and ancillary piping may be qualified in the
production welding position or, to cover all positions, in the 6G position, at the option of the
Except where an automatic process is specified, all positional welds shall be deposited by
uphill progression only.
An internal or external line-up clamp shall be used for all girth welds except where it is
demonstrated that to do so would be impractical, in which case tack welding may be
permitted by Company authorised welding engineer
An internal line-up clamp shall not be removed until deposition is completed of the first two
passes. An external line-up clamp shall not be removed until the root bead is at least 50%
complete, equally distributed around the joint.
The minimum number of passes to be deposited before the pipe is lowered off shall be
For root welding of single-sided joints, gas back purge shall be specified. The WPS shall
include requirements for flushing prior to commencement of welding and for monitoring of
exit gas oxygen content, (see section 7.17 of this specification).
AWS flux classification, the manufacturer, brand name and the type of flux shall also be
Speed of travel shall be shown in millimetres per minute or millimetres per second.
Delete this title and add the following new sections, –
Heat Input (kJ/mm) = (Volts x Amps x 60) / (1000 x Welding Speed (mm/min.))
The allowable range of heat input rates to be applied by each welding process for each bead
shall be specified.
The WPS shall designate the number of root pass welders and hot pass (second pass)
The minimum number of passes before the joint is allowed to cool to ambient temperature
shall be specified. The minimum shall be three passes or one third of the joint whichever is
- amplitude of weave;
- frequency of weave; and
- dwell time.
Replace as follows,
Any change in process or combination of processes. Any change in equipment type and
model for mechanised or automatic welding.
Replace as follows:
Any change in UNS number. A change in the PREN exceeding –1.5 or +2.5.
Any change in product form (casting, forging) for pipes and fittings. A procedure
qualified by welding together products from different manufacturers or different
product forms shall qualify both the combination and welds between each product.
Any change in bevel dimension outside the tolerance stated in the approved WPS, Branch
welds shall require separate qualification in accordance with Section 5.7. Position
Any change in the angle of the axis of the pipe greater than 25 from that used for
qualification shall constitute an essential variable.
The following changes in the qualified WPS shall be considered as essential variables:
A change of shielding or backing gas flow rate to one outside the range ± 20% of the
average value qualified and specified shall also constitute an essential variable.
Any increase in the oxygen content of the effluent backing gas beyond that qualified shall
necessitate re-qualification.
Any decrease in the number of passes before cessation of backing gas flow shall constitute
an essential variable.
Any change in the range of qualified speed of travel, or electrode run out length, outside the
range ± 15% of that qualified shall constitute an essential variable. See also,
following. PWHT
Delete this section and replace with the following new sections, –
Any change in average welding heat input per pass outside the range ± 10% of that qualified
and the addition or deletion of pulsating current shall be considered essential variables.
Removal of the line-up clamp at a stage earlier than stated in the approved for construction
WPS shall constitute an essential variable.
Any change in the minimum number of runs before the joint is allowed to cool shall
constitute an essential variable. Diameter
Test welding shall be performed under simulated site conditions using full pipe lengths as
appropriate In order that root oxidation can be assessed under ‘worst case’ conditions,
welding should commence as soon as the maximum specified back purge oxygen level is
Immediately prior to test welding, the Contractor shall have available at the test site for
Company inspection, the following documents:
No test welding is permissible without recording the welding parameters using a calibrated
portable arc monitor.
5.6.1 Preparation
Test welds shall be subjected to NDT as detailed in, before sectioning for destructive
testing in accordance with
Visual examination
Liquid penetrant testing
Radiographic testing
The acceptance criteria shall be as stated in Section 6 of this specification. Any weld that
fails to meet the acceptance criteria shall not be offered for destructive testing. Visual
examination of all butt welds shall include the pipe bore surfaces. The degree of oxidation
present on these surfaces following welding shall be within the visual acceptance criteria of
Following Company approval of the NDT, all test welds shall be sectioned at the locations
shown in Figure 3 of API Std 1104 and Figure A of this specification. Sectioning and
testing shall be performed at a Company-approved test laboratory.
All test reports shall be endorsed and signed by the testing organisation, the Contractor, and
the Company Inspector who witnessed the testing. Preparation
The sections of the weld taken for macroscopic examination and hardness testing shall also
be used for ferrite measurement as required in clause 5.6.7 of this specification. Method
The hardness shall be measured in accordance with ASTM E92, using HV10. For pipe butt
welds, the hardness indentations shall be as shown in Figure C of this specification. For pipe
of t less than 10 millimetres, the mid-thickness traverse may be omitted. Requirements
The macro sections shall not show defects exceeding the acceptance standards given in
Section 6 of this specification. Each specimen shall exhibit a smooth and regular profile and
the reinforcement shall blend smoothly with the parent metal. Slight intermittent undercut
with a maximum depth of 10% of the pipe wall thickness or 0.4 millimetres, whichever is
the smaller, shall be deemed acceptable. Excess penetration shall not exceed the
requirements of clause of this specification. Joint misalignment shall not exceed 1.6
The maximum hardness values from each traverse shall not exceed 325 HV10. Preparation
Measurements of ferrite level shall be made on the prepared sections used for macro-
examination and hardness measurements. Method
The ferrite content shall be determined by microscopic point counting in accordance with
ASTM E562 and magnetic measurement technique using an instrument calibrated to AWS
4.2 (for DSS only). Ferrite determinations shall be made in the weld metal and both HAZ
areas at a depth of 1mm from the inside and from the outside surfaces, or for magnetic
techniques, as close to the surface as is practicable. Additional checks shall be made in the
centre of the unaffected base material on each side of the weld. Requirements
Ferrite content determined by microscopic point counting shall be in the range 40 - 60% for
the parent material and 35 - 65% in the weld/HAZ regions. The ferrite range for magnetic
measurements shall be between 30 – 70 FN. In the event that borderline unacceptable or
otherwise doubtful results are obtained using magnetic measurement, a check point-counting
determination may be made. If the results of these repeat tests are satisfactory, the ferrite
content shall be considered to be acceptable. Preparation
Each procedure qualification shall include impact testing unless the nominal pipe wall
thickness is less than 4.8 mm.
One set of three specimens shall be taken at each of the following positions:
When the wall thickness exceeds 20 millimetres, an additional set of three specimens shall
be taken at each of the following positions:
Specimens shall be 10 x 10 millimetres full size wherever possible. Where these dimensions
are not possible, the largest obtainable standard sub-size specimens shall be extracted.
Testing in accordance with ASTM A370 and this specification shall be conducted at -46
For each set of three specimens, only one of the individual values may be below the
minimum average energy requirement with an absolute minimum as defined by the
minimum individual acceptance criterion.
The acceptance criteria are detailed in the Table below. For other standard specimen
dimensions, the acceptance criteria shall be applied pro rata.
10 x 10 50 40
10 x 7.5 40 32
10 x 5 33 26 Preparation Method
A pitting corrosion resistance test shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM G48,
Method A using the total immersion ferric chloride test. The specimen shall be degreased,
dried and weighed to three decimal places and the weight recorded.
The specimen shall be held in the solution at an angle of 45, with inside surface uppermost.
Unless otherwise directed, the test shall be conducted for a period of 24 hours at a
temperature of 22C ± 2C. For 'super duplex' grades the test temperature shall be 35C -
On completion of the test period the specimen shall be rinsed, cleaned, dried and weighed
using the procedures specified in ASTM G48A. Requirements
Further testing may be required by the Company where duplex stainless steels are specified
for service in environments containing H2S.
Chemical analysis shall be conducted of the root run weld metal. The weld metal sample
shall be taken from an adjacent or equivalent location to that shown for the impact test
specimens in Figure A. The elements required for calculation of the PRE (see Section shall be determined. The PRE value shall exceed the minimum specified for the
base material to be welded.
5.6.11 Retests General
If only one tensile or bend specimen does not meet the acceptance criteria, two additional
specimens shall be tested. Both of the additional specimens shall meet the acceptance
If only one hardness result exceeds the specified maximum then three further impressions
shall be made in close proximity to that which failed such that they do not mutually
interfere. If all of the further tests are below the specified maximum then the test shall be
If the specified minimum average value has been achieved and more than one specimen is
below the specified average value, or one specimen is below the specified minimum
individual value, a retest of three further specimens shall be made. All three individual
retest values shall equal or exceed the specified minimum average value.
If the test joint fails to meet the minimum requirements, a new WPS proposal shall be
established and re-qualified.
The configuration of fillet weld and branch weld test joints shall be in accordance with the
weld details to be used in production and the limitations of section 5.3 of this specification.
See also the note under section 5.1.
Test welding shall be witnessed by the Company and shall only commence after the WPS
proposal has been approved by the Company and endorsed "APPROVED FOR
5.8.1 Preparation
Replace existing section as follows:
Prior to cutting, test welds shall be visually inspected and liquid-penetrant tested. If the
weld is deemed acceptable in accordance with the acceptance criteria detailed in Section 6 of
this specification it may be offered for destructive testing
Test specimens for macroscopic examination and hardness testing shall be cut from the joint
at the locations shown in Figure 10 of API Std 1104. The specimens should be machine cut
and one face shall be prepared for macroscopic examination by grinding or other suitable
method to a 600 grit paper finish. The prepared surfaces shall be etched using a suitable
etchant to reveal the pass sequence, HAZ, defects etc.
5.8.2 Method
Macroscopic examination and hardness measurement shall be carried out in accordance with
section of this specification. On full penetration branch welds, ferrite checks shall
also be conducted in accordance with section of this specification.
5.8.3 Requirements
5.10.2 Preparation
Non-destructive and destructive testing of the repair weld shall be performed as required in
(5.6) and (10.1.3) except where modified below.
5.10.3 Method
Provided the repair weld procedure is representative of the original weld qualification,
destructive tests shall be as listed below. Otherwise full procedure qualification tests shall
apply as specified in section 5.6 of this specification’.
5.10.4 Requirements
The acceptance criteria shall be as for the original welding procedure qualification.
5.11 Records
The procedure qualification record shall include the following:
Print-outs from the portable arc monitoring system for each pass
Visual inspection and NDT reports
Heat treatment reports
Original laboratory test certificates, including macrophotographs
Original or verified copies of materials certificates for the test coupon materials
Original or verified copies of batch certificates for the filler materials and
shielding/backing gases employed for test welding.
The PQR shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval with the revised WPS
for production welding.
6 Qualification of Welders
6.1 General
Add the following:
Welders who weld the procedure qualification test coupons, which are satisfactory, shall be
deemed as being qualified.
Welders shall have a valid Company qualification within the validity defined in this
specification or they shall be qualified using the Approved For Construction WPS.
Qualification shall be valid for a period of six months. This period may be extended by a
further six months when it can be shown by NDT from production welding that the welder
has produced satisfactory welds using the approved for construction WPS. After 12 months
the welder shall be re-qualified, unless otherwise agreed by the Company’.
Welders shall be re-qualified when the Company has reason to question the welder's ability
to make welds that meet this specification.
For butt welds, welders shall be qualified by visual examination, radiographic testing, bend
testing and macro-examination.
For branch welds and fillet welds, welders shall be qualified by visual examination, liquid
penetrate testing, and macro-examination.
The use of segments of pipe nipples shall not be permitted. Each of the two pipe nipples
used to make the test weld shall be a minimum length of D or they shall be of sufficient
length to accommodate the alignment device being used, whichever is greater.
6.2.2 Scope
Delete items a., b., c., d., e., f., and g. and replace with the following:
6.3.2 Scope
Performance of visual examination and the acceptance criteria shall be as defined in section
9 of this specification.
Delete existing section, including Table 3, and replace with the following:
After satisfactory radiographic testing, the test weld shall be sectioned for macro-
examination in accordance with Section 5.6.6. Hardness testing may be omitted. The
number of macro-sections shall be two per welder's portion. The acceptance criteria shall be
as defined in Section 9.
6.5.2 Tensile strength, nick-break and bend test procedures for butt welds
Prior to cutting, in addition to the visual examination specified in clause 6.4, the test welds
shall be liquid penetrant tested and shall meet the requirements of section 9 of this
Test Methods and Requirements for Fillet Welds and Branch Welds
The fillet weld samples shall be prepared and subjected to macro-examination in accordance
with section 5.8 of this specification.
The qualification butt weld shall be examined by radiography in addition to the destructive
testing specified in API Std 1104 section 6.5 and this specification.
The test weld shall meet the requirements of API Std 1104 as modified by this specification.
6.7 Retesting
Replace existing section as follows:
If the test weld does not meet the specified acceptance criteria, the welder may carry out two
repeat tests. Both of the repeat welds shall meet the specified acceptance criteria. Failure of
one or both repeat welds shall result in disqualification of the welder until such time as the
Contractor can demonstrate to the Company by records that satisfactory training has been
received. The welder may then be presented for further qualification testing.
6.8 Records
Add the following:
The Contractor shall maintain the records of the tests and test results of each welder. The
Contractor shall assign each welder a unique identification number, letter, or symbol to
ensure traceability to specific welds. If a welder ceases to work for the Contractor, the
unique identification shall not be re-assigned to another welder.
Production Welding
7.1 General
Replace existing section as follows:
No production welding shall be carried out before the WPSs have been endorsed as
'Approved for Construction' by the Company and the welders qualified to weld using the
approved WPSs.
The preparation and welding of pipeline shall be in accordance with the qualified and
approved WPS.
Fusion faces and the surrounding surfaces within a minimum of 25 millimetres of the joint
shall be free from heavy scale, moisture, oil, paint, or any other substance which may have a
deleterious effect on the weld quality or progress.
Stray arc strikes shall be removed by grinding. The ground area shall be liquid penetrant
tested and thickness checked. Where the thickness is below the specified minimum, the
section of pipe shall be removed. Any arcing from a poor connection shall be treated as an
arc strike. Connections shall be made to the work by clamps having stainless steel contact
surfaces. Earth cables shall not be welded to pipeline components. General Storage
a) Components stored in an open site or within a fabrication workshop shall be protected from
environmental contamination.
b) Duplex stainless steels shall be clearly identified and segregated from other stored materials.
c) Supports, rollers and other pipe handling equipment shall be of compatible material or shall be
suitably lined to prevent damage or contamination of the pipe work.
d) Slings and supports for lifting duplex stainless steel pipe and assemblies shall be of Nylon or
similar compatible material.
e) Pipe handling by means of hooks in pipe ends shall not be permitted.
f) Work shall not be performed when the weather and/or degree of protection does not permit
satisfactory workmanship.
g) Enclosures giving adequate protection to the weld area at all times from wind, rain and
moisture shall be provided. In windy conditions the pipe ends shall be sealed to prevent
through draughts.
h) Weld surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before welding. Moisture shall be
removed by means of blowers, or in exceptional cases a heating torch may be used provided no
signs of surface oxidation are allowed to develop.
7.2 Alignment
Replace existing section as follows:
No welding shall be carried out until the alignment specified in the approved WPS has been
Joint design shall be in accordance with ASME B31.4 or B31.8. Any taper shall not be
steeper than 1 in 4.
When a pipe with one longitudinal seam is used, this seam shall be within the top 120 of the
circumference. The longitudinal seams of consecutive pipes shall be offset by at least 45.
Internal line-up clamps shall be used wherever possible and their design shall be such as to
allow the introduction and containment of root purging gases, as required in clause 7.17.
External line-up clamps may be used for line pipe less than 150 NB, for tie-in welds and for
special welds, such as connections to valves, flanges and fittings.
Pipe shall not be moved or lowered off until the second pass has been completed. An internal
line-up clamp shall not be removed until deposition is completed of the first two passes. An
external line-up clamp shall not be removed until the root bead is at least 50% complete,
equally distributed around the joint.
Where an internal or external line-up clamp cannot be used, alignment may be achieved
using tack welds. Tack welds shall be temporary bridge or bullet tacks using suitable duplex
stainless steel material. Welding parameters shall be in accordance with the appropriate fill
pass. Tack welding shall be performed only by welders qualified to weld with the WPS. The
tack welds shall be removed by grinding as welding progresses around the joint.
7.4 Bevel
7.4.2 Field bevel
The new bevel shall be visually examined Burns, small score marks, indentations, other
imperfections, and linear indications shall be unacceptable and the bevel shall be re-
prepared. Repair by welding shall not be permitted. Edges shall be free from slag, spatter,
dirt, grease or other foreign matter which may affect weld quality. Acetone may be used for
surface cleaning.
Where pipes are cut, pipe markings shall be transferred to the off-cut in order to maintain
The weld metal reinforcement at the cap shall not exceed the requirements of clause 9.3.13
of this specification.
Prior to commencing the root pass, the welder shall clearly mark the pipe adjacent to the
weld with the symbol or identification assigned to him. Where tack welding has been
approved by the Company, no marks shall be made for the tack welding.
Marking shall be made with weather-proof chalk, paint, chloride-free crayon, or pen. Die
stamps shall not be used. The root pass welder shall make a mark at the top of the pipe.
Where two welders make the root pass, they shall each make a mark at the top of the pipe on
the side where they are about to weld. Subsequent welders shall mark the pipe below the
first code in the sequence which they work. The identification marks shall not be removed
until the welds have been inspected both visually and non-destructively.
When fabrication is completed, all surfaces adjacent to the welds shall be cleaned of spatter,
burrs, and other imperfections which could interfere with radiographic or ultrasonic
Gas back purge shall be maintained during the welding of all full penetration butt joints until
a minimum of 6 mm thickness of weld metal has been deposited. The same criteria shall be
applied to confirm the acceptable maximum depth of partial penetration repair welds.
Flushing with backing gas shall be carried out before welding. The oxygen content of the
exit gas shall be monitored using suitable oxygen measuring equipment and welding shall
not commence until a level that is qualified in the PQR but shall not be more than 0.2%.
Monitoring shall be continued during welding to ensure that this limit is not exceeded.
Welds shall be evaluated to the requirements of Section 9 of API Std 1104 and this
specification. Manual Ultrasonic testing of welds is not acceptable and specialized UT
techniques require company NDT TA2 approval. A Written NDT procedure in accordance
with Section 11 of API Std 1104 shall be approved by the Company prior to production
welding as applicable. The procedures shall be in accordance with Section 11 of API Std
1104 and this specification.
The primary NDT method shall be X-ray radiography using film types classified C1, C2 or
C3 according to EN 584-1.
The use of a crawler camera or other remote system shall be used for diameters greater than
8 inch.
Welding inspection personnel shall hold a valid qualification of one of the following:
Radiographic frequency for all pressure rating butt welds shall be 100%. The frequency for
class less than 600 rating can be optimised if the contractor can produce statistical analysis
to demonstrate performance over 3 years period.
The Company authorised inspector shall inspect all the welds and verify compliance to the
8.6 Records
The Contractor shall generate a weld history sheet for every weld which shall contain the
following information:
Weld number
Isometric and line number
Materials specification and identification
The WPS employed
The welder(s)' identity symbols
Date welded
Visual inspection disposition
NDT reports where applicable (to be attached to the weld history sheet)
Type of repair, if applicable, and WPS
NDT reports for repairs (to be attached to the weld history sheet)
PWHT if applicable (chart to be attached to the weld history sheet)
Batch number of consumables employed
Wherever accessible, the extent of oxidation on the root and HAZ surfaces of single-sided
welds shall be assessed for comparison with the visual acceptance criteria of DEP
Delete sub-sections and Replace with new sub-section General
Tungsten and copper inclusions shall be treated as slag inclusions for the
purposes of assessment.
9.3.10 Cracks
Cracks of any type shall not be accepted and repair of weldment crack approval shall be
obtained approval from company welding TA2.
Weld reinforcement, when measured from the adjacent parent material surface, shall not
exceed the following values:
Internal protrusion of the weld root shall not exceed 1.5mm. When measuring internal
protusion, the line of the pipe bore outside the HAZ should be taken as the reference. Local
profile changes adjacent to the fusion line should be discounted.
Cracked weld joints shall be cut out and not to be repaired. A weld with other unacceptable
defects may be repaired only once. If the repair is unacceptable then the complete weld and
HAZ shall be removed.
Delete this section, including items a., b., c., d., e and replace with the following:
All repairs shall be performed in accordance with a separately qualified repair welding WPS.
The repair welding procedure shall be qualified in accordance with sections 5.9 and 5.10 of
this specification on a full-thickness girth weld. For qualification of repair welding
procedure, original welding procedure impact and hardness test requirements shall be met.
The total repair length shall not exceed 40% of the total weld length. For partial penetration
repairs, the maximum length of a single repair portion shall be 30% of the total weld length.
For full penetration repairs, the maximum length of a single repair portion shall be 20% of
the total weld length. Groove taper shall be included in the measurements.
The radiation shall be X-ray for penetrated thickness up to 25mm. The technique shall be
film outside, source of radiation inside. Where the source of radiation cannot be located
inside the pipe, the Company may agree to use of the film and source of radiation outside:
double wall single image technique.
The Contractor shall qualify a radiographic testing procedure prior to testing production
welds by producing radiographs that comply with this specification. These shall be retained
for reference during production and should be suitable both for confirmation of radiographic
quality and for assessment of questionable root profile features (weld protrusion, concavity
etc.) from density measurements. Note: Radiographic testing procedure qualification may be
undertaken on test welds produced for welding procedure qualification.
NOTE: For the purpose of IQI selection, the thickness of the weld means specified wall
thickness plus weld reinforcement (internal plus external combined) and shall be applicable
for all type of exposures
For radiographic procedure qualification, IQIs shall also be placed on the surface facing the
source of radiation. The specified sensitivity requirement shall be achieved on the source
side IQIs. The sensitivity achieved on the film side IQIs shall be recorded for comparison
and used for evaluating production radiographs. General
The minimum density shall be 2.0. The maximum density shall be 3.5 where adequate
interpretation can be achieved with the viewing screen.
Requirements for Mechanized welding with filler wire additions are included in the
preceding sections of this specification.
14 Documentation
14.1 General
The Contractor shall maintain a record system which ensures weld traceability. The
Contractor shall be responsible for compiling the following document packages which shall
be submitted to the Company upon completion of the works:
Copy of approved Welding Procedure Register
Copies of approved WPSs
Copies of approved repair WPSs
Copies of all supporting PQRs
List of approved welders and their identification
List of Company welders' cards
Copies of the Company welders' cards
List of approved NDT operators
Copies of NDT operator qualification certificates
List of Company-approved deviations to the Code and this specification
Copies of Company-approved deviations to the Code or this specification
List of consumable batch certificates
Copies of consumable batch certificates
List of materials certificates
Copies of materials certificates
List of test equipment
Copies of calibration certificates
Certificate of Compliance
List of as-built drawings
As built drawings showing unique weld numbers
List of weld history sheets
Copies of weld history sheets which shall show for each weld
weld number
isometric and line number
material specifications and identification
the WPS employed
B In-Service Welding
Delete this Appendix in its entirety.
Weld metal
Fusi on line
A spec imens
Fusi on line + 2mm
Mac rosection/hardness
( a ) . Pip e d ia me te r s u p to
a n d in c lu d in g 4 in c h e s ( 1 1 4 .3 mm)
Top of pipe
Mac rosection/hardness
Mac rosection/hardness
Weld metal
Fusi on line
spec imens
Fusi on line + 2mm
Mac rosection/hardness
( b ) . Pip e d ia me te r s g r e a te r
th a n 4 in c h e s ( 1 1 4 .3 mm)
_ 20mm
t< Notch
t 2mm
Specimen axis
_ 20mm
FL + 2
t > 20mm
Weld metal specimens
FL 2mm
FL + 2
t > 20mm
FL + 2 2mm
m m
no fe
v eryseto
f3 s
e toth
lebuts ha
e c
Appendix C References
In this specification, reference is made to the following publications:
(1) See also additional references listed in API 1104 Section 1.3.
(2) Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used together with any amendments.
PDO Standards
Technical Authorities System GU-225
Welded and Seamless Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel Line Pipe DEP
(Amendments/supplements to API Spec. 5LC)
American Standards
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other ASME B31.4
ASME B31.8
Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing
Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, Eighteenth Edition, May 1994 API Std 1104
Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ASTM A370
Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials ASTM E92
Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic ASTM E562
Manual Point Count
Standard Test Methods for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of ASTM G48
Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by the Use of Ferric Chloride Solution
Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield NACE MR0175
British Standards
Welding of Steel Pipelines on Land and Offshore, Parts 2 BS 4515
International Standards
Quality requirements for welding - Fusion welding of metallic materials - 3834-2 (Note 1)
Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, ISO 9001
Production, Installation and Servicing.
Welding Consumables - Shielding Gases for Arc Welding and Cutting ISO 14175
Recd.: To CFDH:
CFDH Actions
Recd. Decision: Inits.: Ref. Date:
Date: Ind.:
Accept, revise at next issue:
Accept, issue temporary amendment