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Specification For Land Management: Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Health Safety Environment & Sustainable Development

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

RESTRICTED Document ID: SP-1012

Jun-20 Filing Key: Business Control

Health Safety Environment & Sustainable


Specification for Land

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The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by
the Document Owner or his Delegate through STEP-OUT approval.

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i Document Authorisation

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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

Version 4.0 Sep Mariana Michael Updated to reflect current regulatory
2007 MSE/22 requirements and re-structuring
specification content (see section 1.2)
Mohammed Al Shuayli
Version 3.0 24/06/0 Muralee Thummarukdy Editorial changes. New format.
2 CSM/22
Version 2.0 01/01/0 Muralee Thumarukdy New title (previously SP 1012 Site
1 CSM/22 Preparation, Abandonment and
Version 1.0 1998 Original version.

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control
Documentation Register TAXI.

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i Document Authorisation........................................................................................................ 3
ii Revision History.................................................................................................................... 4
iii Related Business Processes................................................................................................. 4
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents........................................4
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Changes to the Specification........................................................................................... 6
2 Scope.................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Definitions & Abbreviations.............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Deliverables..................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Records.......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Reports.......................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Responsibility.................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Performance Monitoring.................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Review and Improvement................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Performance Standards................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Performance Execution................................................................................................... 9
2.8 Land Transfer................................................................................................................ 10
2.8.1 Due Environmental Diligence during Land Transfer.....................................10
2.8.2 Legal Assessment........................................................................................10
2.8.3 Chemical Assessment.................................................................................11
2.8.4 Responsibility for Initiating Assessments.....................................................11
2.8.5 Responsibility for Conducting Assessments................................................11
2.9 Site Selection and Preparation......................................................................................12
2.9.1 Site Selection............................................................................................... 12
2.9.2 Site Preparation...........................................................................................12
2.10 Site Decommissioning..................................................................................13
2.10.1 General Requirements.................................................................................13
2.10.2 Specific Requirements.................................................................................13
2.11 Landscape Restoration................................................................................15
2.11.1 General Requirements.................................................................................15
3 Appendices......................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Appendix A Type of Land and their Area in PDOs Operation........................................17
4 Appendix B Checklist for Due Environmental Diligence Audit.............................................18
4.1 Appendix C Land Custodianship Transfer Form............................................................20

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Specification describes PDO's minimum requirements for land management in its
concession area in order to reduce hazards to human health or minimise environmental
harm, which result from PDO’s and PDO’s contractors activities, products or services.
The requirements for managing site preparation, abandonment and restoration activities
are described.

1.2 Changes to the Specification

The following overall changes have been made:
- The adoption of corporate specification template
- Updating to ensure that all the key requirements emanating from Omani
environmental regulations, SIEP GES and International standards to which PDO
subscribes are current.
- Additional supporting details contained in the above requirements will be made
available in this specification through a direct web-link to the document concerned.
- The intent of a specification is to focus on the specific requirements; hence details
of how specifications to be met, which are included in other procedures are
removed. Where relevant this information is re-allocated to appropriate.

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2 Scope
This Specification addresses the following activities resulting from PDO activities and PDO
contractor activities, products or services:
 Custody transfer of land between Government and PDO, PDO and Contractors, PDO
and third-parties and between PDO assets
 Site selection and preparation
 Site abandonment and restoration
 Landscape restoration.
The scope of this Specification does not include the management of assets whose
ownership has been transferred from PDO to a third party prior to 01-01-2001.

2.1 Definitions & Abbreviations

ME&CA: Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs

2.2 Deliverables

2.2.1 Records
Records shall be maintained to document site preparation, abandonment and
restoration activities. See Appendix A for parameters (refer to CP 122 HSE
Management System Manual, Part 2 Chapter 6, section 4).

2.2.2 Reports
Data shall be submitted to the Corporate Environmental Section at each stage of the
activity or equivalent (refer to CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2
Chapter 6, section 4) as specified in Appendix A
Any non-compliance with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported
per the ‘Non Compliance Report Form’ in CP 122 HSE Management System Manual,
Part 2 Chapter 6 section 4.

2.3 Responsibility

Functional Directors
Functional Directors are responsible for ensuring that within their area of responsibility
the requirements of this specification are met through effective delegation to Delivery
Team Leaders.

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads are responsible for ensuring that the
requirements of this Specification are reflected in the documents for which they are

Exploration Director
Exploration Director is responsible for ensuring that during the acquisition and
relinquishment of a concession, a due environmental diligence audit is conducted.

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Delivery Team Leaders

Are responsible for ensuring that land transfer, site preparation, abandonment and
restoration activities, including contractor activities are managed in accordance with the
requirements of this Specification. Land management issues addressed in this
Specification shall be:
 identified
 recorded, as appropriate (refer to Section 2.2.1)
 reported, as appropriate (refer to Section 2.2..2)
In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with this Specification, Delivery
Team Leaders shall seek the advice and if necessary, a ‘step-out approval’ from the
Document Owner. This approval requires recording subject areas, which do not
conform as a non-compliance (refer to the ‘Non Compliance Report Form CP 122 HSE
Management System Manual, Part 2 Chapter 6).

Corporate Environment Section

Is responsible for assisting in the performance of all environmental due diligence
surveys performed on PDO assets, including new acquisitions and for ensuring that
they are performed in accordance with this specification..

Contractors are responsible for ensuring that site preparation, abandonment and
restoration activities undertaken in the course of carrying out their contractual
requirements, are managed in accordance with the requirements of this Specification
and reported, where applicable to the Contract Holder.

Document Custodian
The Document Custodian is responsible for ensuring that this specification is updated
as necessary to reflect any changes to Omani legislation, Shell standards and other
requirements to which PDO subscribes.

2.4 Performance Monitoring

Following restoration, all sites shall be inspected and surveyed to confirm and register the
co-ordinates of the restored area for topographical mapping purposes.

2.5 Review and Improvement

Any user of this document who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to
immediately notify Corporate HSE Manager using the ‘User Feedback Form’ provided in
CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2 Chapter 3.
This Specification shall be reviewed every 4 years. However changes to the current
version may be made in less than four years as the need arises depending upon the
issue of new and relevant environmental legislation and/or major organisational changes
in PDO.

2.6 Performance Standards

The Concession Agreement is the basic document which governs land transfer between
PDO and the Government. The Concession Agreement also stipulates the responsibility
of PDO in managing the land.
Although there is no specific legislation for site preparation, abandonment and
restoration, several MD’s apply indirectly. In particular RD 114/2001 Article 21 stipulates
that it is not allowed:

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- To cut down or uproot trees without a permit.

- Carry out any activity which leads to desertification or deterioration of the natural
- Remove stones, soil, etc. from watercourses, beaches and wadis without a permit.

PDO’s Policy on Abandonment requires that redundant assets shall be written-off and
removed where appropriate and the environment restored to, or as near as reasonable
practicable to, its original state in an agreed time frame.
The Concession Agreement specifies that all operations shall be carried out in a
workmanlike manner in accordance with good oilfield practice, and that the company
will take all reasonable measures to close any unproductive well drilled and
subsequently abandoned.
Individual licences and permits may establish more stringent requirements than those
required by this Specification. In these situations, the more stringent requirements shall
The following minimum requirements shall apply to all PDO facilities, except those,
handed over or offered to the Government in working condition.
A risk based corrective action approach shall be taken to all contamination issues in
PDOs operation areas.
The Shell Global Environmental Standards (GES No. 9: Soil and Groundwater
monitoring and Remediation) to which PDO subscribes, requires that all onshore major
installations shall be assessed for soil and groundwater contamination. Where soil
and/or groundwater contamination has been detected, risk-based mitigation measures
shall be demonstrably in place for any necessary control and/or remediation, including
control mechanisms to minimise the risk of migration of contaminants off-site.

The ultimate goal is that operation activities shall not lead to soil or groundwater
contamination and that recovery measures shall be in place to mitigate loss of
containment (i.e. spills) and that all potentially impacted sites have been assessed
against legal standards or risk-based criteria and continue to be monitored. All sites
exceeding risk-based criteria or legal standards have been remediated.

PDO has an interest in the following land areas in Oman.

 PDO concession area
 Pipeline rights of way outside the concession area
 PDO camp in Ras al Hamra
 PDO Head office in Mina al Fahal
 PDOs water supply well area in Al Khod

2.7 Performance Execution

Essentially PDO satisfies these requirements by managing the process in three broad
stages, namely:
- Land Transfer
- Site selection and preparation
- Site abandonment and restoration

Site selection and preparation includes:

 Geophysical operations, borrow pits, well locations
 Fixed and mobile camp sites

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 Roads, pipeline rights of way, plots for facilities and civil construction
 Airstrips, landfill and landform sites and landfarms.

Site abandonment and restoration includes:

 Site inspection and survey
 Roads and associated workings
 Borrow pits, landfill and landform sites
 Seismic camps and operations
 Fixed and mobile camps
 Buildings, airstrips
 Power transmission systems and electrical services
 Wells and well sites
 Process pipework, vessels and instrumentation
 Structural steel and concrete
 Flowlines and pipelines
 Coastal oil storage and export facilities.

PDO’s land management objectives in each of the identified land areas are different
and are developed to meet the specific requirements of the location.
For contaminated sites, quality of soil shall be assessed and managed by applying the following
guidance documents:
 Shell Group (YG) ’Guide to the Risk-Based Management of Potentially Contaminated
 Shell Group (YG) ‘Technical Guide to the Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Land’.

2.8 Land Transfer

In order to ensure that environmental liabilities are not accumulated by PDO,
environmental controls are needed in the following type of land transfer:
 Acquisition of New Concession Area
 Relinquishing of Concessions
 Land transfer from PDO to Contractors
 Land transfer from Contractors to PDO
 Land transfer from PDO to third parties
 Land transfer between PDO departments

The type of controls required depend on the nature of the transfer. Essentially all
transfers shall be preceded by a due diligence environmental audit. Audits may also
include chemical and legal components, but not all transfers will require all three
assessments. See Appendix A for checklist for a due diligence audit.

2.8.1 Due Environmental Diligence during Land Transfer

Environmental audits should be undertaken prior to a land transfer in order to ensure that
no environmental legacies are either passed over to, or accepted by PDO, without full
knowledge and agreement by both parties. The scope of the environmental diligence
survey may vary based on the:
 type of transfer, and
 prior use of the land being transferred.

2.8.2 Legal Assessment

Legal assessment associated with land transfers shall consist of:
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 Land rights of any tenants already on the land.

 Responsibility of the various parties for restoration of any features, including
contaminated sites.

All data collected during a legal assessment shall be documented. If the intended land
use is likely to result in conflict with the existing tenants and/or the responsibility for
restoration of damages is unclear, the legal assessment shall highlight this issue.

2.8.3 Chemical Assessment

Chemical assessments associated with land transfers shall consist of a detailed chemical
characterisation of the land being transferred. The requirements of the data collection will
be determined by the risk based approach adopted in the environmental due diligence

2.8.4 Responsibility for Initiating Assessments

The responsibility for initiating the due environmental diligence survey is defined in the
table below.

Custody Transfer of Land and Due Diligence

Type of Land Transfer Person People to be
responsible for consulted
initiating the
Acquiring Concessions XD, XEM MSE/2, FLG
Relinquishing Concessions XD, XEM MSE2, FLG
Land Transfer from PDO to Asset Manager HSE Advisor, FLG,
Contractor Area Co-ordinator

Land Transfer from Contractor to Asset Manager Asset HSE Advisor,

PDO Area Co-ordinator
Land Transfer from PDO to Third Asset Manager Asset HSE Advisor,
parties Area Co-ordinator
Land Transfer between Assets Contract Holder Asset HSE advisor

The type of survey and the level of detail are to be decided on a case by case basis.

2.8.5 Responsibility for Conducting Assessments

Audits may be conducted by Asset HSE Advisors, PDO’s Corporate Advisors, third
party auditors, or a combination of the above. The scope of the audit will depend on the
nature of the land being transferred, and the party to which land is being transferred.
The typical scope and responsibilities of the audit for audits during various land
transfers is presented in the table below.

2.9 Site Selection and Preparation

2.9.1 Site Selection

This shall be carried out in accordance with PDO’s Hazards and Effects Management
Programme (refer to CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 4 and
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PDO’s Guideline for Environmental Assessment GU 195. Particular attention should be

given in sensitive areas, such as nature reserves, aquifer catchments and archeological

2.9.2 Site Preparation General
Earthmoving operations shall be conducted to provide sufficient and safe access for
personnel and equipment while minimising environmental effects. In areas where
earthmoving operations have a high environmental impact, they shall be closely
supervised to ensure adherence to procedures and regulations, and minimisation of
environmental damage.
The location design shall be optimised to minimise the soil to be dug within the field
boundaries and the import of soil from outside the field shall be planned so as to
minimise disturbance. Where technically acceptable, any soil removed to make the
water storage and cuttings pits, shall be used to construct the site, thus reducing the
volume of soil to be brought in from borrow pits.
Trees shall not be felled or removed without approval from the Ministry. Borrow Pits

All borrow pits need approval from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs
For smaller borrow pits (less than 50m X 50m) in PDO’s concession area, this
approval can be obtained retrospectively, based on an annual reporting of the location
to ME&CA.
For borrow pits larger than the stipulated size, permission shall be obtained in
advance. Borrow pits will be constructed to industry best practice.
The following are the requirements for borrow pits:
 Borrow pits shall not be excavated deeper than 2 metres.
 Borrow pits shall not be made closer than 100m from the centre line of a company
road, 200m from the centreline of a Government road, or 100m from a facility.
 Borrow pits shall not be excavated within a 500m radius of a wellhead within a
producing field, or within a 250m radius of a wellhead on the perimeter of a field.
 Borrow pits shall not be excavated within: wadis (where there is a risk of altering
existing water courses), in areas used for grazing livestock, or in other areas which
would cause a nuisance to local inhabitants.
 Borrow pits shall not be excavated in vegetated areas, or result in any removal of
trees or other natural vegetation. Roads
Construction of roads requires approval from ME&CA (and other Ministries in some
cases) in order to ensure that environmental sensitivities are taken into account in the
selection of the route. The Asset constructing the road is responsible for obtaining this
permit. Pipeline Rights of Way

The routing of pipelines also requires approval from ME&CA (and other Ministries in
some cases) in order to ensure that environmental sensitivities are taken into account
in route selection and contraction.
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Wadi crossings shall be carried out so as to cause as little change to the existing relief
or the flow of shallow aquifers as possible.

2.10 Site Decommissioning

2.10.1 General Requirements

Once a project is completed or decision has been made to permanently discontinue
operation at a facility, a decommissioning plan shall be prepared.
Waste materials generated during site abandonment and restoration shall be disposed
of in accordance with PDO’s SP 1009 Waste Management.
Hydrocarbon contaminated soil shall be removed from the site. Hydrocarbon
contaminated soil in flare, vent, water storage and cuttings pits shall be removed if the
content is greater than 1% weight *.
* Limits based on industry ‘best practice’.
Flare, vent, water storage and cuttings pits with less than 1% weight hydrocarbon
content shall be backfilled with a minimum sand cover of 0.6m and contoured to original
ground level*
All areas of potentially contaminated land shall be assessed using a risk-based
contamination assessment framework.

2.10.2 Specific Requirements Roads and Associated Workings

Roads that are no longer required for PDO business will not be maintained by PDO.
PDO shall only restore abandoned roads, including those that remain at abandoned
well sites, upon specific request of the authorities. Landfill Sites

All disused landfill sites shall be covered with at least 0.6 metres of clean sand as top
cover, and the surface of the site contoured, so that it fits in with the surrounding
landscape. The site shall be abandoned with proper markings, on concrete, indicating
the nature of the waste disposed off at that location. Landfarms
Landfarms where hydrocarbon waste has been treated shall be decommissioned only
if the hydrocarbon concentration is no more than 1%. The landfarm shall be
abandoned only after a due diligence audit of the site. Borrow Pits

After use, the slopes of borrow pits shall be contoured to a maximum of 30 from the
horizontal and all surface irregularities returned to the borrow pit and smoothed off.
The intent is that an abandoned borrow pit shall appear no more than a naturally
occurring depression in the desert, safe for vehicles and animals.

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Buildings and associated facilities, including oil storage and fencing, shall be removed.
Camp sites shall be restored by smoothing the entire site within one month after
vacation of the camp site. Waste pits and sewage pits shall be backfilled and
earthwork constructions (e.g. sound deflecting walls) levelled. Compacted areas,
such as the access road and the camp pad do not need to be broken up or harrowed. Airstrips
Buildings and associated facilities, including oil storage and fencing, shall be removed
from airstrips which are permanently abandoned. The main airstrip does not require
restoration. Power transmission and electrical services

All electrical facilities shall be de-activated prior to abandonment. The surface
facilities, cables etc shall be removed. Buried electrical cables etc. may be left in
place so long as they do not stick out from the ground. Wells and Well Sites (Exploration, Oil and Gas Production, Water Supply)
Suspended well sites shall be reviewed annually, with a documented decision taken
for each of them as regards their status in the next year. The review shall include the
technical integrity of the wells to ensure that the wells can remain safely suspended.
Following the decision to abandon a well, the well shall be plugged and the location
restored within 12 months of the decision.
Any mass concrete foundations, ground slabs and anchor blocks shall be broken up to
a size such that they can be incorporated below original ground level wherever
possible and will not cause a problem to earthmoving equipment if the location is
excavated in the future.
The reinforced concrete-lined well cellar wall shall be broken up to a depth of 500 mm
above the bottom of the cellar (but not deeper than the isolated casing stub) and
backfilled using rig pad material. Particular care shall be taken when breaking up the
cellar to maintain well integrity at all times.
After taking into account the location-specific contouring requirements below, excess
rig-pad material and broken-up masonry shall be removed.
All waste pits at drilling sites shall be investigated for chemical contamination.
Parameters to be investigated will depend on the type of chemicals used in the well
programme. When sufficient information is not available, a composite toxicity test may
be conducted. Once the analysis report is available a risk-based assessment shall be
done to identify the most appropriate clean-up requirement and methods. Waste pits
shall be backfilled with a top cover of at least 0.6 metres of clean sand and contoured
to the level of the original ground level.
The entire well location shall then be smoothly contoured to match as closely as
possible the original ground level, with a slope no greater than 14.5 o (1:4) from the
horizontal to allow the safe traverse by vehicles in the future. Care shall be taken such
that during contouring, waste from the pits is not spread over the location. If
necessary to avoid spreading waste, the contents of the waste pit shall be excavated,
isolated and disposed of in accordance with SP 1009 Waste Management

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Revision: 4
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09 Coastal Oil Storage

If it becomes necessary, coastal storage facilities shall be removed in accordance with
PDO’s Engineering Standards. Reinstatement of large rock excavation is not
considered to be practicable. A risk-based due diligence survey of the terminal area
shall be done as a part of the abandonment. Export facilities

Following abandonment, all unused flexible lines and surface export facilities which
could interfere with navigation shall be removed entirely.

2.11 Landscape Restoration

2.11.1 General Requirements

After the removal of surface facilities, the restoration of the landscape to an adequate
standard will primarily involve earthmoving operations. The restored landscape shall
be visually similar to adjacent landscape and shall not present a hazard to overland
Landscape restoration methods may be undertaken by natural processes or by
intervention. The natural processes in the Omani desert which promote restoration,
are primarily wind, also diurnal temperature variations and the occasional rainfall and
water flow particularly in Wadis.
Intervention requirements for landscaping different environmental features are
detailed below
In almost all cases, vegetation should be allowed to return by natural colonisation. If
serious erosion problems are envisaged, the landscaping operation may include
seeding or planting of stabilising vegetation.
Care shall be taken when landscaping not to cause damage to adjacent areas. Mobile Sand Dunes

Windblown sand will gradually cover disturbed areas. Therefore, major earthmoving
operations should not normally be used for mobile sand dunes. Fixed or Slow Moving Sand Dunes

Excavated or disturbed areas may remain visible for many years on fixed or slow
moving sand dunes. Earthmoving should aim to restore a natural profile in these
areas. Flat Non-Mobile Desert

Excavated or disturbed areas may remain visible for many years on flat desert.
Earthmoving should aim to restore a flat profile in these areas. Bedrock Plains

Major intervention should not normally be used on bedrock plains, except during the
removal of surface materials and backfilling of excavations. Excavation scars should
be allowed to weather naturally.

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Revision: 4
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09 Boulder Strewn Areas

Boulder strewn areas should be profiled by earthmoving to match the surrounding
area. Jebel
Jebel areas are easily scarred by excavation machinery. Restoration works may
cause further damage.
Access ramps to jewels shall be removed to prevent their use as unofficial roads,
particularly where there are potentially dangerous landforms. Other excavation and
construction scars should be left to weather naturally. Wadi
Wadi crossings, which have been used as transport or pipeline routes, shall be
profiled by earthmoving to restore their natural profile. The natural landscape of the
wadi will usually be restored following significant rainfall and wadi flow. Sabkha
Operations that cause scarring of the surface crust should not be restored by
earthmoving. The alternative flooding and drying of sabkha will gradually restore the
natural profile to the surface crust.

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3 Appendices

3.1 Appendix A Type of Land and their Area in PDOs Operation

Type of Land Area (km2)

Concession area 113525
Production Fields 2371
Pipeline Right of Way 12
MaF and RaH 10
Al Khod Water Supply area* 6

* Al Khoud water supply well area is calculated from a map (Dr. No 27911, June 1985,
titled 'Seeb Water Wells P.D.O. Concession Area') showing the assigned plot given to
PDO to drill for water. Total area of Oman as calculated from co-ordinates = 307,632
km2 (official is 309,500 km2)

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4 Appendix B Checklist for Due Environmental Diligence

A Source Details

1. Site Details
Site location plans (in relation to main roads etc.)
Detailed plans of:
 Site layout (as built and present)
 Buried services (pipes, drains and sewer)
 Important surface facilities (waste management sites, oil storage etc.)

Past reports of:

 Environmental monitoring
 Integrity testing
 Ground engineering reports

2. Management details
Environmental management documents
 Regulatory authority correspondence
 Internal/independent environmental audit reports
 Records of incidents
 Emergency/contingency plans

3. Operational details
Brief description of site operations (for onsite activities)
Brief description of off-site activities

4. Air Emissions
Information on sources, control plant and monitoring
Copy of permits

5. Discharges to water
Information on effluents, stormwater drainage and foul drainage system
Monitoring results
Copy of permits

6. Waste Management
Waste disposal sites
Inventory of waste streams, quantities and routes of disposal
Monitoring records of air quality and ground water quality around the sites
Copy of Permits

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7. Hazardous Materials

Hazardous waste storage and disposal locations

Inventory of hazardous materials in storage
Details of underground storage tanks (size, construction, age, contents, integrity test)
Copy of permits

8. Existing Landuse
Maps showing the existing land use in the area
Information on communities, crops etc.
Monitoring reports

9. Other environmental features

National parts, special ecosystems etc
Archeological artifacts
Places of historical/national interest
Maps showing the above
Monitoring reports

10. Community relations

Record of complaints from the community
Record of meetings with community
Record of any compensation paid etc.
Record of any corrective action taken

B Receptor Details

Flora (Natural/planted/rare)
Fauna (Domesticated/wild/rare)
Communities (resident and migrant)
Artifacts (historical/pre-historic/scenic)

C Pathway Details

Micro and macro climate

Water flow (surface/ground water)
Access (migratory path, open access etc.)

Page 19 Specification for Land Management

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Revision: 4
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09

4.1 Appendix C Land Custodianship Transfer Form


(Filled in by those requiring land and sent to Area Co-ordinator).

Asset: Date Required : Temporary/Permanent:

Attach Map and insert Map #
Nature of Transfer
PDO to Contractor      
Contractor to PDO      
PDO to Third Party      
Between PDO assets      

Intended use of the land: Residential/ Commercial/


Applicants Name
and Contact details
(To be filled in by Area Coordinator & returned to originator.)
Baseline Status of the Land

Type of Assessment 1 Conducted Objections if any Signature

Environmental Due
Legal Assessment
Chemical Assessment

The land is being transferred to the party requested, with full understanding of
the environmental, legal and chemical baseline status. The applicant, who
received the land, agrees to return the land in the same condition as it is being

Applicant Area Co-ordinator

Attach reports
Page 20 Specification for Land Management
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Revision: 4
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09

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Page 21 Specification for Land Management

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

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