Graph of Refractive Index Against Composition of Ethanol
Graph of Refractive Index Against Composition of Ethanol
Graph of Refractive Index Against Composition of Ethanol
0 1.3328
0.1 1.3376 Graph of Refractive index against composition of eth
0.2 1.343 1.37
0.3 1.3466
0.4 1.352 1.36 f(x) = − 0.03123543123543 x² + 0.061926340326338 x + 1.33
0.5 1.3559
Refractive Index
0.6 1.358 1.3614
0.7 1.3602 1.361 1.34
0.8 1.362 1.3608
0.9 1.3627 1.3613
1 1.3622 1.3616 1.32
1.3614 1.31
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Composition of ethanol
index against composition of ethanol
T (oC)
82.3 0.2608 0.558
81.5 0.3273 0.5826 85
80.7 0.3965 0.6122
79.8 0.5079 0.6564 80
79.7 0.5198 0.6599
79.3 0.5732 0.6841 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
78.7 0.6763 0.7385 Composition (x)
78.4 0.7472 0.7815
78.2 0.8943 0.843
T-XY Graph
xF = 0.3 xD = 0.752
2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
t (min) T12 T13 RI x_D T20 RI x_B
0 67 77.1 1.3614 0.78 83.6 1.3428 0.191
5 69.9 76.98 1.3619 0.822 84.3 1.3418 0.172
10 63.4 76.6 1.3616 0.796 83.7 1.3416 0.168
15 63.2 77.12 1.3619 0.822 84.2 1.3415 0.166
20 61.4 77.2 1.361 0.752 84.4 1.3405 0.147
25 63 77.1 1.3616 0.796 84.1 1.3416 0.168
30 61.1 77.39 1.3616 0.796 85.6 1.3411 0.158
35 63 77.27 1.3614 0.78 85.3 1.34 0.137
40 60.6 77.29 1.3611 0.758 85.7 1.338 0.1
45 63.4 77 1.361 0.752 85.2 1.336 0.065
50 59.9 77.65 1.361 0.752 85.5 1.3345 0.0396
t (min) T12 T13 RI x_D T20 RI x_B
0 65.8 76 1.3614 0.78 83.2 1.3404 0.145
5 62.6 76.14 1.361 0.752 83.9 1.3406 0.148
10 58.6 76.89 1.3608 0.739 84.5 1.341 0.156
15 63 77.97 1.3613 0.773 86.1 1.34 0.137
20 60 78.35 1.3616 0.796 86.5 1.339 0.119
25 64.3 78.11 1.3616 0.796 86.3 1.338 0.1
30 61.8 76.53 1.3614 0.78 84.6 1.3365 0.0738
T Ptot Psat1 Psat2 gamma 1 gamma 2 x1 y1
100 760 1689.062 759.983 1.983 1 0 0
95.5 760 1443.805 645.737 1.778 1.003 0.058 0.197
89 760 1141.864 506.195 1.403 1.041 0.217 0.457
86.7 760 1048.417 463.294 1.258 1.083 0.316 0.548
85.3 760 994.7 438.701 1.176 1.124 0.394 0.607
84.1 760 950.49 418.501 1.115 1.17 0.474 0.661
82.7 760 900.981 395.924 1.059 1.239 0.582 0.729
82.3 760 887.235 389.664 1.047 1.261 0.614 0.75
81.5 760 860.266 377.393 1.027 1.307 0.684 0.795
80.7 760 833.98 365.448 1.013 1.353 0.758 0.842
79.8 760 805.209 352.391 1.004 1.402 0.846 0.9
79.7 760.004 802.064 350.964 1.003 1.407 0.856 0.906
79.3 760 789.585 345.308 1.001 1.426 0.897 0.933
78.7 760.016 771.17 336.966 1 1.449 0.96 0.974
78.4 760.002 762.097 332.859 1 1.458 0.992 0.995
78.2 756.098 756.098 330.145 1 1.46 1 1
x1 y1
0 0 1
0.058 0.197
0.217 0.457 Stage 1
0.316 0.548 0.752 0.752 0.615 0.752 0.8
0.394 0.607 0.615 0.752 0.615 0.660667
0.474 0.661 Stage 2
0.582 0.729 0.615 0.660667 0.474 0.660667 0.6
0.614 0.75 0.474 0.660667 0.474 0.566667
0.684 0.795 stage 3
0.758 0.842 0.474 0.566667 0.3415 0.566667 0.4
0.846 0.9 0.3415 0.566667 0.3415 0.478333
0.856 0.906 0.3
stage 4
0.897 0.933 0.3415 0.478333 0.2355 0.478333 0.2
0.96 0.974 0.2355 0.478333 0.2355 0.355
0.992 0.995 0.1
stage 5
1 1 0.2355 0.355 0.155 0.355 0
0.155 0.355 0.155 0.225 0 0.1
stage 6
0.155 0.225 0.075 0.225
0.075 0.225 0.075 0.1
stage 7
0.075 0.1 0.03 0.1
0.03 0.1 0.03 0.03
McCabe Thiele Diagram for real mixture
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1