General Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Handelsbank AG
General Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Handelsbank AG
General Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Handelsbank AG
of Deutsche Handelsbank AG
The present translation is furnished for the customer’s convenience only. The original German text of the "General Terms and Conditions of
Deutsche Handelsbank" ("Geschäftsbedingungen der Deutschen Handelsbank AG") is binding in all respects. In the event of any divergence between
the English and the German texts, constructions, meanings or interpretations, the German text, constructions, meanings or interpretations shall
govern exclusively.
General information 1
Price and Service Index 3
General Terms and Conditions 8
Terms & Conditions of Online Banking 15
Terms & Conditions of PIN and TAN 18
Terms & Conditions for Post Box Usage 19
Terms & Conditions for Credit Transfers 20
Terms & Conditions of Direct Debit Collection 28
Terms & Conditions for Payments by Direct Debit under the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme 38
Terms & Conditions for Payments by Direct Debit under the SEPA Business-to-Business (B2B) Direct Debit Scheme 42
Terms & Conditions for Remote Data Transmission 46
Terms & Conditions for paperless data exchange by means of service data centres with sole authorisation by accompanying documents 52
V. Language of contract
The authoritative language for this contract relationship and the communication with the customer for the duration of the contract is German.
VI. Additional information
Änderungen der allgemeinen Informationen zur Bank ergeben sich aus unserer Geschäftskorrespondenz oder dem Kontoauszug.
Place of jurisdiction
In accordance with Section 6 paragraph 1 of the “General Business Terms”, German law is applicable to the conclusion of the contract and the
entire business relationship between the customer and the Bank. There is no contractual place of jurisdiction clause.
The communication from the Bank to customer takes place via the post box in the online banking in general. The customer foregoes receiving
letter mail of documents and messages. Regarding statements and billing letter mail is sent only if the customer states this to be his wish. The
costs for this service are listed on the price and service list.
A) Prices for services in standardized business transactions with corporate customers (account processing,
credit business, provision of information, guaranty commission, electronic banking)
Interest for agreed demands and claims (debit interest)1 10.00 % p.a.
Return direct debit to receiver of payment1 14.00 % p.a.
Financing – Aval
Registration fee 50.00 EUR per transaction
Commission per aval Individual Agreement
Modifications 50.00 EUR per transaction
For companies in the merchandise trade, industry, trade, services and travel sector. Not for companies in the content, financial services and payment service provider sector.
For companies in the content, financial services, payment service provider sector. Not for companies in the merchandise trade, industry, trade, services and travel sector.
B) Features and Prices in relation to the use of payments services (cash payments or receipts, bank
transfers, direct debits and card payments) and cheque transactions with corporate customers
I. Bank transfers and direct debits
Incoming payments:
Who has to pay the charges payable for the execution of the transfer is determined by the charging scheme between the payer and the
The following arrangements are possible:
With a SHARE (SHA) transfer charges may already have been deducted by an intermediary bank from the transfer amount.
With a BEN transfer charges may already have been deducted from any upstream bank (over-looking or financial institution intermediary)
from the transfer amount.
Deutsche Handelsbank AG may deduct their charges before issuing the credit of the transmitted amount of the transfer. In this case,
Deutsche Handelsbank AG will report the full amount of the transfer and their charges separately.
(8) Exchange rates for foreign currency transactions:
The Bank expects customer transactions in foreign currencies at the transfer of funds and the other buying and selling foreig n currency,
unless otherwise agreed, from the 1.30pm of each trading day determined by their rates of international foreign exchange market.
The buying and selling of foreign currencies which the Bank as part of the normal course is no longer possible to the settlement date, the
bank settles at the exchange rate of the next billing date.
The bid and offer prices the Bank determines in its reasonable discretion (§ 315 BGB) and publish it on your web pages. These rates are valid
only for orders with standard value date; for contracts with non-standard currencies may apply different rates; the Bank determined this
also in its reasonable discretion (§ 315 BGB).
Basic Rules Governing the Relationship between the customers and associations, shall be disclosed by the Bank only if such
persons have expressly agreed thereto, either generally or in an
Customer and the Bank individual case. Details of banking affairs shall be disclosed only if the
requesting party has substantiated its justified interest in the in-
1 Scope of application and amendments of these Business formation requested and there is no reason to assume that the
Conditions and the Special Conditions for particular business disclosure of such information would be contrary to the customer’s
relations legitimate concerns.
come to the knowledge of the Bank due to its own negligence. entry has already been made.
6 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction for customers who are 8.2 After issuing a periodic balance statement
companies or public entities
If the Bank ascertains an incorrect credit entry after a periodic balance
statement has been issued and if the Bank has a repayment claim
6.1 Applicability of German law against the customer, it shall debit the account of the customer with
German law shall apply to the business relationship between the the amount of its claim (correction entry). If the customer objects to
customer and the Bank. the correction entry, the Bank shall re-credit the account with the
amount in dispute and assert its repayment claim separately.
6.2 Place of jurisdiction for domestic customers
8.3 Notification to the customer; calculation of interest
If the customer is a businessperson and if the business relation in
dispute is attributable to the conducting of such businessperson’s The Bank shall immediately notify the customer of any reverse entries
trade, the Bank may sue such customer before the court having and correction entries made. With respect to the calculation of
jurisdiction for the Bank office keeping the account or before any interest, the Bank shall effect the entries retroactively as of the day
other competent court; the same applies to legal entities under public on which the in-correct entry was made.
law and separate funds under public law. The Bank itself may be sued
by such customers only before the court having jurisdiction for the 9 Collection orders
bank office keeping the account.
9.1 Conditional credit entries effected upon presentation of
6.3 Place of jurisdiction for foreign customers documents
The agreement upon the place of jurisdiction shall also apply to If the Bank credits the counter value of cheques and direct debits
customers who conduct a comparable trade or business abroad and prior to their payment, this is done on condition of payment, even if
to foreign institutions which are comparable with domestic legal these items are payable at the Bank itself. If the customer surrenders
entities under public law or a domestic separate fund under public other items, instructing the Bank to collect an amount due from a
law. debtor (e.g. interest coupons), and if the Bank effects a credit entry
for such amount, this is done under the reserve that the Bank shall
obtain the amount. This reserve shall also apply if the cheques, direct
Keeping of Accounts debits and other items are payable at the Bank itself. If cheques or
direct debits are not paid or if the Bank does not obtain the amount
7 Periodic balance statements for current accounts under the collection order, the Bank shall cancel the conditional credit
entry regardless of whether or not a periodic balance statement has
been issued in the meantime.
7.1 Issue of periodic balance statements
Unless otherwise agreed, the Bank shall issue a periodic balance 9.2 Payment of direct debits and of cheques made out by the
statement for a current account at the end of each calendar quarter, customer
thereby clearing the claims accrued by both parties during this period
(including interest and charges imposed by the Bank). The Bank may Direct debits and cheques shall be deemed to have been paid, unless
charge interest on the balance arising therefrom in accordance with the debit entry is cancelled prior to the end of the second bank
No. 12 of these Business Conditions or any other agreements entered working day4 - in the case of SEPA business-to-business (B2B) direct
into with the customer. debits, prior to the end of the third bank working day - after it was
made. Cheques payable in cash shall be deemed to have been paid
once their amount has been paid to the presenting party. Cheques
7.2 Time allowed for objections; approval by silence
shall also be deemed to have been paid as soon as the Bank
Any objections a customer may have concerning the incorrectness or dispatches an advice of payment. Cheques presented through the
in- completeness of a periodic balance statement must be raised not clearing of paid, unless they are returned by the time stipulated by
later than six weeks after its receipt; if the objections are made in text the Bundesbank.
form, it is sufficient to dispatch these within the period of six weeks.
Failure to make objections in due time shall be considered as 10 Foreign currency transactions and risks inherent in foreign
approval. When issuing the periodic balance statement, the Bank shall currency accounts
expressly draw the customer’s attention to this consequence. The
customer may demand a correction of the periodic balance statement
10.1 Execution of orders relating to foreign currency accounts
even after expiry of this period, but must then prove that the account
was either wrongly debited or mistakenly not credited. Foreign currency accounts of the customer serve to effect the
cashless settlement of payments to and disposals by the customer in
8 Reverse entries and correction entries made by the Bank foreign currency. Disposals of credit balances on foreign currency
accounts (e.g. by means of credit transfers to the debit of the foreign
currency credit balance) are settled through or by banks in the home
8.1 Prior to issuing a periodic balance statement
country of the currency, unless the Bank executes them entirely
Incorrect credit entries on current accounts (e.g. due to a wrong within its own organization.
account number) may be reversed by the Bank through a debit entry
prior to the issue of the next periodic balance statement to the extent 10.2 Credit entries for foreign currency transactions with the
that the Bank has a repayment claim against the customer (reverse Customer
entry); in this case, the customer may not object to the debit entry on
the grounds that a disposal of an amount equivalent to the credit If the Bank concludes a transaction with the customer (e.g. a forward
ex- change transaction) under which it owes the provision of an
Bank working days are all working days except Saturdays, 24 December and 31
amount in a foreign currency, it shall discharge its foreign currency information on expected payments and consignments (advices), as to
obligation by crediting the account of the customer in the respective their correctness and completeness and immediately raise any
currency, unless otherwise agreed. objections relating thereto.
10.3 Temporary limitation of performance by the Bank 11.5 Notice to the Bank in case of non-receipt of statements
The Bank’s duty to execute a disposal order to the debit of a foreign The customer must notify the Bank immediately if periodic balance
currency credit balance (10.1) or to discharge a foreign currency statements and statements of securities holdings are not received.
obligation (10.2) shall be suspended to the extent that and for as long The duty to notify the Bank also exists if other advices expected by
as the Bank cannot or can only restrictedly dispose of the currency in the customer are not received (e.g. securities contract notes, account
which the foreign currency credit balance or the obligation is statements after execution of customer orders or regarding payments
denominated, due to political measures or events in the country of expected by the customer).
the respective currency. To the extent that and for as long as such
measures or events persist, the Bank is not obligated either to Cost of Bank Services
perform at some other place outside the country of the respective
currency, in some other currency (including Euros) or by providing
cash. However, the Bank’s duty to execute a disposal order to the 12 Interest, charges and out-of-pocket expenses
debit of a foreign currency credit balance shall not be suspended if
the Bank can execute it entirely within its own organization. The right 12.1 Interest and charges for private banking
of the customer and of the Bank to set off mutual claims due in the
The amount of interest and charges for the customary services which
same currency against each other shall not be affected by the above
the Bank provides to consumers, including the amount of any
payments in addition to the remuneration agreed for the principal
service, is set out in the “Price Display – Standard rates for retail
10.4 Exchange rate
banking” (Preisaushang – Regelsätze im standardisierten
The exchange rate for foreign currency transactions shall be Privatkundengeschäft) and the “List of Prices and Services” (Preis- und
determined on the basis of the “List of Prices and Services” (Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis). If a customer makes use of a service included
Leistungsverzeichnis). Payment services hall be governed in addition therein, and unless otherwise agreed between the Bank and the
by the payment services framework contract. customer, the interest and charges stated in the then valid Price
Display or List of Prices and Services are applicable. Any agreement
11 Duties of the customer to cooperate that concerns a payment made by the consumer in addition to the
remuneration agreed for the principal service must be expressly
11.1 Notification of changes concluded by the Bank with the consumer, even if such payment is
stated in the Price Display or the List of Prices and Services. Unless
A proper settlement of business requires that the customer notify the otherwise agreed, the charges for any services not included in the
Bank without delay of any changes in the customer’s name and Price Display or the List of Prices and Services which are provided
address, as well as the termination of, or amendment to, any powers following the instructions of the customer and which can, in the given
of representation towards the Bank conferred to any person (in circumstances, only be expected to be provided against
particular, a power of attorney). This notification duty also exists remuneration, shall be governed by the relevant statutory provisions.
where the powers of representation are recorded in a public register
(e.g. the Commercial Register) and any termination thereof or any 12.2 Interest and charges other than for private banking
amendments thereto are entered in that register. Additional
statutory notification requirements, resulting from the German The amount of interest and charges for the customary banking
Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz) in particular, may apply. services which the Bank provides to customers who are not
consumers is set out in the “Price Display – Standard rates for retail
11.2 Clarity of orders banking”(Preisaushang – Regelsätze im standardisierten
Privatkundengeschäft) and the “List of Prices and Services” (Preis- und
Orders must unequivocally show their contents. Orders that are not Leistungsverzeichnis), provided that the Price Display and the List of
worded clearly may lead to queries, which may result in delays. In Prices and Services include customary banking services to customers
particular, when giving orders, the customer must ensure that the who are not consumers (e.g. business customers). If a customer who
information the customer provides, particularly the domestic account is not a consumer makes use of a service included therein, and unless
number and bank code number (“Bankleitzahl”) or IBAN 5 and BIC6 and otherwise agreed between the Bank and the customer, the interest
the currency, are complete and correct. Amendments, confirmations and charges stated in the then valid Price Display or List of Prices and
or repetitions of orders must be designated as such. Services are applicable. Otherwise, in the absence of any other
agreement or conflict with statutory provisions, the Bank shall
11.3 Special reference to urgency in connection with the execution determine the amount of interest and charges at its reasonable
of an order discretion (Section 315 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches
If the customer feels that an order requires particularly prompt Gesetzbuch – BGB)).
execution, the customer shall notify the Bank of this fact separately.
For orders issued on a printed form, this must be done separately 12.3 Non-chargeable service
from the form. The Bank shall not charge for any service which it is required to
provide by law or pursuant to a contractual accessory obligation or
11.4 Examination of, and objections to, notification received from which it performs in its own interest, unless such charge is legally
the Bank permissible and levied in accordance with the relevant statutory
The customer must immediately examine account statements, provisions.
securities contract notes, statements of securities holdings and
earnings, other statements, advices of execution of orders, as well as
International Bank Account Number 6
Bank Identifier Code
12.4 Changes in interest rates; right of termination by the Securities for the Bank’s Claims against the Customer
customer in the event of an increase
In the case of variable interest rate loans, the interest rate shall be 13 Providing or increasing security
adjusted in accordance with the terms of the respective loan
agreement. The Bank shall notify the customer of any interest rate 13.1 Right of the Bank to request security
adjustments. If the interest rate is increased, the customer may,
unless otherwise agreed, terminate the loan agreement affected The Bank may demand that the customer provide the usual forms of
thereby with immediate effect within six weeks from notification of security for any claims that may arise from the banking relationship,
the change. If the customer terminates the loan agreement, any such even if such claims are conditional (e.g. indemnity for amounts paid
increased interest rate shall not be applied to the terminated loan under a guarantee issued on behalf of the customer). If the customer
agreement. The Bank shall allow a reasonable period of time for has assumed a liability for another customer’s obligations towards the
settlement. Bank (e.g. as a surety), the Bank is, however, not entitled to demand
that security be provided or increased for the debt resulting from such
12.5 Changes in charges for services typically used on a permanent liability incurred before the maturity of the debt.
13.2 Changes in the risk
Changes in charges for banking services which are typically used by
customers within the framework of the business relationship on a If the Bank, upon the creation of claims against the customer, has
permanent basis (e.g. account/securities account management) shall initially dispensed wholly or partly with demanding that security be
be offered to the customer in text form no later than two months provided or in-creased, it may nonetheless make such a demand at a
before their proposed date of entry into force. If the customer has later time, provided, however, that circumstances occur or become
agreed an electronic communication channel (e.g. online banking) known which justify a higher risk assessment of the claims against the
with the Bank within the framework of the business relationship, the customer. This may, in particular, be the case if
changes may also be offered through this channel. The customer may - the economic status of the customer has changed or threatens to
indicate approval or disapproval of the changes before their proposed change in a negative manner or
date of entry into force. The changes shall be deemed to have been
approved by the customer, unless the customer has indicated - the value of the existing security has deteriorated or threatens to
disapproval before their pro-posed date of entry into force. The Bank deteriorate.
shall expressly draw the customer’s attention to this consequent The Bank has no right to demand security if it has been expressly
approval in its offer. If the customer is offered the changes, the agreed that the customer either does not have to provide any security
customer may also terminate the agreement affected by the changes or must only provide that security which has been specified. For
free of charge with immediate effect before the proposed date of consumer loan agreements, the Bank is entitled to demand that
entry into force of the changes. The Bank shall expressly draw the security be provided or increased only to the extent that such security
customer’s attention to this right of termination in its offer. If the is mentioned in the loan agreement. When, however, the net loan
customer terminates the agreement, the adjusted charge shall not be amount exceeds EUR 75,000, the Bank may demand that security be
applied to the terminated agreement. provided or increased even if a consumer loan agreement or a general
consumer loan agreement within the meaning of Section 491 (2) of
The aforementioned arrangement shall only apply to consumers if the the German Civil Code which is concluded, in the former case, before
Bank intends to adjust the charges for principal services which are 21 March 2016 and, in the latter case, from 21 March 2016 does not
typically used by consumers within the framework of the business contain any or any exhaustive indications as to security.
relationship on a permanent basis. Any agreement on the adjustment
of a charge that concerns a payment made by the consumer in 13.3 Setting a period of time for providing or increasing security
addition to the remuneration agreed for the principal service must be The Bank shall allow a reasonable period of time for providing or
expressly concluded by the Bank with the consumer. increasing security. If the Bank intends to make use of its right of
termination without notice according to No. 19 (3) of these Business
12.6 Reimbursement of expenses Conditions should the customer fail to comply with the obligation to
provide or increase security within such period, it shall draw the
Any entitlement by the Bank to reimbursement of expenses shall be customer’s attention to this consequence before doing so.
governed by the applicable statutory provisions.
14 Lien in favour of the Bank
12.7 Special arrangements for consumer loan agreements and
payment services contracts with consumers for payments
within the European Economic Area (EEA) in an EEA currency. 14.1 Agreement on the lien
The interest and costs (charges, out-of-pocket expenses) for The customer and the Bank agree that the Bank acquires a lien on the
consumer loan agreements and payment services contracts with securities and chattels which, within the scope of banking business,
consumers for payments within the European Economic Area (EEA)7 have come or may come into the possession of a domestic office of
in an EEA currency8 shall be determined by the relevant contractual the Bank. The Bank also acquires a lien on any claims which the
arrangements and Special Conditions as well as the additional customer has or may in future have against the Bank arising from the
statutory provisions. Changes in charges for payment services banking relationship (e.g. credit balances).
framework contracts (e.g. current account agreements) shall be
governed by paragraph 5. 14.2 Secured claims
The lien serves to secure all existing, future and contingent claims
arising from the banking relationship which the Bank with all its
7 8
Current EEA member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, EEA currencies at present: Bulgarian lew, Croatian kuna, Czech krona, Danish krone, euro,
Den-mark, Estonia, Finland, France (including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Hungarian forint, Icelandic krona, Lithuanian litas, Norwegian krone, Polish zloty, pound
Mayotte, Reunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, sterling, Romanian leu, Swedish krona, Swiss franc.
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak
Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
domestic and foreign offices is entitled to against the customer. If the realisable value of all security corresponds to the total amount of all
customer has assumed liability for another customer’s obligations claims arising from the banking business relationship (cover limit).
towards the Bank (e.g. as a surety), the lien shall not secure the debt
resulting from the liability incurred before the maturity of the debt. 16.2 Release
If the realisable value of all security exceeds the cover limit on a more
14.3 Exemptions from the lien
than temporary basis, the Bank shall, at the customer’s request,
If funds or other assets come into the power of disposal of the Bank release security items as it may choose in the amount exceeding the
un- der the reserve that they may only be used for a specified purpose cover limit; when selecting the security items to be released, the Bank
(e.g. deposit of cash for payment of a bill of exchange), the Bank’s lien shall take into account the legitimate concerns of the customer or of
does not extend to these assets. The same applies to shares issued by any third party having pro-vided security for the customer’s
the Bank itself (own shares) and to securities that the Bank keeps in obligations. To this extent, the Bank is al-so obliged to execute orders
custody abroad for the customer’s account. Moreover, the lien of the customer relating to the items subject to the lien (e.g. sale of
extends neither to the profit-participation rights/profit-participation securities, repayment of savings deposits).
certificates (Genußrechte/Genußscheine) issued by the Bank itself
nor to the Bank’s securitised and non-securitised subordinated 16.3 Special agreements
If assessment criteria for a specific security item other than the
realisable value or another cover limit or another limit for the release
14.4 Interest and dividend coupons
of security have been agreed, these other criteria or limits shall apply.
If securities are subject to the Bank’s lien, the customer is not entitled
to demand the delivery of the interest and dividend coupons 17 Realisation of security
pertaining to such securities.
17.1 Option of the Bank
15 Security interests in the case of items for collection and
discounted bills of exchange The Bank realises security, it may choose between several security
items. When realising security and selecting the items to be realised,
the Bank shall take into account the legitimate concerns of the
15.1 Transfer of ownership by way of security
customer and any third party who may have provided security for the
The Bank acquires ownership by way of security of any cheques and obligations of the customer.
bills of exchange deposited for collection at the time such items are
deposited. The Bank acquires absolute ownership of discounted bills 17.2 Credit entry for proceeds under turnover tax law
of exchange at the time of the purchase of such items; if it re-debits
If the transaction of realisation is subject to turnover tax, the Bank
discounted bills of exchange to the account, it retains the ownership
shall provide the customer with a credit entry for the proceeds, such
by way of security in such bills of exchange.
entry being deemed to serve as invoice for the supply of the item given
as security and meeting the requirements of turnover tax law
15.2 Assignment by way of security
The claims underlying the cheques and bills of exchange shall pass to
the Bank simultaneously with the acquisition of ownership in the Termination
cheques and bills of exchange; the claims also pass to the Bank if other
items are deposited for collection (e.g. direct debits, documents of
commercial trading). 18 Termination rights of the customer
15.3 Special-purpose items for collection 18.1 Right of termination at any time
If items for collection are deposited with the Bank under the reserve Unless the Bank and the customer have agreed a term or a diverging
that their counter value may only be used for a specified purpose, the termination provision, the customer may at any time, without notice,
transfer or assignment of ownership by way of security does not terminate the business relationship as a whole or particular business
extend to these items. relations (e.g. a checking agreement).
15.4 Secured claims of the Bank 18.2 Termination for reasonable cause
The ownership transferred or assigned by way of security serves to If the Bank and the customer have agreed a term or a diverging
secure any claims which the Bank may be entitled to against the termination provision for a particular business relation, such relation
customer arising from the customer’s current account when items are may only be terminated without notice if there is reasonable cause
deposited for collection or arising as a consequence of the re-debiting therefor which makes it unacceptable to the customer to continue it,
of unpaid items for collection or discounted bills of exchange. Upon also after giving consideration to the legitimate concerns of the Bank.
request of the customer, the Bank retransfers to the customer the
ownership by way of security of such items and of the claims that have 18.3 Statutory termination rights
passed to it if it does not, at the time of such request, have any claims Statutory termination rights shall not be affected.
against the customer that need to be se-cured or if it does not permit
the customer to dispose of the counter value of such items prior to 19 Termination rights of the Bank
their final payment.
19.1 Termination upon notice
16 Limitation of the claim to security and obligation
to release Upon observing a reasonable period of notice, the Bank may at any
time terminate the business relationship as a whole or particular
16.1 Cover limit business relations for which neither a term nor a diverging termination
provision has been agreed (e.g. the checking agreement authorizing
The Bank may demand that security be provided or increased until the the use of cheque forms). In determining the period of notice, the
Bank shall take into ac-count the legitimate concerns of the customer. Protection of Deposits
The minimum termination notice for a payment services framework
contract (e.g. current account or card contract) and a securities
account shall be two months. 20 Legal Protection of Deposits
924/2009, which was amended by Regulation (EC) No 248/2014) as 21.3 Responsible arbitration bodies
well as the IF Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/751 of the European
The Bank will participate in dispute resolution proceedings before the
Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on interchange fees
Deutsche Bundesbank and the BaFin [German Federal Financial
for card-based payment transactions),
Supervisory Authority] in order to resolve the disputes described
- of the provisions regarding the issuing and re-transfer of e-money under 21.1 and 21.2. Besides this, the Bank is not willing to participate
between e-money issuers and customers (Section 2 Paragraph 1a in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body.
Clause 3 and Section 23b ZAG [German Payment Services
Supervision Act]), 21.4 Platform for online dispute resolution
- of the provisions of the Zahlungskontengesetz [German Payment The European Commission has set up a platform for online dispute
Account Act] which govern the relationship between payment resolution. You can find it at
service providers and consumers. Consumers may use the platform in order to resolve their disputes.
Consumers and companies may apply for arbitration proceedings in You can contact the bank at
connection with payment services and e-money, otherwise the
dispute resolution is limited to consumers. Applications for arbitration
proceedings must be made in text format to Schlichtungsstelle der
Deutschen Bundesbank [Arbitration Body of the Deutsche
Bundesbank] (postal address: Postfach [P.O. Box] 11 12 32, D-60047
Frankfurt am Main; Fax: +49 (0)69 709090-9901; e-mail: The
Finanzschlichtungsstellenverordnung [German Financial Arbitration
Body Ordinance] governs the proceedings in more detail.
The consumer arbitration body at the Bundesanstalt für
Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht [German Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority] ( is responsible for the resolution of disputes
between consumers and the Bank arising from the application of other
provisions in connection with contracts regarding bank transactions or
financial services, or arising from the application of provisions as per
the Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch [German Investment Code]. Applications
for arbitration proceedings must be made in text format to
Schlichtungsstelle der BaFin (postal address: Graurheindorfer Str. 108,
D-53117 Bonn; Fax: +49 (0)228 4108 62299; e-mail: The
Finanzschlichtungsstellenverordnung governs the proceedings in
more detail.
6 Information of the account holder about online banking orders 8 Display and information obligation
At least once a month, the Bank will inform the account holder about
banking orders that were performed via online banking by the means 8.1 Blocking notification
agreed for account information. (1) If the participant discovers
- the loss or theft of the authentication tool, the misuse of or
7 Due diligence of the participant
- otherwise not authorized usage of his authentication tools or
7.1 Technical connection to online banking one of his personal safety characteristics,
The participant is obligated to establish the technical connection to the participants must immediately inform the Bank of this
the online banking service via the online banking access channels circumstance (blocking notification). The participant is also able to
specified by the Bank (e.g. web address). For the triggering of a order a blocking notification via the separately sent contact data
payment order and for the retrieval of information on a payment of the Bank.
account, the participant may also establish a technical connection to (2) The participant must immediately report every theft or misuse to
the online banking service via a payment triggering service or an the police.
account information service (see no. 1 paragraph 1 sentence 3).
(3) If the participant suspects an unauthorized person in possession of
7.2 Secrecy of the personalized safety characteristics and safe his authentication tool or the knowledge of his personalized safety
storage of the authentication tools characteristic or using the authentication tool or the personalized
safety characteristic he must also order a blocking notification.
(1) The participant must
- keep his personalized safety characteristics secret (see number 8.2 Information about not authorized or falsely conducted orders
2.1), The account/depot holder must immediately inform the Bank after
- keep his authentication tool (see number 2.2) safe from access discovery of a non-authorized or falsely conducted order.
by other people,
9 Usage block
as any other person in possession of the authentication tool is
able to misuse the online banking procedure in connection with
9.1 Block at the inducement of the participant
knowledge of the associated personalized safety characteristic.
According to sentence 1, the obligation to maintain secrecy on The Bank blocks the online banking access for him or all participants
personalized safety characteristics does not apply if the or his authentication tool at the inducement of the participant,
participant communicates these to a payment triggering service especially in case of a blocking notification according to number 8.1.
or an account information service selected by him when placing
a payment order or obtaining information on a payment 9.2 Block at the inducement of the Bank
account (see no. 1 paragraph 1 sentence 3).
(1) The Bank may block the online banking access for a participant if
(2) The following specifics are to be considered for the protection of
- the Bank is authorized to cancel the online banking contract due
the personalized safety characteristic as well as the
to an important reason,
authentication tool:
- factual reasons in connection with the safety of the
- The personalized safety characteristic may not be saved an
authentication tool or the personalized safety characteristic
unsecured electronic manner
justify this or
- Upon entry of the personalized safety characteristic it is to be
ensured that other persons cannot see it. - the suspicion of a not authorized or a fraudulent usage of the
- The personalized safety characteristic may not be forwarded via authentication tool exists.
(2) The Bank will inform the account/depot owner via the means
- The personalized safety characteristic (e.g. PIN) and the
agreed on with a statement of the decisive reasons if possible
utilization code for the electronic signature may not be stored
prior to, at the latest however immediately after the blocking.
together with the authentication tool.
- The participant may not use more than one TAN to authorize an
9.3 Revocation of the blocking
order or to remove a block.
- The device used to receive TAN in the mobile TAN-procedure, The Bank will revoke a blocking or replace the personalized safety
(for example mobile phone) may not be used for online banking characteristic respectively the authentication tool if the reasons for
at the same time. the block are no longer given. The Bank will inform the account/depot
owner of this circumstance immediately.
7.3 Safety instructions of the Bank
9.4 Automatic blocking of a chip-based authentication tool
The participant must adhere to the safety notices in the Internet page
of the Bank, especially the measures for the protection of the used (1) The chip card with signature function blocks itself if the user code
hardware and software (customer system). for the electronic signature was entered falsely three times.
(2) TAN-generator as component of a chip card that requires the
7.4 Control of the order data with the data shown by the Bank
entry of an own user code blocks itself if it is entered falsely a
Insofar the Bank shows the participant data from his online banking consecutive three times.
order (for example amount, account number of the payment recipient,
(3) The authentication tools stated in paragraphs 1 and 2 can then no
security identification number) in the customer system or via another
longer be used for the online banking. The participant can contact
device of the participant (for example mobile phone, chip card reading
the Bank in order to restore the usage options of the online
device with display), The participant is obliged to check the compliance
of the displayed data with the data intended for the transaction prior
to confirmation.
10 Liability (for example mobile phone) also for online banking (see number
7.2 paragraph 2 6th en dash).
10.1 Liability of the Bank upon a not authorized online banking (4) Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 3, the account holder is not
disposal, or an online banking disposal that has not been liable for damages if the Bank did not demand a strong customer
conducted, been conducted falsely, or conducted in a delayed authentication pursuant to paragraph 1 subparagraph 24 of the
manner. German Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG) even though the
The liability of the Bank in case of a not authorized online banking Bank was obligated to do so pursuant to paragraph 68
disposal and a not or falsely conducted online banking disposal, or an subparagraph 4 of the German Payment Services Act (ZAG). A
online banking disposal conducted with delay, is based on the special strong customer authentication expressly stipulates the use of
conditions agreed upon for the respective order type (for example two independently used elements from the categories
conditions for transaction payments, conditions for security “knowledge” (something the participant knows, e.g. PIN), “assets”
transactions). (something the participant is in possession of, e.g. TAN-generator)
or “inherence” (something the participant is, e.g. fingerprint).
10.2 Liability of the account/depot holder in case of fraudulent (5) The liability for damages that are caused within the period of time
usage of a personalized safety characteristic or for which the credit limit is valid is restricted to the respectively
authentication tool agreed credit limit.
(6) The account owner is not obliged to the replacement of the
10.2.1 Liability of the account holder for not authorized damage according to paragraphs 1 and 3 if the participant was not
payment transactions prior to the blocking notification able to issue the blocking notification according to number 8.1
(1) If not authorized payment transactions prior to the blocking because the Bank did not ensure the possibility of receiving the
notifications are based on the usage of a lost, stolen or otherwise blocking notification.
absent authentication tool or an otherwise fraudulently used (7) Paragraphs 2 and 4 to 6 are not applicable if the participant acted
authentication tool, the account holder is liable for the damage with fraudulent intent.
occurring to the Bank up to an amount of 50 Euros, without it
being of importance whether the participant has any culpability in (8) If the account holder is not a consumer, the following is also
the loss, theft, or other absence of the authentication tool. applicable:
(2) The account holder is not liable for the replacement of damage - The account holder is liable for damages due to not authorized
according to paragraph 1 if, payment transactions beyond the liability threshold of 50 Euros
according to paragraph 1 and 3 if the participant negligently or
- it was not possible for him to gain knowledge of the loss, theft, intentionally violated his notification and due diligence
disappearance or otherwise fraudulent use of the obligations according to these conditions.
authentication tool before the non-authorized payment
transaction - The limitation of liability in paragraph 2 1st en dash does not
- the loss of the authentication tool was caused by an employee,
an agent, a branch office of a payment service provider or 10.2.2 Liability of the depot owner in case of not authorized
another office which tasks of the payment service provider were security transactions prior to the blocking notification
outsourced to.
If non-authorized security transactions prior to the blocking
(3) If not authorized payment transactions are conducted prior to the notification are based on the usage of a lost or stolen authentication
blocking notification and if the participant has acted with tool or on the other misuse of the personalized safety characteristic or
fraudulent intent or has violated his due diligence or reporting the authentication characteristic and a damage occurred to the Bank
obligation in a grossly negligent or intentional manner, the due to this circumstance, the depot holder and the Bank are liable
account holder carries the occurred damage to full extent, according to the legal regulations of contributory negligence.
notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2. Gross negligence of the
participant may be given especially if he
10.2.3 Liability of the Bank after the blocking notification
- does not announce the loss or theft of the authentication tool
As soon as the Bank receives the blocking notification of a participant,
or the misuse of the authentication tool of the personalized
it takes over all damages occurred after that time through not
safety characteristic of the Bank immediately after he gains
authorized online banking authorizations. This is not valid if the
knowledge of this (see number 8.1 paragraph 1),
participant acted in fraudulent intention.
- saved the personalized safety characteristic in an unsecure
manner (see number 7.2 paragraph 2 1. indent), 10.2.4 Disclosure of liability
- has not kept the personalized safety characteristic secret and Liability claims are excluded if the circumstances reasoning the claim
the misuse was caused by this action (see number 7.2 paragraph are based on an unusual and unpredictable event on which the party
1), that refers to this event has no influence and whose consequences
- disclosed the personalized safety characteristic outside of the could not have been prevented in spite of the application of due
online banking procedure, for example via E-Mail (see number diligence.
7.2 paragraph 1 3rd en dash),
- noted the personalized safety characteristic on the
authentication tool or stored it together with it (see number 7.2
paragraph 2 4th en dash),
- used more than one TAN for authorization of an order(see
number 7.2 paragraph 2 5th en dash),
- used the device for receiving the TAN in mobile TAN procedure
2 Authorized persons and access media 9 Blocking of the online banking offer
For the processing of bank transaction via online banking with using (1) If a false PIN is entered three times subsequently, the Bank will
PIN and TAN the account /depot holders and possibly other authorized block the online banking access to the account/depot. In this case
persons each receive a personal identification number (PIN) as well as the user needs to contact the Bank.
if applicable transaction numbers (TAN) from the Bank. Account/depot
(2) If false TANs are entered three times after each other, the PIN and
holders and authorized persons are hereafter called users.
all not yet used TANs for the respective account/depot are
blocked. In this case the user needs to contact the Bank.
3 Process
(3) The Bank will block the online banking access to the
(1) The user has access to the account/depot via online banking if he
account/depot if the suspicion of a misuse of the account/depot
entered the account/depot number (and/or the customer
via the online banking access exists. The Bank will inform the
number) as well as his PIN.
account holder about the circumstance outside of the online
(2) In the single cases stated by the Bank the user must enter an banking. This blocking cannot be revoked via online banking.
additional TAN. For the explanation of the usage options the Bank
(4) The Bank will block the online banking access to the
provides a process instruction that describes the specialties of the
account/depot by request of the account holder. This block can
agreed online applications.
also not be revoked via online banking.
4 Message authorization/usage of the TAN
10 Revocation or change of orders
Declarations of any kind (e.g. account status inquiries or transaction
The revocation or the change of orders can only be done outside of
payments) are delivered if they are subsequently authorized for
the online banking process, unless the Bank explicitly intends such an
transferral to the Bank. In case of a process that additionally requires
option within the procedure. The Bank however can only consider
the entry of a TAN (e.g. transaction payment), the authorization of the
such a revocation or change if the message reaches the Bank in such a
TAN is decisive. A TAN cannot be used anymore as soon as it was
timely manner that its consideration is possible within the framework
authorized for transferral to the Bank.
of the proper workflow.
5 Processing of orders in online banking
11 Applicable law
Orders given in online banking are processed in the framework of
German law is applicable to the business relationship between the
proper workflow.
account/ depot holder and the Bank, unless it refers to foreign
6 Financial usage limitation
The user may order transactions only in the framework of the account
credit or for a credit sum agreed upon beforehand for the account.
Even if the user does not adhere to this usage limitation in his
authorizations, the Bank is authorized to demand the reimbursement
of the expenditures that accrue from the usage of the online banking.
The booking of such authorizations on the account only leads to a
tolerated overdraft; the Bank is authorized to demand the higher
interest rate for tolerated overdrafts in this case.
For the execution of credit transfers the following terms and the charges payable by the payer and, where applicable, a
breakdown of the amounts of any charges.
and conditions apply:
(4) The customer shall be entitled to also use a payment initiation
1 General service as defined in Section 1 (33) of the Payment Services
Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz) to issue the
credit transfer order to the Bank, unless the customer’s payment
1.1 Main characteristics of a credit transfer, including a standing account is not accessible to the customer online.
The customer may instruct the Bank to remit funds cashlessly in favour 1.4 Receipt of credit transfer orders by the Bank
of a payee by credit transfer to the payee’s payment service provider.
(1) A credit transfer order shall become valid as soon as it is received
The customer may also instruct the Bank to regularly remit a fixed sum
by the Bank. This shall also apply if the credit transfer order is
of money to the same account of the payee on a certain recurring date
issued through a payment initiation service provider. Receipt shall
(standing order).
take place upon delivery of the order into the Bank’s designated
receiving facilities (e.g. when it is handed in at the Bank’s offices
1.2 Unique identifier or entered into the Bank’s online banking server).
When making credit transfers, customers must use the following (2) If the point in time of receipt of a credit transfer order pursuant
unique identifier of the payee. to paragraph 1, sentence 3 is not on a business day as indicated in
the “List of Prices and Services” Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis),
Destination area Currency Unique identifier of payee the credit transfer order shall be deemed to have been received
Germany Euro - IBAN9 on the following business day.
Cross-border Euro - IBAN
within the (3) If a credit transfer order is received after the acceptance time
European indicated at the Bank’s receiving facility or in the “List of Prices
Economic Area10 and Services” (Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis), it shall be
Germany or Currency - IBAN and BIC11 deemed, for the purpose of determining when the execution
within the other than or period commences (see Section 2.2.2), to have been received on
European Euro - Account number the following business day.
Economic area (Kontonummer) and BIC
Outside the Euro or - IBAN and BIC 1.5 Revocation of credit transfer orders
European other or (1) Until receipt of the credit transfer order has been received by the
Economic Area currency - Account number Bank (see Section 1.4, paragraphs 1 and 2), the customer can no
(Kontonummer) and BIC longer revoke it. After receipt of the credit transfer order,
revocation shall – subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 and 3 –
no longer be possible. Where customers use a payment initiation
The information required for execution of the credit transfer shall be service provider to issue the credit transfer order, they may, by
determined by Sections 2.1, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. way of derogation form sentence 1, no longer revoke the credit
transfer order vis-à-vis the Bank once they have given their
1.3 Issuance of credit transfer orders and authorization consent to the payment initiation service provider to initiate the
(1) The customer shall issue a credit transfer order to the Bank, credit transfer.
providing the information required under Sections 2.1 or 3.1.1 and (2) If the Bank and the customer have agreed a certain date for the
3.2.1, on a form approved by the Bank or in the manner otherwise execution of a credit transfer (see Section 2.2.2, paragraph 2), the
agreed with the Bank (e.g. via online banking). The customer must customer may revoke the credit transfer order or standing order
ensure the legibility, completeness and correctness of this (see Section 1.1) up to the end of the business day before the
information. Illegible, incomplete or incorrect information may agreed date. The business days shall be set out in the "List of
lead to delays or misrouting of credit transfers, possibly resulting Prices and Services". If the revocation of a standing order is
in loss or damage for the customer. Where illegible, incomplete or received by the Bank in due time, no further credit transfers shall
incorrect information is given, the Bank may refuse to execute the be executed under this standing order.
credit transfer (see also Section 1.7). If the customer believes that
a credit transfer requires particularly prompt execution, the (3) A credit transfer order may only be revoked after the points in
customer shall notify the Bank thereof separately. Where credit time referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 if the customer and the
transfer orders are issued on a form, this must be done separately Bank have agreed thereupon. If the customer uses a payment
from the form if this purpose cannot be indicated on the form initiation service provider to issue the credit transfer order, the
itself. consent of the payment initiation service provider and the payee
shall be additionally required. For handling such a revocation by
(2) The customer shall authorize the credit transfer order by signing the customer, the Bank shall levy the charge set out in the “Lost
it or in the manner otherwise agreed with the Bank (using an of Prices and Services”.
online banking PIN/TAN, for example). This authorization shall at
the same time contain the customer’s explicit consent to the Bank 1.6 Execution of credit transfer orders
to retrieve (from its database), process, transmit and store the
personal data required for the execution of the credit transfer. (1) The Bank shall execute a customer’s credit transfer order if the
information required for execution (see Sections 2.1, 3.1.1 and
(3) Before executing an individual credit transfer order, the Bank shall 3.2.1) is provided in the agreed manner (see Section 1.3,
indicate, at the customer’s request, the maximum execution time
International Bank Account Number (Internationale Bankkontonummer) Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great
The European Economic Area currently comprises Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Britain and Northern Ireland
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including French Guiana, 11
Bank Identifier Code (Bank-Identifizierungscode)
Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
paragraph 1), the credit transfer order is authorized by the into force. If the customer has agreed an electronic communication
customer (see Section 1.3, paragraph 2) and a sufficient credit channel with the Bank within the framework of the business
balance in the currency of the credit transfer order is available or relationship, the changes may also be offered through this channel.
sufficient credit has been granted (conditions for execution). The customer may indicate either approval or disapproval of the
changes before their proposed date of entry into force. The changes
(2) The Bank and the other payment service providers involved in the
shall be deemed to have been approved by the customer, unless the
execution of a credit transfer order shall be entitled to execute
customer has indicated disapproval before their proposed date of
the credit transfer solely on the basis of the unique identifier of
entry into force. The Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s
the payee provided by the customer (see Section 1.2).
attention to this consequent approval in its offer. Changes in charges
(3) The Bank shall inform the customer at least once a month about for the payment services framework contract (current account
the execution of credit transfers through the agreed account agreement) shall be governed by No. 12 (5) of the General Business
information channel. Where customers are not consumers, the Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen).
manner in which and frequency with which they are informed may
If the customer is offered changes in charges, the customer may also
be agreed separately.
terminate the business relationship free of charge with immediate
effect before the proposed date of entry into force of the changes. The
1.7 Refusal of execution Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s attention to this right of
(1) If the conditions for execution (see Section 1.6, paragraph 1) are termination in its offer.
not fulfilled, the Bank may refuse to execute the credit transfer
order. The Bank shall inform the customer thereof without delay, 1.10.2 Charges for customers who are not consumers
but in any case within the period agreed under Section 2.2.1 or Charges and changes therein for credit transfers by customers who are
3.1.2. and 3.2.2. It may do so also through the agreed account not consumers shall continue to be governed by the provisions of No.
information channel. When doing so, the Bank shall, if possible, 12, paragraph 2 to 6 of the General Business Conditions.
state the reasons for the refusal and indicate ways in which errors
that led to the refusal can be rectified.
1.11 Exchange rate
(2) If the Bank is clearly unable to assign a unique identifier provided
If the customer issues a credit transfer order in a currency other than
by the customer to any payee, payment account or payee’s
the account currency, the account shall nevertheless be debited in the
payment service provider, it shall inform the customer thereof
ac-count currency. The exchange rate for such credit transfers shall be
without delay and, if necessary, return the amount of the credit
determined on the basis of the conversion arrangement set out in the
"List of Prices and Services".
(3) For the legitime refusal to execute an authorised credit transfer
Any change in the reference exchange rate specified in the conversion
order, the Bank shall levy the charge set out in the “List of Prices
arrangement shall take effect immediately without prior notice to the
and Services”.
customer. The reference exchange rate shall be made accessible by
the Bank or shall stem from a publicly accessible source.
1.8 Transmission of credit transfer data
When executing a credit transfer, the Bank shall transmit the details 1.12 Reporting requirements under German law on foreign trade
contained in the credit transfer (credit transfer data) to the payee’s and payments
payment service provider either directly or through intermediary The customer must comply with the reporting requirements under
institutions. The payee’s payment service provider may make the German law on foreign trade and payments.
credit transfer data, which shall also include the payer’s IBAN,
available to the payee in full or in part. Where cross-border credit 2 Credit transfers within Germany and to other European
transfers and domes-tic priority credit transfers are involved, the Economic Area 12(EEA) countries in euros or in other EEA
credit transfer data may be forwarded to the payee’s payment service currencies13
provider via the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunications (SWIFT), based in Belgium. For system security
2.1 Information required
reasons, SWIFT stores the credit transfer data temporarily at its
operating centres in the European Union, Switzerland and the United The customer must provide the following information in a credit
States. transfer order:
- Name of the payee
1.9 Notification of unauthorized or incorrectly executed credit
transfers - Unique identifier of the payee (see Section 1.2); if the BIC is not
known in credit transfers denominated in EEA currencies other than
The customer shall inform the Bank without delay on finding that a
euro, the full name and address of the payee’s payment service
credit transfer order was unauthorized or executed incorrectly. This
provider should be indicated instead.
shall also apply where a payment initiation service provider is
involved. - Currency (if possible, in abbreviated form as detailed in Annex1)
- Amount
1.10 Charges and charges therein
- Name of the customer
1.10.1 Charges for consumers - Customer’s IBAN,
The charges for credit transfers shall be set out in the “List of Prices - and, in the case of cross-border credit transfers, the charges
and Services”. instruction “SHARE”(charges shared between customer and payee).
Any changes in the charges shall be offered to the customer in text
form no later than two months before their proposed date of entry
12 13
see footnote 12. see footnote 13.
2.2 Maximum execution time (2) Over and above paragraph 1, the customer may request the Bank
to refund any charges and interest insofar as these were levied on
2.2.1 Length of the execution time the customer or debited to the customer’s account in connection
with the non-execution or incorrect execution of the credit
The Bank shall be obligated to ensure that the amount of a credit transfer.
transfer is received by the payee’s payment service provider within the
(3) In the case of delayed execution of an authorised credit transfer,
execution time indicated in the "List of Prices and Services" at the
the customer may ask the Bank to request the payee’s payment
service provider to credit the payment amount to the payee’s
payment account as if the credit transfer had been duly executed.
2.2.2 Commencement of the execution time This obligation arising from sentence 1 shall also apply if the credit
(1) The execution period shall commence as soon as a customer’s transfer is initiated by the customer through a payment initiation
credit transfer order is received by the Bank (see Section 1.4). service provider. If the Bank proves that the payment amount
reached the payee’s payment provider in due time, this obligation
(2) If the Bank and the customer agree that the execution of a credit shall not apply. The obligation arising from sentence 1 shall also
transfer is to commence on a certain date or at the end of a certain not apply if the customer is not a consumer
period or on the date on which the customer has provided the
Bank with the funds in the currency of the order required for (4) If a credit transfer was not executed or not executed correctly, the
execution, the date indicated in the order or otherwise agreed Bank shall, at the customer’s request, reconstruct the processing
shall determine when the execution period commences. If the of the payment and inform the customer of the result thereof.
agreed date is not a business day, the execution period shall
commence on the following business day. The business days shall 2.3.3 Compensation for neglect of duty
be set out in the "List of Prices and Services". (1) In the case of non-execution, incorrect execution or delayed
(3) The execution time for credit transfer orders in a currency other execution, of an authorized credit transfer, If an authorized credit
than the currency of the customer’s account shall not commence transfer is not executed or not executed correctly or if a credit
until the date on which the amount of the credit transfer is transfer is unauthorized, the customer may request the Bank to
available in the currency of the order. provide compensation for any loss or damage not already covered
by Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2. This shall not apply if the Bank is not
2.3 Customer’s entitlement to a refund, correction and responsible for the neglect of duty. The Bank shall be liable in this
compensation connection for any fault on the part of an intermediary institution
to the same extent as for any fault on its own part, unless the main
cause of the loss or damage lies with an intermediary institution
2.3.1 Refund for unauthorised credit transfers
specified by the customer. If the customer has contributed to the
If a credit transfer is unauthorized (see Section 1.3, paragraph 2), the occurrence of any loss or damage through culpable conduct, the
Bank shall have no claim against the customer for reimbursement of principles of contributory negligence shall determine the extent
its expenses. It shall be obligated to refund the amount of the credit to which the Bank and the customer must bear the loss or
transfer to the customer without delay and, if the amount has been damage.
debited to an account held by the customer, to restore the balance of (2) Liability under paragraph 1 shall be limited to € 12,500. This
this account to what it would have been without debiting for the limitation of liability shall not apply to
unauthorized credit transfer. This obligation must be fulfilled no later
than the end of the business day as indicated in the List of “Prices and - unauthorized credit transfers
Services” which comes after the day on which the Bank was notified - cases of deliberate intent or gross negligence by the Bank
that the credit transfer is unauthorised, or the Bank has obtained
knowledge thereof by some other means. If the Bank has informed a - risks which the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis and,
competent authority in writing of legitimate reasons for suspecting - if the customer is a consumer, loss of interest.
fraudulent conduct on the part of the customer, the Bank shall be
required to consider and to fulfill its obligation arising from sentence
2.3.4 Entitlement of customers who are not consumers
2 without delay if its suspicion of fraud is not confirmed. If the credit
transfer is initiated by the customer through a payment initiation By way of derogation from the entitlement to a refund under Section
service provider, the obligations arising from sentences 2 to 4 shall 2.3.2 and the entitlement to compensation under Section 2.3.3,
apply to the Bank. customers who are not consumers shall only have a claim for
compensation be-sides any claims for restitution under § 667 and §§
2.3.2 Entitlement in the case of non-execution, incorrect or 812 ff. of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) – for
delayed execution of authorised credit transfers an authorized credit transfer that is not executed, not executed
correctly or executed with a delay or for an unauthorized credit
(1) In the case of non-execution or incorrect execution of an
transfer in accordance with the following rules:
authorised credit transfer, the customer may request the Bank to
refund the full amount of the credit transfer without delay insofar - The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own part. If the customer
as the payment was not made or not made correctly. If the has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
amount has been debited to the customer’s ac- count, the Bank culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
shall restore the balance of this account to what it would have determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must bear
been without debiting for the non-executed or incorrectly the loss or damage.
executed payment transaction. If a credit transfer is initiated by
- The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of intermediary
the customer through a payment initiation service provider, the
institutions chosen by it. In such cases, the Bank’s liability shall be
obligations arising from sentences 1 and 2 shall apply to the Bank.
limited to the careful selection and instruction of the first
If the Bank or any intermediary institutions have deducted
intermediary institution (order passed on to a third party).
charges from the amount of the credit transfer, the Bank shall
remit the amount deducted in favour of the payee without delay. - The amount of the customer’s claim for compensation shall be
limited to the amount of the credit transfer, plus the charges and
interest levied by the Bank. Where claims for consequential loss or 3 Credit transfers within Germany and to other European
damage are asserted, such claims shall be limited to a maximum of Economic Area14 (EEA) countries in the currency of a non-EEA
€ 12,500 per credit transfer. This limitation of liability shall not apply country (third country currency15) and credit transfers to non-
to deliberate intent or gross negligence by the Bank or to risks that EEA countries (third countries16)
the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis or to unauthorized
credit transfers. 3.1 Credit transfers within Germany and to other European
Economic Area (EEA) countries in the currency of a non-EEA
2.3.5 Preclusion of liability and objection country (third-country currency)
(1) Any liability by the Bank under Sections 2.3.2 to 2.3.4 shall be
precluded in the following cases: 3.1.1 Information required
- if the Bank proves to the customer that the full amount of the The customer must provide the following information for the
credit transfer was received by the payee’s payment service execution of a credit transfer order:
provider in due time or
- Name of the payee,
- if the credit transfer was executed in conformity with the
- International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or account number of
incorrect unique identifier of the payee provided by the
the payee,
customer. In this case, the customer may,however,request the
Bank to make reasonable efforts to recover the amount of the - Unique identifier of the payee (see Section 1.2); if the BIC is not
credit transfer. If it is not possible to recover the amount of the known in cross-border credit transfers, the full name and address of
credit transfer, the Bank shall be obligated to provide to the the payee’s payment service provider should be indicated instead.
customer, at the customer’s written request, all available
- Country of destination (if possible, in abbreviated form as detailed
information so that the customer can assert a claim for a refund
in Annex 1),
of the amount of the credit transfer against the actual recipient
of the credit transfer. For its activities pursuant to sentences 2 - Currency (if possible, in abbreviated form as detailed in Annex 1),
and 3 of this bullet point, the Bank shall levy the charge set out
- Amount,
in the "Price and Service Index".
- Name of the customer,
(2) Any claims by the customer under Sections 2.3.1 – 2.3.4 and any
objections by the customer against the Bank as a result of non- - Customer’s account number (Kontonummer) and bank code
execution or incorrect execution of credit transfers or as a result (Bankleitzahl) or IBAN.
of unauthorized credit transfers shall be precluded if the customer
fails to inform the Bank thereof within a period of 13 months at 3.1.2 Execution time
the latest after being debited for an unauthorized or incorrectly
executed credit transfer. This period shall start to run only once Credit transfers shall be executed as soon as possible.
the Bank has informed the customer about the debit entry for the
credit transfer through the agreed account information channel 3.1.3 Customer’s entitlement to a refund, correction and
no later than one month after the debit entry was made; compensation
otherwise the date on which the customer is informed shall Refund for unauthorised credit transfers
determine when the period commences. Customers may assert
claims for compensation under Section 2.3.3 also after expiry of If a credit transfer is unauthorized (see Section 1.3, paragraph 2), the
the period referred to in sentence 1 if they were prevented, Bank shall have no claim against the customer for reimbursement of
through no fault of their own, from adhering to this period. its expenses. It shall be obligated to refund the amount of the credit
Sentences 1 to 3 shall also apply if the customer initiates the credit transfer to the customer without delay and, if the amount has been
transfer through a payment initiation service provider. debited to an account held by the customer, to restore the balance of
(3) Any claims by the customer shall be precluded if the this account to what it would have been without debiting for the
circumstances substantiating a claim unauthorized credit transfer. This obligation must be fulfilled no later
than the end of the business day as indicated in the “List of Prices and
- are based upon an exceptional and unforeseeable event on Services” which comes after the day on which the Bank was notified
which the Bank has no influence and whose consequences could that the credit transfer is unauthorized, or the Bank has obtained
not have been avoided even by exercising due diligence or knowledge thereof by some other means. If the Bank has informed a
- were brought about by the Bank as a result of a statutory competent authority in writing of legitimate reasons for suspecting
obligation. fraudulent conduct on the part of the customer, the Bank shall be
required to consider and to fulfill its obligation arising from sentence
2 without delay if its suspicion of fraud is not confirmed. If the credit
transfer is initiated through a payment initiation service provider, the
obligations arising from sentences 2 to 4 shall apply to the Bank.
14 16
The EEA currently comprises Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Third countries are all non-EEA countries (the EEA currently comprises Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including French
Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom
E.g. US dollar. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Entitlement in the case of non-execution, incorrect besides any claims for restitution under Sections 667 and 812 ff. of the
execution or delayed execution of authorized credit German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch - BGB) – for an authorised
transfers credit transfer that is not executed, not executed correctly or executed
with a delay or for an unauthorised credit transfer in accordance with
(1) In the case of non-execution or incorrect execution of an the following rules:
authorized credit transfer, the customer may request the Bank to
refund the full amount of the credit transfer without delay insofar - The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own part. If the customer
as the payment was not made or not made correctly. If the has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
amount has been debited to the customer’s account, the Bank culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
shall restore the balance of this account too what it would have determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must bear
been without debiting for the non-executed or incorrectly the loss or damage.
executed payment transaction. If a credit transfer is initiated by - The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of intermediary
the customer through a payment initiation service provider, the institutions chosen by it. In such cases, the Bank’s liability shall be
obligations arising from sentences 1 and 2 shall apply to the Bank. limited to the careful selection and instruction of the first
If the Bank or any intermediary institutions have deducted intermediary institution (order passed on to a third party).
charges from the amount of the credit transfer, the Bank shall
remit the amount deducted in favour of the payee without delay. - The Bank’s liability shall be limited to a maximum of € 12,500 per
credit transfer. This limitation of liability shall not apply to deliberate
(2) Over and above paragraph 1, the customer may request the Bank intent or gross negligence by the Bank or to risks which the Bank has
to refund any charges and interest insofar as these were levied on assumed on an exceptional basis or for unauthorized credit
the customer or debited to the customer’s account in connection transfers.
with the non-execution or incorrect execution of the credit
transfer. Entitlement of customers who are not consumers
(3) In the case of delayed execution of an authorized credit transfer,
By way of derogation form the entitlement under Sections and
the customer may ask the Bank to request the payee’s payment, customers who are not consumers shall only have a claim for
service provider to the credit payment amount to the payee’s
compensation – besides any claims for restitution under Sections 667
payment account as if the credit transfer had been duly executed.
and 812ff. of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB)
The obligation arising from sentence 1 shall also apply if the credit
– for an authorized credit transfer that is not executed, not executed
transfer is initiated by the customer through a payment initiation
correctly or executed with a delay or for a an unauthorized credit
service provider. If the Bank proves that the payment amount
transfer in accordance with the following rules:
reached the payee’s payment service provider in due time, this
obligation shall not apply. The obligation arising from sentence 1 - The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own part. If the customer
shall also not apply if the customer is not a consumer. has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
(4) If a credit transfer was not executed or not executed correctly, the
determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must bear
Bank shall, at the customer’s request, reconstruct the processing
the loss or damage.
of the payment and inform the customer of the result thereof.
- The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of intermediary Compensation for neglect of duty institutions chosen by it. In such cases, the Bank’s liability shall be
limited to the careful selection and instruction of the first
(1) In the case of non-execution, incorrect execution or delayed intermediary institution (order passed on to a third party).
execution of an authorized credit transfer, or if a credit transfer is
unauthorized, the customer may request the Bank to provide - The amount of the customer’s claim for compensation shall be
compensation for any loss or damage not already covered by limited to the amount of the credit transfer, plus the charges and
Sections and This shall not apply if the Bank is not interest levied by the Bank. Where claims for consequential loss or
responsible for the neglect of duty. The Bank shall be liable in this damage ae asserted, such claims shall be limited to a maximum of €
connection for any fault on the part of an intermediary institution 12,500 per credit transfer. This limitation of liability shall not apply
to the same extent as for any fault on its own part, unless the main to deliberate intent or gross negligence by the Bank or to risks which
cause of the loss or damage lies with an intermediary institution the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis or for unauthorized
specified by the customer. If the customer has contributed to the credit transfers.
occurrence of any loss or damage through culpable conduct, the
principles of contributory negligence shall determine the extent Preclusion of liability and objection
to which the Bank and the customer must bear the loss or
(1) Any liability by the Bank under Sections to shall be
precluded in the following cases:
(2) Liability under paragraph 1 shall be limited to € 12,500. This
- The Bank proves to the customer that the full amount of the
limitation of liability shall not apply to
credit transfer was received by the payee’s payment service
- unauthorized credit transfers provider in due time.
- cases of deliberate intent or gross negligence by the Bank - The credit transfer was executed in conformity with the
incorrect unique identifier of the payee provided by the
- risks which the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis and,
customer (see Section 1.2). In this case, the customer may,
- if the customer is a consumer, loss of interest. however, request the Bank to make reasonable efforts to
recover the amount of the credit transfer. If it is not possible to Special rules for the parts of a credit transfer effected recover the amount of the credit transfer, the Bank shall be
outside the EEA obligated to provide to the customer, at the customer’s written
request, all available information so that the customer can
With regard to the parts of a credit transfer effected outside the EEA, assert a claim for a refund of the amount of the credit transfer
customers shall , by way of derogation, from the entitlement under against the actual recipient of the credit transfer. For its
Sections and, only have a claim for compensation – activities pursuant to sentences 2 and 3 of this bullet point, the
Bank shall levy the charge set out in the “List of Prices and thereof by some other means. If the Bank has informed a
Services”. competent authority in writing of legitime reasons for suspecting
fraudulent conduct on the part of the customer, the Bank shall be
(2) Any claims by the customer under Sections to and
required to consider and to fulfill its obligation arising from
any objections by the customer against the Bank as a result of
sentence 2 without delay if its suspicion of fraud is not confirmed.
non-execution or incorrect execution of credit transfers or as
If the credit transfer is initiated by the customer through a
result of unauthorized credit transfers shall be precluded if the
payment initiation service provider, the obligations arising from
customers fails to inform the Bank thereof within a period of 13
sentences 2 to 4 shall apply to the Bank.
months at the latest after being debited for an unauthorized or
incorrectly executed credit transfer. This period shall start to run (2) In the case of other loss or damage resulting from an unauthorized
only once the Bank has informed the customer about the debit credit transfer, The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own
entry for the credit transfer through the agreed account part.If the customes has contributed to the occurrence of any loss
information channel no later than one month after the debit entry or damage through culpable conduct, the principles of
was made; otherwise the date on which the customer is informed contributory negligence shall determine the extent to which the
shall determine when the period commences. Customers may Bank and the customer must bear the loss or damage.
assert claims for compensation under Sections also after
expiry of the period referred to in sentence 1 if they were Liability for non-execution, incorrect or delayed execution of
prevented, through no fault of their own, from adhering to this authorized credit transfers
period. Sentences 1 to 3 shall also apply if the customer initiates
the credit transfer through a payment initiation service provider. In the case of non-execution, incorrect execution or delayed execution
of an authorized credit transfer, customers shall have a claim for
(3) Any claims by the customer shall be precluded if the compensation – besides any claims for restitution under Sections 667
circumstances substantiating a claim and 812 ff. of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB)
- are based upon an exceptional and unforeseeable event on in accordance with the following rules:
which Bank has no influence and whose consequences could not
have been avoided even by exercising due diligence or - The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its part. If the customer has
- were brought about the Bank as a result of a statutory contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
obligation. culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must bear
3.2 Credit transfers to non-EEA countries (third countries) the loss or damage.
- The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of intermediary
3.2.1 Information required institutions chosen by i. In such cases, the Bank’s liability shall be
limited to the careful selection and instruction of the first
The customer must provide the following information for the intermediary institution (order passed on to a third party).
execution of a credit transfer order:
- The Bank’s liability shall be limited to a maximum of € 12,500 per
- name of the payee credit transfer. This limitation of liability shall not apply to deliberate
- Unique identifier of the payee (see Section 1.2); if the BIC is not intend or gross negligence by the Bank or to risks which the Bank
known in cross-border credit transfers, the full name and address of has assumed on an exceptional basis.
the payee’s payment service provider should be indicated instead. Preclusion of liability and objection
- Country of destination (if possible, in abbreviated form ad detailed
in Annex 1) (1) Any liability by the Bank under Section shall be precluded
in the following cases:
- Currency (if possible, in abbreviated form ad detailed in Annex 1)
- The Bank proves to the customer that the full amount of the
- Amount
credit transfer was received by the payee’s payment service
- Name of the customer provider in due time.
- Customer’s account number (Kontonummer) and bank code - The credit transfer was executed in conformity with the
(Bankleitzahl) oder IBAN incorrect unique identifier of the payee provided by the
customer (see Section 1.2). In this case, the customer ma,
3.2.2 Execution time however, request the Bank to make reasonable efforts to
recover the amount of the credit transfer. For its activities
Credit transfer shall be executed as soon as possible. pursuant to sentence 2 of this bullet point, the Bank shall levy
the charge set out in the “List of Prices and Services”.
3.2.3 Customer’s entitlement to a refund or compensation
(2) Any claims by the customer under Sections and and Refund for unauthorized credit transfers any objections by the customer against the Bank as a result of
non-execution or incorrect execution of credit transfers or as a
(1) If a credit transfer is unauthorized (see Section 1.3 paragraph 2
result of unauthorized credit transfers shall be precluded if the
above), the Bank shall have no claim against the customer for
customer fails to inform the Bank thereof within a period of 13
reimbursement of its expenses. It shall be obligated to refund the
months at the latest after being debited for an unauthorized or
amount of the credit transfer to the customer without delay and,
incorrectly executed credit transfer. This period shall start to run
if the amount has been debited to an account held by the
only once the Bank has informed the customer about the debit
customer, to restore the balance of this account to what it would
entry for the credit transfer through the agreed account
have been without debiting for the unauthorized credit transfer.
information channel no later than one month after the debit entry
This obligation must be fulfilled no later than the end of the
was made; otherwise the date on which the customer is informed
business day as indicated in the “List of Prices and Services” which
shall determine when the period commences. Customers may
comes after the day on which the Bank was notified that the credit
assert claims for compensation under Section also after
transfer is unauthorized, or the Bank has obtained knowledge
expiry of the period referred to in sentence 1 if they were
prevented, through no fault of their own, from adhering to this which the Bank has no influence and whose consequences could
period. Sentences 1 to 3 shall also apply if the customer initiates not have been avoided even by exercising due diligence or
the credit transfer through a payment initiation service provider.
- were brought about the Bank as a result of a statutory
(3) Any claims by the customer shall be precluded of the obligation.
circumstances substantiating a claim
- are based upon an exceptional and unforeseeable event on
Swiss Frances are the legal currency in Liechtenstein
The collection of claims by customer, as the payee, agreed separately with them. In their case, the notification for direct
debit amounts which are credited collectively shall only show the total
by direct debit shall be subject to the following amount and not the individual payment transactions.
terms and conditions.
1.5 Customer’s entitlement to a refund and compensation
1 General
1.5.1 Customer’s notification duty
1.1 Definition
The customer shall notify the Bank without delay upon detecting any
A direct debit is a payment transaction initiated by the customer, as incorrectly executed direct debit collections.
the payee, and debited to the payer’s account with his/her payment
service provider where the amount of the payment is specified by the 1.5.2 Entitlement in the case of non-execution or incorrect
customer. execution of a direct debit collection order by the Bank
and in the case of delayed receipt of the direct debit
1.2 Presentation periods amount
Direct debit collection orders must be presented by the customer to (1) In the case of non-execution or incorrect execution of a direct
the Bank within the periods specified in Annex A. debit collection order by the Bank, the customer may request the
Bank to send it – again, if necessary – without delay to the payer’s
1.3 Charges and changes therein payment service provider.
(2) Over and above the entitlement under paragraph 1, the customer
1.3.1 Agreement on charges
may request the Bank to refund any charges and interest it levied
Unless otherwise agreed, the charges for the collection of direct debits on him/her or debited to the customer’s account in connection
shall be set out in the Direct Debit Collection Agreement with the non-execution or incorrect execution of a direct debit
(Lastschriftinkassovereinbarung). collection order.
(3) If the direct debit amount merely reached the Bank with a delay,
1.3.2 Changes in charges for consumers the customer may request the Bank under Section 675y,
Any changes in the charges shall be offered to a customer who is a paragraph 4 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch-
consumer in text form no later than two months before their proposed BGB) to credit the direct debit amount to the customer’s account
date of entry into force. If the customer has agreed an electronic as if the payment transaction had been duly executed.
communication channel with the Bank within the framework of the
business relationship, the changes may also be offered through this 1.5.3 Compensation
channel. The customer may indicate either approval or disapproval of (1) If a direct debit collection order is not executed, not executed
the changes before their proposed date of entry into force.The correctly or executed with a delay, the customer may request the
changes shall be deemed to have been approved by the customer, Bank to provide compensation for any loss or damage incurred as
unless the customer has indicated disapproval before their proposed a result. This shall not apply if the Bank is not responsible for the
date of entry into force. The Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s neglect of duty. If the customer has contributed to the occurrence
attention to this consequent approval in its offer. of any loss or damage through culpable conduct, the principles of
If a customer who is a consumer is offered changes in the charges, the contributory negligence shall determine the extent to which the
customer may also terminate the business relationship free of charge Bank and the customer must bear the loss or damage.
with immediate effect before the proposed date of entry into force of (2) If the customer is not a consumer, the Bank’s liability for any loss
the changes. The Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s attention or damage shall be limited to the amount of the direct debit.
to this right of termination in its offer. Where consequential loss or damage is involved, liability shall, in
Changes in charges for the payment services framework contract addition, be limited to a maximum of € 12,500 per direct debit.
(current account agreement) shall be governed by No, 12, paragraph These limitations on liability shall not apply to deliberate intent or
5 of the General Business Conditions (Allgemeine gross negligence by the Bank or to risks which the Bank has
Geschäftsbedingungen). assumed on an exceptional basis.
1.3.3 Changes in the charges for customers who are not 1.5.4 Exclusion of liability and objection
Any claims by the customer under Section 1.5.2 and any objections by
Changes in charges for customers who are not consumers shall the customer against the Bank as a result of non-execution or incorrect
continue to be governed by No. 12, paragraphs 2 – 6 of the banks’ execution of collection orders shall be precluded if the customer fails
General Business Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen). to inform the Bank thereof within a period of 13 months at the latest
after being debited for an incorrectly executed collection transaction.
1.3.4 Deduction of charges from the amount credited in the This period shall start to run only once the Bank has informed the
direct debit customer about the transaction through the agreed account
information channel no later than one month after the debit entry was
The Bank may deduct the charges to which it is entitled from the direct made; otherwise the date on which the customer is informed shall
debit amount that is credited. determine when the period commences.
1.4 Notification 1.6 Other special arrangements with customers who are not
The Bank shall notify the customer at least once a month about the consumers
execution of direct debit collection orders and returned direct debit (1) If customers are not consumers, Section 675d, paragraph 1,
through the agreed account information channel. If customers are not sentence 1, paragraphs 3 - 5 (duties to provide information) and
consumers, the manner and frequency of such notification may be Section 675f, paragraph 5, sentence 2 (fees and expenses for
performing ancillary duties) of the German Civil Code 2.4 SEPA direct debit mandate
(Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) shall not apply.
(2) The minimum period of notice of two months specified in No. 19, 2.4.1 Giving the SEPA direct debit mandate
paragraph 1, sentence 3 of the banks’ General Business Conditions
The customer must obtain a SEPA direct debit mandate from the
shall not apply to the Direct Debit Collection Agreement with
payer before presenting SEPA core direct debits. The SEPA direct
customers who are not consumers.
debit mandate must contain the following statements by the payer:
- a statement authorizing the costumer to collect payments from the
1.7 Making available copies of the direct debit mandates
payer’s account by SEPA core direct debit and
On request, the customer shall make available to the Bank within
- a statement instructing the payer’s payment service provider to pay
seven business days copies of the collection authorization
the SEPA core direct debits drawn by the costumer on the payer’s
(Einzugsermächtigung), SEPA core direct debit mandate or SEPA
business-to-business (B2B) direct debit mandate and, if necessary,
further details of the direct debits presented. For this purpose, the customer must use the text attached as Annex
B.3 or an identical text in an official language of the countries and
2 SEPA core direct debit territories listed in Annex D in accordance with the rules laid down by
the European Payments Council (see
2.1 Main characteristics of the SEPA core direct debit scheme
The mandate must, in addition, include the following details:
The SEPA core direct debit scheme is governed by the SEPA Core Direct
Debit Scheme Rulebook issued by the European Payments Council. The - name and address of the customer and the customer’s creditor
SEPA core direct debit scheme enables a payer to make payments in identfier (where customers are resident in Germany, this is assigned
euros to the payee through his/her payment service provider within by the Deutsche Bundesbank; see http://glaeubiger-
the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) 18.,
For the execution of payments by SEPA core direct debit, the payer - indication of whether the mandate is for a one-off payment or re-
must give the SEPA direct debit mandate (see Section 4.4.) to the current payment or
payee before the payment transaction.
- name of the payer or identification pursuant to Annex C.2
The customer, as the payee, initiates the respective payment
- unique identifier of the payer (see Section 2.2)
transaction by presenting the direct debits to the payer’s payment
service provider though the Bank. Signature by the payer and
For authorized SEPA core direct debit payments, the payer shall be date of signature by the payer.
entitled to claim a refund of the amount debited from his/her payment
service provider. Such claim must be made within eight weeks starting The mandate reference assigned individually by the costumer
from the date on which the payer’s account was debited. This shall - shall, in conjunction with the creditor identifier, uniquely identify
result in cancellation of the conditional credit entry in the account of each mandate
the customer as the payee.
- shall be up to 35 alphanumerical digits long and
2.2 Unique identifier - may form part of the mandate or must be subsequently notified to
the payer.
The customer must use
The SEPA direct debit mandate may contain additional details
- the IBAN issued to him/her by the Bank, plus for cross-border direct
supplementing the aforementioned data.
debit collections in countries outside the European Economic Area
(EEA) the BIC of the Bank, as their unique identifier and
2.4.2 Einzugsermächtigung as a SEPA direct debit mandate
- the IBAN the IBAN notified to him/her by the payer, plus for cross-
border direct debit collections in countries outside the European (1) The customer may use an Einzugsermächtigung issued before 1
Economic Area (EEA) the BIC of the payer’s payment service February 2014 as a SEPA direct debit mandate. For this purpose,
provider, as the unique identifier of the payer. the following conditions must be fulfilled:
The Bank is entitled to collect the direct debits solely on the basis of - The payer has given the costumer, as the payee, an
the unique identifiers provided to it. Einzugsermächtigung in writing, authorizing the payee to collect
payments from his/her account by direct debit.
2.3 Transmission of direct debit data - The payer and his/her payment service provider have agreed
When SEPA core direct debits are used, the direct debit data may be that
forwarded by the Bank to the payer’s payment service provider the payer, by giving an Einzugsermächtigung, instructs his/her
through the message transmission system of the Society for payment service provider at the same time to pay the direct
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), which is debits drawn by the payee on his/her account and
based in Belgium and has operating centres in the European Union,
Switzerland and the United States. this Einzugsermächtigung may be used as a SEPA direct debit
(2) The Einzugsermächtigung must contain the following
authorization data:
- identification of the payee,
- identification of the payer,
For a list of the SEPA countries and territories, see Annex D.
- unique identifier under Section 2.2 or account number and bank a TARGET2 business day6, the Bank shall be entitled to specify the
code of the payer. following TARGET2 business day as the due date in the direct debit
data set.
The Einzugsermächtigung may contain additional details
supplementing the authorization data. (4) If the customer does not present any SEPA core direct debit under
a SEPA direct debit mandate within a period of 36 months
(3) Before the first SEPA core direct debit is collected, the customer
(calculated from the due date of the last SEPA core direct debit
must notify the payer of the changeover from collection by direct
presented), he/she must cease collecting direct debits under this
debit based on an Einzugsermächtigung
mandate and shall be obligated to obtain a new SEPA direct debit
(Einzugsermächtigungslastschrift) to collection by SEPA core
mandate if he/she wishes to collect SEPA core direct debits from
direct debit, indicating the creditor identifier and the mandate
the payer thereafter. The Bank shall not be obligated to verify
reference in text form. Where requested by the Bank, the
compliance with the measures referred to in sentence 1.
customer must duly demonstrate that it notified the payer as
required in sentence 1. (5) The Bank shall send the SEPA core direct debit, if presented
punctually and properly, to the payer’s payment service provider
(4) The first SEPA core direct debit that is issued after the changeover
so that the payment can be debited on the due date contained in
from the direct debit based on collection authorization shall be
the direct debit data set.
tagged as a first direct debit. The date of signature by the payer
indicated in the data set for the direct debits presented shall be
2.7 Execution of the payment transaction and returned direct
the date of notification of the payer as specified in paragraph 3.
2.4.3 Record-keeping requirement (1) The payer’s payment service provider remits the amount debited
by it to the payer’s account on the basis of the SEPA core direct
The customer shall be obligated to retain the SEPA direct debit debit to the Bank.
mandate given by the payer – including any changes – in the legally
required form. Once the mandate expires, it must be retained for a (2) If a direct debit is not paid by the payer’s payment service provider
period of not less than 14 months calculated from the date of or is returned because a refund is claimed by the payer, the Bank
presentation of the last direct debit collected. shall cancel the conditional credit entry or credit entry. It shall do
so irrespective of whether a periodic balance statement has been
issued in the meantime.
2.4.4 Revocation of the SEPA direct debit mandate by the
3 SEPA business to business (B2B) direct debit scheme
If a payer revokes a SEPA direct debit mandate vis-à-vis the customer,
the customer may not collect any further SEPA core direct debits on 3.1 Main characteristics of the SEPA B2B direct debit scheme
the basis of this SEPA direct debit mandate.
The SEPA B2B direct debit scheme is governed by the SEPA B2B Direct
If a SEPA core direct debit is returned to the customer for the following Debit Scheme Rulebook issued by the European Payments Council. The
reason: “No mandate/unauthorized transaction”, the payer’s payment SEPA B2B direct debit scheme may only be used by payers who are not
service provider thereby informs the customer that the payer has consumers.
revoked the SEPA direct debit mandate given to the customer. The
The SEPA B2B direct debit scheme enables a payer to make payments
customer may then not collect any further SEPA core direct debits on
in euros to the payee through his/her payment service provider within
the basis of this SEPA direct debit mandate.
the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA7).
2.5 Notification of SEPA core direct debit collection For the execution of payments by SEPA B2B direct debit
The customer must notify the payer of SEPA core direct debit - the payee and the payee’s payment service provider must use the
collection no later than 14 calendar days before the due date of the SEPA B2B direct debit scheme and
first SEPA core direct debit payment (e.g. by issuing an invoice); the - the payer must give the SEPA B2B direct debit mandate to the payee
customer and the payer may also agree a different notification period. before the payment transaction and
For recurrent direct debits for the same amounts, it shall be sufficient
to notify the payer once before the first direct debit collection and to - the payer must inform to the payer’s payment service provider that
indicate the dates when payments are due. the SEPA B2B direct debit mandate has been given.
The customer, as the payee, initiates the respective payment
2.6 Presentation of the SEPA core direct debits transaction by presenting the direct debits to the payer’s payment
(1) The SEPA direct debit mandate given by the payer shall remain service provider through the Bank.
with the customer as the payee. The customer shall take over the For authorized SEPA B2B direct debit payments, the payer shall not be
authorization data and enter any additional details in the data set entitled to claim a refund of the amount debited to his/her account
for collection of SEPA core direct debits. The respective direct from his/her payment service provider.
debit amount and the date on which the direct debit payment is
due shall be specified by the customer. If the SEPA core direct 3.2 Unique identifier
debit is drawn on an account held by the payer outside the
European Economic Area (EEA), the payer’s address should be The customer must use
additionally indicated in the data set. - the IBAN issued to him/her by the Bank, plus for cross-border direct
(2) The customer shall send the data set for collection of the SEPA debit collections in countries outside the European Economic Area
core direct debit to the Bank electronically in compliance with the (EEA) the BIC of the Bank, as his/her unique identifier and
agreed presentation periods. The direct debit must be tagged in - the IBAN notified to him/her by the payer, plus for cross-border
accordance with Annex C. The payer’s payment service provider direct debit collections in countries outside the European Economic
(payer bank) shall be entitled to process the direct debit according Area (EEA) the BIC of the payer’s payment service provider, as the
to how it is tagged. unique identifier of the payer.
(3) If the due date specified by the customer in the data record is not
The Bank is entitled to collect the direct debits solely on the basis of 3.5 Notification of SEPA B2B direct debit collection
the unique identifiers provided to it.
The customer must notify the payer of SEPA B2B direct debit collection
no later than 14 calendar days before the due date of the first SEPA
3.3 Transmission of direct debit data
B2B direct debit payment (e.g. by issuing an invoice); the customer and
When SEPA B2B direct debits are used, the direct debit data may be the payer may also agree a different notification period.
forwarded by the Bank to the payer’s payment service provider
For recurrent direct debits for the same amounts, it shall be sufficient
through the message transmission system of the Society for
to notify the payer once before the first direct debit collection and to
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), which is
indicate the dates when payments are due.
based in Belgium and has operating centres in the European Union,
Switzerland and the United States.
3.6 Presentation of the SEPA B2B direct debit
3.4 SEPA B2B direct debit mandate (1) The SEPA B2B direct debit mandate given by the payer shall
remain with the customer. The customer shall take over the
3.4.1 Giving the SEPA direct debit mandate authorization data and enter any additional details in the data set
for collection of SEPA B2B direct debits. The respective direct
The customer must obtain a SEPA B2B direct debit mandate from the debit amount and the date on which the direct debit payment is
payer before presenting SEPA B2B direct debits. The SEPA B2B direct due shall be specified by the customer. If the SEPA B2B direct debit
debit mandate must contain the following statements by the payer: is drawn on an account held by the payer outside the European
Economic Area (EEA), the payer’s address should be additionally
- a statement authorizing the costumer to collect payments from the
indicated in the data set.
payer’s account by SEPA B2B direct debit and
(2) The customer shall send the data set for collection of the SEPA
- a statement instructing the payer’s payment service provider to pay
B2B direct debit to the Bank electronically in compliance with the
B2B direct debits drawn by the costumer on the payer’s account.
agreed presentation periods. The direct debit must be tagged in
For this purpose, the customer must use the text attached as Annex accordance with Annex C. The payer’s payment service provider
B.4 or an identical text in an official language of the countries and (payer bank) shall be entitled to process the direct debit according
territories listed in Annex D in accordance with the rules laid down by to how it is tagged.
the European Payments Council (see
(3) If the due date specified by the customer in the data set is not a
TARGET2 business day19, the Bank shall be entitled to specify the
The mandate must, in addition, include the following details: following TARGET2 business day as the due date in the direct debit
data set.
- name and address of the customer and the customer’s creditor
identfier (where customers are resident in Germany, this is assigned (4) If the customer does not present any SEPA B2B direct debit under
by the Deutsche Bundesbank; see http://glaeubiger- a SEPA B2B direct debit mandate within a period of 36 months, (calculated from the due date of the last SEPA B2B direct debit
presented), the customer must cease collecting direct debits
- indication whether the mandate is for a one-off payment or
under this mandate and shall be obligated to obtain a new SEPA
recurrent payments
B2B direct debit mandate if he/she wishes to collect SEPA B2B
- name of the payer direct debits from the payer thereafter. The Bank shall not be
- unique identifier of the payer (see Section 3.2) obligated to verify compliance with the measures referred to in
sentence 1.
- signature by the payer
(5) The Bank shall send the SEPA B2B direct debit, if presented
- date of signature by the payer punctually and properly, to the payer’s payment service provider
- The mandate reference assigned individually by the costumer so that the payment can be debited on the due date contained in
the direct debit data record.
- Shall, in conjunction with the payee identifier, clearly identify each
mandate 3.7 Execution of the payment transaction and returned direct
shall up to 35 alphanumeric digits long debits
may form part of the mandate or must be subsequently (1) The payer’s payment service provider remits the amount debited
notified to the payer. by it to the payer’s account on the basis of the SEPA B2B direct
debit to the Bank.
The SEPA B2B direct debit mandate may contain additional details
supplementing the aforementioned data. (2) If a direct debit is not paid by the payer’s payment service
provider, the Bank shall cancel the conditional credit entry. It shall
do so irrespective of whether a periodic balance statement has
3.4.2 Record-keeping requirement been issued in the meantime.
The customer shall be obligated to retain the SEPA B2B direct debit
man-date – including any changes – given by the payer in the legally
required form. Once the mandate expires, it must be retained for a
period of not less than 14 months calculated from the date of
presentation of the last direct debit collected.
TARGET2 stands for Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express
Transfer System. TARGET2 is open every day except Saturday, Sunday, New Year, Good
Friday, Easter Monday, 1 May and 25 and 26 December.
Business days are set out in the “List of prices and Services” (Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis)
Annex B.1
By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) [NAME OF PAYEE] to send instructions to your payment service provider to debit your
account and (B) your payment service provider to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from [NAME OF PAYEE].
As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your payment service provider under the terms and conditions of your agreement
with your payment service provider. A refund must be claimed with 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was de bited.
Payer’s payment service provider (name and BIC)
IBAN: |_____|_____|_____|_____|__
Pursuant to Section 4.4.1 of the “Terms and Conditions for Direct Debit Collection”, the text of the SEPA direct debit mandate is binding.
Annex B.2
Text of the SEPA business-to-business (B2B) direct debit mandate21 to the payee
By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) [name of payee] to send instructions to your payment service provider to debit your account
and (B) your payment service provider to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from [name of payee] . This mandate is only
intended for business-to-business transactions. You are not entitled to a refund from your payment service provider after your account has
been debited, but you are entitled to request your payment service provider not to debit your account up until the day on which the payment
is due.
Payer’s payment service provider (name and BIC)
IBAN: |_____|_____|_____|_____|__
Pursuant to Section 5.4.1 of the “Terms and Conditions for Direct Debit Collection”, the text of the SEPA direct debit mandate is binding.
Annex C
Annex D
Payments which the costumer makes to payee the direct debits to the Bank through his/her payment service
provider. If a payment which has been made on the basis of a SEPA
(creditors) by SEPA core direct debit through core direct debit is authorized, the customer shall be entitled to claim
his/her account with the Bank shall be subject to a refund of the amount debited from the Bank. Such claim must be
made within eight weeks starting from the date on which the
the following terms and conditions.
customer’s account was debited.
1 General
2.1.2 Unique identifiers
1.1 Definition The customer must use the IBAN 22 notified to him/her plus for
crossborder payments (outside the European Economic Area 23) the
A direct debit is a payment transaction initiated by the payee and BIC24 of the Bank, as his/her unique identifier vis-à-vis the payee, since
debited to the customer’s account where the amount of the payment the Bank is entitled to execute the payment by SEPA core direct debit
is specified by the payee. solely on the basis of the unique identifier provided to it. The Bank and
the intermediary institutions involved will execute the payment to the
1.2 Charges and changes therein payee using the IBAN, plus for cross-border payments outside the EEA
the BIC, indicated by the payee in the direct debit data set as the
1.2.1 Charges for consumers customer’s unique identifier.
The charges for direct debits shall be set out in the “List of Prices and
Services” (Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis). 2.1.3 Transmission of direct debit data
Any changes in the charges shall be offered to the customer in text When SEPA core direct debits are used, the direct debit data may be
form no later than two months before their proposed date of entry forwarded to the Bank by the payee’s payment service provider
into force. If the customer has agreed an electronic communication through the message transmission system of the Society for
channel with the Bank within the framework of the business Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), which is
relationship, the changes may also be offered through this channel. based in Belgium and has operating centres in the European Union,
The customer ma indicate either approval or disapproval of the Switzerland and the United States.
changes before their proposed data of entry into force. The changes
shall be deemed to have been approved by the customer, unless the 2.2 SEPA direct debit mandate
customer has indicated disapproval before their pro-posed date of
entry into force. The Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s 2.2.1 Giving the SEPA direct debit mandate
attention to this consequent approval in its offer.
The customer shall give a SEPA direct debit mandate to the payee. With
If the customer is offered changes in the charges, the customer may it, the customer authorizes the Bank to pay SEPA core direct debits
also terminate the business relationship free of charge with immediate drawn by the payee. The mandate must be given in writing or in the
effect before the proposed date of entry into force of the changes. The manner agreed with the Bank. This authorization shall at the same time
Bank shall expressly draw the customer’s attention to this right of contain the customer’s explicit consent to the payment service
termination in its offer. Changes in charges for the payment services providers and any intermediary institutions involved in the collection
framework contract (current account agreement) shall be governed by of the direct debit to retrieve, process, transmit and store the personal
No.12, paragraph 5 of the General Business Conditions (Allgemeine data required for the execution of the direct debit.
Geschäftsbedingungen). The SEPA core direct debit mandate must contain the following
statements by the customer:
1.2.2 Charges for customers who are not consumer
- a statement authorizing the payee to collect payments from the
Charges for payments by customers and any changes in these shall customer’s account by SEPA core direct debit and
continue to be governed by No. 12, paragraphs 2 – 6 of the banks’
General Business Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen). - a statement instructing the Bank to pay SEPA core direct debits
drawn by the payee on the costumer’s account.
2 SEPA core direct debit The SEPA core direct debit mandate must contain the following
authorization data:
2.1 General
- identification of the payee
2.1.1 Main characteristics of the SEPA core direct debit scheme - creditor identifier
The SEPA core direct debit scheme enables the customer to make - indication whether the mandate is for a one-off or recurrent
payments in euros to the payee through the Bank within the Single payment
Euro Payments Area (SEPA). SEPA comprises the countries and - name of customer (if available)
territories listed in the Annex.
- name of customer’s bank, and
For the execution of payments by SEPA core direct debit
- customer unique identifier (see Section 2.1.2)
- the payee and the payee’s payment service provider must use the
SEPA core direct debit scheme and The direct debit mandate may contain additional details
supplementing the authorization data.
- the customer must give the SEPA core direct debit mandate to the
payee before the payment transaction.
The payee initiates the respective payment transaction by presenting
22 24
International Bank Account Number Bank Identifier Code
For the member countries, see Annex D.
2.2.2 Collection authorisation (Einzugsermächtigung) as a SEPA 2.4 Payment transaction based on the SEPA core direct debit
direct debit mandate
If the customer has given collection authorization 2.4.1 Debiting the customer’s account with the direct debit
(Einzugsermächtigung) to the payee, authorizing the payee to collect amount
payments from his/her ac-count by direct debit, the customer thereby (1) On receipt of SEPA core direct debits drawn by the payee, the
instructs the Bank at the same time to pay the direct debits drawn on amount specified by the payee shall be debited to the customer’s
his/her account by the payee. With the collection authorization, the account on the due date indicated in the direct debit data set. If
customer authorizes the Bank to pay direct debits drawn by the payee. the due date is not a banking business day as stated in the “List of
This collection authorization shall be deemed to be a SEPA direct debit Prices and Services”, the account shall be debited on the next
mandate. Sentences 1 – 3 shall apply also to collection authorization banking business day.
given by the customer prior to the entry into force of these Terms and
Conditions. (2) The customer’s account shall not be debited or a debit entry shall
be cancelled no later than the second bank working day 25 after it
Collection authorization must contain the following authorization was made (see Section 2.4.2) if
- the Bank has received notice of the SEPA direct debit mandate
- name and address of the payee pursuant to Section 2.2.3,
- name of the customer - the customer does not have a sufficient credit balance on the
- customer’s unique identifier in accordance with Section 2.1.2 or account or sufficient credit for payment of the direct debit (lack
account number (Kontonummer) and bank code (Bankleitzahl). of funds); the Bank shall not pay partial amounts,
Collection authorization may contain additional details supplementing - the payer’s IBAN indicated in the direct debit data set cannot be
the authorization data. as-signed to to any account held by the customer with the Bank
2.2.3 Revocation of the SEPA direct debit mandate - the direct debit cannot be processed by the Bank because the
The SEPA direct debit mandate may be revoked by the customer by direct data set
means of a statement to this effect – if possible, in writing – to the does not contain a creditor identifier or contains one which is
payee or the Bank, with the result that subsequent payment evidently wrong to the Bank
transactions are no longer authorized. If notice of revocation is given
to the Bank, it shall take effect from the banking business day, as does not contain a mandate reference
stated in the “List of Prices and Services”, following the day on which does not indicate the date on which the mandate was given
it is received. Notice of revocation should, in addition, be given to the or
payee so that the payee does not collect any further direct debits.
does not indicate the due date.
2.2.4 Limitation and disallowance of SEPA core direct debits (3) In addition, the customer’s account shall not be debited or a debit
entry shall be cancelled no later than the second bank working day
The customer may separately instruct the Bank to limit or disallow
after it was made (see Section 2.4.2) if this SEPA core direct debit
payments under SEPA core direct debits. This instruction must be
is countermanded by a separate instruction from the customer
received by the Bank no later than the end of the banking business
pursuant to Section 2.2.4.
day, as stated in the “List of Prices and Services”, before the due date
indicated in the direct debit data set. This instruction should, if
possible, be given in writing and to the account-keeping branch of the 2.4.2 Payment of SEPA core direct debits
Bank. It should, in addition, be given to the payee. SEPA core direct debits are paid if the debit entry in the customer’s ac-
count has not been cancelled later than the second bank working day
2.3 Collection of the SEPA core direct debit by the payee under after it was made.
the SEPA core direct debit mandate
(1) The SEPA core direct debit mandate given by the customer shall 2.4.3 Notification of non-execution or cancellation of the debit
remain with the payee. The payee shall take over the entry or refusal of a payment
authorization data and enter any additional details in the data set The Bank shall inform the customer without delay, and no later than
for collection of SEPA core direct debits. The respective direct the time agreed in Section 2.4.4, of non-execution or cancellation of
debit amount shall be specified by the payee. the debit entry (see Section 2.4.1, paragraph 2) or refusal to pay a SEPA
(2) The payee shall send the data set for collection of the SEPA core core direct debit (see Section 2.4.2). This may be done also through
direct debit to the Bank (payer bank) electronically through the agreed ac-count information channel. The Bank shall, if possible,
his/her payment service provider. This data set shall also state the reasons and indicate ways in which errors that led to the non-
represent the customer’s instruction to the Bank in the SEPA execution, cancellation or refusal can be rectified.
direct debit mandate to pay the respective SEPA core direct debit For the legitime refusal to pay an authorized SEPA core direct debit
(see Section 2.2.1, sentences 2 and 4 and Section 2.2.2, sentence due to a lack of funds (see Section 2.4.1, paragraph 2, second bullet
2). For delivery of this instruction, the Bank shall waive the form point), the Bank shall levy the charge set out in the “List of Prices and
agreed for giving the SEPA direct debit mandate (see Section 2.2.1, Services”.
sentence 3).
2.4.4 Executing of the payment
(1) The Bank shall be obligated to ensure that the amount debited by
it to the customer’s account on the basis of the SEPA core direct
debit presented by the payee is received by the payee’s payment
Bank working days are all working days except Saturdays, 24 December and 31 December.
service provider within the execution period indicated in the “List duly executed.
of Prices and Services” at the latest.
(4) If a payment transaction was not executed or not executed
(2) The execution period shall commence on the due date indicated correctly, the Bank shall, at the customer’s request, reconstruct
in the direct debit data set. If this date is not a banking business the processing of the payment and inform the customer of the
day as stated in the “List of Prices and Services”, the execution result thereof.
period shall commence on the following banking business day.
(3) The Bank shall inform the customer of the execution of the 2.6.3 Compensation for neglect of duty
payment through the agreed account information channel and at
(1) In the case of noon-execution, incorrect execution or delayed
the agreed frequency.
execution of an authorized payment, or if a payment is
unauthorized, the customer may request the Bank to provide
2.5 Customer’s entitlement to a refund for an authorized compensation for any loss or damage not already covered by
payment Sections 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. This shall not apply if the Bank is not
(1) If a payment which has been made on the basis of a SEPA core responsible for the neglect of duty. The Bank shall be liable in this
direct debit is authorized, the customer shall be entitled to claim connection for any fault on the part of an intermediary institution
a no-questions-asked refund of the amount debited from the to the same extent as for any fault on its own part. If the customer
Bank. Such claim must be made within eight weeks starting from has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
the date on which the customer’s account was debited. The Bank culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
shall restore the balance of the customer’s account to what it determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must
would have been without debiting for the payment. Any claims by bear the loss or damage.
the payee against the customer shall not be affected by this. (2) Liability under paragraph 1 shall be limited to € 12,500. This
(2) The entitlement to a refund under paragraph 1 shall be precluded limitation on liability shall not apply to
as soon as the amount of the direct debit entry has been expressly - unauthorized payments
authorized by the customer directly to the Bank.
- cases of deliberate intent or gross negligence by the Bank
(3) The customer’s entitlement to a refund for a non-executed or
incorrectly executed authorized payment shall be determined by - risks which the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis, and
Section 2.6.2. - if the customer is a consumer, loss of interest incurred by the
2.6 Customer’s entitlement to a refund and compensation
2.6.4 Entitlement of customers who are not consumers
2.6.1 Refund for an unauthorised payment
By way of derogation from the entitlement under Section 2.6.2 and
If a payment is not authorized by the customer, the Bank shall have no 2.6.3, customers who are not consumers shall only have a claim for
claim against the customer for reimbursement of its expenses. It shall compensation – besides any claims for restitution under Sections 667
be obligated to refund the amount debited to the customer’s account and 812 ff. of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB)
to the customer without delay and to restore the balance of this – for an unauthorized payment that is not executed, not executed
account to what it would have been without debiting for the correctly or executed with a delay or for an unauthorized payment in
unauthorized payment. This obligation must be fulfilled no later than accordance with the following rules:
the end of the business day as indicated in the “List of Prices and
- The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own part. If the customer
Services” which comes after the day on which the Bank was notified
has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or damage through
that the payment is unauthorized, or the Bank has obtained
culpable conduct, the principles of contributory negligence shall
knowledge thereof by other means. If the Bank has informed a
determine the extent to which the Bank and the customer must bear
competent authority in writing of legitimate reasons for suspecting
the loss or damage.
fraudulent conduct on the part of the customer, the Bank shall be
required to consider and to fulfill its obligation arising from sentence - The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of intermediary
2 without delay if its suspicion of fraud is not confirmed. institutions chosen by it. In such cases, the Bank’s liability shall be
limited to the careful selection and instruction of the first
2.6.2 Entitlement in the case of non-execution, incorrect intermediary institution. The amount of the customer’s claim for
delayed execution of authorised payments compensation shall be limited to the amount of the direct debit, plus
the charges and interest levied by the Bank.
(1) In the case of non-execution or incorrect execution of an
authorized payment, the customer may request the Bank to - Where claims for consequential loss or damage are asserted, such
refund the direct debit amount in full without delay insofar as the claims shall be limited to a maximum of € 12,500 per payment. This
payment was not executed or executed incorrectly. The Bank shall limitation of liability shall not apply to deliberate intent or gross
then restore the balance of the customer’s ac-count to what it negligence by the Bank or to risks which the Bank has assumed on
would have been without debiting for the incorrectly executed an exceptional basis or to unauthorized payments.
payment transaction.
2.6.5 Preclusion of liability and objection
(2) Over and above the entitlement under paragraph 1, the customer
may request the Bank to refund the charges and interest levied on (1) Any liability by the Bank under Sections 2.6.2 – 2.6.4 shall be
him/her or debited to his/her account in connection with the non- precluded in the following cases:
execution or incorrect execution of the payment.
- The Bank proves to the customer that the full amount of the
(3) If the amount of the direct debit does not reach the payee’s payment reached the payee’s payment service provider in due
payment service provider until after expiry of the execution time.
period referred to in Section 2.4.4. (2) (delay), the payee may
- The payment was executed in conformity with the incorrect
request the payment service provider to credit the amount of the
unique identifier of the payee provided by the payee. In this
direct debit to the payee’s account as if the payment had been
case, the customer may, however, request the Bank to make
Payments which the customer26 who is not a 2.2 SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
The payee initiates the respective payment transaction by presenting - indication of whether the mandate is a one-off payment or for
the direct debits to the Bank through his/her payment service recurrent payments
provider. If a payment which has been made on the basis of a SEPA - date on which the mandate was signed.
B2B direct debit is authorized, the customer shall not be entitled to
claim a refund of the amount debited to his/her account from the For this purpose, the customer may also send the Bank a copy of the
Bank. SEPA B2B direct debit mandate.
The customer must notify the Bank without delay and, if possible, in
2.1.2 Unique identifiers writing of any changes to or cancellation of the SEPA B2B direct debit
mandate given to the payee.
The customer must use the IBAN 27 notified to him/her, plus for
crossborder payments (outside the European Economic Area)28 the
2.2.3 Revocation of the SEPA B2B direct debit mandate
BIC29 of the Bank, as his/her unique identifier vis-à-vis the payee, since
the Bank is entitled to execute the payment by SEPA B2B direct debit The SEPA B2B direct debit mandate may be revoked by the customer
solely on the basis of the unique identifier provided to it. The Bank and by means of a statement to this effect to the Bank. Revocation shall
the intermediary institutions involved will execute the payment to the take effect from the banking business day, as stated in the “List of
payee using the IBAN and BIC indicated by the payee in the direct debit Prices and Services” (Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis), following the
data set as the customer’s unique identifier. day on which notice of revocation is received.
Notice of revocation should, if possible, be given in writing and to the
2.1.3 Transmission of direct debit data
account-keeping branch of the Bank. It should, in addition, be given to
When SEPA B2B direct debits are used, the direct debit data may be the payee. Revocation of the SEPA B2B direct debit mandate shall not
forwarded to the Bank by the payee’s payment service provider cover SEPA B2B direct debits already debited to the customer’s
through the message transmission system of the Society for account. In their case, Section 2.2.4, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply.
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), which is
based in Belgium and has operating centres in the European Union,
Switzerland and the United States.
26 27
Under Section 13 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB), a consumer International Bank Account Number (Internationale Bankkontonummer)
means any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside For the member countries, see Annex
their trade, business or profession. Bank Identifier Code (Bank-Identifizierungscode).
2.2.4 Rejection of individual SEPA B2B direct debits direct data set
(1) The customer may separately instruct the Bank not to pay certain does not contain a creditor identifier or contains one which is
SEPA B2B direct debits drawn by the payee. This instruction must evidently wrong to the Bank
be received by the Bank no later than the end of the banking
does not contain a mandate reference
business day, as stated in the “List of Prices and Services”, before
the due date indicated in the direct debit data set. This instruction does not indicate the date on which the mandate was given
should, if possible, be given in writing and to the account-keeping or
branch of the Bank. It should, in addition, be given to the payee.
does not indicate the due date.
(2) A SEPA B2B direct debit entry on the debit date may only be
rejected on this date if the customer and the Bank have agreed 2.4.2 Payment of SEPA B2B direct debits
thereupon. The agreement shall become effective if the Bank
manages to finally recover the direct debit amount. For handling SEPA B2B direct debits are paid if the debit entry in the customer’s
such a revocation by the customer, the Bank shall levy the charge account has not been cancelled later than the second bank working
set out in the “List of Prices and Services”. day after it was made.
(3) The SEPA B2B direct debit may no longer be rejected by the 2.4.3 Notification of non-execution or cancellation of the debit
customer after the date on which the debit entry is made. entry or refusal of payment
2.3 Collection of the SEPA B2B direct debit by the payee under The Bank shall inform the customer without delay, and no later than
the SEPA B2B direct debit mandate the time agreed in Section 2.4.4, of non-execution or cancellation of
the debit entry (see Section 2.4.1, paragraph 2) or refusal to pay a SEPA
(1) The SEPA B2B direct debit mandate given by the customer shall B2B direct debit (see Section 2.4.2). This may be done also through the
remain with the payee. The payee shall enter the authorization agreed account information channel. The Bank shall, if possible, state
data and any additional details in the data set for collection of the reasons and indicate ways in which errors that led to the non-
SEPA B2B direct debits. The respective direct debit amount shall execution, cancellation or refusal can be rectified. For the legitime
be specified by the payee. refusal to pay an authorized SEPA B2B direct debit due to a lack of
(2) The payee shall send the data set for collection of the SEPA B2B funds (see Section 2.4.1, paragraph 2, fourth bullet point), the Bank
direct debit to the Bank (payer bank) electronically through shall levy the charge set out in the “List of Prices and Services”.
his/her payment service provider. This data set shall also
represent the customer’s instruction to the Bank in the SEPA B2B 2.4.4 Execution of the payment
direct debit mandate to pay the respective SEPA B2B direct debit
(1) The Bank shall be obligated to ensure that the amount debited by
(see Section 2.2.1, sentences 2 and 5). For delivery of this
it to the customer’s account on the basis of the SEPA B2B direct
instruction, the Bank shall waive the form agreed for giving the
debit presented by the payee is received by the payee’s payment
SEPA B2B direct debit mandate (see Section 2.2.1, sentence 3).
service provider within the execution period indicated in the “List
of Prices and Services” at the latest.
2.4 Payment transaction based on the SEPA B2B direct debit
(2) The execution period shall commence on the due date indicated
2.4.1 Debiting the direct debit amount to the in the direct debit data set. If this date is not a banking business
customer’saccount day as set out in the “List of Prices and Services”, the execution
period shall commence on the following banking business day.
(1) On receipt of SEPA B2B direct debits drawn by the payee, the
(3) The Bank shall inform the customer of the execution of the
amount specified by the payee shall be debited to the customer’s
payment through the agreed account information channel and at
account on the due date indicated in the direct debit data set. If
the agreed frequency.
the due date is not a banking business day as stated in the “List of
Prices and Services”, the account shall be debited on the next
2.5 Preclusion of entitlement to a refund for an authorized
banking business day.
(2) The customer’s account shall not be debited or a debit entry shall
If a payment which has been made on the basis of a SEPA B2B direct
be cancelled no later than the third bank working day30 after it was
debit is authorized, the customer shall not be entitled to claim a refund
made if
of the amount debited to his/her account from the Bank; any claims
- the Bank has received no confirmation from the customer pursuant to Section 675x of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches
pursuant to Section 2.2.2 Gesetzbuch – BGB) shall be precluded. The customer’s entitlement to
a refund for non-execution or incorrect execution of an authorized
- the Bank has received notice of revocation of the SEPA B2B
payment shall be determined by Section 2.6.2.
direct debit mandate pursuant to Section 2.2.3
- the Bank has received notice of rejection of the customer’s 2.6 Customer’s entitlement to a refund and compensation
direct debit pursuant to Section 2.2.4
- the customer does not have a sufficient credit balance on the 2.6.1 Refund for an unauthorised payment
account or sufficient credit for payment of the direct debit (lack
If a payment is not authorized by the customer, the Bank shall have no
of funds); the bank shall not pay partial amounts
claim against the customer for reimbursement of its expenses. It shall
- the payer’s IBAN indicated in the direct debit data set cannot be be obligated to refund the amount debited to the customer’s account
assingend to any account held by the customer with the Bank to the customer without delay and to restore the balance of this
or account to what it would have been without debiting for the
unauthorized payment. This obligation must be fulfilled no later than
- the direct debit cannot be processed by the Bank because the
the end of the business day as indicated on the “List of Prices and
Bank working days are all working days except Saturdays and 24 and 31 December.
Services” which comes after the day on which the Bank was notified (2) Any claims by the customer under Sections 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 and any
that the payment is unauthorized, or the Bank has obtained objections by the customer against the Bank as a result of non-
knowledge thereof by some other means. If the Bank has informed a execution or incorrect execution of payments or as a result of
competent authority in writing of legitimate reasons for suspecting unauthorized payments shall be precluded if the customer fails to
fraudulent conduct on the part of the customer, the Bank shall be inform the Bank thereof within a period of 13 months at the latest
required to consider and to fulfill its obligation arising from sentence after being debited for an unauthorized or incorrectly executed
2 without delay if its suspicion of fraud is not confirmed. payment. This period shall start to run only once the Bank has
informed the customer about the debit entry for the payment
2.6.2 Compensation for neglect of duty through the agreed account information channel no later than
one month after the debit entry was made; otherwise the date on
(1) In case of non-execution, incorrect execution or delyayed which the customer is informed shall determine when the period
execution of an authorized payment, or if a payment is commences. The customer may assert claims for compensation
unauthorized, the customer may, the customer may – besides any resulting from fault-based liability of the Bank under Section 2.6.2
claims for restitution under Sections 667 and 812ff. of the German also after expiry of the period referred to in sentence 1 if he/she
Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) request the Bank to was prevented, through no fault of his/her own, from adhering to
provide compensation for any loss or damage incurred as a result this period.
in accordance with the following rules.
(3) Any claims by the customer shall be precluded if the
- The Bank shall be liable for any fault on its own part. If the circumstances substantiating a claim
customer has contributed to the occurrence of any loss or
damage through culpable conduct, the principles of - are based upon an abnormal and unforeseeable event beyond
contributory negligence shall determine the extent to which the the control of the Bank and whose consequences could not have
Bank and the customer must bear the loss or damage. been avoided even by exercising due dilligence
- The Bank shall not be liable for any fault on the part of - or were brought about by the bank as a result of statutory
intermediary institutions chosen by it. In such cases, the Bank’s obligation.
liability shall be limited to the careful selection and instruction
of the fist intermediary institution.
- The Bank’s liability for any loss or damage shall be limited to the
amount of the direct debit, plus the charges and interest levied
by the Bank. Where consequential loss or damage is involved,
liability shall, in addition, be limited to a maximum of € 12,500
per direct debit. This limitation of liability shall not apply to
deliberate intent or gross negligence by the bank or to risks
which the Bank has assumed on an exceptional basis or to
unauthorized payments.
Any claims pursuant to Section 675y of the German Civil Code
(Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch – BGB) shall be precluded.
1 Scope of services (6) In addition, the customer must produce for each presentation and
each retrieval of files an electronic protocol which complies with
(1) The Bank shall be at the disposal of customers (account holders)
the provisions of Section 10 of the EBICS Connection Specification
who are not consumers for remote data transmission by
(Annex 1b). The customer must hold this protocol on file and make
electronic means, referred to hereinafter as “remote data
it available to the Bank on request.
transmission” or “RDT”. Remote data transmission comprises the
presentation and retrieval of files (particularly transmitting orders (7) If the Bank provides the customer with data concerning payment
and calling up information). transactions which have not yet been finally processed, this data
shall merely constitute non-binding information. It shall be
(2) The Bank shall inform customers of the types of services they may
specifically marked as such in each case.
use within the scope of remote data transmission. The use of
remote data transmission shall be subject to the transaction limits (8) The order data submitted by remote data transmission must, as
agreed with the Bank. agreed with the Bank, be authorised either by an electronic
signature or by a signed note accompanying the data
(3) Remote data transmission shall be possible via the EBICS
(Begleitzettel)/batch order (Sammelauftrag). This order data shall
connection (Annexes 1a – 1c).
become legally effective as an order
(4) The structure of the data sets and files used for transmitting
a) when submitted with an electronic signature:
orders and calling up information is described in the Data Format
Specification (Annex 3). - if all necessary user electronic signatures have been
received by remote data transmission within the agreed
2 Users and subscribers, identification and security media period of time and
(1) Orders can be placed via the EBICS connection only by the - if the electronic signatures can be successfully verified with
customer or the customer’s authorised representatives. The the agreed keys
customer and the authorised representatives are referred to
b) or when submitted with an accompanying note
collectively hereinafter as “users” (Nutzer). In order to authorise
(Begleitzettel)/batch order (Sammelauftrag):
order data sent by remote data transmission, each user shall
require individual identification media activated by the Bank. The - if the accompanying note/batch order has been received by
identification media requirements are specified in Annex 1a. If the Bank within the agreed period of time and
agreed with the Bank, order data sent by re- mote data
- if the accompanying note/batch order has been signed in
transmission may be authorised by means of a signed note
ac- cordance with the account mandate.
accompanying it (Begleitzettel)/batch order (Sammelauftrag).
(2) In addition to authorised representatives, the customer can name 4 Obligation to exercise due diligence when handling the
“technical subscribers” (technische Teilnehmer) for the exchange identification media for authorising orders
of data via the EBICS connection. Such technical subscribers shall (1) Depending on the transmission procedure agreed with the Bank,
only be authorised to exchange data. Users and technical the customer shall be obligated to ensure that all users comply
subscribers are referred to collectively hereinafter as with the identification procedures set out in Annex 1a.
“subscribers” (Teilnehmer). To protect the exchange of data, each
subscriber shall require individual security media activated by the (2) The user may place orders using the identification media activated
Bank. The security media requirements are set out in Annex 1a. by the Bank. The customer shall ensure that each user takes care
that no other person obtains possession of their identification
3 Procedural provisions medium or gains knowledge of the password protecting it. This is
because any other person who is in possession of the medium or
(1) The data transmission procedure agreed between the customer a duplicate there- of and knows the corresponding password can
and the Bank shall be subject to the requirements set out in Annex misuse the agreed services. In order to keep the identification
1a and in the technical interface documentation (Annex 1b) and media secret, the following must be observed in particular:
the Data Format Specification (Annex 3).
- The data identifying the user must be protected against
(2) The customer shall be obligated to ensure that all subscribers unauthorised access and kept in a safe place.
com- ply with the RDT procedure and the specifications.
- The password protecting the identification medium must not be
(3) Data field entries shall be governed by the data field entry and written down or stored electronically.
control guidelines for the format used in each case (Annex 3).
- When entering the password, care must be taken to ensure that
(4) The user must correctly state the unique identifier of the payee or no other persons can view it.
payer in accordance with the relevant special terms and
conditions. The payment service providers involved in handling
5 Obligation to exercise due diligence when handling the security
the payment order shall be entitled to process it solely on the
media for data exchange
basis of the unique identifier. Incorrect details may result in the
payment order being misrouted. Any loss or damage incurred as a When using the EBICS connection, the customer shall be obligated to
result thereof shall be borne by the customer. ensure that all subscribers comply with the security procedures set out
in Annex 1a.
(5) Before transmission of the order data to the Bank, a record of the
full contents of the files to be transmitted and of the data The subscriber shall secure the data exchange using the security media
transmitted for verification of identification must be made. This activated by the Bank. The customer shall be obligated to ensure that
record must be kept by the customer for a minimum period of 30 each subscriber takes care that no other person obtains possesion of,
calendar days from the date of execution (for credit transfers) or or can use, their security medium. Particularly if it is filed in a technical
due date (direct debits) indicated in the file or, where several system, the subscriber’s security medium must be stored in a technical
dates are indicated, from the latest such date. Unless otherwise environment which is protected against unauthorised access. This is
agreed, it must be demonstrably kept in such a way that it can be because any other person who has access to the security medium or a
made available to the Bank again at short notice on request. duplicate thereof may misuse the data exchange.
(2) The Bank shall verify by means of the signatures generated by the 10 Security of the customer system
subscribers with the security media whether the sender is
authorised to exchange data. If this verification reveals any The customer shall ensure that the systems they use for remote data
discrepancies, the Bank shall not process the order data transmission are adequately protected. The EBICS security
concerned and shall notify the customer thereof without delay. requirements are set out in Annex 1c.
(3) The Bank shall verify the identification of the user(s) and 11 Liability
authorisation of the order data delivered by remote data
transmission on the basis of either the electronic signatures 11.1 Liability of the Bank for unauthorised RDT transactions and
generated by the users with the identification media or the non-execution, incorrect execution or delayed execution of
accompanying note (Begleitzettel)/ batch order (Sammelauftrag) RDT transactions
and whether the order data sets comply with the provisions of
Annex 3. If this verification reveals any discrepancies, the Bank The liability of the Bank for unauthorised RDT transactions and non-
shall not process the order data in question and shall notify the execution, incorrect execution or delayed execution of RDT
customer thereof without delay. The Bank may delete any order transactions shall be governed by the special terms and conditions
data that has not been fully authorised after expiry of the time agreed for the respective order type (e.g. Terms and Conditions for
limit separately notified by the Bank. Credit Transfers).
(4) If the verification of the files or data sets performed by the Bank
11.2 Liability of the customer for misuse of the identification or
in accordance with Annex 3 reveals errors, the Bank shall indicate
security media
the files or data sets containing errors in appropriate form and
notify the user thereof without delay. The Bank may exclude the
files or data sets containing errors from further processing if 11.2.1 Liability of the customer for unauthorised payment
proper execution of the order cannot be ensured. transactions before a request to block access
(5) The Bank shall be obligated to document the procedures (see (1) If unauthorised payment transactions conducted before a request
Annex 1a) and the forwarding of orders for processing in the to block access are due to the misuse of identification or security
customer protocol. The customer shall be obligated to call up the media, the customer shall be liable vis-à-vis the Bank for the loss
protocol promptly and ascertain the status of order processing. In or dam- age incurred by the Bank if the subscriber has negligently
the event of any discrepancies, the customer shall contact the or wilfully breached their obligations to exercise due diligence.
Bank. Section 675y of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch
[BGB]) shall not apply.
8 Recall/revocation (2) The customer shall not be obligated to provide compensation for
(1) The customer may recall a file before the order data has been loss or damage under paragraph 1 if the subscriber was unable to
authorised. Individual order data can only be changed by recalling issue the request to block access under Section 6 (1) because the
the entire file and placing the order again. The Bank can only Bank failed to ensure that it had the means to receive such
accept a recall if the recall reaches it early enough to be taken into requests to block access and the loss or damage would in this way
account in the regular course of business. have been avoided.
(2) The extent to which an order can be revoked shall be governed by (3) Liability for loss or damage caused within the period of time for
the relevant special terms and conditions (e.g. Terms and which the transaction limit applies shall be limited in each case to
Conditions for Credit Transfers). Orders can be revoked outside the agreed transaction limit.
the RDT procedure or, where agreed with the customer, in (4) Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not apply if the subscriber acted with
accordance with the provisions of Section 11 of Annex 3. For this fraudulent intent.
purpose, the customer must provide the Bank with the individual
details of the original orders.
12 Final provisions
The Annexes referred to in these terms and conditions shall form part
of the agreement concluded with the customer.
Annex 1a: EBICS Connection the order data must be encrypted in accordance with the EBICS
Connection Specification (see Annex 1b) by the customer, taking into
account the cur- rent validity and authenticity of the Bank’s stored
1 Identification and security procedures public keys.
The customer (account holder) shall indicate the RDT subscribers and In addition, transport encryption is required on the external
their authorisations to the Bank. transmission routes between the customer and bank systems. The
customer must en- sure the use of software which, in accordance with
The following identification and security procedures shall be used for the requirements of the EBICS Connection Specification (see Annex
the EBICS connection: 1b), verifies the current validity and authenticity of the server
- Electronic signatures certificates used by the Bank for this purpose.
- Transport signature (Type “T”) - Further specific details of customer and subscriber authorisations.
Type “E”, “A” or “B” ESs are referred to as “banking ESs”. Banking ESs For the subscribers assigned to the customer, the Bank shall issue a
are used to authorise orders. Orders may require several banking ESs user ID which clearly identifies the subscriber. If one or more technical
which must be provided by different users (account holders and their sub- scribers are assigned to the customer (multi-user system), the
authorised representatives). For each order type supported, Bank shall issue a system ID in addition to the user ID. If no technical
aminimum number of re- quired banking ESs shall be agreed between subscriber is specified, the system ID and user ID are identical.
the Bank and the customer.
2.2 Initialisation of subscriber keys
Type “T” ESs, which are called “transport signatures”, are not used for
banking authorisation of orders, but solely for transmitting orders to The key pairs used by the subscriber for the banking ESs, encryption of
the bank system. “Technical subscribers” (see Section 2.2) may only be the order data and the authentication signature shall, in addition to
as- signed a type “T” ES. the general conditions set out in Section 1, comply with the following
The programme used by the customer can generate different messag-
es (e.g. domestic and international payment orders, but also messages 1. The key pairs are assigned exclusively and unambiguously to the
for initialisation, calling up protocols and retrieving account and subscriber.
turnover information, etc.). The Bank shall let the customer know 2. If the subscriber generates their keys independently, the private
which types of message can be used and which type of ES must be keys must be generated by means which the subscriber can keep
applied in each case. under their sole control.
1.2 Authentication signature 3. If the keys are made available by a third party, it must be ensured
that the subscriber obtains sole possession of the private keys.
In contrast to the ES, which is used to sign order data, the
authentication signature is configured via the individual EBICS 4. As regards the private keys used for identification, each user shall
message including the control and log-in data and the ES contained define a password for each key which protects access to the
therein. With the exception of a few system-determined order types respective private key.
defined in the EBICS Specification, the authentication signature is 5. As regards the private keys used to protect the data exchange,
provided by both the customer system and the bank system in every each subscriber shall define a password for each key which
transaction step. The customer must ensure the use of software protects access to the respective private key. This password may
which, in accordance with the EBICS Connection Specifi- cation (see be dispensed with if the subscriber’s security medium is stored in
Annex 1b), verifies the authentication signature of each EBICS a technical environment which is protected against unauthorised
message transmitted by the Bank, taking into account the current access.
validity and authenticity of the Bank’s stored public keys.
Initialisation of the subscriber by the Bank requires transmission of the
1.3 Encryption sub- scriber’s public keys to the bank system. For this purpose, the
subscriber shall transmit their public keys to the Bank via two
In order to ensure the secrecy of the banking data at application level, independent communication channels:
- via EBICS by means of the system-determined order types provided banking author- isation, the order is stored in the bank system
for this purpose. until all necessary ESs have been submitted.
- via an initialisation letter signed by the account holder or an (3) If the customer and the Bank agree that order data delivered by
authorized representative. RDT may be authorised by means of a separately transmitted
accompanying note (Begleitzettel)/batch order (Sammelauftrag),
For initialisation of the subscriber, the Bank shall verify the
a transport signature (type “T”) must be provided for the technical
authenticity of the public subscriber keys transmitted via EBICS on the
protection of the order data instead of the user’s banking ES. To
basis of the initiali- sation letters signed by the account holder or an
this end, the file must bear a special tag indicating that there are
authorised representative.
no further ESs for this order other than the transport signature
The initialisation letter shall contain the following data for each public (type “T”). The order is authorised once the Bank has successfully
sub- scriber key: verified the user’s signature on the accompanying note
(Begleitzettel)/batch order (Sammelauftrag).
- Purpose of the public key
- Electronic signature 3.1 Issuing orders by means of the Distributed Electronic
- Authentication signature Signature (VEU)
- Encryption The manner in which the Distributed Electronic Signature will be used
by the customer must be agreed with the Bank.
- Version supported by each key pair
The Distributed Electronic Signature shall be used if orders are to be
- Specification of exponent length au- thorised independently of the transport of the order data and, if
- Hexadecimal representation of the public key’s exponent applicable, by several subscribers.
- Specification of the modulus length Until all banking ESs necessary for authorisation are available, the
order can be deleted by an authorised user. If the order has been fully
- Hexadecimal representation of the public key’s modulus authorised, it can only be recalled/revoked in accordance with Section
- Hexadecimal representation of the public key’s hash value 8 of the Terms and Conditions for Remote Data Transmission.
The Bank shall verify the signature of the account holder or authorised The Bank may delete orders that have not been fully authorised after
representative on the initialisation letter and whether the hash values expiry of the time limit notified separately by the Bank.
of the subscriber’s public key transmitted via EBICS are identical with
those transmitted in writing. If verification is positive, the Bank shall 3.2 Verification of identification by the Bank
activate the relevant subscriber for the agreed order types. Order data delivered by remote data transmission shall be executed
as an order by the Bank only after the necessary banking ESs or the
2.3 Initialisation of bank keys signed accompanying note (Begleitzettel)/batch order
The subscriber shall collect the Bank’s public key using a system- (Sammelauftrag) have been received and positively verified.
determined order type specifically designated for this purpose.
3.3 Customer protocols
The hash value of the public bank key shall additionally be made
available by the Bank via a second communication channel agreed The Bank shall document the following in customer protocols:
separately with the customer. - Transmission of the order data to the bank system
Before using EBICS for the first time, the subscriber shall verify the - Transmission of information files from the bank system to the
authen- ticity of the public bank keys sent to them by remote data customer system
transmission by comparing their hash values with the hash values
notified by the Bank via the separately agreed communication - Result of each verification of identification for orders from the
channel. customerto the bank system
The customer must ensure use of software which verifies the validity - Further processing of orders where these concern signature verifica-
of the server certificates used in transport encryption by means of the tion and the display of order data.
certification path notified separately by the Bank. The subscriber shall consult the result of the verifications carried out
by the Bank by promptly calling up the customer protocol.
3 Placing orders with the Bank
The subscriber shall file this protocol, the contents of which shall
The user shall verify the accuracy of the order data and ensure that comply with the provisions of Section 10 of Annex 1b, in its records
only this data is signed electronically. When initialising and make it available to the Bank on request.
communication, the Bank shall first conduct subscriber-related
authorisation verifications, such as order type authorisation or, if 4 Change of subscriber keys with automatic activation
applicable, agreed limit verifications. The results of further banking
verifications such as limit verifications or account authorisation If the identification and security media used by the subscriber are valid
verifications shall be notified to the customer in the customer protocol for a limited period of time, the subscriber must transmit the new
at a later date. An exception shall be the online verification of order public subscriber keys to the Bank promptly before the expiry date.
data by the Bank agreed with the customer on an optional basis. After the expiry date of the old keys has passed, a new initialisation
must be per- formed.
Order data transmitted to the Bank system may be authorised a
follows: If the subscriber generates their keys personally, they must renew the
sub- scriber keys using the system–determined order types provided
(1) All necessary banking ESs are transmitted together with the order for this purpose and transmit them promptly before expiry of the old
data. keys.
(2) If a Distributed Electronic Signature (Verteilte Elektronische To automatically activate new keys without renewed subscriber
Unterschrift [VEU]) has been agreed with the customer for the initialisation, the following order types shall be used:
respective order type and the ESs transmitted are insufficient for
Annex 1b:
EBICS Connection Specification
The specification is available at
Annex 1c:
Security Requirements for the EBICS Customer System
In addition to the security measures set out in Annex 1a (5), the
customer must comply with the following requirements:
- The software used by the customer for the EBICS procedure must
meet the requirements set out in Annex 1a.
- EBICS customer systems may not be used without a firewall. A
firewall is an application which monitors all incoming and outgo- ing
messages and allows only known or authorised connections.
- A virus scanner must be installed and regularly updated with the
latest virus definition files.
- The EBICS customer system should be configured in such a way that
subscribers must log in before using it. They should log in as a
normal user and not as an administrator who is authorised, for
example, to carry out programme installations.
- The internal IT communication channels for unencrypted banking
data or for unencrypted EBICS messages must be protected against
1 General procedural provisions and scope of service must notify the Bank of the specific details of the original order.
4 Monitoring of files by the Bank
(1) Paperless exchange of data by means of remote data transmission
and the use of service data centres with sole authorisation by (1) If discrepancies are discovered between the file and the
accompanying documents is offered to customers on the basis of accompanying note during processing, the customer is notified. In
the following conditions. such a case the order is not processed.
(2) In paperless data exchange using service data centres, the central (2) If errors are detected during the checks made by the Bank, the
agency nominated by the Bank receives files relating to bank Bank is entitled to exclude incorrect datasets from subsequent
transfer and direct debit orders that have been created by the processing, if the proper execution of the order cannot be
service data centre commissioned by the customer. Where this assured. In such cases the customer is notified without delay by
has been separately agreed, the Bank provides account statement the agreed means.
information for collection by the service data centre
commissioned by the customer. 5 Execution of orders
(3) For orders placed by the customer, the Bank or the central agency (1) The Bank will process the orders if all the following conditions are
nominated by it keeps the files sent to it available for 14 calendar met:
days from delivery of the data. After expiry of this period, the
- The order data supplied by the service data centre have been
customer (account holder) can no longer place an order for the
execution of these files. Account statement information is made
available for collection by the central agency to the service data - The specified data format is complied with.
centre for a period of not less than 10 calendar days, beginning on
- The conditions for processing in terms of the relevant
the day of the daily closing.
conditions for the particular order type are met (e.g. sufficient
(4) A condition for this process is that the service data centres have account coverage for the transfer business).
reached a suitable agreement with the Bank or central
(2) If the conditions for execution as per paragraph 1 are not met, the
agency/receiving office, recognising the “Guidelines for the
Bank will not process the order and will notify the customer of this
involvement of service data centres in paperless data exchange by
without delay by the agreed means. Where possible the Bank will
remote data transmission (RDT)”. The customer must notify the
indicate to the customer the reasons and errors that led to the
Bank immediately in writing if a different service data centre is
refusal to process the order, and possible ways by which the
errors can be corrected.
2 Order placement (3) The order data sent to the Bank from the service data centre are
processed within the framework of the normal course of
(1) With the accompanying note signed by the customer, he
authorises the Bank to execute the order to process the transfer
and/or direct debit orders contained in the files transmitted by
the service data centre to the Bank. The customer receives an
accompanying note already completed and a checklist from the
service data centre. He must check the correctness of the
information in the accompanying note. No changes can be made
to the accompanying note. The Bank is authorised to perform the
order on the basis of the content it contains. If the customer
receives, at his instigation, a corrected accompanying note from
the service data centre, he must use this when issuing the order
to the Bank. The original accompanying note can then not be used
for authorisation. The accompanying note states the period within
which authorisation is possible by this method.
For payment orders the customer must correctly enter the
customer identification (account number and sort code or IBAN
and BIC) of the payer and the customer identification of the
recipient (account number and sort code or IBAN and BIC or other
identification of the payment provider of the recipient).
The payment services providers nominated in the payment order
are entitled to process the order solely on the basis of the
customer identifications given. Incorrect information may result
in the incorrect processing of the order.
3 Recall of orders
(1) No recall of a file is possible once the associated accompanying
note has been received by the Bank.
(2) Changes to the content of a file can only be made by recalling the
file and placing the order again.
(3) Individual transfer or direct debit orders can only be recalled
outside the process. The possibility of recalling an order is
determined by the special conditions applicable to it (e.g. terms
and conditions for bank transfer business). To do so, the customer