Ultrasonic Testing of Welds
Ultrasonic Testing of Welds
Ultrasonic Testing of Welds
When sound energy is injected into a specimen, the 3.1 Longitudinal Wave
energy is originating from a transducer, which
causes material displacement within the specimen. There are many wave modes of ultrasonic
These displacements move through the specimen vibration. The wave modes most widely used in
and are sensed by another transducer positioned at ultrasonic testing are: longitudinal, shear, surface
the end of the specimen. The energy transmitted by and plate waves. Longitudinal waves are the waves
the transducer may be pulsed or continuous. in which the particle vibrations are moving back
and forth in the direction of wave propagation.
Longitudinal wave can travel through solid, liquid,
3.11 Resonance
Figure 2 Mode Conversions
Resonance is defined as the characteristic of a
vibrating body, under certain conditions, to
3.8 Critical Angles resonate or vibrate in sympathy with a vibration
source. The vibration source in this case is the
As the angle of incidence increases the angle of transducer. And the vibrations are continuous
refraction also increases. When the angle of longitudinal waves.
refraction of a longitudinal wave reaches 90º, the
wave emerges from the second medium and travels A resonant condition will exist anytime a
parallel to the interface or surface. The angle of continuous longitudinal wave is introduced into a
incidence, at which the refracted longitudinal wave specimen and reflected “in phase” with the
travels along the interface, is called ‘1 st critical incoming wave. Standing waves are set up with
angle’. considerable increase in amplitude.
For greater angle of incidence, the longitudinal The transmitted and reflected waves in a specimen
wave mode is totally reflected and no longer exists will be “in phase” only when the specimen
in the second medium. Now if the angle of thickness is equal to half wavelength or whole
incidence is increased further, at Second critical number multiples thereof. In other words,
angle, the angle of refraction for the shear wave resonance will occur only when the thickness of the
becomes 90º and the shear wave travels parallel to specimen is equal to half-wavelength or exact
the interface or surface. multiples of half wavelength.
For incident beam angle beyond this second critical From the following relationship
angle, total internal reflection occurs. Both
longitudinal and shear waves are reflected into the V = n where
first medium. No incident beam energy is V = velocity, n = frequency & = wavelength
transmitted through the interface. Usually, the angle it is clear that if the frequency is changed, the
of incidence in the plastic wedge will be decided to wavelength will also change. By applying this one
have shear wave in steel at various known angle of can set up a resonant condition in any material
refraction like, shear wave in steel at 45, 60, 70, 80 thickness, by simply varying the frequency of the
deg. transmitted wave till a half wavelength or one of its
exact multiples equals the material thickness. So
3.9 Surface Wave the resonance will occur anytime a continuous
longitudinal wave is transmitted into a specimen
When the incident beam is at its second critical and the frequency is varied till standing waves are
angle (Shear wave traveling parallel to the surface), set up.
a third wave mode is developed. This wave is
called “surface wave” or “Rayleigh” wave. Its The fundamental frequency is the minimum
characteristic particle vibration is elliptical. Surface frequency at which a given material thickness will
(Rayleigh) wave travels only on the surface of a resonate. It is also the frequency at which resonance
solid material, the penetration is about one amplitude will be the highest. And since the
wavelength. Velocity is 0.9 times that of shear wavelength and frequency are related to material
wave and damped out by placing finger, water or thickness, the fundamental resonant frequency can
grease on the surface. be determined from the formula
Transducer selection for a given application is done Figure 3 Types of Probes - Normal Probe &
on the basis of size (active area) of the piezo- Dual Crystal Probe
electric element, characteristic frequency,
frequency bandwidth and the type (construction) of 5.0 CALIBRATION AND REFERENCE
search unit. Both the amount of sound energy BLOCKS
transmitted into the material being inspected
(radiated power) and beam divergence are directly Ultrasonic testing is basically a comparison process
related to the size (active area) of the transducer and requires the use of calibration (Figure 4) and
element. Thus it is sometimes advisable to use a reference blocks (Figure 5) for preparing the
larger search unit to obtain depth of penetration or equipment and probe before putting to use on the
greater sound beam area. actual job. Time base calibration is done with
standard calibration blocks, like International
The results of an ultrasonic weld examination are given in a report which includes all the necessary
information required, to take decisions on the acceptance of the defects revealed by the ultrasonic
examination, to facilitate repairs of non acceptable defects and to permit the examination to be repeated. The
required information may therefore be divided into following groups:
General data relating specifically to the weld under examination such as order, drawing, and weld
numbers, weld dimensions, time and place of the examination, name and signature of the operator.
Further particulars of the weld with respect to weld preparation, welding procedure, material of the
parent metal, surface condition, temperature etc.
Special data relating to the ultrasonic techniques used including make and type of ultrasonic equipment,
make, type, frequency and angle of refraction of probes, coupling medium, technique of probes,
coupling medium, technique of examination, calibration of the equipment.
Reference gain or Sensitivity setting with reference to the applied specification or reference reflector
Data concerning the results of the examination.
Additional data, which may concern limitations of the examination because of the geometry or other