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MONEL® nickel-copper alloy 400 (UNS N04400/ Table 1 - Limiting Chemical Composition, %,
W.Nr. 2.4360 and 2.4361) is a solid-solution alloy that of MONEL Alloy 400
can be hardened only by cold working. It has high
Nickel (plus Cobalt) .....................................................63.0 min.
strength and toughness over a wide temperature range
Carbon ..........................................................................0.3 max.
and excellent resistance to many corrosive
environments. Composition is shown in Table 1. Manganese ...................................................................2.0 max.
Alloy 400 is widely used in many fields, especially Iron................................................................................2.5 max.
marine and chemical processing. Typical applications Sulfur ........................................................................0.024 max.
are valves and pumps; pump and propeller shafts; Silicon ...........................................................................0.5 max.
marine fixtures and fasteners; electrical and electronic Copper ......................................................................28.0 - 34.0
components; springs; chemical processing equipment;
gasoline and fresh water tanks; crude petroleum stills,
process vessels and piping; boiler feedwater heaters and Table 2 - Physical Constants of MONEL Alloy 400a
other heat exchangers; and deaerating heaters.

MONEL alloy 400

Density, g/cm3 .....................................................................8.80
lb/in.3 ...................................................................0.318
Melting Range, °F .....................................................2370-2460
°C .....................................................1300-1350
PHYSICAL CONSTANTS AND Modulus of Elasticity, 103 ksi
THERMAL PROPERTIES Tension .............................................................................26.0
Compression ....................................................................26.0
The physical constants and thermal properties of Torsion ................................................................................9.5
MONEL alloy 400 are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The Poisson’s Ratio ....................................................................0.32
effect of temperature on modulus of elasticity in tension Curie Temperature, °F .....................................................70-120
is in Figure 1. °C ......................................................21-49
It will be noted in Table 2 that the Curie
temperature lies within the ambient range. It is affected a
These values also apply to MONEL alloy R-405, the free-machining
by variations in chemical composition. The values version of MONEL alloy 400.
shown represent the range which can be expected from
normal production; therefore, some heats will be
magnetic at room temperature and others not. If there is

a strong requirement for nonmagnetic characteristics,
other MONEL alloys should be considered.

Publication Number SMC-053

Copyright © Special Metals Corporation, 2002 (Sep 02)

MONEL, INCONEL, and INCOFLUX are trademarks of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies.

The data contained in this publication is for informational purposes only and may be revised at any time without
prior notice. The data is believed to be accurate and reliable, but Special Metals makes no representation or
warranty of any kind (express or implied) and assumes no liability with respect to the accuracy or completeness of
the information contained herein. Although the data is believed to be representative of the product, the actual
characteristics or performance of the product may vary from what is shown in this publication. Nothing contained
in this publication should be construed as guaranteeing the product for a particular use or application.
MONEL ® alloy 400

Table 3 - Thermal Properties of MONEL Alloy 400

Temperature Mean Linear Expansionb Thermal Conductivitya Specific Heata Electrical Resistivitya,c
°F °C in/in/°F x 10 -6
µm/m•°C 2
Btu-in/h/ft /°F W/m•°C Btu/lb/°F J/kg•°C ohm-circ mil/ft µΩ •m
-320 -200 - - - - - - 205 .360
-300 -180 6.1 11.1 113 16.5 0.050 223 - -
-200 -130 6.4 11.4 130 18.2 0.078 320 - -
-100 -70 6.7 12.1 139 19.8 0.088 378 - -
70 21 - - 151 22.0 0.102 427 307 0.511
200 100 7.7 14.2 167 24.0 0.105 445 322 0.537
400 200 8.6 15.2 193 26.9 0.110 459 337 0.559
600 300 8.8 15.7 215 30.1 0.114 470 346 0.574
800 400 8.9 16.1 238 33.4 - - 355 0.587
1000 500 9.1 16.3 264 36.5 - - 367 0.603
1200 600 9.3 16.6 287 39.4 - - 379 0.620
1400 700 9.6 17.0 311 42.4 - - 391 0.639
1600 800 9.8 17.4 335d 45.5d - - 403 0.658
1800 900 10.0d 17.7d 360d 48.8d - - 415 0.675
2000 1000 10.3d 18.1d - - - - 427 0.692
These values also apply to MONEL alloy R-405, the free-machining version of MONEL alloy 400.
Annealed material. Between 70°F (21°C) and temperature shown.
Annealed material.

Tensile Properties and Hardness
The nominal room-temperature tensile properties of
25 MONEL alloy 400 are shown in Table 4. Additional data on
hardness of various tempers of sheet and strip are in Table 5.
Figures 2 and 3 are based on typical data that show
Modulus of Elasticity, 103 ksi

24 relationships between properties of rods and forgings and

sheet and strip.
23 Short-time high-temperature properties of hot-rolled
annealed material are shown in Figure 4.
MONEL alloy 400 has excellent mechanical properties
at subzero temperatures. Strength and hardness increase
with only slight impairment of ductility or impact resistance.
21 The alloy does not undergo a ductile-to-brittle transition
even when cooled to the temperature of liquid hydrogen.
20 This is in marked contrast to many ferrous materials which
are brittle at low temperatures despite their increased
strength. Table 6 shows mechanical properties of the alloy at
low temperatures.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature, °F

Figure 1. Effect of temperature on modulus of elasticity in tension

of MONEL alloy 400 (determined by dynamic method).

MONEL ® alloy 400

Table 4 - Nominal Room-Temperature Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400a

Yield Strength Hardness

Tensile Strength Elongation,
Form and Condition (0.2% Offset)
% Brinell
ksi MPa ksi MPa Rockwell B
Rod and Bar
Annealed 75-90 517-620 25-50 172-345 60-35 110-149 60-80
Hot-Finished (except Hexagons over
80-110 552-758 40-100 276-690 60-30 140-241 75-100
2 1/8 inches and Angles)
Hot-Finished Hexagons over 2 1/8
75-100 517-690 30-55 207-379 50-30 130-184 72-90
inches and Angles
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved 84-120 579-827 55-100 379-690 40-22 160-225 85-20C
Hot-Rolled, As-Rolled 75-95 517-655 40-75 276-517 45-30 125-215 70-96
Hot-Rolled, Annealed 70-85 482-586 28-50 193-345 50-35 110-140 60-76
Annealed 70-85 482-586 30-45 207-310 45-35 - 65-80
Cold-Rolled, Hard 100-120 690-827 90-110 621-758 15-2 - 93 min.a
Strip, Cold-Rolled
Annealed 70-85 482-586 25-45 172-310 55-35 - 68 max.a
Spring Temper 100-140 690-965 90-130 621-896 15-2 - 98 min.a
Tube and Pipe, Seamless
Cold-Drawn, Annealed 70-85 482-586 25-45 172-310 50-35 - 75 max.a
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved 85-120 586-827 55-100 379-690 35-15 - 85-100a
Heat-Exchanger, Annealed 70-85 482-586 28-45 193-310 50-35 - 75 max.a
Hot-Extruded -b -b -b -b -b - -b
No. 1 Temper (Annealed) 85 max. 586 max. 30-45 207-310 45-30 - 73 max.a
No. 2 Temper (Half-Hard) 85-105 586-724 55-80 379-552 30-10 - 75-97a
No. 3 Temper (Full-Hard) 110-130 758-896 90-110 621-758 10-3 - 95-27C
Wire, Cold Drawnc
Annealed 70-95 482-655 30-55 207-379 45-25 - -
No. 1 Temper 85-100 586-690 50-75 345-517 30-20 - -
Quarter-Hard 95-120 655-827 65-95 448-655 25-15 - -
Half-Hard 110-135 758-931 85-120 586-827 15-8 - -
Three-Quarter-Hard 125-150 862-1034 100-135 690-931 8-5 - -
Full-Hard--Spring Temper 145-180 1000-1241 125-170 862-1172 5-2 - -

The ranges shown are composites for various product sizes and therefore are not suitable for specification purposes. Hardness values are suitable for
specification purposes providing tensile properties are not also specified.
Properties on request.
Properties shown are for sizes from 0.032 to 0.250-in. diameter. Properties for other sizes may vary from these.

Torsional Strength Table 5 - Hardness of Cold-Rolled MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet and Strip

Some torsional properties of alloy 400 are shown in Table 7. Rockwell B Hardness
Sheet Strip
Deep-Drawing and Spinning Quality 76 max. 76 max.
Compressive Strength Annealeda 73 max. 68 max.
Skin-Hard - 68-73
Compressive properties, determined in triplicate on single
Quarter-Hard 73-83 73-83
typical melts, are shown in Table 8 along with the
Half-Hard 82-90 82-90
corresponding tensile properties and hardness. The modulus
of elasticity in compression is the same as that in tension. Three-Quarter-Hard - 89-94
More detailed information may be found elsewhere. Hard 93 min. 93-98
Spring - 98 min.
Hardness for information only where tensile requirements apply.

MONEL ® alloy 400

120 120

100 100
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset) • Tensile Strength, ksi

Yield Strength (0.2% Offset) • Tensile Strength, ksi

Tensile Strength

Elongation • Reduction of Area, %

Tensile Strength
80 80

Elongation, %
Reduction of Area
60 60
60 Elongation 60
Yield Strength

40 40
40 40

Yield Strength
20 Elongation 20
20 20

0 0 0 0
60 70 80 90 100 60 70 80 90 100
Rockwell B Rockwell B
10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25
Hardness Rockwell C Hardness Rockwell C

Figure 2. Approximate relationships between tensile properties and Figure 3. Approximate relationships between tensile properties and
hardness of hot-rolled and cold-drawn MONEL alloy 400 rods and hardness of MONEL alloy 400 sheet and strip.

Table 6 - Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400 at Low Temperatures

Temperature, Tensile Strength, Yield Strength Elongation, Reduction of Area,

°F ksi (0.2% Offset), ksi % %
Cold-Drawn Room 103.8 93.7 19.0 71.0
-110 117.45 100.85 21.8 70.2
Rooma 103.4 93.3 17.3 72.5
Forged 70 92.0 67.0 31.0 72.7
-397 128.25 91.5 44.5 71.8
-423 142.0 96.4 38.5 61.0
Annealed 70 78.65 31.3 51.5 75.0
-297 115.25 49.5 49.5 73.9
Held at -110°F for several hours prior to testing at room temperature.

MONEL ® alloy 400

90 Shear Strength
Room-temperature shear strength of MONEL alloy 400
Tensile Strength sheet is shown in Table 9. The values are the averages of
80 several tests. The shear strength of rivet wire at various
temperatures is given in Table 10. Shear properties were
determined on 1/8-in. diameter wire in double shear.
In U.S. Navy tear tests at temperatures down to -320°F,
70 the material showed excellent ductility and tough fracture
characteristics over this temperature range with the
maximum load increasing considerably with decrease in
temperature. The data appear in Table 11.
Stress, ksi • Elongation, %

Bearing Strength
50 Elongation It is possible, in riveted joints, for failure to occur by tearing
out a segment of sheet instead of by shearing the rivet. The
resistance of sheet metal to this deformation is known as
bearing strength. It can be evaluated by using a hard pin or
rivet to enlarge or tear a hole in a sample of sheet metal.
The data shown in Table 12 were determined with
samples 0.062 X 1.25 X 2.5 in. in size having a 3/16-in. hole
30 located so that its center was 3/8-in. from the edge. A snugly
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset) fitted pin was placed in the hole. The maximum load for
tearing out the hole and the load required for a permanent
enlargement of the hole diameter by 2% were determined
20 and calculated as ultimate and yield strengths, respectively,
in bearing.


0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature, °F

Figure 4. High-temperature properties of annealed MONEL alloy 400.

Table 7 - Torsional Properties of MONEL Alloy 400

Tensile Properties Torsional Properties Ratio

Dia., Yield Breaking Tortional
Form and Condition Tensile Breaking Proportional Proportional
in. Strength Strength Propertional
Strength, Strength, Limit, Limit/Torsional
(0.2% Offset), Torsional/Ten Limit/Tensile
ksi ksi ksi Breaking
ksi sile Strength Strength
Cold-Drawn, 75% 0.148 157 - 110 68 0.700 0.433 0.618
Cold-Drawn, 75%
Stress-Relieved 0.148 160 - 105 65 0.656 0.404 0.619
Hot-Rolled 1 86 38 66 23 0.768 0.267 0.349
Cold-Drawn 1.5 113 102 71 45 0.628 0.398 0.634

MONEL ® alloy 400

Table 8 - Compressive Properties of MONEL Alloy 400

Compression Tension
Temper Yield Strength Yield Strength Tensile Strength, Yield Strength Yield Strength Elongation,
(0.01% Offset), ksi (0.2% Offset), ksi ksi (0.01% Offset), ksi (0.2% Offset), ksi %
Hot-Rolled 33 38 84 37 41 39.5
Cold-Drawna 58 81 97 75 87 27.0
Annealedb 19 28 78 28 33 44.0
Stress-equalized at 525°F after cold drawing.
Cold-drawn +1450°F/3 hr, F.C.

Table 9 - Shear Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheeta Table 10 - Shear Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rivet Wire

Ratio Condtion
Shear Tensile Shear Property
Thickness, Hardness, Annealed B & S No. 1a
Temper Strength, Strength, Strength/
in. Rb Shear Strength, ksi
ksi ksi Tensile
Strength Room 48.5 54.5
Hot-Rolled, 600b 45.0 52.0
0.042 48.75 73.0 65 0.67
Annealed 800b 37.0 47.5
Cold-Rolled, 1000b 29.0 38.0
0.029 49.5 76.8 60 0.65
Annealed 800c 38.5 49.5
1000c 30.5 38.5
Double-shear tests at room temperature. Tensile Strength, ksi 78.5 88.0
Yield Strength
46.0 75.5
(0.2% Offset), ksi
Elongation, % 41 18
Corresponds to the approximate strength of the shank of a headed rivet.
30 min at temperature before testing.
24 hr at temperature before testing.

Table 11 - U. S. Navy Tear Tests on MONEL Alloy 400 Hot-Rolled Platea

Corrected Energy Values Reduction of

Temperature, Maximum Load,
°F lb Initiation Propagation Total %
Room 32,340 715 2008 2723 57.0
-184 39,000 649 2402 3051 50.0
-238 42,000 795 2408 3203 51.0
-320 47,800 899 2802 3701 46.0
-320b 41,300 676 2138 2814 45.0
In all cases, appearance of fracture was double-cup shear.
Tested with jeweler’s-saw notch

Table 12 - Bearing Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet

Tensile Properties Bearing Strength Ratio, Bearing Strength/

Temper Yield Strength Ultimate
Tensile Strength, Elongation, Yield Strengtha, Ultimate
(0.2% Offset),
% Strengthb, Yield Strength
ksi ksi ksi
Annealed 70.0 27.2 42.5 58.0 145.0 2.13 2.07
Half-Hard 75.8 56.2 32.0 98.1 166.0 1.75 2.19
Full-Hard 117.8 110.0 5.0 162.0 211.5 1.47 1.79
2% enlargement of hole diameter in sheet.
Tearing out of sheet.

MONEL ® alloy 400

Impact Strength Table 13 - Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400a

MONEL alloy 400 is notable for its toughness, which is Impact Strength, ft•lb
maintained over a considerable range of temperatures. Table Izod Charpy U Notch
13 shows room-temperature Charpy and Izod impact
Hot-Rolled 100-120+ 220
strength values as determined on typical material from
Forged 75-115 -
production melts. Tension and torsion impact data appear in
Tables 14 and 15. Complete fractures occurred in the Cold-Drawn 75-115 150
tension impact test specimens whereas the torsion specimens Annealed 90-120+ 215
remained intact. Attempts to produce fractures in the torsion a
Tested at room temperature. None of the specimens was completely
specimens by reducing the minimum area by 75% were not fractured.
successful because of the toughness of the material.

Table 14 - Tension Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod

Tensile Impact Tensile Properties

Temper Impact Elongation Reduction Tensile Elongation Reduction Hardness,
Strength, in 3.54 in., of Area, Strength, in 2 in., of Area, Brinell
(0.2% Offset),
ft•lb % % ksi % % (3000-kg)

Cold Drawn 24% a

96 15.0 63.7 97.25 86.65 27.0 66.4 199
Stess Relieved
Annealed 1450°F/ a
129 29.5 68.0 78.35 33.35 44.0 65.9 123
3 hr

Specimen completely broken.

Table 15 - Charpy Torsion Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod

Impact Strength Angle of Twista, Hardness, Brinell

ft•lb ft•lb/in 2 Degree (3000-kg)

Hot-Rolled 34 694 101.5 145

Cold-Drawn 24%, Stress-Relieved 39 788 98.0 199
Annealed 1450°F/3 hr 30 599 102.0 123
Gage length about 3/16 in.

The effect of decrease of temperature on impact strength Table 16 - Impact Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 (Charpy V-Notch)
appears in Table 16. Impact tests conducted on hot-finished
Impact Strength, ft•lb
plate at liquid-hydrogen and liquid-helium temperatures are Temper
summarized in Table 17. Tests were conducted on samples 75°F -20°F -112°F -310°F
representing both longitudinal and transverse orientation in Hot-Rolled 219 - 213 196
the plate, and on welded samples. No evidence of brittle Cold-Drawn, Annealed 216 212 219 212
fractures was shown. The welded specimens all fractured in Weld, As-Welded 78 - - 73
the weld. No significant amount of anisotropy was

MONEL ® alloy 400

Table 17 - Charpy Impact Strength of Hot-Finished MONEL Alloy 400 Plate

Temperature, Impact Strength,

Notch Orientation
°F ft•lb
-423a V Long. 141-219
-423a V Trans. 121-216
-423a Keyhole Long. 81-87
-423a Keyhole Trans. 72-75
-440b V Long. Unbroken
-440b V Trans. 171-193
-440b Keyhole Long. 123-146
-440b Keyhole Trans. 91-116
Range for 5 tests liquid-hydrogen temperature.
Range for 4 tests at liquid-helium temperature.

Fatigue Strength 80

Fatigue strength of various tempers of alloy 400 is given in 70

Table 18. Values for sheet and strip are in Table 19 and for Stress, ksi
wire in Figure 5. 60

Table 18 - Fatigue Strengtha of MONEL Alloy 400 Rod
Fatigue Ratio, 105 106 107 108
Strength Tensile Fatigue Cycles to Failure
Temper 8 Strength, Strength/
(10 cycles),
ksi Tensile
ksi Strength Figure 5. Fatigue strength of commercially produced MONEL alloy
400 wire (0.0375-in. diameter, cold-drawn 75% after final anneal).
Annealed 33.5 82.0 0.41 Tested in processed condition. Data determined with a rotating-
Hot-Rolled 42.0 88.0 0.48 wire (5000 rpm) arc-fatigue machine.
Cold-Drawn, As-Drawn 40.5 105.0 0.39
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Equalizedb 44.0 104.0 0.42
Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relievedc 37.0 96.5 0.38
Rotating-beam tests of polsihed specimens in air at room temperature and
10,000 rpm.
525°F/3 hr.
1000°F/3 hr.

Table 19 - Fatigue Strength of MONEL Alloy 400 Sheet and Stripa

Fatigue Ratio,
Strength Tensile Fatigue
Temper Strength, Strength/
(108 cycles),
ksi Tensile
ksi Strength
Annealed 21.0 74.7 0.28
Quarter-Hard 24.5 76.5 0.32
Half-Hard 28.5 84.15 0.34
Full-Hard 39.0 126.0 0.31
Full-Hard, Stress-Equilized
41.0 133.0 0.31
(525°F/21 hr)

As-rolled surface. Tested in air at room temperature. Specimen length
parallel to direction of rolling. Completely reversed stress.

MONEL ® alloy 400

Creep and Rupture Properties 100

MONEL nickel-copper alloy 400 is useful at temperatures
up to and including 1000°F in oxidizing atmospheres. 60
Higher temperatures may be employed if the alloy is in a
reducing environment. 40
Creep and rupture properties are shown in Figures 6-10.

Stress, ksi
60 10
8 900°F
40 700°F
4 1000°F
20 800°F
Stress, ksi

8 900°F
6 0.01 0.1
Creep Rate, %/1000 hr
Figure 7. Creep properties of cold-drawn annealed (1500°F/3 hr)
1000°F MONEL alloy 400.


0.01 0.1 60
Creep Rate, %/1000 hr
40 750°F
Figure 6. Creep properties of hot-rolled MONEL alloy 400.

Stress, ksi



2 1000°F

0.01 0.1
Creep Rate, %/1000 hr

Figure 8. Creep properties of 20% cold-drawn stress-relieved

(1000°F/8 hr) MONEL alloy 400.

MONEL ® alloy 400

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

Stress, ksi

Stress, ksi
30 30


20 20
1100°F 950°F


10 10
100 1000 10,000 100 1000 10,000
Rupture Life, hr Rupture Life, hr

Figure 9. Rupture properties of cold-drawn annealed (1500°F/30 Figure 10. Rupture properties of cold-drawn, stress-relieved
min) MONEL alloy 400. (1100°F/8 hr) MONEL alloy 400.

MONEL alloy 400 is a solid-solution binary alloy. As nickel
and copper are mutually soluble in all proportions, it is a
single-phase alloy. It has a face-centered cubic lattice
structure with a lattice parameter of 3.534 A. Figure 11
shows the typical microstructure of the material.
In the unetched condition, a polished specimen of
MONEL alloy 400 will exhibit only randomly dispersed
nonmetallic inclusions. These consist of metal sulfides or
silicates. Under some conditions, graphite particles may
also be present.

Figure 11. Longitudinal section of cold-drawn MONEL alloy 400

rod. Etchant: Sodium cyanide--ammonium persulfate. 100X.

MONEL ® alloy 400

CORROSION RESISTANCE after metal removal. Heating for 1 to 2 hr at 1000° to 1050°F

will relieve strains in either hot or cold-worked products. As
MONEL alloy 400 exhibits resistance to corrosion by many discussed in the section on corrosion, stress relief (1000°-
reducing media. It is also generally more resistant to attack 1200°F/1 hr, followed by slow cooling) is strongly
by oxidizing media than higher copper alloys. This recommended as a precaution against stress-corrosion
versatility makes alloy 400 suitable for service in a variety of cracking in certain environments. As shown in Figure 12,
environments. stress relieving slightly decreases tensile strength, yield
Alloy 400 is widely used in marine applications. While strength, and hardness and slightly increases elongation.
alloy 400 products exhibit very low corrosion rates in Annealing can completely soften work-hardened
flowing seawater, stagnant conditions have been shown to material. Time and temperature required depend on the
induce crevice and pitting corrosion. Alloy 400 is also amount of previous cold work. In general, alloy 400 is
resistant to stress corrosion cracking and pitting in most annealed by the open heating method by holding at 1600° to
fresh and industrial waters. 1800°F for 2-10 min, whereas box annealing is done most
MONEL alloy 400 offers exceptional resistance to satisfactory at 1400° to 1500°F for 1-3 hr at temperature.
hydrofluoric acid in all concentrations up to the boiling The effects of heating on properties of cold-drawn and
point. It is perhaps the most resistant of all commonly used hot-rolled material are compared in Figures 12 and 13. In
engineering alloys. Alloy 400 is also resistant to many these tests, the cold-drawn rod developed an annealed
forms of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids under reducing temper after 3 hr at temperature at 1300°F, and the hot-rolled
conditions. plate, after 3 hr at about 1470°F. More data on time-
For information on the resistance of alloy 400 and other temperature-hardnesss relationships are shown in Figure 14.
alloys to attack by various corrosive media, the reader is They may be used as guides for establishing procedures for
directed to the Special Metals publication “High specific applications.
Performance Alloys for Resistance to Aqueous Corrosion.” Grain growth occurs when material is heated in the
upper portion of the annealing temperature range. Figure 15
indicates grain sizes which may be expected from open
WORKING INSTRUCTIONS annealing of cold-rolled strip.
PICKLING. Pickling can produce bright, clean surfaces on
MONEL alloy 400 can be readily joined and fabricated. By MONEL alloy 400. Procedures and precautionsare
proper control of the amount of hot or cold work and by the described in the Special Metals publication, “Fabricating.”
selection of appropriate thermal treatments, finished
fabrications can be produced to a rather wide range of
mechanical properties.

Heating and Pickling Fabricating

THERMAL TREATMENTS. General procedures and MONEL alloy 400 is readily fabricated by standard
precautions for heating alloy 400 either in preparation for processes. Special recommendations may be found in the
hot working or for achievement of desired mechanical Special Metals publication “Fabricating.”
properties may be found in the Special Metals publication Hot Forming. With respect to its resistance to hot
“Fabricating.” The material will remain bright and free from deformation, MONEL alloy 400 is softer than many steels.
discoloration when heated and cooled in a reducing It can, therefore, be hot-formed into almost any shape.
atmosphere or quenched in an alcohol-water solution. Rate The use of proper temperature during hot forming is
of cooling will have no significant effect. Alloy 400 will important. The range of hot-forming temperatures is 1200°F
form an adherent oxide film if allowed to cool in air after to 2150°F. For heavy reductions, recommended metal
heating. temperature is 1700° to 2150°F. Light reductions may be
Both cold-worked and hot-worked MONEL alloy 400 taken down to 1200°F. Working at the lower temperatures
requires thermal treatment to develop the optimum produces higher mechanical properties and smaller grain
combination of strength and ductility and to minimize size.
distortion during subsequent machining. How thermal Prolonged soaking at hot-working temperatures is
treatment affects properties is shown in Figure 12. detrimental. If a delay occurs during processing, the furnace
Stress equalizing of cold-worked material causes an should be cut back to 1900°F and not brought to temperature
increase in the yield strength at 0.00% offset without marked until operations are resumed. In no case should the alloy be
effects on other properties (see Figure 12). Stress equalizing heated above 2150°F; permanent damage may result.
is done by holding for about 3 hr at a temperature of 575°F. Heavy forging should not be carried out so rapidly that
Stress relieving will reduce stresses without producing a the metal becomes overheated from owrking. The use of an
recrystallized grain structure. This treatment is optical pyrometer is recommended.
recommended to obtain minimum “walking” or distortion

MONEL ® alloy 400

(Larger than 0.0025-in.

Hardness, Rb

105 1800°F

av. dia.)
Hardness 1600°F
Yield Strength
(0.2% Offset)
Stress, ksi


60 Yield Strength
(0.0% Offset)

(0.0025-in. max.
Elongation, %

30 Elongation


av. dia.)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature, °F

(0.0015-in. max.
Figure 12. Effect of annealing (3 hr) on room-termpature properties

av. dia.)
of MONEL alloy 400 cold-drawn rod. Material
Not Soft 1400°F

120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Hardness, Rb

110 Tensile Open Annealing Time to Produce

100 Strength Soft Temper, min
Reduction of Area, %

80 Figure 15. Approximate time required at various temperatures to
Stress, ksi

Reduction of Area
70 produce different grain sizes in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled strip
60 by open annealing.
Yield Strength (0.2% Offset)
Elongation, %

Yield Strength In hot-bending operations the metal should be worked
(0.0% Offset) as soon as possible after removal from the furnace.
0 Preheating tools and dies to about 500°F is helpful to
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
prevent chilling the material while working.
Temperature, °F
A controlled forging procedure is necessary to meet the
Figure 13. Effect of annealing (3 hr) on room-termperature requirements of some specifications for forged, hot-finished
properties of hot-rolled MONEL alloy 400 plate. At 1470°F, parts. Both the amount of reduction and the finishing
material is fully annealed. (Hardness converted from BHN.). temperature must be controlled in order to develop the
desired properties.
One procedure for producing forgings to such
100 specifications consists of taking 30-35% reduction following
the final reheat.
This is accomplished as follows:
1. Reheat.
Hardness, Rb

1400°F 2. Forge to a section having about 5% larger area
than the final shape (take at least 25% reduction).
1800°F 1700°F 1600°F 1500°F 3. Cool to 1300°F.
4. Finish to size (5% reduction).
High-tensile forgings, as described in certain military
40 specifications, also require a minimum of 30-35% reduction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time-at-Temperature, min
following the last reheat manner:
1. Reheat.
Figure 14. Approximate time required at various temperatures to 2. Forge to a section having an area about 25% larger
produce different hardness levels in MONEL alloy 400 cold-rolled than the final shape (take about 5% reduction).
strip by open annealing. 3. Cool to 1300°F.
4. Finish to size (25% reduction).
Grain refinement is achieved by using a temperature of
2000°F for the final reheat and by increasing the amount of
reduction taken after the last reheat.

MONEL ® alloy 400

Cold Forming. MONEL alloy 400 is adaptable to virtually Joining

all methods of cold fabrication. The forces required and the
rate of work hardening are intermediate between those of MONEL alloy 400 is readily joined by conventional
mild steel and Type 304 stainless steel (see Figure 16). processes and procedures. Information on welding, brazing,
and soldering are found in Special Metals: Joining.
Most of the conventional welding processes may be
used to join MONEL alloy 400 to itself or dissimilar alloys.
500 The choice of welding product is dependent upon the
450 INCONEL alloy X-750 INCONEL alloy 625 materials being joined and the environment to which they
will be exposed.
INCONEL alloy 718 Stainless
Steel For shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), MONEL
Type 304
Vickers Hardness No.

Welding Electrode 190 is used to deposit near-matching
INCONEL alloy composition weldments. For some applications, Nickel

Welding Electrode 141, INCO-WELD A Welding Electrode,
00 MONEL alloy or INCONEL Welding Electrode 112 may be preferred.
Nickel 2
200 Properties of weldments deposited with MONEL Welding
150 MONEL alloy 400
Mild Steel (1020) Electrode 190 between 2 sections of MONEL alloy 400
r plate and between sections alloy 400 and carbon steel plate
Aluminum are shown in Tables 29 and 30.
For gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc
welding (GMAW), MONEL Filler Metal 60 is used to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
deposit near-matching composition weldments. For some
Cold Work, %
applications, Nickel Filler Metal 61 or INCONEL Filler
Metal 625 may be preferred. These same filler metals may
Figure 16. Effect of cold work on hardness.
be used for submerged arc welding (SAW). INCOFLUX 5
is used with MONEL Filler Metal 60. INCOFLUX 6 is used
Machining with Nickel Filler Metal 61. INCONEL Filler Metal 625 is
used with INCOFLUX 7.
Alloy 400 can be machined at satisfactory rates with Additional information on joining is available in the
machine tools generally employed by industry. The best tool Special Metals publication “Joining” or on our website,
materials and design, speeds, coolants, and other factors are www.specialmetals.com.
discussed in the Special Metals publication “Machining.” In
general, cold-drawn or cold-drawn, stress-relieved material
is recommended for best machinability and smoothest finish.
MONEL alloy R-405 is the free-machining version of
MONEL alloy 400. Additional information on machining is
available in the Special Metals publication “Machining” or
on our website, www.specialmetals.com.

MONEL ® alloy 400

Table 20 - High-Temperature Tensile Properties of MONEL Alloy 400 Welds Made with MONEL Welding Electrode 190a

Temperature, Tensile Strength, Yield Strength Elongation, Reduction of Area,

°F ksi (0.2% Offset), ksi % %
All-Weld Metal
Room 74.35 46.65 41.0 66.4
200 42.25 46.05 39.0 56.5
400 68.60 43.10 33.5 64.2
600 69.25 43.15 34.0 59.9
800 66.10 43.00 32.5 47.4
1000 55.95 38.70 22.0 24.5
Transverse Across Weldb
Room 76.2 48.5 24.0 48.0
400 69.6 45.0 24.0 58.3
600 68.5 45.8 21.0 56.5
800 69.0 41.0 28.0 44.2
Butt joints--1/2-in. MONEL alloy 400.
All breaks occurred in weld.

Table 21 - Room-Temperature Properties of butt Joint Weld of 1 1/4-in. MONEL Alloy 400 and Steel Using MONEL Welding Electrode 190

As-Welded Heat-Treated 1150°F/10 hr, A.C.

All-Weld Metal Transverse Across Welda All-Weld Metal Transverse Across Welda
Tensile Strength, ksi 71.0 78.0 70.5 76.4
Yield Strength, ksi 48.3 51.5 45.3 36.7
Elongation, % 38 21 38 31
Reduction of Area, % 63.3 60.5 36.3 59.3
Break occurred in weld.

AVAILABLE PRODUCTS AND Ribbon), DIN 17752 (Bar), DIN 17753 (Wire), DIN 17754
(Forgings), VdTÜV (Sheet, Plate, Bar, and Tubing), QQ-N-
SPECIFICATIONS 281 (Plate, Sheet, Strip, Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forgings)
MONEL alloy 400 is designated as UNS N04400 and Pipe and Tube - BS3074NA13 (Tube), ASTM B 163
Werkstoff Nr. 2.4360 and 2.4361. It is listed in NACE MR- (Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tube), ASTM B 165
01-75 for oil and gas service. Alloy 400 is furnished in a (Seamless Pipe and Tube), ASTM B 725 (Welded Pipe),
wide range of standard mill forms including pipe, tube, ASTM B 730 (Welded Tube), ASTM B 751 (Welded
sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon Tube), ASTM B 775 (Welded Pipe), ASTM B 829
and wire. Popular forms and sizes are available from stock; (Seamless Pipe and Tube), ASME SB 163 (Condenser and
many specialty products may be obtained from converters. Heat Exchanger Tubes), ASME SB 165 (Seamless Pipe and
Inquire for complete information from any of the offices Tube), ASME SB 725 (Welded Pipe), ASME SB 730
listed on the back cover of this bulletin. (Welded Tube), ASME SB 751 (Seamless and Welded
Tube), ASME SB 775 (Seamless and Welded Pipe), ASME
Plate, Sheet, and Strip - BS3072NA13 (Sheet and Plate), SB 829 (Seamless Pipe and Tube), SAE AMS 4574
BS3073NA13 (Strip), ASTM B 127, ASME SB 127 (Plate, (Seamless Tubing), DIN 17751 (Tube), VdTÜV (Sheet,
Sheet, and Strip), SAE AMS 4544 (Sheet, Strip, and Plate), Plate, Bar, and Tubing),
DIN 17750 (Strip and Sheet), QQ-N-281 (Plate, Sheet,
Strip, Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forgings) Welding Products - MONEL Filler Metal 60-AWS
A5.14/ERNiCu-7; MONEL Welding Electrode 190-AWS
Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forgings - BS3075NA13 (Wire), A5.11/ENiCu-7.
BS3076NA13 (Bar), ASTM B 164 (Rod, Bar, and Wire),
ASTM B 564 (Forgings), ASME SB 164 (Rod, Bar, and Other Products - ASTM B 366, ASME SB 366 (Welded
Wire), ASME SB 564 (Forgings), AECMA PrEN 2305 Fittings), SAE AMS 7233 (Rivets), DIN 17743 (Chemical
(Wire for Rivets), SAE AMS 4675 (Bars and Forgings), Composition)
SAE AMS 4730 (Wire), SAE AMS 4731 (Wire and

The Special Metals Corporation
trademarks include:

MONEL® 925™
NILO® 956HT™


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