Operations Circular: OC NO 11 OF 2014 Date: 04 SEPT. 2014
Operations Circular: OC NO 11 OF 2014 Date: 04 SEPT. 2014
Operations Circular: OC NO 11 OF 2014 Date: 04 SEPT. 2014
This operations circular (OC) establishes RNP APCH approval requirements (lateral
navigation only) for aircraft and operators. The requirements for barometric vertical
navigation (baro-VNAV) of an RNP APCH approach are detailed on OC 12 of 2014
(APV/baro-VNAV). Criteria of this OC together with criteria of OC 12 of 2014 establish the
requirements for RNP APCH with baro-VNAV operations. An operator may use alternate
means of compliance, as far as those means are acceptable for the DGCA. The future
tense of the verb or the term “shall” apply to operators who choose to meet the criteria set
forth in this OC.
(b) CAR Section 8 Series O Part II Para 7.2.2 – Operation of Commercial Air Transport-
(c) CAR Section 8 Series O Part III Para 2.5.2– Operations of General Aviation
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(e) ICAO Doc 4444 Procedures for air navigation services – Air traffic management
(h) AMC 20-27 Airworthiness approval and operational criteria for RNP APPROACH
(RNP APCH) operations including APV BARO-VNAV operations
(i) FAA AC 90-105 Approval guidance for RNP operations and barometric vertical
navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System
(b) Area navigation (RNAV).- A navigation method that allows aircraft to operate on
any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- or space-based navigation aids, or
within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.
Note.- Area navigation includes performance-based navigation as well as other RNAV
operations that do not meet the definition of performance-based navigation.
(c) Area navigation (RNAV) specification.- Area navigation specification that does
not include the on-board performance control and alerting requirement, designated by the
prefix RNAV; e.g., RNAV 5, RNAV 2, RNAV 1.
Note 1.- The Manual on Performance-based Navigation (PBN) (Doc 9613), Volume II,
contains detailed guidelines on navigation specifications.
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Note 2.-The term RNP, formerly defined as “a statement of the navigation performance
necessary for operation within a defined airspace”, has been deleted from the Annexes to
the Convention on International Civil Aviation because the RNP concept has been
replaced by the PBN concept. In said Annexes, the term RNP is now only used within the
context of the navigation specifications that require on-board performance control and
alerting; e.g., RNP 4 refers to the aircraft and the operational requirements, including a
lateral performance of 4 NM, with the requirement for on-board performance control and
alerting as described in the PBN Manual (Doc 9613).
(d) Display errors (screen protection system error).- These errors may include error
components contributed by any input, output or signal conversion equipment used by the
display as it presents either aircraft position or guidance commands (e.g. course deviation
or command heading) and by any course definition entry device employed. For systems in
which charts are incorporated as integral parts of the display, the display system error
necessarily includes charting errors to the extent that they actually result in errors in
controlling the position of the aircraft relative to a desired path over the ground.
To be consistent, in the case of symbolic displays not employing integral charts, any errors
in way-point definition, directly attributable to errors in the reference chart used in
determining way-point positions, should be included as a component of this error. This type
of error is virtually impossible to handle, and in general practice, highly accurate, published
way-point locations are used to the greatest extent possible in setting up such systems to
avoid such errors and reduce workload.
(e) Fault detection and exclusion (FDE).- Is a function performed by some on board
GNSS receivers, which can detect the presence of a faulty satellite signal and
automatically exclude it from the position calculation. In addition to the total number of
satellites needed for receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), at least one more
available satellite is required (6 satellites).
(g) Flight technical error (FTE).- The FTE is the accuracy with which an aircraft is
controlled as measured by the indicated aircraft position, with respect to the indicated
command or desired position. It does not include blunder errors.
Note.- For aircraft that are not capable of autopilot or flight director coupling, an FTE of 3.7
km (2 NM) for oceanic operations must be taken into account in determining any
(h) Global navigation satellite system (GNSS).- A generic term used by ICAO to
define any global position, speed, and time determination system that includes one or more
main satellite constellations, such as GPS and the global navigation satellite system
(GLONASS), aircraft receivers and several integrity monitoring systems, including aircraft-
based augmentation systems (ABAS), satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS), such
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as the wide area augmentation systems (WAAS), and ground-based augmentation
systems (GBAS), such as the local area augmentation system (LAAS). Distance
information will be provided, at least in the immediate future, by GPS and GLONASS.
(i) Global positioning system (GPS).-The United States global navigation satellite
system (GNSS) is a satellite-based radio navigation system that uses precise distance
measurements to determine position, speed, and time anywhere in the world. The GPS is
made up by three elements: the spatial, control, and user elements. The GPS space
segment is nominally made up by, at least, 24 satellites in 6 orbital planes. The control
element consists of 5 monitoring stations, 3 ground antennas, and one main control station.
The user element consists of antennas and receivers that provide the user with position,
speed, and precise time.
(j) Navigation system error (NSE).-The difference between true position and
estimated position.
(l) Path definition error (PDE) - The difference between the defined path and the
desired path in a given place and time.
(m) Primary field of view.- For the purposes of this AC, the primary field of view is
within 15 degrees of the primary line of sight of the pilot.
(o) RNP system.- An area navigation system which supports on-board performance
monitoring and alerting.
(p) RNP value.- The RNP value designates the lateral performance requirement
associated with a procedure. Examples of RNP values are: RNP 0.3 and RNP 0.15.
(q) Total system error (TSE).-Is the difference between the true position and the
desired position. This error is equal to the vector sum of path definition error (PDE), flight
technical error (FTE) and navigation system error (NSE).
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Total system error (TSE)
4.2 Abbreviations
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• OpSpecs Operations specifications
• PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations
• PBN Performance-based navigation
• PDE Path definition error
• RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
• RNAV Area navigation
• RNP Required navigation performance
• RNP APCH Required navigation performance approach
• RNP AR APCH Required navigation performance authorisation required approach
• SLOP Strategic lateral offset procedure
• SSR Secondary surveillance radar
• STC Supplementary type certificate
• TC Type certificate
• TSE Total system error
• TSO Technical standard order
5.1 According to ICAO Doc 9613 - Performance-based navigation manual (PBN), there
are two types of navigation specifications for approach operations: RNP approach (RNP
APCH) and RNP authorisation required approach (RNP AR APCH).
5.2 This OC establishes only the requirements for lateral navigation (2D navigation) of
RNP APCH approaches designed with straight segments. This navigation specification
includes present RNAV (GNSS) or GNSS approaches.
5.3 The requirements for approaches with curved segments or published arcs, also
known as segments with constant radius arc to a fix (RF segments), are specified in OC 13
of 2014 – Aircraft and operators approval for RNP authorization required approach
operations (RNP AR APCH).
5.4 The criteria for barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV) of a RNP APCH
approach, are described in OC 12 of 2014 – Aircraft and operators approval for approach
operations with vertical guidance/barometric vertical navigation (APV/baro-VNAV).
5.5 According to Annex 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known
as Chicago Convention), when RNP APCH approaches do not include barometric vertical
guidance, they are classified as non-precision approach (NPA) operations. On the other
hand, when RNP APCH operations include barometric vertical guidance, they are classified
as approach procedures with vertical guidance (APV).
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5.6 Baro-VNAV systems are optional capabilities that do not constitute a minimum
requirement for flying RNAV(GNSS) or GNSS approaches using the LNAV line of minima.
5.7 Operations with localizer performance (LP) and localizer performance with vertical
guidance (LPV) are not covered by this OC and will be the subject of another OC.
5.8 This document also provides general considerations on the approval of stand-alone
and multi-sensor aircraft systems, including their functional requirements, accuracy,
integrity, continuity of function, and limitations, together with operational considerations.
5.9 Stand-alone and multi-sensor RNP systems that use GNSS (GPS) and that comply
with AMC 20-27 of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and with the advisory
circulars (AC) of the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): AC 90-105, AC
20-138A, AC 20-130A or TSO C 115b/ETSO C 115b, meet the ICAO RNP APCH
navigation specification.
Note.- The multi-sensor systems may use other sensors combinations, such as distance
measuring equipment/distance measuring equipment (DME/DME) or distance measuring
equipment/distance measuring equipment/inertial reference unit (DME/DME/IRU), that
provide the navigation performance acceptable for RNP APCH operations; however, such
cases are limited due to the increased complexity in the navigation aid (NAVAID)
infrastructure requirements and assessment, and are not practical or cost effective for
widespread application.
5.10 The material described in this OC has been developed based on ICAO Doc 9613,
Volume II, Part C, Chapter 5 – Implementing RNP APCH.
5.11 Where possible, this OC has been harmonised with the following guidance
• EASA AMC 20-27 - Airworthiness approval and operational criteria for RNP
APPROACH (RNP APCH) operations including APV BARO-VNAV operations; and
• FAA AC 90-105 - Approval guidance for RNP operations and barometric vertical
navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System.
(a) The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is the primary navigation system to
support RNP APCH procedures.
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(b) For baro-VNAV RNP APCH operations, the procedure design is based upon the use
of a barometric altimetry by an airborne RNP system whose capabilities support the
required operation. The procedure design must take into account the performance and
functional capabilities required in OC 12 of 2014 – Aircraft and operators approval for
APV/baro-VNAV operations or in equivalent documents.
(c) The acceptability of the risk of loss of RNP APCH capability for multiple aircraft due
to satellite failure or loss of on-board monitoring and alerting function (for example, spaces
with no receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) coverage), must be considered by
the responsible airspace authority.
(a) Detailed guidance on obstacle clearance is provided by ICAO Doc 8168 (PANS-
OPS), Volume II – Construction of visual and instrument flight procedures. The missed
approach procedure may be supported by either RNAV or by conventional segments (e.g.,
segments based on VHF onmidirectional radio range (VOR), distance measuring
equipment (DME), or non-directional radio beacon (NDB)).
(b) Procedure designs must take into account of the absence of the vertical navigation
(VNAV) capability of the aircraft.
(a) Baro-VNAV is applied where vertical guidance and information is provided to the
flight crew during instrument approach procedures containing a vertical path defined by a
vertical path angle (VPA).
6.3 Publications
(a) The instrument approach charts will clearly identify the RNP APCH application as
(b) For RNP APCH operations without baro-VNAV, the procedure design will be based
on normal descent profiles, and the charts will identify minimum altitude requirements for
each segment, including a lateral navigation obstacle clearance altitude/height (LNAV
(c) For RNP APCH operations with baro-VNAV, the charts will follow the standards of
Annex 4 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation for the designation of an RNAV
procedure where the vertical path is specified by a glide path angle. The chart designation
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will be consistent with said Annex and a lateral and vertical navigation obstacle clearance
altitude/height will be issued (LNAV/VNAV OCA/H).
(d) When the missed approach segment is based on conventional means, the navaid
facilities or the airborne navigation means that are necessary to conduct the missed
approach will be identified in the relevant publications.
(f) All procedures will be based on the 1984 World Geodetic Coordinates (WGS 84).
(a) RNP APCH operations do not include specific requirements for communication and
ATS surveillance. Adequate obstacle clearance is achieved through aircraft performance
and operating procedures. Where reliance is placed on the use of radar to assist
contingency procedures, it must be demonstrated that its performance is adequate for this
purpose. The radar service requirement will be identified in the AIP.
(b) Appropriate radio phraseology will be published for RNP APCH operations.
(c) It is expected that Air traffic control (ATC) to be familiar with aircraft VNAV
capabilities, as well as with aspects concerning altimetry setting and the effect of
temperature that could potentially affect the integrity of baro-VNAV RNP APCH operations.
d) The particular hazards of a terminal and approach area and the impact of
contingency procedures following a multiple loss of RNP APCH capability must be
6.5 Navigation accuracies associated with the flight phases of a RNP APCH
(a) According to ICAO Doc 9613, navigation accuracies associated with the flight
phases of a RNP APCH approach are the following:
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It will be considered that many aircraft have the capability to execute a holding pattern
manoeuvre using an RNP system.
Lateral navigation (LNAV).- In LNAV, the RNP equipment enables the aircraft to be
navigated in accordance with appropriate routing instructions along a path defined by WTP
held in an on-board navigation database.
Note.- LNAV is typically a flight guidance systems mode, where the RNP equipment
provides path steering commands to the flight guidance system, which then controls flight
technical error (FTE) through either manual pilot control with a path deviation display or
through coupling to the FD or AP.
8.1 To obtain RNP APCH approval, a commercial air transport operator must comply
with two types of approvals:
(a) the airworthiness approval granted by the State of registry (see Article 31 of the
Chicago Convention and Paragraphs 5.2.3 and 8.1.1 of Annex 6 Part I); and
(b) the operational approval, granted by the State of the operator (See Paragraph 4.2.1
and Attachment F to Annex 6 Part I).
8.2 For general aviation operators, the State of registry will determine whether or not the
aircraft meets the applicable RNP APCH requirements and will issue the operation
authorisation (e.g., a letter of authorisation– LOA) (see Paragraph of Annex 6 Part
8.3 Before submitting the application, operators shall review all aircraft qualification
requirements. Compliance with airworthiness requirements or the installation of the
equipment alone does not constitute operational approval.
9.1 General
(a) The following airworthiness criteria are applicable to the installation of RNP systems
required for RNP APCH operations:
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20-130A (multi-sensors systems) as a basis for the airworthiness approval of an
RNP system based on GNSS.
2) For APV/baro-VNAV operations, AC 20-129 will be used, as established in
OC 12 of 2014.
(b) Aircraft that have a statement of compliance with respect to the criteria contained in
this OC or equivalent documents in their flight manual (AFM), AFM supplement, pilot
operations handbook (POH), or the operating manual for their avionics meet the
performance and functional requirements of this OC.
(c) Aircraft that have a statement from the manufacturer documenting compliance with
the criteria of this OC or equivalent documents meet the performance and functional
requirements of this document. This statement will include the airworthiness basis for such
compliance. Compliance with the sensor requirements will have to be determined by the
equipment or aircraft manufacturer, while compliance with the functional requirements may
be determined by the manufacturer or through an inspection by the operator.
(d) If the RNP installation is based on GNSS stand-alone system, the equipment must
be approved in accordance with technical standard order (TSO) C129a/ETSO-C129a Class
A1 (or subsequent revisions) or with TSO-C146a/ETSO-C146a Class Gamma, Operational
Class 1, 2, or 3 (or subsequent revisions) and meet the functionality requirements of this
(e) If the RNP installation is based on GNSS sensor equipment used in a multi-sensor
system (e.g., flight management system (FMS)), the GNSS sensor must be approved in
accordance with TSO-C129 ()/ETSO-C129 () Class B1, C1, B3, C3 (or subsequent
revisions) or TSO-C145 ()/ETSO-C145 () Class Beta, Operational Class 1, 2 or 3 (or
subsequent revisions) and meet the functionality requirements of this document.
(f) Multi-sensor systems using GNSS must be approved in accordance with AC 20-
130A or TSO-C115b/ETSO-C115b and meet the functionality requirements of this
Note 1.- The GNSS equipment approved in accordance with TSO-C129a/ETSO-C129a
must meet the system functions specified in this document. In addition, integrity should be
provided through an aircraft-based augmentation system (ABAS). It is recommended that
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GNSS receivers include the capability of fault detection and exclusion (FDE) to improve
continuity of function.
Note 2.- Multi-sensor systems that use DME/DME or DME/DME/IRU as the only means of
RNP compliance are not authorised to conduct RNP APCH operations.
(a) Accuracy
1) The total system error (TSE) in the lateral and longitudinal dimensions of the
on-board navigation equipment must be within:
(i) ± 1 NM for at least 95 percent of the total flight time in the initial and
intermediate approach segments and for the missed approach of a RNP APCH
Note.- There is no specific RNP accuracy requirement for the missed approach if
this segment is based on conventional NAVAIDs (VOR, DME, NDB) or on dead
(ii) ± 0.3 NM for at least 95 percent of the total flight time in the final approach
segment of the procedure.
2) To satisfy the accuracy requirement, the flight technical error (FTE) (95%)
shall not exceed:
(i) 0.5 NM in the initial, intermediate, and missed approach segments of a RNP
APCH procedure; and
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(b) Integrity.- Malfunction of the aircraft navigation equipment that causes the TSE to
exceed 2 times the RNP value is classified as a major failure condition under airworthiness
regulations (e.g., 10-5 per hour). In the horizontal plane (lateral and longitudinal), the
system must provide an alert if the accuracy requirement is not met, or if the probability that
the TSE exceeds 2 NM for initial, intermediate and missed approach segments or 0.6 NM
for the final approach segment is greater than 10-5 per hour.
(c) Continuity.- Loss of the RNP APCH functions is classified as a minor failure
condition if the operator can revert to a different navigation system and safely proceed to a
suitable airport. If the missed approach procedure is based on conventional NAVAIDs
(e.g., VOR, DME, NDB), the associated navigation equipment must be installed and
operational. For RNP APCH operations, at least one RNP navigation system is required.
Note.- From an operational point of view, the operator must develop contingency
procedures in case of loss of the RNP APCH capability during approach.
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published procedure and by document RTCA/DO-236B Sections and
1) the displays must be visible to the pilot and located in the primary field of view
when looking forward along the flight path.
2) the lateral deviation display scaling must agree with any alerting and
annunciation limits.
3) the lateral deviation display must also have an FSD suitable for the current
phase of flight and must be based on the TSE requirement. Scales of ± 1 NM for
the initial, intermediate, and missed approach segments and ± 0.3 NM for the final
segment are acceptable.
4) the scale of the display may be set automatically by default logic or set to a
value obtained from a navigation database. The FSD value must be known or must
be available for display to the pilot commensurate with approach values.
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HSI) to improve lateral situational awareness, navigation monitoring and approach
verification (flight plan verification) could become mandatory if the RNP installation
does not support the display of information necessary for the accomplishment of
these crew tasks.
1) the capability to continuously display to the pilot flying (PF) the aircraft, on the
primary flight instruments for navigation of the aircraft (primary navigation display),
the RNP computed desired path and aircraft position relative to the path. For
operations where the required minimum flight crew is two pilots, a means for the
pilot not flying (PNF) the aircraft (pilot monitoring (PM) ) to verify the desired path
and the aircraft position relative to the path must also be provided.
3) the means to display the validity period of navigation data to the pilot.
4) the means to retrieve and display data stored in the navigation database
relating to individual waypoints and NAVAIDs, to enable the pilot to verify the route
to be flown.
5) the capability to load from the database into the RNP system, the whole
approach to be flown. The approach must be loaded by its name from the database
to the RNP system.
6) the means to display the following items, either in the primary field of view of
the pilot or on a readily accessible display page:
(ii) the distance and bearing to the active (to) WPT; and
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(iii) the ground speed or time to the active (to) WPT.
7) the means to display the following items on a readily accessible display page:
(i) the display of distance between the operational flight plan WPTs;
(iv) the active navigation sensor type, if there is another type of sensor in addition
to the GNSS sensor.
9) the capability for automatic leg sequencing with the display of sequencing to
the pilot.
11) the capability to automatically execute leg transitions and maintain tracks
consistent with the following ARINC 424 path terminators or their equivalent:
12) the capability to display an indication of the RNP system failure, including the
associated sensors, in the primary field of view of the pilot.
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13) the capability to indicate to the flight crew when the NSE alert limit is
exceeded (alert provided by the on board performance monitoring and alerting
(i) Flight director/autopilot.- It is recommended that the flight director (FD) and/or
autopilot (AP) remain coupled for RNP approaches. FD or AP coupling is mandatory when
lateral TSE cannot be demonstrated without these systems. In this case, operational
procedures must indicate that FD and/or AP coupling from the RNP system is mandatory
for RNP APCH approaches.
(j) Database integrity.- the navigation database suppliers must comply with RTCA
DO-200A. A letter of acceptance (LOA), issued by the appropriate regulatory authority to
each one of the participants in the data chain, demonstrates compliance with this
requirement. Positive compliance with this requirement will be considered for those LOAs
Type 2 issued prior to the publication of this OC.
(b) Eligibility for RNP APCH operations.- Systems that meet the requirements of
Paragraph 9.2 of this OC are eligible for RNP APCH operations. Aircraft qualified in
accordance with OC 13 of 2014 (RNP AR APCH) or equivalent, e.g., FAA AC 90-101 or
EASA AMC 20-26 are considered qualified for RNP APCH operations without further
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Note.- it is considered that these systems meet the functional and performance
requirements set out in Paragraph 9.3 of this OC in the aspects that correspond.
• The systems that meet TSO-C129/ETSO-C129 can be used for RNP APCH
operations using the LNAV/VNAV line of minima if they meet the criteria of this
OC and OC 12 of 2014 or equivalent.
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• RNP systems must be approved in accordance with FAA AC 20-138 or
equivalent, and those systems that utilize conventional baro-VNAV must provide
vertical navigation system performance that meets or exceeds the criteria of OC
12 of 2014 or equivalent.
(a) If any system required for RNP APCH operations is modified (e.g., changes in the
software or hardware), the aircraft modification must be approved.
(b) The operator must obtain a new operational approval that is supported by updated
aircraft operational and qualification documentation.
(a) The operators of aircraft approved to perform RNP APCH operations, must ensure
the continuity of the technical capacity of them, in order to meet technical requirements
established in this OC.
(b) Each operator who applies for RNP APCH operational approval shall submit to the
DGCA, a maintenance and inspection program that includes all those requirements of
maintenance necessary to ensure that navigation systems continue fulfilling the RNP
APCH approval criteria.
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incorporate RNP APCH aspects:
3) Maintenance program.
(d) The approved maintenance program for the affected aircrafts should include
maintenance practices listed in maintenance manuals of the aircraft manufacturer and its
components, and must consider:
(e) Within the RNP APCH maintenance documentation should be presented the training
program of maintenance personnel, which inter alia, should include:
1) PBN concept;
4) MEL use.
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10.1 Operational approval requirements
In order to obtain RNP APCH approval, the applicant or operator will take the following
steps, taking into account the criteria established in this paragraph and in Paragraphs 10,
11, 12, and 13
b) Application.- The operator will submit the following documentation to the DGCA:
(i) Commercial operators will present to the DGCA the RNP APCH training
curriculums to show that the operational procedures and practices and the training
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aspects described in Paragraph 11 have been included in the initial, upgrade or
recurrent training curriculums for flight crews and flight dispatchers.
Note.-It is not necessary to establish a separate training programme if the RNP
APCH training identified in Paragraph 11 has already been included in the training
programme of the operator. However, it must be possible to identify what aspects of
RNP APCH are covered in the training programme.
(ii) General aviation operators shall be familiar with and demonstrate that they
will perform their operations based on the practices and procedures described in
Paragraph 11.
(ii) General aviation operators must operate using the practices and procedures
identified in Paragraphs 10.6 and 10.7 operating procedures and contingency
procedures” of this OC.
10) Minimum equipment list (MEL).- The operator will submit any revision to
the MEL needed to conduct RNP APCH operations.
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(d) Proving flight.- The DGCA may deem it advisable to perform a proving flight before
granting the operational approval. Such validation can be performed on commercial flights.
The proving flight will be carried according to the provisions of CAP 3100 Air Operator’s
Certification Manual.
(e) Issuance of approval to conduct RNP APCH operations.- Once the operator has
successfully completed the operational approval process, FSD, DGCA will grant the
operator approval to conduct RNP APCH operations.
1) For commercial operators, the DGCA will issue the corresponding operations
specifications (OpSpecs) that will reflect the RNP APCH approval.
2) For general aviation operators, the DGCA will issue a letter of authorisation
(a) The operator must establish and have available a configuration list detailing the
components and equipment to be used for RNP APCH operations.
(b) The list of required equipment shall be established during the operational approval
process, taking into account the AFM. This list shall be used for updating the MEL for each
type of aircraft that the operator intends to operate.
(c) The details of the equipment and its use in accordance with the approach
characteristics appear in this OC and in OC 12 of 2014.
(a) For aircraft currently conducting RNAV (GPS) or GPS approaches under FAA
AC 90-94 or equivalent.- Documentation is not required for aircraft that have an AFM or
AFM supplement which states the aircraft is approved to fly RNAV (GPS) or GPS
approaches, to the LNAV line of minima.
(b) For aircraft without approval to fly RNAV (GPS) or GPS instrument approach
procedures.- Operators will submit to the DGCA the RNP qualification documentation
showing compliance with this OC, provided the equipment is properly installed and
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Note.- Before requesting an RNP APCH authorisation, operators shall review all
equipment performance requirements. Equipment installation by itself does not guarantee
operational approval nor permit its operational use.
(a) The operator will develop RNP APCH operational documentation for using the
equipment, based on the aircraft or avionics manufacturer documentation.
(b) The operational documentation of the aircraft or avionics manufacturer will consist of
recommended operational procedures and training programmes for the flight crew, in order
to assist operators meet the requirements of this OC.
(c) The DGCA will review the RNP APCH application package. Acceptance will be
documented by means of a letter to the operator. Operators and pilots intending to conduct operations using an RNP APCH
procedure must file the appropriate flight plan suffixes and the on-board
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navigation data must be current and include appropriate procedures.
Note.— Navigation databases are expected to be current for the duration of the
flight. If the AIRAC cycle is due to change during flight, operators and pilots
should establish procedures to ensure the accuracy of navigation data, including
the suitability of navigation facilities used to define the routes and procedures for
the flight. In addition to the normal preflight planning checks, the following must be included:
(a) the pilot must ensure that approaches which may be used for the intended flight
(including alternate aerodromes) are selected from a valid navigation database
(current AIRAC cycle), have been verified by the appropriate process (navigation
database integrity process) and are not prohibited by a company instruction or
(b) subject to a State’s regulations, during the preflight phase, the pilot should
ensure sufficient means are available to navigate and land at the destination or
at an alternate aerodrome in the case of loss of RNP APCH airborne capability;
(c) operators and pilots must take account of any NOTAMs or operator briefing
material that could adversely affect the aircraft system operation, or the
availability or suitability of the procedures at the airport of landing, or any
alternate airport; and
(d) for missed approach procedures based on conventional means (VOR, NDB),
operators and pilots must ensure that the appropriate airborne equipment
required for this procedure is installed in the aircraft and is operational and that
the associated ground-based NAVAIDs are operational. The availability of the NAVAID infrastructure, required for the intended routes,
including any non-RNAV contingencies, must be confirmed for the period of
intended operations using all available information. Since GNSS integrity (RAIM
or SBAS signal) is required by Annex 10, Volume I, the availability of these should
also be determined as appropriate. For aircraft navigating with SBAS receivers
(all TSO-C145()/C146()), operators should check appropriate GPS RAIM
availability in areas where the SBAS signal is unavailable. RAIM levels required for RNP APCH down to LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima can
be verified either through NOTAMs (where available) or through prediction
services. The operating authority may provide specific guidance on how to
comply with this requirement (e.g. if sufficient satellites are available, a prediction
may not be necessary). Operators should be familiar with the prediction
information available for the intended route.
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04TH SEPT. 2014 RAIM availability prediction should take into account the latest GPS
constellation NOTAMs and avionics model (when available). The service may be
provided by the ANSP, avionics manufacturer, and other entities, or through an
airborne receiver RAIM prediction capability. In the event of a predicted, continuous loss of appropriate level of fault detection
of more than five minutes for any part of the RNP APCH operation, the flight
planning should be revised (e.g. delaying the departure or planning a different
departure procedure). RAIM availability prediction software does not guarantee the service, rather they
are tools to assess the expected capability of meeting the RNP. Because of
unplanned failure of some GNSS elements, pilots/ANSPs should realize that
RAIM or GPS navigation altogether may be lost while airborne which may require
reversion to an alternative means of navigation. Therefore, pilots should assess
their capability to navigate (potentially to an alternate destination) in case of
failure of GPS navigation. SBAS and other augmented GNSS availability Section B of this chapter contains criteria to assess GNSS SBAS vertical
guidance availability. In addition to the normal procedure prior to commencing the approach (before
the IAF and in compatibility with crew workload), the pilot must verify the correct
procedure was loaded by comparison with the approach charts. This check must
(a) the waypoint sequence; and
(b) reasonableness of the tracks and distances of the approach legs, and the
accuracy of the inbound course and length of the FAS.
Note.— As a minimum, this check could be a simple inspection of a suitable
map display that achieves the objectives of this paragraph. The pilot must also check using the published charts, the map display or CDU,
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which waypoints are fly-by and which are fly-over. For multi-sensor systems, the pilot must verify, during the approach, that the
GNSS sensor is used for position computation. For an RNP system with ABAS requiring barometric corrected altitude, the
current airport barometric altimeter setting should be input at the appropriate time
and location, consistent with the performance of the flight operation. When the operation is predicated on the availability of ABAS, the pilot should
perform a new RAIM availability check if ETA is more than 15 minutes different
from the ETA used during the preflight planning. This check is also processed
automatically 2 NM before the FAF for an E/TSO-C129a Class A1 receiver. ATC tactical interventions in the terminal area may include radar headings,
“direct to” clearances which bypass the initial legs of an approach, interception of
an initial or intermediate segment of an approach, or the insertion of waypoints
loaded from the database. In complying with ATC instructions, the pilot should be
aware of the implications for the RNP system:
(a) the manual entry of coordinates into the RNP system by the pilot for operation
within the terminal area is not permitted; and
(b) “direct to” clearances may be accepted to the IF provided that the resulting track
change at the IF does not exceed 45 degrees.
Note.— “Direct to” clearance to FAF is not acceptable. The lateral definition of the flight path between the FAF and the MAPt must not
be revised by the pilot under any circumstances. The aircraft must be established on the final approach course no later than the
FAF before starting the descent (to ensure terrain and obstacle clearance). The crew must check the approach mode annunciator (or equivalent) is properly
indicating approach mode integrity within 2 NM before the FAF.
Note.— This will not apply for certain RNP systems (e.g. aircraft already
approved with demonstrated RNP capability). For such systems, other means
are available including electronic map displays, flight guidance mode indications,
etc., which clearly indicate to the crew that the approach mode is activated.
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04TH SEPT. 2014 The appropriate displays must be selected so that the following information can
be monitored:
(a) the RNAV-computed desired path (DTK); and
(b) the aircraft position relative to the path (cross-track deviation) for FTE
monitoring. The missed approach must be flown in accordance with the published
procedure. Use of the RNP system during the missed approach is
acceptable, provided:
(a) the RNP system is operational (e.g. no loss of function, no NSE alert, no
failure indication); and
(b) the whole procedure (including the missed approach) is loaded from the
navigation database. During the RNP APCH procedure, pilots must use a lateral deviation
indicator, flight director and/or autopilot in lateral navigation mode. Pilots of
aircraft with a lateral deviation indicator (e.g. CDI) must ensure that lateral
deviation indicator scaling (full-scale deflection) is suitable for the navigation
accuracy associated with the various segments of the procedure (i.e. ±1.0
NM for the initial and intermediate segments, ±0.3 NM for the FAS down to
LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima, and ±1.0 NM for the missed approach
segment). All pilots are expected to maintain procedure centre lines, as
depicted by on-board lateral deviation indicators and/or flight guidance during
the whole approach procedure, unless authorized to deviate by ATC or under
emergency conditions. For normal operations, cross-track error/deviation (the
difference between the RNP system computed path and the aircraft position
relative to the path) should be limited to ±½ the navigation accuracy
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associated with the procedure (i.e. 0.5 NM for the initial and
intermediate segments, 0.15 NM for the FAS, and 0.5 NM for the missed
approach segment). Brief deviations from this standard (e.g. overshoots or
undershoots) during and immediately after turns, up to a maximum of one-
times the navigation accuracy (i.e. 1.0 NM for the initial and intermediate
segments), are allowable.
Note.— Some aircraft do not display or compute a path during turns, but are
still expected to satisfy the above standard during intercepts following turns
and on straight segments. When Barometric VNAV is used for vertical path guidance during the FAS,
deviations above and below the Barometric VNAV path must not exceed +22
m/–22 m (+75 ft/–75 ft), respectively. Pilots must execute a missed approach if the lateral deviations or vertical
deviations, if provided, exceed the criteria above, unless the pilot has in sight
the visual references required to continue the approach. Operators and pilots must not request an RNP APCH procedure unless they
satisfy all the criteria in the relevant State documents. If an aircraft not
meeting these criteria receives a clearance from ATC to conduct an RNP
APCH procedure, the pilot must advise ATC that he/she is unable to accept
the clearance and must request alternate instructions. The pilot must comply with any instructions or procedures identified by the
manufacturer as necessary to comply with the performance requirements in
this navigation specification. If the missed approach procedure is based on conventional means (e.g. NDB,
VOR, DME), related navigation equipment must be installed and be
serviceable. Pilots are encouraged to use flight director and/or autopilot in lateral
navigation mode, if available.
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04TH SEPT. 2014 Contingency procedures The pilot must notify ATC of any loss of the RNP APCH capability, together
with the proposed course of action. If unable to comply with the requirements
of an RNP APCH procedure, pilots must advise ATS as soon as possible.
The loss of RNP APCH capability includes any failure or event causing the
aircraft to no longer satisfy the RNP APCH requirements of the procedure.
The operator should develop contingency procedures in order to react safely
following the loss of the RNP APCH capability during the approach. In the event of communications failure, the pilot must continue with the RNP
APCH in accordance with the published lost communications procedure.
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(b) The operator must report to the navigation database supplier of discrepancies that
invalidates a procedure, and prohibit their use through a notice to flight crews.
(c) Operators should consider the need to conduct periodic check of the operational
navigation databases in order to meet existing quality control system or safety
management system requirements.
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(a) The operator will establish a procedure to receive, analyse, and follow up on
navigation error reports in order to determine appropriate corrective actions.
(b) Information showing the potential of repeated errors may require changes to the
training programme of the operator.
(c) Information attributing multiple errors to a specific pilot may indicate that that pilot
needs additional training or a revision of his/her license.
(Capt Ajay Singh)
Chief Flight Operations Inspector
For Director General of Civil Aviation
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The information stored in the navigation database defines the lateral and longitudinal
guidance of the aircraft for RNP APCH operations. Navigation database updates are
carried out every 28 days. The navigation data used in each update are critical to the
integrity of every RNP APCH procedure. This appendix provides guidance on operator
procedures to validate the navigation data associated with the RNP APCH operations.
(a) The operator will identify in its procedures, the person responsible for the update of
the navigation data.
(b) The operator must document a process for accepting, checking, and loading
navigation data to the aircraft.
(c) The operator must put its documented data process under configuration control.
The operator must validate every RNP APCH procedure before flying under instrument
meteorological conditions (IMC) to ensure compatibility with the aircraft and to ensure that
the resulting paths are consistent with the published procedures. As a minimum, the
operator must:
(a) compare the navigation data of RNP APCH procedures to be loaded into the FMS
with valid charts and maps containing the published procedures.
(b) validate the navigation data loaded for RNP APCH procedures, either on the flight
simulator or on the aircraft, under visual meteorological conditions (VMC). RNP APCH
procedures outlined on a map display must be compared to the published procedures.
Complete RNP APCH procedures must be flown in order to ensure that the paths can be
used, that they have no apparent lateral or longitudinal discrepancies, and that they are
consistent with the published routes.
(c) Once the RNP APCH procedures are validated, a copy of the validated navigation
data shall be kept and maintained in order to compare them with subsequent data updates.
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Upon receiving a navigation data update and before using such data on the aircraft, the
operator must compare the update with the validated RNP APCH procedures. This
comparison must identify and resolve any discrepancy in the navigation data. If there are
significant changes (any change affecting the path or the performance of the procedures) in
any part of the RNP APCH procedure and if those changes are verified through the initial
data, the operator must validate the amended route in accordance with the initial validation
Navigation data suppliers must have a letter of acceptance (LOA) in order to process these
data (e.g., FAA AC 20-153 or the document on the conditions for the issuance of letters of
acceptance to navigation data suppliers by the European Aviation Safety Agency – EASA
(EASA IR 21 Subpart G) or equivalent documents). A LOA recognises the data supplier as
one whose data quality, integrity and quality management practices are consistent with the
criteria of DO-200A/ED 76. The database supplier of an operator must have a Type 2 LOA
and its respective suppliers must have a Type 1 or 2 LOA. The DGCA may accept a LOA
issued to navigation data suppliers or issue its own LOA.
If an aircraft system necessary for RNP APCH operations is modified (e.g., change of
software), the operator is responsible for validating the RNP APCH procedures with the
navigation database and the modified system. This can be done without any direct
assessment if the manufacturer confirms that the modification has no effect on the
navigation database or on path calculation. If there is no such confirmation by the
manufacturer, the operator must perform an initial validation of the navigation data with the
modified system.
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1. The RNP APCH approval process consists of two kinds of approvals: the
airworthiness and the operational approvals. Although both have different requirements,
they must be considered under a single process.
2. This process is an organised method used by the DGCA to ensure that applicants
meet the established requirements.
4. In Phase one - Pre-application, the DGCA invites the applicant or operator to the
pre-application meeting. At this meeting, the DGCA informs the applicant or operator about
all the operational and airworthiness requirements it must meet during the approval
process, including the following:
(d) the conditions under which the RNP APCH approval could be cancelled.
5. In Phase two – Formal application, the applicant or operator submits the formal
application, together with all the relevant documentation, as established in paragraph 10.1
of this OC.
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7. In Phase four – Inspection and demonstration, the operator will provide training for
its personnel and perform the proving flights, if so required.
8. In Phase five - Approval, the DGCA issues the RNP APCH approval, once the
operator has met the airworthiness and operational requirements. For GA operators, the
DGCA will issue an LOA.