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Majid Mirzaei
University of Malaya

Majid Mirzaei UM 1
ü Hydraulic jump is one subject which has extensively been studied in the field of hydraulic

ü It is an interesting phenomenon that has caught the imagination of many research workers
since its first description by Leonardo da Vinci

ü The Italian engineer Bidone (1818) is credited with the first experimental investigation of
this phenomenon


Majid Mirzaei UM 2
A hydraulic jump primarily serves as an energy
dissipator to dissipate the excess energy of flowing
water downstream of hydraulic structures, such as
spillways and sluice gates.

Some of the other uses are:

(a) efficient operation of flow-measurement flumes ,
(b) mixing of chemicals,
(c) to aid intense mixing and gas transfer in chemical
(d) in the desalination of sea water and
(e) in the aeration of streams which arc polluted by
bio-degradable wastes.

Majid Mirzaei UM 3
• A hydraulic jump
occurs when a
supercritical stream
meets a subcritical
stream of sufficient

• The supercritical stream

jumps up to meet its
alternate depth.

• While doing so it
generates considerable
disturbances in the form of
large-scale eddies and a
reverse flow roller with the
result that the jump falls
short of its alternate depth.

Majid Mirzaei UM 4
a schematic sketch of a typical hydraulic jump in a horizontal
channel. Section 1, where the incoming supercritical stream
undergoes an abrupt rise in the depth forming the
commencement of the jump, is called the toe of the jump.
Majid Mirzaei UM 5
ü The jump proper consists of a steep change in the water-surface
elevation with a reverse flow roller on the major part.

üThe roller entrains considerable quantity of air and the surface

has white, frothy and choppy appearance.

üThe jump, while essentially steady, will normally oscillate about a

mean position in the longitudinal direction and the surface will be

Majid Mirzaei UM 6
Section 2 which lies beyond the roller and with all essentially level water
surface is called the end of the jump and the distance between sections 1 and
2 is the length of the jump, L j .

The initial depth of the supercritica1stream is y1 and y2 is the final depth,

after the jump, of the subcritical stream. As indicated earlier, y2 wil1be smaller
than the depth alternate to y1 . Majid Mirzaei UM 7
ü The two depths y1 and y 2 at the ends of the jump are called sequent

ü Due to high turbulence and shear action of the roller, there is

considerable loss of energy in the jump between sections 1 and 2.

ü In view of the high energy loss, the nature of which is difficult to

estimate, the energy equation cannot be applied to sections 1 and 2, to
relate the various flow parameters.

üIn such situations, the use of the momentum equation with suitable
assumptions is advocated.

üIn fact, the hydraulic jump is a typica1example where a judicious use of

the momentum equation yields meaningful results.
Majid Mirzaei UM 8

General Equation for a Prismatic Channel

The definition sketch of a hydraulic jump in a prismatic channel of
arbitrary shape is presented in the figure. The channel is inclined
to the horizontal at an angle θ .
Sections 1 and 2 refer to the beginning and end of the jump

Majid Mirzaei UM 9
The flow in control volume is considered to be steady. Applying the linear momentum
equation in the longitudinal direction to the control volume,
(10-1) P1 - P2 - FS + W sin q = M 2 - M 1

P1 (pressure force ): 𝛾𝐴! 𝑦#! cos 𝜃

𝑦#! : depth of the centroid of the area below the water surface.

P2 (pressure force ): 𝛾𝐴" 𝑦#" cos 𝜃

Fs : shear force on the control surface adjacent to the channel boundary. The frictional force
is usually neglected

𝑊 sin 𝜃 : longitudinal component of the weight of water contained in control volume.

M1 : momentum flux in the longitudinal direction going out through the control surface=𝛽!𝜌𝑄𝑉!

M2 : momentum flux in the longitudinal direction going out through the control surface=𝛽"𝜌𝑄𝑉"

Majid Mirzaei UM 10
Hydraulic Jump in a Rectangular Channel
(a) Sequent Depth Ratio
Consider a horizontal, frictionless, rectangular channel.
Considering unit width of the channel, the momentum
1 1
gy12 - gy22 = b 2 rqV2 - b1 rqV1
2 2

Taking b1 = b2 =1.0 and not that by

= discharge per unit width = V1 y1 = V2 y2
2q æ 1 1 ö
(y 2
- y 22 = çç -
g è y1 y2 ø

2q 2
y1 y2 ( y1 + y2 ) = = 2 yc3
g 11
Majid Mirzaei UM
On non-dimensionalising,
y1 æ y1 ö 2q 2
ç 1 + ÷ = = 2 F 2

y2 ÷ 3 1
y2 è ø gy1

where F1 = Froude number of the approach flow = V1 gy1

Solving for ( y1 y2 ) yields
!! "
= −1 + 1 − 8𝐹"# . (12-1)
!" #

This equation which relates the ratio of the sequent depths ( y1 y2 )

to the initial Froude number F1 in a horizontal frictionless
rectangular channel is known as the Belanger momentum equation.
For high values of F1 ,say F1 > 8.0, Eq. can be approximated for
purposes of quick estimation of the sequent depth ratio as
y1 y2 » 1.41F1

Majid Mirzaei UM 12
Equation can also be expressed in terms of F2 = V2 gy2 = the
subcritical Froude number on the downstream of the jump as
%# &
= −1 + 1 − 8𝐹'' 13-1
%$ '

(b) Energy Loss

The energy loss EL in the jump is obtained by the energy equation
applied to sections l and 2 as

(as the channel is horizontal)

E L = E1 - E2
æ q2 ö æ q2 ö
= çç y1 + 2
÷÷ - çç y1 + 2
è 2 gy 1 ø è 2 gy 2 ø

1 q 2 æ y22 - y22 ö
= ( y1 - y2 ) + çç ÷÷
2 g è 2 gy22 ø 13
Majid Mirzaei UM
Substituting for q 2 g from Eq. and simplifying

EL =
( y2- y1 )

4 y1 y 2
(14-1) 3
æ y2 ö
ç y - 1 ÷
EL è ø
= 1

y1 æ y2 ö

ç y ÷÷
or è 1ø
EL æ EL ö æ E1 ö
The relative energy loss =ç
ç ÷
÷ ç
ç y ÷÷
E1 è y1 ø è 1ø
æ y2 ö
But E1 F12 ç
ç y - 1÷
= 1+
2 EL/E1
è 1
y 2 öæ
F12 ö

ç ÷
ç 1+ ÷
è y1 øè 2 ø
Majid Mirzaei UM
Substituting for ( y1 y2 ) from Eq. (12-1) and simplifying,

EL (
- 3 + 1 + 8F 2

)( )

E1 (
8 2 + F12 - 1 + 1 + 8 F12

Equation (15-1) gives the fraction of the intitial energy lost in the
hydraulic jump. The variation of EL E 1 with F1 is shown in Fig16
which highlights the enormous energy dissipating characteristic of
the jump. At F1= 5, about 50 percent of the initial energy in the
supercritical stream is lost and at F1 = 20, EL E 1 is about 86 per
cent. Figure 16 also serves as a yard -stick for comparing the
efficiencies of other types of jumps and energy-dissipating devices.

Majid Mirzaei UM 15
Experimental studies by many research workers and specifically
the comprehensive work of Bradley and peterka which covered a
range of Froude numbers up to 20, have shown that Eqs (12-1) and
(14-1) adequately represent the sequent-depth ratio and energy
loss (respectively in a hydraulic jump formed on a horizontal floor.
Majid Mirzaei UM

As a result of extensive studies of Bradley and peterka the

hydraulic jumps m horizontal rectangular channels are classified
into five categories based on the Froude number F1 of the
supercritical flow, as follows:
(i) Undular Jump: 1.0< F1 £ 1.7
The water surface is undulating with a very small ripple on the
surface. The sequent-depth ratio is very small and E L E 1 is
practically zero. A typical undular jump is shown in Fig. 18(a).

Majid Mirzaei UM 17
Majid Mirzaei UM 18
(ii) Weak jump: 1.7<. F1 £ 2.5
The surface roller makes its appearance at F1 » 1.7 and gradually
increases in intensity towards the end of this range, i.e.F1 » 2.5. The
energy dissipation is very small, E L E 1 is about 5 per cent at F1 =
1.7 and 18 per cent at F1 = 2.5. The water surface is smooth after the
jump (Fig. 19(b)).

Majid Mirzaei UM
(iii) Oscillating Jump: 2.5<. F1 £ 4.5
This category of jump is characterised by an instability of the high-velocity flow in
the jump which oscillates in a random manner between the bed and the surface. These
oscillations produce large surface waves that travel considerable distances downstream
(Fig. 20(c)). Special care is needed to suppress the waves in stilling basins having this
kind of jump. Energy dissipation is moderate in this range; E L E 1 = 45 per cent at
F1 = 4.5.

Majid Mirzaei UM
(iv) ‘Steady’ Jump 4.5< F1 £ 9.0
In this range of Froude numbers the jump is well-established, the
roller and jump action is fully developed to cause appreciable
energy loss (Fig. 21 (d)). The relative energy loss E L E 1 ranges
from 45 per cent to 70 per cent in this class of jump. The ‘steady
jump is least sensitive in terms of the toe-position to small
fluctuations in the tailwater elevation.

Majid Mirzaei UM 21
(v) Strong or Choppy Jump: F > 9.0

In this class of jump the water surface is very rough and choppy. The
water surface downstream of the jump is also rough and wavy (Fig. 22
(c)). The sequent-depth ratio is large and the energy dissipation is very
efficient with E L E 1 values greater than 70 per cent.

Majid Mirzaei UM
It is of course obvious that the above classification is based on a purely
subjective consideration of certain gross physical characteristics. As such, the
range of Froude numbers indicated must not be taken too rigidly. Local
factors in stilling basin design can cause overlaps in the range of Froude
numbers. Figure 24(Plate 1) shows four typical hydraulic jumps in a
rectangular laboratory flume.

Majid Mirzaei UM 23
Majid Mirzaei UM 24

(a) The Length of the Jump

The length of the jump L j is an important parameter affecting
the size of a Milling basin in which the jump is used. There have
been many definitions of the length of the jump resulting in some
confusion in comparing various studies. It is now usual to take the
length of the jump as the horizontal distance between the toe of
the jump to a section where the water surface becomes
essentially level after reaching the maximum depth. Because the
water-surface profile is very flat towards the end of the jump, large
personal errors are introduced in the determination of the
length L j .

Majid Mirzaei UM 25
Experimentally it is found that L j y2 = f (F1 ) . The variation of
with L y obtained by Bradley and Peterika F1 is shown in Fig.26. This curve
Yj 2

is usually recommended for general use. It is evident from Fig. 26-1 that
while L j y2 depends on L j y2 for small values of the inlet Froude number, at
higher values (i.e. F1 > 5.0) the relative jump length F1 is practically
constant at a value of Eq10-1. Elevatorsi has shown that the data of
reference l can be expressed as (26-1)

L j = 6.9( y2 - y1 )


Majid Mirzaei UM
(b) Pressure Distribution
The pressures at the toe of the jump and at the end of the jump follow
hydrostatic pressure distribution. However, inside the body of the jump,
the strong curvatures of the streamlines cause the pressures to deviate
from the hydrostatic distribution. Observations by Rajaratnam have
shown that in the initial portions of the jump of pressures in the jump
body will be less than the hydrostatic pressure. The deficit from the
hydrostatic pressure increases with an increase in the initial Froude
number F1.
However, at the bottom of the channel and in a narrow region close to the
bed, the pressures are essentially hydrostatic. Thus the pressure-head
profile on the bed is the same as the mean water-surface profile.

. Majid Mirzaei UM 27
c) Water Surface Profile
A knowledge of the surface profile of the jump is useful in the efficient design
of side walls and the floor of a stilling basin. Consider the coordinate system
shown in Fig. 28. The coordinates of the profile are (x, h )with the boundary
condition that at x = 0 , y = 0 and at x= Lj ,h= y1 - y2 .
In general,. h = ( x, F1 )

Majid Mirzaei UM
Based on an analysis of a large number of jump profiles and bed-
pressure profiles obtained by various investigators,
Subramanyd and Rqjaratnam and subramanya have shown
that the jump profile can be expressed in a non-dimensional
manner as
h = f (l )
in which
0.75( y2 - y1 )

Majid Mirzaei UM 29
and λ = x/X, where X = a length scale defined as the value of x at
which h = 0.75( y2 - y1). The variation of η with λ is given in Table 30

It may be noted that in the η - λ relationship the Froude number does

not appear exp1icitly.In Eq. (30-1) X is the length sca1e and is given by
X (30-1)
= 5.08 F1 - 7.82
y1 30
Majid Mirzaei UM
(d) Velocity Profile

When the supercritical stream at the toe enters the jump

body, it undergoes shearing action at the top as well as at the
solid boundaries. The top surface of the high-velocity now
will have high relative velocities with respect to the fluid mass
that overlays It. The intense shear at the surface generates a
free shear layer which entrains the fluid from the overlying
mass of fluid.

Majid Mirzaei UM 31
The boundary shear at the bed causes a retardation of the velocity
in a boundary layer. As a result of these actions the velocity
distribution in a section at a distance x from the toe will be as
in Fig. 33 It is seen that the velocity profile has two distinct
portions-a forward flow in the lower main body and a negative
velocity region at the top. In-the forward flow, the total volumetric
rate of flow will be in excess of the discharge Q entering the jump
the toe. This is due to the flow entrainment at the shear layer. To
maintain continuity, i.e. to account for the excess forward flow, a
reverse now exists at the top. This situation results in the formation
of the roller. Majid Mirzaei UM 32
Majid Mirzaei UM 33
The forward-velocity profile has zero velocity at the bed,
maximum velocity at a distance d and then gradually decreases to
zero at a height y f above the bed. The region 0 < y < d can be
called the boundary layer part and the region d < y < y fthe free-
mixing zone. This velocity configuration indicates that the motion of
the forward flow is similar to a wall jet except that the pressure
gradient is adverse. The velocity profile and shear stress can be
studied by following the methods of analysis similar to those used in
the study of wall jets.
The velocity u at a distance y from the bed in the boundary
layer portion (0 < y < d ) can be expressed by a velocity-defect
u - um
= f (y d ) 34
Majid Mirzaei UM
where u* = t 0 r shear velocity and u m= maximum velocity at
y = d .In the free-mixing zone the velocity profile is found to be self-
similar and can be expressed as

u æ y ö
= f ( y d1 ) çç for > 0.16 ÷÷ (35-1)
um è d1 ø
where d1 = value of y at which u = .The maximum um
velocity at y = d » 0.16d1 . It may be noted that the non-
dimensionalised velocity profile is explicitly independent of F1and x . The
scales of the above relationship are u m and d1 which are given by
um (35-2)
= f ( x y1 )
and d1 (35-3)
= f ( x y1 )
Majid Mirzaei UM
Both Eq. (35-2) and Eq. (35-3) are found to be independent of
the initial Froude number F1 .

(e) Other Characteristics

In addition to the characteristics mentioned above, information

about shear stress and turbulent characteristics enhance one’s
understanding of the jump phenomenon. It has been found that the
initial boundary-layer thickness and relative roughness of the bed
play a major role in these aspects. Useful information on these
topics arc available in literature.

Majid Mirzaei UM 36
EXAMPLE 1 A spillway discharges a flood flow at a rate of
7.75 m 3 s per meter width. At the downstream horizontal apron
the depth of flow was found to be 0.50m. What tailwater depth is
needed to form a hydraulic jump? If a jump is formed, find its (a)
type, (b) length, (c) head loss, (d) energy loss as a percentage of the
initial energy and (e) profile.
q = 7.75 m 3 s m ,and y1 = 0.50m
V1 = = 15.50
F1 = = 7.0
9.81´ 0.50
sequent-depth: Eq 12-1
y2 1 æ
= ç - 1 + 1 + 8 ´ (7 ) ö÷ = 9.41

y1 2 è ø
y2 = 4.71m = required tailwater depth. 37
Majid Mirzaei UM
(a) Type: since F1 = 7.0, a ‘steady’ jump will be formed
(b) Since F1 > 5.0, L j= 6.1y2
L j = length of the jump =6.1 ´ 4.71 =28.7 m

(c) EL= head loss =

( y2 - y1 )
= (4.71 - 0.50) (4 ´ 0.5 ´ 4.71) = 7.92m

4 y1 y2
(d) E1 = y1 +
= 0.5 +
(15.50 )
= 12.75m
2g 2 ´ 9.81
(e) Profile : Eq 30-1
= 5.08(7.0 ) - 7.82 = 27.72
X = 13.87 m
0.75( y2 - y1 ) = 3.16m
x and h = h
\ l=
13.87 3.16 38
Majid Mirzaei UM
Substituting these for the values of λ and η given in Table 30
a relation between x and h is obtained. As suggested in Section
(c), the profile is calculated up to λ » 1.80, i.e. up to x = 25.0 m
and then is joined by a smooth curve to the end-of the jump at x
= L j = 28.7 m. the change in the depth in this range would be
0.0433 ´ 3.16 = 0.14m. This being a flat curve, i.e., a change of
0.14 m in 3.70 m the procedure as above is adequate

Majid Mirzaei UM 39
EXAMPLE 2 A rectangular channel carrying a supercritical
stream is to be provided with a hydraulic-jump type of energy
dissipator. If it is desired to have an energy loss of 5.0 m in the
jump when the inlet Froude number is 8.5 determine the sequent
F1 = 8.5 , and EL = 5.0 m

By Eq. (12-1),
(-1+ 8 F12 )

= ç - 1 + 8 ´ (8.5) ö÷ = 11.53

2è ø
æ y2 ö
çç - 1÷÷
E L è y1 ø
By Eq. (14-1), y1 æy ö
4çç 2 ÷÷
è y1 ø
Majid Mirzaei UM 40
5.0 (11.53 - 1.0 )
= = 25.32m
y1 4 ´11.53
\ y1 = 0.198m ,and y2 = 2.277 m

EXAMPLE 6.3 An overflow spillway (Fig.42) is 40.0 m high. At

the design energy head of 2.5 m over the spillway find the sequent
depths and energy loss in a hydraulic jump formed on a horizontal
apron at the toe of the spillway. Neglect energy loss due to flow
over the spillway face. (Assume Cd = 0.738).
The discharge per metre width of the spillway is

Majid Mirzaei UM 41
q = Cd 2 g H d3 2
= 0.738 ´ 29.81(2.5)

= 99.614 m 3 s m

Majid Mirzaei UM
By the energy equation V12
p + H d = y1 +
(Energy loss over the spillway is neglected)
y1 +
(8.614 )
= 42.15
2 gy1

By trial-and –error y1 = 0.30m

q 8.614
V1 = = = 28.71 m s
y1 0.3
F1 = V1 gy1 = 28.71 9.81´ 0.3 = 16.74

y2 1é
= - 1 + 8(16.74 ) ù = 23.18
By Eq.(12-1),
0.30 2 êë úû

y2 = 6.954m
Majid Mirzaei UM
Energy loss EL =
( y2 - y1 )

4 y1 y2
(Eq. 14-1)
(6.954 - 0.3)
= 35.30m
4 ´ 0.30 ´ 6.954

E1 = Energy at section 1= 42.5m

= ´100 = 83.0%
Percentage of initial energy loss

Majid Mirzaei UM 44

If the side walls of a channel are not vertical, e.g. in the case of a
trapezoidal channel, the flow in a jump will involve lateral
expansion of the stream in addition to increase in depth. The
cross-sectional areas are not linear functions of the depth of flow.
This aspect introduces not only computational difficulties in the
calculation of the sequent-depth ratio but also structural changes
in the jump. A brief introduction to this rather wide field of jumps
in non-rectangular channels is given in this section.
Majid Mirzaei UM 45
Consider a horizontal frictionless channel of any arbitrary shape,
such as in Fig.9. For a hydraulic jump in this channel, the general
momentum (Eq. (10-1)) with the assumption of b 2 = b1 = 1.0
reduces to:
P1 - P2 = M 2 - M 1 (46-1)
i.e. gA1 y1 - gA2 y 2 = rQ2V2 - rQ1V1

rQ22 rQ12
= - (46-2)
A2 A1

where A = area of cross-section any y = depth of the centre of

gravity of the area from the water surface.
Rearranging Eq. (46-1)
P1 + M 1 = P2 + M 2
Majid Mirzaei UM 46
æ Q2 ö
i.e. P + M = çç A y + ÷÷ = Const (47-1)
è gA ø

P+M Q2
= Ps = A y + = Const
i.e. g gA (47-2)

æ P+M ö
The term Ps çç = g ÷÷ is the specific force.
è ø

Majid Mirzaei UM 47
For small and isolated calculations, Eq. (46.2) is solved by a trial-
and-error procedure to obtain the sequent depths.
The energy loss E L due to a jump in a non-rectanglar
horizontal channel is

Q æç 1 1 ö÷
EL = E1 - E2 = ( y1 - y2 ) + - 2 (48)
2 g è A1 A1 ÷ø
ç 2

Majid Mirzaei UM 48
A trapezoidal channel is 2.0 m wide at the bottom and has side dope
of 1.5 horizontal : 1 vertical. Construct the specific-force diagram
for a discharge of
135 m 3 s in this channel. For this discharge find the depth sequent
to the supercritical depth of 0.5 m.

Majid Mirzaei UM
The channel cross-section is show as an inset Fig. 49.
A1 = (2.0 + 1.5 ´ 0.5)´ 0.5 = 1.375m 2
T1 = 2.0 + 2 ´1.5 ´ 0.5 = 3.5m
= 0.393m
V1 = = 9.818 m s
For a trapezoidal section 9.818
F1 = = 5.00
9.81´ 0.393

éæ yö 2 yù
A y = êç By ÷ + my ú
ëè 2 ø 3 û
Majid Mirzaei UM = (3B + 2my ) 50

Specific force Q2
Ps = + Ay
+ Ay

18.578 y2
Ps = + (6 + 3 y )
(2.0 + 1.5 y ) y 6

Values of Ps were computed using this equation for different y

values, ranging from y = 0.1 m to y =6.0 m and is shown plotted
in Fig. 49. From Fig. 49, the depth sequent to y1 = 0.5
m is y2 = 2.38 m (point B).
Majid Mirzaei UM 51
(b) Sequent-depth Ratios
Expressions for sequent-depth ratios in channels of regular
shapes can be obtained by re-arranging the terms in Eq. (47-1) as:
Q2 Q
+ A1 y1 = + A2 y 2
gA1 gA2
Q2 æ 1 1 ö
A2 y 2 - A1 y1 = çç - ÷÷
g è A1 A2 ø
æ A2 y2 ö Q 2 æ A2 - A1 ö
A1 y1 çç - 1÷÷ = çç ÷÷
è A1 y1 ø g è A1 A2 ø
Q 2T1
Noting that F12 = 3 , and on re-arranging
æ A2 y2 ö æ A1 T1 öæ A1 ö
ç ÷ ç ÷ç ÷
ç A y - 1÷ = F1 ç y ÷ç1 - A ÷

è 1 1 ø è 1 øè 2 ø

Majid Mirzaei UM 52
(c) Jumps in ExponentiaI Channels
Exponential channels represent a class of geometric shapes with
the area related to the depth as A = k1 y in which k1 and a

are characteristic constants. For example, values of 1.0, 15 and 2.0

for a represent rectangular, Parabolic and triangular channels

Majid Mirzaei UM 53
In the case of an exponential channel (Fig 54)

Top width
T = = k1ay a -1 (54-1)
= (y a)
T (54-2)

Majid Mirzaei UM 54
1 y
y= ò ( y - h )dh , where t = top width at any
A 0
height h .
1 y
= ò k1 ah a -1
( y - h )dh
A 0

y= y (a + 1) (55-1)
Substituting for T, A T and y

æ y2a y2 ö æ y a ö æ y a
çç a . - 1÷÷ = F1 çç
2 1
÷÷çç1 - a ÷÷

è y1 y1 ø è y1 (a + 1) øè y2 ø

æ y2 ö
a +1
æ æ y1 ö ö÷ (55-2)
i.e. 2 æ a + 1 öç
çç ÷÷ - 1 = F1 ç ÷ 1 - çç ÷÷
è y1 ø è a øçè è y2 ø ÷ø
Using this equation the ratio y 2 y1 can be evaluated as a
function of F1 and a .
The energy loss EL due to a jump in a horizontal exponential
channel can be expressed as

æ y2 ö æ æ y2 ö

2açç1 - ÷÷ + F1 1 - çç ÷÷ ÷
EL è y1 ø ç è y1 ø ÷
= è ø
E1 (2a + F )1

Experimental studies by Argyropoulus on hydraulic jumps in

parabolic channels and triangular channels have shown that the
sequent-depth ratios calculated by Eq.(55-2) agree closely with the
experimental data.

Majid Mirzaei UM 56
EXAMPLE 6.5 A hydraulic jump takes place in a horizontal
triangular channel having side slopes of 1.5 H: 1 V. The depths
before and after the jump are 0.30m and 1.20 m respectively.
Estimate the (i) flow rate, (ii) Froude number at the beginning and
end of the jump and (iii) energy loss in the jump.
P = gA y = g my 2
) y
rQ 2 rQ 2
M = =
A my 2
gmy 3 rQ 2
By Eq. (47-1) P+M = + 2
= Const.
3 my
3 2 3
gmy Q gmy2 Q2
+ 2
= +
3 my1 3 my22
Q2 é 1 1 ù gm 3
m ë y12
- ú
y22 û
y 2 - y1(
Q 2
m2 (
y23 - y13 )
3 é y22 - y12 ù )
ê y2 y2 ú
ë 1 2 û

Q2 g=
( )
m 2 y13 h 3 - 1 h 2 y14 h = y2 y1
3 (
h 2 - 1 y12) where

Q 2
( )
m 2 y15 h 3 - 1 h 2
3 (
h 2 -1 )
y2 1.20
m = 1.5 , y1 = 0.3 ,h = = = 0.4
y1 0.3
(1.5) 5 (4 - 1)(4 )
2 3 2
Q2 g= (0.3) = 0.12247
3 (4 2
-1 )
Q = 1.096 m 3 s
For a triangular channel, Froude number F =
2 2
Q T Q 2my
F =
gA gm 3 y 6
2Q 2
gm 2 y 5

2 ´ (1.096 )
F1 = = 44.88; F1 = 6.693
9.81´ (1.5) ´ (0.3)
2 5

2 ´ (1.096 )
= = 0.04375; F2 = 0.209
9.81´ (1.5) ´ (1.2 )
2 5

Energy loss: E L = E1 - E2
æ V12 ö æ V22 ö
= çç y1 + ÷÷ - çç y2 + ÷÷
è 2g ø è 2g ø

1.5 ´ (0.3)
A1 = = 0.135m 2 ; V 1= = 8.119m
2 0.135

1.5 ´ (1.2 ) 1.096

A2 = = 2.160m 2 ; V 2= = 0.507 m
2 2.16

æ (8.119 ) ö æ
(0.507 )
E L = ç 0.3 + ÷ - ç1.2 + ÷
ç 2 ´ 9.81 ÷ ç 2 ´ 9.81 ÷
è ø è ø

= 3.66 - 1.213 = 2.447 m


The high energy loss that occurs in a hydraulic jump has led to
its adoption as a part of the energy-dissipator system below a
hydraulic structure. The downstream portion of the hydraulic
structure where the energy dissipation is deliberately allowed
to occur so that the outgoing stream can safely be conducted
to the channel below is known as a stilling basin. It is a fully-
paved channel section and may have additional parts, such as
baffle blocks and sills to aid in the efficient performance over a
wide range of operating conditions.
Majid Mirzaei UM 61
Majid Mirzaei UM


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