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published: 20 June 2019

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01404

A Review of the Microbial Production

of Bioactive Natural Products and
Janette V. Pham 1,2 , Mariamawit A. Yilma 1,2 , Adriana Feliz 1,2 , Murtadha T. Majid 1,2 ,
Nicholas Maffetone 1,2 , Jorge R. Walker 1,2 , Eunji Kim 3 , Hyo Je Cho 4 , Jared M. Reynolds 1,2 ,
Myoung Chong Song 3 , Sung Ryeol Park 1,2,5* and Yeo Joon Yoon 3*
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Scranton, PA, United States, 2 Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, Doylestown,
PA, United States, 3 Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea, 4 School
of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, 5 Natural Products Discovery
Institute, Doylestown, PA, United States

A variety of organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and plants, produce secondary

metabolites, also known as natural products. Natural products have been a prolific
source and an inspiration for numerous medical agents with widely divergent chemical
Edited by:
Dipesh Dhakal, structures and biological activities, including antimicrobial, immunosuppressive,
Sun Moon University, South Korea anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities, many of which have been developed as
Reviewed by: treatments and have potential therapeutic applications for human diseases. Aside
Alejandra Prieto-Davó,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma from natural products, the recent development of recombinant DNA technology has
de México, Mexico sparked the development of a wide array of biopharmaceutical products, such as
Yousong Ding,
recombinant proteins, offering significant advances in treating a broad spectrum of
University of Florida, United States
medical illnesses and conditions. Herein, we will introduce the structures and diverse
Sung Ryeol Park biological activities of natural products and recombinant proteins that have been
sung.park@bblumberg.org; exploited as valuable molecules in medicine, agriculture and insect control. In addition,
Yeo Joon Yoon we will explore past and ongoing efforts along with achievements in the development
joonyoon@ewha.ac.kr of robust and promising microorganisms as cell factories to produce biologically
active molecules. Furthermore, we will review multi-disciplinary and comprehensive
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to engineering approaches directed at improving yields of microbial production of natural
Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, products and proteins and generating novel molecules. Throughout this article, we
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Microbiology
will suggest ways in which microbial-derived biologically active molecular entities and
Received: 18 January 2019
their analogs could continue to inspire the development of new therapeutic agents in
Accepted: 04 June 2019 academia and industry.
Published: 20 June 2019
Keywords: natural products, biologics, biological activity, microbial cell factories, genetic engineering,
Citation: combinatorial biosynthesis, production improvement
Pham JV, Yilma MA, Feliz A,
Majid MT, Maffetone N, Walker JR,
Kim E, Cho HJ, Reynolds JM,
Song MC, Park SR and Yoon YJ
(2019) A Review of the Microbial
Production of Bioactive Natural
Natural products originate as secondary metabolites from a myriad of sources, including terrestrial
Products and Biologics. plants, animals, marine organisms, microorganisms, terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates (Chin
Front. Microbiol. 10:1404. et al., 2006). These structurally and chemically diverse molecules act as a remarkable class of
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01404 therapeutics to heal various ailments. The earliest documentation of the application of natural

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 1 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

products to improve human health dates back to the ancient production of the recombinant human insulin Humulin , R

Mesopotamia’s sophisticated medicinal system from 2900 to Escherichia coli quickly became the prevalent expression platform
2600 BCE (Borchardt, 2002; Siddiqui et al., 2014). By the in the 1980s when the biopharmaceutical sector emerged and
early 1900’s, approximately 80% of all medicines were obtained was followed by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sanchez-Garcia
from plant sources (Sneader, 1997; Siddiqui et al., 2014). The et al., 2016). Microbial cells constitute the majority of hosts
discovery of penicillin from Penicillium notatum by Alexander employed in the production of currently approved recombinant
Fleming in 1928 marked a significant shift from plants to pharmaceuticals for human treatment, mainly because of
microorganisms as a source of natural products (Fleming, their lack of unconventional post-translational modifications,
1944). Since then, microorganism-derived compounds have been proteolytic instability, poor solubility and activation of cell stress
utilized in medicine, agriculture, food industry and scientific responses (Graumann and Premstaller, 2006). This demonstrates
research (Sanchez et al., 2012). The early years of antibiotic that microbial hosts represent convenient and robust platforms
research discovered streptomycin from Streptomyces griseus for the efficient production of recombinant proteins despite some
(Waksman et al., 1946), chloramphenicol from Streptomyces bottlenecks and obstacles.
venezuelae (Duggar, 1948), chlortetracycline from Streptomyces Herein, we will summarize the biological activities and
aureofaciens (Ehrlich et al., 1947), cephalosporin C from applications of a variety of natural products and biologics
Cephalosporium acremonium (Newton and Abraham, 1955), and review the microbial systems used to produce these
erythromycin from Saccharopolyspora erythraea and vancomycin pharmaceutical compounds. We will also cover past and
from Amycolatopsis orientalis (Geraci et al., 1956). Given current attempts at improving the microbial production of
these historical successes, large pharmaceutical companies have these biological molecules and generating new molecules using
continued to invest in this traditional domain (Dias et al., diverse engineering approaches. In addition, we will discuss the
2012). Currently, approximately 60% of approved small molecule challenges of the production of natural products and biologics
medicines are related to natural products, and 69% of all in microbial systems and advances that can help overcome
antibacterial agents originate from natural products (Patridge them for drug discovery and development. Future prospects
et al., 2016; Matsumura et al., 2018). However, many natural for cutting-edge developments and technological advances
compounds with potential as novel drug candidates occur in in microbial production of bioactive natural products and
low concentrations in nature, often making drug discovery recombinant proteins as the most valuable sources of therapeutics
and development burdensome and economically impractical. are also discussed.
Therefore, an emerging alternative solution is to express
biosynthetic genes from the original producers in microbial
hosts, notably bacteria and fungi (Song et al., 2014). Engineered BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF NATURAL
microbes can produce appreciable amounts of scarce natural PRODUCTS AND BIOLOGICS
compounds, thereby facilitating the synthesis of the target novel
compound and potent derivatives, as well as the validation of Natural products have diverse biological activities relevant
their activities (Matsumura et al., 2018). to human health, including antibiotic, antifungal, anticancer,
The natural product sector is not the only area that has immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, biofilm inhibitory
undergone substantial growth or utilizes therapeutic products activities, etc. In this section, we will focus on the biological
generated in/from living organisms. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic activities of natural products, which can be grouped into several
microbial cells, in combination with the advancement of categories. The biological activities of microbial recombinant
recombinant DNA techniques, have been responsible for proteins will be also reviewed.
an explosion of biologics. Biologics are a set of molecules
whose active pharmaceutical ingredients are derived from Antibiotics
living organisms such as animals, plants, microorganisms, Natural products are a rich source for antibiotic drug
human blood products, and tissue transplants that are too development, but the most clinically useful of these scaffolds
complex to be produced through organic synthesis (Revers can be classified as polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, and
and Furczon, 2010). They can be categorized into five aminoglycosides (Wright, 2014). Polyketides, assembled by
main classes: (1) monoclonal antibodies, like trastuzumab polyketide synthases (PKS), make up one of the largest classes
(Herceptin ) and rituximab (Rituxan ); (2) blood factor
of chemically diverse natural products and are among the
derivatives, like coagulation factor VIIa (NovoSeven RT ) and
most important secondary metabolites for their applications
epoiten alfa (Epogen ); (3) vaccines; (4) enzymes; and (5)
in medicine, agriculture, and industry (Tae et al., 2007). For
recombinant proteins, such as immunomodulatory cytokines, example, pikromycin was the first known polyketide antibiotic
and thrombolytic agents (Lacana et al., 2007). Since the approval produced from S. venezuelae in 1950 (Vazquez, 1967; Jung
of recombinant human insulin and recombinant human growth et al., 2006). It has been reported that pikromycin is very potent
hormone as some of the first modern biopharmaceuticals, against multi-drug resistant respiratory pathogens (Woo et al.,
large numbers of additional biopharmaceuticals have been 2014). Another remarkable polyketide antibiotic with significant
developed, approved, and marketed using different microbial clinical applications is erythromycin A (1; Figure 1 and Table 1),
expression systems; many more are currently in the development which was first discovered in 1952 as a broad-spectrum antibiotic
pipeline (Graumann and Premstaller, 2006). After the successful produced by S. erythraea (McGuire et al., 1952). This antibiotic

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 2 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

FIGURE 1 | Structures of natural products with antibiotic activity.

is prescribed to a treat wide variety of bacterial infections, Aminoglycosides are another class of antibiotics that act by
such as respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, whooping binding to the rRNA subunit of the 30S bacterial ribosome
cough, syphilis, and acne, especially in patients who have adverse and inhibiting protein synthesis (Moazed and Noller, 1987).
reactions against penicillin (Cobb et al., 2013). While many Streptomycin (4; Figure 1 and Table 1) produced by S. griseus is
natural antibiotics fail to inhibit Gram-negative organisms, the first aminoglycoside discovered in 1944 and effective against
tetracyclines (2; Figure 1 and Table 1) are active against both pulmonary tuberculosis (Schatz et al., 1944). Since the discovery
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (Chopra and Roberts, of streptomycin, aminoglycoside antibiotics such as kanamycin,
2001; Demain, 2009). gentamicin, sisomicin, and lividomycin have been discovered
As previously mentioned, penicillin is a well-known antibiotic and widely used to treat infectious organisms that have
secondary metabolite from P. notatum and is effective against developed resistance against streptomycin after prolonged use
Gram-positive bacteria, which are responsible for diseases such as (Park et al., 2013). Despite their excellent antibacterial activity,
scarlet fever, pneumonia, gonorrhea, meningitis, and diphtheria aminoglycosides have met with resistant organisms. In order to
(Fleming, 2001; Tan and Tatsumura, 2015). Penicillin belongs to combat antibiotic resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics, semi-
non-ribosomal peptide antibiotics along with vancomycin synthetic aminoglycoside antibiotics were specifically tailored
(Fischbach and Walsh, 2006). Non-ribosomal peptides, to shield against these enzymes (Van Bambeke et al., 2017).
assembled by non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS), possess Semi-synthetic aminoglycoside antibiotics such as amikacin,
bioactivity that can be exploited for therapeutic applications netilmicin, dibekacin, and isepamicin are developed as a result
and are amongst the most widespread and structurally of semi-synthetic derivatives of the natural product (Miller et al.,
diverse secondary metabolites. Vancomycin (3; Figure 1 1976; Leggett, 2015).
and Table 1) is another potent non-ribosomal peptide against Natural antimicrobials have also been important to the food
pathogenic bacteria, including Clostridium difficile, Listeria industry in terms of food safety against foodborne pathogens.
monocytogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus Microbes such as lactic acid bacteria, produce a wide range
epidermidis, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus of chemicals that have been shown to inhibit the growth and
(MRSA) (Dasgupta, 2012). development of other microbial species. Nisin A (5; Figure 1

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 3 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

TABLE 1 | Biological activities of microbial-derived natural products and biologics.

Name Origin Biological activity References

Erythromycin A (1) Saccharopolyspora erythraea Antibacterial McGuire et al., 1952; Zhang et al.,
2010; Cobb et al., 2013
Tetracycline (2) Streptomyces rimosus Antibacterial Chopra and Roberts, 2001;
Demain, 2009
Vancomycin (3) Amycolatopsis orientalis Antibacterial Geraci et al., 1956; Dasgupta, 2012
Streptomycin (4) Streptomyces griseus Antibacterial Schatz et al., 1944; Waksman
et al., 1946
Nisin A (5) Lactococcus lactis Antimicrobial Li and Vederas, 2009; Gyawali and
Ibrahim, 2014
Reuterin (6) Lactobacillus reuteri Antimicrobial Talarico et al., 1988; Gyawali and
Ibrahim, 2014
Antifungal Agents
Amphotericin B (7) Streptomyces nodosus Antifungal Abu-Salah, 1996; Tevyashova
et al., 2013
Ieodoglucomide C (8) Bacillus licheniformis Antifungal Tareq et al., 2015
Anticancer and Antitumor
Bleomycin (9) Streptoalloteichus hindustanus, Squamous cell carcinomas, Einhorn and Donohue, 2002;
Streptomyces verticillus Hodgkin’s lymphomas and testis Demain and Vaishnav, 2011
Ddaunorubicin (10) Streptomyces peucetius and Acute lymphoblastic or Di Marco et al., 1981; Giddings and
various related strains myeloblastic lymphoma Newman, 2013
Immunosuppressant/Anti-inflammatory Agents
Rapamycin (11) Streptomyces rapamycinicus Immunosuppressive, antifungal, Vezina et al., 1975; Mann, 2001;
(formerly, Streptomyces antitumor, neuroprotective, Law, 2005; Pan et al., 2008;
hygroscopicus ATCC 29253), neuroregenerative, and lifespan Anisimov et al., 2011; Song et al.,
Streptomyces iranensis, and extension activities, growth 2015; Yoo et al., 2017
Actinoplanes sp. N902-109 inhibitory activity against several
FK506 (12) Streptomyces tsukubaensis and Immunosuppressive, antifungal, Tanaka et al., 1987; Mann, 2001;
several Streptomyces species anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective Migita and Eguchi, 2003; Demain,
and neuroregenerative activities, 2014; Ban et al., 2016; Yoo et al.,
rheumatoid arthritis treatment 2017
Biofilm-Inhibitory Agents
Cahuitamycins (13) Streptomyces gandocaensis Inhibitors of Acinetobacter Park et al., 2016
baumannii biofilms
Avermectins (14) Streptomyces avermitilis Onchocerciasis and lymphatic Shen, 2015
Mollemycin A 20 (15) Streptomyces sp. (CMB-M0244) Gram-positive and Gram-negative Blunt et al., 2016
bacteria, antimalarial activity
Lipstatin (16) Streptomyces toxytricini Pancreatic lipase inhibitor for Weibel et al., 1987; Sanchez et al.,
obesity and diabetes 2012

and Table 1), a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis, is against Aspergillus species (Stanley and English, 1965). Clinically,
approved to preserve food in over 50 countries and is very nystatin plays a significant role as a topical antifungal agent in
active against Gram-positive bacteria resistant to conventional treating oral, gastro-intestinal, and genital candidosis (Fjærvik
antibiotics (Li and Vederas, 2009; Gyawali and Ibrahim, and Zotchev, 2005). Amphotericin B (7; Figure 2 and Table 1)
2014). Reuterin (6; Figure 1 and Table 1) from Lactobacillus is also a traditional polyene antifungal product of Streptomyces
reuteri has been shown to have antimicrobial activities against nodosus utilized against life-threatening fungal infections caused
foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms when evaluated by Aspergillus species, and especially effective in patients
in milk, dairy, and meat products (Talarico et al., 1988; who have undergone organ transplantation, received aggressive
Gyawali and Ibrahim, 2014). chemotherapy or with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(Abu-Salah, 1996; Tevyashova et al., 2013).
Antifungal Agents Recently, in a review of natural products with anti-Candida
Nystatin, one of the first effective polyene antifungal agent, albicans activity, 71 substances of the 142 evaluated were
was obtained from Streptomyces noursei in 1950 and effective determined to have antifungal activity under the criteria of

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

actinomycin was isolated from Streptomyces parvulus in 1940

and was the first antibiotic shown to have anticancer activity
(Waksman and Woodruff, 1940; Hollstein, 1974). In particular,
actinomycin D, also known as dactinomycin, is approved by
FDA and has been widely used in clinical practice as an
anticancer drug for treating many tumors, such as Wilms’ tumor,
childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and metastatic,
non-seminomatous testicular cancer.
Another notable example is the therapeutic combination of
the microbial product bleomycin (9; Figure 2 and Table 1), the
plant compound etoposide, and the synthetic agent cisplatin,
which has played a significant role in increasing the cure rate
for disseminated testicular cancer from 5% in 1974 to 90%
in 2011 (Einhorn and Donohue, 2002; Demain and Vaishnav,
2011). Bleomycin is a glycopeptide produced by Streptoalloteichus
hindustanus and has been used for squamous cell carcinomas,
melanomas, sarcomas, testicular, and ovarian cancer, Hodgkin’s
and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and testis tumors as an
anticancer agent (Demain and Vaishnav, 2011). Its derivative,
blenoxane is also used clinically with other compounds against
lymphomas, skin carcinomas, and tumors of the head, neck, and
testicles (Demain and Vaishnav, 2011). The anthracyclines are
also an important family of polyketides produced by Streptomyces
species by iterative PKS pathways and include daunorubicin
(10; Figure 2 and Table 1) (Di Marco et al., 1981), epirubicin
(Cersosimo and Hong, 1986), and doxorubicin (Metsä-Ketelä
et al., 2008). The FDA approved the use of daunorubicin and
doxorubicin for cancer therapy in the 1960s. Daunorubicin is
used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic or myeloblastic
lymphoma. Meanwhile, doxorubicin is used in the treatment of
breast cancer, solid tumors in children, soft tissue sarcomas, and
aggressive lymphomas (Giddings and Newman, 2013).
Among numerous recent examples, rapamycin, wortmannin,
and geldanamycin have been found to have antiproliferative
activities during clinical use as novel chemotherapeutic agents (da
FIGURE 2 | Structures of natural products with (A) antifungal and (B)
Rocha et al., 2001). Rapamycin, a natural product derived from
anticancer/antitumor activities. Streptomyces rapamycinicus has anticancer activity in addition
to its immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal
activities (Kim et al., 2014). It performs antitumor activity on
a tumor cell by hindering its proliferation, triggering apoptosis,
having minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values below
and inhibiting angiogenesis (Law, 2005). Wortmannin is a fungal
8 mg/mL (Zida et al., 2017). The glycolipids ieodoglucomide
furanosteroid derivative of Penicillium funiculosum (Davidson
C (8; Figure 2 and Table 1) and ieodoglycolipid were isolated
et al., 2013). It has shown as an effective selective inhibitor of
from the marine bacterium Bacillus licheniformis and exhibited
phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) and PI3K- related enzymes
antifungal activities with a 21 µg/L MIC against Aspergillus niger,
which are play a key role in intracellular signaling pathways
Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum,
(Sieber et al., 2010). A study on the proliferation and
and C. albicans (Tareq et al., 2015). Both ieodoglucomide
apoptosis of human breast MCF-7 cells treated with wortmannin
C and ieodoglycolipid also exhibit good antibiotic properties
uncovered that wortmannin shows antitumor activity by
against S. aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella
triggering apoptosis and impeding proliferation of cancer cells
typhi, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with MICs ranging
by suppressing PI3K/Akt signaling and NF-κB protein expression
from 0.01 to 0.05 µM, establishing these compounds as strong
(Yun et al., 2012). Geldanamycin is a benzoquinone ansamycin
potential candidates for the development of new fungicides
antitumor compound derived from Streptomyces hygroscopicus
(Tareq et al., 2015).
var. geldanus (Singh et al., 2010). Geldanamycin prevents ATPase
activity by binding to the heat shock protein and hindering
Anticancer Agents the stability and function of oncogenic protein kinases involved
There are many microbe-derived anticancer agents that have in signal amplification cascade that controls proliferation and
been evaluated through clinical trials. For instance, the polyketide apoptosis (Singh et al., 2010). Geldanamycin and its analogs play

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 5 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

a key role as anticancer agent in multiple myeloma, breast, activity through a phorbol ester-induced mouse ear edema assay
and prostate cancer (Gorska et al., 2012). Another example is (Trischman et al., 1994). One study evaluated 7 peptides found
epothilone, an anticancer agent produced from mycobacterium in the Faecalibacterium prausnitzii supernatant, all belonging
Sorangium cellulosum. It obstructs microtubule depolymerization to a protein named microbial anti-inflammatory molecule
thereby causing G2-M interphase arrest of the cell cycle (Molnar (Breyner et al., 2017). These peptides were able to inhibit
et al., 2000). There are also marine microbial natural products the NF-κB pathway in vitro and showed anti-inflammatory
that have anticancer activities, such as dolastatin, which is properties in vivo in a dinitrobenzene sulfate-induced colitis
originated from cyanobacteria of the genera Symploca and model (Breyner et al., 2017).
Lyngbya (Simmons et al., 2008).
Biofilm Inhibitory Agents
Immunosuppressive Agents Parasitic microorganisms adhere to solid surfaces and form
Rapamycin (also known as sirolimus) (11; Figure 3 and layers of a complex polysaccharide matrix called a biofilm
Table 1) and FK506 (tacrolimus) (12; Figure 3 and Table 1) that confers resistance against antibiotics as wells as inflicts
are microbial natural products with immunosuppressive significant chronic bacterial infections (Singh et al., 2017).
properties. Rapamycin blocks the proliferation of most cell Analogs of 5-benzylidene-4-oxazolidinones are small molecules
types in response to activation by IL-2, IL-3, platelet-derived derived from marine natural products. These molecules
growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and insulin (Vezina inhibit 89% of biofilm formed by MRSA at 0.78 µM and
et al., 1975). Rapamycin also exhibits synergism with other disperses pre-formed biofilms at 4.7 µM (Edwards et al.,
immunosuppressants, such as cyclosporin, to significantly 2017). A synthetic library of 2-aminoimidazole triazoles
reduce kidney toxicity and acute renal allograft rejection was able to successfully inhibit 94% of biofilm formation
(Yoo et al., 2017). This compound has been developed to in Acinetobacter baumannii and MRSA at 100 µM (Rabin
coat coronary stents and prevent organ transplant rejection et al., 2015). Another recent example is cahuitamycins
and lymphangioleiomyomatosis; it was approved by the A-C (13; Figure 3 and Table 1) derived from the marine
FDA for wider use in 1999 (Mann, 2001). In addition bacterium Streptomyces gandocaensis. Cahuitamycins have
to its immunosuppressive activity, rapamycin possesses been evaluated as inhibitors of A. baumannii biofilms and
several other biological activities, including antitumor, it has been found that cahuitamycin C shows half maximal
neuroprotective/neuroregenerative, antineoplastic, and lifespan inhibitory concentration (IC50 ) at 14.5 µM. Modifications of
extension activities (Law, 2005; Pan et al., 2008; Yoo et al., 2017). cahuitamycins through selective mutasynthesis have yielded
FK506 is also an immunosuppressive drug and was first cahuitamycins D and E with an increased the potency of
discovered in soil samples containing Streptomyces tsukubaensis antibiofilm activity against A. baumannii (Park et al., 2016).
and several other Streptomyces species (Tanaka et al., 1987). The FDA-approved antitumor agent actinomycin D has
FK506 is used to minimize organ rejection and to induce also significant biofilm inhibitory activity against methicillin
immunosuppression via calcineurin inhibition and interruption resistant- and sensitive-strains of S. aureus (Fracchia et al., 2010;
of T cell activation pathway (Migita and Eguchi, 2003). It has Lee et al., 2016). In addition to bacterial biofilm, fungal biofilm
been demonstrated to be more effective than cyclosporin and associated with Candida pathogens is responsible for serious
non-toxic in low doses (Demain, 2014). The discovery of its C. albicans infections linked to biofilm formation on medical
immunosuppressive activity led to its use in heart, liver, and devices. One study showed that Lactobacillus biosurfactants
kidney transplants with overwhelming success (Demain, 2014). displayed high anti-adhesive biofilm formation properties
Like rapamycin, FK506 possesses various biological activities, against C. albicans and also prevented biofilm formation of
including antifungal, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and L. monocytogenes, Salmonella arizonae, E. coli, and S. aureus
neuroregenerative activities (Ban et al., 2016). (Fracchia et al., 2010).

Anti-inflammatory Agents Others

Some natural products also have anti-inflammatory activities. Natural products can also act as antiparasitic agents. The
FK506 has shown efficacy in the treatment of refractory avermectins (14; Figure 3 and Table 1) and the derivative
rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease (Migita ivermectin have shown antiparasitic activity by significantly
and Eguchi, 2003). Rapamycin also inhibits the inflammatory lowering the incidence of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis
response after spinal cord injury by diminishing the activation (Shen, 2015). Spinosad and milbemycin also have insecticidal
and proliferation of inflammatory cells and the expression of activity. Spinosad is a combination of spinosyn A and D,
inflammatory cytokines, thereby reducing secondary injury in which are both produced by Saccharopolyspora spinosa and
the spinal cord and providing a neuroprotective effect (Song have insecticidal activity against livestock external parasites via
et al., 2015). Recently, strepsesquitriol, isolated from Streptomyces the disruption of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (Sanchez
sp. SCSIO 10355, has been found to have anti-inflammatory et al., 2012). Milbemycin is an isolated fermentation product of
activity through the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-α S. hygroscopicus subsp. aureolacrimosus that acts as an insecticide
production in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages (Yang and acaricide with GABAergic activity on the post-synaptic
et al., 2013). Salinamides A and B from marine Streptomyces membranes of the inhibitory motor neurons of mites and
sp. CNB-091 also displayed potent topical anti-inflammatory arthropods through hyperpolarization and impeding neuronal

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 6 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

FIGURE 3 | Structures of natural products with (A) immunosuppressive/anti-inflammatory, (B) biofilm-inhibitory, and (C) other activities.

signal transduction mechanisms (Copping and Duke, 2007). (IFN) α-2b (Intron A; Figure 4B) for the treatment of certain

Mollemycin A 20 (15; Figure 3 and Table 1) is a first-in- types of genital warts, malignant melanoma, hairy cell leukemia,
class glycol-hexadepsipeptide-polyketide from a Streptomyces follicular lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and chronic Hepatitis
sp. and has antibacterial properties against certain Gram- B or C (Baeshen et al., 2015; Sanchez-Garcia et al., 2016).
positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as extremely potent Top selling biopharmaceuticals of 2015 from microorganisms
antimalarial activity against drug sensitive and MDR Plasmodium include insulin glargine (Lantus ) derived from E. coli,

falciparum clones (Blunt et al., 2016). Microbial natural products which functions as an insulin analog, and the pneumococcal
also function as enzyme inhibitors. Lipstatin (16; Figure 3 vaccines (Prevnar family) derived from S. pneumoniae and

and Table 1) is a pancreatic lipase inhibitor produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Jozala et al., 2016; Sanchez-
Streptomyces toxytricini that is used to combat obesity and Garcia et al., 2016). Biopharmaceuticals are also utilized for
diabetes by interfering with the gastrointestinal absorption of fat their antitumoral properties, such as the cytokines filgrastim
(Weibel et al., 1987). Lipstatin contains a beta-lactone structure (Neupogen ) and granulocyte colony stimulating factor

that is likely responsible for irreversibly binding to the active site pegfilgrastim (Neupeg ; Figure 4C), which are both derived

of lipase (Sanchez et al., 2012). from E. coli. Flgrastim stimulates hematopoiesis for bone
marrow transplantation and cancer chemotherapy-induced
Biological Activity of Microbial Biologics neutropenia, whereas pegfilgrastim stimulates the differentiation,
Since Humulin (Figure 4A) became the first recombinant
proliferation and activation of neutrophilic granulocytes for
biopharmaceutical as a treatment for diabetes (Johnson, cancer chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (Sanchez-Garcia
1983), additional FDA-approved microbial biologics have been et al., 2016). Recombinant human interleukin-3 (hIL-3;
produced by E. coli. Somatrem (Protropin ) and somatropinR
Figure 4D) protein is a cytokine that regulates the differentiation
(Humatrope ) are used to treat children with growth hormone
and proliferation of the various cells of the immune system
deficiency (Baeshen et al., 2015; Sanchez-Garcia et al., 2016). (Hercus et al., 2013). The hIL-3 protein is derived from B. subtilis,
Another biopharmaceutical produced from E. coli is pegloticase B. licheniformis, and E. coli and has utility as a laboratory reagent
(Krystexxa ) for the treatment of chronic gout and interferon
in hematology for cell cultures, differentiation studies and

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 7 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

FIGURE 4 | Crystal structures of (A) recombinant human insulin (Humulin R ) (PDB 4F0N) (Favero-Retto et al., 2013); (B) interferon (IFN) α-2b (PDB 3SE3) (Thomas
et al., 2011); (C) granulocyte colony growth factor pegfilgrastim (Neupeg R ) (PDB 1HRG) (Hill et al., 1993); (D) human interleukin-3 (PDB 5UV8) (Broughton et al.,
2018); and (E) human serum albumin (Recombumin R and Albucult R ) (PDB 1AO6) (Sugio et al., 1999). The models are colored according to the sequence by a
rainbow color from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red).

functional assays. It has shown that hIL-3 has potential in and safe for patients with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic
treating bone marrow failure, hematological malignancies, and arthritis, adult-onset Still’s disease, hereditary autoinflammatory
can support engraftment after bone marrow transplantation syndromes, and Schnitzler’s syndrome (Kalliolias and Liossis,
(Westers et al., 2006). In addition, recombinant Pfs48/45 is a 2008; Jozala et al., 2016).
disulfide-rich malaria transmission-blocking vaccine produced
by L. lactis that provides immunization against malaria from
P. falciparum (Song et al., 2017). MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES
Recombivax is produced by S. cerevisiae and can prevent
infection of all known subtypes of the Hepatitis B virus (Sanchez- Selecting a suitable host strain is one of the most important
Garcia et al., 2016). Some examples of currently approved aspects in the design of natural product and recombinant protein
protein therapeutics derived from yeast include human serum bioprocesses. We will review the characteristics of the microbial
albumin (Recombumin and Albucult ; Figure 4E), human
R R strains used to produce natural products and biologics in this
insulin (Actrapid ) and primary immunization for infants
R section. We will also present the tools and strategies that facilitate
born of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (Pediarix ), R engineering of the hosts as microbial cell factories for the
all of which are obtained exclusively from S. cerevisiae production of biopharmaceutical compounds (Table 2).
(McAleer et al., 1984; Ballance, 1999; Nielsen, 2013; Nandy
and Srivastava, 2018). Recombinant human serum albumin Gram-Negative Bacteria
is utilized to increase the shelf life of protein drugs by Escherichia coli
preventing physical and chemical degradation. Actrapid is R
Escherichia coli has been seen as one of the optimal systems
used to treat diabetes, and subcutaneous injections of Pediarix for the production of natural products because it is easily
is designed for immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, manipulated, highly productive, there is an availability of genetic
pertussis, poliomyelitis, and infection caused by all known tools to use with it and there is a deep knowledge of its
subtypes of HBV (Nandy and Srivastava, 2018). Ecallantide physiology. Artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone endoperoxide
(Kalbitor ) is an FDA-approved recombinant peptide produced
from Artemisia annua L. plants, has strong antimalarial
by Pichia pastoris for the treatment of hereditary angioedema activity against the multi-drug resistant parasite P. falciparum
(Sheffer et al., 2011). Additionally, anakinra (Kineret ) was R
(Abdin et al., 2003). Yet the synthesis of artemisinin is
approved in 2001 in the United States for rheumatoid arthritis costly and low yields are isolated from the natural plant
(Baeshen et al., 2015). Anakinra is expressed in E. coli and source. Researchers reported the production of approximately
functions as an IL-1 receptor antagonist that is effective 24 mg/L of amorpha-4,11-diene (amorphadiene), an artemisinin

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

TABLE 2 | Comparison between different microbial host systems for production of recombinant proteins and natural products.

Microbial hosts Advantages Disadvantages Compounds References

Escherichia coli

• Fast growth • Lack of post-translational • Recombinant human insulin Johnson, 1983; Abdin et al.,
• Simple culture procedures modifications (PTMs) • Artemisinin 2003; Chang et al., 2007;
• Cost-effective • Risk of translational errors • Erythromycin A Zhang et al., 2010;
• High versatility of the due to the presence of a • Somatrem Ferrer-Miralles and Villaverde,
enterobacterium and its large number of rare codons • Somatropin 2013; Baeshen et al., 2015;
associated systems • Expensive and often • Pegloticase Jozala et al., 2016;
challenging purification • Insulin glargine Sanchez-Garcia et al., 2016
process • Pneumococcal vaccines
• Filgrastim
• Pegfilgrastim
• Human serum albumin
• Hepatitis B virus
• IFN α-2b
• IL-6

Lactococcus lactis

• Simplified downstream • Per liter secretion generally • Nisin A Steidler et al., 1998; Drouault
purification processes less robust than Bacillus sp. • Pfs48/45 et al., 2000; Martínez et al.,
• Absence of endotoxins or • AT-rich codon usage and/or • Enterocin A 2000; Le Loir et al., 2005;
unwanted glycosylation of the distribution of rare • Pediocin PA-1 Mierau and Kleerebezem,
proteins codons • IL-2 2005; Glenting et al., 2007;
• Generally recognized as safe • IL-6 Morello et al., 2008; Li and
(GRAS) • Peanut allergen Vederas, 2009; Linares et al.,
• Lack of secreted • Tetanus toxin fragment C 2010; Gyawali and Ibrahim,
heterologous proteins • Transforming growth 2014; Bermúdez-Humarán
degradation factor-β1 et al., 2015; Li et al., 2015;
• Nisin-controlled gene Song et al., 2017
expression system
• Heterologous protein
delivery in foodstuff or in the
digestive tract

Streptomyces sp.

• Rapid growth • Forms pellets or clumps • Streptomycin Stanley and English, 1965;
• Abundant supply of • Low protein yield • Pikromycin Kaslow et al., 1994; Trischman
secondary metabolite • Kanamycin et al., 1994; Mann, 2001; Jung
precursors • Nystatin et al., 2006; Copping and
• Ability to produce natural • Anthracyclines Duke, 2007; Park et al., 2008,
products. • Rapamycin 2016; Vrancken and Anne,
• Efficient protein secretion • FK506 2009; Fracchia et al., 2010;
system such as Sec • Strepsesquitriol Anné et al., 2012; De Lima
pathway and • Salinamides A and B Procópio et al., 2012; Sanchez
twin-arginine-translocation • Cahuitamycin et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2013;
(Tat) pathway • Actinomycin D Kim et al., 2015; Blunt et al.,
• Well-developed genetic • Milbemycin 2016; Jozala et al., 2016; Gao
manipulation • Mollemycin A et al., 2017
• TNF α
• hIL-10
• Streptokinase
• IL-1β
• IFN-α1
• Transforming growth factor-α
• IL-2
• IFN-α2b
• Tetracycline
• Daptomycin
• Chloramphenicol


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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

TABLE 2 | Continued

Microbial hosts Advantages Disadvantages Compounds References

Bacillus sp.

• Outstanding fermentation • Primarily used in Enzyme • Ieodoglucomide C Palva et al., 1983; Peypoux
properties and protein production. • Ieodoglycolipid et al., 1984; Bellini et al., 1991;
production yield (20–25 g • Plasmid instability • Bacillomycin D and L Kim et al., 2001; Westers et al.,
per liter) • Presence of proteases: leads • Alkaline cellulose 2006; Deleu et al., 2008;
• Completely free toxin to difficulty in the production • Alkaline protease Chang et al., 2011; Van Dijl and
production of recombinant proteins. • Alkaline α-amylase Hecker, 2013; Wang T. et al.,
• Flexibility for genetic • hIL-3 2015; El-Hossary et al., 2017
engineering • Fengycin
• Presence of proteome • IL-1β
secretory pathway • IFN-α2
• Staphylokinase
• Iturins
• Surfactin

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

• Fast growth rate • N-linked glycosylation • Human serum albumin McAleer et al., 1984; Guisez
• Technically practical patterns differ from higher • Recombinant human insulin et al., 1991; Kaslow et al.,
• Cost-effective eukaryotes • Hepatitis B virus 1994; Ballance, 1999;
• Ability to generate • Lack some required immunization Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009;
post-translational precursor pathways • Artemisinic acid Nielsen, 2013; Paddon et al.,
modification as O-linked • Codon usage is biased • Paclitaxel 2013; Baeshen et al., 2014;
glycosylation, toward A + T • hIL-6 Ding et al., 2014; Meehl and
phosphorylation, acetylation, • Insulin aspart Stadheim, 2014; Moses et al.,
and acylation • Pfs25 2014; Kung et al., 2018; Nandy
• Advanced fermentation • Sapogenin and Srivastava, 2018
science • Saponin

Aspergillus sp.

• GRAS status • Production of mycotoxins • Immunoglobulin G1(κ) Gaffar and Shethna, 1977;
• Tolerate extreme cultivation (alpha toxins) • Antibodies and Fab0 Carrez et al., 1990; Hiort et al.,
conditions • Many host proteases fragment 2004; Papagianni, 2004; Ward
• Degrade and utilize diverse • Freely dispersed filaments or • Bicoumanigrin et al., 2004; Grimm et al., 2005;
biopolymers, allowing highly compact pellets • Aspernigrin B Maheshwari, 2006; Pel et al.,
cultivation on renewable formed during submerged • Lactoferrin 2007; Maiya et al., 2009; Meyer
resources fermentations • Enniatin et al., 2011; Cragg and
• Major Source of citric acid • Human IL-2 Newman, 2013
production • Human IL-6
• Phytase
• L-asparaginase
• Lovastatin
• Tryptostatin B

Hansenula polymorpha

• GRAS status • The use of methanol creates • IFNα-2a Janowicz et al., 1991; Gellissen
• Combined genetic hazardous conditions in lab • Phytase et al., 1992; Hollenberg and
manipulations, low cost use • IL-6 Gellissen, 1997; Cox et al.,
screening. • Hyperglycosylation of • Human serum albumin 2000; Heijtink et al., 2002;
• Efficient fermentation heterologous products • Human hemoglobin Müller et al., 2002; Böer et al.,
properties, and protein • Can lead to production • HBV L-protein 2007; Kunze et al., 2009; Celik
modification instabilities due to sequence • Hepatitis B surface antigen and Calik, 2012
• Ability to use and grow on repetition on vector.
methanol, glucose, or
glycerol as its primary
carbon sources
• Thermo-tolerant

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

precursor, by the expression of a codon-optimized synthetic method that is less time consuming utilizes the co-transformation
amorphadiene synthase gene and the mevalonate pathway from of E. coli strains with a plasmid(s) containing a gene encoding the
S. cerevisiae in E. coli. Additionally, after further processing tRNA cognate to the rare codons (Dieci et al., 2000). Increasing
modifications and optimal conditions, they were able to produce the copy number allows for E. coli to be manipulated to match the
105 mg/L of artemisinic acid (Chang et al., 2007). However, codon usage frequency in heterologous genes (Dieci et al., 2000).
there are some obstacles and limitations with E. coli as a Currently, there are numerous commercial E. coli strains available
dominant host in natural product biosynthesis. E. coli requires that harbor plasmids containing gene sequences encoding the
extensive genetic manipulation and lacks native natural product tRNA for rare codons, such as BL21(DE3) CodonPlus-RIL,
biosynthetic machinery and/or precursors. An example is BL21(DE3) CodonPlus-RP and Rosetta (DE3) (Baeshen et al.,
phosphopantetheinyl transferase, which is responsible for the 2015). Another common problem associated with recombinant
activation of the carrier protein domains of the PKSs and NRPSs. protein expression in E. coli involve inclusion body formation,
This enzyme must be introduced into E. coli to support of natural which refers to insoluble and inactive protein aggregates (Hartley
product biosynthesis (Zhang M.M. et al., 2016). There have been and Kane, 1988). E. coli producing recombinant proteins have the
efforts to overcome these hurdles, such as the production of ability to assemble in cells and form conglomerates of inclusion
erythromycin A and its derivatives in the engineered E. coli bodies as well as result in erroneous protein folding which hinder
strain (Zhang et al., 2010). The study generated two analogs the extraction of proteins directly from the cell leading to costly
through directed manipulation of polyketide biosynthesis in purification of proteins (Zweers et al., 2008). Inclusion bodies
which variations were made to the deoxyerythronolide B formed from lack of proportion between protein solubilization
synthase (DEBS) 1 and DEBS3 enzymes in order to utilize the and aggregation can be resolved by combining the desired
multi-catalytic capability of the modular polyketide synthase protein with a solubility enhancer fusion partner acting as an
(Zhang et al., 2010). intrinsic chaperone in order to ensure the production of soluble
Escherichia coli has also been the pioneering host for recombinant proteins (Rosano and Ceccarelli, 2014). The fusion
recombinant protein production. To date, E. coli continues to be of maltose-binding protein to polypeptides such as human tissue
the first-choice microorganism for manufacturing recombinant inhibitor of metalloproteinase and p16 improved their solubility
proteins at laboratory and industrial scales. Its success is significantly in E. coli (Kapust and Waugh, 1999).
mostly due to its fast growth, simple culture procedures,
cost-effectiveness, unusually high versatility, and the associated
systems that make it adaptable to varying production demands Gram-Positive Bacteria
(Ferrer-Miralles and Villaverde, 2013; Sanchez-Garcia et al., Lactococcus lactis
2016). From 2004 to 2013, 24% of the biopharmaceuticals Lactococcus lactis is becoming an attractive alternative in genetic
approved by the FDA and the European Medicines Agency engineering for the production of various recombinant proteins.
were derived from E. coli (Baeshen et al., 2014). Currently, Unlike E. coli, which uses intracellular production strategies that
biopharmaceuticals produced from E. coli are used in the involve expensive and often challenging purification processes,
treatment of diabetes, growth hormone-deficiency in children, L. lactis utilizes extracellular secretion system. This is because
leukemia, gout, and many other therapeutic indications as L. lactis has a monolayer cell wall that allows direct secretion into
previously discussed in Section “Biological Activity of Microbial the extracellular environment (Schneewind and Missiakas, 2012).
Biologics” (Baeshen et al., 2015). A major concern when using The presence of exported proteases such as HtrA in L. lactis
E. coli as a production platform is the lack of post-translational contributes to recombinant protein production by minimizing
modifications (PTMs) present in most eukaryotic proteins; the destruction of heterologous proteins in the medium (Morello
lacking PTMs can lead to protein products being insoluble, et al., 2008; Song et al., 2017). Additionally, L. lactis does
unstable, or inactive (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009). However, it is not generate undesired glycosylation of protein, is generally
possible to add synthetic PTMs to generate versions of the protein recognized as safe (GRAS), does not produce endotoxins, and
that are more stable than the original naked product (Ferrer- has probiotic properties (Singh et al., 2018). Another advantage
Miralles et al., 2009). Examples of this include pegylated products, of L. lactis includes a lack of inclusion body formation (Theisen
like human growth hormone, stimulating factor, IFNs α-2a and et al., 2017). There is a diverse selection of cloning and inducible
α-2b, (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009). Additionally, there is a risk expression vectors available for use with this host that are
of translational errors due to the presence of a large number compatible with large-scale upstream and downstream processes
of rare codons that appear in human genes that are different (Song et al., 2017).
from those occurring in E. coli genes. Even at low levels, these Lactococcus lactis has been used for centuries in the
errors may cause an impact on the tertiary structure, premature fermentation of food, especially in cheese, yogurt, and sauerkraut
termination of protein synthesis or amino acid misincorporation because of its production of nisin (Song et al., 2017; Singh
which results in low protein expression (Gustafsson et al., 2004). et al., 2018). Beyond the food industry, lactic acid is used as
One strategy to bypass the issue with codon bias is to synthesize an emulsifier and moisturizing agent in the cosmetic industry
the whole human gene based on codon usage in E. coli through and as an important raw material in the pharmaceutical
site-directed mutagenesis, which is currently a preferred method; industry (Papagianni, 2012). The L. lactis host has also
however, it is limited by the high cost of production and time been chosen after researchers had unsuccessfully attempted
consumption (Sørensen and Mortensen, 2005). An alternative to obtain correct conformation using a variety of other

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

prokaryotic and eukaryotic recombinant protein expression protein secretion systems such as the secretory (Sec) pathway
systems. L. lactis has multiple advantages over E. coli for and the twin-arginine-translocation (Tat) pathway (Hamed et al.,
expression of 50 -methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine 2018). The Sec-pathway catalyzes the translocation of unfolded
nucleosidase (Pfs) recombinant proteins, including the following: proteins while the Tat pathway allows for the export of folded
(1) codon-optimization of the recombinant gene is not necessary proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane (Natale et al., 2008).
to achieve successful expression in L. lactis; (2) the recombinant Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and human interleukin (hIL)
protein is secreted into the L. lactis culture supernatant, which 10 are able to be expressed in both the Sec- and Tat-pathways
results in easier and less expensive down-stream processing, and (Schaerlaekens et al., 2004). In particular, S. lividans could be the
(3) there is no lipopolysaccharide contamination in L. lactis ideal Streptomyces host due to limited restriction-modification
expression (Singh et al., 2018). L. lactis has been used in systems and low endogenous protease activity (Nakashima
the successful production of recombinant Pfs48/45, a vaccine et al., 2005). Streptokinase (Pimienta et al., 2007), transforming
candidate against P. falciparum (Song et al., 2017). GMZ2, a growth factor-α (Taguchi et al., 1995), IL-2 (Bender et al., 1990)
recombinant fusion protein expressed in L. lactis, is also a malaria and many other proteins have been successfully expressed and
vaccine candidate that has been shown to elicit high levels of secreted from S. lividans. However, aside from its efficient
active IgG antibodies with inhibitory activity against a broad secretory pathways, when in culture, Streptomyces grows as
range of P. falciparum strains (Jepsen et al., 2013). A recent study mycelial networks, leading to the formation of pellets or clumps
concluded phase 2 trial of GMZ2 adjuvanted with aluminum (Van Dissel et al., 2015). These pellets are unappealing from an
hydroxide in a cohort of 1,849 children revealed GMZ2 as well industrial standpoint because of mass-transfer problems, slow
tolerated with modest efficacy (Sirima et al., 2016). Not only is growth, and culture heterogeneity which leads to lower product
L. lactis being utilized for the production of recombinant proteins yield (Van Dissel et al., 2015).
for vaccines, but the host is also being tested as a factory for
antigen production, allowing the bacteria to function as live Bacillus Species
vaccines. Using L. lactis as a vaccine carrier is beneficial because Bacillus species are some of the most popular species used in
it can induce both mucosal and systemic immune responses, has enzyme production. It accounts for roughly 50% of enzymes
adjuvant properties and is free from the risks associated with the market within the industrial sphere (Barros et al., 2013).
use of conventional attenuated live pathogens, such as Salmonella Certain species, like B. subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens,
species and Mycobacterium species (Song et al., 2017). However, and B. licheniformis are favored because of their outstanding
while L. lactis has been studied against an array of antigens from fermentation properties, high protein production yield, and their
various pathogens, there is no current live vaccines under clinical completely toxin-free production (Van Dissel et al., 2015). The
trial which may be due to a lack of containment strategies (Bahey- fermentation capacity of Bacillus species in acid, neutral, and
El-Din, 2012). Without a plan for containment, studies on live alkaline pH ranges in addition to thermophiles accounts for the
L. lactis vectors risk the chance of proliferation and dispersion. prolific production of enzymes that have desirable temperature,
An additional limitation of AT rich L. lactis as a cell factory is due pH, and stability, which makes them appealing for specific use
to codon usage as well as distribution of rare codons to express in various industries (Schallmey et al., 2004). Bacillus species
heterologous genes (Mierau and Kleerebezem, 2005). are known for their production of iturins and fengycin which
have antifungal activity as well as surfactin for its function as a
Streptomyces Species surfactant (Wang T. et al., 2015).
Another major species that has shown promise as a cell Among these species, B. subtilis is the most widely studied
factory through its wide production of natural products and due to (1) its flexibility during genetic engineering, (2) its
biologics is Streptomyces. This Gram-positive bacterium has naturally high secretory capacity, (3) its ability to produce
been studied for more than 70 years and has proven to be valuable antibiotics, such as bacillomycins D-L and bacitracin,
of great use in biotechnology due to its ability to produce and (4) its ability to produce enzymes, such as stable alkaline
natural products acting as antibiotics, anticancer agents, and cellulase, alkaline protease and alkaline α-amylase. It may also
immunosuppressants (Yoo et al., 2015). Some examples include elicit better folding conditions, leading to the prevention of
tetracycline, daptomycin, and chloramphenicol (De Lima inclusion bodies (Peypoux et al., 1984; Van Dijl and Hecker,
Procópio et al., 2012). There are many species of Streptomyces 2013). In addition, its ability to adapt to varying environmental
currently to produce various natural products and biologics. conditions as well as its classification as toxic free GRAS has
Among the Streptomyces species, Streptomyces coelicolor, contributed tremendously to its success in the industrial platform
Streptomyces lividans, Streptomyces albus, and S. venezuelae are (Baysal and Yıldız, 2017). B. subtilis as an endotoxin free host
favored heterologous hosts to produce specialized metabolites amplified its utilization in the production of sterile recombinant
due to the relative ease of their genetic manipulation, the and therapeutic proteins expression as compared to E. coli which
availability of their genome sequences, and the abundant supply could have potential contamination due to the lipopolysaccharide
of their natural substrates (Park et al., 2010). Streptomyces endotoxins (Wang et al., 2013). For instance, B. subtilis and
has also been used to produce a wide array of heterologous Bacillus megaterium were the preferred hosts over E. coli in
proteins of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic origin (Gilbert the production of bioengineered heparin in order to diminish
et al., 1995) because Streptomyces has well-developed genetic toxin contamination (Wang et al., 2013). Moreover, B. subtilis is
manipulation and fermentation technologies as well as efficient able to produce high yield in enzyme as it secretes the enzymes

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

straight into the fermentation medium due to the absence of (Meehl and Stadheim, 2014). S. cerevisiae is preferred because
outer membrane which allows easy recovery of purified proteins it is also cost-effective, fast growing, technically practical, and
from the medium into their active form (Zweers et al., 2008). is amenable to large-scale fermentation in bioreactors. Yeast is
It has the capacity to secrete about 20–25 g/L of enzymes often utilized as a cell factory when the target protein is not
into the medium (Schallmey et al., 2004). Enzymes produced produced in a soluble form in prokaryotic systems or when
by B. subtilis has a wide variety of applications ranging from a specific PTM cannot be produced or added to the naked
pharmaceutical, leather, detergent, food, and waste management product. S. cerevisiae, as with other yeast species, can perform
industries (Singh et al., 2016). many PTMs such as O-linked glycosylation, phosphorylation,
Aside from enzyme production, cytokines like hIL-3 have been acetylation, and acylation, which allows recombinant proteins to
produced by B. subtilis and B. licheniformis. The production of be expressed in a soluble, correctly folded, and functionally active
hIL-3 has been tested in various host organisms, including E. coli. form (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009; Baeshen et al., 2014). Some
However, the production of IL-3 within other organisms has examples of currently approved protein therapeutics derived
often exhibited problems, such as insolubility or the degradation from yeast include human serum albumin, insulin, and primary
of produced hIL-3. This led to the use of B. licheniformis and immunization for infants born of HBV surface antigen, all which
B. subtilis to minimize such complications. The production of are obtained in S. cerevisiae (McAleer et al., 1984; Ballance,
hIL-3 in B. licheniformis was engineered to lack four C-terminal 1999; Nielsen, 2013; Nandy and Srivastava, 2018). However, the
residues, resulting in a fully active hIL-3 protein. However, significant drawback to producing protein therapeutics from
residual proteolytic degradation of some hIL-3 still occurred, S. cerevisiae is that higher eukaryotes have a different pattern of
leading to use B. subtilis to achieve complete folding and full N-linked glycosylation, which can decrease the half-life and cause
biological activity of hIL-3 (Westers et al., 2006). hyper-immunogenicity, leading to less effective therapeutics
Among the Bacillus species, Bacillus thuringiensis is best (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009). In recent years, there have been
known for being widely used within the agricultural industry some advances in limiting S. cerevisiae hypermannosylation.
due to its insecticidal properties through its production of These yeast glycoengineering techniques involve two main
parasporal crystals during the stationary phase of its growth stages, (1) the removal of yeast hypermannosylation and (2)
cycle (Höfte and Whiteley, 1989; Schnepf et al., 1998). Upon the conversion to complex glycoforms containing terminal
ingestion, the parasporal crystals are solubilized in the midgut sugars, such as N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, or sialic acid.
of insects, resulting in the release of protoxin proteins known These recent reports on yeast N-glycan humanization indicate
as δ-endotoxins, leading to the formation of pores throughout a move from the proof of concept phase to implementation
the cell membrane (Höfte and Whiteley, 1989; Gill et al., 1992). (Meehl and Stadheim, 2014).
Parasporal proteins also have selective cytotoxicity against liver Another current area of study is the production of plant and
and colon cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed microbe-derived secondary metabolites. Due to the structural
(Ito et al., 2004). complexity of secondary metabolites, chemical synthesis is an
However, the use of Bacillus has been restricted to mainly inefficient route for large-scale production, and fermentation
enzyme production and non-recombinant protein therapeutics, is the main mode for economic commercial production of
which may be due to the lack of associated expression vectors, pharmaceutically useful natural products (McDaniel et al., 2001).
plasmid instability and the presence of native proteases (Westers S. cerevisiae could be an ideal candidate as a microbial host
et al., 2004). Despite B. subtilis success as the industrial as it boasts relatively rapid growth, and it is accompanied
workhorse, it has its drawbacks in the production of heterologous by highly developed genetic tools and advanced fermentation
proteins. Heterologous protein yield could diminish when using science. Like E. coli, S. cerevisiae has been shown to be an
the Bacillus as a host due to the proteolytic destruction of outstanding production host for artemisinic acid, a precursor
foreign protein by host secreted extracellular proteases (Nijland to the antimalarial agent artemisinin, with a high productivity
and Kuipers, 2008). Efforts have been made to improve (25 g/L) that led to the industrial production of semi-synthetic
the production of heterologous protein by manipulating the artemisinin beginning in 2013 (Paddon et al., 2013; Kung
expression of proteins involved in the post translocation phase et al., 2018). Research has also produced the paclitaxel (Taxol ) R

resulting in amplified levels of heterologous protein secretion precursor taxadiene (∼73 mg/L) by engineering the taxol
(Vitikainen et al., 2005). In contrast to E. coli, the absence biosynthetic genes in S. cerevisiae (Ding et al., 2014). Besides plant
of distinguished and controllable promoters in B. subtilis secondary metabolites, S. cerevisiae has generated a remarkable
interferes with successful expression of heterologous genes titer (1.7 g/L) of microbial polyketide 6-methylsalicylic acid in
resulting in inefficient production of heterologous proteins un-optimized shake-flask fermentations. In addition, S. cerevisiae
(Schallmey et al., 2004). has been developed as a heterologous host to express fungal
cryptic BGCs and their respective metabolites. In this study, 30
ADH2-like promoters in Saccharomyces species were developed
Yeast/Fungi as tools for expression of 41 heterologous BGCs, 22 of which were
Saccharomyces cerevisiae capable of producing heterologous compounds, including novel
As with E. coli, S. cerevisiae has been extensively used for the compounds. For example, BGCs derived from basidiomycete
production of recombinant human insulin since the early 1980s, were found to produce N-, S-bis-acylated amino acids and
and it currently produces half of the world’s supply of insulin a leucine O-methyl ester with an additional polyketide chain

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

amidated to the amino ester (Harvey et al., 2018). However, host was lower than that produced by the original producer
barriers still exist to the heterologous production of complex C. clavata, this result indicated that a gene twice as large as the
molecules. This includes the production of polyketides in largest native gene in A. oryzae could be successfully expressed
S. cerevisiae, as the host lacks some required polyketide precursor (Yoshimi et al., 2018). Furthermore, when the industrial fungus
pathways, its codon usage is biased toward A + T (most microbial A. niger was engineered as a heterologous host, it produced high
polyketide producers have high G + C genome content) titers (up to 4,500 mg/L) of enniatin belonging to non-ribosomal
and it lacks the appropriate endogenous phosphopantetheinyl peptides with antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer activities
transferase capable of the necessary PTMs (Mutka et al., 2006). (Richter et al., 2014).

Aspergillus Species Hansenula polymorpha

Multicellular filamentous fungi, such as A. niger and Aspergillus Another industrially important yeast species that has shown
oryzae, can also offer great potential in the production of a desired promise in the production of peptides is Hansenula polymorpha
substance by fermentation due to the following reasons: (1) (Gellissen et al., 1992; Boer et al., 2007). H. polymorpha is
they are well-characterized GRAS organisms, (2) are amenable a methylotrophic yeast species with the ability to use and
to scaled-up fermentation, (3) can be genetically engineered, grow on methanol, glucose, or glycerol as its primary carbon
(4) they are capable of secreting a high level of proteins and source (Gellissen et al., 1992). Like S. cerevisiae and Aspergillus
(5) can withstand adjustable cultivation conditions, including species, H. polymorpha, classified as GRAS organism, does
temperature (5–45◦ ), pH (2–11), salinity (as much as 34%), not harbor pyrogens, toxins, pathogens, or viral inclusions
water activity (0.92–0.98), and both nutrient rich and poor (Ubiyvovk et al., 2011). It is distinguished by very high
environments (Maheshwari, 2006; Meyer et al., 2011). cell densities in bioreactors and characterized by simple
Aspergillus niger has been predominantly used for industrial- cultivation mode in inexpensive growth media. For example,
level production of citric acid through anaerobic fermentation H. polymorpha has allowed for cost-effective production of
process. As a weak acid, citric acid can serve as a natural phytase through cheap carbon sources (Mayer et al., 1999).
preservative, flavoring agent in food and beverages, antioxidant, It possesses well-established genetic tools such as strong
acidulant, pH-regulator, chelating agent or vegetable rinse, as regulatory and constitutive promoters, which consequently
well as comparable applications in the pharmaceutical and give high product yield (Van Dijk et al., 2000). It also has
cosmetics industries (Cairns et al., 2018). Due to its wide variety thermotolerance properties, making H. polymorpha successful in
applications, its ease of production, and economical potential of crystallographic studies and in the production of recombinant
citric acid, the market of citric acid has become one of the fastest- proteins like IFN-2α, IL-6, recombinant human serum albumin,
growing regions of the food additives market due to the rising glucose oxidase, and catalase (Kunze et al., 2009; Celik and
demand: according to estimations, in 2007, the market value of Calik, 2012). A notable feature of H. polymorpha is the
citric acid exceeded $2 billion in 2014 and is predicted to rise to significant growth of peroxisomes when grown on methanol
$3.6 billion by 2020 (Show et al., 2015; Cairns et al., 2018). Phytase which allows for high storage capacity of soluble proteins.
is another example that have produced by A. niger fermentation The lack of protein modifying enzymes in the matrix of
(Papagianni et al., 1999). The significance of phytase enzymes peroxisomes also provides an advantage for the development
lie in its ability to interact with the nutrient rich compounds of heterologous proteins that are susceptible to proteolytic
known as phytate. Phytate, or phytic acid, is a common energy degradation (Van Dijk et al., 2000). Furthermore, the host
source found in oilseeds, cereals, and legumes, which are used has been used to produce L antigens found on the HBV
in providing nutrition to animal feeds (Schlemmer et al., 2009). viral envelope in attempt to produce the HBV vaccine. The
Combining citric acid with phytase has also been shown to L protein produced by H. polymorpha has increased stability
enhance phytase activity on phytate, producing greater nutrient in comparison to other yeast species, such as S. cerevisiae
outcomes in tested animals (Boling et al., 2000). In addition, two and P. pastoris (Janowicz et al., 1991). In addition to its
different humanized immunoglobulin G1(κ) antibodies and an use in vaccine production, H. polymorpha is also used in
Fab0 fragment were produced by A. niger, and the antibodies the production of human hemoglobin through the use of
were successfully secreted into the culture supernatant (Ward a single expression vector (Hollenberg and Gellissen, 1997).
et al., 2004). Aspergillus strains have been also used to produce However, hyperglycosylation has been observed as a main
the human iron-binding glycoprotein lactoferrin and hIL-2 with drawback of H. polymorpha to produce heterologous products
the yields of 25 and 150 mg/L, respectively (Maheshwari, 2006). (Müller et al., 1998).
Bicoumanigrin with cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell
lines and aspernigrin B with neuroprotective effects have both
been isolated from A. niger (Hiort et al., 2004). The product EFFORTS IN PRODUCT
spectrum of Aspergillus species is not restricted to biologic IMPROVEMENTS AND GENERATION
molecules. As an example, a novel cyclic peptide compound, KK- OF NEW ANALOGS
1, with potent antifungal activity was produced in A. oryzae by
introducing gene clusters spanning approximately 40 kb from There are multiple approaches that have been taken to
the plant-pathogenic fungus Curvularia clavata into the genome advance product improvement for microbial natural products
of A. oryzae. Although the amount of KK-1 produced by the and biologics. This section will discuss efforts to combat the

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

FIGURE 5 | An overview of multiple strategies of product improvements and generation of new analogs.

challenges of production of natural products and its analogs, For example, two strains of Streptomyces fradiae generated
including strain improvement, increasing precursor supply, from two rounds of genome shuffling were able to produce
pathway engineering, combinatorial biosynthesis, and genome up to a ninefold increase in antibacterial tylosin production
mining (Figure 5). in comparison to the initial strain (Zhang et al., 2002).
Using genome shuffling in a combination of protoplast fusion,
Strain Improvement mutant strain of S. cellulosum GSUV3−205 generated a 130-
Whole-genome shuffling is a process that utilizes the advantages fold increase (104 mg/L) in production of epothilone when
of the multi-parental crossing allowed by DNA shuffling with the compared to starting strain S. cellulosum So0157-2 (0.8 mg/L)
genome recombination normally associated with conventional (Gong et al., 2007). Ribosome engineering is also a method
breeding (Zhang et al., 2002). Genome shuffling has been useful in increasing secondary metabolite production titer
successfully improved the titers of variety of microorganisms. and productivity (Sun and Alper, 2015). Studies demonstrate

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

that rpoB mutations are effective in activating silent and Precursor supply engineering has been successfully used
poorly expressed secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters to produce most of the major classes of natural products,
(BGCs) at the transcriptional level in S. griseus, S. coelicolor, with application to heterologous producing strains as well
and S. erythraea (Ochi and Hosaka, 2013). For example, the as native producers. When the native host is slow-growing
H437R mutant of rpoB from S. erythraea was screened for drug or cannot be easily manipulated genetically, this process
resistance and was found to have an increased production of could be performed effectively in an appropriate heterologous
erythromycin (Tanaka et al., 2013; Ochi et al., 2014). Another host. A study bypassed the native deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate
study found a 37-fold increased production of avilamycin in pathway and instead introduced the mevalonate pathway from
a recombinant Streptomyces viridochromogenes strain due to a S. cerevisiae to E. coli, which allowed for an increased production
mutation in ribosome protein S12 (rps12) acquired through of amorpha-4,11-diene which is a precursor to antimalarial
a combination of gene shuffling and ribosome engineering artemisinin (Martin et al., 2003). Combined approach of
(Lv et al., 2013). exogenous supplementation and engineering of intracellular
pathway responsible for precursors can be also performed in
a heterologous host. The biosynthetic process of the hybrid
Engineering Precursor Supply non-ribosomal peptide-polyketide yersiniabactin was known
Precursor supply is defined as the enhancement of the availability to rely on the supply of salicylate, L-cysteine, S-adenosyl-
of primary metabolites or molecules derived from primary L -methionine, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH. When exogenous
metabolism involved in the biosynthesis of natural products cysteine was fed to the culture of E. coli harboring yersiniabactin
(Shiba et al., 2007). Precursor supply engineering can be achieved BGC and an additional set of genes (hmwp1-2) responsible
by manipulating either the pathways or enzymes involved for yersiniabactin precursor biosynthesis was introduced, the
with the precursor supply. Malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl- yersiniabactin production in E. coli was boosted to approximately
CoA are the most commonly used and metabolically available 175 mg/L (Ahmadi and Pfeifer, 2016).
precursors for the biosynthesis of polyketides. One study Precursor engineering strategy can be also employed to
found that supplying methyl oleate enhanced the internal increase recombinant protein production by reducing unwanted
concentration of methylmalonyl-CoA, which is a biosynthetic by-products. One of the primary obstacles observed in high
precursor for FK506, and led to a 2.5-fold increase in FK506 cell density cultivations of E. coli for the production of
production in Streptomyces clavuligerus CKD1119 (Mo et al., recombinant proteins is the formation of acetate, which is a by-
2009). In another study, propionyl-CoA carboxylase with product caused by an excess influx of carbon during aerobic
supplementation of propionate was found to effectively increase fermentation. This acetate accumulation hampers cell growth
methylmalonyl-CoA and rapamycin titers in the mutant strain and recombinant protein formation, even at low concentrations
S. rapamycinicus UV2−2 induced by ultraviolet mutagenesis (Waegeman and Soetaert, 2011). A number of engineering
in comparison to wild-type strain (7 ∼ 8 mg/L) (Jung et al., approaches have focused on minimizing acetate formation in
2011). The mutant strain was found to have a 3.2-fold order to enhance recombinant protein production in E. coli.
improvement (23.6 mg/L) in comparison to wild-type strain When a heterologous anaplerotic pyruvate carboxylase from
S. rapamycinicus ATCC 29253 (7 ∼ 8 mg/L) (Jung et al., Rhizobium etli is overexpressed in E. coli, the resulting strain
2011). Further, Méndez and coworkers improved precursor had a 57% reduction in acetate formation and a 68% increase
metabolite pools for the production of the antitumor polyketide in β-galactosidase production (March et al., 2002). It is also
mithramycin in Streptomyces argillaceus by increasing the possible to combine different strategies to reduce the formation
precursor supply of malonyl-CoA and glucose-1-phosphate of undesired by-products, including acetate. For example, one
(Zabala et al., 2013). Several classes of natural products utilize study found that a mutant E. coli strain containing a defective
aromatic amino acids or other metabolites derived from the acetate pathway and an overexpressed phosphoenolpyruvate
shikimate pathway as precursors, including flavonoids, alkaloids, carboxylase-encoding ppC reduced acetate and other by-product
polyketides, and non-ribosomal peptides (Knaggs, 2001). The formation and produced five time more β-galactosidase activity
production of the vancomycin analog balhimycin was increased when compared the wild type strain (De Mey et al., 2010).
2.5-fold in Amycolatopsis sp. Y-89,21022. This was achieved
by increasing the non-ribosomal peptide precursor 3-deoxy- Pathway Engineering
D -arabino-heptulosonate7-phosphate synthase, the first enzyme Metabolic pathway engineering can be performed in the native
in the shikimate pathway (Thykaer et al., 2010). In addition, host through repetitive gene expression, gene deletion, and
manipulating key enzymes that direct carbon flux through core introduction of new genes to enhance production of natural
biochemical pathways involved in glucose, fatty acid, and amino products (Pickens et al., 2011). For example, overexpression of
acid metabolism can increase biosynthetic precursor pools. the 4–12 tandem copies of the actinorhodin cluster resulted in
A study on the modulation of carbon flux between the pentose a 20-fold increase in actinorhodin production in S. coelicolor
phosphate pathway and the glycolysis pathway found that a (Murakami et al., 2011). Additionally, a S. hygroscopicus strain
deletion of phosphofructokinase isoenzymes led to the enhanced with 3–5 tandem copies of the 40 kb validomycin A cluster
production of antibiotics actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin showed a 34% increase in production and a maximum titer of
in S. coelicolor by increasing carbon flux through the pentose approximately 20 g/L (Zhou et al., 2014). Deletion of genes may
phosphate pathway (Borodina et al., 2008). be useful to eliminate competing pathways that may siphon off

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important precursors or intermediates, or simply contribute to also enhance protein secretion. This is seen with the Necator
an unnecessary use of cellular resources which result to improve americanus secretory protein (Na-ASP1), which shows potential
yields of products of interest. During in vivo bioconversion of as a vaccine protein for hookworm infections. Increasing the
lovastatin intermediate monacolin J to simvastatin using E. coli Na-ASP1 gene copy number caused saturation of secretory
expressing heterologous acyltransferase LovD, it was found that capacity in P. pastoris, a species of methylotrophic yeast, led to a
E. coli could unexpectedly hydrolyze the synthetic thioester decreased amount of secreted protein. This was remedied by the
substrate. The responsible hydrolase BioH was knocked out to overexpression of the protein disulfide isomerase, which allowed
improve simvastatin production (Xie et al., 2007). The regulatory for the increased secretion of Na-ASP1 protein in high copy
component of the pathway can be manipulated to enhance clones (Inan et al., 2006). Another study showed that deletion
production of the resulting natural product. Negative regulation of obstructive protease genes involved in fission could lead
by pathway specific repressors can help regulate secondary to the enhanced secretion of protease-sensitive human growth
metabolite pathways. For example, one study improved the hormones (hGH) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The production
titer by 100-fold of antibiotics platensimycin (323 mg/L) and of hGH was hampered by the intracellular retention of secretory
platencin (255 mg/L) through the inactivation of a gene encoding hGH, and it was determined that the multi-protease deletant
protein PtmR1 belonging to GntR family of transcriptional strain plays a role in hGH retention. Deletion of vps10, which
repressors (Smanski et al., 2009). On the other side of the encodes a carboxypeptidase Y sorting receptor and is involved in
spectrum, Streptomyces antibiotic regulatory protein (SARP) is the traffic between the late-Golgi and prevacuolar compartments,
a positive regulator of antibiotic production (Chen et al., 2010). resulted in an approximate twofold increase in hGH secretion
Overexpression of SARPs and/or increasing SARP gene dosage (Idiris et al., 2006).
using multi-copy plasmids has been demonstrated to increase
production titers. Overexpression of mgsA or chxA, SARP family Combinatorial Biosynthesis
members that are positive regulators for the iso-migrastatin Combinatorial biosynthesis is one genetic engineering
and cycloheximide biosynthetic machinery, respectively, in application that can modify biosynthetic pathways in order
Streptomyces amphibiosporus ATCC 53964 led to a fivefold to yield new and altered natural product structures (Hopwood
increased production of antibiotic lactimidomycin (Zhang et al., et al., 1985). This approach exploits indiscriminate substrates
2016). Members of the large ATP-binding regulators of the LuxR and uses engineered enzymes and pathways for the production
(LAL) family also generally function as transcriptional activators, of new natural product analogs.
and constitutive overexpression of these LAL-type activators was Modular megasynthases, such as PKS and NRPS enzymes,
found to increase production of rapamycin in S. rapamycinicus constitute a class of multifunctional proteins that govern complex
and FK506 in S. tsukubaensis (Kušèer et al., 2007; Mo et al., 2012). enzymatic mechanisms and catalyze multiple reactions useful
Competing pathways can also be deleted to ensure the for combinatorial biosynthesis. Type 1 PKSs consist of multiple
production of important precursors or intermediates and to save modules which are responsible for incorporating acyl-CoAs into
useful cellular resources. When deleting pathways, the idea is to a polyketide backbone for elongation. Meanwhile, NRPSs are
create a host with a minimized genome to ensure the efficient composed of a modular set of repeating enzyme domains for
production of necessary secondary metabolites. Deleting non- the activation and incorporation of amino acids (Park and Yoon,
essential genes and directing cellular resources toward pathways 2015). The modular NRPSs typically consist of a condensation
that are essential for the survival and product biosynthesis domain, adenylation domain, and a thiolation domain, while type
can improve cellular efficiency and streamline biochemical I PKSs generally contain a ketosynthase domain, acyltransferase
production. For example, the genome of Streptomyces avermitilis domain, and an acyl carrier protein (Komaki et al., 2015; Skiba
was effectively minimized to 83% of its original size. When et al., 2018). Natural product structures can be modified by
heterologous streptomycin gene cluster was introduced into the mixing and matching the megasynthases at the subunit, module,
genome-minimized S. avermitilis, the resulting strain produced a and domain levels. Genetic manipulation of PKS and NRPS
higher titer of streptomycin than both the parent S. avermitilis encoding genes can result in predictable changes in structure
carrying the same heterologous gene cluster and the native that is difficult to achieve with standard chemical derivatization
streptomycin producer S. griseus (Komatsu et al., 2010). However, or total synthesis methods (Park et al., 2010). This approach
large scale deletions may result in unintended effects as the to manipulating substrate incorporation and biosynthetic PKS
complete workings of the cell are not yet entirely understood. and NRPS machinery has allowed for the generation of a
Similar approaches have been employed to improve the great number of natural product analogs. Examples include
secretion capability and productivity of biologics. Engineering erythromycin (McDaniel et al., 1999), pikromycin from type I
the protein trafficking pathway represents one successful modular PKS (Yoon et al., 2002) and daptomycin from NRPS
approach to improve the secretion of heterologous recombinant (Robbel and Marahiel, 2010).
proteins. For example, the secretion of the heterologous Post-assembly modifications, such as glycosylation, oxidation,
proteins human insulin precursor and α-amylase from A. oryzae and halogenation are performed by diverse enzymes and can
in S. cerevisiae was improved by the over-expression of lead to structurally and biologically diverse natural compounds
Sec1/Munc18 proteins, which are involved in the protein (Park et al., 2010). Sugar moieties attached to the core structure
secretory pathway (Hou et al., 2012). Increasing the copy of polyketides or non-ribosomal peptides by glycosyltransferases
number of genes that are associated with protein secretion can can also contribute to an extension of combinatorial biosynthesis.

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

Since several glycosyltransferases have been known to be domains often results in non-functional or heavily impaired
flexible toward sugar donors and sugar accepters, arrays chimerical enzymes, and this remains an existing problem when
of analogs differing in glycosylation patterns via tailoring manipulating modular PKS and NRPS systems.
enzymes can also be generated by combinatorial engineering
of glycosyltransferases from different pathways. For example, Mutasynthesis
one study found that A. orientalis-derived glycosyltransferases Novel natural product analogs can also be generated through
accepted the unnatural sugar 4-epi-vancosamine in the presence gene disruption and mutasynthesis. Disruption of a gene, such as
of vancomycin pseudoaglycone or the glucosylated teicoplanin a tailoring enzyme acting downstream in a pathway, can serve to
scaffold to generate novel hybrid glycopeptide compounds introduce a structural change. Two FK506 analogs, 9-deoxo-31-
such as 4-epi-vancosaminyl form of vancomycin (Losey et al., O-demethylFK506 and 31-O-demethylFK506, were produced by
2001). Besides sugar biosynthesis, combinatorial biosynthesis targeting gene disruption in Streptomyces sp. MA6548 (Shafiee
can be applied for other modifications such as oxidation et al., 1997; Ban et al., 2013). These two recombinant mutants
and halogenation. Oxidase genes from polyketide pathways were genetically engineered via disruption of fkbD and fkbM
have been used to induce structural alterations of important genes that code for 31-O-demethylFK506 methyltransferase
functional groups that are essential for biological activities. It has and 9-deoxo-31-demethylFK506 hydroxylase/oxidase (Shafiee
been reported that 5-O-desosaminyl erythronolide A, a potent et al., 1997; Ban et al., 2013). Inactivation of individual domains
precursor of ketolides and the latest generation of antibiotic within the multidomain modular PKSs and NRPSs serves as
compounds derived from erythromycin A, was produced by an alternative to the deletion of a whole gene. Mutasynthesis
expressing the monooxidase gene pikC from the pikromycin involves the coupling of a gene inactivation strategy with
pathway in a mutant strain of S. erythraea lacking of a precursor feeding to generate new structural analogs. Precursor
EryBV glycosyltransferase (Basnet et al., 2008). In addition, a feeding is useful due to the substrate-promiscuity of the
recent study obtained nine analogs of the antitumor antibiotic biosynthetic enzyme. Precursor feeding may lead to the
xantholipin through the individual in-frame mutagenesis of acceptance of similar substrates or mutasynthons, a natural
five tailoring enzymes (Zhang et al., 2012). In another study, substrate substitute that can replace the natural substrate of
fluorosalinosporamide, a derivative of the potent anticancer a disrupted gene after being added to the growth medium, to
agent salinosporamide A, was produced by replacing the ultimately generate new analogs. Mutasynthesis can generate
chlorinase gene salL from Salinispora tropica with the fluorinase new analogs for many classes of compounds. For example, the
gene flA from Salinispora cattleya (Eustaquio et al., 2010). analog cahuitamycin D was produced through mutasynthetic
However, a common concern with this approach regards generation with twofold-enhanced biofilm inhibitory activity
limited tolerance of downstream enzymes or domains to the in comparison to its natural product counterpart (Park
new substance introduced by combinatorial biosynthesis and et al., 2016). Recently, this approach was applied to generate
metabolic engineering. Rational design or directed evolution is nonbenzoquinone analogs of the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin,
one solution to this concern. Rational design is the strategy of which has anti-proliferative activity on tumor cells (Shin
creating new molecules with a certain functionality based on et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2011). By removing the biosynthetic
predicting how the molecule’s structure will affect its behavior, genes for the 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoic acid starter unit and
while directed evolution refers to methods to alter enzyme feeding the culture with various 3-aminobenzoic acids and
function using mutagenesis and selection (Nannemann et al., related heterocycles, a chloro-substituted nonbenzoquinone
2011). In a recent study, the reactivity of PikC was modified analog with significantly improved therapeutic properties
through protein engineering driven by molecular dynamics was produced along with other geldanamycin analogs
and quantum mechanical calculations. The computation-driven (Kim et al., 2007, 2009). This has been also seen in the
PikC engineering yielded a PikCD50N mutant that showed generation of new analogs of rapamycin (Khaw et al., 1998),
improved catalytic efficiency compared to the wild-type PikC balhimycin (Weist et al., 2002), and novobiocin/chlorobiocin
(Narayan et al., 2015). This study demonstrated that a rationally (Li and Heide, 2005).
designed protein using a crystal structure of protein and/or
a computational analysis can develop a predictive model for
substrate scope and selectivity of natural product biosynthesis- FUTURE PROSPECTS
mediated reactions. Directed evolution is also a powerful tool
to modify the activity of key enzymes responsible for the An increasing number of natural products and natural
biosynthesis of natural products and can lead a higher diversity product-derived compounds have been launched over
of natural products by generating novel and more potent analogs the years (Butler et al., 2014). Since 2000, 77% of FDA-
(Williams et al., 2013). As an example, a few rounds of directed approved antibiotics are natural products, all of which
evolution restored and enhanced the activity of an impaired were derived from microbes (Patridge et al., 2016). There
chimerical enterobactin NRPS that has been swapped with a have been extensive reviews of natural products, semi-
non-cognate aryl-carrier protein (Zhou et al., 2007). In order synthetic natural products, and nature-inspired molecules
to reduce the risk of limited tolerance and reduce concerns of currently approved by the FDA that show the continued
efficiency, directed evolution requires a large, high-quality library importance of natural products for medicine and health
and an efficient screening strategy. The swapping of functional (Sanchez et al., 2012; Newman and Cragg, 2016). Microbial

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Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

biologics are expected to remain prominent in the global bacterium has intrinsic disadvantages, including a much lower
biologics market, which was valued at 277 billion USD in transformation efficiency and lower yields of protein production.
2015 and was recently estimated to reach 400 billion USD The CRISPR/Cas9 system was successfully employed to disrupt
by 2025 (Grand View Research, 2017). While many of the four different genes in C. glutamicum, opening new possibilities
biological activities of microbial natural products and biologics to use non-model strains as improved cell factories for the
are well known, new advances and insights continue to be production of recombinant proteins and natural products
discovered. Chemical diversity from microbial natural products (Peng et al., 2017).
continue to be relevant to future drug discovery, with a Genome mining is another alternative process to discover
continuing need for novel drugs with antibiotic, anticancer, and secondary metabolites and is done by extracting information
immunosuppressant effects, along with other pharmacological from genome sequencing (Bachmann et al., 2014; Zhongyue
activities (Sanchez et al., 2012). et al., 2018). Evaluating silent cryptic BGCs through genome
At the same time, there are a multitude of challenges mining has provided valuable avenues to generate novel
facing microbial production of natural products and biologics. molecules. For example, a genome mining strategy combined
Some challenges to natural products-based drug discovery with bioinformatics predictions was used to isolate the
involve low production titers, difficulty in product isolation novel natural product orfamide A by feeding a predicted
or structural identification. Similarly, there is much room precursor to a culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens (Zerikly
for improvement in terms of the expression of recombinant and Challis, 2009). In a recent study, genome mining-
proteins in microbial platforms. Accumulation of the end based combinatorial biosynthesis approach also led to
product in the microbial cell can cause global stress responses the discovery of new members of the leinamycin family
that result in cell growth inhibition. Also, the formation of of natural products. Leinamycin has been considered a
misfolded and biologically inactive proteins can lower the yield promising anticancer drug lead due to its potent anticancer
of recombinant proteins. In particular, membrane proteins, activities, unique molecular architecture and interesting
high-molecular weight proteins, and multi-domain proteins are modes of action. However, no leinamycin analog had
often expressed in inclusion bodies. Additionally, expressing been isolated in the past three decades until this study
eukaryotic proteins in a prokaryotic-based heterologous system (Pan et al., 2017).
can result in a product that is not correctly modified by post- A combination of approaches can also lead to improvements
translational enzymes, which are often required for functionality in the field of microbial natural products, such as gene shuffling
(Rosano and Ceccarelli, 2014). However, a wide variety of and ribosome engineering for increased secondary metabolite
engineering strategies can be used with the conventional production. Additionally, the integration of ‘omics’ information
recombinant DNA technologies, including genome editing, has great potential in natural product drug discovery, such as
ribosome engineering, precursor engineering, mutagenesis, and with metabolomics to accurately quantify biochemical changes
overexpression of structural genes, making it possible to facilitate and metabolic pathways. Advancements in metagenomics has
the efficient production of natural products and pharmaceuticals allowed for further understanding of diverse and complex
in microbial systems. microbial sources, including lakes, rivers, marine environments
Current technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas (Clustered and extreme conditions, such as sub-seafloor sites and ice cores
Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR (Chandra Mohana et al., 2018).
associated protein), should also be considered as tools for In terms of structural characterization, X-ray crystallography
genome editing for additional improvements and to increase and cryo-electron microscopy are advanced techniques that
production (Gaj et al., 2013). For example, in vitro CRISPR- can allow for structure solving with high precision. Cryo-
Cas9 cloning with Gibson assembly has provided an alternate electron microscopy has been a leading method for evaluating
strategy for heterologous expression of cryptic BGCs from macromolecular structures at near-atom resolution (Shoemaker
genetically recalcitrant actinomycetes strains (Wang J.W. and Ando, 2018). For example, single particle electron cryo-
et al., 2015; Jiang and Zhu, 2016). Additionally, CRISPR- microscopy has been used to visualize pikromycin PKS
Cas9 has many prospects in the analyses of biochemical module 5 from S. venezuelae, which allowed for 3D map
pathways in Streptomyces strains due to the development construction with resolutions of 7.3–9.5 Å to reveal secondary
of a pCRISPomyces expression system (Cobb et al., 2015). structures (Dutta et al., 2014). These techniques are just a
With genome editing tools, it is also possible that non- few among many that should be considered for structural
model native hosts can be engineered to be heterologous studies on natural product biosynthesis. Advancements in
production hosts to become platforms for combinatorial computational strategies have led to the identification of
biosynthesis to create synthetic natural products and natural BGCs in genome sequences and predictions of product
product derivatives. Some intrinsic limitations for non- chemical structures. Sequencing campaigns for natural
model microbial hosts can be also improved by this genetic product discovery should be directed toward samples likely
modification. Corynebacterium glutamicum, a GRAS organism, to yield novel natural products along with well-characterized
has been used for the industrial production of various amino clades, such as actinomycetes, as they are still a resource
acids for over five decades (Becker et al., 2011). Recently, for natural product discovery and have yet to be fully
it also showed promising potential for use as a protein exhausted. The development of algorithms to mine the
expression system (Kallscheuer et al., 2016). However, this ever-increasing amounts of metagenomic data will allow for

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 19 June 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1404

Pham et al. Microbial Production of Bioactive Molecules

the potential of genome mining to be realized (Medema and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

Fischbach, 2015). Finally, developing additional host platforms
for high-throughput refactoring and functional expression of SP and YY designed, directed, and coordinated this project.
pathways has the potential to overcome current limitations in JP, MY, AF, MM, NM, JW, EK, HC, JR, MCS, SP, and YY
precursor supply, product toxicity, the ability to express very large made substantial contributions in providing critical feedback and
gene clusters and more (Schmidt-Dannert, 2015). drafting the manuscript. SP and JP reviewed the final manuscript.
Overall, microbial natural products and biologics will
continue to broaden their diverse and integral role in human
life. The potential for recombinant drugs is expanding through FUNDING
the utilization of new protein production platforms and
efforts in product improvement. Microbial cells will remain This work was supported by a National Research Foundation
as potent protein factories because of their versatility and of Korea (NRF) grant (2019R1A2B5B03069338) funded by the
cost-effectiveness. Engineering strategies and recombinant DNA Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), the Bio & Medical
technologies will also allow for the increased production of Technology Development Program of the NRF funded by
microbial natural products and recombinant proteins despite the MSIT (2018M3A9F3079662), the Collaborative Genome
the many challenges faced. Continued efforts in natural product Program of the Korea Institute of Marine Science and
analog development will provide an avenue for the discovery of Technology Promotion (KIMST) funded by the Ministry of
compounds with improved biological activities in comparison Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) (No. 20180430), and Cooperative
to their natural counterparts. Current advanced technologies Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology
can be utilized to further advance the field of microbial natural Development (PJ01316001) funded by the Rural Development
products, which remain a steadfast resource for novel compounds Administration, South Korea. MCS was supported by the RP-
in drug discovery. Grant 2019 funded by the Ewha Womans University.

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