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Corporate Identity Number (CIN) - U40109RJ2000SGC016483: S.N O. Name of Item Quantity (Approx)

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TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 1


Corporate Identity Number (CIN)-U40109RJ2000SGC016483

TELEPHONE: 0291-2651376 FAX: 0291-2746539

Mail Address: semmcjdvvnl@gmail.com


Tenders are hereby invited in e-tender system for purchase of 33 KV 800 A Isolator with Post
Insulators without Earth Blade are to be submitted online in electronic format on website
http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in. The details are as under-
S.N Name of Item Quantity (Approx)
1. 33 KV 800 A Isolator with Post Insulators without 98 sets
Earth Blade (Assembled)

A. NIT No. TN-1328

B. Cost of Specification Rs. 2,500.00 per set (Two Thousand Five Hundred only)
C. Processing of RISL Rs. 1,000.00 per set (One Thousand only)
D. Earnest money Rs. 1,00,000 (Rs. One Lac Only)
E. Vendor Class eligible to Class A/B/C/D/E
participate without EMD
F. Validity 120 days from the next date of opening of techno-
commercial bid.

S. Events Date & Time Location
1. Last Date of downloading of Up to www.jdvvnl.com &
tender specifications 05.07.2017 http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
(04:00 PM)
2. Last Date of Deposit of cost of Up to Office of Sr. A.O (Cash & CPC), JdVVNL
Tender Specifications, 05.07.2017 , New Power House, Industrial Area,
Processing fee & Earnest Money (4:00 PM) Jodhpur
3. Last Date & time of submission Up to http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
of electronic bid 06.07.2017
(12:00 PM)
4. Opening of Technical Bid 06.07.2017 http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
(03:00 PM)
5. Opening of Price Bid To be intimated http://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in
separately to
the qualified
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 2


Section-I Instructions to bidders (for e- tendering)

Section-II General Conditions of Contract
Section-III Technical Specification
Schedule-I Schedule of Requirement
Schedule-II P.V. Formula
Schedule-III Details of Standards
Schedule-III-A Pre Qualification Requirement(PQR)
Schedule-III-B Performa of Bank Guarantee in lieu of type test
Schedule-IV BOQ (Price Schedule) To be submitted Online
Schedule-IV-A Details of bided quantity, quantity offered The bidder is required to
along with justification with reference to justify quantity offered as per
Qualifying Requirement. qualifying requirement
Schedule V Departure from Guaranteed Technical
Schedule V A Guaranteed Technical Particulars
Schedule VI A Departure from the requirement of Technical
Schedule VI B Departure from commercial terms & conditions
of specification
Schedule VII List of Past supplies.
Schedule VII A C.A. Certificate for Quantity Justification
Schedule VIII Delivery schedule.
Schedule IX List of equipment & technical hands available
with the biding firm.
Appendix I Any other information

Note: The bidders, in their own interest are requested to read very carefully Section-I
(Instruction to Bidders), Section-II (General Condition of Contract) & Section-III (Technical
Specification) before filling the bid. The Bid documents can be downloaded from website of
Jodhpur Discom www.jdvvnl.com, www.sppp.rajasthan.gov.in & http:eproc.rajasthan.gov.in &
can be uploaded on the website http:eproc.rajasthan.gov.in. No hard copy of the bidding
documents will be provided to the bidders through this office. In case of any discrepancy found
in the bidding documents downloaded from the website and appended with the bid (as a bid
document) and the original copy of such document available in the office of Superintending
Engineer (MM&C), Jodhpur Discom, Jodhpur then the copy available with Superintending
Engineer (MM&C), Jodhpur Discom, Jodhpur will be considered as final document for all
purposes. The proof of depositing the cost of Bid document, EMD or Vendor registration
certificate (if applicable) and tender processing fee be furnished upto 4:00 PM of one day prior
to the date of tender opening in the manner prescribed in bid document
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 3




1.0 SCOPE:
This specification covers design, manufacture, assembly testing at manufacturer's works, packing and
& delivery with accessories and auxiliary equipments at site(s).store(s) of 33 KV, 800 AMP. Isolators
without Earth Switch with Post Insulators required for installation at various 33KV Sub Stations in
Jodhpur Discom. The manufacturer shall also provide one extra 24KV Post Insulator with each set as
spare .The manufacturer shall also provide design, drawing and bill of material for supporting structures
for installation of their Isolators without earth switch.

It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the design and construction of
equipments. However, the equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering,
design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing in continuous operation upto the
supplier's guarantee acceptable to the Purchaser, who will interpret in a manner the meaning of
drawings and specifications and shall have the power to reject any work or material which in his
judgment is not in accordance herewith. The equipment offered shall be complete with all components
necessary for its effective and trouble free operation along with associated equipments, interlocks,
protection schemes etc. Such components shall be deemed to be within the scope of supply,
irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial
order or not. All similar parts particularly movable ones shall be interchangeable.


Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification, the rating as well as performance and testing
of the isolators shall conform to the latest revisions and amendments of the following standards available
at the time of placement of order.

Sl. No. Standard No. Title

1. IS: 9921 Alternating current isolators (disconnectors) and Earthing

2. IEC: 60129 -do-
3. IS: 2544/1973 Insulators.
4. IS: 5350 Outdoor cylindrical post (Pt.III/1971) insulators.
5. IS: 2629/1985 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron and steel.
6. IS: 4759/1996 Hot dip galvanisation coating on structural steel.
7. IS: 2633/1986 Method of testing uniformity of coating on Zinc coated articles
8. IS: 1573/1986 Electroplated coatings of zinc on iron and steel.
9. IS: 6735/994 Spring washers.
10. IS: 2016/1967 Plain washers.
11. IS: 5561/1970 Electrical power connectors. (Terminal connectors) Indian
Electricity Rules.
12. IS: 9530/1980 Recommended practice for silver plating.
13. BS: 2816/1964 Testing of silver plating thickness
14. IS: 5925/1970 Recommended practice for silver plating for general
engineering purposes
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 4


Equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation
under the following tropical conditions:

i) Location Anywhere in Rajasthan

ii) Max. ambient air 50

temp. in shade (deg.C)

iii) Min. ambient air temp. (deg.C) (-) 5

iv) Average daily ambient 45

air temperature(Deg.C.)

v) Max. yearly weighted 35

ambient temp.(Deg.C.)

vi) Max.Relative humidity (%) 95

vii) Average annual rainfall (mm) 100 to 1000mm

(depending upon area)

viii) No. of rainy days P.A. 70

ix) Max. wind pressure (Kg/sq.m.) 195

x) Max. altitude above mean sea level (metres) 815

xi) Isoceraunic level (days/year) 4 months (June to Sept.)

xii) Seismic level (horizontal acceleration). 0.08g

Note: Moderately hot and humid tropical climate conductive to rust and fungus growth. The climatic
conditions are also prone to wide variations in ambient conditions. Smoke is also present in the
atmosphere. Heavy/ lightning also occurs during June to October.


4.1 The equipment covered in this specification shall meet the technical requirements listed below:
S.NO. Particulars 33 KV Isolators
i) Nominal system voltage :KV(rms) 33
ii) Highest system voltage :KV(rms) 36
iii) Rated Frequency :Hz. 50
iv) Number of phases. 3
v) System Neutral Earthing Effectively earthed
B) Service conditions As per clause No.4.0
C) Characteristics of a disconnector or earthing switch:
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 5

The values of the Parameters/Particulars mentioned below shall not be less than the specified against
S.NO. Particulars 33 KV Isolators

1. Number of poles. 3

2. Class - Indoor or Outdoor Out door

3. Rated Voltage: KV (rms) 33

4. Operating mechanism Manual

5. Type of disconnector.(AB) Triple pole, gang operated double break,

central post rotating.
6. Rated insulation level:

a) 1.2/50 Micro Sec. Lightning

Impulse withstands voltage.

i) To earth & between poles: KV (Peak) 170

ii) Across the isolating distance: KV (Peak) 195

b) One minute P.F. withstands voltage. 70

i) To earth & between poles: KV (rms) 70

ii) Across the isolating distance.KV(r.m.s.) 80

7. Rated normal current-A (rms) 800

8) i) Rated short time withstand current for 25

three second. KA (rms)

ii) Rated peak withstand current: KA(Peak) 62.5


1. Phase to Phase separation (min.) (Centre to Centre) 1200mm

2. Minimum centre to centre distance between two 400mm

poles of same phase.

3. Size of base channel on which insulators are to be 100x50mm


4. Size of vertical operating pipe(Down pipe)

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 6
i) Length 4.6m

ii) Nominal bore. 25 mm

5. Minimum length of operating handle. 500 mm

6. Nominal bore of phase coupling pipe. 20 mm

7. Minimum cross-sectional area of terminal pad. 500sq. mm (Min.)

8.(a) Minimum cross-sectional area of fixed contacts 380 sq.mm (Min.) (95 Sq.mm.x4

(b) Minimum cross-sectional area of one finger 95 sq.mm.

9. Minimum nos. of fingers in a fixed contact. 2 pairs (4 fingers)

10. Diameter of Arcing Horn (Rod). 10 mm

11. Size of flexible earthing connnector :

i) Minimum cross-sectional area. ---------160 sq.mm -------------

ii) Length. ----------150 mm ---------------
iii) For operating handle 50 Sq.mm.x 150 mm length

12. Name of conductor for which Electric power RACCOON/ DOG

connector shall be suitable. (As per purchaser's choice)

13. Min. size of stainless steel spring to be provided with fixed contact

i) Gauge 14SWG
ii) Outer diameter 22mm
iii) Minimum nos of turns per coil 6 nos.
iv) Min. total length. 28mm

14. Minimum number of guides to be provided for down pipe 2 nos.

15. Minimum size of bimetallic strip to be provided between 75X75X1 mm

Aluminium terminal connector and copper terminal pad

16. Top & bottom pitch circle diameter of post insulator 76 mm

(to be procured separately) for which isolator hardware
shall be suitable.

17. Numbers of minimum size of bolts to be provided for 4x3/8"dia

fixing terminal connector with terminal pad

18. Max. tempreture rise allowed above ambient -------25 degree cen.--------
tempreture of 50 degree centigrade


5.1 The Isolators shall be constructed out of best quality of material suitable for whether conditions
prevailing in Rajasthan. The workmanship shall be of the highest grade and the entire manufacture shall
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 7
be in accordance with the modern Engineering practices. All ferrous parts shall be given an anticorrosive
finish and shall be hot dip galvanised. The other parts shall be substantially non corrosive. The bearings
in the current path shall be shunted by flexible copper connectors of adequate cross section and the
bearing housings shall be completely weather proof with arrangement to facilitate the lubrication of the

5.2 The Isolators shall be of tripple pole, gang operated, double break, three posts with central
post rotating, banging type suitable for outdoor horizontal mounting The operating handle shall have
arrangement for locking Isolators/earth switch in `ON' and `OFF' positions.

5.3 For reasons of safety, the switch isolator should be so designed that no dangerous leakage current
can pass from the terminals of one side to any terminals of the other side of the switch Isolator.

5.4 The frame of each Isolator and earthing switch shall be provided with reliable earthing terminal for
each phase for connection to an earthing conductor having a clamping bolt/screw of not less than 12mm
diameter. The terminal shall be marked with `Earth' symbol.

5.5 The isolators shall be provided with arcing horns of fixed type with make before and break after
actual making and breaking of isolator main contacts. The arcing horn shall be made of G.I. Rod and
their position shall remain unchanged after mechanical endurance test (slight welding is permitted for
this fabrication purpose).

5.6 All similar materials and removable parts of similar equipment shall be interchangeable with each

5.7 The vertical operating pipe and phase coupling pipe shall be of galvanised mild steel tube
(medium class) as per IS-1161.

5.8 Suitable arrangement shall be provided to padlock the operating handle of isolating switches and
earth switch in `ON' & `OFF' positions.

5.9 All ferrous parts shall be hot dip galvanised and uniformity of zinc coating shall satisfy
requirement of IS-2633. The pipes /tubes shall be galvanised in accordance with IS-4736.

5.10 All contact surfaces shall be silver /nickel plated as per IEC: 60129 and their temperature rise
shall be maximum 25 degree centigrade. The current density shall be less than 2.5 Amps.per Sq.mm. in
copper, or minimum cross sectional area shall be as specified.

5.11 The height of 2 x 24 KV pedestal post type (E-32) insulator (conforming to IS:5350 Part.III &
IS:2544) stack to be used with 33 KV isolator hardware shall be 508 mm. The Mechanical strength
(Failing Load) shall be 9KN for each 24KV post insulator


The channels shall be of sizes mentioned in clause No.5.0 "Principal parameters" of this specification
and shall conform to IS- 808.


5.13.1 The bearing assembly for each rotating central post shall have one number taper thrust roller
bearing at top & one number ball bearing at the bottom/other end of bearing housing. The entire
mechanical load shall be suspended on thrust bearings. Cross sectional drawings of the bearings shall be
furnished with the tender.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 8
5.13.2 The vertical operating shaft shall be supported with taper thrust roller bearing on the top
and at least two guides in between at uniform interval along with its length in order to ensure smooth and
easy operation.

5.13.3 A galvanised MS Angle/channel of suitable length shall be provided for fixing of

fourth bearing assembly. The holes provided shall be of movable type at equal distance to that of base
channel holes.


5.14.1 The operating mechanism shall be suitable for normal operations by one man without undue
efforts. The mechanism shall be so designed that all the three blades are in positive continuous control
throughout the entire cycle of operation. It shall not be possible after final adjustment have been made
for any part of the mechanism to be displaced at any point in the travel so as to allow improper
functioning of switch, whether the switch is in opened or in closed condition.

5.14.2 All G.I. Pipes used in operating mechanism of isolators and earth switches shall be of medium
class as per IS-1161.

5.14.3 The Isolators with or without earthing switches complete with the operating mechanism
should not come out of its own in open or closed position due to the effect of gravity, wind pressure,
vibrations, reasonable shocks or accidental touching of operating rods. The arrangement made and
stoppers provided to prevent over travel shall be clearly shown in the tender drawings.

5.14.4 The Isolators should also be capable of resisting in closed position, the dynamic and thermic
effects of the maximum possible short circuit current at the installation point. Their construction should
be such that it should not open under the influence of short circuit current.

5.14.5 The earthing of operating handle shall be made through flexible copper strip of size as per IS:
9921(Pt.III)-1982, connected to the supporting metallic structure.


5.15.1 The fixed contacts shall be of spring loaded reverse loop type as detailed in Clause No.4.2
(8&9). The minimum length of each finger should be 105 mm or equal to type tested isolator whichever
is higher for 33KV800 Amp. Isolator.

The moving contacts shall be of solid hard drawn electrolytic copper of tubular sections.

5.15.2 The contacts and switches blades shall be of liberal cross section to withstand the rated
continuous current. The copper contacts shall be silver/ nickel plated as per IEC: 60129 and female
contacts fingers shall be provided with spring of Phospher Bronze or stainless steel. The spring shall be
fixed in the finger contacts through taflon/nylon insert at both ends so that no transfer of current is
possible through spring and direct electric heating of springs is avoided.

5.15.3 The contacts must be made of liberally rated electrolytic hard drawn copper suitably plated to
withstand damage on account of weather conditions prevailing at site and accidental arcing. High
pressure contact switch shall be designed with a contact pressure 1/2 (Half) Lb per Amp. of capacity.
The tenderer shall specifically confirm that the material components and cross sectional areas of all
current carrying parts shall be either exactly same or superior to that of isolator got type tested for short
circuit test, temperature rise test and Mili volt drop test as per relevant standards.

5.15.4 Full details of the contacts and switch blades shall be given with cross sectional drawings
to dimension. The temperature rise of the contacts shall not exceed 25 degree centigrade at an ambient
temperature 50 Degree C.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 9

5.15.5 The current density in current carrying parts shall not exceed 2.5A per sq.mm for copper and
1.0A per sq.mm for Aluminium considering with &without holes for overlapping for which supporting
calculations must be submitted with offer.


The terminal pad shall be made of electrolytic copper flat and should be liberally sized, so as to receive
terminal connectors through minimum 4 Nos. of nuts and bolts of suitable size.


5.17.1 The isolators shall be provided with 6 Nos of bimetallic rigid type universal terminal
connectors of aluminium alloy suitable for conductors as per clause No.5.0. The size of terminal
connector should match with terminal pad size. The terminal connector shall also be suitable for
horizontal and vertical take off arrangement.

5.17.2 Thickness of bimetallic strip between terminal pad and aluminium terminal connector shall be
atleast 1 mm. The current density in terminal connectors shall be less than 1.0 Amps. per Sq.mm. The
connectors shall conform to all the test requirement of IS-5561 with latest amendments.


5.18.1 All bolts, nuts & washers required for assembling the equipment and for fixing them on to the
structure shall be galvanized and shall be supplied with the equipment at no extra cost.

5.18.2 Bolts & nuts shall also be provided with lock washers and lock nuts required for fixing post
insulators/ post insulator stacks on base plate/ base channel.


The following accessories and fittings shall be provided with the isolators.

i) Handle suitable for pad locking in `ON' & `OFF' position.

ii) Three earthing terminals having clamping bolts of atleast 12 mm diameters.

iii) Name Plate shall be provided on the equipment as per IS/9921.

iv) Galvanised arcing horns of liberally rated renewable rod type with make before and break after

v) Mechanical interlock for earthing switches.

vi) Base Channels.

vii) Electric power connectors (Terminal connectors)


The isolators shall have clearances conforming to relevant IS and should meet the requirements of
the impulse voltage tests as specified therein.

5.20.1 The equipment covered by this specification shall be used outdoor and maximum temperature
attained by any part of the equipment in service at site conditions and full load current shall not exceed
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 10
the permissible limits mentioned in IS:9921 at an ambient temperature of 50 Degree C. Tenderers are
required to mention specific degree of maximum temp. rise in GTPs.

5.20.2 The temperature rise test after fitting terminal connectors shall also be carried out as routine
test on one switch isolator out of each lot offered for inspection. The limit shall not exceed those
specified under this specification.

5.20.3 Where Porcelain Insulators are offered they shall be made of homogeneous and vitreous
porcelain of high mechanical and die-electric strength. It shall have sufficient mechanical strength to
sustain electrical and mechanical loading on account of wind load, short circuit forces etc., Glazing of
the porcelain shall be of uniform brown or dark brown colour with a smooth surface arranged to shed
away rain water. The porcelain shall be free from laminations and other flaws or imperfections that
might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality. It shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to
moisture. The porcelain and metal parts shall be assembled in such a manner and with such material
that any thermal differential expansion between the metal and porcelain parts throughout the range of
temperature specified in this specification shall not loose the parts or create undue internal stresses
which may affect the mechanical or electrical strength or rigidity of the unit as a whole or stack of two
units. The assembly shall not have excessive concentration of electrical stresses in any section or across
leakage surfaces. Cement used in the construction of post insulators shall not cause fracture by
expansion or loosening by construction and proper care shall be taken to locate correctly the individual
parts during cementing. The cement used shall not give rise to chemical reaction with metal fittings and
its thickness shall be uniform. The insulator shall be suitable for water washing by rain or artificial
means in service condition. Profile of the insulator shall also conform to the relevant IS.

5.20.4 Cap to be provided on top of the insulator shall be of high grade cast iron or malleable steel
casting. It shall be machine faced and hot dip galvanised. The cap of 24KV Post Insulators shall have
four numbers of tapped holes spaced on a pitch circle diameter of 76 mm . The threads of the tapped
holes in the post insulator metal fittings shall be cut after giving anti corrosion protection and shall be
protected against rust by greasing or other similar means, all other threads shall be cut before giving
anticorrosion protection and shall conform to IS: 4218 with latest version thereof The tapped holes shall
be suitable for bolts with threads having anticorrosive protection.

The effective depth of threads shall not be less than the nominal diameter of the bolt. The cap shall be so
designed that it shall be free from visible corona.

5.20.5 The casting shall be free from blow holes, cracks and such other defects.

5.20.6 All the ferrous metal parts shall be given an anticorrossive finish and shall be hot dip
galvanised smoothly as per IS: 3638 (as amended upto date), IS: 2633 or any other equivalent
authoritative standard. The other parts shall be substantially non corrosive. The material shall be
galvanised only after shop operations upon it have been completed. The metal parts before galvanising
should be thoroughly cleaned of any paint, grease, rust, scales or alkali or any foreign deposit which are
likely to come in the way of galvanising process. The coating on the metal parts shall withstand
minimum four one minute dips in copper sulphate solution as per the relevant IS.

5.20.7 The insulator unit shall be assembled in a suitable jig to ensure correct positioning of the top
and bottom metal fittings relative to one another. The faces of the metal fittings shall be parallel and at
right angles to the axis of the insulator and the corresponding holes in the top and the bottom metal
fittings shall be in a vertical plane containing the axis of the insulator.

5.20.8 It shall be the sole responsibility of the Supplier to carry out thorough inspection and quality
checks on the insulators at the insulator supplier's works, before offering the isolators for Purchaser's
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 11
5.20.9 The porcelain and hardware surface coming in contact with cement shall be coated with
bituminous paint for cushioning to relieve mechanical stress caused by temperature variation and cement

5.20.10 The post insulators shall conform to IS: 5350. The total creepage distance of 24KV post
insulator as individual unit shall be minimum 430 mm .

5.20.11 Following makes of the Post Insulators shall be acceptable for the supply of 33 KV Isolators

i) M/s.Jaipur Glass & Potteries, Jaipur.

ii) M/s.India Potteries, Kolkata.
iii) M/s.Bikaner Ceramices, Bikaner.
iv) M/s.CJI Porcelain, Khurja.
v) M/s.Vishal Melleable, Ankeleshwar.
vi) M/s.Allied Ceramices Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.
vii) M/s.WSI, Chennai.
viii) M/s.IEC, Bhopal.
ix) M/s.MIL, Allahabad.
x) M/s.Jay Shree Insulators, Vadodara.
xi) M/s.Birla NGK Insulators Pvt. Ltd., Halol.
xii) M/s.MIL, Abu Road.
xiii) M/s.Sarvana Insulators Ltd., Kurinji Padi, Dist Cuddalore, (Tamilnadu).
xiv) M/s BHEL

5.20.12 Besides above, the Post Insulators manufactured by the vendors approved by the Power Grid
Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) shall also be

6.0 TESTS:

6.1 TYPE TEST The following type tests are to be conducted on the dis-connector along with
insulators and terminal connectors.

1. Short time withstand current test -

The test is to be carried out as per provisions of IS: 9921 (Part.IV). As per clause No.3.0.2 of (Part.IV).
The test carried out on one type of disconnector will be applicable for different current and voltage
ratings but with similar components i.e. reverse loop type fixed contacts, tubular moving contact,
double break mechanism with similar post insulator. However as per clause No. of IS: 9921
(Part.IV) the isolator subjected to type tests shall be atleast favorable conditions of electro magnetic
forces than offered isolator for which necessary calculations may be submitted along with offer.

2. High Voltage test –

The type tested isolator shall have lower or equal clearances than offered isolator i.e. for phase to
phase clearance, phase to earth clearance and clearance for isolating distance.

a) Lightening impulse voltage test.

b) Power frequency voltage withstand test.

3. Temperature rise test.

4. D.C. voltage drop test or measurement of resistance of main circuit.

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 12
5. Short time withstand current test on terminal connectors either as per provisions of IS: 5561or
tested along with isolator.

6. Mechanical endurance test.

7. Short time withstand current test on earth switch or the offered design should have same cross
section area of contacts to main contacts.


1. Visible discharge test.

2. Impulse voltage withstand test on post insulators.
3. Dry and wet power frequency voltage withstand test on post insulators.
4. Temperature cycle test.
5. Test for mechanical strength.
6. Puncture test
7. Porosity test.
8. Galvanizing test.

However, the purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition of some or all the type tests in
presence of purchaser's representative. For this purpose, the tenderer should indicate unit rate for
carrying out such type tests. These test charges shall not be taken into consideration for bid evaluation.

During type tests the disconnector shall be mounted on its own support structure or equivalent
support structure and installed with its own operating mechanism to make the type tests representative.

6.2 The manufacturer is required to conduct following routine tests as per relevant IS on the
Isolators complete with required Post Insulators at manufacturer's works.


1. Routine mechanical test on post insulators.

2. Routine electrical tests on post insulators.
3. Tests as per IS: 2633.


The following tests shall be got conducted in presence of purchaser's representative as per
relevant standards at the place of manufacturer before despatch without any extra charges. The tests
at Sr. No.1 to 6 are to be carried out on completely assembled isolator as per IS:9921(Pt.IV). The
sampling for the inspection of completely assembled isolators, offered for final inspection shall be
on 10% of offered quantity(unless otherwise specified). The tests at Sr. No.7 to 12 are to be carried
out on Post insulators as per IS:2544 and sampling will also be as per same IS, at original
manufacturer’s works.

1. Measurement of resistance of main circuit of Isolator as per IS: 9921 (Part.IV).

2. Mechanical operating test on atleast one sample selected at random from each type & rating.
3. Mechanical endurance test shall be done as acceptance test on one Isolator of each type & rating
from every lot. Mechanical endurance test shall be conducted on the main switch as well as earth
switch of one dissconnector of each type & rating. Bare contacts shall not be acceptable in any case.
4. Verifications of dimensions as per approved drawing on one Isolator set of each type & rating.
5. Temperature rise test on one set of Isolator of each rating from the offered lot.
6. Preece Test on one Isolator of each type and voltage rating as per relevant IS.
7 Verification of dimensions of post insulators.
8. Temperature Cycle Test on post insulators.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 13
9. Mechanical strength Test on post insulators.
10. Puncture Test on post insulators.
11. Porosity Test on post insulators.
12. Galvanizing Test on post insulators.


Tests are not required to be performed on bought out equipments like terminal connectors etc. at the
works of manufacturer except operational tests. Furnishing Test Certificate of Isolators and Post
Insulators from the original equipment manufacturers shall be deemed to be satisfactory evidence.
Inspection of the tests at Sub-contractors works will be arranged by the supplier whenever required.


FROM 1st OFFERED LOT (Applicable to Successful bidders, who have not furnished valid Type
Test(s) with bid, but furnished B.G. in lieu of Type Test(s))

6.4.1 The first lot offered shall not be less than 10 % of the ordered qty.

6.4.2 One sample of each rating of Isolators along with Post Insulators from the 1st Lot received in
purchaser's store shall be selected and sealed for getting it type tested at any Govt. approved/ Govt.
recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory /
ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (In case of foreign laboratory). The
transportation charges of sample(s) from store to test house shall be borne by NIGAM, whereas the
charges incurred towards type test of the material at test house shall be borne by the Supplier. The testing
charges should be remitted through D.D. in favour the Test House by the supplier with the1st inspection
offer. The name of test house shall be intimated to successful bidder after issue of Purchase order.

6.4.3 At the option of the purchaser, the material received in the stores may be utilized in the field after
receipt of successful test reports from CTL, Jodhpur for the mandatory test checking on the samples
selected from the material received at stores against first lot and subsequent lot(s) in anticipation of
successful type test report(s).

The bidder shall have to deposit type test charge(s) immediately with the supply of 1 st lot. If the
type test charge(s) are not deposited then acceptance of 2 nd offered lot shall be at the discretion of

6.4.4 In case sample(s) from first lot fails in type tests then:

a) Supplier shall have to replace the full quantity of the respective inspected lot supplied to various
stores which is lying unused.

b) For the quantity already utilized against the order in field, a deduction of 30% (thirty percent)
of F.O.R. destination price of the material supplied shall be made.

c) Sample(s) from next lot shall be selected again for type test. All test charges incurred towards type
test of the material for second time shall be borne by the Supplier for which the testing charges should be
remitted through D.D. in favour of the Test House by the supplier with the 2nd inspection offer.

6.4.5 In case sample again fails in the type test then:

a) The quantity supplied/received in stores and lying unused in stores shall stand rejected and shall be
lifted back by the supplier.

b) For the quantity already utilized against the order in field, a deduction of 30% (thirty percent)
of F.O.R. destination price of the material supplied shall be made.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 14
c) Further supplies shall not be accepted and order shall stand cancelled.

The various type tests as per relevant standards shall be conducted on each type of Isolator.


Tolerance shall be allowed as per respective/ relevant standards unless otherwise specified.

However, no negative tolerance shall be allowed on current carrying parts.

Tolerance of ± 5% in dimensions as well as in weight also be allowed except current carrying



All the tests (as mentioned at Clause No.7.3) and Inspection shall be made at the place of manufacturer
unless otherwise especially agreed upon by the tenderer and purchaser at the time of purchase. The
tenderer shall offer required numbers of post insulators for Purchaser’s inspection and after clearance of
insulator, he will offer assembled Isolators for purchaser’s inspection. The tenderer shall afford the
inspection officer(s) representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities without charges, to satisfy him
that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification. The purchaser has the right to
have the tests carried out at his own cost by an independent agency whenever there is a dispute regarding
the quality of supply.

The Inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture/ before despatch as
per relevant standard.

Inspection and acceptance of any material under the specification by the purchaser, shall not
relieve the tenderer of his obligation of furnishing material in accordance with the specification and
shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the material is found to be sub-standard. The tenderer
shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about manufacturing programme so that arrangements can
be made for inspection.

The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/ routine testings of the
bought out items.


The material received in the stores of the NIGAM shall be subjected to the test checking at stores before
final acceptance of the material, the procedure for the same shall be as under:


One sample out of each sub-lot /lot consisting of following quantities or part thereof from each
inspected lot received in stores shall be selected for test checking of material and shall be got tested. The
selection of sample from the material received at stores shall be done as soon as material is received in
stores without the presence of the representative of the supplier. However, testing of sample(s) at CTL
shall be carried out in the presence of representative of the supplier after identification /confirmation by
him that sample so selected belongs to them.

33 KV 800 Amp. Isolator with Post Insulator without E.B. with Post Insulator – 50 sets

8.1 (a) One extra sample of 24 KV post insulator for conducting Puncture test.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 15

The following tests shall be carried out on the above items:

a) Visual examination, verification of dimensions, weight and marking as per PO/ GTP/ Approved

b) Checking of current carrying parts as per approved drawings.

c) Post Insulators : - i) Mechanical strength test.

ii) Porosity test
iii) Puncture Test

d) All galvanized parts. - Uniformity of galvanization test.

e) Measurement of resistance of contacts ( IS :9921, Part-II)

Only those test(s) shall be conducted for which facility is available at CTL.

For witnessing of the testing, clear 7 (seven) days notice shall be given to the supplier by fax/ speed post
stating date, time & place where the test is to be conducted. In case the supplier do not attend for
witnessing the testing, the testing shall be proceeded and completed and action be taken as per the

The Officer Incharge of Central Testing Lab (CTL) Jodhpur shall send copies of test reports to the
purchaser, consignees and the supplier.


a) Visual examination, verification of dimensions, weight and marking. As per Specification/ GTP/
Approved drawing.

b) Checking of current carrying parts as per approved drawings.

If the dimensions of the current carrying metal part are in conformity with approved drawings, the
material shall be accepted. When the dimensions of above parts are less then those minimum specified in
the approved drawings but upto a limit of 5%, the material contained in the Lot/ Sub-lot to which the
sample belong shall be accepted subject to the conditions that the current density in above part is
inconformity with contract and deductions at the rate of 2% cost of above parts for every 1% or part
thereof reduction in weight due to less dimensions. The deduction shall be made for weight of above
parts calculated on the basis of dimensions observed and found less. The weight shall be compared with
one calculated on the basis of the minimum dimensions for the parts approved in the drawings. The rates
for reduction shall be taken from the relevant IEEMA circular applicable on the date two month prior to
the date of supply. When the dimensions are less than more than 5% as compared to the dimensions as
per approved drawings, the material contain in the lot/ sub-lot to which the sample belongs shall be
rejected and shall have to be replaced by the supplier.

c) Post Insulators: i) Mechanical strength test.

ii) Porosity test
iii) Puncture test.

In case of failure of any of samples in any of the above test, the material contained in the lot/ sub lot
received in the stores to which the sample(s) belong shall be rejected. The rejected material shall have to
be replaced by the supplier free of cost.

d) All galvanized parts. - Uniformity of galvanization test.

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 16

i) The sample(s) shall be first tested for (n-2) number of dips where n is specified No. of dips in the
contract. If the sample does not pass the uniformity of galvanization test for (n-2) dips, the material shall
be rejected and the material relating to relevant sub-lot/ lot to which the sample(s) pertains shall have to
be replaced by the supplier free of cost.

ii) If the sample has passed the uniformity of galvanization test for (n-2) dips, then it shall be
tested for (n-1) dips. If the sample has not passed the uniformity of galvanization test with (n-1) dips,
the material pertaining to relevant lot/sub-lot shall be accepted with a deduction @ 4% of cost of
galvanized material parts.

iii) If the sample passed the uniformity of galvanization test with (n-1) dips, then sample shall be tested
for last one dip of one minute to complete the test for `n' dips. If the sample does not pass the uniformity
of galvanization test with `n' dips, then the material pertaining to relevant lot/sub-lot shall be accepted
with a deduction @ 2% of cost of galvanized material parts.

iv) If the sample(s) have passed the test with number of dips as specified in the contract (n), then
material pertaining to relevant lot/sub-lot shall be accepted.


All test charges incurred towards test checking of the material received in our stores shall be borne by
the NIGAM except that of personal expenses of the representative of the supplier for witnessing the


The payment shall be governed in accordance with the clause no. 1.42 of GCC with following

A. For the bidders who have furnished valid type test reports with the bid:-

Payment shall be made only after receipt of successful test report from the CTL on the samples
selected from the material received at the stores. However, the due dates for payment shall be considered
from the date of submission of the bills along with receipted challans to Sr. Accounts Officer (Cash &
CPC), JdVVNL, Jodhpur.

B. For the bidders who have not furnished valid type test reports with the bid:-

i) The 70% payment shall be released after receipt of successful test reports from CTL, Jodhpur for
the mandatory test checking on the samples selected from the material received at stores against first lot
and subsequent lot(s) in anticipation of successful type test reports.

ii) The balance 30% payment shall be released after receipt of successful type test reports on the
samples selected from the material received in the stores.

iii) The due dates for payment shall be considered from the date of submission of the bills along
with receipted challans to Sr. Accounts Officer (Cash & CPC), JdVVNL, Jodhpur


9.1 The tenders shall submit with his tender the bill of material and fully dimensional drawing of
the offered isolators clearly showing the full details of material components and cross section of
moving blade, male and female contacts, details of terminal arrangement, terminal pad, terminal
connectors, operating mechanism showing the number and type of bearings, nominal diameter and
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 17
thickness of various G.I. pipes, earth connectors etc. to be supplied by them to enable the purchaser to
examine the offer.

The tenderer shall also furnish drawings and bill of material for supporting structures required for
Isolators, although supporting structures are not in the scope of supply.

9.2 The successful bidder will submit the full dimensional on A-3 size paper in triplicate for our
approval before commencement of supply. If the successful bidder manufacture the equipment without
obtaining approval of drawing, the purchaser will not be responsible if any part is not as per required
dimensions. Approval of drawings/work by Purchaser shall not relieve the Supplier of his responsibility
and liability for ensuring correctness and correct interpretation of the latest revision of applicable
standards, rules and codes of practices.


The successful tenderers shall have to supply three sets of operations and maintenance instruction
manuals per set of isolator along with the erection manual and requisite detailed drawings of the
equipments covered by this specification.


All items of the equipments included in this specifications shall be provided with a weather and
corrosion proof plate of name/trade mark of manufacturer, rating and TN in according with the
provision of the IS: 9921. The name & rating plate should be riveted on base channel. Further
there should be proper marking on the base channel for identifying RYB phase.


12.1 The equipment shall be packed in crates suitable for vertical/horizontal transport, as the case
may be and suitable to withstand handling during transport and outdoor storage during transit. The
Supplier shall be responsible for any damage to the equipment during transit due to improper and
inadequate packing.

The easily damageable material shall be carefully packed and marked with the appropriate caution
symbols. Wherever necessary, proper arrangement or lifting, such as lifting hooks etc., shall be provided.
Any material found short inside the packing cases shall be supplied by Supplier without any extra cost.

12.2 Each consignment shall be accompanied by a detailed packing list containing the following

a) Name of the consignee.

b) Details of consignment.
c) Destination.
d) Total weight of consignment.
e) Handling and unpacking instructions.
f) Bill of material indicating contents of each package.


a) The prices shall be quoted in Rs. per set on F.O.R. destination basis in the manner detailed in schedule
of Prices(Schedule-IV- BOQ) indicating details of ex-works price, Excise Duty, Sales tax / VAT, freight
& Insurance charges and Entry Tax, etc. for delivery at our stores.

b) The quoted price shall be variable as per Price Variation Formula as per Schedule – II (A) and
Schedule-II-(B), without any ceiling. The base date of price variation shall be 01.06.2017 and shall be
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 18
as per clause no. 1.10 of instruction to bidders. The offers in which prices have not been quoted in
prescribed manner are liable to rejection.

c) If the price variation formula is changed, the same shall be applicable for the price variation. During
the transit period when both old and new indices are being circulated, then the admissible Price Variation
shall be applicable, which is advantageous to Nigam, and the period from which the old indices are
discontinued then the P.V. shall be admissible with the new indices.


Guaranteed technical particulars in Schedule-V shall be furnished along with the tender. Tenders not
accompanied with Guaranteed technical particulars, type tests reports, detailed drawings and bill of
material etc. are liable to the rejected.


All fittings, accessories or material which may have not been specifically mentioned in this specification,
but which are usual or necessary for the equipment shall be deemed to have been included in this
specification. All equipments shall be complete in all respect.


Any material/ equipments or part thereof that develops defects, errors or omissions in the apparatus, not
disclosed prior to the final acceptance by the purchaser, but occur or are disclosed during the guarantee
period, shall be corrected promptly. The equipment or part thereof shall be replaced by the supplier free
of charges and all expenses for the transportation, handling, installation of such replacement or any other
incidental charges shall be borne by the supplier.

17.0 SPARES:

List of spare parts recommended for five years of operation shall be furnished by the tenderer. The
tenderer shall also quote unit F.O.R. Destination price of these spare parts stating elements of freight and


Quantity tolerance of plus minus 2% of ordered quantity shall be allowed in respect of each item for
completion of supply.


The bidder is required to quote monthly delivery. The delivery of quoted quantity should be completed
in 6 months period including commencement period of maximum 30 days in equal monthly rate. In
case ordered quantity is different than quoted quantity, then monthly delivery shall be adjusted
proportionately. Tenders in which monthly delivery is not indicated shall be ignored.

The tenderers are required to indicate the delivery schedule in the schedule attached with the

20. The tenderers are required to provide one extra 24 KV Post Insulator with per set.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 19



The quantity to be purchase is as under:


i) 33KV, 800 Amp. Isolators with Post Insulators : 98 Sets.

without Earth Blade (assembled) conforming to IS:9921
(Pt.1 to 5) and other relevant ISS with latest
amendments, if any.

The quantity indicated above is provisional and the purchaser reserves the right of revising the
same at the time of placing the order.

The tenderers are required to provide one extra 24 KV Post Insulator with per set.

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 20


IEEMA/PVC/INSL/2003 Effective from:Ist April,03


The price quoted/ confirmed is based on the cost of raw materials/components and labour cost as on
the date of quotation and the same is deemed to be related to prices of raw materials/ components and
All India Average Consumer Price index for industrial workers as specified in the price variation clause
given below. In case of any variation in these prices and Index numbers, the prices payment shall be
subject to adjustment, up or down, in accordance with the following formula.

Po IS C Al In W
P = ----- ( 25+17 ----- + 18 ----- + 10 ----- + 13 ----- + 17------ )
100 ISo Co Alo Ino Wo


P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula.

Po = Price quoted/confirmed.

ISo = Whole sale price index for ferrous metals (Base: 2004-05 = 100) (refer notes).

Co = Price of electrolytic copper wire bars (refer notes).

Alo = Price of bus bar grade aluminium (refer notes).

Ino = Price of Phenolic Moulding powder for switchgear and control gear of medium / lower
voltage (upto 650 Volts) or price of epoxy resin HT Switchgear (above 650 V) (refer notes).

Wo = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as published by Labour
Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India (Base1982 = 100).

NOTE: - The above and indices are as published by IEEMA vide circular reference No. EEMA
(PVC)/SWGR --/-- of the month of June, 2017

IS = Whole sale price index for ferrous metals (Base: 2004-05 = 100) (refer notes).

This index is as applicable on the first week ending Saturday of the month, four months prior to the date
of delivery.

C = Price of electrolytic copper wire bars (refer notes). This price is as applicable on the first working
day of the month, two month prior to the date of delivery.

Al = Price of bus bar grade aluminum (refer bites). This price is applicable on the first working day of
the month, two months prior to the date of delivery.

In = Price of Phenolic Moulding powder for switchgear and control gear of medium / lower voltage
(upto 650 Volts) or price of epoxy resin HT Switchgear (above 650 V) (refer notes). This price is as
applicable on the first working day of the month, two month prior to the date of delivery.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 21

W = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as published by Labour
Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India (Base1982 = 100).This index number is as applicable for the
month, five months prior to the date of delivery.

Base date: 01.06.2017

The date of delivery (i.e. date of readiness of material) is to be considered as per clause no. 1.10 of
Section – I (Instruction to bidders)

NOTE: a) All prices of raw materials are exclusive of modvatable excise / CV duty amount and
exclusive of any other central, state or local taxes, octroi etc.

b) All prices are as on first working day of the month.

c) The details of prices are as under:

i) Wholesale Price index number for `Iron & Steel’ as published by the office of Economic Advisor,
Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India, New Delhi, with base :1993-94=100. This wholesale price index is
being published weekly on provisional basis. However, the same get finalized after eight weeks and are
normally available after two months. Therefore, we are considering in our calculations this final indices
published by Economic Advisor for the first Saturday of the Month, two month prior to the date of
which the price of other raw materials such as C, Al and In are published for the corresponding month.

ii) The prices for electrolytic copper wire bars (in Rs. /MT) is ex-godown price as quoted by the primary
producer of copper.

iii) The prices of bus bar grade aluminum (in Rs./MT) is the average of ex-works price as quoted by the
two primary producers for the bus bar size 152.4x6.35 mm flat approximately, of grade equivalent to
E91E as per IS-5082-1981 (or the latest).

iv) The price of insulating material (in Rs./Kg) is the average price of phenolic moulding power quoted
by three manufacturers (for switchgear and control gear of medium / lower voltage upto 650 volts) or is
the price of epoxy resin quoted by a resin manufacturer for their grade CT 5900 or its nearest equivalent
(for HT switchgear above 650 volts).
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 22


IEEMA/PVC/INSL/2003 Effective from:Ist April,03


The price quoted/confirmed is based on the cost of raw materials /components and labour cost as on the
date of quotation and the same is deemed to be related to prices of raw materials, index number for
insulators and all India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as specified below.
In case of any variation in these prices and Index numbers, the prices shall be subject to adjustment, up
or down, in accordance with the following formula.

P = ----- ( 15+5 ----- + 53 ---------- + 27 ---- )
100 Zno Ino_INSLR Wo


P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula.

Po = Price quoted/confirmed.

Zno = Price of electrolytic high grade zinc(refer notes).

Ino-INSLR = Index number for insulators based on relative prices and weightage (as given in brackets)
of wholesale price index for fuel, power, light & lubricants (28), whole sale price index
for basic metals, alloys & metal products (15), wholesale price index for wood & wood
products (6) and Ball clay (4), calculated considering their values as on 1st January,
2003 as base equal to 100 (Refer Notes).

Wo = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers (Base 2001=100)
as published by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India.

NOTE: - The above and indices are as published by IEEMA vide circular reference No. IEEMA/
(PVC) INSLR --/-- of the month of June, 2017

Zn = Price for electrolytic high grade zinc (refer notes) . This price is as applicable on the first
working day of the month, two months prior to the date of delivery.

IN - INSLR = Index number for insulators based on relative prices and weightages (as given in brackets)
of whole-sale price index for fuel power, light and lubricants (28) wholesale price index
for basic metals, alloys & metal products (15), wholesale price index for ball clay (4),
wholesale price index for wood and wood products (6), calculated considering their
values as on Ist January 2003 as base equal to 100 (Refer Notes). This index number is as
applicable on the first working day of the month, two months prior to the date of

W = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers (base 2001 = 100), as
published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. This index number is as
applicable on the first working day of the month, four months prior to the date of delivery.

Base date: 01.06.2017

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 23
The date of delivery (i.e. date of readiness of material) is to be considered as per clause no. 1.10
of Section – I (Instruction to bidders)


a) All prices of raw material considered for arriving at the index number for insulators are exclusive of
Modvatable excise duty and exclusive of any other central, state or local taxes, octroi etc.

b) All prices as on 1st working day of calendar month.

c) The details of the prices considered are as under:

1) The prices of electrolytic high grade Zn (in Rs. /MT) is ex-works price as quoted by
primary producer of Zn.

2) The prices of ball clay (in Rs./Kg) is the average price of "N-1" type ball clay as
quoted by the two manufacturer.

3) The wholesale price index for fuel, power, light & lubricants, basic metals, alloys and
metal products and wood and wood products are as published by the office of the
Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India, New Delhi with base 1993-94=100.
These wholesale price indices are being published weekly on provisional basis. However, the
same get finalized after eight weeks and are normally available after two months. Therefore,
we are considering in our calculations these final indices published by Economical
Advisor for the Saturday of the Month, two month prior to the date of which the price of
ball clay and Zn is considered. For example for calculating index number for insulators on 1st
working day of month of Oct., the basic price of Zn and ball clay are to be considered as on 1st
working day of Oct., and the wholesale price indices for fuel, power, light and lubricant, basic
metal, alloy and metal products and wood and wood products are to be considered as
published by economic adviser for the first week ending Saturday of the month of August.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 24

Schedule – III


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

Prescribed technical specification for supply of

(Name of Material/Equipment/Machinery/T&P etc.)

Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification, the rating as well as performance and
testing of the isolators shall conform to the latest revisions and amendments of the following
standards available at the time of placement of order.
S.No. Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars
which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should

1. Alternating current isolators IS: 9921

(disconnectors) and Earthing switches.
2. -do- IEC: 60129
3. Insulators. IS: 2544/1973
4. Outdoor cylindrical post (Pt.III/1971) insulators IS: 5350
5. Recommended practice for hot dip IS: 2629/1985
galvanizing of iron and steel.
6. Hot dip galvanization coating on structural steel. IS: 4759/1996
7. Method of testing uniformity of coating on IS: 2633/1986
Zinc coated articles.
8. Electroplated coatings of zinc on iron and steel. IS: 1573/1986
9. Spring washers. IS: 6735/994
10. Plain washers. IS: 2016/1967
11. Electrical power connectors (Terminal connectors) IS: 5561/1970
12. Indian Electricity Rules. IS: 5561/1970
13. Recommended practice for silver plating. IS: 9530/1980
14. Testing of silver plating thickness BS: 2816/1964
15. Recommended practice for silver plating for IS: 5925/1970
general engineering purposes.

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical specification except at S.No……. for which our
technical specification shall be as under:-

S.No. Technical specification Name of IS/other Other particulars to

which material/equipment/ standard specification if any.
Machinery/T&P shall confirm to which material should

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 25

Schedule-III A

ITEM : 33 KV,800 Amp Isolators with Post Insulator without Earth Blade


The bidder should fulfill following qualification requirements for successful participating in the bid
along with relevant documentary evidence supporting each qualifying requirement without which the
offer shall be considered non responsive & rejected.

1.0 Status of bidder:

a) The bidder should be manufacturer of offered item. The offers from authorized dealer/ sole selling
agent/sole distributor shall not be entertained.

b) Old / new Suppliers:- Any bidder located within or outside the state of Rajasthan has participated for
the first time in a particular Discom & meeting minimum qualification requirement and has supplied the
tendered material/or of higher rating in other utility shall be treated as an old supplier. Rajasthan’s firms
although supplied in past but not meeting minimum quantity supplied criterion including altogether new
units which have not supplied any quantity but having adequate & required manufacturing and testing
facility and technical know-how of the tendered material shall be considered as new firms and would be
eligible for trial order only. In case of supply made to the licensed power utility outside India, the C.A.
certificate furnished by firm shall be considered.

2.0 Past supply and performance criteria:

The bidder shall meet both past supply and performance criteria as detailed below for opening of bids.


2.01.1 The bidder is required to quote for minimum 10% of tendered quantity failing which their offer
may be considered Non-Responsive.

2.01.2 The bidder should have designed, manufactured / fabricated, tested and supplied to utility /
Discoms / Govt. Departments at least 2 X QQ (QQ being the quoted quantity) of similar item / higher
rating of tendered material / equipment in last 3 financial years from the date of opening of technical-
commercial bid.

Note: Requirement of quantity manufactured, minimum quantity to be offered and amount of Bank
Guarantee to be furnished in absence of test certificate shall be reduced to 25% for Rajasthan based

2.01.3 In support of fulfillment of the past supply criteria, the bidder shall furnish documentary
evidence in the form of certificate from Chartered Accountant in the enclosed prescribed proforma
only. This prescribed proforma should be furnished either in original or copy duly attested by Notary.
The bidder shall also sign and affix seal on the C.A. Certificate. The certificate should have
membership number with the name & address of the chartered accountant. Certificate should clearly
indicate the quantity supplied, period of supply, voltage Class, Rating of the Transformer etc. in the
format prescribed, any deviation to format or information diverted format, will not be considered and
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 26

Note:-The material supplied and accepted for same/higher rating for Turnkey projects to a licensed
power utility/Govt. shall be considered for the purpose of evaluating criteria. The certificate given by
C.A. shall indicate above quantity separately.

(i) If a bidder could supply upto 50% of ordered quantity in previous bid upto date of opening of
subsequent bid and scheduled delivery period expired, the bid of such bidder will not be opened in the
Discom for that item.

(ii) However, if the supplies have been completed for a quantity more than 50% but not completed
upto date of opening of subsequent bid and scheduled delivery period expired, then quantity equal to
the quantity pending in previous bid for that item shall be reduced from the subsequent bid quantity to
be allocated to the bidder.


a) The bidder shall furnish valid and authenticated type test certificate from a Govt. approved/ a Govt.
recognized/ NABL accredited laboratory/ ILAC i.e. International Laboratory Accredited laboratory /
ILAC i.e International Laboratory Accrediation Corporation ( In case of foreign laboratory) of similar
rating and design of tendered material. The bid of the bidders be also considered for meeting the
Type Test criterion if the bidder have the requisite type test conducted successfully on the
samples selected from the 1st Lot supplied to JdVVNL against previous tenders and its report are
available with the Nigam & furnish certified copy of such Type Test Reports with the bid or
reference of order / tender be mentioned in Bid document for verification purpose . Such type test
certificates should not be older than Five years as on the date of bid opening. For this purpose date of
conducting type tests will be considered.

b) The type test certificates by in house laboratory of biding firm even if it is a Govt approved/ Govt
recognized/ NABL accredited Laboratory / ILAC accredited, shall not be accepted, in case of their own
bid. This will not apply if biding firm is Govt. Company/ Public Sector Undertaking.

c) The bidder should furnish documentary evidence in support of the laboratory whose type test have
been furnished, that the said laboratory is a Govt. / a Govt. approved / a Govt. recognized / NABL
accredited laboratory / ILAC accredited (in case of foreign laboratory).

d) The type test certificates shall be furnished either in original or duly attested by notary.

e) The bids of only those bidders shall be considered to be meeting the type test criteria who furnishes
complete type test certificates with the bid as per above provision.

f) However, in following cases the Bidder is not in a position to furnish Type Test Certificate as
mentioned above, the bid of the bidder may be considered meeting the type test criteria if the
bidder furnishes an undertaking stating that valid type test certificate from a Govt. approved /
Govt. recognized / NABL Accredited laboratory / ILAC Accredited laboratory shall be furnished
from first lot received in Nigam store (without asking any delivery extension) along with bank
guarantee with the technical bid from a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in prescribed proforma at
Schedule-III C or DD / Pay Order amounting to Rs. 50,000 (For outside Rajasthan based firm)
and Rs. 12,500.00 (For Rajasthan based firms). The initial validity of bank guarantee shall be
nine months with claim period of three months in addition

i) Where a new Rajasthan based firm is participating & is technically competent.

ii) Where one or more type test(s) is/ are older than 5 years.
iii) Where Rajasthan/ out side Rajasthan firm furnishes requisite type test report of higher
rating material.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 27


The bidders who have been black listed or with whom business relations have been severed in any of
the State Discom shall not be considered. Severment of business relations will be done in case of
following circumstances for the period and with the recovery mentioned against each.

(i) When vendor does not accept order awarded Forfeiture of EMD/cancellation of vendor
on its accepted prices and terms and registration to recover amount of EMD along with
conditions and does not comply with severment of business relations for three years
contractual formalities from the date of issue of order.
(ii) When vendor complies with contractual Levy of maximum recovery on account of delay
formalities but does not commence supplies in delivery along with severment of relation for a
period of two years from the date of issue of order
or in next two bids whichever is later along with
forfeiture of EMD/cancellation of vendor


After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established & cogent reasons for
blacklisting of the firm as given below, the firm should immediately be blacklisted for a period of 5
years indicating reasons of doing so, in the letter itself, and a copy of such blacklisting should be given
to the firm, with the approval of CLPC:-

(i) There are sufficient and strong reasons to believe that the supplier or his employee has been guilty of
malpractices such as manhandling/misbehavior with Government official by supplier or his
partner/employee, bribery, corruption or abatement of such a offence in a position where he could
corrupt Nigam’s official, fraud, vitiating fair tender process including substitution of or interpolation in
tender, mis-representation, pilfer-aging or unauthorized use or disposal of Nigam’s material issued for
specific work etc.

(ii) Where a supplier or his partner or his representative has been convicted by a court of Law for
offences involving moral turpitude in relation to the business dealing or where security considerations
including suspected disloyalty to the Nigam/state so warrant the blacklisting.

(iii) If the State Bureau of Investigation or any other authorized investigating agency recommends for
blacklisting after completing the investigation.

Note: - 1 If a supplier after having tendered for a supply or after negotiations gives application
voluntarily vitiating the fair tendering process, it shall also tantamount to malpractice.

Note:- 2 A register containing the reasons for blacklisting the supplier as also the names of all the
partner of the suppliers and the allied concerns coming within the effective influence of the blacklisted
supplier will be maintained.

Note: - 3 A register of black listed supplier will be maintained which will not only include suppliers
enlisted with the Enlisting Authority but also black listed suppliers in Nigam.

Note :-4 A Black listed supplier (i) shall not be entitled for registration in any of the Discom (ii) shall
not be awarded any supply order in future in any Discom during the notified period.(iii) his registration
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 28
if any shall stand cancelled immediately and his registration security /EMD/S.D. shall stand forfeited.
(iv) In case of blacklisting of the firm by any one of Discom for the cogent prescribed reason(s) as
stipulated above, the same shall be applicable to all the three Discoms and as a consequence of
blacklisting, all the pending orders to that firm, will be cancelled in all three (3) Discoms with
immediate effect. However in respect of completed/executed contract G.P. obligations as well as other
liabilities shall be fulfilled by the supplier.

(B) Severment of Business relation:

(a) After having given Show Cause Notice of 30 days, and having established & cogent reasons for
Severment of business relation as given below, the firm should immediately be severed the business
relations for a period of 2 to 3 years indicating reasons of doing so, in the letter itself, and a copy of
such severment should be given to the firm, with the approval of CLPC:-

(i) The supplier continuously refuses to pay Nigam dues without showing adequate reasons and where
the purchasing authority is satisfied that no reasonable dispute attracting reference to Settlement
Committee or Court of Law exists for the supplier’s action of non-supply.

(ii) When vendor does not accept LOI/detailed purchase order awarded on its accepted prices and terms
& conditions or does not comply with the contractual formalities.

(iii) When vendor/supplier who otherwise completed contractual formalities but does not commence
supplies on the date of opening of technical bid of the fresh tender/completion of schedule delivery
period whichever is later.

Note-1-In case supplier does not deposit outstanding dues towards Nigam, even after completion of
severment period, the period of severment will continue.

2. Severment done purely/ mainly on account of non-deposition of dues against the supplier/ vendor/
contractor could be lifted by CLPC, if the dues are deposited prior to the expiry of such severment

3. Severment done by one Discom for non-supply of material and /or corresponding non-recovery of
dues will not be effective in other Discoms except in respect of common purchase cases of three

4.On severment of business, the EMD/SD/vendor registration security will be forfeited.

5. The orders in execution satisfactorily will not be cancelled other than the order on which severment
have been done.


Reasons on which Debarment can be made:-

(i) The competent authority may debar the supplier on account of his performance or other disabilities,
if it is no longer considered fit to remain under vendor registration as per his obligation under vendor

(ii) If at any subsequent stage of inspection of firms after award of contract, it is found that firm does
not have sufficient tech. staff or required/necessary technical equipments, the purchasing authority can
debar the firm for one year or next tenders whichever is later. The debarment will be lifted only on re-
inspection of firm’s works; the defects noticed earlier are fully rectified to the satisfaction of Nigam.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 29
(iii) When contract agreement executed and supplies commenced but could supply only up to 50% of
ordered quantity and scheduled delivery period expired, then the firm can be debarred for one year or
next tender whichever is later in that Discom only for that particular item/rating/ capacity/size etc.

(iv) The suppliers who have been awarded contract for supply of material is not adhering to the periodic
delivery schedule, the contract awarding authority reserve the right to terminate the contract and may
debar the firm in participating in tender for a period of 2 to 3 years.

Note:-1. On debarment, the EMD/ SD/ Vendor Registration security shall be forfeited.

Note:-. 2. If the firm is debarred in one Discom for any reasons then the same should not be applicable
in other Discom subject to exception that in case of common Discoms purchases such debarment of a
firm would be applicable to all three Discoms for that particular item and rating/ capacity/ size etc.


Appeal against the order of blacklisting, severment and debarment can be filed before BOD
within a period of 3 months from the date of intimation. The letter of appeal will be addressed to the
order placing authority. Who will process the case for placing the matter in B.O.D. with in a period 60
days. The BOD may reduce or waive the penalty, if sufficient reasons/supporting documents are
furnished by the supplier.


I) The bidder shall clearly indicate the deviations such as `Technical Deviation & Commercial
Deviations’ in the prescribed proforma only. The deviations indicated elsewhere in the bid shall
not be accepted.

II) The bidder must clearly fill up each and every particular of guaranteed technical particulars
annexed with Technical Specifications otherwise he will be responsible for Technical Non-

III) All documents required in the prescribed format are to be furnished along with the bid itself only
except an attested copy of BIS license (wherever it is required), failing which the bid will be
summarily rejected.

IV) However, a copy of BIS License may be submitted by the bidder up to the official working
hours of one working day prior to the schedule / notified date of opening of price bid.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 30



(On Rajasthan Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth 0.25% of BG value or maximum upto Rs. 25,000/-)


The Superintending Engineer (MM&C),

Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,

Dear Sir,

Whereas Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jodhpur (hereinafter called the Purchaser) has
issued a tender enquiry under TN____________for procurement of ______________________(name of

Whereas M/s ______________________(hereinafter called the bidder) has furnished a bid for
supply of _________________to the Superintending Engineer(MM&C), Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam
Limited, Jodhpur.

Whereas in accordance with the provision of the specification of the aforesaid TN_______, the
bidder can deposit a bank guarantee in lieu of the requirement of furnishing the type test certificates.

Whereas M/s______________________________(the bidder) have requested us (Name of the

Bank) to furnish the bank guarantee, in lieu of the type test certificate, for an amount equivalent to
Rs._____________(in words also) only.

Under this Bank Guarantee, we (Name of the Bank) hereby undertake unconditionally and
irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as Surety merely, the payment to the purchaser on
his first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the
bidder, in the amount not exceeding (amount of guarantee in figures and words).

Payment pursuant to this undertaking will be demanded by the purchaser from the Bank and will
be met by the Bank without question in the case in which the bidder, on receipt of the order and/or after
the acceptance of this tender, makes default in furnishing the required type test certificates as to whether
the occasion or ground has arisen for such demand the decision of the Superintending Engineer
(MM&C), Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, Jodhpur shall be final.

The liability of the Bank shall not at any time exceed Rs.______(Rupees_______).

The undertaking will be determined on but will not withstanding such determination, continue to
be in force till the expiry of 3 months from that date.

No indulgence or grant of time by the purchaser to the bidder without the acknowledgement of
the Bank will discharge the liabilities of the Bank under this guarantee.

The guarantee herein contained shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 31
All disputes arising under the said guarantee between the Bank and the bidder or between the
bidder and the purchaser pertaining to the guarantee shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts only at
Jodhpur in Rajasthan.

The Bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the
previous consent of the Superintending Engineer (MM&C), Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,

Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, the Bank’s liability under this guarantee i.e.
restricted to Rs.___________(Rupees___________________) and the guarantee shall remain in force
within three months from that date, the Bank shall be released and discharged from all liabilities there
under. However, the validity of the bank guarantee shall be extended as and when required by the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE Bank has executed these presents the day_____month___ and

Yours faithfully,



TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 32

Schedule-IV A


Must be filled in by the tenderer and attached with Technical Bid (Part-I)

The Superintending Engineer (MM&C),
Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited,

Dear Sir,
With reference to your invitation to tender against specification No. JdVVNL/SE/MM&C/TN-1328, we
agree to supply the following quantity:
S. Particulars of Tendered Qty. Justification of quantity Status of Type
No. Items Quantity Offered offered a per Qualifying Test
Requirement Certificates.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
33KV, 800 Amp 98 Sets
1 Isolators With Post
Without E.B

1. The offer is valid for a period of 120 days after the date of opening of this tender.
2. The prices are variable with base date as on first working day of month, one month prior to the
date of opening of tender.
3. It is noted that the quantity as mentioned in the specification are approximate and we agree to
supply any quantity as per your requirement.
4. The delivery shall strictly be in accordance with our delivery schedule as given in Schedule-VIII
of this specification. In case we fail to deliver the materials as indicated in the clause No.1.23 of
GCC (Schedule-II), we are liable to pay recovery for delay in delivery as per clause No.1.24 of
this Schedule-II of this specification.
The material shall conform to your specification No. JdVVNL/SE/MM&C/TN-1328 and as per
relevant ISS in all respect.
5. We conform that we agree to all the terms & conditions as well as the technical stipulation of your
specification No. JdVVNL/SE/MM&C/TN-1328 and there are no deviations other than as
specified in the Schedule-VI (A & B).

Yours faithfully,

Signature of tenderer with stamp

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 33

Schedule – V


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

Statement of guaranteed technical particulars and other performance data for supply of
……………………………………….. (Name of material) against specification no.

S.No. Particulars of technical & other performance data guaranteed.

Certified that we agree to all the aforesaid technical particulars and other performance data except

S.No. Particulars of technical & other Reasons for

Performance data deviations/departure.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 34


(Strike out which is not applicable)

S.No. Particulars 33KV ISOLATORS

1 Manufacturer's

2 Manufacturer's Name and Country of


3 Standard(s) according to which the

isolators are manufactured

4 Maximum design voltage at which the

isolator can operate (kV)

5 Rated Frequency (Hz)

6 Rated Voltage (KV)

7 Max. current that can be safely

interrupted by the isolator

i) Inductive (A & % PF)

ii) Capacitive (A & % PF)
8 Continuous current rating

i) Nominal (Amps)
ii) Under site conditions (Amps)
9 Rated short time withstand current

i) For 3 seconds (KA rms)

ii) For 1 second (KA rms)
iii) Rated peak withstand current (kAp)
10 Mile Volt drop test voltage between :

i) Contacts
ii) Terminals of each phase

11 Current density at the minimum cross-

section of:

a) Moving blade (Amps/Sq.mm.)

b) Terminal pad ( Amps/sq.mm.)

c) Male Contacts (Amps/sq.mm.)

d) Female Contacts (Amps/sq.mm.)

e) Terminal Connector (Amp/sq.mm)

TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 35

S.No. Particulars 33KV

12 Max. temp. rise of following current
carrying parts when carrying rated current
continuously (deg.C) over an ambient of 50
deg.C instead of 40 deg.C mentioned in
relevant IS.
i) Moving blades
ii) Contacts with silver plating
iii) Terminal pad.
iv) Bi-metallic terminal connector
v) Springs
13 Class (outdoor or indoor)
14 Derating factor for specified site conditions

15 15) Insulation levels

i) Lightning Impulse withstand voltage (kV
a) Phases to Earth
b) Isolating Distance
ii) Power frequency withstand voltage
a) Phases to Earth
b) Isolating Distance
16 Minimum clearance in air (mm):
i) When switch is closed:
a) Between adjacent poles of different phases
(centre to centre)
b) Between live parts and earth
ii) When switch is open:
a) Between poles of same phase (centre to
b) Between adjacent poles of different phases
(centre to centre)
17 Design and Construction
i) No. of insulators per pole
ii) No. of breaks per pole
iii) Type of closing/opening mechanism
(Horizontal/Vertical break straight etc.)
iv) Contacts (Male):

a) Material and grade

b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area in

v) Contacts(Female):
a) Material and grade
b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area in
vi) Moving Blades:
a) Material and grade
b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area in
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 36

S.No. Particulars 33KV ISOLATORS

vii) Terminal pad:

a) Material and grade

b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area

in sq.mm.

viii) Arching horns :

a) Material and grade

b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area in
ix) Springs

a) Material and grade

b) Dimensions & Cross-sectional area in

x) Contact Support:

a) Material, size and length of plate

c) Material and size of plate

xi) Rain hood - Material grade and size

xii) Nuts and Bolts

a) Size, material and grade in live parts

b) Size, material and grade in other parts
xiii) Insulator base plate

Material and size & min. thickness of plate

below insulators.

xiv) Bearings:

a) Make, Type and No. of bearings


i) Rotating insulator base assembly

ii) Operating mechanism

iii) Whether lubricating nipple is provided

b) Make, and size of bearing housing

xv) Size of GI pipes ( medium class) used

for :
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 37
S.No. Particulars 33KV ISOLATORS
a) Down operating pipe (mm)

b) Connecting pipe for same phase (mm)

c) Connecting Pipe for adjacent poles(mm)
xvii) Tandem pipe

a) Size class and No. of pipes

b) Size of shackle, screw
c) No. of bearings/bush and its material and

xvii) Type of interlock

xviii) Type of universal/swived joint

a) Between bearing and down pipe
b) Between down pipe and operating
xix) Insulators
a) Type.
b) No. of units per insulator

c) Rating of insulators(KV)
d) Height of each insulator stack (mm)
e) Bolt circle diameter(mm)
f) Tensile strength (kg).
g) Compressive strength(Kg.)
h) Torsional strength (kg.m.)
i) Cantilever strength upright
j) Power frequency dry flash- over voltage
(KV) rms.
k) Power frequency wet flash-over
voltage(KV) rms.
l) Impulse flash-over voltage(positive wave)
(KV) peak.
m) Impulse withstand voltage (kv) peak

n) Power frequency puncture voltage (KV)

o) Visual discharge voltage level (KV) rms.
p) Creepage distance : Total(mm)

q) Dry arcing distance (mm)

xx) Base:

a) Size ,Nos. & length of steel sections

b) Overall size(mm)
c) Total weight (Kgs)
xxi) Terminal Connectors:
a) Clamp Body:
i) Alloy Composition
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 38
Particulars 33KV ISOLATORS
ii) Plating if any
iii) Dimension

b) Bolts and nuts size

i) Alloy composition

ii) Tensile strength

c) Type of washers used

d) Materials of braids

e) Temperature rise when carrying rated

current at 50 deg.C ambient (deg.C)

f) Weight of each type of clamp (Kg.)

18 Mass of isolator hardware in Kg.

A) Without earth blade

19 Type of contacts

20 Nuts & Bolts

a) Size, material & grade in live parts
b) Terminal connectors.
c) Other parts.
21 Locking arrangement of Isolators and
earth switch operating mechanism

22 Whether isolator hardware is complete

with all
23 Details of type test reports furnished:
item IS:Type test Testing
Report No. authority & date
i) Isolator
ii) Terminal connector

iii) Degree of protection

24 List of brought out items

25. List of drawing furnished
26. Marking

Name of bidder:-
Signature & seal of bidder with designation
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 39

Schedule – VI (A)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking


The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s specification in
respect of technical is as under:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Technical Specification.

Certified that we agree to all the technical specification of the NIT except for the deviation to the extent
indicated above.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 40

Schedule – VI (B)


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking


The bidder shall state under this schedule the departure from the Purchaser’s specification in
respect of Commercial terms & conditions:-

S.No. Main Deviations from Specification.

Certified that we agree to all the commercial terms & conditions as laid down in General Conditions of
Contract to the specification except for the deviation to the extent indicated above.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 41

Schedule – VII


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking

The bidder shall state under this schedule whether material and equipments, similar to those
offered in the tender have been previously supplied by him. A list shall be given of such orders executed
by him together with information regarding the names of purchasing organizations, quantities supplied
and when the supplies were effected. This list should be in form given below:-

S.No. Detailed particulars Qty in Order No. Name & details Date of
of items supplied MT & Date of purchasing authority Completion
1 2 3 4 5 6

If executed partially whether still Delivery Remarks to be

mentioned to be executed stipulated in
(Qty. in M.T.) order
7 8 9 10

Note: Separate schedules are to be furnished by the bidder for past supply to the JdVVNL, Jodhpur ther
State Electricity Boards and other Departments /Organisations.

( Signature)
Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 42

TN-1328 Schedule-VII-A


This is to certify that M/s.__________________________________(Complete with address) have

manufactured and supplied the goods/ equipments/ material during the following financial year(s) to the
Electrical Utilities/ Government Departments/ Discoms/ SEBs as detailed out below:

S. Financial Detailed Name & Order No. & Un Ordered Actual Remarks
N year in particula particular Date against it Supplied Up
o which rs of s of which to
material item(s) purchasin item(s) Qt Valu Qt Value
supplied supplied g supplied y e y (Rs.)
authority (Rs.)

Signature Signature & Seal of C.A.

Name & Designation Name:

With Seal of the Bidder Address
Place______________ Membership No.

The above particulars are true and correct based on explanations, records and books of accounts
produced before us. Further the above certificate issued on the request of the company.

CA Firm(__________________________)
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 43

Schedule – VIII
A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking



The delivery schedule of the material by the Purchase Officer is as mentioned hereunder:-

S.No. Commenceme Rate of supply per Period for

Particular of material nt period month completion of
delivery of entire
1. 33 KV 800 Amp. 30 days after In equal monthly Five months after
Isolators With Post receipt of rate commencement
Insulators Without E.B. Purchase order Period


In case bidder deviates from the delivery schedule mentioned by the purchaser in Part-A then the
delivery schedule shall be indicated/mentioned by the bidder as under:-

S.No Particular of material Commenceme Rate of supply Period for

. nt period per month completion of
delivery of entire

Note: 1. During the commencement period the process of model assembly and submission of B.O.M. for
approval shall be got completed.
2. During the commencement period the contractual formalities shall be got completed.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 44

Schedule – IX


A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking
List of Equipments and Technical Hands Available with the Firm
(To be filled in by the bidders & enclosed with the bid)

Manufacturers and / or their authorized agents who are quoting against this bid are requested to
furnish the following information along-with the bid. The Purchaser will have the discretion to ignore
the bid without the under noted particulars and/or ignore the bid particulars.

1. Name and Address of Manufacturer.

2. Place where works exist.
3. Details of machinery particularly with B.H.P. of each item installed.
4. Details of staff employed in the works.
5. Date when started the manufacturing of item under reference.
6. List of items manufactured.
7. Literature and drawings of items manufactured showing their description, size, design and other
important technical particulars.
8. Details of order so far, executed along with the names of organization to whom supplied.
9. Manufacturing capacity.
10. Is the workshop open for inspection by the representative of the board, if required?
11. Statement of financial resources and Banking Reference along with Balance-Sheet for previous
two years.
12. Testing facilities available for the manufactured articles in the testing laboratory of works.
13. Whether the Firm is a small/medium/large scale industry.
14. Registration No. with :-
i. Small Scale, National/State.
ii. DGTD
iii. State Industries Department.

Name & Designation
with seal of the bidder.
TN-1328/ Specs/ 33 KV Isolators 800A 45


Bidsders are requested to furnish following details:

1. Name of Firm :

2. Office Address :

3. Work’s Address :

4. Email Address :

5. Phone / Mobile No. :

6. Fax No. :

7. Name of Firm’s representative :

8. Contact No. of Firm’s representative:

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