Activity Sheets Experiment 1
Activity Sheets Experiment 1
Activity Sheets Experiment 1
In this activity you will investigate the solubility and polarity of 7 mixtures.
At the end of the experiment 80% of the students are expected to:
a) Define polar and non-polar
b) Distinguish the difference between polar and non-polar
c) Perform the activity given.
Water Gasoline Test tube
Vinegar Alcohol Test tube rack
Oil Food coloring Stirring rod
Place 1 table spoon of each of the mixture below.
Label each test tube (a-g)
Mix the following samples well with a spoon and observe their reactions.
Stir the mixture
Remember to wash and dry the stirring rod after each use.
a) Water + c) Water + e) Oil + vinegar
vinegar gasoline f) Oil + gasoline
b) Water + oil d) Water + g) Oil + alcohol
Group the samples together according to how well they mix. (write it at on your own paper)
Disposal: Samples with oil and gasoline should first be mixed with dishwashing liquid before disposing down
the sink.
Guide Questions: (Answer on your own paper)
1. What is polar?
2. What is non-polar?
3. From the samples used identify which is polar and which is non-polar. (make a table)
4. Describe each mixtures. (make a table)
5. Why is it that some of the mixtures doesn’t mix well?
6. Group the samples that are well mixed and that are not well mixed (make a table)
7. Explain the phrase “Like dissolves like.”