DP-DC-0208 r5 v6.0 PDF
DP-DC-0208 r5 v6.0 PDF
DP-DC-0208 r5 v6.0 PDF
Date Section Gist of changes
A 10/10/2007 All Issued for Internal Review
The purpose of this procedure is to define the Electronic document exchange
between External Parties and Reliance Engineering Group.
The Scope applies to DCC and External Parties to exchange documents
electronically through eRoom.
REG- EDMS staff with EDMS responsibility
Procurement person assigned the responsibility to manage
Buyer all commercial aspects of a Purchase Order and Sub
Document Control Staff with Document Control
EDMS Electronic Document management system
Internet based tool that provides a secure collaborative
environment to the authorized users across the world
eRoom enabling them to share information. eRoom will be used as
document exchange tool between third parties, Vendors,
Suppliers and licensors.
Procurement person assigned the responsibility to track
Supplier deliverables and ensure committed delivery
Suppliers, Vendors supplying Equipment and Commodities,
Subcontractor providing services, Licensors providing
External Party
technology and Third party design entities providing design
and materials are referred as “External Party” or DEC
MR Material Requisition
MRB Manufacturing Record Book
OMM Operation and Maintenance Manual
PO Purchase order
RE Responsible Engineer
Submittal Documents submitted by Vendor
Users DCC staff, Vendors/Suppliers staff, Project Personnel
VDDR Vendor Data and Document Requirement
VDDS Vendor Document Delivery Schedule
VDRS Vendor Document Review sheet
VP Vendor Print
The term 'waiver' shall mean an agreement between Owner,
managing contractor, Managing Licensor and supplier to
dispense with a requirement or requirements of a particular
specification, standard or code for a defined application. The
waiver shall be used for the purpose of improving the design, or
making more expeditious the completion of the project in terms
of cost and schedule without jeopardizing the quality of the
work and process requirement.
4.3 Expeditor
5.1 eRoom
eRoom allows companies with dissimilar computer systems to transfer
files electronically / efficiently via internet in a secure environment. eRoom
shall be used by the project to exchange files with the Supplier and project
Rev. 5 Issue date – 17th Feb 2014 Page 5 of 13
Reliance Engineering Group DP-DC-0208
Transmission of External party Documents to and from REG
a. Supplier shall complete the “User ID Creation form for eRoom refer
“FR-DC-0205” and forward it to EDMS support staff.
c. EDMS support staff shall check User ID Creation Form, and create a
User ID and folder in eRoom and send the details to the supplier for
test and use.
d. Supplier shall test the eRoom connection and send feed back to
EDMS support staff by email.
e. Every time a new P.O. is awarded to the Supplier, they should inform
EDMS support staff using the “User ID Creation Form for eRoom” and
include details of their personnel, as requested in the form.
g. If the User ID Creation Form has anomalies shall resolve them with
Supplier by email before creation of user ID.
The User shall upload the electronic files to the eRoom as identified
a. Supplier shall create a subfolder under “To – REG” folder with “Date-
Transmittal No.” (Example: 19-Sep-05-VDDS-001), and upload
documents in that subfolder.
a. The Supplier shall affix (embed) VDRS on the drawing with the
appropriate REG document numbers and other details on VDRS for
each document submitted. Additional page for the VDRS may be
inserted if there is no enough space on the document.
c. DCC shall upload VDDS into REIMS and notify RE for review.
o. DCC shall upload VDDS submitted by Supplier into EDMS for review.
a. The VDDS shall be submitted only via eRoom. DCC shall not process
VDDS submitted by any other method.
b. The VDDS shall be numbered as follows
{Job No-MR Number with PO Code.}-A01-001-00)
> Document number break up
• (MR Number with PO Code as per GP-ZR-0002)
• A01 (document code for VDDS)
• 001 (3 digit sequential number)
• 00 (2 digit revision number)
Example – 1101-US-MVC-01-01-A01-001
c. A separate VDDS should be submitted for each purchase order.
a. VDDS (.xls format) shall be submitted to REG via eRoom. VDDS shall
reflect requirements specified in VDDR along with planned submittal
date. Refer GU-ZR-0006, guidelines to fill VDDS.
a. The VDDS (.xls format) shall be returned via eRoom with REG
document numbers against equivalent Supplier Document Number
and comments from Responsible Engineer in Code 4 as applicable.
j. File name shall be the REG drawing number suffixed by revision no.
(e.g- 1101-US-MVC-01-01-F01-001-Rev No.)
Sr Category
VDDS (Vendor Document
1 A01
Delivery Schedule)
Mechanical Equipment Data
2 D01
3 Motor Data Sheet D02
Required formats:
b. DCC shall download from eRoom and upload in EDMS for review
if REG’s review is required.
c. DCC shall upload and issue documents in EDMS for use if REG /
other project review is not involved.
d. Licensor shall review and return the documents to DCC via eRoom
Contract / PO
Arranges Kick Attends kick off meeting Attends kick off meeting
Attends kick off meeting
Kick Off Meeting
Off Meeting
DCC / EDMS demonstrates the use of
the VDDS form, eRoom access ID
Send instructions to External form to the supplier.Provide electronic
Party.This contains electronic Receive Instructions from VDRS, instructions on transmission of
VDDS, VDRS, instructions on REG Project/contract documents and eRoom User ID
transmission of documents and Dept. Creation form
eRoom User ID Creation form
Supplier prepares VDDS (Doc.
Submittal Requirement) form as RE coordinates with Project
per Section-3 of MRP and to finalise VDDS form and
upload the form in eRoom for DCC Download from eroom and approve in REIMS and
approval upload in REIMS for RE’s approval instruct DCC to pre-load.
Engineering Group
On receipt of notification
Review and code
Vendor / Subcontractor DCC download coded
collect documents from documents from eRoom
Upload reviewed
documents in eRoom and Upload documents in
Vendor / Subcontractor to send notification to Vendor / REIMS and promote, notify
revise and resubmit Subcontractor and REG project personnel
Reliance Engineering
Project / Procurement Licensor / Third aprty DCC/EDMS
Group - RE
REG review is
required? Yes
Review process
starts on receipt of
Licensor / Third party Upload documents in e-notification
party collect coded docs Upload documents
EDMS and notify the
from eRoom in EDMS and
notify Reviewers
for use
RE to review ,
consolidate comments to
DCC to issue documents in EDMS. master document, sign,
submit coded documents in eRoom code and return
and send notification to Vendor / documents to DCC.
On receipt of notification
Licensor to submit docs in DCC download documents
eRoom and send e-mail from eRoom
notification to Licensor
Basic engineering packges from
Upload documents in
EDMS and notify
project personnel