Notes Significant Details of Various Text Types: 1 Quarter
Notes Significant Details of Various Text Types: 1 Quarter
Notes Significant Details of Various Text Types: 1 Quarter
1st Quarter
Taking notes
Details are divided into two:
1. Implicit Details – details used to describe or
define general state. (details that we can’t really
see; implied but not plainly expressed).
2. Explicit Details – specific details. (details that
we can see and are measurable. (stated clearly).
2. Descriptive – Puts a picture in your head.
Creates a vivid picture of an idea, place, or
person. It is much like painting with words. It 5
focuses on one subject and uses specific detail
to picture it. 3. Expository – explains something. To-the-
point and factual. This category of writing
Example of Descriptive Text: includes definitions, instructions, directions,
and other basic comparisons and
Answer the following questions based on the reading
passage. Don’t forget to go back to the passage 4. Why do you think people leave lights on when
whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers. they are not using them?
1. Passage compares Earth to the house. How are _____________________________________
they like? _____________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________ 5. What is one thing that you, personally could do
today to help conserve resources?
2. What does ecology study? ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Activity 4
Look at the following extracts from reading texts.
Match them to sentences which have the same
14 meaning. (Choose your answer from a,b,c and
Elias suddenly panicked as he remembered the due write it on the blank provided.)
date. -e project was due tomorrow! He hadn’t even _____1. Keeping your house cool or warm, driving
started. He was too afraid to tell his mom. She would cars and making things in factories all pollute the
not be happy about this. Immediately, Elias began atmosphere.
scrambling to figure out how he could get the project
_____2. This affects the world weather and makes it
done on time.
difficult for animals to find food and fresh water.
_____3. Humans take away animal’s homes and their
food by farming, when they cut down trees for wood,
and when they look for oil.
a. When the weather changes, animals can’t find
water & food easily.
b. Pollution comes from cars, factories, heating & air
conditioning. 17
c. Cutting down trees and looking for oil damages
animals’ homes & takes away their food.