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Industrial Engineering: Dr. Usama Jasim Naeem

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Industrial Engineering

Dr. Usama Jasim Naeem

usama naeem
Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

Industrial Engineering
Is concerned improvement, and installation of integrated materials, and equipment. It draws
upon and skill in the mathematical, physical, together analysis with the principles and
methods with the design, systems of men, specialized knowledge and social sciences, of
engineering and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such

Basic Activities of Industrial Engineering:

IE Activities as stated to American Institute of industrial engineering as follows:

1. Processes (and methods) selection.

2. Selection and design of tools and equipment.
3. System design for planning and control of production inventory, quality, and plant
maintenance and distribution.
4. Cost analysis and control.
5. Develop time standards and performance standards.
6. Value engineering and analysis system design and install.

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

7. Mathematical tools and statistical analysis technical.

8. Performance evaluation.
9. Project feasibility studies.
10. Most important activities of industrial engineering are:
11. Selection of assembling methods.
12. Design of facilities including plant location, layout of building, machines and
equipment, material handling system raw materials and finished goods storage
13. Design and improvement of planning and control systems for production, inventory,
quality and plant maintenance and distribution systems.
14. Cost control systems.
15. Development and installation of job evaluation systems.
16. Installation of wage incentive schemes.
17. Design and installation of value engineering and analysis system.
18. Operation research.
19. Organization and methods.
20. Supplier selection and evaluation.

Approach of Industrial Engineering:

Industrial engineering department uses scientific approaching identifying and solving the
problems .It collects factual information regarding the problem analysis the problem,
prepares alternative solutions taken into account all the internal and external constraints,
selects the best solution for implementation.
This stage is called problem identification .It consists of the following steps:

1. Collect all details about the job, using standard recording techniques like charts,
diagrams, models and templates.
2. Recorded facts are subjected to critical examination using a series of questions.
3. Find alternative solutions for the problem.
4. Evaluate the alternatives and find the best solution.

Next the industrial engineering department makes recommendation for the implementation of
the best alternatives.

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

Areas of Concentration:

 Industrial Automotive Engineering

Industrial automotive engineering focuses on the tasks and concepts in the automotive
industry from manufacturers and suppliers to service providers for both engineering and
business decision-making. It includes development and introduction of new technologies,
state-of-the-art manufacturing concepts, internationalization of value-added chains, and
increased product variety. Various automotive standardization and certifications are
addressed as well in this concentration.

 Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing Systems can help to understand the global relationships that exist among
manufacturers, suppliers, engineers, researchers, marketers, and managers and govern the
modern manufacturing process. Systems engineering and integrated design approaches are
used to achieve manufacturing excellence.

 Quality & Reliability

Recent experience in the world has shown that quality/reliability has become an important
factor in manufacturing and service industries. This has become a key ingredient in achieving
business growth and success. Effective quality/reliability improvement programs provide a
significant competitive advantage. The Quality and Reliability concentration provides the
student with sufficient knowledge and skills for improving quality and productivity in
manufacturing and service organizations. This concentration includes the integration of
modern quality concepts, tools, and techniques to develop, implement and maintain systems.
Lean, six sigma and continuous improvement are addressed as well. Students can choose
quality/reliability related classes for their technical electives.

 Supply Chain and Logistics

In order to gain a global competitive advantage, companies are looking to develop effective
supply chain and logistics strategies. A supply chain focus provides a foundation in supply
chain and logistics systems with a national and global perspective. It provides proficiency in

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

problem solving, analytical methods and decision making in a wide variety of industries. This
includes manufacturing, retail, logistics, distribution, healthcare, defense, service, and
software. Students can choose supply chain and logistics related classes for their technical

 Engineering Management
Engineering Management bridges the gap between engineering and management and
integrates business and management knowledge. It enables a graduate to work with and
through people to achieve common objectives. This focus area provides graduates with both
excellent technical and managerial skills. It combines a classic engineering education with
technical skills and key elements of a typical business/management education (managerial).
Students can select multi-disciplinary courses as well. Engineering management focuses on
preparing engineers for leadership roles in technology-based organizations. Students can
choose engineering management related classes for their technical electives.

 Product Development

New product development is a key factor in achieving sustainability in the highly competitive
manufacturing business. When the product lifecycle is becoming shorter and shorter,
companies are looking for extended product functions with lower cost and higher quality. The
product development focus area emphasizes product lifecycle management (PLM), computer
aided manufacturing, computer aided engineering, digital manufacturing and sustainability.
Therefore, automotive product development would be a key focus area. Students can choose
product development related classes for their technical electives.

 Human Factors & Ergonomics

As a result of increased government regulations and wellbeing of human, the quality of work
lives, ergonomics and occupational safety and health have become increasingly important.
This focus area emphasizes improving the ergonomic design, performance, air quality,
lighting, noise and long term effects in the work environment. Students learn theories and
application of tools to reduce injuries, improve productivity and increase quality of
service/goods in industry. Students can choose ergonomics related classes for their technical

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

Decision Making Theory:

Quantitative methods in management occupy a prominent role in contemporary economic life
given the help it provides to businessmen in making their decisions objectively and rationally,
the degree of complexity in economic life and the sheer volume of information necessary to
make any decision made the use of quantitative methods an indispensable necessity in order
to identify The necessary information as well as important changes to the problem that is the
subject of the solution.
The development of enterprises depends to a large extent on the accuracy of decisions made
by officials, especially in the light of competition. These decisions determine the types and
quantities of resources needed by the enterprise as well as ways of using these resources and
can be said that the validity of decisions significantly affect the degree of growth of
enterprises and profitability.

Common basic characteristics of the decision:

1. Existence of alternatives
In order to have a decision, there must be alternatives, that is, if there is one alternative we
are forced to choose, there is no decision in this case. The alternatives available to the course
will be called “Course Strategies” ie the course plans. In order to have a decision, there must
be alternatives, that is, if there is one alternative we are forced to choose, there is no decision
in this case. The alternatives available to the course will be called “Course Strategies” ie the
course plans.

2. Market Impact )outside world(

One of the conditions in the outside world has an impact on the result of the strategies taken
by the managers in the facility. Competition for each type in the market, raw materials
available for each type, availability of machinery and equipment that produce the above
types. These factors represent the influence of the outside world and we will call them (states
of nature).

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

3. The goals and objectives

Q / what incentive drives the decision to make the decision?
Objectives may be to maximize profits or to reach minimum costs and the importance of the
goal derives from its impact on the outcome of each strategy, which gives the basis that
enables us to formulate the results in numbers If the goal, for example, to obtain maximum
profits in dinars, the results in this case formulated in dinars to reflect the profits of each
strategy and the value of the results is in its ability to achieve the objectives set. Some goals
can be formulated in numerical numbers. These profits and expenses are not a problem in
making different strategies, but there are others that may not be easy to formulate in
numerical numbers such as labor relations or order and calm within the establishment

Profit = Price – Cost

Cost classification:
1- Cost of materials
2- Cost of work (operating machines)
3- Cost of workers

Direct: Is the materials involved in the installation of the

commodity such as (iron, wood, ...... etc)
Cost of materials
Indirect: are materials that do not enter the composition of
the commodity (such as carton used in packaging

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

Types of Decisions:
Decisions can be divided into four main sections:
1-Decision under Certainty
2-Decision under Risk
3-Decision under uncertainty
4-Decision under Conflict
The main criterion used in this classification is the degree to which the course is
aware of the probability of different nature situations.

1-Decision under Certainty

This kind of decision is the easiest at all. There is no impact to the outside world on the
results. Lowest cost alternatives and if it relates to getting the maximum profit, we choose the
highest profit alternatives.
Example: A company produces three types of commodities A, B, and C. The expected profit
for each commodity is as in the following matrix:

The strategy Profit ($)

Product A 100
Product B 150
Product C 125

What is the optimal decision if this plant is to produce one commodity?

Answer / optimal decision Item production B

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

2-Decision under Risk

This type of decision is characterized by the knowledge of the possibility of the occurrence of
different situations of nature, that is, there is more than one state of nature but we know the
probability of occurrence.
Example / The following matrix represent the strategies available for the course and the
different nature situations

States of nature
Strategies Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
X1 0 0 0 0
X2 16 -3 -3 -3
X3 4 10 -3 -2
X4 2 4 6 -3

.‫ اإلشارة السالبة ألي عنصر من عناصر المصفوفة تعني خسارة‬:‫مالحظة‬

Let us assume that the probability of nature occurring is as follows:
States of nature Probability
Y1 0.25
Y2 0.4
Y3 0.15
Y4 0.1

Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engnieering Dep.

The expected value of each of the four strategies can be calculated as follows:

Expected value per strategy (X1) = R11 * probability of Y1 +

R12 * Probability of Y2 +
R13 * Probability of Y3 + Law
R14 * Probability of Y4

Expected value of X1 = 0 * 0.25 + 0 * 0.4 + 0 * 0.15 + 0 * 0.1 = 0

Expected value of X2 = 16 * 0.25 + (-3) * 0.4 + (-3) * 0.15 + (-3) * 0.1 = 1.75
Expected value of X3 = 4 * 0.25 + 10 * 0.4 + (-3) * 0.15 + (-3) * 0.1 = 3.95
Expected value of X4 = 2 * 0.25 + 4 * 0.4 + 6 * 0.15 + (-3) * 0.1 = 2.4

Resolution / Strategy Optimization X3

3- Decisions in case of uncertainty:

This type of decision problem is perhaps the most important one for the
recurrence in business and has been called these decisions. Uncertainty
decisions because the probability of nature occurring is unknown. There are
four calibrators that can be used in this case.

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