Ceh505 PDF
Ceh505 PDF
Ceh505 PDF
(iii) Curve joining a +2% slope to a AA-723
+3% slope. 5
M. Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2017
(b) Discuss the criteria of calculation of
(First Semester)
length of a valley curve. Derive the
(B. Scheme) (Re-appear Only)
formula. 10
6. (a) A vertical curve joining a –0.5% slope to
a +3.5% slope has its vertical point of
intersection at coordinates (500, 50) from
a benchmark point. Determine the length Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
of the curve, for a design speed of 80
Before answering the question-paper candidates
kmph. Also find coordinates of lowest
should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
point on the curve. 10
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
(b) What is grade compensation ? How is it
regard, will be entertained after the examination.
important ? Calculate compensated grade
at a hairpin bend combined with a 5.5% Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at
least one question from each Unit. All
gradient. Assume desired missing data as
questions carry equal marks. Assume any
per IRC guidelines. 5
missing data as per IRC guidelines.
7. (a) What are the geometric design standards 7. (a) What are the geometric design standards
for expressways ? 7.5 for expressways ? 7.5
(b) Calculate SSD and ruling minimum radius (b) Calculate SSD and ruling minimum radius
on an expressway. 7.5 on an expressway. 7.5
8. (a) Draw a fully cloverleaf junction showing 8. (a) Draw a fully cloverleaf junction showing
traffic movements. Discuss the design traffic movements. Discuss the design
considerations for interchange ramps on considerations for interchange ramps on
rural highways with particular reference rural highways with particular reference
of design speed, volumes and level of of design speed, volumes and level of
service. 8 service. 8
(b) Discuss various types of parking. (b) Discuss various types of parking.
Compare curb parking with off street Compare curb parking with off street
parking. 7 parking. 7