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1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's

Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Evaluation of Non-Destructive Technologies for November 2013
Construction Quality Control of HMA and PCC 6. Performing Organization Code
Pavements in Louisiana LTRC Project Number: 09-5C
SIO Number: 30000153
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.
Patrick Icenogle, Md. Sharear Kabir

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.

Louisiana Transportation Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No.

4101 Gourrier Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Final Report
Development 07/09 – 02/12
P.O. Box 94245
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9245 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

Conducted in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
16. Abstract
Current roadway quality control and quality acceptance (QC/QA) procedures for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and
Development (LADOTD) include coring for thickness, density, and air voids in hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements and thickness and
compressive strength for Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Non-destructive testing (NDT) devices, such as the light weight
deflectometer (LWD) and the portable seismic pavement analyzer (PSPA), provide a non-destructive and portable means of quick in-
place determination of pavement properties, resulting in an increase in sampling frequency to supplement coring. Many researchers have
shown good trends between measurements of the NDTs and other pavement properties, though variability has shown to differ from report
to report. The PSPA exhibited seismic modulus values of the surface layer with an average coefficient of variation (CoV) of 2 to 15
percent for repeat collections without moving the apparatus. The PSPA variability increased to a range of 6 to 28 percent if the apparatus
changed orientation or moved within a close proximity. The LWD exhibited deflections values of the pavement structure with an average
CoV of 4 to 12 percent for repeat collections without moving the apparatus. The PSPA exhibited project wide seismic modulus values
with a CoV between 1 and 32 percent. The LWD exhibited project wide deflection values with a CoV between 18 and 55 percent.
Factors that increased variability include: deterioration of the feet pads, presence of vibrations, placement of a foot into a groove, testing
close to joints, and temperature. Changing the orientation of the sensors showed to increase the variability of the PSPA measurements;
however, the variability increase is no different than moving the apparatus within a close proximity. Orientation of the sensors did not
show to have a bias to measuring parallel or perpendicular to the paving direction. The strength gain measured by the PSPA correlated
well with the strength gain of laboratory testing for only one of the PCC data sets for this study. The LWD deflections correlated well
with the FWD deflections, but the back-calculated moduli of the surface layer did not correlate well. No trends were observed between
the PSPA and LWD. A preliminary sampling procedure was developed for the PSPA as a quality control tool in Louisiana.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Non-destructive, PSPA, portable seismic pavement Unrestricted. This document is available through the
National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
analyzer, LWD, light weight deflectometer 21161.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Project Review Committee

Each research project will have an advisory committee appointed by the LTRC Director. The
Project Review Committee is responsible for assisting the LTRC Administrator or Manager
in the development of acceptable research problem statements, requests for proposals, review
of research proposals, oversight of approved research projects, and implementation of

LTRC appreciates the dedication of the following Project Review Committee Members in
guiding this research study to fruition.

LTRC Administrator
Bill King, Jr., P.E.
Materials Research Administrator

John Eggers
Philip Graves
Bert Wintz
Jeff Faust
Cindy Twiner
Don Weathers
Marcia Granger
Bill Temple
Hector Santiago

Directorate Implementation Sponsor

Richard Savoie, P.E.
DOTD Chief Engineer
Evaluation of Non-Destructive Technologies for Construction Quality
Control of HMA and PCC Pavements in Louisiana


Patrick Icenogle
Md. Sharear Kabir

Louisiana Transportation Research Center

4101 Gourrier Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

LTRC Project No. 09-5C

SIO No. 30000153

conducted for

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

Louisiana Transportation Research Center

The contents of this report reflect the views of the author/principal investigator who is
responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents of do
not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Louisiana Department of Transportation
and Development, the Federal Highway Administration, or the Louisiana Transportation
Research Center. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

November 2013


Current roadway quality control and quality acceptance (QC/QA) procedures for the
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) include coring for
thickness, density, and air voids in hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements and thickness and
compressive strength for Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Non-destructive
testing (NDT) devices, such as the light weight deflectometer (LWD) and the portable
seismic pavement analyzer (PSPA), provide a non-destructive and portable means of quick
in-place determination of pavement properties, resulting in an increase in sampling frequency
to supplement coring. Many researchers have shown good trends between measurements of
the NDTs and other pavement properties, though variability has shown to differ from report
to report.

The PSPA exhibited seismic modulus values of the surface layer with an average coefficient
of variation (CoV) of 2 to 15 percent for repeat collections without moving the apparatus.
The PSPA variability increased to a range of 6 to 28 percent if the apparatus changed
orientation or moved within a close proximity. The LWD exhibited deflections values of the
pavement structure with an average CoV of 4 to 12 percent for repeat collections without
moving the apparatus. The PSPA exhibited project wide seismic modulus values with a CoV
between 1 and 32 percent. The LWD exhibited project wide deflection values with a CoV
between 18 and 55 percent.

Factors that increased variability include: deterioration of the feet pads, presence of
vibrations, placement of a foot into a groove, testing close to joints, and temperature.
Changing the orientation of the sensors showed to increase the variability of the PSPA
measurements; however, the variability increase is no different than moving the apparatus
within a close proximity. Orientation of the sensors did not show to have a bias to measuring
parallel or perpendicular to the paving direction.

The strength gain measured by the PSPA correlated well with the strength gain of laboratory
testing for only one of the PCC data sets for this study. The LWD deflections correlated well
with the FWD deflections, but the back-calculated moduli of the surface layer did not
correlate well. No trends were observed between the PSPA and LWD. A preliminary
sampling procedure was developed for the PSPA as a quality control tool in Louisiana.


The authors would like to thank the project review committee for the valuable time and input
each has provided. The authors would like to acknowledge the LTRC concrete laboratory
technicians, asphalt laboratory technicians, and the many LSU students that assisted with
data collection. The authors would also like to thank the many LADOTD project engineers
and inspectors that helped with locating adequate projects and test sites.


The authors recommend using the portable seismic pavement analyzer for a trial evaluation
as a quality control and assurance tool for Louisiana. The device will only supplement
coring at the present time. Proper implementation of the PSPA into current quality control
and assurance will require additional laboratory testing during the design phase to establish
mixture specific target values. Such testing will be required as Louisiana pushes toward
performance-based specifications, and the need for field moduli measurements will increase
as well. Full implementation of the portable seismic pavement analyzer should be
reconsidered when performance-based specifications are implemented.

At present, a database should be setup to warehouse PSPA collections using the sampling
procedure described in this report. The database can later be used to determine limits for
quality control by pavement type or function and to update the cost/benefit analysis.


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. iii 

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................................................................................v 
IMPLEMENTATION STATEMENT .................................................................................... vii 
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... ix 
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... xi 
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... xiii 
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1 
Literature Review.......................................................................................................... 1 
Non-destructive Testing Equipment ................................................................. 1 
Research by Others ........................................................................................... 2 
Limitations ........................................................................................................ 7 
OBJECTIVE ..............................................................................................................................9 
SCOPE .....................................................................................................................................11 
METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................13 
Field Testing ............................................................................................................... 13 
Field Projects .................................................................................................. 13 
Data Collection ............................................................................................... 13 
LWD ............................................................................................................. 14 
PSPA ............................................................................................................. 14 
Repeatability ................................................................................................... 16 
“Ruggedness” Testing ..................................................................................... 16 
Laboratory Testing ...................................................................................................... 18 
Compressive Strength ..................................................................................... 18 
Elastic Modulus .............................................................................................. 19 
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .................................................................................................21 
LTRC Experience Operating the Devices................................................................... 21 
LWD ............................................................................................................. 21 
PSPA ............................................................................................................. 22 
Data Analysis .............................................................................................................. 22 
Repeatability ................................................................................................... 22 
Orientation ...................................................................................................... 27 
Presence of Vibrations .................................................................................... 27 
Presence of Small Cracks................................................................................ 28 
Distance from Joints ....................................................................................... 28 
Assumptions in Input Parameters ................................................................... 29 
Temperature Normalization Methods ............................................................. 30 
Grooves in the Pavement ................................................................................ 31 
Comparison of Field to Laboratory................................................................. 31 
Comparison between LWD and FWD ............................................................ 34 
Comparison between PSPA and LWD ........................................................... 35 
Sampling Procedure and Operation ............................................................................ 36 

Benefit/Cost Analysis ................................................................................................. 36 
RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................................41 
ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS ..........................................................43 
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................45 
APPENDIX ..............................................................................................................................49 


Table 1 PSPA coefficient of variation in percentage from literature, average (range)............. 4 

Table 2 LWD coefficient of variation in percentage from literature, average (range) ............. 4 
Table 3 Concrete projects ....................................................................................................... 13 
Table 4 Asphalt projects ......................................................................................................... 13 
Table 5 PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), stationary
apparatus .................................................................................................................... 23 
Table 6 PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), changing
orientation .................................................................................................................. 24 
Table 7 PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), close
proximity .................................................................................................................... 25 
Table 8 PSPA average and coefficient of variation across entire project ............................... 25 
Table 9 LWD average and coefficient of variation across entire project ............................... 26 
Table 10 PSPA comparison between longitudinal and transverse orientation ....................... 27 
Table 11 Example of LWD variability in back calculation assumptions, LA3121 ................ 30 
Table 12 Comparison of temperature normalization methods for 2 in. HMA........................ 31


Figure 1 PSPA .......................................................................................................................... 2 

Figure 2 Light weight deflectometer (LWD) with additional geophones................................. 2 
Figure 3 Correlation of compressive strength of PCC cylinders to laboratory seismic
modulus [8] ................................................................................................................ 5 
Figure 4 Correlation of field PSPA seismic modulus to laboratory seismic modulus of
PCC [16] .................................................................................................................... 6 
Figure 5 Correlation of field PSPA seismic modulus to laboratory seismic modulus of
HMA [13] .................................................................................................................. 6 
Figure 6 Typical NDT collection pattern for single section ................................................... 14 
Figure 7 AASHTO deflection adjustment factor for temperature [27] .................................. 18 
Figure 8 PSPA variability increase from damaged pads on feet ............................................ 26 
Figure 9 Layout of PSPA seismic modulus on concrete slab, average (standard deviation).. 28 
Figure 10 Typical PSPA dispersion curve [9] ........................................................................ 29 
Figure 11 LA3073 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and
compressive strength ............................................................................................... 32 
Figure 12 ALF PCC PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and
compressive strength ............................................................................................... 33 
Figure 13 ALF PCC PSPA seismic modulus correlation to laboratory compressive
strength.................................................................................................................... 33 
Figure 14 I-49 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and
compressive strength ............................................................................................... 34 
Figure 15 LWD deflection correlation to FWD deflection ..................................................... 35 
Figure 16 LWD back-calculated modulus correlation to FWD back calculated modulus ..... 35 


Current roadway QC/QA procedures for LADOTD include coring for thickness, density, and
air voids in HMA pavements and thickness and compressive strength for PCC pavements.
NDT devices, such as the LWD and the PSPA, provide a non-destructive and portable means
of quick in-place determination of pavement properties, resulting in an increase in sampling
frequency to supplement coring. The ability to measure pavement design parameters directly
in the field would be another step toward performance-based specifications in Louisiana.
The measurements of these devices can either be used as a stand-alone measure or, in most
cases, be correlated to other pavement properties. Many researchers have shown good trends
between measurements of the NDTs and other pavement properties, though variability has
shown to differ from report to report.

Current practices of only measuring volumetric properties in the field do not capture the
requirements of mechanistic design. As LADOTD pushes towards a mechanistic design and
performance-based specifications, new parameters of the pavement must be considered.
Mechanistic design is based on the modulus value of pavement layers. The modulus can be
measured from gyratory specimens in the laboratory; however, the recommended test
requires a specimen thickness that is not typical for an HMA layer. Also, field properties
tend to vary from lab properties, due to compaction efforts and coring damage. The PSPA
and LWD are capable of measuring the in-situ modulus of a pavement layer.

This report details an evaluation of the PSPA and LWD. Data collected from multiple
projects is used to determine if the devices show adequate repeatability for use as QC/QA
tools in Louisiana. Various factors are tested to determine which ones potentially impact
measurements collected by these devices. Also, measurements from the devices are
compared to laboratory measurements to confirm trends developed in other studies.

Literature Review

Non-destructive Testing Equipment

The PSPA, shown in Figure 1, measures the modulus of the pavement surface layer through
the use of seismic/ultrasonic technologies. The device contains a source foot that “taps” the
pavement surface, creating vibrations in the form of stress waves. Two receiver feet measure
the amplitude and wavelength of the stress waves. The wavelength corresponds to depth
within the pavement, while the time between receivers can be used to develop a phase
difference, which corresponds to seismic modulus [1].
Figure 1

The LWD, shown in Figure 2, is a smaller version of the trailer pulled falling weight
deflectometer (FWD). This process involves a load impacting a plate on the surface of the
pavement and a response deflection is measured using a geophone located underneath the
plate. The addition of two radial geophones allow for a deflection basin to be measured. The
measured deflections paired with assumed thicknesses are used to iteratively back calculate
the pavement modulus of individual layers using theories of pavement design [2].

Figure 2
LWD with additional geophones

Research by Others
LWD was originally designed for unbound materials; however, it is now being studied for
pavement applications [2], [3], [4]. The device has been tested for application on flexible
pavements; however, results have been varied. LWD deflections usually correlate well with
the FWD deflections; however, the back calculations show differently [4]. The relationship

between LWD and FWD varies with thickness [3]. The variations could be due to the lower
contact stress, fewer geophones to capture the deflection basin, and shallower depth of
influence of the LWD [3], [5]. Back-calculation algorithms assume the pavement layers
decrease in modulus values from the surface down, which causes erroneous estimations if the
layers are not ordered as such or the pavement structure contains a very thin layer [2], [6].
The modulus measurement of the LWD relies on back calculation, so bad estimations of
inputs result in erroneous layer moduli. Also, the surface layer can be influenced by the
supporting layers [7].

NCHRP 626 was setup to identify NDT devices that have immediate application for routine
and practical QC/QA. The project compared variability between the devices as well as each
devices ability to identify artificially created abnormalities. None of the devices measured
exactly to laboratory results, however some showed similar trends. The PSPA and FWD
were selected for HMA pavement. The PSPA showed good trends to laboratory results and
was able to identify 93 percent of the abnormalities, while the FWD showed trends different
from laboratory results and was able to identify only 50 percent of the abnormalities. The
PSPA was recommended as the best suited device for QC/QA applications. The LWD was
used for unbound layers only and showed poor success for quality control of layers; however,
the devices show potential for acceptance of the whole pavement structure [7].

Multiple studies on the PSPA and seismic pavement analysis methods have been published
by Dr. Soheil Nazarian and associates. Many of his studies conclude that the PSPA is a self-
contained NTD that can be readily incorporated into a QC/QA program. Much of his
research has shown a coefficient of variation (CoV) ranging from 1 to 10 percent, depending
on testing conditions [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16]. Other researchers
have shown higher ranges, but the average is usually less than 10 percent. Steyn and Sadzik
conducted triplicate repeatability tests with the PSPA showing only 14 percent of the 272
comparison tests as significantly different (α = 0.05) [17]. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize
CoV averages and ranges from various sources. Much of the literature containing CoV for
the LWD state that the device was used on unbound and cement treated soil layers and report
CoV up to 80 percent. Nazzal et al. states the variability of the LWD is reduced as the
modulus of the layer being tested increases [5]. Therefore, the CoV for asphalt layers is
expected to be lower; Fleming et al. reports a CoV of 17 percent for the LWD on asphalt
pavement [3].

Table 1
PSPA coefficient of variation in percentage from literature, average (range)
Literature Same Location Close Proximity Material
Yuan et al. [8] 0.5 (0.4-0.5) 0.8 (0.1 to 3.5) PCC
Rue [18] (3.8-5.9) PCC
Bell [19] 11 (1-25) PCC
Von Quintus et al. [7] (1-31)* HMA
Celaya et al. [9] 4.6 (0-53)* HMA
Velivelli et al. [11] 8.6 HMA
Abdallah et al. [12] 4 HMA
Mallick et al. [15] 5.3 (0.8-14.1) HMA
Nazarian et al. [16] 3.7 HMA
Oh and Fernando [17] 9.8 (1.4-25.4) HMA
* = computed from data in the report
Table 2
LWD coefficient of variation in percentage from literature, average (range)
Literature Same Location Close Proximity Material
Fleming et al. [3] 17 HMA
Nazzal et al. [5] (2.1-28) Cement Treated
Von Quintus et al. [7] (5-80) Unbound
Hossain and Apeagyei [20] (22-77) Gravel

Yuan et al. and Nazarian et al. have shown good correlations of laboratory-measured, seismic
moduli to compressive strengths and maturity of PCC cylinders cast in the field, shown in
Figure 3 [8], [16]. The PSPA uses similar principles to those used in the lab to measure
seismic moduli and is expected to give similar results in the field; however, multiple sources
show values measured by PSPA are generally 15 to 25 percent lower than values measured in
the laboratory as shown in Figure 4. The lower values are believed to be caused by the
differences in the compaction effort and curing between the laboratory and field, differences
in the sensor placement between test methods, and NDT measurements not directly aligned
with locations of cores [8], [13], [14], [16]. The Arizona Department of Transportation and
Celaya and Nazarian have shown good correlations between the laboratory seismic modulus
of HMA cores and the PSPA, Figure 5 [13], [14].

Comparison of 180 collection points across six HMA sites from Celaya et al. shows an
absolute difference between longitudinal and transverse orientation of 0 to 1570 ksi. The
average absolute difference between the orientations for each site ranges from 8 to 25 percent
of the site mean. The results do not show bias to one orientation always being higher than the
other [9].

Figure 3
Correlation of compressive strength of PCC cylinders to laboratory seismic modulus [8]

Yuan et al. performed PSPA testing to compare ungrooved slabs to slabs with various groove
spacing, depths, and widths at parallel and perpendicular orientations [8]. The width and
depth of the smallest groove exceeds the values specified for tine texturing in Louisiana.
Testing parallel to the grooves showed only a slight difference in seismic moduli, while
testing perpendicular to the grooves showed a six to twenty percent reduction in seismic
moduli. Using an inline PSPA further reduced the impact of grooves [8].

The majority of the sources recommend the PSPA as an analysis tool and a few also
recommend incorporating it into quality control programs [4], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12],
[13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [19]. Most recommend it for HMA pavements and require
additional laboratory testing to determine target values during design. Texas is the only state
with a draft specification to incorporate the PSPA into quality control [21]. The LWD has
shown results correlating to FWD; however, it has not been recommended for routine
pavement quality control purposes at this time [3], [7].

Figure 4
Correlation of field PSPA seismic modulus to laboratory seismic modulus of PCC [16]

Figure 5
Correlation of field PSPA seismic modulus to laboratory seismic modulus of HMA [13]

The PSPA should not be used on high temperature HMA; results of NCHRP 626 recommend
at least one day of cooling after placement. The rubber pads on the feet of the PSPA can
melt if the pavement surface is too hot [7]. The pads must be checked frequently for
deterioration, because the rubber can tear from repeated placement or shifting of the device
[7], [19]. The PSPA should not be used near joints or pavement edges [19]. Shallow and
narrow grooves on the pavement surface have shown minimal impact on the measurements
of the device; however, the feet must be in good contact with the surface [8]. The
recommended collection procedure from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers suggests
avoiding testing over cracks, testing grooved surfaces parallel to the grooves, and testing at
least one PSPA length from a joint or pavement edge [19]. Areas containing open-graded
surface or visible cracks should be avoided [22], [22]. The PSPA software requires an
individual trained to inspect the load pulse and response data to recognize erroneous
measurements [7].

The LWD requires a flat level surface to function properly. Due to the lighter weight of the
LWD, the contact stress is lower than that of the FWD allowing the apparatus to sometimes
bounce and move immediately after impact of the weight [7]. The LWD is not ideal for
thicker pavements due to the low contact stress and a limited depth of influence [2], [5]. The
additional geophones are tethered to the apparatus by short cables; some researchers found
these cumbersome [7].

While the testing is quick and non-destructive, the PSPA and LWD are still limited to point
measurements only. However, the area for isolated deficient sections can be lessened with
increased non-destructive sampling [7]. Both devices are influenced by the temperature of
HMA and frequency of the testing device; therefore, measurements are mixture specific. The
latest research suggests developing a mixture-specific relationship during the design process
between the seismic modulus and other parameters such as air voids, asphalt content, and
temperature. Temperature and a seismic modulus can be correlated through the use of a
laboratory dynamic modulus master curve, which defines a mixture specific relationship
between modulus, frequency, and temperature [4], [7], [13], [14]. Through these relations, a
mixture-specific target seismic modulus value can be determined for field quality control.
Seismic moduli from the field are generally 15 to 25 percent lower than the target developed
in the laboratory; Celaya et al. recommend using 75 percent of the target modulus developed
in the laboratory for a field quality control limit [13].


The objectives of this research were to:

1. Evaluate the repeatability of LWD with additional geophones and PSPA for
pavement quality assurance applications.

2. Determine factors of influence for LWD and PSPA through ruggedness testing.

3. Develop procedures for operating the LWD and PSPA for pavement quality
assurance applications in Louisiana.

4. Compare laboratory properties obtained from cores and cylinders to field

properties obtained from LWD and PSPA.


To meet the objectives of this project, the portable seismic pavement analyzer and light
weight deflectometer were used to collect measurements on multiple field sites of different
mix designs and pavement structures. A section sampling plan was established for
collections. Also, minor modifications and additional data points were included to represent
various “ruggedness” scenarios. Due to the abundance of literature showing good
correlations between the laboratory and field for the portable seismic pavement analyzer on
hot mix asphalt pavement, this objective was only performed for PCC pavements.

The project sample set consisted of seven asphalt pavements and four concrete pavements in
different districts of Louisiana. The PSPA was used on all pavements and the LWD was
used on five of the asphalt pavements. All sections were included for repeatability analysis;
however, only nine of the pavements were selected for the additional testing included in the
ruggedness analysis. Three of the concrete pavements were also used to observe
measurements over time and to compare laboratory measurements to field measurements.


Field Testing

Field testing consisted of data collection with the PSPA and LWD of on-going LADOTD
projects, including test lanes at the accelerated loading facility (ALF). Most projects used a
structured sampling factorial; however, on a few projects the collection was limited to a
partial factorial. Additional points were collected over abnormalities and ruggedness
scenarios to compare with typical results. The LWD would bounce and move when used on
a PCC pavement and was not recommended for thick pavements; therefore, the LWD was
only used on thin HMA surfaces for this study.

Field Projects
Data from four concrete projects and eight asphalt projects were used to evaluate the NDT
devices. Projects varied in mixture design, pavement layer type, and surface layer thickness.
Table 3 and Table 4 show which device was used on each project and the thickness of the
surface layer.

Table 3
Concrete projects
Project PSPA LWD Thickness in.
LA3073 yes no 10
US61 yes no 8
I-49 yes no 11
ALF yes yes 8

Table 4
Asphalt projects
Project PSPA LWD Thickness in.
I-55 yes no 8
I-55 (2) yes no 8
LA3191 yes yes 2
LA3121 yes yes 2
LA116 yes yes 3.5
US171 yes yes 2
ALF no yes 3

Data Collection
The typical sampling pattern was similar from project to project; however, the frequency and
spacing were dependent upon the available pavement and timing of traffic control. The
typical pattern consisted of nine to fifteen points, three to five stations respectively, spaced

evenly apart with one point in each wheel path and in the center of the lane, as shown in
Figure 6. Spacing ranged from 20- to 100-ft. increments. A point consisted of the average of
repeat collections, including different orientations and shifting small distances, about 6 in.,
along the longitudinal direction of the pavement.

Figure 6
Typical NDT collection pattern for single section

A Dynatest 3031 LWD was used in this study. Measurements were collected using the 6-in.
loading plate, the 44-lb. drop weight, and the maximum drop distance of 30 in. A few
projects included a collection with two additional geophones to develop a deflection basin for
back calculation of moduli. The additional geophones were placed at 12 in. and 24 in. from
the center geophone. Measurements were collected and stored using a personal digital
assistant (PDA) linked to the LWD apparatus via a wireless Bluetooth connection [2].

The center deflection (d0) is produced in real time by the LWD collection software. The
center deflection and the load generated by the drop weight are measured directly by the
apparatus. The back-calculated modulus of individual layers requires data analysis by
LWDmod software [2].

An inline PSPA was used in this study. The apparatus consists of a source foot that generates
vibrations by tapping the pavement at high frequencies and two receiver feet that measure the
amplitude and wavelength of the vibrations. The PSPA includes a built-in temperature
sensor to measure the surface temperature of the pavement [1]. Research reports state that
temperature normalization of measurements on HMA is still needed after processing [7],
[19]. The distance between the feet can impact the depth of influence of the PSPA, and the
spacers between the feet are interchangeable. There are different recommendations between

the manual and research reports about spacer configuration for certain depths. Typically
shorter spacers are used between the receivers for less than 6 in. and longer spacers are used
for more than 6 in. [1], [19].

The PSPA uses the Ultrasonic Surface Wave (USW) method, which relates the velocity of
surface waves to the modulus of the pavement surface layer. Seismic waves exist as
compression waves, shear waves, and surface (Rayleigh) waves. If the surface layer is
assumed uniform and wavelengths are less than the thickness of the surface layer, then the
elastic modulus of the surface layer can be defined empirically in terms of shear wave
velocity using equation (1). Surface waves are easiest to measure because these waves carry
the majority of the energy; equation (2) gives a relationship between shear and surface waves
[9]. The velocity of surface waves is measured using the time difference between the PSPA
receivers [1].

2 1 (1)

1.13 0.16 (2)

E = seismic modulus, ksi;
ρ = mass density, pcf;
VS = velocity of shear waves, fps;
VR = velocity of surface (Rayleigh) waves, fps; and
ν = Poisson’s ratio.

The PSPA software, SPA Manager, performs the data analysis automatically. The analysis
method breaks the recorded signal into multiple components of different frequencies. Each
component represents a different frequency or wavelength, which are related to depth.
Longer wavelengths represent deeper material. The velocity of surface waves is represented
as a phase difference. A phase difference is computed for each frequency component to
develop a dispersion curve relationship between seismic modulus and depth. Moduli values
within the surface layer thickness are averaged to yield a seismic modulus measurement [1].

The PSPA is also capable of estimating the thickness of the surface layer using the impact
echo method. When the PSPA taps, stress waves are propagated through the layer. Part of
the wave is reflected when it reaches the underlying layer. The wave continues to reflect
between the surface and next layer creating an echo effect. The SPA Manager software
breaks the signal into multiple wavelength components, which are related to depth, using the

Fourier analysis. The resonant frequency peak observed occurs at the bottom of the surface
layer [1].

An objective of the study was to evaluate the repeatability of the PSPA seismic modulus,
LWD center deflection, and LWD back-calculated modulus. The American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines repeatability as the variation measured by one
operator under the same test conditions. In order to justify use as quality control tools, the
variation of the non-destructive devices should be similar or lower than variability of similar
test methods. ASTM C39: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical
Concrete Specimens specifies a coefficient of variation of 2.4 percent to 3.2 percent for
single operators, depending on test conditions [23]. ASTM C469: Standard Test Method for
Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in Compression specifies a
coefficient of variation of 4.25 percent for single operators [24]. AASHTO PP 62: Standard
Practice for Developing Dynamic Modulus Master Curves for Hot Mix Asphalt specifies a
coefficient of variability of 7.5 percent for a properly conducted test with three specimens
[25]. As shown in the introduction, many researchers document the PSPA averaging from 1
to 10 percent CoV and the LWD averaging around 17 percent CoV for pavement.

Ruggedness Testing
Another objective of the study was to perform a ruggedness test on the LWD and PSPA as
per ASTM E1169: Standard Practice for Conducting Ruggedness Tests. ASTM E1169
defines a ruggedness test as a test plan in which test conditions are purposely varied in order
to evaluate the effects of such variation. The ruggedness test method requires each variable
to have two levels for each factor. A factorial is setup to obtain results of all possible
combinations of the factors and levels [26].

Controlling the factors to meet the requirements of the ruggedness factorial was found to be
difficult; some were pavement-type specific. Instead of a ruggedness test, each factor had to
be evaluated individually using analysis of variance (ANOVA), f-test, and t-test statistical
methods to compare measurements including the factor to typical results. A few of the
factors are computational adjustments and the impact of these factors can be understood by
comparing the differences in the computation methods. The factors selected for the study

Orientation of Receivers. The receivers of the PSPA and the additional geophones
of the LWD were tested either parallel or perpendicular to the paving and rolling direction.
The PSPA was also tested at a 45 degree angle for a few of the projects.

Presence of Vibrations. Some projects are constructed with traffic in the adjacent
lane or other construction equipment running nearby. The vibrations caused by large
vehicles could be picked up by the NDT sensors and create false readings.

Presence of Small Surface Cracks. The NDT devices measure surface waves and
deflections. The presence of small cracks could cause a reduction in the wave energy,
resulting in changes to the reported modulus values.

Distance from Joints. A joint or pavement edge represents a change in medium.

When stress waves encounter a change in medium, some of the energy is reflected. The
NDT sensors could pick up the reflections as false readings.

Assumptions in Input Parameters. The PSPA requires the thickness of the surface
layer as an input to estimate an average modulus for the surface layer. The LWD back
calculation software requires a thickness and an initial modulus value to iterate for each
layer. Incorrectly estimating the actual thickness could result in influence on modulus values
from the supporting layer.

Temperature Normalization Methods. The moduli measured by NDT devices are

impacted by temperature on HMA pavements. Multiple methods exist to normalize
temperature such as equation (3) using either surface temperature or mid-depth temperature
from BELLS3 model (4) [4], [10]. For analysis, all HMA measurements were normalized
using the BELLS3 mid-depth temperature in the temperature normalization equation. Also,
AASHTO has temperature adjustment charts for pavement deflections, shown in Figure 7

. .

Tm = 0.95 + 0.892 * IR + { log(d) - 1.25 } { -0.448 * IR + 0.621 * D1 (4)

+ 1.83 * sin( Hr18 -15.5 )} + 0.42 * IR * sin( Hr18 - 13.5 )

E25 = modulus at 25°C, MPa;
ET = modulus at test temperature, MPa;
T = pavement temperature, °C;
Tm = pavement mid-depth temperature, °C;
IR = Infrared surface temperature, °C;
d = depth in pavement to predict temperature, mm;
D1 = average air temperature the day before testing, °C; and
Hr18 = Time of day, in 24-hr system, but calculated using an 18-hr asphalt concrete.

Figure 7
AASHTO deflection adjustment factor for temperature [27]

Grooves in Pavement. Current LADOTD practices require surface tines for PCC
pavement. A grooved surface could cause a reduction in the energy of surface wave
generated by the NDT devices.

Laboratory Testing

Due to the large amount of published material relating PSPA results from the field to the
laboratory for HMA pavements, this study focused more on the field to laboratory
relationship for PCC pavements [4], [7], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [17].
Compressive strength and elastic modulus tests were performed on specimens cast in the
field from the same sections PSPA measurements were collected.

Compressive Strength
ASTM C39: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
Specimens was used to determine the compression strength of cylinders and cores [23].

Compressive strengths were compared to NDT measurements on the same pavement at
similar ages.

Elastic Modulus
ASTM C469: Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of
Concrete in Compression was used to determine the modulus of elasticity of cylinders and
cores. Modulus of elasticity is calculated by comparing the rate of loading to the rate of
vertical deflection in the elastic range, up to 40 percent of the maximum load to failure, of a
specimen [23]. The moduli of samples were compared to NDT measurements on the same
pavement at similar ages.


LTRC Experience Operating the Devices

The LWD test can be performed by a single person; however, the operation and mobility of
the apparatus are very cumbersome with only a single person. When using the full drop
weight, the apparatus should be transported using the supplied dolly, even for short distances.
The additional geophones must be carried separately, but close because the cords tethering
the additional geophones to the apparatus are very short. The authors recommend two people
to efficiently perform the LWD test, one person to move and operate the apparatus and one
person to manage the software. The data collection and operation of the apparatus are
straight forward and fairly quick, usually less than five minutes to seat the apparatus,
correctly position additional geophones, and collect six repeat measurements as one point.
The LWD does not record pavement temperature; therefore, a separate means of recording
temperature is needed.

The LWD apparatus interfaces with the LWD software on a PDA via a wireless Bluetooth
link; any design with fewer cords is easier to manage. However, the PDA must remain
within 15 ft. of the apparatus to maintain the link, and even then the link can randomly drop.
The LWD software shows the measured deflection and combined surface modulus
immediately after each reading. To obtain layer moduli, the data must be transferred to a
computer to perform back calculations with LWDmod. In addition, LWDmod is limited in
the layer analysis options and often randomly crashes.

The LWD apparatus requires assembly prior to use and requires breaking down into
manageable parts for even short distance vehicle transport. LTRC experienced many
complications with the LWD throughout the project. The center geophone tip would
unscrew during transport; this should be checked frequently. The whole apparatus would
bounce and move after the weight impact if not level or if the surface layer is too rigid;
erroneous measurements caused by this were obvious. The battery must be removed to
charge; the battery connector was damaged due to repeated charging and battery swapping.
The connectors for the additional geophones were damaged, probably due to moving the
apparatus during testing while the additional geophones were attached with such short cords.
The additional geophones were held in place by small springs, which were easily damaged
during transport.

The PSPA consists of a small hand carried apparatus tethered to a laptop. The PSPA test can
be performed by a single person; however, the process is slightly cumbersome for a single
person to carry the laptop and move the apparatus. Recently a transport cart with a laptop
holder was developed specifically for the PSPA test, making the device easier to transport
with a single person [7]. The authors recommend two people to efficiently perform the
PSPA test, one person to move the apparatus and one person to manage the software. Data
collection is simple and quick, usually less than a couple of minutes to seat the apparatus and
collect six repeat measurements at one point.

The study was started with an older model of the PSPA and completed with a newer model.
The older model used a serial cable to connect the laptop to the apparatus and had a self-
contained power supply that needed charging separate of the laptop. Shortly into the project,
the internal wiring of the serial cable connector was damaged with a commonly known issue
to the manufacturer. The damaged wiring would cause the PSPA to stop reading while on
site and would start reading after an extended period of time. Eventually the PSPA stopped
reading altogether and the wiring had to be replaced. The older PSPA would report
erroneous or blank measurements if the battery was low. The newer model transfers data and
power using a USB connection.

The PSPA software is easy to setup and manage. The recommended laptop screen is
sometimes difficult to see on a bright day or on a dusty jobsite. The PSPA apparatus is
metallic and becomes hot to the touch after extended use on sunny summer days. The rubber
pads on the feet need to be checked frequently as these are prone to melting and quick
deterioration. The feet need to be checked with each placement to ensure good contact with
surface. Poor surface contact can cause erroneous values; however, a well-trained user can
identify poor surface contact from the real-time graphs produced during collection.

Data Analysis

Each roadway point consists of repeat collections. The LWD back calculation software
computes one average modulus value of the repeat measurements at each point, so the
variability of the deflection is considered for the stationary apparatus. Table 5 shows the
CoV average and range of the PSPA seismic moduli and LWD center deflections without
moving the apparatus. The HMA overlays of 2-in. thickness (LA3121 and LA3191) showed
higher variability with the PSPA than thicker HMA pavements. The authors believe this is
due to the PSPA foot configuration used during collection and that part of the base was
included in the measurement. The majority of the projects exhibited an average CoV less

than 10 percent with ranges similar to those observed in the literature. The cause of the high
variability observed on both collections of I-49 is unknown.

Table 5
PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), stationary apparatus
Number of
Project Material Layer Test Points PSPA LWD Deflection
LA116 (base) Soil Cement Base - / 60 10 (0-37)
LA116 (binder) Asphalt Binder 20 / 60 6 (0-26) 9 (0-45)
LA116 (wearing) Asphalt Wearing 60 / 60 5 (0-22) 9 (0-62)
I-55 (1) Asphalt Wearing 27 / - 3 (0-16)
I-55 (2) Asphalt Wearing 27 / - 8 (1-24)
US171 Asphalt Wearing 6 / 54 5 (1-8) 7 (0-49)
LA3121 (base) Soil Cement Base - / 60 9 (0-66)
LA3121 (wearing) Asphalt Wearing 60 / 60 9 (0-32) 5 (0-27)
LA3191 Asphalt Wearing 27 / 27 11 (0-41) 4 (0-13)
ALF (soil cement) Soil Cement Base - / 105 12 (1-68)
ALF (asphalt) Asphalt Wearing - / 50 4 (0-14)
US61 (shoulder) Concrete Shoulder 5/- 6 (0-29)
US61 Concrete Mainline 60 / - 2 (0-9)
LA3073 (1 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 3 (0-28)
LA3073 (7 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 2 (0-9)
LA3073 (14 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 3 (0-12)
LA3073 (28 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 2 (0-11)
LA3073 (56 day) Concrete Mainline 12 / - 2 (0-9)
I-49 (7 day) Concrete Mainline 27 / - 14 (4-56)
I-49 (28 day) Concrete Mainline 27 / - 15 (1-62)
ALF (concrete) Concrete Mainline 5/- 3 (0-20)

For most projects, the measurements were collected on the same point at multiple
orientations. The PSPA was rotated about the center point of the apparatus. The main
apparatus of the LWD was not moved; only the additional geophones were repositioned in
orientation. The variability of the center deflection does not change with orientation;
however, the modulus of each orientation was back calculated separately. The LWD radial
geophones require 2 ft. of distance from the main apparatus. The geophones could not
always be placed on the same side of the main apparatus for measurements of the transverse
orientation. Table 6 shows the CoV average and range of PSPA seismic moduli and LWD
back calculations if all values from each point are grouped regardless of orientation. The
CoV averages show an increase of 3 to 14 percent, suggesting that orientation has an impact
on the measurements.

On some projects the apparatuses were moved a small distance in the longitudinal direction
of the pavement, about six inches. Minimal influence from material and construction
variability was assumed for such a close proximity. Table 7 shows the CoV average and
range of PSPA seismic moduli, LWD deflections, and LWD back calculations. The PSPA
results show similar increases in average CoV as the results of changing orientation, about 3
to 12 percent. The LWD results show increases of 6 to 10 percent.

Table 6
PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), changing orientation
Number of LWD
Project Material Layer Test Points PSPA Back-calculation
LA116 (binder) Asphalt Binder 20 / - 14 (6-25)
LA116 (wearing) Asphalt Wearing 60 / - 10 (2-31)
I-55 (1) Asphalt Wearing 27 / - 9 (4-14)
I-55 (2) Asphalt Wearing 27 / - 12 (3-26)
LA3121 Asphalt Wearing 60 / - 16 (1-36)
LA3191 Asphalt Wearing 27 / 27 21 (3-56) 7 (0-28)
US61 (shoulder) Concrete Shoulder 5/- 18 (2-50)
US61 Concrete Mainline 60 / - 7 (1-20)
LA3073 (1 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 8 (0-37)
LA3073 (7 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 7 (1-26)
LA3073 (14 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 9 (1-28)
LA3073 (28 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 10 (1-27)
LA3073 (56 day) Concrete Mainline 12 / - 6 (1-21)
I-49 (7 day) Concrete Mainline 27 / - 28 (8-74)
I-49 (28 day) Concrete Mainline 27 / - 28 (10-59)
ALF (concrete) Concrete Mainline 5/- 7 (1-34)

The overall project averages and CoVs of the PSPA measurements using the typical
collection pattern are shown in Table 8. On some projects, the sections were spaced only 200
ft. apart while other projects were spaced several thousand feet apart because one section was
collected at the start, middle, and end of the project. The variability across an entire project
includes variability of construction and materials across a significant range, which better
represents variability across a lot or sublot. On the second I-55 collection, variability
increased drastically about half-way through, as shown in Figure 8. An inspection of the
equipment after the collections showed that the rubber pads on the PSPA feet tore during
collection; the technicians were unaware at the time. The authors believe the increase in
variability is a result of the continued collection with damaged pads. Averages and CoVs for
individual stations and sections within each project as well as contours of each section can be
found in the Appendix.

Table 7
PSPA and LWD coefficient of variation average in percentage (range), close proximity
Number LWD
of Test LWD Back-
Project Material Layer Points PSPA Deflection calculation
LA116 (base) Soil Cement Base - / 60 20 (3-75)
LA116 (binder) Asphalt Binder - / 60 15 (0-39)
LA116 (wearing) Asphalt Wearing - / 60 13 (0-38)
LA3191 Asphalt Wearing 27 / 27 23 (4-61) 10 (2-22) 20 (0-68)
LA3073 (1 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 8 (0-31)
LA3073 (7 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 6 (1-24)
LA3073 (14 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 9 (2-30)
LA3073 (28 day) Concrete Mainline 24 / - 10 (1-30)
LA3073 (56 day) Concrete Mainline 12 / - 8 (1-21)
ALF (concrete) Concrete Mainline 5/- 7 (1-26)

Table 8
PSPA average modulus and coefficient of variation across entire project
Number of Average Stdev CoV
Project Test Points ksi ksi %
LA116 (binder) 20 1586 227 14
LA116 (wearing) 60 1770 256 15
I-55 (1) 27 1310 149 11
I-55 (2)* 12 1856 181 10
LA3121 60 1824 326 18
LA3191 27 1834 413 23
US61 60 5818 399 7
LA3073 (1 day) 24 4104 605 15
LA3073 (7 day) 24 4704 268 6
LA3073 (14 day) 24 4460 323 7
LA3073 (28 day) 24 3946 364 9
LA3073 (56 day) 12 5273 243 5
I-49 (7 day) 27 4737 1491 32
I-49 (28 day) 27 4672 1069 23
* average prior to pads on PSPA feet tearing


PSPA Seismic Modulus (ksi) 5000


3000 Left Wheelpath
Center of Lane
Right Wheelpath


Figure 8
PSPA variability increase from damaged pads on feet

The overall project averages and CoVs of the LWD deflections and back-calculated moduli
of the layer using the typical collection pattern are shown in Table 9. Similar to the PSPA
collections, some project sections were spaced only 200 ft. apart while other projects were
spaced several thousand feet apart because one section was collected at the start, middle, and
end of the project. The variability across an entire project includes variability of construction
and materials across a significant range which better represents variability across a lot or
sublot. LA3191 back calculations produced very low values due to the inclusion of the
concrete layer underneath. The back-calculated moduli for all projects showed higher
variability than the deflections. Averages and CoVs for individual stations and sections
within each project as well as contours of each section can be found in the Appendix.

Table 9
LWD average and coefficient of variation across entire project
Deflection Moduli
Number of Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
Project Test Points mil mil % ksi ksi %
LA116 - SC 60 2.2 0.6 26
LA116 - Binder 60 1.5 0.3 20
LA116 - Wearing 60 1.6 0.3 18
US171 54 2.0 0.4 19
LA3121 (base) 60 3.2 1.6 49 415 291 70
LA3121 (wearing) 60 3.2 1.8 55 719 443 62
LA3191 27 3.8 1.2 31 156 69 44

Measurements with the PSPA were collected in the longitudinal direction, parallel to paving
and rolling, and in the transverse direction, perpendicular to paving and rolling. The PSPA
apparatus was simply picked up and turned 90 degrees about its center to collect over the
same point. A t-test, assuming equal variance and α = 0.05, was performed for each point.
The percentage of points determined statistically different for each project is shown in Table
10. These values are misleading due to the wide variability range of the device; if either
orientation exhibited a very high standard deviation, the t-test would show it was statistically
similar. Therefore, the differences between the averages for each orientation were compared.
As shown in Table 10, regardless of the surface material, the longitudinal values were higher
for about half of the collections.

Table 10
PSPA comparison between longitudinal and transverse orientation
Percent Percent Longitudinal Average Absolute
Statistically Greater than Difference as Percentage
Project Different (α = 0.05) Transverse of Project Average
LA116 (binder) 60 70 21
LA116 (wear) 18 54 13
I-55 (1) 33 30 13
I-55 (2) 76 48 21
LA3121 21 45 21
LA3191 53 46 18
US61 (shoulder) 73 42 27
US61 57 47 12
LA3073 (1) 25 66 12
LA3073 (2) 25 50 11
LA3073 (3) 13 40 13
LA3073 (4) 29 67 17
LA3073 (5) 17 57 10
I-49 (1) 33 40 38
I-49 (2) 48 40 44
ALF (concrete) 43 59 12

Presence of Vibrations
Measurements were collected within 10 ft. of active coring and within 5 ft. of large vehicles
passing in the adjacent lane. In only a couple of instances when a large vehicle was passing
near the PSPA, the operator noticed a significant drop in the measured moduli. These values
were ruled out on site as erroneous and recollected.

Presence of Small Cracks
All projects were new construction; therefore, locating suitable sections containing small
cracks was difficult. The only small cracks found were located in the soil cement base layer
of LA116. Comparative collections were performed with the LWD. Measurements over the
cracks would yield deflections two or three times higher than the average for the project.

Distance from Joints

The PSPA was placed within 6 in. of the edges and corners of a concrete slab.
Measurements were collected in both longitudinal and transverse orientations and averaged.
Figure 9 shows the values near the center of the slab are similar and exhibited low standard
deviations while the values along the joints differed significantly, many with higher standard
deviations. Unfortunately, the internal wiring complications occurred after this collection,
and only the one slab was tested.

Figure 9
Layout of PSPA seismic modulus on concrete slab, average (standard deviation)

Assumptions in Input Parameters
Both devices require the thickness of the surface layer to compute the modulus of the surface
layer. The PSPA averages the moduli computed for different depths (wavelengths) from the
surface to the input thickness. The plot of moduli versus depth produced by the SPA
Manager shows the moduli are usually similar through the surface layer. Therefore,
underestimating the thickness should result in little change. However, overestimating the
thickness could result in a change as the moduli below the surface layer will begin to shift
depending on the stiffness of the supporting layer, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10
Typical PSPA dispersion curve [9]

The LWDmod software back calculates the modulus of the surface layer based on the
thickness and modulus input entered for each pavement layer. LWDmod is limited in the
analysis inputs; only three layers can be evaluated at one time. The modulus of the center
layer will not change in the iterations unless using a constant ratio between the surface layer
and underlying layer. With only two radial geophones to compute the deflection basin, the
back-calculation results change significantly with different inputs. An example is shown in
Table 11.

Table 11
Example of LWD variability in back calculation assumptions, LA3121
Surface Thickness (in.) 2 2
Surface Initial
Modulus (ksi) 300 300
Base Thickness (in.) 12 12
Base Initial Modulus
(ksi) 200 *
Subgrade Modulus
(ksi) 20 20
Soil Soil
Surface Cement Subgrade Surface Cement Subgrade
Modulus Modulus Modulus Modulus Modulus Modulus
Station (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
183+00 south outer 226.3 150.9 29.8 108.4 210 28.9
183+00 south center 223.3 148.9 42.7 60.2 404 37.4
183+00 south inner 317.8 211.9 55.7 103 441 51.2
183+00 north outer 111.4 74.3 20.4 37.4 165 19
183+00 north center 371.1 247.4 34.8 155.3 367 33.3
183+00 north inner 287.1 191.4 45.7 101.4 367 42.6
* back-calculated modulus of each point of soil cement layer from prior testing

Temperature Normalization Methods

Measurements of both NDT need to be corrected for temperature. The PSPA software
records the surface temperature of the pavement with each point, but does not apply a
correction. The LWD software contains a field for entry of the temperature, but does not
automatically record the temperature or apply a correction. Neither of the collection software
is setup to easily apply the correction during use.

As temperature increases, the modulus of asphalt will decrease. The factors of three accepted
normalization methods were compared. Table 12 shows an example with the range of factors
for each method on a 2-in. HMA pavement across a wide range of temperatures normalized
to 77°F. The farther the measured temperature is from 77°F, the greater the difference
between the methods. For this example, the values differ up to 16 percent. These values will
increase as the thickness of the pavement increases as well. An alternative and more accurate
method is to develop the specific relationship between modulus and temperature for each
mixture. However, this method requires additional laboratory testing prior to construction
and is subject to change if the mixture is modified afterward.

Table 12
Comparison of temperature normalization methods for 2 in. HMA
Correction Factor to 77°F Normalized Modulus to 77°F
Surface Nazarian AASHTO Measured BELLS3 Nazarian AASHTO
Temp. BELLS3* ** *** Modulus * ** ***
°F ksi ksi ksi ksi
40 1.26 1.29 1.12 1200 956 932 1072
50 1.19 1.21 1.09 1200 1007 992 1097
60 1.13 1.13 1.06 1200 1063 1060 1135
70 1.07 1.05 1.02 1200 1127 1138 1176
80 1.00 0.98 0.99 1200 1198 1229 1213
90 0.94 0.90 0.95 1200 1279 1335 1259
100 0.87 0.82 0.91 1200 1372 1461 1317
110 0.81 0.74 0.88 1200 1479 1614 1371
* Equation (3) with mid depth from equation (4) using 1:00 PM and previous day temperature of
** Equation (3) only
*** Figure 7

Grooves in the Pavement

Based on the experiment of Yuan et al., grooves can have a slight impact on PSPA
measurements [8]. However, the tine texture requirements of Louisiana are narrower and
shallower than those tested by Yuan. The results shown previously in Table 10 show
instances where transverse and longitudinal orientations were statistically different on tined
pavements (US61, LA3073, I-49). However, only 50 percent of the time the longitudinal
collection was higher than the transverse suggesting that the tines were not the cause of the

The larger impact of tines observed during PSPA collections was the difficulty of seating the
PSPA perpendicular to the tines. Louisiana specifies randomly spaced tines; in many
instances one of the PSPA feet would be centered over a groove. The operator would have to
move the apparatus and retest.

Comparison of Field to Laboratory

The PSPA was used to monitor the strength gain of concrete pavements and to compare to
laboratory results. Various sections of LA3073 were tested for strength gain and cylinders
were cast during the construction. Figure 11 shows a plot of the averages of the PSPA
seismic moduli for each section versus the laboratory elastic modulus and laboratory
compressive strength. The results show the field seismic moduli decreasing from the age of
7 days to 28 days, and increasing to 56 days, while the laboratory elastic modulus and
compressive strength increase only with age. No trend was observed between PSPA seismic

moduli and laboratory values for this data set; however, all PSPA data sets exhibited similar
behavior. The difference in curing methods between field and laboratory could be the cause.
Note, a few sections are missing; the PSPA was exhibiting the internal wiring complications
during the later collections and would stop reading while on site.

Modulus (ksi) [Compressive Strength (psi)]

6000 PSPA 646+60

5000 PSPA 647+10

PSPA 648+25
PSPA 648+65
Lab Elastic Modulus
Lab Compressive 
Strength (psi)

1 7 14 28 56
Age (days)
Figure 11
LA3073 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and compression

A PCC layer was placed at the ALF. The PSPA was used to test the strength gain of the slab
and cylinders were cast during construction to compare the results. The PSPA seismic
modulus, laboratory modulus, and laboratory compressive strength show a steady increase in
the first 10 days, shown in Figure 12. Unfortunately, measurements after 10 days were not
collected due to the internal wiring issue. Figure 13 shows the PSPA seismic moduli
correlate well with laboratory compressive strengths for the early age of the ALF PCC


Modulus (ksi) [Compressive Strength (psi)] 5000


3000 Lab Elastic Modulus

Lab Compressive 
Strength (psi)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Age (days)

Figure 12
ALF PCC PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and compressive

Lab Compressive Strength (psi)




y = 1.5972x ‐ 4582.2
R² = 0.7654

3500 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500 4700 4900
PSPA Seismic Modulus (ksi)

Figure 13
ALF PCC PSPA seismic modulus correlation to laboratory compressive strength

Three PCC sections of I-49 were tested with the PSPA at 7 and 28 days of age and compared
to cylinders cast during construction. The I-49 data sets showed the PSPA seismic modulus
decreasing with age for a few of the sections; this could be a result of the high variability
observed in the repeatability section. Figure 14 shows one section of the data set as an
example; the remaining figures can be found in the Appendix. No trends were observed for
the overall data set.

Modulus (ksi) [Compressive Strength (psi)]

PSPA 1310+60
PSPA 1310+80

3000 PSPA 1311+00

2000 Lab Elastic Modulus

Lab Compressive 
0 Strength (psi)
7 28
Age (days)

Figure 14
I-49 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory elastic modulus and compressive strength

Comparison between LWD and FWD

An HMA lane at the LADOTD ALF was tested on 27 points with both LWD and FWD for
comparison. The deflections were corrected for temperature and normalized to a stress of 80
psi. Both technologies use the same principle; the LWD is simply a portable, smaller-scale
version of the FWD. The center deflections measured correlate well between the LWD and
FWD, though the LWD deflections were about 60 percent lower, shown in Figure 15. The
moduli of the surface layer were back-calculated using the same input parameters for
thickness and initial iteration moduli. The back-calculated moduli do not correlate as well as
the deflections, shown in Figure 16. The authors believe this is due to fewer points in the
LWD deflection basin and limitations of the LWDmod back-calculation software.



LWD Deflection (mil)

y = 0.3692x
R² = 0.7688
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
FWD Deflection (mil)

Figure 15
LWD deflection correlation to FWD deflection

LWD Back Calculated Modulus (ksi)

y = 0.4821x
R² = 0.0665
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
FWD Back Calculated Modulus (ksi)

Figure 16
LWD back-calculated modulus correlation to FWD back-calculated modulus

Comparison between PSPA and LWD

The PSPA measures the modulus of the surface layer, which is back calculated by the
LWDmod software. The frequency at which each device operates is different and is
expected to cause a shift in the values. A similar trend is expected to occur between the
moduli measurement of each device. However, no such trend was observed.

Sampling Procedure and Operation

The variability of the PSPA observed on most projects in the study exhibited similar results
to those of the literature. A recommended sampling procedure has been developed for the
PSPA based on conclusions and recommendations of the literature. Celaya et al. picked an
arbitrary value of 30 samples per half shift lot, approximately 1500 tons, to begin quality
control [13]. Velivelli et al. computed the sample size for various test methods based on
multiple variables, independent of lot size, such as: buyer risk, seller risk, and cost of
sampling and testing. Using a PSPA CoV range of 5.2 to 8.6 percent, the report concluded a
minimum sample size at 75 percent probability in which the standard deviation of the
population is less than or equal to the standard deviation of the sample for the PSPA that is 6
to 12 per lot; at 95 percent the sample size is 13 to 24 per lot [11].

The authors recommend starting with a random sampling at 20 stations per HMA sublot
(1000 tons or 5000 lane feet) or PCC lot (4000 square yards) at a distance randomly selected
on or between the wheel paths of the lane. A minimum of two seismic moduli will be
collected for both parallel and perpendicular orientation to the pavement. The temperature
shall be recorded with each collection. For HMA pavements, the pavement must be allowed
to cool for at least one full day. For PCC pavements, seismic moduli should be collected on
7 and 28 days of age. Operators must be trained to inspect the waveform display in order to
determine if the collection is acceptable or if a retest is required. If the PSPA continues to
show unacceptable readings, the apparatus should be moved no more than 6 in. to retest.

The pads on the PSPA feet must be checked at the beginning of collection at each station, if
any deterioration is observed, the feet must be replaced before collection. The PSPA feet
must be checked during each placement that good contact is made. On PCC pavements, the
feet should be situated such that no single foot is placed directly into a groove. On PCC
pavements, the PSPA must be at least 1 ft., one apparatus length, from any joints or cracks.

During analysis, the seismic moduli of HMA pavements shall be normalized to 77°F using
the surface temperature and equation (4). The values of each station shall be averaged
together to represent a single seismic modulus for each station.

Benefit/Cost Analysis

At present, NDT will only supplement coring, not replace, resulting in additional costs. The
benefits of NDT are the increased frequency of testing and the non-destructive nature
allowing for monitoring throughout the life of the pavement. As Louisiana moves towards
performance-based specifications, non-destructive technologies will become more widely

accepted and needed as quality control tools. Devices such as the PSPA could one day
replace coring.



The results of this study yield the following conclusions:

The PSPA exhibited seismic modulus values of the surface layer with an average CoV of 2 to
15 percent for repeat collections without moving the apparatus. The majority of the data sets
fall within the specified limits of variability of the laboratory tests currently used for quality
control. The PSPA variability increased to a range of 6 to 28 percent if the apparatus
changed orientation or moved within a close proximity.

The LWD exhibited deflections values of the pavement structure with an average CoV of 4
to 12 percent for repeat collections without moving the apparatus. The majority of the data
sets fell within the specified limits of variability of the laboratory tests currently used for
quality control. Variability increased when the surface layer moduli were back calculated.

The PSPA exhibited project-wide seismic modulus values with a CoV between 1 and 32
percent. The LWD exhibited project-wide deflection values with a CoV between 18 and 55
percent. Using the measured deflection basin to back calculate the modulus of the surface
layer would increase the variability for the project.

NDT operators need to be trained to identify when a device is reading incorrectly.

Deterioration of the feet pads, the presence of vibrations, or placement of a foot into a groove
can cause incorrect measurements. Such measurements should be identified and recollected.

Changing the orientation of the sensors showed to increase the variability of the PSPA
measurements; however, the variability increase is no different than moving the apparatus
within a close proximity. Orientation of the sensors did not show a bias when measuring
parallel or perpendicular to paving. Testing close to joints showed impact on measurements
of the PSPA.

Temperature will impact the NDT measurements on HMA pavements. Different

normalization methods produce up to a 16 percent difference in corrected values. The best
method to normalize NDT measurements on temperature is to develop a mixture specific
relationship between temperature and NDT measurements in the laboratory.

Incorrect input parameters can change the outcome of analysis, such as overestimating the
surface layer thickness when testing with the PSPA or using incorrect values of moduli for
supporting layers when back calculating with LWD software.

The literature has shown the PSPA measurements correlate very well with laboratory testing
of HMA samples. The relationship does not hold as well for PCC samples. The strength
gain measured by the PSPA correlated well with the strength gain of laboratory testing for
only one of the PCC data sets for this study.

The LWD deflections correlate well with FWD deflections, but the back-calculated moduli
of the surface layer do not correlate well. This is due to the difference in the number of
geophones representing the deflection basin and difference in back-calculation software.

A preliminary sampling procedure was developed for the PSPA as a quality control tool in


The authors recommend the PSPA for a trial evaluation as a quality control and assurance
tool for Louisiana. As described in the literature, proper implementation of the PSPA into
current quality control and assurance will require additional laboratory testing during the
design phase to determine mixture specific target values. Such testing is currently being
evaluated in LTRC project 10-4B as requirements for performance-based specifications.
This research will serve as a pilot project for 10-4B.

At present, a database will be setup to warehouse NDT collections using the sampling
procedure described in this report. The database can later be used to determine to set limits
for quality control by pavement type or function and to update the cost/benefit analysis.


AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ALF Accelerated Loading Facility
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
cm centimeter(s)
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
ft. foot (feet)
FWD Falling Weight Deflectometer
HMA Hot Mix Asphalt
in. inch(es)
LADOTD Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
LTRC Louisiana Transportation Research Center
LWD Light Weight Deflectometer
lb. pound(s)
m meter(s)
mm millimeter(s)
NDT Non-Destructive Testing (or Technology)
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PSPA Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer
QC/QA Quality Control and Quality Assurance (or Acceptance)
USB Universal Serial Bus
USW Ultrasonic Surface Wave


1. PSPA & SPA Manager Manual: Version 2.1e. Geomedia Research and
Development, El Paso, 2007.

2. Dynatest 3031 LWD Light Weight Deflectometer: Owner’s Manual Version

1.0.0. Dynatest International A/S, 2006.

3. Fleming, P. R., Frost, M. W., and Lambert, J. P. “Review of Lightweight

Deflectometer for Routine In Situ Assesment of Pavement Material Stiffness.” In
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4. Mohammad, L., Saadeh, S., Zhang, C., and Rhagavendra, A. “The Physical and
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Louisiana Transportation Research Center, Baton Rouge, unpublished.

5. Nazzal, M. D., Abu-Farsakh, M. Y., Alshibli, K., and Mohammad, L. “Evaluating

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Elastic Modulus of Pavement Layers.” In Transportation Research Record 2016.
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2007, pp. 13-22.

6. Gedafa, D. S., Hossain, M., Romanoschi, S. A., and Gisi, A. J. “Comparison of

Moduli of Kansas Superpave Asphalt Mixes.” In Transportation Research
Record 2154. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 114-123.

7. Von Quintus, H. L., Minchin, Jr., R. E., Nazarian, S., Maser, K. R. and Prowell,
B. “NDT Technology for Quality Assurance of HMA Pavement Construction.”
National Cooperative Highway Research Program 626. Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2009.

8. Yuan, D., Nazarian, S., and Medichetti, A. “A Methodology for Optimizing

Opening of PCC Pavements to Traffic.” Research Report 4188-2. Texas
Department of Transportation, March 2002.

9. Celaya, M., Young, G., and Nazarian, S. “Portable Seismic Property Analyzer
Identification of Asphalt Pavement Layers.” Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-09-
002. Central Federal Lands Highway Division, Lakewood, Colorado, July 2009.

10. Nazarian, S., Yuan, D., and Medichetti, A. “Optimizing Opening of Portland
Cement Concrete Pavements Using Integrated Maturity and Nondestructive
Tests.” In Transportation Research Record 1861. Transportation Research Board,
National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2003, pp. 3-9.

11. Velivelli, L., Gharaibeh, N., and Nazarian, S. “Sample Size Requirements for
Seismic and Traditional Testing of Concrete Pavement Strength.” In
Transportation Research Record 1946. Transportation Research Board, National
Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2006, pp. 33-38.

12. Abdallah, I., Yuan, D., and Nazarian, S. “Integrating Seismic and Deflection
Methods to estimate Pavement Moduli.” In Transportation Research Record
1755. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington,
D.C., 2001, pp. 43-50.

13. Celaya, M., Nazarian, S., Manuel, Z., and Tandon, V. “Use of NDT Equipment
for Construction Quality Control of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements.” Research
Report 574. Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, August 2006.

14. Celaya, M. and Nazarian, S. “Seismic Testing to Determine Quality of Hot-Mix

Asphalt.” In Transportation Research Record 1946. Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2006, pp. 113-122.

15. Mallick, R., Das, A. and Nazarian, S. “Fast Nondestructive Field Test Method to
Determine Stiffness of Subsurface Layer in Thin Surface Hot-Mix Asphalt
Pavement.” In Transportation Research Record 1905. Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2005, pp. 82-89.

16. Nazarian, S., Yuan, D., Weissinger, E., and McDaniel, M. “Comprehensive
Quality Control of Portland Cement Concrete with Seismic Methods.” In
Transportation Research Record 1575. Transportation Research Board, National
Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp. 102-111.

17. Steyn, W. J. vdM., and Sadzik, E. “Application of the Portable Pavement Seismic
Analyzer (PSPA) for Pavement Analysis.” Proceedings of the 26th Southern
African Transport Conference. Document Transformation Technologies, Pretoria,
South Africa, July 2007.

18. Rue, D. “Seismic Methods Used to Check Strength of Concrete Runway
Reconstruction.” Presented at 2010 FAA Airport Technology Transfer
Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 2010.

19. Bell, H. “Operating the Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer.” Report

ERDC/GSL SR-06-9. US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and
Development Center. Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, December 2006.

20. Hossain, M. S. and Apeagyei, A. K., “Evaluation of the Light Deflectometer for
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21. Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems. “Quality Management of

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22. Oh, J. and Fernando, E. “Comparison of Resilient Modulus Values Used in

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23. ASTM C39 “Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical
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27. AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1993. AASHTO, Washington
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Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on I-55
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
371+00 1125 111 9.9
371+20 1329 49 3.7 1259 120 9.5
371+40 1324 45 3.4
365+20 1205 37 3.1
365+00 1164 25 2.2 1238 102 8.2 1310 149 11.4
364+80 1346 111 8.2
303+80 1422 285 20
304+00 1396 40 2.9 1433 149 10.4
304+20 1480 27 1.8

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on I-55 (2)
I-55 (2)
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
475+00 1999 196 9.8
475+20 1924 110 5.7 1923 146 7.6
475+40 1857 144 7.8
484+00 1655 119 7.2
484+20* 1991 832 41.8 2183 886 40.6 2458 1028 41.8
484+40* 2904 1087 37.4
495+00* 2434 1031 42.4
495+20* 3964 1451 36.6 3266 1219 37.3
495+40* 3570 764 21.4
* stations where PSPA feet pads became damaged

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA116 (binder)
LA116 (binder)
Station (2 pt) Section (4-6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
58+00 eb 1597 206 12.9
59+00 eb 1673 279 16.6 1532 227 14.8
60+00 eb 1327 77 5.8
64+00 eb 1661 253 15.2
1423 333 23.4
65+00 eb 1184 204 17.2
1586 227 14.3
58+00 wb 1925 988 51.3
59+00 wb 2076 137 6.6 1822 536 29.4
60+00 wb 1465 191 13.0
64+00 wb 1289 297 23.1
1477 339 22.9
65+00 wb 1665 338 20.3
eb = east bound, wb = west bound
2" pavement, believed variation from base

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA116 (wearing)
LA116 (wearing)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
58+00 eb 1739 278 16.0
58+50 eb 1790 95 5.3
59+00 eb 1793 145 8.1 1773 194 11.0
59+50 eb 1888 191 10.1
60+00 eb 1658 279 16.8
64+00 eb 1930 624 32.3
64+50 eb 1758 75 4.3
65+00 eb 1821 136 7.5 1834 304 16.6
65+50 eb 1970 363 18.5
66+00 eb 1691 147 8.7
1770 256 14.5
58+00 wb 1857 115 6.2
58+50 wb 1740 172 9.9
59+00 wb 1805 164 9.1 1792 284 15.8
59+50 wb 1699 188 11.0
60+00 wb 1859 654 35.2
64+00 wb 1828 261 14.3
64+50 wb 1526 313 20.5
65+00 wb 1665 209 12.6 1682 230 13.7
65+50 wb 1666 246 14.8
66+00 wb 1722 163 9.5
eb = east bound, wb = west bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3212
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
94+00 nb 1637 223 13.6
96+00 nb 2179 387 17.8
98+00 nb 1739 282 16.2 1721 333 19.3
100+00 nb 1515 180 11.9
102+00 nb 1533 141 9.2
175+00 nb 1568 164 10.4
177+00 nb 1845 382 20.7
179+00 nb 1459 339 23.2 1772 405 22.8
181+00 nb 1696 286 16.8
183+00 nb 2293 380 16.6
1824 326 17.9
183+00 sb 1620 201 12.4
181+00 sb 1874 151 8.0
179+00 sb 1591 192 12.1 1852 340 18.3
177+00 sb 2111 507 24.0
175+00 sb 2065 316 15.3
312+00 sb 2064 158 7.7
310+00 sb 1815 181 10.0
308+00 sb 1975 88 4.4 1952 156 8.0
306+00 sb 1938 227 11.7
304+00 sb 1967 72 3.7
nb = north bound, sb = south bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3191
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
20+00 1637 381 23.3
20+20 2069 157 7.6 1944 350 18.0 1834 413 22.5
20+40 2127 322 15.1
21+20 1774 773 43.6
21+40 1863 405 21.7 1724 461 26.8
21+60 1534 56 3.6
* wiring issue caused erroneous values and device to stop

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on US61
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
356+60 i 5741 318 5.5
356+70 i 6153 447 7.3
356+80 i 5994 225 3.7 5876 306 5.2
356+90 i 5753 185 3.2
357+00 i 5736 236 4.1
362+73 i 5853 435 7.4
362+83 i 5743 264 4.6
362+93 i 5842 141 2.4 5800 310 5.4
363+03 i 5619 394 7.0
363+13 i 5943 386 6.5
5818 399 6.9
356+60 o 6011 973 16.2
356+70 o 5923 394 6.7
356+80 o 5880 776 13.2 5887 602 10.2
356+90 o 5932 561 9.5
357+00 o 5689 657 11.5
362+73 o 5979 449 7.5
362+83 o 5831 132 2.3
362+93 o 5638 311 5.5 5711 314 5.5
363+03 o 5370 106 2.0
363+13 o 5737 219 3.8
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3073 day 1
LA3073 (day 1)
Station (3 pt) Section (6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
646+60 i 1day 3930 311 7.9
3958 206 5.2
647+10 i 1day 3986 82 2.1
648+25 i 1day 4185 385 9.2
4006 510 12.7
648+65 i 1day 3827 637 16.7
4104 605 14.7
646+60 o 1day 3811 441 11.6
3776 290 7.7
647+10 o 1day 3742 110 3.0
648+25 o 1day 4125 482 11.7
4675 861 18.4
648+65 o 1day 5224 846 16.2
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3073 day 7
LA3073 (day 7)
Station (3 pt) Section (6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
646+60 i 7day 4918 30 0.6
4765 350 7.3
647+10 i 7day 4613 486 10.5
648+25 i 7day 4813 91 1.9
4694 171 3.6
648+65 i 7day 4575 150 3.3
4704 268 5.7
646+60 o 7day 4818 479 9.9
4798 345 7.2
647+10 o 7day 4777 260 5.4
648+25 o 7day 4613 78 1.7
4559 141 3.1
648+65 o 7day 4506 187 4.2
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3073 day 14
LA3073 (day 14)
Station (3 pt) Section (6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
646+60 i 14day 4470 307 6.9
4627 271 5.9
647+10 i 14day 4784 125 2.6
648+25 i 14day 4411 501 11.4
4395 325 7.4
648+65 i 14day 4378 108 2.5
4460 323 7.3
646+60 o 14day 4693 326 7.0
4576 298 6.5
647+10 o 14day 4459 273 6.1
648+25 o 14day 4366 413 9.5
4243 320 7.5
648+65 o 14day 4120 198 4.8
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3073 day 28
LA3073 (day 28)
Station (3 pt) Section (6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev V
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
646+60 i 28day 4218 273 6.5
4084 353 8.6
647+10 i 28day 3950 427 10.8
648+25 i 28day 4154 715 17.2
4063 465 11.5
648+65 i 28day 3972 78 2.0
3946 364 9.2
646+60 o 28day 3630 240 6.6
3794 320 8.4
647+10 o 28day 3957 343 8.7
648+25 o 28day 3894 404 10.4
3845 297 7.7
648+65 o 28day 3795 223 5.9
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on LA3073 day 56
LA3073 (day 56)
Station (3 pt) Section (6 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
646+60 i 56day*
647+10 i 56day*
648+25 i 56day 5309 176 3.3
5270 140 2.6
648+65 i 56day 5231 115 2.2
5273 243 4.6
646+60 o 56day*
647+10 o 56day*
648+25 o 56day 5371 365 6.8
5277 331 6.3
648+65 o 56day 5183 339 6.5
* wiring issue causing device to stop completely
i = inside lane, o = outside lane

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on I-49 day 7
I-49 (day 7)
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
1310+60 7day 4830 1312 27.2
1310+80 7day 4793 1237 25.8 5155 1890 36.7
1311+00 7day 5842 3158 54.0
1315+60 7day 4264 549 12.9
1315+80 7day 3996 1176 29.4 4289 1156 27.0 4737 1491 31.5
1316+00 7day 4606 1839 39.9
1320+60 7day 4640 1942 41.9
1320+80 7day 4157 1282 30.8 4768 1377 28.9
1321+00 7day 5507 872 15.8

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for PSPA on I-49 day 28
I-49 (day 28)
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
1310+60 28day 4939 1058 21.4
1310+80 28day 4999 1437 28.7 4855 1205 24.8
1311+00 28day 4628 1583 34.2
1315+60 28day 5523 1261 22.8
1315+80 28day 4212 1075 25.5 4837 1217 25.2 4672 1069 22.9
1316+00 28day 4776 1372 28.7
1320+60 28day 4047 929 22.9
1320+80 28day 4298 781 18.2 4324 761 17.6
1321+00 28day 4627 767 16.6

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on LA116 (base)
LA116 (base)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
58+00 eb 2.8 0.8 28.4
58+50 eb 2.6 0.5 17.7
59+00 eb 2.0 0.2 12.2 2.3 0.8 33.0
59+50 eb 1.6 0.3 16.8
60+00 eb 2.6 1.2 47.8
64+00 eb 2.2 0.5 21.9
64+50 eb 1.8 0.2 13.1
65+00 eb 2.1 0.1 5.0 2.1 0.3 16.3
65+50 eb 2.3 0.5 22.6
66+00 eb 2.1 0.3 13.4
2.2 0.6 26.0
58+00 wb 2.0 0.3 14.6
58+50 wb 2.3 0.0 1.3
59+00 wb 1.9 0.1 6.7 2.1 0.5 24.0
59+50 wb 2.7 0.7 25.4
60+00 wb 1.9 0.8 41.1
64+00 wb 2.5 0.7 26.3
64+50 wb 1.9 0.6 33.5
65+00 wb 1.7 0.1 6.8 2.2 0.6 27.6
65+50 wb 2.5 0.9 36.9
66+00 wb 2.4 0.1 4.8
eb = east bound, wb = west bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on LA116
LA116 (binder)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
58+00 eb 1.5 0.3 18.6
58+50 eb 1.6 0.1 6.9
59+00 eb 1.5 0.3 19.6 1.6 0.3 16.5
59+50 eb 1.7 0.3 19.6
60+00 eb 1.7 0.4 22.4
64+00 eb 1.5 0.1 5.6
64+50 eb 1.1 0.2 15.4
65+00 eb 1.7 0.4 23.2 1.5 0.3 20.6
65+50 eb 1.6 0.2 11.0
66+00 eb 1.7 0.1 5.6
1.5 0.3 19.6
58+00 wb 1.3 0.0 3.6
58+50 wb 1.1 0.1 7.7
59+00 wb 1.4 0.2 17.2 1.3 0.2 15.4
59+50 wb 1.6 0.1 4.6
60+00 wb 1.2 0.2 13.6
64+00 wb 1.6 0.3 20.3
64+50 wb 1.4 0.2 17.0
65+00 wb 1.5 0.2 15.7 1.6 0.3 18.6
65+50 wb 1.5 0.2 10.0
66+00 wb 2.1 0.2 7.5
eb = east bound, wb = west bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV LWD deflections on LA116 (wearing)
LA116 (wearing)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
58+00 eb 1.7 0.5 27.2
58+50 eb 1.4 0.4 27.0
59+00 eb 1.4 0.1 8.6 1.5 0.3 17.6
59+50 eb 1.5 0.2 12.0
60+00 eb 1.6 0.1 3.4
64+00 eb 1.5 0.2 15.3
64+50 eb 1.3 0.1 9.7
65+00 eb 1.7 0.4 21.3 1.6 0.3 17.3
65+50 eb 1.8 0.0 2.2
66+00 eb 1.5 0.2 15.7
1.6 0.3 17.7
58+00 wb 1.4 0.0 0.0
58+50 wb 1.4 0.1 9.4
59+00 wb 1.5 0.1 3.3 1.5 0.2 15.7
59+50 wb 1.4 0.5 33.1
60+00 wb 1.7 0.2 11.4
64+00 wb 1.8 0.1 6.5
64+50 wb 1.5 0.1 9.1
65+00 wb 1.7 0.2 10.9 1.8 0.3 15.7
65+50 wb 1.7 0.2 12.8
66+00 wb 2.2 0.2 9.4
eb = east bound, wb = west bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on US61
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
23+00 REDISET 2.1 0.2 9.3
23+20 REDISET 2.2 0.2 10.1 2.1 0.3 14.9
23+40 REDISET 1.9 0.4 23.4
27+00 REDISET 1.8 0.2 9.2
27+20 REDISET 1.6 0.2 13.1 2.0 0.5 25.3
27+40 REDISET 2.6 0.4 14.5
39+00 REDISET 1.9 0.1 4.6
39+20 REDISET 2.2 0.2 9.0 2.0 0.2 10.0
39+40 REDISET 1.9 0.1 6.0
2.0 0.4 18.8
53+00 REDISET 1.8 0.2 9.8
53+20 REDISET 2.0 0.1 7.4 1.9 0.2 9.0
53+40 REDISET 2.0 0.2 9.9
66+00 30% WM 1.7 0.1 3.3
66+20 30% WM 1.8 0.1 7.2 2.0 0.5 26.7
66+40 30% WM 2.6 0.7 28.4
78+00 30% WM 2.1 0.4 17.3
78+20 30% WM 2.1 0.8 36.4 2.0 0.5 23.2
78+40 30% WM 1.8 0.2 8.8

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on LA3121
LA3121 (base)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
94+00 nb 2.6 1.0 39.0
96+00 nb 3.7 2.6 71.5
98+00 nb 3.4 1.9 55.6 3.2 1.4 45.1
100+00 nb 3.5 1.2 33.6
102+00 nb 2.8 0.5 16.3
175+00 nb 4.2 1.0 24.3
177+00 nb 2.3 1.2 54.8
179+00 nb 4.4 0.8 18.4 3.6 1.3 35.3
181+00 nb 3.5 1.5 44.3
183+00 nb 3.6 1.2 33.1
3.2 1.6 48.9
175+00 sb 2.5 0.7 29.8
177+00 sb 2.4 0.6 25.9
179+00 sb 7.3 2.5 34.6 3.5 2.3 67.2
181+00 sb 2.6 1.5 56.7
183+00 sb 2.6 1.1 41.9
304+00 sb 3.5 1.6 44.4
306+00 sb 2.0 0.1 3.9
308+00 sb 2.1 0.2 7.2 2.7 0.9 33.9
310+00 sb 2.4 0.3 11.8
312+00 sb 3.3 0.6 18.3
nb = north bound, sb = south bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD moduli on LA3121 (base)
LA3121 (base)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
94+00 nb 507.0 339.7 67.0
96+00 nb 378.4 242.0 64.0
98+00 nb 434.5 398.8 91.8 400.3 241.3 60.3
100+00 nb 341.7 169.3 49.6
102+00 nb 339.6 124.7 36.7
175+00 nb 190.0 81.2 42.8
177+00 nb 977.5 658.5 67.4
179+00 nb 215.4 32.3 15.0 421.2 419.5 99.6
181+00 nb 482.4 341.1 70.7
183+00 nb 240.7 109.7 45.6
415.4 291.0 70.0
175+00 sb 294.2 99.5 33.8
177+00 sb 634.4 315.2 49.7
179+00 sb 90.9 54.9 60.4 372.3 257.9 69.3
181+00 sb 490.4 292.4 59.6
183+00 sb 351.5 124.1 35.3
304+00 sb 318.9 205.9 64.6
306+00 sb 568.3 17.1 3.0
308+00 sb 720.2 322.9 44.8 467.9 225.5 48.2
310+00 sb 441.6 64.4 14.6
312+00 sb 290.4 112.4 38.7
nb = north bound, sb = south bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on LA3121
LA3121 (wearing)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
94+00 nb 1.4 0.2 14.2
96+00 nb 1.8 0.4 19.9
98+00 nb 2.9 1.2 42.3 3.2 1.9 60.5
100+00 nb 5.5 1.6 30.0
102+00 nb 4.3 2.0 45.3
175+00 nb 6.3 1.1 17.6
177+00 nb 2.5 0.6 24.9
179+00 nb 4.5 1.4 32.0 4.0 1.9 48.7
181+00 nb 2.3 0.7 30.6
183+00 nb 4.4 2.5 56.6
3.2 1.8 55.2
175+00 sb 2.2 0.8 35.4
177+00 sb 1.8 0.3 16.0
179+00 sb 6.7 1.7 25.0 3.4 2.0 58.5
181+00 sb 2.7 0.1 3.9
183+00 sb 3.5 0.7 20.3
304+00 sb 3.1 0.6 19.4
306+00 sb 4.0 2.0 51.4
308+00 sb 2.0 0.3 17.0 2.4 0.7 30.2
310+00 sb 2.0 0.6 30.8
312+00 sb 2.1 0.2 9.3
nb = north bound, sb = south bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD moduli on LA3121
LA3121 (wearing)
Station (3 pt) Section (15 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
94+00 nb 1189.1 416.2 35.0
96+00 nb 874.7 230.0 26.3
98+00 nb 639.2 361.4 56.5 766.7 391.2 51.0
100+00 nb 463.2 185.4 40.0
102+00 nb 667.2 466.5 69.9
175+00 nb 190.1 37.3 19.6
177+00 nb 422.0 219.1 51.9
179+00 nb 350.5 150.7 43.0 572.4 409.8 71.6
181+00 nb 894.3 236.1 26.4
183+00 nb 1005.0 533.4 53.1
719.2 442.8 61.6
175+00 sb 800.2 447.5 55.9
177+00 sb 1748.6 544.2 31.1
179+00 sb 184.0 77.9 42.3 756.3 619.9 82.0
181+00 sb 629.8 118.2 18.8
183+00 sb 419.1 87.6 20.9
304+00 sb 506.4 346.9 68.5
306+00 sb 827.1 450.7 54.5
308+00 sb 978.2 222.2 22.7 781.4 299.6 38.3
310+00 sb 892.1 208.5 23.4
312+00 sb 703.0 98.3 14.0
nb = north bound, sb = south bound

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD deflections on LA3191
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
mil mil % mil mil % mil mil %
10+50 2.3 0.1 5.4
10+70 3.0 0.2 6.5 2.9 0.7 22.3
10+90 3.5 0.7 19.4
20+00 4.8 1.1 22.1
20+20 4.5 0.8 18.6 4.7 1.0 21.2 3.8 1.2 31.4
20+40 4.8 1.4 29.8
21+20 3.4 1.4 41.9
21+40 3.7 1.2 31.6 3.7 1.2 31.8
21+60 4.0 1.4 34.0

Station and section average, standard deviation, and CoV for LWD moduli on LA3191
Station (3 pt) Section (9 pt) Project
Station Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV Average Stdev CoV
ksi ksi % ksi ksi % ksi ksi %
10+50 275.2 37.7 13.7
10+70 191.6 37.5 19.6 216.9 55.1 25.4
10+90 183.8 40.3 21.9
20+00 100.5 21.8 21.7
20+20 117.6 36.6 31.1 119.6 41.1 34.4 155.9 69.2 44.4
20+40 140.6 61.1 43.4
21+20 143.1 68.5 47.9
21+40 116.7 49.5 42.4 131.3 67.0 51.1
21+60 133.9 101.5 75.8

I-55 PSPA contour (ksi)

I-55 (2) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA116 (binder) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA116 (wearing) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3121 (wearing) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3191 PSPA contour (ksi)

US61 PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3073 (day 1) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3073 (day 7) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3073 (day 14) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3073 (day 28) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA3073 (day 56) PSPA contour (ksi)

I-49 (day 7) PSPA contour (ksi)

I-49 (day 28) PSPA contour (ksi)

LA116 (base) LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA116 (binder) LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA116 (wearing) LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA3121 (base) LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA3121 (base) LWD back-calculated layer moduli contour (ksi)

LA3121 (wearing) LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA3121 (wearing) LWD back-calculated layer moduli contour (ksi)

LA3191 LWD deflection contour (mils)

LA3191 LWD back-calculated layer moduli contour (ksi)

US171 LWD deflection contour (mils)


Modulus (ksi) Compression Strength (psi)

PSPA 1315+60
3000 PSPA 1315+80
PSPA 1316+00
Lab Compression

1000 Lab Modulus

7 28
Age (days)

I-49 section 2 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory modulus and compression

Modulus (ksi) Compression Strength (psi)


PSPA 1320+60
3000 PSPA 1320+80
PSPA 1321+00
Lab Compression

1000 Lab Modulus

7 28
Age (days)

I-49 section 3 PSPA seismic modulus compared to laboratory modulus and compression


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