Hobiger 2009 Raydec
Hobiger 2009 Raydec
Hobiger 2009 Raydec
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ef,b,i (t) and nf,b,i (t) defined in terms of the original signals [8] The signals vf,b,i (t) and hf,b,i (t) are weighted by
as (for 0 t D): c2f,b,i and summed for all times t i to obtain two buffered
signal windows of length D:
vf ; b; i ðt Þ ¼ vf ðt i þ tÞ; X
vf ; S ðt Þ ¼ c2f ; b; i vf ; b; i ðt Þ
1 i
ef ; b; i ðt Þ ¼ ef t i þt ; ð1Þ X
4f hf ; S ðt Þ ¼ c2f ; b; i hf ; b; i ðt Þ: ð6Þ
1 i
nf ; b; i ðt Þ ¼ nf t i þt :
[9] Finally, the ellipticity is calculated as the square root
The shift of 1
on the eastern and northern components of the ratio of the energies in the buffered signal windows
4f hf,S (t) and vf,S (t):
accounts for the 90° phase shift between the vertical and
horizontal components of Rayleigh waves. Then we build a vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
uR D
horizontal signal hf,b,i (t) by projecting the east-west and u hf ; S ðt Þ dt
north-south components onto an axis forming an azimuth ¼ tR0D
2 : ð7Þ
angle Ji with the northern direction by 0 vf ; S ðt Þ dt
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Figure 1. S- and P-wave velocity profiles for the models N101, N102, N103 and N104 [Cornou et al., 2009] and the
Colfiorito borehole [Di Giulio et al., 2006].
[14] Figure 2a shows the calculated ellipticity for differ- curves are very close. This illustrates the temporal stability
ent bandwidths df of the frequency filter compared to the of the results.
theoretical ellipticity of the model. The used bandwidths are
proportional to the central frequencies. Too weak filtering 3.3. Results for the Models N101, N103 and N104
(df = 0.5f ) as well as too strong filtering (df = 0.1f ) do not [18] RayDec has been applied to synthetic noise simu-
give satisfying results. An intermediate setting of 0.2f lated for different models. The results of these simulations
reproduces the real curve the best. Therefore, we fixed the are shown in Figure 3. For model N101 (Figure 3a), the
bandwidth to 0.2f in the following. curve is close to the real curve over the whole frequency
[15] Figure 2b shows the resulting ellipticity for different range, although the peak ellipticity is overestimated. For
lengths D of the buffered signal windows in comparison to this model layout, reflected body waves can deteriorate the
the theoretical curve. We fix D as a function of frequency, results. Therefore, more signal would be needed to obtain a
so that the signals consist of the same number of periods at more robust ellipticity curve. For model N103 (Figure 3b),
all frequencies. As can be seen in Figure 2b, at least ten
cycles are necessary for a good coverage of the signal
whereas further increasing of the window length does not
improve the results. Therefore, D = 10/f is used in the
3.2. Minimum Required Signal Length and Temporal
Stability of the Results
[16] The required signal length is illustrated in Figure 2c.
The same signals as in subsection 3.1 were used and the first
1800, 600, 300 and 120 seconds of signal were analyzed.
The results of the analysis for signals of 1800, 600 and
300 seconds only slightly differ. However, the curve obtained
for 120 seconds of signal is less smooth than the other curves.
At low frequencies, the signal statistics deteriorate due to the
smaller number of buffered windows. It can be deduced that -
for sites with resonance frequencies around 1 Hz - a signal
length of five minutes can be sufficient to measure an
accurate ellipticity curve, as long as enough Rayleigh waves Figure 2. Sensitivity of the results with respect to the
are present in the signal. For smaller underground resonance parameters of the method demonstrated on simulated seismic
frequencies, the measurement has to be longer. Indeed, longer noise for the N102 model. The real ellipticity curve of the
measurements improve the statistical features and the reli- model is included for comparison. Curves of Figures 2a
ability of the results at all frequencies. and 2b were calculated for 30 minutes of simulated seismic
[17] The temporal stability of the obtained ellipticity noise. (a) Effect of the filter bandwidth df on the resulting
curves is shown in Figure 2d. Five different synthetic ellipticity curve (D = 10/f) for df = 0.5f, df = 0.3f, df = 0.2f
signals of ten minutes each were simulated and the ellip- and df = 0.1f. (b) Effect of the length D of the buffered
ticity curves were calculated for each window. The overall signal (df = 0.2f) for D = 1/f, D = 5/f, D = 10/f and D = 20/f.
behavior of the curves is identical. Only the fourth ten- (c) Effect of the length of the signals (time length T,
minute-window shows some instabilities between 0.1 and df = 0.2f, D = 10/f ) for T = 1800s, T = 600s, T = 300s
0.2 Hz emphasizing the need for longer signal lengths at low and T = 120s. (d) Analysis of five different signals of
frequencies. For the other frequencies, the five ellipticity ten minutes each (df = 0.2f, D = 10/f ).
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