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Mobile Communications Chapter 2: Wireless Transmission

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Mobile Communications

Chapter 2: Wireless Transmission

 Frequencies  Multiplexing
 Signals  Spread spectrum
 Antenna  Modulation
 Signal propagation  Cellular systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.1

Frequencies for communication

twisted coax cable optical transmission


1 Mm 10 km 100 m 1m 10 mm 100 m 1 m
300 Hz 30 kHz 3 MHz 300 MHz 30 GHz 3 THz 300 THz

VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF infrared visible light UV

VLF = Very Low Frequency UHF = Ultra High Frequency

LF = Low Frequency SHF = Super High Frequency
MF = Medium Frequency EHF = Extra High Frequency
HF = High Frequency UV = Ultraviolet Light
VHF = Very High Frequency

Frequency and wave length:

= c/f
wave length , speed of light c  3x108m/s, frequency f

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.2

Frequencies for mobile communication

 VHF-/UHF-ranges for mobile radio

 simple, small antenna for cars
 deterministic propagation characteristics, reliable connections
 SHF and higher for directed radio links, satellite communication
 small antenna, focusing
 large bandwidth available
 Wireless LANs use frequencies in UHF to SHF spectrum
 some systems planned up to EHF
 limitations due to absorption by water and oxygen molecules
(resonance frequencies)
 weather dependent fading, signal loss caused by heavy rainfall etc.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.3

Frequencies and regulations

ITU-R holds auctions for new frequencies, manages frequency bands

worldwide (WRC, World Radio Conferences)
Europe USA Japan
Cellular GSM 450-457, 479- AMPS, TDMA, CDMA PDC
Phones 486/460-467,489- 824-849, 810-826,
496, 890-915/935- 869-894 940-956,
960, TDMA, CDMA, GSM 1429-1465,
1710-1785/1805- 1850-1910, 1477-1513
1880 1930-1990
UMTS (FDD) 1920-
1980, 2110-2190
UMTS (TDD) 1900-
1920, 2020-2025
Cordless CT1+ 885-887, 930- PACS 1850-1910, 1930- PHS
Phones 932 1990 1895-1918
CT2 PACS-UB 1910-1930 JCT
864-868 254-380
Wireless IEEE 802.11 902-928 IEEE 802.11
LANs 2400-2483 IEEE 802.11 2471-2497
HIPERLAN 2 2400-2483 5150-5250
5150-5350, 5470- 5150-5350, 5725-5825
Others RF-Control RF-Control RF-Control
27, 128, 418, 433, 315, 915 426, 868

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.4

Signals I

 physical representation of data

 function of time and location
 signal parameters: parameters representing the value of data
 classification
 continuous time/discrete time
 continuous values/discrete values
 analog signal = continuous time and continuous values
 digital signal = discrete time and discrete values
 signal parameters of periodic signals:
period T, frequency f=1/T, amplitude A, phase shift 
 sine wave as special periodic signal for a carrier:

s(t) = At sin(2  ft t + t)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.5

Fourier representation of periodic signals

 
g (t )  c   an sin( 2nft )   bn cos( 2nft )
2 n 1 n 1

1 1

0 0
t t
ideal periodic signal real composition
(based on harmonics)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.6

Signals II

 Different representations of signals

 amplitude (amplitude domain)
 frequency spectrum (frequency domain)
 phase state diagram (amplitude M and phase  in polar coordinates)
A [V] A [V] Q = M sin 

t[s] 
I= M cos 

 f [Hz]

 Composed signals transferred into frequency domain using Fourier

 Digital signals need
 infinite frequencies for perfect transmission
 modulation with a carrier frequency for transmission (analog signal!)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.7

Antennas: isotropic radiator
 Radiation and reception of electromagnetic waves, coupling of
wires to space for radio transmission
 Isotropic radiator: equal radiation in all directions (three
dimensional) - only a theoretical reference antenna
 Real antennas always have directive effects (vertically and/or
 Radiation pattern: measurement of radiation around an antenna

y z

y x ideal
x isotropic

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.8

Antennas: simple dipoles

 Real antennas are not isotropic radiators but, e.g., dipoles with lengths
/4 on car roofs or /2 as Hertzian dipole
 shape of antenna proportional to wavelength

/4 /2

 Example: Radiation pattern of a simple Hertzian dipole

y y z

x z x dipole
side view (xy-plane) side view (yz-plane) top view (xz-plane)

 Gain: maximum power in the direction of the main lobe compared to

the power of an isotropic radiator (with the same average power)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.9

Antennas: directed and sectorized

Often used for microwave connections or base stations for mobile phones
(e.g., radio coverage of a valley)

y y z

x z x antenna

side view (xy-plane) side view (yz-plane) top view (xz-plane)


x antenna

top view, 3 sector top view, 6 sector

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.10

Antennas: diversity

 Grouping of 2 or more antennas

 multi-element antenna arrays
 Antenna diversity
 switched diversity, selection diversity
 receiver chooses antenna with largest output
 diversity combining
 combine output power to produce gain
 cophasing needed to avoid cancellation

/2 /2
/4 /2 /4 /2

+ +

ground plane

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.11

Signal propagation ranges

Transmission range
 communication possible
 low error rate

Detection range
 detection of the signal
 no communication sender
Interference range transmission
 signal may not be distance
detected detection
 signal adds to the
background noise

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.12

Signal propagation

Propagation in free space always like light (straight line)

Receiving power proportional to 1/d²
(d = distance between sender and receiver)
Receiving power additionally influenced by
 fading (frequency dependent)
 shadowing
 reflection at large obstacles
 refraction depending on the density of a medium
 scattering at small obstacles
 diffraction at edges

shadowing reflection refraction scattering diffraction

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.13

Real world example

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.14

Multipath propagation

Signal can take many different paths between sender and receiver due to
reflection, scattering, diffraction

LOS pulses pulses

signal at sender
signal at receiver
Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time
 interference with “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI)
The signal reaches a receiver directly and phase shifted
 distorted signal depending on the phases of the different parts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.15

Effects of mobility

Channel characteristics change over time and location

 signal paths change
 different delay variations of different signal parts
 different phases of signal parts

 quick changes in the power received (short term fading)

Additional changes in long term

 distance to sender fading
 obstacles further away

 slow changes in the average power

received (long term fading)

short term fading

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.16


Multiplexing in 4 dimensions channels ki

 space (si) k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
 time (t)
 frequency (f) c
 code (c) t c
Goal: multiple use s1
of a shared medium s2
Important: guard spaces needed!


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.17

Frequency multiplex

Separation of the whole spectrum into smaller frequency bands

A channel gets a certain band of the spectrum for the whole time
 no dynamic coordination
necessary k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
 works also for analog signals
 waste of bandwidth
if the traffic is
distributed unevenly
 inflexible
 guard spaces

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.18

Time multiplex

A channel gets the whole spectrum for a certain amount of time

 only one carrier in the
medium at any time
 throughput high even k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
for many users
Disadvantages: f
 precise

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.19

Time and frequency multiplex

Combination of both methods

A channel gets a certain frequency band for a certain amount of time
Example: GSM
 better protection against
 protection against frequency
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
selective interference
 higher data rates compared to c
code multiplex
but: precise coordination

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.20

Code multiplex

Each channel has a unique code

k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6
All channels use the same spectrum
at the same time
 bandwidth efficient
 no coordination and synchronization
 good protection against interference and
tapping f
 lower user data rates
 more complex signal regeneration

Implemented using spread spectrum t


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.21


Digital modulation
 digital data is translated into an analog signal (baseband)
 ASK, FSK, PSK - main focus in this chapter
 differences in spectral efficiency, power efficiency, robustness

Analog modulation
 shifts center frequency of baseband signal up to the radio carrier
 smaller antennas (e.g., /4)
 Frequency Division Multiplexing
 medium characteristics

Basic schemes
 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
 Frequency Modulation (FM)
 Phase Modulation (PM)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.22

Modulation and demodulation

data digital analog
101101001 modulation modulation radio transmitter


analog synchronization data
demodulation decision 101101001 radio receiver


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.23

Digital modulation

Modulation of digital signals known as Shift Keying

 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK): 1 0 1
 very simple
 low bandwidth requirements
 very susceptible to interference

1 0 1
 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK):
 needs larger bandwidth

 Phase Shift Keying (PSK): 1 0 1

 more complex
 robust against interference

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.24

Advanced Frequency Shift Keying

 bandwidth needed for FSK depends on the distance between

the carrier frequencies
 special pre-computation avoids sudden phase shifts
 MSK (Minimum Shift Keying)
 bit separated into even and odd bits, the duration of each bit is
 depending on the bit values (even, odd) the higher or lower
frequency, original or inverted is chosen
 the frequency of one carrier is twice the frequency of the other
 Equivalent to offset QPSK

 even higher bandwidth efficiency using a Gaussian low-pass

filter  GMSK (Gaussian MSK), used in GSM

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.25

Example of MSK
1 0 1 1 0 1 0
data bit
even 0101
even bits odd 0011

odd bits signal hnnh

value - - ++

low h: high frequency

frequency n: low frequency
+: original signal
-: inverted signal


No phase shifts!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.26

Advanced Phase Shift Keying

BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying): Q

 bit value 0: sine wave

 bit value 1: inverted sine wave I
1 0
 very simple PSK
 low spectral efficiency
10 Q 11
 robust, used e.g. in satellite systems
QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying):
 2 bits coded as one symbol
 symbol determines shift of sine wave
 needs less bandwidth compared to 00 01

 more complex

Often also transmission of relative, not

absolute phase shift: DQPSK -
Differential QPSK (IS-136, PHS) 01
11 10 00

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.27

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM): combines amplitude and

phase modulation
 it is possible to code n bits using one symbol
 2n discrete levels, n=2 identical to QPSK
 bit error rate increases with n, but less errors compared to
comparable PSK schemes

0001 Example: 16-QAM (4 bits = 1 symbol)
0011 0000
Symbols 0011 and 0001 have the same phase φ,
φ but different amplitude a. 0000 and 1000 have
a I different phase, but same amplitude.
1000  used in standard 9600 bit/s modems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.28

Hierarchical Modulation

DVB-T modulates two separate data streams onto a single DVB-T stream
 High Priority (HP) embedded within a Low Priority (LP) stream
 Multi carrier system, about 2000 or 8000 carriers
 QPSK, 16 QAM, 64QAM
 Example: 64QAM
 good reception: resolve the entire Q
64QAM constellation
 poor reception, mobile reception:
resolve only QPSK portion
 6 bit per QAM symbol, 2 most
significant determine QPSK
 HP service coded in QPSK (2 bit),
LP uses remaining 4 bit

000010 010101

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.29

Spread spectrum technology

Problem of radio transmission: frequency dependent fading can wipe out

narrow band signals for duration of the interference
Solution: spread the narrow band signal into a broad band signal using a
special code
protection against narrow band interference

power interference spread power signal

detection at interference

protection againstf narrowband interference f

Side effects:
 coexistence of several signals without dynamic coordination
 tap-proof

Alternatives: Direct Sequence, Frequency Hopping

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.30

Effects of spreading and interference

dP/df dP/df

user signal
i) ii) broadband interference
narrowband interference
f f
dP/df dP/df dP/df

iii) iv) v)
f f f

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.31

Spreading and frequency selective fading


1 2 5 6
narrowband channels
narrow band guard space

2 spread spectrum channels

spread frequency

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.32

DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) I

XOR of the signal with pseudo-random number (chipping sequence)

 many chips per bit (e.g., 128) result in higher bandwidth of the signal
 reduces frequency selective tb
user data
 in cellular networks
0 1 XOR
 base stations can use the
same frequency range tc
 several base stations can chipping
detect and recover the signal sequence
01101010110101 =
 soft handover

Disadvantages resulting
 precise power control necessary

tb: bit period

tc: chip period

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.33

DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) II

spectrum transmit
user data signal signal
X modulator

chipping radio
sequence carrier


lowpass sampled
received filtered products sums
signal signal data
demodulator X integrator decision

radio chipping
carrier sequence


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.34

FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) I

Discrete changes of carrier frequency

 sequence of frequency changes determined via pseudo random number
Two versions
 Fast Hopping:
several frequencies per user bit
 Slow Hopping:
several user bits per frequency
 frequency selective fading and interference limited to short period
 simple implementation
 uses only small portion of spectrum at any time

 not as robust as DSSS
 simpler to detect

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.35

FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) II


user data

0 1 0 1 1 t
f3 slow
f2 hopping
(3 bits/hop)

td t

f3 fast
f2 hopping
(3 hops/bit)

tb: bit period td: dwell time

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.36

FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) III

narrowband spread
signal transmit
user data signal
modulator modulator

frequency hopping
synthesizer sequenc
transmitter e

received signal
signal data
demodulator demodulator

hopping frequency
sequenc synthesizer
e receiver

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.37

Cell structure

Implements space division multiplex: base station covers a certain

transmission area (cell)
Mobile stations communicate only via the base station

Advantages of cell structures:

 higher capacity, higher number of users
 less transmission power needed
 more robust, decentralized
 base station deals with interference, transmission area etc. locally

 fixed network needed for the base stations
 handover (changing from one cell to another) necessary
 interference with other cells

Cell sizes from some 100 m in cities to, e.g., 35 km on the country side
(GSM) - even less for higher frequencies

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.38

Frequency planning I

Frequency reuse only with a certain distance between the base

Standard model using 7 frequencies:
f5 f2
f4 f6 f5
f1 f4
f3 f7 f1

Fixed frequency assignment:

 certain frequencies are assigned to a certain cell
 problem: different traffic load in different cells
Dynamic frequency assignment:
 base station chooses frequencies depending on the frequencies
already used in neighbor cells
 more capacity in cells with more traffic
 assignment can also be based on interference measurements

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.39

Frequency planning II

f3 f3 f3
f2 f2
f1 f1 f1 f2 f3 f7
f3 f3
f2 f2 f2
3 cell cluster f5 f2
f4 f6 f5
f1 f1 f1 f4
f3 f3 f3 f3 f7 f1
f2 f3
f6 f5 f2

7 cell cluster

f2 f2 f2
f1 f f1 f f3
h f3 h 1
h1 2
g2 h3
h1 2
g2 h3 g2 3 cell cluster
g1 g1 g1
g3 g3 g3 with 3 sector antennas

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.40

Cell breathing

CDM systems: cell size depends on current load

Additional traffic appears as noise to other users
If the noise level is too high users drop out of cells

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schiller, http://www.jochenschiller.de/ MC SS02 2.41

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