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Definition of An Essays and Precis Writing Tips

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Definition of an essay

An essay is an extended piece of writing that presents and supports a thesis or

proposition. The word "essay" derives from the Latin word "exagium", meaning
the presentation of a case. When you write an essay you are making a case for the
validity of a particular point of view, analysis, interpretation, or set of facts or

An academic essay is not a regurgitation of facts. Of course, the facts have to be

in the essay and they have to be correct, but the facts are only the first step in

If, in giving the facts, you want to quote from a textbook, use the quote only to
support or to illustrate the point you're making. It should be a supplement to your
words and ideas, not a substitute of them.


Direct quoting means copying down material from a source and reproducing it
word for word in your assignment. It is best to avoid overuse of direct quotations
and instead paraphrase an idea in your own words (remembering to reference
the source!). However, there are times when it may be better to use the exact
words from a source. For example, if it expresses the idea more eloquently than
your own summary or when it is important for the reader to inspect the precise
way the thought was expressed by the author. If you are going to make a direct
quote, it must be exactly the same as the original. If you make any changes, or
add explanatory material of your own, include it in square brackets [ ]. If you
decide to leave out any part of the original use an ellipsis (...). Short quotations
should be included within the text of your assignment and enclosed by quotation
marks. Quotations that are four or more lines should be included as a separate
paragraph from the main text, indented and single spaced.


If you do not carefully reference your work, you may leave yourself open to the
charge of plagiarism - passing off other people's ideas as your own. It's the
academic equivalent of fraud and is treated very seriously by the University.
Offenders may lose marks on their work or in some cases be given a fail grade for
the unit.

Précis writing

Précis writing is one of the most useful skills you can acquire for your work both
as a student and as a professional (the 'executive summary' of a report is an
example of a précis). Here you can find useful tips on how to write a précis.

Underline the key ideas and concepts

Each paragraph should have one key topic, which the rest of the paragraph
clarifies, supports and develops.

Write a note-form summary of each a paragraph

Use the words of the original document, but omit all irrelevant material.

Example of précis writing

Original document

Because the ability to communicate effectively plays an important part in an

accountant's success on the job, many employers screen prospective accountants
for adequate skills in oral and written communication. In fact, one study shows
communication skills to be the most important factor in decisions to hire.
Employers view the ability to write and speak effectively as even more important
than a prospective employee's academic results. (66 words)

Action: underline key words or ideas

Action: write note-form summary

Ability to communicate effectively important to accountant's success

Important factor in decision to hire

Employers value communication skills even more than academic results

Action: Use your own words to express these key ideas more concisely and to
develop a full sentence paraphrase which conveys the original message accurately
and is clear, concise and coherent.

Employers recognise the importance of oral and written communication in

accounting, and therefore prefer to hire graduates with effective communication
skills. (21 words)

[Note that the words have been changed to express the key ideas more concisely.
In changing the words in this way, always make sure the key ideas are not lost or

What is the difference between a summary and a precis?

A summary or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material.

A precis is also a summary but it is necessary to give the precis a title and also it
should also be 1/3 of the total words in the original passage.

a summary is telling the main events while a precis is telling every detail. Précis is
an originally French noun, properly spelled with an acute accent, meaning a
concise summary. Precise is an English adjective meaning "clearly expressed, brief
and to the point." Précis is an originally French noun, properly spelled with an
acute accent, meaning a concise summary. Precise is an English adjective meaning
"clearly expressed, brief and to the point."

Summary and Precis are two terms that are used differently in relation to a thesis
or a research paper and an essay or a chapter. This is the difference between
summary and precis. An summary is a short form of a research paper in a
nutshell. On the other hand a precis is a short form of an essay or a chapter in a
book or an act in a play. This is the main difference between summary and precis.
You can write a precis of the 2nd scene of the 1st act of the play ‘Macbeth’ of
Shakespeare. You should not use the word ‘summary’ to mean precis. In other
words it is wrong to say ‘write an summary of the 2nd scene of the 1st act of the
play Macbeth’. It is right to say ‘write a precis of the 2nd scene of the 1st act of
the play Macbeth.’ This is the main difference between the two words summary
and precis.

An summary on the other hand is requested to be submitted prior to the long

research paper to be presented in a seminar or a conference. This is normally
requested by the authorities of the seminar or the conference to publish the
proceedings of the seminar well in advance in the form of a book.

At the same time the purpose of reading an summary is to get a clear idea about
the subject matter of the research paper and the angle in which the study is made
in the paper. An summary is said to reflect the mind of the author of the research
paper. A precis on the other hand is said to reflect the events of the particular act
of a play in a nutshell. This is the difference between an summary and a precis.

When u write down the word Summary on a MS word and right click the mouse,
u'll find the various meaning of Summary. One such meaning is "Precis". The two
words are very close to each other. It something like two sides of a coin. They are

But when it comes to using this word, u have to be very clear when and where to
use this word.

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