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Scientific Writ 2

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The requirements for writing a report, essay and literature review have been provided in the First
Year Skills booklet and you should be fairly proficient in these styles by now. In Intermediate
courses you will need to further develop your mastery of these styles and take time to develop an
appropriate scientific style of communication. Brief notes on writing a practical report, an essay
and a literature review are given in later sections of this manual. The following section on
Scientific Writing is more related to the effective use of English and gives details on general
scientific writing style, scientific conventions and grammar.
Using the English language to successfully communicate scientific findings does not come easily
to most people. Choosing the correct words and using correct grammar are skills now rarely
taught in schools, so many University students are at some disadvantage. The following notes are
designed to encourage you to think more carefully about how effectively you write and to give
you an introduction to the format and conventions required for different types of written
scientific works. There are a number of questions, written in italics, throughout the text. You
should answer these as you work through the notes. Answers to certain questions are available at
the Generic Skills Website.

Good research is meaningless unless you can communicate your findings in a clear and
interesting fashion. The days in which scientific papers were works of great literature is past but
we can still strive to make our writing informative and worth reading. Woods (1989) writes ‘The
purpose of any writing other than lecture notes or pieces that start with “Dear Diary” is to
influence your reader. If you are writing great fiction you may move your reader to tears. This can
also happen with scientific writing, but generally you do not want to make your reader weep.’
(We hope this does not happen when we mark your essays!)
The importance of good writing cannot be over-emphasised. In many cases the written word is
the only means by which scientists communicate and it is the main way in which students
communicate with and are assessed by their teachers. The table below provides a few published
thoughts by University lecturers:
‘...for a student to succeed in a science course, and to become an adequate scientific practitioner,
[they] must have better expression skills than are necessary for almost any other course or
vocation. Vagueness, ambiguity and inability to express clearly and succinctly are intolerable in a
scientist.’ (Towns, 1990)


‘Keeping up with the literature’ is a common obsession of successful scientists. That ominous
phrase ‘the literature’ generally refers to the published journal and review papers on a particular
2.1 Journal papers and practical reports
A journal paper reports the results of original research. As an undergraduate you will be required
to write reports on laboratory and fieldwork; these correspond in purpose and style to journal
papers. You have received instruction on how to write a laboratory report in First Year and there
are further instructions on report writing later in this manual. See also pages 63 - 68 of Lindsay
2.2 Literature reviews and essays
A review paper presents the previously published facts and theories in a particular field but is
more than a mere catalogue of previous literature. A good review is a critical summary or
synthesis of the current knowledge in that field. It should highlight areas in which further
research should be carried out and should stimulate readers to carry out this research. It should
point out any deficiencies or inaccuracies in previous research. The author of a review is free to
use his own interpretation and opinion, e.g. ‘I believe Brown (1980) is mistaken because ...’. Such
interpretations must be supported by sound reasoning (note the word ‘because’) and normally
result from years of experience in the field.
As an undergraduate you will write essays or literature reviews, which correspond to review
papers. You do not have the experience of the average review author but it should still be
possible to inject some originality into your review, rather than just presenting a catalogue of
facts. You can reassess the conclusions of the original authors in the light of more recent
knowledge and compare and contrast the results and conclusions of different authors.

3.1 Save trees! (and eschew terminological obfuscation!)
‘Use words with precision and economy to construct sentences that are exact, clear and as simple
as the subject permits.’ CBE Style Manual.
Many students have a tendency to write in a flowery fashion and use many more words than are
really necessary in order to tell their reader what they want to say. The previous sentence, for
example, could be written: Many students use flowery language and more words than necessary
to say what they want. There are no extra marks for writing long- winded, convoluted sentences,
or using seven-syllable words. In scientific writing only your ability to communicate clearly is on
trial. Compare the following lists of wordy and concise statements:
... if conditions are such that ... in order t o ... there can be little doubt that this is ... plants
exhibited good growth ... bright green in colour ... by means of ... created the possibility ... due to
the fact that ... fewer in number ... for the reason that ... in all cases ... in view of the fact that ... it
is often the case that ... it is possible that the cause is ... it would appear that
... if
... to
... this probably is ... plants grew well ... bright green
... by/with
... made possible
... because
... fewer
... because, since

The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines a sentence as ‘a series of words in connected
speech or writing, forming the grammatically complete expression of a single thought.’ A
sentence must contain a subject and a verb that directly relates to the subject. More formally this
definition is expressed as a subject and a predicate, where predicate refers to what is said about
the subject.
Subordinate clauses - or how to write a non-sentence
A common error is to mistake a subordinate clause (containing a verb) for a complete sentence. A
subordinate clause (preceded by words such as that, which, who, if, although) provides extra
information about the main clause and cannot exist on its own as a complete sentence. (See the
glossary for further information on clauses.)
e.g. The birds that migrate to southern Europe, where the climate is milder. is not a sentence. It
does contain verbs but neither of them directly relates to the subject of the sentence - The birds.
Compare the true sentence The birds migrate to southern Europe, where the climate is milder. in
which the verb migrate directly relates to the subject.

“But I know how to use punctuation!” I hear you cry. To use that immortal line from the movie
Betrayal, I would reply: “Are you sure?” Here are a few brief and very introductory pointers on
correct punctuation. Refer to any of the suggested references on usage [in particular pages 152 -
175 of Gowers (1986) or pages 587 - 592 of Fowler (1965)] for more detail. Used wisely,
punctuation makes your prose readable. However, do not fall into the trap of using punctuation
as an excuse for poorly structured sentences.
Stops are used to break up your prose. In order of increasing strength they are the comma,
semicolon, colon and full stop.
Comma ( , )
‘The correct use of the comma - if there is such a thing as “correct” use - can only be acquired by
common sense, observation and taste.’ (Gowers, 1986). This immediately poses a problem for the
average undergraduate student, who may not possess any of these qualities. A good rule is to use
a comma only if your meaning would be unclear without one. Another useful technique is to read
your work aloud and use a comma where you pause for breath. If any sentence you write
contains more than four commas, reword it or break it up into smaller sentences.
A common error is to use a comma where a firmer stop (fullstop, colon or semicolon) is required,
thus running several sentences together so they read as nonsense.
e.g. The words significant difference refer to the results of statistical tests, you should therefore
use them discriminately. Incorrect! Use a conjunction (and or so, deleting therefore) or separate
the two parts by a semicolon or fullstop.
If you use commas to insert parenthetical phrases, be careful to correctly place both commas.
e.g. It is useful when recording references, to write each one on a record card. Incorrect! (Place a
comma after useful or omit all commas.)
Intermediate Skills Manual 2001 12 Biological Sciences

A paragraph is essentially a unit of thought, not of length (Fowler, 1965). Each paragraph should
be homogeneous in content and should treat the content in logical and sequential order. There is
no general rule about the length of a paragraph and it should be a matter of common sense (that
terrible phrase again!). Avoid writing lots of very short paragraphs or excessively long paragraphs.
Sensible paragraphing gives your reader a rest and indicates that you are going on to the next
A paragraph should be able to stand alone and be understandable independent of the preceding
paragraph so do not start a paragraph with Its ..., These ..., They ... or any other pronoun that is
defined in the preceding paragraph.
A good way to check that your prose flows logically is to summarise the point of each paragraph
with a single sentence or phrase. Check whether the flow is logical, with ideas moving easily from
one to another, as you read through the summary. If you follow the principle that a paragraph is
homogeneous in content, it should be easy to summarise the guts of it in a phrase or sentence.
student references Pocket guides to English

Show whether, or to what extent, you have succeeded in addressing the need stated in the
Introduction. At the same time, do not focus on yourself (for example, by restating everything
you did). Rather, show what your findings mean to readers. Make the Conclusion interesting and
memorable for them.

1. Hardie, R. G. (1990) Collins Gem English grammar. (Eds P. Hanks and A. Grandison) (Collins:
2. Weiner, E. S. C. (1983) The Oxford miniguide to English usage. (Oxford University Press: Oxford)
(Fisher 423/99)
General writing style and word usage
1. Australian Government Publishing Service (1995) Style manual for authors, editors
and printers. 5th edition. (AGPS Press: Canberra) (Badham reference; Fisher 808.041 101 F)
2. Fowler, H. W. (1965) A dictionary of modern English usage. Second edition.

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