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Agricultural Sciences Mushroom Cultivation (AGA - 453) B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Sc. Integrated MBA

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(AGA -453)
B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Sc. Integrated MBA

Chandigarh University

Gharuan (Mohali)
Aim of the Practical: Post-composting cultivation techniques- Agaricus bisporus

A. Filling:
The compost is filled in wooden trays or shelves or in polythene bags at different rates. The
hard-compressed bags / beds attain more compost as compared to slightly compressed bags. The
dry weight of substrate per square foot of cropping surface largely determines total yield. During
summer the compost is slightly pressed while filling so that due to the metabolism of the
growing mycelium, bed temperature may not rise as enough of heat is generated during that
period. Similarly it is hard-pressed during winter season. Nutrients from the farthest point of the
compost bed are transported to the growing mushroom mycelium. Filling of the trays / bags 6-8
inches deep with compost, stacking them closely, with their upper end covered with polythene or
newspaper in a closed room, has been found to provide conditions for efficient spawn run and
the heat generated can be managed easily. Moreover, it will add to the ideal temperature ( 25±1º
C ) required for rapid colonization of the compost with mycelium.

B .Spawn run:
i) Spawning: Mixing the mushroom seed or spawn in the compost is called as spawning. There
are different methods of spawning which are as follows:
1. Surface spawning: Grain spawn is scattered all over the surface of the compost
in trays or racks which is then covered with 2 cm thin layer of compost.
2. Double layer spawning: Usually done under unfavourable environmental
conditions at low temperature. The trays are half filled with compost, spawn is
scattered over it, then trays are filled completely with compost and again
spawned in the same manner. Finally a thin layer of compost is spread on the
spawn covering it completely.
3. Thorough spawning: The desired quantity of spawn is mixed thoroughly in the
required quantity of compost which is then filled in racks, trays or bags. This
type of spawning is done mainly in bag cultivation.
4. Spot spawning: Trays are fillaed with compost. Spawning is done in 1-2 inches
deep hole made in the compost about 4-5 inches apart in rows. A tea spoonful
spawn is filled in the holes which are later covered with compost. After spawning,
trays or racks are covered with old newspaper sheets and watered lightly with the
help of water sprayer. In Polythene bag cultivation, its mouth is tied with the help
of thread.
5. Active spawning: Here in place of grain spawn, fresh compost after complete
colonization by mushroom mycelium is used as spawn. In this method spawn run
is very quick but care should be taken to avoid use of contaminated compost.

ii) Spawn run:

The temperature of the mushroom house, where trays or bags are kept for incubation should be
maintained between 22-25°C. The humidity should remain at 80-85% RH level. This can be
maintained by frequently spraying water on walls and floor of the mushroom house. During
spawn run, fresh air is not required; hence room should be kept closed to create darkness. Higher
CO2 concentration than the normal level in the air favours mycelial growth of the mushroom.
Under favourable environmental conditions within 14-15 days of spawning, the compost surface
is covered with the cottony growth of the white mycelium. This condition is called spawn run. If
temperature is lower than optimum level, it prolongs the spawn run period even up to 22 days
while higher temperature retards mycelial growth.
iii) Supplementation at spawning:
In order to get additional increase in yield, some selected nutrients are added in the compost at
the time of spawning. They are designed to become available to the mushroom mycelium during
the early flushes. These supplements are specially formulated nutrients encapsulated in a
denatured protein coat. The application rate is 5-7 % of the dry weight of the substrate. One has
to be careful as these materials enrich the substrate, making it more suitable to contaminants, if
factors predisposing to their growth are present. These types of supplements may cause 5-10 per
cent increase in yield.

C. Casing:
Covering the top of mushroom beds after completion of spawn run with a layer of appropriate
soil mixture is known as casing. Mushroom growers in different countries use different types
of casing materials depending upon their availability. Different materials used in India as
casing mixture are:
1) Loam soil + Sand ( 4:1)
2) Two year old farm yard manure + loam soil (1:1)
3) Two year old spent compost + sand + lime (4:1:1)
4) Two year old spent compost + loam soil + FYM (2:1:1)
5) Paper mulch + 2 year old spent compost
6) Two- three year old spent compost + FYM (1:1)
Why Casing is necessary?
Casing of mushroom beds or spawn run compost is necessary because:
 Casing soil is a nutrient deficient medium, which helps in converting the
vegetative phase into fruiting.
 Fruit bodies are formed in abundance and thus production is economical.
 It helps in conserving the environment in mushroom beds
Characteristics of a good casing:
 Good water holding capacity and more pore space percentage.
 Free from harmful microorganisms.
 pH should be slightly alkaline.
 Should be properly decomposed.
 Free from heavy metals and ions.
Treatment of casing soil:
For killing various pests and disease propagules present in casing mixture, it is treated with
chemicals or pasteurized with steam.
1. Chemical treatment of casing mixture: Casing can be disinfected using formaldehyde
solution, prepared by mixing 2 litres of formalin (40 % a.i.) in 40 litres of water to obtain
2% solution. Casing mixture, made up into a rectangular pile, is drenched thoroughly
with this solution and then covered with a polythene sheet or tarpaulin sheet. The
treatment should be given at least 2 week before casing is to be done. In other words,
casing should be prepared and treated immediately after compost has been spawned. It
should be ensured that casing mixture should not have traces of formalin when applied
on the beds.
2. Pasteurization of casing mixture: In farms where facilities for pasteurization of
compost with steam are available, casing can also be pasteurized. For pasteurization,
casing soil is filled in trays and which are than stacked in the pasteurization room. Steam
is introduced to bring the temperature of casing mixture to 65-70°C and which is
maintained for 6-8 hours. All the harmful microorganisms, including mushroom
nematodes are killed at this temperature. Useful bacteria like Pseudomonas which play a
positive role in introduction of fruit bodies are not killed and survive at this temperature
for 7-8 hours. Casing soil pasteurized in this manner gives best result.
Application of casing soil and mycelial colonization:
Application of Casing: When spawn run is completed, the casing is done over spawn run
compost after removing newspaper sheet from the trays on racks or after opening mouth of the
poly bags. Spawn run compost is slightly pressed and covered on the surface with 4-5cm thick
layer of casing soil. After casing, the temperature of the mushroom house is maintained at 24-
25°C for another 8- 10 days and water is sprayed over casing soil. Within 8-10 days, white
mycelium spreads over the casing soil. Thereafter temperature of the mushroom house is
lowered down to 18°C and maintained between 14-18°C during rest of the fruiting period.
Whenever required, watering is done with the help of sprayer and RH is maintained at 80-85%
throughout the cropping period.

D). Crop Management:

 The casing medium harbours some beneficial bacteria and activated charcoal like
material which help in initiation of fruiting bodies on the casing surface. Casing mixture
also helps in conserving moisture in the beds and gives support to the fruiting bodies.
 As soon as the white cottony growth of the mycelium appears on the casing surface,
fresh air should be introduced inside the cropping room and bed temperature lowered to
16-18°C which is to be maintained throughout the cropping period. The CO 2 level is
also lowered to below 1000 ppm. Under such conditions, the initiation of fruiting bodies
i.e. pinning takes place within 6-7 days of aeration which reaches to the harvesting stage
within next 4-5 days. The individual fruit bodies are harvested carefully without
disturbing the adjoining pinnings and before the cap opens. The cropping period lasts
for 40-60 days. Mushrooms appear in flushes provided optimum conditions like bed
temperature ( 16-18º C) , relative humidity (80-90 %) by spraying water with misty
nozzle, about 4-5 air changes every hour resulting into less than 1000 ppm in the
cropping room with no light at all, are maintained.
 The environmental factors like temperature, relative humidity, light, air flow in
the cropping room etc; all play vital roles which together determine the nature of
further mushroom development. The mushroom crop grows in cycle called
―Flushes or Breaks.

E). Harvesting:
 Timing is the most important factor in button mushroom harvesting. Mushrooms should
be picked before the veil breaks and the stem elongates. Damage to pinheads and
disturbance of the casing soil must be minimized during picking. The standard
harvesting technique consists of grasping the base of the stem, pull it with a twisting
motion being careful not to disturb adjacent pinheads. The stem base, with mycelia and
casing particles adhered to it, is trimmed with the help of a short bladed knife. All
trimmings should be kept in a plastic bag and removed from the cropping area.
Mushrooms growing in clusters should be broken apart and harvested individually.
Immature mushrooms should be left attached to the casing for further development.

F). Yield: The cropping stage lasts for 40-60 days and production comes to 12-25 Kg/ 100 Kg
compost depending upon the quality of spawn, compost, casing mixture and prevailing
environmental conditions in the mushroom house.

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