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Loss Minimization Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

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5, OCTOBER 1994 511

Loss Minimization Control of Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives
Shigeo Morimoto, Member, IEEE, Yi Tong, Yoji Takeda, Member, IEEE, and Taka0 Hirasa, Member, IEEE

Abstract-This paper aims to improve efficiency in permanent is controlled in order to produce the maximum torque per
magnet synchronous (PM) motor drives. The controllableelectri- armature current ampere [4]. The iron loss can be reduced
cal loss which consists of the copper loss and the iron loss can by the flux-weakening control [5]-[8], in which the d-axis
be minimized by the optimal control of the armature current
vector. The control algorithm of current vector minimizing the current is controlled in order to reduce the air gap flux by
electrical loss is proposed and the optimal current vector can be the demagnetizing effects due to the d-axis armature reaction,
decided according to the operating speed and the load conditions. because the iron loss is roughly proportional to flux density
The proposed control algorithm is applied to the experimental squared. In this paper, the optimal control method of armature
PM motor drive system, in which one digital signal processor current vector is proposed in order to minimize the controllable
is employed to execute the control algorithms, and several drive
tests are carried out. The operating characteristics controlled by losses. The reluctance torque and the d-axis armature reaction
the loss minimizationcontrol algorithm are examined in detail by are effectively utilized to minimize the losses in the proposed
computer simulations and experimental results. control algorithm. In order to simplify the control algorithm, an
approximated control algorithm is also proposed. The proposed
I. INTRODUCTION control algorithm is applied to the experimental PM motor
drive system, in which one digital signal processor is employed
P ERMANENT magnet synchronous (PM) motors fed by
inverters are widely used in industrial applications. The
PM motors have some advantages such as high efficiency, high
to execute the control algorithms, and several drive tests are
carried out. The steady state and the transient characteristics
are examined in detail by the computer simulations and
power factor, high power density and so on compared with
experimental results.
the dc motors and the induction motors. In the applications of
continuous long time operation such as electric vehicles and
compressor drives, the efficiency is one of the most important 11. BASIC EQUATIONS
performance. Therefore, the PM motor is suitable for such Fig. 1 shows the d- and q-axis equivalent circuits in the
applications. The operating efficiency depends on the control d-q coordinate which rotate synchronously with an electrical
strategies and the losses can be minimized by the optimal angular velocity w . The equivalent circuits include the effects
control strategy [l], [2]. of the copper loss and the iron loss. Ra represents the armature
As far as we know, the i d = 0 control method, in which the copper loss. The iron loss consists of hysteresis loss and eddy
armature current vector is in phase with the back-EMF due current loss, but here they are added into a single quantity
to permanent magnets and the d-axis component of armature and the iron loss is represented by the iron loss resistance R,
current i d does not exist, is applied in general in order to avoid [2], [9]. The harmonics in the back EMF also generate the
irreversible demagnetization of permanent magnets. The recent iron loss. The iron loss due to the harmonics, however, is not
development of the permanent magnets, however, has brought controllable by the current vector control, therefore the effects
materials with high coercivity and high residual magnetism. of the harmonics is not considered in this paper.
Therefore, several control methods have been proposed to From Fig. 1, the voltage equations of PM motor in the
improve the performance of the PM motor drives [3]-[8]. steady-state are expressed as
In such control methods, the d-axis component of armature
current is actively controlled according to the operating speed
and load conditions.
The motor losses consists of mechanical loss, copper loss
and iron loss. The mechanical loss is speed dependent and
not controllable. The controllable losses are copper loss and
iron loss. The copper loss can be minimized by the maximum
torque-per-amp control, in which the armature current vector (3)
Manuscript received May 18, 1992; revised December 18, 1993 and March
16, 1994. (4)
S. Morimoto, Y. Takeda, and T. Hirasa are with the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Systems, College of Engineering, University of
i d , iq d- and q-axis components of armature current,
Osaka Prefecture, Sakai 593, Japan . .
Y. Tong is now with Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. Z,d, aCq d- and q-axis components of iron loss current,
IEEE Log Number 9403906. w d , wq d- and q-axis components of terminal voltage,

02784046/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE


the output power P and the efficiency 7 are expressed as

W E = WCu + WFe (11)

W L= W E W M + (12)
P = Tw, (13)
7=- x 100.

The mechanical loss WMis not controllable, but the electri-
cal loss WEis controllable by means of current vector control.
If the electrical loss can be made minimum by the optimal
current vector control, the efficiency becomes maximum. From
(8), (9) and ( l l ) , WE is a function of i o d , io, and w.
The variable of io, in these equations can be canceled by
I I substituting (7) into (8) and (9), and as a result WE can be
(b) expressed as a function of io&T and w. In the steady state
Fig. 1. D- and q-axis equivalent circuits of PM motor. (a) d-axis equivalent
operations where the speed and the torque are constant, the
circuit. (b) q-axis equivalent circuit. electrical loss WE is a function of zod. Fig. 2 shows the WE
and io, as a function of i o d at the rated speed ( N , = 2000 rpm)
and the rated torque (T = 1.67 Nm), where N , represents
R, armature winding resistance per-phase, the rotor velocity (r/min). The machine parameters used for
R, iron loss resistance, simulations are listed in Table I. From Fig. 2, it can be seen
+a = that the optimal value of i o d exists for minimizing the electrical
'$'e flux linkage of permanent magnet per-phase (rms), loss. The condition of minimizing electrical loss can be derived
p salient coefficient (=Lq/Ld) , by differentiating WEgiven as a function of zed, T and w with
Ld, L, d- and q-axis components of armature respect to z0d and equating the derivatives to zero. As a result,
self-inductance. the loss minimization condition is given by
The armature current I,, the terminal voltage Va and the
torque T are expressed as AB = T2C (15)
A = P:{RaR:iod W 2 L d ( R a f Rc)(Ldiod '$'a)}

B = {'$'a ( 1 - p ) L d z ~ d } ~
C = {RaR: + ( R a +Rc)(WPLd)2}(1 -p)Ld.
When the speed w and the torque T are given, the optimal
where Pn is a number of pole pairs, 1, = &Ie, I, is a rms current zod can be derived from (15). If the PM motor has not
value of armature current per phase, and Va is equal to a rms saliency ( p = 1; Ld = L,), the optimal current i o d is given by
value of line-to-line voltage. The first term in (7) represents the (16) from the condition of A = 0.
magnetic torque and the second term is the reluctance torque.
From Fig. 1, (3) and (4), the copper loss WC,, the iron loss Zod = +
W 2 L d ( R a RC)$,
W Fand~ the mechanical loss W , are expressed as +
RaR," w 2 L $ ( R a + R c ) '
In this case, the optimal current i o d is independent of torque.
Wc, = R,(i: + 2):
The current io, is decided by substituting the derived
= Ra{ (iod - WPLdioq optimal current i o d and the desired torque T into (7). The
Rc d- and q-axis components of armature current ( i d , i q ) , which
are the actual controllable variables, are decided based on (3)
+( + io,
U('$', +Ldiod) (8)
and (4) after i o d and io, are decided.
WFe = R c ( i 2 d + Zzq) IV. SIMULATION
w2(pLdioq)2 U'('$', + Ldiod)'
The specifications and machine parameters of the prototype
RC + interior permanent magnet synchronous (IPM) motor are listed
RC (9)
WM= Tmecw, (10) in Table I. This machine is used in simulations and experi-
ments. The value of Rc in Table I is measured as follows.
where, Tmec is a friction and w r ( = w / P , ) is a mechanical The iron loss is given by subtracting the mechanical loss
angular velocity. The electrical loss WE, the total loss W L , Wmecgiven by (10) and the copper loss WC,given by (8) from

. N,=?OOOrpm, T=l.67Nm

Fig. 2. rated


Rated speed (dmin) 2000

Rated current (Mrms) 5.0
Rated torque (Nm) 1.67
Poles 4
R, ( Q ) 0.57
R, ( a ) 240
Ld (mH) 8.72
L, (mH) 22.78
* a (Wb) 0.1077
T,,, (Nm) 0.0588
Speed w, [%I
the output power P at the rated operation (rated speed and
Fig. 3. Operating characteristicscontrolled by loss minimization control and
rated torque). The iron loss resistance R, can be decided from id = 0 control at rated torque. (a) Currents and voltage versus speed. (b)
WF, based on (9). In this case, the measured R, represents the Efficiency and losses versus speed.
iron loss resistance at the rated operation. Although R, may
change depending on the operating condition, it is assumed Fig. 4 shows the efficiency, losses versus torque char-
to be constant in this paper. The effects of variation of R, is acteristics at the rated speed (2000 rpm). In the constant
discussed later. speed operation, the armature current and the terminal voltage
Fig. 3 shows the operating characteristics versus speed at increase as the load torque increases, as a result Wc, and W F ~
the rated torque (1.67 Nm). In the i d = 0 control, the d- increase. These losses are reduced by the proposed control
axis component of armature current id is always kept zero. method by means of the effects of reluctance torque and the
On the other hand, in the proposed loss minimization control, flux-weakening effects. The efficiency improvements due to
id is suitably controlled according to the loss minimization the loss minimization control are remarkable at heavy load.
algorithm given by (15) and increases towards negative di- In the practical operation, the current and voltage constraints
rection as the speed increases. The negative d-axis current have to be considered. Fig. 5 shows the operating characteris-
produces a positive reluctance torque because the IPM motor tics of the loss minimization control, where the current vector
has a saliency ( p > 1;Ld < Lq), and as a result the armature is controlled in order to produce the maximum output power
current I, and the copper loss Wc, are smaller compared with under the current and voltage constraints ( l a l I l i m Va'Viim).
the i d = 0 control. Furthermore, the negative d-axis current Where, the limited current I l i m is an armature current rating
reduces the flux-linkage because of the flux-weakening effects and the limited voltage Vim is a maximum available output
due to the demagnetizing d-axis armature reaction, and as voltage of the inverter. From Fig. 5, it can be seen that the wide
a result the voltage V, and the iron loss WF, are smaller speed operation is achieved by the proposed control method
compared with the id = 0 control. As the iron loss W,, and the efficiency is maintained highly over a wide speed range
increases considerably as the speed increases in the constant under these constraints.
torque operation, the effects of reduction of WF, by the loss From the above simulations, it is clarified that the pro-
minimization control are remarkable at high speed region. posed loss minimization control method greatly improves the

v q Lr

80 - --_ - _- - _ _ - 400
-_ 0
wr=10O% -
e 60-
. Loss minimization control
: id = 0 control
- 300
.? 40 - 200 *s

20- 100

Parameter variation coefficient K

Torque T [%I
Fig. 6. Influence of parameter variations on efficiency.
Fig. 4. Operating characteristics controlled by loss minimization control and
id = 0 control at rated speed.

-. . Strict

- -a
- - - - - - : Approximate

1 v,sv1,,=97. O [ V I a,

va i 100 5 C

/L!LjIOO -
2 -4
-50 :. lJY

id a,
k -2
- - = € - P

10 0
0 100 200 300 0
Speed U , [%I
q-axis current i, [AI
Fig. 7. Efficiency, d- and q-axis currents controlled by strict and approxi-
100 I I I ,I. 0 5
mated loss minimization algorithm.

- 0.
be obtained for the surface PM (SPM) motor, but the effects
of efficiency improvements may be less than that for the IPM
motor because the reluctance torque is not available in the
SPM motor.
The loss minimization control algorithm uses several ma-
chine parameters. The machine parameters may vary depend-
v,sv,,.=97. orv1 - e, ing on the operating conditions. The armature resistance Ra
2 % varies depending on the temperature. The inductances vary
+ due to magnetic saturation, especially, the q-axis inductance
c, Lq in IPM motor varies depending on the armature current
I 1 0 a
O4 100 200 300 0 ampere because of the q-axis armature reaction. Moreover, the
Speed w, [%I iron loss resistance Rc may vary depending on the operating
speed because the iron loss consists of hysteresis loss and
(b) eddy current loss. Fig. 6 shows the influence of the parameter
Fig. 5. Operating characteristics controlled by loss minimization control variations on efficiency at the rated speed and the rated torque,
under current and voltage constraints. (a) Currents and voltage versus speed.
(b) Efficiency, output power, and total loss versus speed. where6 represents the parameter variation coefficient defined
efficiency characteristics of PM motor compared with the
conventional id = 0 control method. These simulations are
for the IPM motor. The similar efficiency improvements can


c---- SPEED CONTROL -L I -U I T-E -R - - - r - - - CURRENT CONTROL - - - - - - I

* I OR I V E S
of PI V d ,

v q

; wr
I -
I I -
* I
i u DCCT
I (18) I


I I IO24ppr

Fig. 8. Block diagram of DSP-based speed control system with loss minimization control.

suffix ‘‘n”represents the nominal values listed in Table I, and change depending on the speed, therefore they have to be
Aq represents the difference between the efficiency controlled given as a function of speed.
by using the actual parameters qopt and the efficiency con-
trolled by using the nominal parameters q,(Aq = qopt - 7,). VI. DSP-BASEDCONTROL SYSTEM
The efficiency varies depending on the machine parameters.
For example, qn decreases as R, decreases as shown by the
solid line in Fig. 6. But, the difference of efficiency Aq is very A block diagram of the speed control system including the
small even if the parameters such as R,, R, and L, vary. approximated loss minimization control algorithm is shown
Therefore, it can be seen that the loss minimization control in Fig. 8. The q-axis current command it(* represents com-
system is robust with respect to the parameter variations. manded value) is calculated by a proportional-integral (PI)
compensator from the difference between the commanded
angular velocity w: and the detected angular velocity w,. The
d-axis current command i: is decided based on (18). Where,
The optimal current i o d of loss minimization control is given the parameters in (18) ( K OK1 , and K2) are preliminarily
by (15). For the non-salient pole PM motor ( p = l), i o d can calculated by the simulations based on the knowledge of the
be easily calculated based on (16) according to the operating motor parameters and stored in the memory as a look-up
speed, but the optimal current zod has to be derived by the table. The proper values of K O K1 , and K2 are selected from
repeating calculation of (1.5) in the salient pole PM motor this look-up table according to the speed. The d- and q-axis
( p # 1). This process is not suitable for real time control. voltage commands w: and wt are produced by the current
Here, the approximated control algorithm is proposed. controller which consists of PI compensators and transformed
The solid lines in Fig. 7 shows the relationships between to the three phase voltage commands w:, w: and :w through
d- and q-axis currents in the loss minimization control, which the vector rotator. In the laboratory drive system, one digital
are calculated based on (3), (4), (7) and (15). From this figure, signal processor (Th4S320C25) is employed to execute the
it can be seen that the relationships between i d and z, can be foregoing control algorithms. The sampling time of the DSP-
modeled by based control system is 100 psec for the current control and
400 psec for the speed control, respectively.
Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b) shows the steady-state characteristics
where, X o , X 1 and K2 are the constant values if the speed of the loss minimization control and the conventional id = 0
N , is constant. control. The efficiency is greatly improved by the proposed
The relationships between i d and i, calculated based on loss minimization control at any operating conditions. The
(18) are shown by the broken lines in Fig. 7 and the efficiency efficiency at the rated speed and the rated torque is about 8%
characteristics controlled by the strict control algorithm based higher compared with the conventional control method. The
on (1.5) and the approximated control algorithm based on experimental results agree well with the simulated results in
(18) at the rated speed ( N , = 2000 rpm) are also shown in Fig. 9 (b), but some differences appears at low speed region
Fig. 7. The relationships between id and i, are approximated in Fig. 9 (a). It may be caused by the variation of the iron loss
reasonably by (18) and there is little difference between the resistance R, due to the operating speed as examined in IV.
efficiency controlled by the strict algorithm and the approx- Fig. 10 shows the transient responses of the loss minimiza-
imated algorithm. The parameters in (18) ( K OK1 , and K2) tion control system. It can be seen that the proposed loss


.O.O: id = 0 control
500 ,.>

< :


j ; ; j ;
. i : . . . . . ..
. : ;
400 ........... ........ ................. . .
Q i i
...,:..... . j
. ..
o - : j .......1........:........i. ...................................
. .. .. ..
~ ~ ~

. . . . . . .. ... ....
. .
* .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .
- 0- - -(r -- 300 ...............................................................

. .
. . .
: Simulated
.r( 0.B: Measured

I .....................................................................
. . . . . . . . .
-U Time t (200mseddiv)
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

. . . . :U, j : . .. ..
. . . .. .. .
: : .
. .
.. .. .. ... ... ..
.......-.................................................................... ..
.. ... ... . .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . .
... .. .. .. . . .. .. ... ... ....
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
................................................................................. .
. . . . . . . . . .
.. .:. :.. :.. , .. . .. ... ... .... .... . ....
................................. Iq .............. :................
. ..:.......:.
,O,O : id = 0 control .... .... .... .... .... . . . .. ..
-.w 90 - 400

e 80- .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
A - . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .
Time t (500mseddiv)
Fig. 10. Transient responses of loss minimization control system. (a) Step
2 60- responses of speed from zero to 2000 rpm. (b) Responses to step load

the motor electrical losses and greatly improves the efficiency

Torque T [%I compared with the conventional control method. The ability
of proposed control method is clarified by the several exper-
imental results with respect to the prototype IPM motor. The
Fig. 9. Experimental and simulated characteristics controlled by loss mini-
mization control and id = 0 control. (a) Constant torque operation (T= 1.67 proposed control system also has a good dynamic responses.
Nm). (b) Constant speed operation ( N , = 2000 rpm).

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VII. CONCLUSION S. Morimoto, Y. Takeda, and T. Hirasa, “Current phase control meth-
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The controllable electrical loss which consists of the copper Electron., vol. 5, pp. 133-139, Apr. 1990.
loss and the iron loss in the PM motor drives can be minimized T. M. Jahns, G. B. Kiln, and T. W. Neuron, “Interior permanent-magnet
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by the optimal control of the armature current vector. The loss vol. IA-22, pp. 738-747, JUly/AUg. 1986.
minimization control algorithm, in which the current vector B. Sneyers, D. W. Novotny, and T. A. Lipo, “Field weakening in
is optimally controlled according to the operating speed and buried magnet ac motor drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-21,
pp. 398407, MadApr. 1985.
the load conditions and as a result the reluctance torque and T. M. Jahns, “Flux-weakening regime operation of an interior
the flux-weakening effect are effectively utilized, has been permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,
proposed in this paper. This control method can be applied vol. IA-23, pp. 681489, JUly/AUg. 1987.
B. K. Bose, “A high-performanceinverter-fed drive system of an interior
to the various type of PM motors, not only the salient pole permanent magnet synchronous machine,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol.
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S. Morimoto, Y. Takeda, T. Hirasa, and K. Taniguchi, “Expansion of
time processing of the control algorithm, the approximated loss operating limits for permanent magnet motor by current vector control
minimization algorithm has been proposed and implemented in considering inverter capacity,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 26, pp.
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proposed loss minimization control significantly minimizes no. 5, pp. 1069-1071, Sept. 1986.

Shigeo Morimoto (M’93) was born in Japan on Yoji Takeda (M’93) was bom in Osaka, Japan, on
June 28, 1959. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D November 10, 1943. He received the B.E., M.E.,
degrees from the University of Osaka Prefecture, and Ph.D degrees from the University of Osaka
Japan, in 1982, 1984 and 1990, respectively. Prefecture, Japan, in 1966, 1968, and 1977, respec-
He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, tively.
Tokyo, Japan, in 1984. Since 1988, he has been Since 1968, he has been with the Department
with the Department of Electrical and Electronic of Electrical and Electronic Systems at the Uni-
Systems at University of Osaka Prefecture, where versity of Osaka Prefecture, where he is presently
he is presently an Associate Professor. He has been a Professor. His main areas of research interest
engaged in the research of inverter systems and ac are permanent magnet synchronous motors, linear
drive svstems. motors. and their control svstems.
Dr. Morimoto is a member of ;he Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Dr. Takeda is a member of the Institute of E l e c ~ c a Engineers
l of Japan,
the Society of Instrumental and Control Engineers of Japan, and the Japan the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, and the Japan
Society for Power Electronics. Society for Power Electronics.

Taka0 Hirasa (M’85) was born on May 13, 1930.

He received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of Osaka Prefecture, Japan, in 1958 and
Yi Tong was born in Beijing, China, on May 1965, respectively.
21, 1963. He received the B.E. degree from the Since 1953, he has been with the Department of
College of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Union Electrical and Electronic Systems at University of
University, China, in 1985, and the M.E. and Ph.D. Osaka Prefecture, where his areas of interest are
degrees from the University of Osaka Prefecture, power system stability, motor controls, and power
Japan, in 1990 and 1993, respectively. electronics applications. Since 1976, he has been
He joined Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, a Professor. He is presently a President of the
Japan, in 1993. University of Osaka Prefecture.
Dr. Tong is a member of the Institute of Electrical Dr. Hirasa is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan,
Engineers of Japan. the Society of Instrumental and Control Engineers of Japan, and the Japan
Society for Power Electronics.

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