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Netboot 2.0: Boot Server Discovery Protocol (BSDP) : Author: Date

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NetBoot 2.

Boot Server Discovery Protocol (BSDP)
Author: Dieter Siegmund, dieter@apple.com
Date: December 8, 2003
Version: 1.0.7

1 Introduction
A NetBoot 2.0 client uses the Boot Server Discovery Protocol (BSDP) to dynamically
acquire resources that enable it to boot a suitable operating system. The client uses DHCP
to acquire its IP address and BSDP to acquire boot image resources. The protocols are
initiated by the client at boot time.

This document describes the protocol and how it interoperates with DHCP. It also
describes specifics of the packet encodings and the client and server logic.

1.1 Version History

Version Date Who Modifications
0.1 8/12/1999 Dieter Siegmund Initial version with basic protocol description.
1.0.2 10/25/1999 Dieter Siegmund Specified packet/option encoding; detailed client logic
and behavior.
1.0.2b 11/3/1999 Dieter Siegmund Revised based on review input.
1.0.3 01/18/2000 Dieter Siegmund Fixed DHCP OFFER tables.
1.0.4 02/26/2002 Dieter Siegmund Defined boot_image_id encoding.
Removed combined BSDP/DHCP server scenario.
Defined a new Boot Image List option to encode list of
images directly in the ACK[LIST].
Marked Boot Image List Path option as unused.
Detailed non-firmware BSDP client details.
Added firmware identification section.
Bumped the BSDP version to 0x0101.
1.0.5 04/29/2002 Dieter Siegmund Added image type attributes.
Added NetBoot 1.0 Firmware option.
Clarified that the entire (32-bit) boot_image_id should
be tested for uniqueness, not just the 16-bit index.
1.0.6 11/17/2003 Dieter Siegmund Added definitions in support of diagnostics boot.
1.0.7 12/08/2003 Dieter Siegmund Modified protocol description in support of Image List
filtering to make the client logic more compatible with
existing NetBoot servers, and simplify server logic.

2 NetBoot 2.0 vs. NetBoot 1.0

NetBoot 2.0 has several new features and improvements over the previous version of
1. The client gets its IP address using DHCP
2. Multiple boot servers can serve the same subnet (or subnets)
3. A single boot server can serve multiple operating system images e.g. Mac OS 9, Mac
OS 9 French, Mac OS 9 Japanese, Mac OS X

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3 BSDP Overview
BSDP is implemented on top of DHCP. DHCP allows vendor-specific information to be
identified and encapsulated in a standard way. BSDP uses vendor-specific information to
provide the additional NetBoot functionality not present in standard DHCP. The use of
DHCP packets also enables a client to boot from a server on a remote subnet through the
standard BOOTP/DHCP relay agent mechanism (RFC 951 and 1542).

The protocol is implemented in client firmware. At boot time, the client obtains an IP
address via DHCP (RFC 2131) then discovers boot servers using BSDP. Each BSDP
server responds with boot information consisting of:
1. A list of bootable operating system images
2. The default operating system image
3. The client’s currently selected operating system image (if defined)

The client chooses an operating system from the list and sends a message to the server
indicating its selection. The selected boot server responds supplying the boot file and
boot image, and any other information needed to download and execute the selected
operating system. The client receives the message then downloads the boot image using
TFTP and begins executing it.

Once a client has configured a boot image with a particular BSDP server, that server
responds to the client’s subsequent DISCOVER requests supplying boot image
information in the OFFER. This means that the client can skip BSDP on subsequent

3.1 Protocol Details

BSDP uses a two-packet exchange mechanism modeled after DHCP. The first packet
sent by the client generates a response from a BSDP server. The response contains a list
of possible boot images that the client may load. The second packet sent by the client
selects a particular server and boot image. The successful response from the selected
server confirms the selection.

BSDP uses DHCP INFORM and ACK packets for the communication between the client
and server. The Vendor Class Identifier option is set to a value that identifies it as a
BSDP packet. The Vendor Specific Information option includes a BSDP Message Type
option that specifies one of LIST, SELECT, or FAILED.

The next section gives an overview of the packet exchanges used by a client during its
first boot. Subsequent sections describe the packet exchanges used during subsequent

Notational note: In the sections that follow, a DHCP packet that contains a BSDP
Message Type option is written as “DHCP message[BSDP message]”. For example, a
DHCP INFORM packet with the BSDP Message Type option set to LIST is written as

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Figure 1: Initial Boot Sequence

Step 1. Client
DHCP Step 2.

Step 3. Client
ACK Server

Step 5. Client


Step 7. Client
Step 8.

Step 9. Client
file (from Step 10.
TFTP Data block 0

Step 11. Client

Block 0 BSDP
Step 12.

TFTP Data block 1

[ etc. ]
3.2 Initial Boot Sequence
The boot sequence for a client that’s booting for the first time (see Figure 1) is:
Step 1. Client sends DISCOVER
The client broadcasts a DISCOVER packet to generate an offer of an IP address from
DHCP servers.

Step 2. DHCP Server sends OFFER

DHCP server responds with an OFFER packet containing the suggested IP address in the
yiaddr field (see RFC 2131). The server supplies a Server Identifier option that is used in
the next step to identify this particular server.

Step 3. Client sends REQUEST

The client selects an OFFER from the previous step and broadcasts a REQUEST message
containing the Server Identifier option from the selected server.

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Step 4. DHCP Server sends ACK
The selected DHCP server sends an ACK packet to the client to confirm the IP address
binding. Note: Client firmware must save this ACK in a location accessible by the
loaded operating system.

Step 5. Client sends INFORM[LIST]

The client broadcasts an INFORM[LIST] packet to generate a reply from BSDP servers.

Step 6. BSDP server sends ACK[LIST]

A BSDP Server responds with an ACK[LIST] packet containing the BSDP Boot Image
List Path option, the BSDP Default Boot Image option, and the BSDP Server Identifier

Step 7. Client sends INFORM[SELECT]

The client selects an ACK[LIST] from the previous step1, and broadcasts an
INFORM[SELECT] packet containing the BSDP Server Identifier option for the selected
server and the BSDP Selected Boot Image option to indicate which OS it has selected

Step 8. BSDP server sends ACK[SELECT]

The BSDP server receives the INFORM[SELECT] and replies with an ACK[SELECT]
that contains a path to the boot file to be downloaded using TFTP plus other options
required to boot the selected boot image. Note: Client firmware must save this
ACK[SELECT] in a location accessible by the loaded operating system.

Steps 9 and onward: Client TFTP’s boot file from BSDP server
The client sends a TFTP Read request to the BSDP server specifying the path file, the
server responds with Data block 0, the client replies with an ack, the server sends the next
data block, and so on until the entire image is downloaded. The client begins executing
the image.

3.3 Subsequent Boot Sequence

On subsequent boots, several steps in the boot process can be skipped because the client
has a boot image binding with a particular BSDP server. The BSDP server responds to
the client’s initial DHCP DISCOVER with an OFFER that contains all of the options
required to load and boot the client’s currently selected boot image.

The boot sequence in this case is (see Figure 2):

Step 1. Client sends DISCOVER

The client broadcasts a DISCOVER packet to generate an offer of an IP address from
DHCP servers and an offer of a boot image from a BSDP server.

Details on client selection criteria are discussed fully in a later section.

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Figure 2: Subsequent Boot Sequence

Step 1. Client DHCP BSDP

Server Server


Step 3. Client

Step 5. Client
file (from
ACK[SELECT]) TFTP Data block 0

Step 7. Client BSDP

TFTP ACK Step 8.
Block 0
TFTP Data block 1

[ etc. ]

Step 2. DHCP server sends OFFER, BSDP server sends OFFER*

A DHCP server responds with an OFFER of an IP address in the yiaddr field and inserts
its Server Identifier option. A BSDP server responds with an OFFER (labeled OFFER* in
Figure 2) that contains the boot file and boot image options but no IP address i.e. the
yiaddr field contains
Note: Client firmware must save the OFFER* from the BSDP server in a location
accessible by the loaded operating system.

Step 3. Client sends REQUEST

The client selects an OFFER from one of the DHCP servers in the previous step and
broadcasts a REQUEST message containing the Server Identifier option from the
selected server.

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Step 4. DHCP Server sends ACK
The selected DHCP server sends an ACK message to the client to confirm the IP address
binding. Note: Client firmware must save this ACK in a location accessible by the
loaded operating system.

Steps 5 and onward. Client TFTP’s boot file from BSDP server

3.4 Packet Format and Option Encoding

BSDP uses DHCP packets as defined in RFC 2131 and the option encoding as defined in
RFC 2132. BSDP defines its own encoding for the Vendor Class Identifier and Vendor
Specific Information options. These options allow the BSDP-specific data to be
encapsulated and ignored by DHCP servers that don’t understand BSDP.

Options defined in RFC 2132 are denoted as “DHCP option code xxx” in the descriptions
that follow. Options appearing inside the Vendor Specific Information option are
denoted as “BSDP option code xxx”.

3.4.1 Basic Types

The following table defines the types that are used in the descriptions that follow. All
multiple byte integer values are in network byte order i.e. big-endian.
Table 1: Basic Types
Type Encoding/Description
string usual C-language string i.e. null-terminated string of ASCII characters
ascii_string a sequence of ASCII characters, no null-termination, length given by option length
opaque a sequence of bytes, length is given by the option length
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer (1-byte)
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer (2-bytes)
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer (4-bytes)
ipaddr uint32 containing an IP address
port uint16 containing an IP port number
boot_image_id uint32 containing boot image id (see section 3.4.2)

3.4.2 Encoding of boot_image_id

The boot_image_id is a uint32. The following table gives its encoding. Byte 0 appears
in memory first, followed by byte 1, 2, and byte 3. The bits of a byte are numbered with
the most significant bit numbered 7, and the least significant bit numbered 0. For
example, setting bit 7 in a byte gives a value of 0x80, setting bit 0 gives a value of 0x1.

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Attributes Index
Byte 0 (MSB) Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I Kind X X X X X X X X uint16
I - Install: (Byte 0, bit 7) Values are defined as:
I = 0: non-install Index = 0x0 (0)
I = 1: install Null image, server messages never contain this
Kind – The kind of image: (Byte 0, bits 0..6)
Values are defined as: Index = 0x1 - 0xfff (1 - 4095)
0x0 (0): Mac OS 9 Server-specific image. An image with an Index in
0x1 (1): Mac OS X this range is specific to the server and must be
0x2 (2): Mac OS X Server presented to the user as a unique item.
0x3 (3): Hardware Diagnostics
0x4 – 0x7f (4 – 127): reserved Index = 0x1000 - 0xffff
(4096 - 65535)
All remaining bits are reserved for future use. Globally unique. An image with an Index in this
range is unique across all servers, and may be
presented as a single choice when multiple servers
provide an image with the same Index

The boot_image_id is encoded as two 16-bit values: Attributes and Index. The Attributes
field contains attributes of the image. The Index is the identifier for the image and is
encoded as a uint16.

The boot_image_id value zero (0) is used to denote the null image, and will never appear in
messages from the server.

The Attributes field contains information about the type of image and includes the Install
bit and the Kind field. When Install is set (I=1), the image is an installation image.
When it is not set (I=0), the image is not an installation image. The Kind field indicates
the kind of image. There are four kinds of images defined in the table: Mac OS 9, Mac
OS X, Mac OS X Server, and Hardware Diagnostics (see the table above for the values).
All remaining values are reserved for future use. The remaining bits of the Attributes
field are reserved for future use, and must not be interpreted by the client.

The Index field is broken into two value ranges. One range (0x1..0xfff) is reserved for
server-specific images. The second range (0x1000..0xffff) is reserved for images that are
globally unique and are served by multiple NetBoot servers. An Index value of zero (0)
is not valid in messages from the server (see the discussion above describing

The Index allows differentiation between multiple occurrences of one Kind of image and
helps form a unique identifier for the image.

A server-specific image must be presented to the user as a unique choice in a list of

images. A globally unique image that is served by multiple servers may be presented to

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the user as a single choice if more than one server supplies an image with the same
boot_image_id value.

3.4.3 Vendor Class Identifier option: DHCP option code 60

BSDP uses an encoding for this option that serves two main purposes:
 Identify the packet as a BSDP packet
 Identify the client’s architecture and system type and revision so that a BSDP server
can provide appropriate boot image information

Every packet that is sent by a BSDP client and server contains this option. It is encoded
as an ascii_string containing “AAPLBSDPC” in messages from the server and
“AAPLBSDPC/<arch>/<system_id>” in messages from the client.

<arch> indicates the architecture of the client. The defined values are “ppc” and “i386”.
<system_id> contains a value that identifies the client’s system type and revision.

On Apple hardware, the <arch> contains “ppc” and the <system_id> contains the model
property taken from the Open Firmware device tree root node
“device-tree:/”. Two example values are “PowerMac3,1” and “PowerBook2,1”.

The encoding for server messages is:

Code Length Vendor Class Identifier
60 9 A A P L B S D P C

The encoding for client messages is:

Code Length Vendor Class Identifier
60 11+i+j A A P L B S D P C / A1 A2 … Ai / S1 S2 … Sj
where A1, A2, …, Ai and S1, S2, …, Sj correspond to the characters of the architecture
type and system identifier respectively.

3.4.4 Vendor Specific Information option: DHCP option code 43

This option is used to encapsulate the BSDP options using the format specified in RFC
2132 for encapsulated options.

This option may appear more than once in responses from the server.

This option is encoded as:

Code Length Vendor Specific Information
43 n V1 V2 … Vn

3.4.5 BSDP Message Type option: BSDP option code 1

The BSDP Message Type option is used to indicate the type of the BSDP message. The
length of the option is 1. The possible values are:

Value Message Type


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The encoding is:

Code Length Message Type

1 1 1-3

3.4.6 BSDP Version option: BSDP option code 2

The client supplies this option in its messages to let the BSDP server know which version
of the protocol it is using so it can respond to the client’s request appropriately.

This length of this option is two. It is encoded as a uint16 with value 0x0101
(corresponding to version 1.1):
Code Length Version
2 2 0x01 0x01

Note: previous versions of this document specified a Version of 0x100.

3.4.7 BSDP Server Identifier option: BSDP option code 3

The client uses this option in its INFORM[SELECT] message to identify a particular
BSDP server. This option is equivalent to the DHCP Server Identifier option (code 54).
The DHCP option could not be used because it may not appear in a DHCP INFORM

The length of this option is 4 and the encoding is an ipaddr:

Code Length Address
3 4 a1 a2 a3 a4

3.4.8 BSDP Server Priority option: BSDP option code 4

A BSDP server provides this option in an ACK[LIST] message to help the client select
from multiple responses. The option indicates the priority of the server. A client favors a
server that has the highest priority.

One purpose of this option is to help distribute load amongst several BSDP servers. A
BSDP server lowers its priority as it becomes busier, encouraging clients to select a
server that’s less busy.

This option is a uint16 with a range from 0, the lowest priority, to 65535, the highest
priority. The client favors responses with the highest priority value.

The length of this option is 2 and the encoding is:

Code Length Priority
4 2 p1 p2

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3.4.9 BSDP Reply Port option: BSDP option code 5
A BSDP client inserts this option in BSDP messages to have the BSDP server direct its
reply to a port other than the default, UDP port 68. If this option is not present, the BSDP
server sends the reply to the default port. This option can only appear in the
INFORM[LIST] or INFORM[SELECT] messages sent by the client.

The purpose of this option is to make it easier to write a BSDP client that runs on a
particular operating system. The BOOTP/DHCP client port, UDP port 68, may be in use
by a regular DHCP client, so having the server redirect its response allows the client to
use a generic UDP port.

Note: this port must be a privileged port i.e. it must have a value less than 1024.

The length of the option is 2, and the encoding is uint16:

Code Length Reply Port
5 2 p1 p2

3.4.10 BSDP Boot Image List Path option: BSDP option code 6 (NOT USED)
The purpose of this option is to provide the boot image list information in a format that
includes an icon for each image. This format is too large to fit inside the ACK[LIST]
packet itself, so must be retrieved using TFTP.

This option may be supplied by a BSDP server in an ACK[LIST] packet. It contains an

ascii_string path to a file that can be retrieved from the server using TFTP. The format of
this file is TBD.

Note: this option is not currently used.

The length of this option is variable. It is encoded as:

Code Length Path
6 n p1 p2 … pn

3.4.11 BSDP Default Boot Image ID option: BSDP option code 7

The server supplies this option in an ACK[LIST] message to indicate which boot image
is the default selection. The client may choose the value of this option when user input is
not available and no response contains the BSDP Selected Boot Image ID option (see

This option is encoded as a boot_image_id. Its length is 4 and the encoding is:
Code Length Default Boot Image ID
7 4 i1 i2 i3 i4

3.4.12 BSDP Selected Boot Image ID option: BSDP option code 8

Both the server and the client use this option. The server supplies this option in an
ACK[LIST] message to indicate which boot image the client has currently selected. This
option is only present if the server already has a boot image binding for the client. The
client chooses a response that contains this option when user input is not available.

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The client supplies this option in an INFORM[SELECT] message to tell the server which
boot image it has selected.

This option is encoded as a boot_image_id. Its length is 4 and the encoding is:
Code Length Selected Boot Image ID
8 4 i1 i2 i3 i4

3.4.13 BSDP Boot Image List option: BSDP option code 9

A BSDP server supplies this option in the ACK[LIST] packet if the BSDP Version is
greater than or equal to 0x0101 (see section 3.4.6) It contains the list of boot images that
are available from the server.

This option may appear multiple times, in multiple instances of the Vendor Specific
option. Multiple instances are likely because the Vendor Specific option is limited to 255
bytes, and the server may have many images to vend. Regardless of where the instances
of this option occur, the client must be able to retrieve all of them, and re-construct a
single, concatenated list of images.

This option has the following encoding:

Code Length Image Description 1
ID 1 Count 1 Name 1
(4 bytes) (1 byte) (C1 bytes)
9 L i1 i2 i3 i4 C1 N N … NC
1 2 1

Image Description 2
ID 2 Count Name 1
(4) 2 (C2)
i1 i2 i3 i4 C2 N N … NC2
1 2

Image Description k
ID k Count k Name 1
(4) (1) (Ck)
i1 i2 i3 i4 Ck N N … NCk
1 2

After the Code byte and Length byte come any number of Image Description’s. An Image
Description contains a 4-byte ID, followed by a 1-byte Count, followed by Count-bytes of
Name. ID is encoded as a boot_image_id (see 3.4.2). The Name is encoded as a UTF-8
string. The overall length L of this option is:
L = 5k + SUM(Cj, j = 1, j <= k)

The client should set the Maximum DHCP Message Size option (code 57) to the
maximum value allowed by the physical medium. For Ethernet this should be set to
0x5dc (1500). This ensures that the client will be able to retrieve the maximum number of
boot images possible. Failure to supply this option may result in a truncated list.

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3.4.14 BSDP NetBoot 1.0 Firmware option: BSDP option code 10
This option is supplied by a non-firmware BSDP client to inform the server that the
client’s firmware uses NetBoot 1.0, a simpler, BOOTP-based protocol. If this option is
present, the server only responds if it has been explicitly configured to handle NetBoot
1.0 clients. This option allows a non-firmware BSDP client running on a machine with
older firmware to use BSDP to negotiate which image to NetBoot, yet still honor the
booting restrictions inherent in the older protocol.

This option is has no data thus its length is zero:

Code Length
10 0

3.4.15 BSDP Boot Image Attributes Filter List option: BSDP option code 11
This option allows the client to request that the server filter images and return results that
match the given list of image Attributes. Each Attributes value is 2 bytes long, and
matches the definition described in section 3.4.2. Use of this option is optional.

To receive filtered responses, the client inserts this option in the DHCP DISCOVER,
DHCP REQUEST, and BSDP INFORM[LIST] packets that it sends. A server, upon
receipt of a packet containing this option, eliminates images that do not match the given
list of Attributes. The filtering applies to each of the following returned options:
 Default Boot Image ID option (section 3.4.11)
 Selected Boot Image ID option (section 3.4.12)
 Boot Image List option (section 3.4.13)

If no images match the given image Attributes list, a server that supports this option will
not respond. Note: existing servers that do not support this option will respond as if no
image attributes filter were present. The client needs to verify that any BSDP
ACK[LIST] packet it receives matches the desired image Attributes list. In particular, if
the client supplies a single Attributes value, the client verifies that the Default and
Selected Boot Image ID options values match the desired Attributes. For example, if the
client wants to receive only “Hardware Diagnostics” image (Kind = 3), the client supplies
the option:
Code Length Attributes1
11 2 3 0
and checks that the Default Boot Image ID and Selected Boot Image ID options match:
Code Length Default Boot Image ID
7 4 3 0 x x

Code Length Selected Boot Image ID

8 4 3 0 x x

The data for this option must be a positive multiple of 2 bytes (N >= 1):
Code Length Attributes1 Attributes2 … AttributesN
11 2*N A11 A12 A21 A22 … AN1 AN2

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4 BSDP Firmware Client Details
This section describes the logic used by a BSDP firmware client during system boot.
DHCP defines several states that the client transitions between to acquire an IP address.
Sections 4.1through 4.2 describe how BSDP is intertwined with these states. The
remaining sections describe the additional BSDP states that the client uses to acquire a
suitable boot image.

4.1 DHCP INIT state

Soon after power-on, client firmware begins the network boot process in the DHCP INIT
state (RFC 2131). The client forms a DHCP DISCOVER packet that includes the BSDP
Vendor Class Identifier (see Table 2 below for the exact packet contents). It broadcasts
the DISCOVER and sets a timer. If no responses arrive before the timer expires, the
client retransmits a DISCOVER. The timeout values are doubled each time and a small
amount of random fuzz is added to avoid synchronized broadcasts among several clients.
The client retries several times, and if no packets arrive, it gives up and may choose to
boot from an alternate boot device i.e. its internal hard disk. It may also choose to sleep
for a period of time and begin the process over again. Once responses begin to arrive, the
client transitions to the DHCP SELECT state.

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Table 2: DHCP DISCOVER packet
IP and UDP Information
Field Value Description
IP destination address IP broadcast address
IP source address Client has no address yet
UDP destination port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
UDP source port 68 BOOTP/DHCP client port
Field Length Value Description
htype 1 ? 1=10Mb Ethernet
hlen 1 ? 6=10Mb Ethernet address length
hops 1 0
xid 4 ?
secs 2 ?
flags 2 ?
ciaddr 4
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4
giaddr 4
chaddr 16 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Client’s 14thernet address
sname 64 0:0:…:0 unused
file 128 0:0:…:0 unused
magic 4 RFC 2132 magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 1=DISCOVER
Vendor Class Identifier 60 variable see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see below and section 3.4.4
Parameter Request List 55 >= 4 Contains (at least) the bytes {1, 3, 43, 60}
IP Address Lease Time 51 4 optional; client can suggest a length of lease
Maximum DHCP Message Size 57 2 optional; used if the client can handle a packet larger than
576 bytes (the DHCP minimum)
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Version 2 2 see section 3.4.6
BSDP Image Attributes Filter 11 2 (multiple of) optional, see section 3.4.15


Once the client receives its first appropriate response, the client cancels the previous
timer, sets a new “gathering” timer2 and continues to wait for responses. The client
1. DHCP OFFER from a DHCP server with IP address specified, or
A reasonable length for the gathering time is 2 to 4 seconds.

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if (BOOTP_reply == 0 && DHCP_offer == 0)
goto retry_dhcp;

DHCP_ack = 0;
if (DHCP_offer != 0) {
/* send DHCP REQUEST to DHCP_offer.server_id, wait for ACK */
if (requesting_state(DHCP_offer,&DHCP_ack) == FAILURE) {
/* retry or abort */
} = DHCP_offer = BSDP_offer = BOOTP_reply = 0;
(try = 0; try < MAX_TRIES; try++) {
= DHCP_ack.yiaddr;
options = DHCP_ack.options;
} set_timeout(t); t = t * 2;
else { (read_packet(&packet) != TIMEDOUT) {
my_ip =ifBOOTP_reply.yiaddr;
(gathering == 0) {
options = BOOTP_reply.options;
} set_timeout(GATHERING_SECS);
gathering = 1;
if (packet.type == BOOTP) {
bootfile = 0; if (BOOTP_reply == 0) {
if (BSDP_offer != 0) {BOOTP_reply = packet;
bootfile = BSDP_offer.file; /* (Figure 2) */
} }
else { else if (packet.msgtype != OFFER)
BSDP_ack; = 0;
else if (packet.vendor_class_id==
if (Do_BSDP_Protocol(&BSDP_ack) ==FAILURE)
BSDP) { {
/* BSDP_offer
retry or abort=*/
} }
bootfile else { /* DHCP packet */
= BSDP_ack.file;
} DHCP_offer = packet;
if (DHCP_offer != 0 && BSDP_offer != 0)
break; /* out of while */
} /* while */
if (DHCP_offer != 0 || BSDP_offer != 0 || BOOTP_reply != 0)
break; /* out of for */
} /* for */

2. BOOTP REPLY from a BOOTP server IP address specified

3. BSDP OFFER from a BSDP server with boot file specified (see Table 3 below)
The following pseudo-code details the gathering logic:

After the gathering period ends, the client looks at the responses it saved and decides how
to proceed. If it received no IP address information i.e. no DHCP OFFER or BOOTP
REPLY, it retries DHCP. If the client receives a DHCP OFFER, it moves to the DHCP
REQUEST state to confirm the IP address (discussed in the next section). If the client
receives a BOOTP REPLY, it can simply use the specified IP address.

If no BSDP response is received, the client continues on and tries BSDP (discussed in the
following sections). The following pseudo-code details the post-gathering logic:
If the firmware client received a BSDP OFFER (Table 3), it must save it so that it can be
accessed by the loaded operating system. The client then loads and executes the bootfile.

If the client selected a DHCP OFFER, it sends a DHCP REQUEST (Table 4) packet to
transition to the DHCP REQUEST state. If the client selected a BOOTP REPLY, the
client firmware must save the packet in memory so that the booted operating system can
retrieve it.

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4.2 DHCP REQUEST state
The DHCP REQUEST state logic is fully specified in RFC2131 and is not duplicated
here. After the client has confirmed its IP address binding, it uses the logic described in
RFC2131 to safely probe whether the IP address is in use using ARP. If the ARP probe
test indicates that the IP address is in use, it sends a DHCP DECLINE to the server, and
starts DHCP over again.

If the IP address is not in use, the client configures its IP parameters and continues with
BSDP or downloads the appropriate boot file (see the previous sections).

The client firmware must save the DHCP ACK so that it can be accessed by the loaded
operating system.

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Table 3: BSDP OFFER packet
UDP Information
Field Value Description
UDP destination port 68 BOOTP/DHCP client port
UDP source port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
Field Length Value Description
op 1 2 2=BOOTREPLY
htype 1 ? from DISCOVER
hlen 1 ? from DISCOVER
hops 1 ? from DISCOVER
xid 4 ? from DISCOVER
secs 2 ? from DISCOVER
flags 2 ? from DISCOVER
ciaddr 4
yiaddr 4 client has no address
siaddr 4 x.x.x.x server’s IP address
giaddr 4 ? from DISCOVER
chaddr 16 ? from DISCOVER
sname 64 ? server ‘s host name, or option data if Option Overload is set
to 2 or 3 (see below)
file 128 ? boot file name, or option data if Option Overload is set to 1
or 3 (see below)
magic 4 RFC 2132 defined magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 2=OFFER
Server Identifier 54 4 IP address of this DHCP server
Vendor Class Identifier 60 9 value is AAPLBSDPC ; see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see BSDP options below and section 3.4.4
Option Overload 52 1 optional; value 1, 2 or 3: see RFC 2132 section 9.3
TFTP server name 66 variable optional; server’s host name if sname is overloaded
Bootfile name 67 variable optional; boot file name if file is overloaded
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Selected Boot Image ID 8 4 see section 3.4.12
Other boot image specific options ? ? boot image specific options are encapsulated here as well

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Table 4: DHCP REQUEST packet
IP and UDP Information
Field Value Description
IP destination address IP broadcast address
IP source address no IP address yet
UDP destination port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
UDP source port 68 BOOTP/DHCP client port
Field Length Value Description
htype 1 ? 1=10Mb Ethernet
hlen 1 ? 6=10Mb Ethernet address length
hops 1 0
xid 4 ?
secs 2 ?
flags 2 ?
ciaddr 4
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4
giaddr 4
chaddr 16 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Client’s 18thernet address
sname 64 0:0:…:0 unused
file 128 0:0:…:0 unused
magic 4 RFC 2132 magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 3=REQUEST
Requested IP Address 50 4 yiaddr from OFFER
Server Identifier 54 4 from Server Identifier in OFFER
Vendor Class Identifier 60 variable see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see below and section 3.4.4
Parameter Request List 55 >= 4 Contains (at least) the bytes {1, 3, 43, 60}
IP Address Lease Time 51 4 optional; client can suggest the lease length
Maximum DHCP Message Size 57 2 optional; used if the client can handle a packet larger than
576 bytes (the DHCP minimum)
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Version 2 2 see section 3.4.6
BSDP Image Attributes Filter 11 2 (multiple of) optional, see section 3.4.15

4.3 BSDP Client States

The BSDP protocol uses client state transitions similar to the first four defined in DHCP:
INIT, SELECT, REQUEST and BOUND. Unlike DHCP, once in the BOUND state, the

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client does not need to contact the server again to maintain the binding, it may use the
resources as long as it wants. The server may use an aging mechanism to free boot image
resources if they are not used for some period of time, but must do so in a way that will
not adversely affect existing booted clients.

Figure 4 below illustrates the BSDP client state transitions. The sections that follow
describe each of the BSDP client states.




Figure 4: BSDP client state transitions

4.4 BSDP INIT state

After determining its IP address (see the previous sections), the client begins in the BSDP
INIT state. It broadcasts an INFORM[LIST] packet (see Table 5 below) and sets a timer.
If no responses arrive before the timer expires, the client retransmits the INFORM[LIST]
(updating the xid and secs fields as usual). The timeout values are doubled each time and
a small amount of random fuzz is added to avoid synchronized broadcasts among several

The client retries several times. If no packets arrive, the client aborts network boot, and
sends a DHCP RELEASE packet to the DHCP server indicating that it no longer requires
the IP address (see RFC 2131).

Once the first ACK[LIST] packet arrives (see Table 6), the client transitions to the

Table 5: BSDP INFORM[LIST] packet

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IP and UDP Information
Field Value Description
IP destination address IP broadcast address
IP source address x.x.x.x client’s IP address
UDP destination port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
UDP source port 68 BOOTP/DHCP client port
Field Length Value Description
htype 1 ? 1=10Mb Ethernet
hlen 1 ? 6=10Mb Ethernet address length
hops 1 0
xid 4 ?
secs 2 ?
flags 2 ?
ciaddr 4 x.x.x.x client’s IP address
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4
giaddr 4
chaddr 16 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client’s hardware (20thernet) address
sname 64 0:0:…:0 unused
file 128 0:0:…:0 unused
magic 4 RFC 2132 magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 8=INFORM
Vendor Class Identifier 60 variable see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see below and section 3.4.4
Parameter Request List 55 >= 2 Contains (at least) the bytes {43, 60}
Maximum DHCP Message Size 57 2 optional; used if the client can handle a packet larger than
576 bytes (the DHCP minimum)
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Message Type 1 1 1=LIST; see section 3.4.5
BSDP Version 2 2 see section 3.4.6
Reply Port 5 2 optional; see section 3.4.9
BSDP NetBoot 1.0 Firmware 10 1 Only supplied in some circumstances, see section 3.4.14
BSDP Image Attributes Filter 11 2 (multiple of) optional, see section 3.4.15

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Table 6: BSDP ACK[LIST] packet
UDP Information
Field Value Description
UDP destination port ? BSDP Reply Port option from INFORM[LIST] if present;
68 otherwise
UDP source port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
Field Length Value Description
op 1 2 2=BOOTREPLY
htype 1 ? from INFORM[LIST]
hlen 1 ? from INFORM[LIST]
hops 1 ? from INFORM[LIST]
xid 4 ? from INFORM[LIST]
secs 2 ? from INFORM[LIST]
flags 2 ? from INFORM[LIST]
ciaddr 4 x.x.x.x from INFORM[LIST]
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4 x.x.x.x server’s IP address
giaddr 4 ? from INFORM[LIST]
chaddr 16 ? from INFORM[LIST]
sname 64 ? server ‘s host name, or option data if Option Overload is set
to 2 or 3 (see below)
file 128 ? empty, or option data if Option Overload is set to 1 or 3
(see below)
magic 4 RFC 2132 defined magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 5=ACK
Server Identifier 54 4 IP address of this DHCP server
Vendor Class Identifier 60 9 value AAPLBSDPC; see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see BSDP options below and section 3.4.4
Option Overload 52 1 optional; value 1, 2 or 3: see RFC 2132 section 9.3
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Message Type 1 1 1=LIST; see section 3.4.5
BSDP Server Priority 4 2 see section 3.4.8
BSDP Default Boot Image ID 7 4 see section 3.4.11
BSDP Selected Boot Image ID 8 4 optional; see section 3.4.12
BSDP Boot Image List 9 variable see section 3.4.13

4.5 BSDP SELECT state

Once the client receives its first ACK[LIST] response, the client cancels the previous
timer, sets a new “gathering” timer3 and continues to wait for responses. The action that

A reasonable length for the gathering time is 2 to 4 seconds.

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the client takes next depends on whether it is able to present a menu of choices to the

If the client is able to offer a menu selection, it should gather all the responses it received
and build a single list of boot images. Once the user selects an image, the client records
the boot_image_id value for that image, and remembers which ACK[LIST] the image
appeared in. If the client is unable to offer a menu selection, it selects from the responses
automatically. If an ACK[LIST] contains the BSDP Selected Boot Image ID option, the
client selects that response and records the boot_image_id value from the option.
Otherwise, the client selects the ACK[LIST] with the highest BSDP Server Priority
option value and records the boot_image_id value from the BSDP Default Boot Image ID

Once an image is selected, the client forms an INFORM[SELECT] packet, setting the
BSDP Server Identifier option to the value of the DHCP Server Identifier option from the
selected ACK[LIST], and setting the BSDP Selected Boot Image ID option to the
recorded boot_image_id value. The client broadcasts the INFORM[SELECT] and moves
to the BSDP REQUEST state.


IP and UDP Information
Field Value Description
IP destination address IP broadcast address
IP source address x.x.x.x client’s IP address
UDP destination port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
UDP source port 68 BOOTP/DHCP client port
Field Length Value Description
htype 1 ? 1=10Mb Ethernet
hlen 1 ? 6=10Mb Ethernet address length
hops 1 0
xid 4 ?
secs 2 ?
flags 2 ?
ciaddr 4 x.x.x.x client’s IP address
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4
giaddr 4
chaddr 16 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client’s hardware (ethernet) address
sname 64 0:0:…:0 unused
file 128 0:0:…:0 unused
magic 4 RFC 2132 magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 8=INFORM
Vendor Class Identifier 60 variable see section 3.4.2

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Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see below and section 3.4.4
Parameter Request List 55 >= 2 Contains (at least) the bytes {43, 60}
Maximum DHCP Message Size 57 2 optional; used if the client can handle a packet larger than
576 bytes (the DHCP minimum)
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Message Type 1 1 2=SELECT; see section 3.4.5
BSDP Version 2 2 see section 3.4.6
BSDP Server Identifier 3 4 from the DHCP Server Identifier option in ACK[LIST]; see
BSDP Reply Port 5 2 optional; see section 3.4.9
BSDP Selected Boot Image ID 8 4 the boot_image_id selected by the client; see section 3.4.12
BSDP NetBoot 1.0 Firmware 10 1 Only supplied in some circumstances, see section 3.4.14

4.6 BSDP REQUEST state

In this state, the client is waiting for an ACK[SELECT] response (see Table 7 below), or
if an error occurred, an ACK[FAILED] response (see Table 8 below). If an
ACK[FAILED] response appears, the client MUST wait for at least 10 seconds before
going back to the BSDP INIT state: the client must avoid looping quickly between the
INIT, SELECT, REQUEST states in the case of a misbehaving BSDP server that always
returns an ACK[FAILED]. If multiple BSDP server’s respond, the client could choose a
different server the next time around if one server returns the ACK[FAILED] message
more than once. The client may choose to abort the network boot procedure after
attempting BSDP a few times.

Once the client receives the ACK[SELECT], it saves it in a location accessible by the
loaded operating system, and begins downloading the boot file.

Table 7: BSDP ACK[SELECT] packet

UDP Information
Field Value Description
UDP destination port ? BSDP Reply Port option from INFORM[SELECT] if
present; 68 otherwise
UDP source port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
Field Length Value Description
op 1 2 2=BOOTREPLY
htype 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
hlen 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
hops 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
xid 4 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
secs 2 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
flags 2 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
ciaddr 4 x.x.x.x from INFORM[SELECT]
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4 x.x.x.x server’s IP address

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giaddr 4 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
chaddr 16 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
sname 64 ? server ‘s host name, or option data if Option Overload is set
to 2 or 3 (see below)
file 128 ? boot file name, or option data if Option Overload is set to 1
or 3 (see below)
magic 4 RFC 2132 defined magic number
Tag Code Length Description
Message Type 53 1 5=ACK
Server Identifier 54 4 IP address of this DHCP server
Vendor Class Identifier 60 9 value AAPLBSDPC; see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see BSDP options below and section 3.4.4
Option Overload 52 1 optional; value 1, 2 or 3: see RFC 2132 section 9.3
TFTP server name 66 variable optional; server’s host name if sname is overloaded
Bootfile name 67 variable optional; boot file name if file is overloaded
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Message Type 1 1 2=SELECT; see section 3.4.5
BSDP Selected Boot Image ID 8 4 see section 3.4.12
Other boot image specific options ? ? boot image specific options are encapsulated here as well

Table 8: BSDP ACK[FAILED] packet

UDP Information
Field Value Description
UDP destination port ? BSDP Reply Port option from INFORM[SELECT] if
present; 68 otherwise
UDP source port 67 BOOTP/DHCP server port
Field Length Value Description
op 1 2 2=BOOTREPLY
htype 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
hlen 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
hops 1 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
xid 4 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
secs 2 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
flags 2 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
ciaddr 4 x.x.x.x from INFORM[SELECT]
yiaddr 4
siaddr 4 x.x.x.x server’s IP address
giaddr 4 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
chaddr 16 ? from INFORM[SELECT]
sname 64 ? server ‘s host name
file 128 ? empty
magic 4 RFC 2132 defined magic number
Tag Code Length Description

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Message Type 53 1 5=ACK
Server Identifier 54 4 IP address of this DHCP server
Vendor Class Identifier 60 9 value AAPLBSDPC; see section 3.4.2
Vendor Specific Information 43 variable see BSDP options below and section 3.4.4
BSDP OPTIONS (encapsulated in option 43)
Tag Code Length Description
BSDP Message Type 1 1 3=FAILED; see section 3.4.5

5 BSDP Non-firmware Client

A non-firmware client such as the Startup Disk panel in Mac OS 9 and X can use BSDP
to select an image that the system will use the next time the system boots over the
network. This is possible for two reasons:
1. The NetBoot server remembers the binding that a client negotiates.
2. Image allocation is a separate operation from IP allocation and uses the client’s
hardware address as the identifier.

The client may choose to specify an alternate port to use in the reply from the server (see
3.4.9) to avoid conflicts with the DHCP client. The protocol proceeds as described
starting in section 4.3.

5.1 Pre-BSDP firmware limitations

The discussion up to this point details BSDP with the assumption that the firmware is
BSDP capable. BSDP is a relatively recent development, so systems that pre-date it have
either no NetBoot capability, or limited capability.

The reason this is important only to the non-firmware BSDP client is that unlike the
actual firmware, it can run on any system, regardless of its firmware version. It must
adjust its behavior to match the capabilities of the underlying firmware to avoid
surprising the user the next time the system reboots.

Apple systems developed before the original iMac are not able to NetBoot. The non-
firmware BSDP client must prevent the user from negotiating BSDP on such systems.
Failure to do so means the user is left with a system that will fail to boot.

Apple systems that pre-date BSDP, such as the original iMac and blue and white
PowerMac G3 (Yosemite) have an Open Firmware version predating BSDP. These
systems use an enhanced version of BOOTP now referred to as NetBoot 1.0. Such
systems cannot fully benefit from the features of BSDP, and are limited to being served
by a single NetBoot server.

On NetBoot 1.0 systems, the non-firmware BSDP client must identify itself as a NetBoot
1.0 client in its BSDP messages by supplying the BSDP NetBoot 1.0 Firmware option
(see section 3.4.14 for more information).

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5.2 How to identify non-NetBoot, NetBoot 1.0, and NetBoot 2.0 firmware
The Open Firmware version is identified using the device tree node “device-

On non-NetBoot capable machines, this node will not exist.

On NetBoot-capable machines, read the third long-word (4-byte) quantity. If the value is
less than 0x33000, the client is NetBoot 1.0. Otherwise it is NetBoot 2.0.

The following code fragment describes the logic:

void * info;
DeviceTreeNode node;
PropertyList plist;
int client_type;

info = 0
node = DeviceTreeNodeLookup(“device-tree:/rom/boot-rom”);
if (node != NULL) {
plist = DeviceTreeNodeGetProperties(node, plist);
info = PropertyListGetValue(plist, “info”);
if (info == NULL) {
client_type = NETBOOT_VERSION_NONE; /* no NetBoot support */
else {
uint32_t third_longword;

third_longword = *(uint32_t *)(info + 8);

if (ntohl(third_longword) < 0x33000)
client_type = NETBOOT_VERSION_1; /* NetBoot 1.0 */
client_type = NETBOOT_VERSION_2; /* NetBoot 2.0 */
return (client_type);

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