Application of Sheet Piles in Onshore and Marine Structures: Kabir Sadeghi, Sarhad Abdullah Sofy, Zhiry Hawez Baiz
Application of Sheet Piles in Onshore and Marine Structures: Kabir Sadeghi, Sarhad Abdullah Sofy, Zhiry Hawez Baiz
Application of Sheet Piles in Onshore and Marine Structures: Kabir Sadeghi, Sarhad Abdullah Sofy, Zhiry Hawez Baiz
Sheet piles, particularly steel sheet piles, in marine jetty are used as ship berthing
structures in ports or harbors for mooring vessels. The aim of this paper is to explain
the application of sheet piles. Also, explaining the different types of materials used in
sheet piles, such as wooden, concrete and steel. The usages of them in different
applications, then the types of sheet pile sections like U-section and Z-section, which
are commonly used in the world, are another aim of this paper. The concern of this
research is approached in different steps. Firstly, by reviewing the existing recent
studies which determine the types of sheet piles performance in onshore structures.
Secondly, it studied the factors affecting the design of sheet piles that are obtained
from penetration, type of structures and section modulus, in order to resistance
against rotations as well as the stability of sheet piles against overturning moments
and horizontal force. Thirdly, it determines the best sections of sheet piles that have
the main role to minimize project cost and performance period. Finally, the
procedures used to drive the sheet piles and their disadvantages are also mentioned.
Keywords: Sheet piles, materials, retaining walls, marine structures, soil,
horizontal force.
Generally, sheet piles are designed to resist the horizontal forces (lateral loads) due to soil or
water pressures. Also, they are performed as a retaining wall system. In the civil engineering
projects, sheet piles are used in many applications, for instance: river revetments, port piers
and to resist ground subsidence. Moreover, they can be made of different types of materials,
such as wood, aluminum, concrete and steel. Determining of suitable material for
construction of sheet pile retaining walls depends on some factors like applications and the
type of soil layers. Commonly steel sheet piles are used due to its advantage within strength,
workability and easy to drive in various soil layers (Eskandari and Kalantari, 2011). The
selection of the section of sheet piles is the most important issue. Z-section and U-section are
the two main types of the section are being used depending on the types and positions of the
projects (Byfield and Mawer, 2003). Similarly, there are few other types such as Straight
Web and Hat-type section in order to reduce construction cost and duration (Grabe, 2008). In
the UK, U-section steel sheet piles have been used since 20𝑡ℎ century and widely spread
throughout of the world especially in seawater construction retaining-walls and to perform of
any maritime environmental project (Byfield and Mawer, 2003). On the other hand,
meanwhile sheet piles are used as temporary structures as well as cofferdams. The cofferdam
is a box-dam which is an application of sheet pile retaining walls, which it uses to enclose the
desired area from water or soil and to create a dry environment in order to provide a safer
workplace, for example in construction pier of bridges in rivers that it is always installed
temporary (Grabe, 2008). Additionally, sheet piles designing particularly in cofferdam
ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print Leena and Luna International, Chkusei, Japan. Copyright © 2018 (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 P a g e | 10
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
dependents on some factors, such as soil layers, depth of excavation, water condition,
weather and period of the project (Mohamed, 2014).
According to Neghabat and Stark, 1971 in the USA, the use of the sheet piles especially
circular one is the best to minimize the cost of projects and shorten the project duration. They
also mentioned that this type is commonly used for high heads and larger projects (Neghabat
and Stark, 1971).
Usage Of Sheet Piles
Nowadays, Sheet piles play a vital role in civil engineering supporting structures that widely
used in large and small waterfront structures (horizontal pressures types), ranging from small
pleasure boat launching facilities to large dock structures of ocean sailing ships. On the other
hand, the Sheet piles are also used for beach protection against erosion, which assists in the
stabilization of ground slopes, and also for shoring walls of trenches and other excavations
(Eskandari & Kalantari, 2011).
Moreover, sheet piles are used in the construction of deep foundation where the subsoil is
close to the surface and bearing capacity of the soil cannot carry the imposed loads of the
structures (Kalantari and Roohbakhshan, 2015).
easy to elongate by welding, less deform occur at joints; and can be used as a watertight
barrier (Eskandari and Kalantari, 2011).
Also, steel sheet pile walls are broadly used in the modern projects. Two main sections are
used: “U-section” and “Z-section” they are connected together by interlock joints along with
the length of the piles which allow the section to be fitted together to form as one continuous
wall (Byfield and Mawer, 2003).
U-Section and Z-Section Shapes
The most common sheet pile shapes are:
a. “Z” section
Z-sections are considered to be one of the most effective and operational piles available
nowadays. It is commonly used for both intermediate and deep wall applications. Z- Piles are
generally used for cantilevered, bridge abutments, tieback systems and Additional
applications (Eskandari and Kalantari, 2011).
b. “U” section
U-section and Z-section Sheet piles are almost similar in terms of usage (Eskandari and
Kalantari, 2011). U-section steel sheet piles are usually used to construct retaining walls in
marine environments and were widely used throughout the 20𝑡ℎ century. Recently, concerns
have been raised about its bending issue, because U-section piles are connected together by
interlocking joints located along the center line of the pile (Byfield and Mawer, 2003).
ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print Leena and Luna International, Chkusei, Japan. Copyright © 2018 (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 P a g e | 12
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
resistance of the section dependents on its modulus (Coastal Engineering Research Center,
Table 1. Properties of some steel sheet pile shapes introduced by United State Steel Corporation
(Das, 2007).
Interlock Joints
The crucial part of sheet pile sections is interlocking joint which tightens the sheets together.
The selection of the shape of interlock section is essential because it affects the overall design
process that includes the size of the structure (Guang-Ghong et al., 2013).
In order to create one form of a complete wall, the individual sheet piles have to be joined all
together in one piece. When welded/crimped interlocks used, the maximum permissible
bending moment is 2-3 times greater than the single sheet pile. Interlock joints played a key
role during the driving process even though these joints between the sheet piles are not
watertight (Grabe, 2008).
Copyright © 2018 Leena and Luna International, Chikusei, Japan. ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print
13 | P a g e (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 www.ajsc.
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
e. Finally, Use connector features when more complex shapes are used (Eskandari and
Kalantari, 2011), (Kalantari and Roohbakhshan, 2015).
ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print Leena and Luna International, Chkusei, Japan. Copyright © 2018 (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 P a g e | 14
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
Copyright © 2018 Leena and Luna International, Chikusei, Japan. ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print
15 | P a g e (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 www.ajsc.
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print Leena and Luna International, Chkusei, Japan. Copyright © 2018 (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 P a g e | 16
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
Sheet pile retaining walls are used in order to resist the lateral forces (horizontal forces), they
consist of various materials, which are selected according to the situation of the construction:
type of the soil layers, depth of the excavation, water condition, weather and period of
construction. Wooden sheet piles are used for temporary and the small and light constructions
but it will be destroyed if exposed to water and high temperature. It is not a suitable type to
be used in marine structures. Concrete sheet piles have the high strength to resist lateral
loads, durable and heavyweight, but it is quite expensive for temporary constructions. Steel
sheet piles have the good advantage like high strength, durability, workability, reusable and
easy to drive in various types of soil particularly in the boulder or cobble layers.
About the sections of sheet piles, the research suggests that to use Z- section steel piles
because it has some properties such as firstly, Z-section steel piles are used for marine and
deep excavations as mentioned above. Secondly, they have bigger section modulus than U-
sections because in Z-section the location of interlock joints are symmetrically distributed on
both sides of the neutral axis, thus improve modulus of their sections. Even, the resistances of
the section depend on section modulus as mentioned above in Table 1, when the driving
distance, designation and moment of inertia are constant for both Z and U sections. Thirdly,
when using the same modulus, the Z-sections have the smaller mass per square meter if
compared to the U-sections. Fourthly, Z-sections have bigger widths. It means that less
number of sheets are needed. Thus, minimize the cost and excavation occurs. Finally, Z-
sections can be used together with steel pipes and H-beams to achieve higher modulus.
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Copyright © 2018 Leena and Luna International, Chikusei, Japan. ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print
17 | P a g e (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 www.ajsc.
Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Vol. 7(1) March 2018
ISSN: 2186-8476, ISSN: 2186-8468 Print Leena and Luna International, Chkusei, Japan. Copyright © 2018 (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 筑西市,日本 P a g e | 18