Computers and Fluids: Tomonori Yamada, Giwon Hong, Shunji Kataoka, Shinobu Yoshimura
Computers and Fluids: Tomonori Yamada, Giwon Hong, Shunji Kataoka, Shinobu Yoshimura
Computers and Fluids: Tomonori Yamada, Giwon Hong, Shunji Kataoka, Shinobu Yoshimura
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) affects the dynamic characteristics and behaviors of the fluid and struc-
Received 2 October 2015 ture, and being able to understand and solve FSI problems is very important in engineering, science,
Revised 1 March 2016
medicine, and everyday life. Generally, FSI problems are simulated by either monolithic or partitioned
Accepted 28 March 2016
methods. There are still many challenges in the development of better numerical methods for FSI prob-
Available online xxx
lems in terms of accuracy, problem scale, stability, robustness, and efficiency. We have focused on par-
Keywords: titioned methods because they allow the use of existing flow and structural analysis solvers without
Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) elaborate modification. This paper describes the development of a parallel partitioned coupling analysis
Iterative partitioned techniques system for large-scale FSI problems. In this study, we employed the existing flow and structural analy-
Parallel coupling analysis system sis solvers FrontFlow/blue (FFB) and ADVENTURE_Solid, respectively, both of which are general-purpose
Flapping motion of elastic plate codes used to solve large-scale analysis models ranging from millions to billions of degrees of freedom
(DOFs). In addition, we developed a parallel coupling tool called ADVENTURE_Coupler to efficiently han-
dle the exchange of interface variables in various parallel computing environments. To achieve the ro-
bust and fast convergence of the fixed-point iteration, we employed Broyden’s method, which is a quasi-
Newton method, to update the interface variables. We verified the accuracy and fundamental perfor-
mance of the developed FSI analysis system by using it to solve a FSI benchmark problem: the vortex-
induced oscillation of a flexible plate in the wake of a square column. The results agreed quantitatively
well with other researchers’ results. Finally, we successfully applied the system to the analysis of the
three-dimensional flapping motion of an elastic rectangular plate, with the objective of furthering the
research and development of micro air vehicles (MAVs) with flapping wings.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0045-7930/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
σ F nF + σ S nS = 0 on F SI , (8)
2. Governing equations
where andnF nS
are the unit normal vectors of the fluid and the
Fig. 1 shows a typical FSI problem. The problem consists of two structure, respectively, at the FSI interface.
domains, a fluid domain F and a structure domain S . The two
3. Iterative partitioned coupling method
domains share an FSI interface FSI .
The iterative partitioned coupling method divides an original
2.1. Fluid domain FSI problem into three components: fluid analysis F, structure anal-
ysis S, and mesh control M. In the problem, the governing equa-
The fluid domain is governed by the following Navier–Stokes tions of the fluid, structure, and mesh control must satisfy the con-
equation in an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) frame of ditions of continuity and equilibrium at the FSI interface.
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
3.1. Redefinition of FSI problem This method requires a matrix of only size M × N. In addition, cal-
culation is easily parallelized because only vector operations are
Each component is treated as a nonlinear problem as follows: required in Broyden’s method and the memory requirement is lim-
ited in the restart version. The algorithm for Broyden’s method is
Xk+1 = M dk (9)
summarized below.
Broyden’s method
Step 0: Give an initial guess d−1
uk+1 , pk+1 = F Xk+1 (10) .
Step 1: Calculate s0 = − d−1 −1
− S F M d .
Step 2: Set d0 = d + w0 s0 , k = 0.
dk+1 = S uk+1 , pk+1 , (11) Step 3: Calculate rk = dk − S F M dk .
where X is the mesh coordinate and p is the pressure of the fluid. Step 4: If converged, exit with the solution dk .
The superscript k and subscript represent the kth iteration and If not, continue to Step 5.
the variables at the FSI interface, respectively. At each time step, Step 5: Calculate the increment sk using the following process.
Eqs. (9)–(11) are solved sequentially and iteratively until the final Step 5.0: Set q ← −rk .
solution, which satisfies the following nonlinear equation, is ob- Step 5.1: For i = 0, 1, ..., k − 1:
tained: a = wi /wi+1 , b= wi − 1
q ← q + si , q /si 2 · asi+1 + bsi .
d = S (F (M (d ) ) ). (12)
Step 5.2:
Find the increment
The residual r of the above nonlinear equation is defined as sk ← q − 1 − wk sk / 1 − wk sk , q /sk 2 .
r(d ) ≡ d − S (F (M (d ) ) ). (13) Step 6: Set dk+1 = dk + wk sk .
Step 7: If k = t, restart.
Thus, an iterative partitioned method can be considered as the pro-
If not, set k = k + 1 and return to Step 3.
cess of seeking the displacement d of the structure at the FSI in-
In these steps, wk is a relaxation parameter and is defined by
terface that minimizes the above residual.
Backtrack [49], which is a line-search technique. w0 is the initial
value of relaxation factor for Backtrack. Because no relaxation is
3.2. Coupling algorithms
expected at the first Broyden’s step, it is set to 1.0.
The line-search technique was applied to stabilize the nonlinear
To improve the stability and accuracy of the partitioned meth-
analysis. The relaxation parameter wk was reduced by a reduction
ods, iterative coupling methods are applied. In this study, a fixed-
factor s if the flow analysis solver failed to converge due to bad
point iteration was introduced at each time step. One robust and
mesh quality or excessive movement of the FSI interface. The algo-
fast partitioned coupling method is Newton’s method, where the
rithm of the technique is as follows:
solution of the kth fixed-point loop dk is updated by sk to reduce
the residual:
Step 0: Set wk to the default step length wmax .
sk = −Bk rk , (14) Step 1: If the criterion given below is satisfied or wk is less than
where Bk is the Jacobian of the function related to the nodes at the the minimum step length wmin , exit.
FSI interface. However, calculating the Jacobian requires the fluid If not, continue to Step 2.
and structure solvers to be significantly modified. The Jacobian of Step 2: Reduce wk by the reduction factor s and return to Step
the function Bk is often approximated with the approximation of 1.
the Jacobian of the function Hk as The following simple criterion is considered in Step 1:
The residual norm is less than that
sk = −Hk rk . (15) in the previous iteration, i.e.,
The approximation of the Jacobian of the function Hk does not
rk ≤ rk−1 . (16)
need to be computed directly but can instead be obtained using
successive calculations of the function. Finally, the convergence of the fixed-point iteration is judged
To solve the FSI equation (Eq. (13)), the block Gauss–Seidel and by comparing the normalized Euclidean norm of the interface dis-
Broyden’s methods can be used as nonlinear algorithms compared placement with a sufficiently small value tol as follows:
with existing nonlinear algorithms for the following three reasons
rk /r0 ≤ tol . (17)
1. The Jacobian matrices do not need to be explicitly calculated. 4. Fully parallelized coupling analysis system
2. These algorithms are easy to implement; i.e., little additional
programming is required for the fluid and structure solvers. To develop a system for solving incompressible viscous FSI
3. These algorithms use little additional memory for FSI analysis. problems, we employ a parallel large eddy simulation (LES)-based
In this study, we employed Broyden’s method [72], which is a finite element (FE) flow analysis solver named FrontFlow/blue
family of quasi-Newton methods. In quasi-Newton methods, the (FFB) [67,68], a parallel FE structural analysis solver named AD-
Jacobian of the function does not need to be computed directly. VENTURE_Solid [69,70], and a parallel coupling tool named AD-
Instead, an approximation of the Jacobian can be calculated us- VENTURE_Coupler for parallel data exchange and the execution of
ing successive calculations of the function. The original version of partitioned coupling algorithms.
Broyden’s method needs to hold in memory an N × N matrix dur-
ing the calculation, where N is the number of structural DOFs at 4.1. FrontFlow/blue
the FSI interface. Considering the application of this method to
large-scale problems, we adopt a restart version of this method For the flow analysis solver, we employed FFB, which is
[73] instead of the original version. In the restart version, cal- a general-purpose computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis
culation starts again when the iteration number reaches a user- solver with high parallel computing efficiency and computational
specified parameter M using the solution obtained up to that point. accuracy. The finite element method (FEM) and Crank–Nicolson
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
4.2. ADVENTURE_Solid
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
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Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
[33]]. Some of the present authors have also been working to solve
this type of problem by using the partitioned coupling approach
[48]. The aim of our series of simulation studies is not to compu-
tationally reproduce the flapping flight of actual birds or insects
but to develop a design support tool for the optimization of the
shape, structure, and motion of the flapping wings of MAVs. In this
study, the developed FSI analysis system was applied to solve the
flapping motion of an elastic rectangular plate.
A geometric model of the structure is shown in Fig. 9. Length
in geometric models is scaled to rule 0.002463 m, which is the av-
erage chord length of the crane fly [78], as 1. As the first step of
this study, we focused on the flapping motion of one wing, omit-
ting the body. The wing consists of two parts, an elastic part and a
rigid one. The deformable flapping wing is located at the center of
the fluid domain. To analyze the aerodynamic performance of hov-
Fig. 7. Snapshot of pressure field and the deformation of the model. ering flight, we fix the node O at the wing root. The flapping of the
wing is initiated by applying a prescribed sinusoidal displacement
to the leading edge. The prescribed motion of the leading edge of
A snapshot of the pressure field and the deformation of the the wing is determined from two design variables: the maximum
model is shown in Fig. 7. angle of flapping and the flapping frequency. The elastic part of
A time history of the vertical displacement at the tip of the the wing deforms, and the wing then passively enters the feather-
plate is shown in Fig. 8(a). The plate started moving with increas- ing mode. No-slip boundary conditions are applied to boundaries
ing amplitude as the vortices approached it, but it entered a steady composed of the wing. There is no inlet flow, and an outlet bound-
state when the amplitude reached 0.01 m. The frequency of the ary condition is applied to the entire outer boundary of the fluid
flapping of the plate in the steady state was approximately 3.2 Hz, domain.
which was close to the frequency of the structure itself (3.03 Hz), Fluid mesh is shown in Fig. 10. The numbers of linear tetra-
whereas the frequency of the vortex shedding was approximately hedral elements and nodes are 404,159 and 68,348, respectively.
10 Hz when the Strouhal number was assumed to be 0.2. The am- The radius of the fluid domain is set to be about 20 times larger
plitude obtained using the present method was almost the same as than the length of the wing. We also design the fluid mesh such
those obtained in the studies by Yamada and Yoshimura [48] and that the mesh size decreases from the outer boundary to the inner
Dettmer and Peric [21], both of which were two-dimensional FSI boundary and the stiffness increases as the mesh size decreases
simulations and obtained amplitudes slightly above 0.01 m. Thus, [9], effectively reducing the distortion of smaller elements near the
we concluded that the developed FSI analysis system is able to wing. Because of this mesh control technique, most of the distor-
solve the dynamic response to a flow excitation force with suffi- tion of the mesh caused by the flapping motion of the wing occurs
cient accuracy. in larger elements far from the wing, whereas smaller elements
near the wing are not significantly distorted. This requires a larger
6. Application: Flapping of an elastic rectangular plate fluid analysis domain but stabilizes the FSI analysis without the
remeshing of the fluid domain.
To demonstrate the practical application of the developed FSI Structural mesh is shown in Fig. 11. In the structure domain, the
analysis system, we analyzed the three-dimensional flapping mo- numbers of quadratic tetrahedral elements and nodes are 154,080
tion of an elastic rectangular plate with the purpose of furthering and 243,243, respectively. The number of structural DOFs at the
the research and development of MAVs. The flapping of a wing, FSI interface is 74,578. The user-specified parameter M defined in
which is realized by birds and insects, is an unsteady aerody- Section 3.2 is 10. The properties of the analysis model are as fol-
namics problem. However, the aerodynamic performance of a flap- lows. The kinematic viscosity and density of the fluid are 1.72 ×
ping wing has not been yet perfectly evaluated by experimental 10−5 m2 /s and 1.19 × 10−2 kg/m3 , respectively. The Young’s mod-
studies. Full-scale three-dimensional simulations of flapping wings ulus of the elastic part of the wing is a design variable, having a
are still challenging to execute, although some studies have per- value less than that of the rigid part. The density of the structure is
formed such simulations by the monolithic methods [[27,31,32], 3.58 kg/m3 . The parameters used in the simulation are given as di-
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
Fig. 8. Time history of the vertical displacement at the tip of the plate.
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
Fig. 12. Snapshot of the pressure and streamlines in the fluid domain.
Fig. 15. Relationship between the flexibility of the wing and the lift coefficient.
the elastic part of the wing (0.0078 GPa and 0.0117 GPa), and the
maximum angle of flapping (30° and 45°). In all cases, the Young’s
D = F x, (21)
modulus of the rigid part of the wing was 2.88 × 106 GPa, the
flapping frequency and time step were set to 45.5 Hz and 2.20 × where L is the lift force, and D is the drag force. The time-averaged
10−5 s, respectively. The convergence criterion tol = 10−3 was used fluid force is defined as
in the fixed-point iteration. An average of three iterations was re-
quired for each time step. Favg = Davg , Lavg , Fazvg . (22)
The fluid force on the wing surface at each time step and the Also, the time-averaged lift coefficient is defined as
time-averaged fluid force on each axis are calculated as
CL =
, (23)
Ft = Ftx , Fty , Ftz (18) ρF U 2S
where CL is the time-averaged lift coefficient, U is the characteristic
t +(n−1) t
Fti T velocity that is the average velocity at the endpoint of the leading
t =t
Faivg = n= , (19) edge, and S is the wing surface area.
n t
Fig. 14. Time history of the flapping and passive feathering angles.
Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;April 18, 2016;19:59]
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Please cite this article as: T. Yamada et al., Parallel partitioned coupling analysis system for large-scale incompressible viscous fluid–
structure interaction problems, Computers and Fluids (2016),