Clinical Presentation and Bacterial Etiology of Adult Community Acquired Pneumonia
Clinical Presentation and Bacterial Etiology of Adult Community Acquired Pneumonia
Clinical Presentation and Bacterial Etiology of Adult Community Acquired Pneumonia
to be 258 cases per 100,000 population and 962 cases prevalence of drug sensitivity and resistance pattern of
per 100,000 persons 65 years of age.5 While mortality common CAP-causing bacteria, especially
has ranged from 2% to 30% among hospitalized patients Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus
in a variety of studies, the average rate is 14%.6 Mortality influenzae. Meanwhile the short term clinical outcome
is estimated to be <1% for patients who are not of antibiotic therapy for CAP was also observed.
hospitalized.6-7 The incidence of CAP is highest in the
winter months.
A Cross sectional observational study was done from
Prospective studies for evaluating the causes of CAP January 2010 to December 2010 in the Department of
in adults have failed to identify the cause of 40%-60% Medicine, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), in
of cases of CAP, and two or more etiologies have been Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dhaka Medical College is situated
identified in 2%-5% of cases.5 The most common in the center of Dhaka city. It is a tertiary care teaching
etiologic agent identified in virtually all studies of CAP and referral hospital in Bangladesh. About 27 thousands
is Streptococcus pneumoniae, and this agent accounts patients were treated in the Department of Medicine in
for approximately two thirds of all cases of bacteremic 2009.
pneumonia.6 Other pathogens implicated less frequently
include Haemophylus influenzae (most isolates of which Fifty three adult patients of both sexes over 18 years of
age admitted in the department of Medicine of DMCH
are other than type B), Mycoplosma pneumoniae,
with Fever for less than 14 days and one or more of the
Chlamydia pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus,
followings: Cough, Sputum, Haemoptysis, Pleuritic
Streptococcus pyogenes, Neisseria meningitidis;
chest pain, Dyspnoea, Sign of consolidation and
Moraxella catarrhalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and
radiological evidence of Pneumonic consolidation were
other Gram-negative rods, Legionella species, Influenza
included while hospital acquired pneumonia, chemical
virus (depending on the time of year), Respiratory
pneumonitis ca lung, radiological evidence of fibrosis,
syncytial virus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza virus, and
collapse, bronchiectasis, lung abscess and tuberculosis,
other microbes. The frequency of other etiologies, e.g., suspicision of immunosupression or known immuno-
Chlamydia psittaci (psittacosis), Coxiella burnettii (Q suppressive status like HIV, Haematological or lymphoid
fever), Francisella Tularenesis (tularemia) and endemic malignancy and pt on immunosupressive drugs- steroids
fungi (Histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis, and and chemotherapy were excluded
Coccidioidomycosis), is dependent on specific local
epidemiological factors. No convincing association has Procedures:
been demonstrated between individual symptoms, This study was approved by the ethical review committee
physical findings or laboratory test results, and specific of Dhaka Medical College.
etiology.8 Even time-honored beliefs (e.g., the absence After admission in the indoor, any suspected case of
of a productive cough or lack of inflammatory sputum community acquired pneumonia seen by unit doctor
suggests etiologies such as species of Mycoplasma, was screened by study physician. Evaluation was made
Legionella, and Chlamydia) have not withstood close by history and physical examination in a structured case
inspection. On the other hand, most comparisons have record form (CRF) by the study physician. Patients
involved relatively small numbers of patients and the diagnosed clinically as CAP was screened in the study.
potential for separating causes by using constellations Investigations were done hematologic measurements
of symptoms and physical findings has not been (TC of WBC, Hb%, ESR, platelet count), blood culture,
evaluated. chest X-ray P/A view, sputum for Gram staining and
The present study was done to describe the clinical culture sensitivity, sputum for AFB for 3 consecutive
presentation and the causative bacterial organism and days, blood urea and random blood sugar . For scanty
their pattern of CAP in adult patients in DMCH and also production of cough, patients sputum was collected
the influence of patient age, previous antibiotic use, after nebulization by hypertonic normal saline.
and the category of pneumonia on microbial patterns in Serological tests were done for the blood culture
this disease. Antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates from negative and sputum culture negative cases for
clinical specimens were also tested to estimate the identification of atypical organisms (e.g. Mycoplasma
Clinical Presentation and Bacterial Etiology of Adult Community MA Salam et al.
and Chlamydia pneumoniae). It was done by ELISA Blood samples (6-8 ml) were collected aseptically from
for IgM antibody of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia patients for blood culture and serological test. Serum
pneumoniae. Patient with positive radiological findings was separated and stored at -4°C. Primary blood culture
of consolidation was enrolled in the study. Sputum for was done in Trypticase soya broth and secondary blood
AFB positive cases and radiology of exclusion criteria culture was done on blood agar, chocholate agar and
was screened out from the evaluation. The patient McConkey’s agar media.
address (tracing) and cell number was recorded to ensure
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing:
follow up. The negative sputum culture patient was also
Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the disc
followed up as like that of culture positive cases.
diffusion method of modified Kirby-Bauer (1966)
Antibiotic therapy of the enrolled patient was given at
technique using Blood agar media (for Streptococcus
the discretion of the treating clinician under the
pneuminiae), Mueller-Hinton agar media (for
supervision of respective consultant of the medicine
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and
unit. The clinical judgment of consultant was boost up
Pseudomonas species) and Chocolate agar media (for
by doing the CURB-65 score by the study physician.
Haemophylus influenzae) and antimicrobial discs
The study used the British Thoracic Society of severe (Oxoid, UK) . Following antimicrobials and their
community acquired pneumonia detected by CURB-65 concentration per disc were used for susceptibility tests:
which includes presence of any of the following:
5. For Gram positive cocci : Amoxyclav (30 microgram),
0. Confusion Levofloxacin (5 microgram), Azithromicin (15
1. Urea 7mmol/l microgram), Cefixime (30 microgram) and
2. Respiratory rate 30 breath/min Doxycycline (30 microgram).
3. Systolic blood pressure <90mm of Hg or Diastolic b) For Gram negative bacilli and coccobacilli :
blood pressure<60mm of Hg Meropenem
4. Age65 years (10 microgram), Ceftriaxone (30 microgram),
1 point was scored for each feature present. On the
basis of points treatment protocol was adjusted. (10 microgram), Clarithromycin (5 microgram),
During treatment, oral temperature was recorded and
frequently physical examinations were performed up to (5 microgram), Amoxyclav (30 microgram) and
discharge. Patients were supplied a structured Cefixime
questionnaire regarding changes in symptomatology (30 microgram).
and general well being. Patients were asked to report 2
weeks after completion of treatment for follow up. Any Methods of susceptibility testing: The agar plates were
patient who failed to come for follow up in time was dried in an incubator at 37 0 C for 30 minutes before use.
called upon by cell phone (contact number of patient). With a sterile wire loop, pure and isolated colonies were
Thus a short term outcome after the treatment was picked up and was suspended into a sterile tube
observed. containing 2 ml of normal saline. The turbidity of the
inoculum was standardized to the equivalent to that of
Microbiological evaluation 0.5 of Mac Farland standard. A sterile cotton swab was
Sputum samples were collected from all patients enrolled immersed into the bacterial suspension and the excess
in the study. Representative sputum originated from suspension was removed by rotating the swab with a
the lower respiratory tract was defined as that containing firm pressure against the inner side of the tube above
>25 granulocytes and <10 epithelial cells per low power the fluid level. The swab was then streaked evenly on
field microscopic view. Validated sputum was cultured the entire surface of the concerned plate. The discs
in blood agar, chocolate agar and McConkey’s agar were then placed on the inoculum surface by a sterile
media. Isolation and identification of microorganism was forcep 15 mm away from the edge of the petridish with
done according to the standard method. 25 mm gap in between the discs. All plates were
Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 34, No. 3, July 2016
incubated at 37 0 C - aerobically for Blood agar and Gram negative coccobacilli. Bacteria could not be found
Mueller-Hinton agar and microaerobically ( by candle in 8 (15.03%) samples. (Table III)
jar) for Chocolate agar medium. Measurement of Sputum culture was done in all patients and 26 (49.1%)
inhibition zone: standard procedure was followed.9 positive growth out of which 5 cases used antibiotics
Data analysis: before enrolment. Tweenty seven (50.9%) were found
Categorical data was presented as frequency and no growth where 20 cases used prior antibiotics and 7
percentage and continuous variable presented as mean cases did not use prior antibiotics before
and standard deviation. All data was analyzed by SPSS hospitalization. The use of antibiotics were variable in
(Statistical Package for Social Science) 16 windows duration in positive and negative growth cases.
version. Streptococcus pneumoniae was identified as the sputum
culture positive in 14 / 26 cases. These 14 cases are also
out of 33 Gram stain positive cocci (Not shown in table).
This prospectively study enrolled 53 cases of CAP Klebsiella pneumoniae was found 7 (26.9%) as the
fulfilling the eligibility check list. The various common isolates among Gram negative cases.(Table IV)
characteristics of the cases are presented in table 1. The
In case of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Amoxyclav
mean (±SD) age was 38.9±17.3 years with ranged from
showed the highest sensitivity (78.6%), followed by
18 to 90 years and maximum number (24.5%) of patients
Levofloxacin (64.3%). (Table V)
was found in the age group of 31 -40 years.
Most of the given antibiotics were amoxyclav (34.6%),
Fever was present in all of the study patients. Chest
clarithromycin (30.8%), Ceftriaxone (30.8%) and
pain 43(81.1%) and copious productive cough 34(64.2%)
Meropenem (23.1%).(table VI)
were present in the study patients. During physical
examination most of the patients had 1000 -1020 F Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae
temperature (71.7%) and all patients had consolidation. were found in 2 (7.4%) and 1 (3.7%) respectively
(Table II) according to serological test of the study patients. The
mean (±SD) duration of hospital stay was 5.0±1.7 days
CURB-65 Pneumonia severity scoring revealed 48 with ranged from 3 to 10 days.
(90.6%) had 0 – 1, 5 (9.4%) had 2 and none were found
to have 3 while the mean (±SD) respiratory rate was Discussion:
23.0±2.8 /minute with range from 18 to 32 /minute. it was In this small series of patients with Community Acquired
observed that COPD and DM were found 9 (17.0%) and Pneumonia (CAP), microorganism could be identified
3 (5.7%) respectively in study patients. The mean (±SD) in 49% cases in sputum culture and Streptococcus
TC was 14804±3533/cumm, Neutrophil 78.5±7.1%, pneumoniae was the most frequent organism(14/26)
Lymphocyte 17.0±6.7%, Monocyte 2.6±1.4%, Eosinophil resulting in classical clinical features supporting the
2.3±1.2%, Basophil 0.0±0.0% and ESR 57.6±13 mm. In statement that Streptococcus pneumoniae was the
blood culture Pseudomonas species was found in 1 commonest organism of community acquired
(1.9%) of the study patients. This patient (42 yrs female) pneumonia (CAP).10
had known diabetes mellitus and presented with high Berntsson et al.11 observed Streptococcus pneumoniae
continued fever and copious productive sputum for five 49.0% in their study. Woodhead et al. 12 found
days. At the time admission random blood sugar was 15 Streptococcus pneumoniae 36.0% and Escherichia coli
mmol/L. The hospitalization of this patient was 10 days 1.0%. Fang et al. 8 observed that Streptococcus
and she received meropenem with slow but complete pneumoniae in 15.3%, Haemophylus influenzae in 10.9%
recovery. in his study. Sullivan et al. 13 found Klebsiella
In sputum tested by Gram stain, only Gram positive pneumoniae 2.0% and Escherichia coli 4.0%. So it is
cocci were seen in 33 (62.26%) samples, only Gram observed that there are variable percentage in different
negative bacilli in 5 (9.43%) samples. Mixed Gram studies especially for Streptococcus pneumoniae. In
positive cocci and Gram negative bacilli in 6 (11.32%) this present study about fifty percents sputum culture
samples, only one sample (1.88%) showed presence of were negative which might be due to other aetiological
Clinical Presentation and Bacterial Etiology of Adult Community MA Salam et al.
agents e.g. viral or Legionella pneumophila or use of is resistant to penicillin and macrolides posing threat to
antibiotic prior to hospitalization. Mamun et al.14 Bangladesh and some other Asian countries. Saibal18
showed that one fifth of the patients used antibiotics showed the sensitivity pattern against the Streptococcus
by dispensing practices in rural Bangladesh. The pneumoniae to Amoxyclav 83%, and Klebsiella
frequency of Streptococcus pneumoniae in present pneumoniae to Ceftriaxone 73.3% which is comparable
study is like that of similar observations showed with the present study.
Streptococcus pneumoniae 20.9%, Klebsiella The antibiotics chosen by physicians were according
pneumoniae 4.7% and Staphylococcus aureus 2.3% in to preference Amoxyclav, Clarithromycin, Ceftriaxone
non diabetic patients.6,11,15,17,18 and Meropenem. Woodhead et al.12 showed almost
Gram positive Cocci in staining procedure was found similar given antibiotics in their study patients.
among more than half of enrolled patients. Fang et al.8 Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae
observed 14.8% Gram positive cocci in their study, which were found by serological test in this study patients.
is less than the present study. Gram stain has been found Sullivan et al.13, Macfarlane et al.14 and Ngeow et al.4
a useful test and reliable for targeting pathogen-directed
observed Mycoplasma pneumoniae 9.3%, 2.4% and
first-line antibiotic therapy in CAP patients. Moderate
9.2% respectively in their study. Falguera17 observed
to large amounts of Gram-positive diplococci was seen
Chlamydia pneumoniae 11.0%, Mycoplasma
in sputum Gram stain of purulent sputum observed by
pneumoniae 9.0%. Sohn et al.22 showed Mycoplasma
Stralin19 which is consistent with the present study.
pneumoniae 4.8% and Chlamydia pneumoniae 4.0%,
Macfarlane et al.15 and Andrews et al.16 observed
which are comparable with the current study.
Pseudomonas species 11.0% and 2.0% respectively in
their study patients. Only one patient of this present In this present study, patients mean age and age range
study showed Pseudomonas species as it was observed is similar to different studies. Fang et al.8 had shown in
in blood culture. Stralin19 observed Pseudomonas their series, the age ranged of their patients were 23 to
species as the rare cause of CAP in his study which is 92 years, which closely agrees with the present study.
also consistent with the present one. Liapikou et al.23 and Sohn et al.22 observed higher mean
age in their study, where the mean age were 68.9±17.9
In this personal series sensitivity pattern of isolated years and 54.6±17.8 years respectively. This variation
strain of bacteria from CAP patients is alarming that in their study may be due to higher life expectancy in
resistant bacteria is emerging. It was observed from this their population.
study that isolated Klebsiella strain was mostly resistant
to commonly used antibiotics for CAP. Other isolated Liapikou et al.23 study, where the authors found male
organisms like Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli, were female ratio was almost 2:1 while in this personal series
also resistant to B-lactamase inhibitor, Macrolides and it was observed that more than three fourths of the
third generation cephalosporin. Streptococcus patients was male which is comparable. However, Fang
pneumoniae were sensitive to commonly used antibiotic et al.8 and Sohn et al.22 observed male female ratio was
almost 1:1. Male patients were higher in this study, which
for CAP. This study also revealed Meropenem were the
may be due to access to health care facility by male is
most effective antibiotic for CAP. These antiobiotics
easier than female as she had to maintain the family and
are costly and not recommended by the guideline
published by American thoracic society (2004) and
Infectious disease society of America (IDSA 2004). The frequency of fever, chest pain and cough in this
series was common feature. Almost similar observations
Frequently use B-lactam antiobiotic and Macrolides for
regarding the clinical presentations were also found by
the treatment CAP are first line regimens but emerging
Andrews et al.16, Fang et al.8, Sohn et al.22 and Ngeow
strain are more resistant to these conventional
et al.4. Ashraf et al.24 showed fever and cough were
antibiotics. Multi drug resistant to B-lactamase,
89.0% and 99.0% respectively in their study children.
Macrolides and Fluroquinolone is an emerging problem
and complicating the management of CAP20. In a study All patients had documented temperature during
ICDDRB Rahman et al.21 found Pneumococcus serotype hospital stay. In a study of pediatric population of same
Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 34, No. 3, July 2016
country Ashraf et al.24 showed 44.0% had >1020F Limitation of the study: This descriptive study is a study
temperature among the study children. Fang et al.8 with small sample and requires further studies from
observed in their study that increasing age was different levels of hospitals. A nationally representative
associated with lower temperature. Sign of consolidation surveillance system for CAP could replace periodic small
were found in all cases in this series. Sohn et al.22 found studies.
consolidation in 87.5%. Almost similar findings obtained
by Andrews et al.16 and Liapikou et al.23. Majority of Conclusion:
the findings are similar with the present study regarding Streptococcus pneumoniae was common organism for
this physical sign. CAP identified by sputum culture. Mycoplasma
pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae were found
Prognosis of the patient was seen in hospitalized patient
through CURB score. More than 90 percent in this study by serological test. For CAP associated with
is within score 1. Liapikou et al.23 observed almost similar Streptococcus pneumoniae, sensitivity results were in
findings regarding the CURB-65 scoring in their study. favour of Amoxyclav and Levofloxacin. For CAP
CURB-65 score was not similar with Schuetz et al.25 associated with Gram negative bacilli and coccobacilli,
study, where the authors observed 1-2 score in 0.2% of sensitivity status were in favour of Meropenem,
their study patients possibly because the study was Ceftriaxone and Clarithromycin respectively. Common
done in critical care unit. Saibal18 showed CURB-65 use of antibiotics in community can lead to difficulty in
scoring 0 – 1 in 62.8% and 2 in 16.3% in non diabetic identifying organism was observed in this study.
patients. CAP cases in present study were not very Conflicts of interest: None declared
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