Neumococo en Nac
Neumococo en Nac
Neumococo en Nac
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Address for correspondence Charles Feldman, MBBCh, DSc, PhD,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa FRCP, FCP (SA), Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Health
2 Department of Immunology and Institute of Cellular and Molecular Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand Medical School, 7 York
Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Road, Parktown, 2193 Johannesburg, South Africa
South Africa (e-mail:
Abstract With the notable exceptions/of the United States and Canada in particular, the global
burden of disease in adults due to invasive infection with the dangerous respiratory,
bacterial pathogen, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) remains. This situation
prevails despite the major successes of inclusion of polysaccharide conjugate vaccines
(PCVs) in many national childhood immunization programs and associated herd
Streptococcus pneumoniae As a Cause of CAP and respiratory syncytial virus. In 2016, there were
2,377,697 deaths (2,145,584–2,512,809) from LRTIs in peo-
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 estimated the ple of all ages in those countries, with the pneumococcus
global, regional, and national morbidity and mortality, as identified as being the most common cause of LRTI morbidity
well as the etiologies of lower respiratory tract infections and mortality, causing more deaths than all the other
(LRTIs; defined as pneumonia or bronchiolitis) in 195 coun- etiologies combined. With the introduction of pneumococcal
tries between 1990 and 2016.1 The study also estimated the conjugate vaccines (PCVs) in the childhood national immu-
number of cases attributable to Streptococcus pneumoniae nization programs (NIPs) of many countries, moderate
(pneumococcus), Haemophilus influenzae type b, influenza, reductions in the mortality of LRTIs were seen in children
under the age of 5 years, while the burden of LRTIs in adults fied a pathogen in 87% of the cases compared with 39% with
>70 years of age remained particularly high. culture alone, the two most common pathogens being H.
Nevertheless, it is clear when reviewing data from different influenzae (40%) and S. pneumoniae (36%). Viruses were
parts of the world, that there are regional differences in the detected in 30% of the cases with 82% being co-infected with
epidemiology (including burden, risk factors, etiology, preva- bacterial pathogens. The authors concluded that comprehen-
lence of antimicrobial resistance, and outcome) of patients with sive molecular testing significantly increases detection of CAP
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and there have also pathogens from a single lower respiratory tract specimen.
been global changes in the epidemiology of CAP over the While earlier studies evaluating the clinical and economic
years.2–5 One recent literature review evaluating the etiology burden of CAP in North America,12 Latin America,13 the Asia-
of CAP in adults published in PubMed in English through to Pacific region14 and Europe15 all indicated that the pneumo-
December 2015 noted the following trends; (1) there was an coccus was the most common cause of CAP, that antibiotic
unexplained decrease in the prevalence of pneumococcal infec- resistance was an issue, and that the morbidity and mortality
tions, particularly in the United States/Canada, (2) the pneumo- were high, more recent studies, largely from the United States,
coccus, nevertheless, remained the most common bacterial have noted a much lower incidence of pneumococcal infec-
pathogen identified, especially in critically ill cases, (3) there tions in CAP.9,10 Interestingly, in the latter study, additional use
was a much greater frequency of pneumococcal infections in of a novel serotype-specific urine antigen detection assay, as
Europe compared with the United States, (4) respiratory viruses opposed to the commercially available urine antigen detection
were noted to play a greater role than previously documented, test, increased the detection rate of pneumococcal cases from
(5) more recently, infections with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and 4.4 to 9.7% overall.16 Furthermore, an active surveillance study
Legionella pneumophila were less frequently reported, and (6) for pneumococcal CAP and invasive pneumococcal disease
community-treated patients only.21 A recent systematic re- Table 1 Risk factors for invasive pneumococcal infections
view conducted in the United Kingdom (UK) noted that
vaccine-type pneumococcal disease still has a high burden Age
in the UK despite the impact of PCV13 vaccination in chil- < 2 or "65 y
dren.22 Furthermore, a prospective study of consecutive hos- Ethnic groups
pitalized adults with CAP in Reykjavik, in Iceland, in which PCR
African descent
analysis of airway samples was included in the diagnostic
testing, recorded a potential pathogen in 52% (164/310) of Alaskan native
admissions and 74% (43/58) in those with complete datasets.23 American Indians
S. pneumoniae was the most common pathogen detected (20%; Underlying clinical pulmonary diseases
61/310) and viruses were noted in 15%.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
There is no doubt that a significant reason for the
changing epidemiology of pneumococcal disease and the Asthma
disease burden has been the use of PCVs in children, which, Other chronic clinical conditions
when included in childhood routine NIPs, prevents disease Chronic liver disease
not only in the targeted group, but also in nonvaccinated
Chronic renal failure
children, as well as adults, as a result of herd protection.24
Recent studies from most regions of the world25 including Nephrotic syndrome
North America,26 Europe,27 and South Africa,28 have docu- Diabetes mellitus
mented the significant direct and indirect effects of child-
These are well recognized and are often associated with Alkylating agents
immunosuppression, mostly acquired and secondary, as well Antimetabolites
as with certain types of primary immunodeficiency disorder, Systemic glucocorticoids
particularly antibody and complement deficiency disorders32
Patients with cerebrospinal fluid leaks
and are summarized in ►Table 1. Given the increasing
Cochlear implant recipients
realization of the multifactorial involvement of smoking in
promoting pneumococcal infection, including antibiotic resis- Solid-organ or hematopoietic cell transplant recipients
tance, this risk factor represents the primary focus of this Patients with influenza
section of the review.
Abbreviation: HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Aspa and Rajas.32
Nuorti et al in their seminal report published in the “New
England Journal of Medicine” in 2000, identified active concordant antibiotic therapy.34 In the case of all-cause CAP,
cigarette smoking as being “the strongest independent risk a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, encompassing
factor for IPD among immunocompetent, nonelderly adults” 27 studies and 460,592 participants, revealed that current
(odds ratio [OR] 4.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4–7.3).33 smokers have a significantly increased risk for development
In addition to these findings, current smokers who develop of CAP relative to never-smokers (OR 2.17; 95% CI, 1.70–2.76,
pneumococcal CAP have been reported to have a striking n ¼ 13 studies).35 Passive smoking is associated with a 64%
fivefold increase in the risk of 30-day mortality, irrespective increase in the risk for development of CAP, but only for those
of age, comorbidities, and early implementation of guideline- aged >65 years (OR 1.64; 95% CI, 1.17–2.30, n ¼ 2 studies).35
Smoking-related increased susceptibility for development lide antibiotic, clarithromycin, resulted in significant upregu-
of severe pneumococcal disease has generally been attributed lation of expression of the erm(B) gene relative to that observed
to cigarette smoke-mediated suppression of innate and adap- in the presence of the antibiotic alone.45 Unexpectedly, expo-
tive pulmonary host defenses.36 Our research findings, some sure of this strain of the pneumococcus to CSC in the absence of
very recent, have, however, revealed additional pathogen- the antibiotic also resulted in significant upregulation of
targeted mechanisms that are likely to contribute to smok- expression of erm(B), albeit to a lesser extent than that
ing-related susceptibility for development of severe pneumo- observed in the presence of clarithromycin alone.45 These
coccal disease. In this context, exposure of an antibiotic- findings raise the possibility that CSC-mediated, spontaneous
susceptible strain of the pneumococcus (strain 172, serotype induction of erm(B) (in the absence of clarithromycin), as well
23F) to cigarette smoke in vitro was found to trigger events at as augmentation of clarithromycin-mediated induction of this
the level of gene expression, which may promote antibiotic macrolide resistance gene, result from a common mechanism
resistance. The first of these events involves initiation of activated in response to smoke-related stress.
biofilm formation, a strategy utilized by microbial pathogens In this context, it is noteworthy that like strain 172, expo-
to confer broad protection against penetration of antibiotics.37 sure of strain 2507 of the pneumococcus to CSC also resulted in
Biofilm is an extensively-hydrated, viscoelastic, extracellular upregulated expression of the genes encoding TCS11.48 Al-
matrix comprised of various types of bacterium-derived poly- though unproven, it is plausible that induction of both ribo-
meric materials, such as cell-wall components and deoxyri- somal methylation and biofilm formation by CSC may converge
bonucleic acid (DNA), in which pathogens are insulated against on TCS11 as a coordinated stress response to smoke exposure.
antibiotics, as well as host defenses.38 Smoke-mediated en- This contention is supported by the findings, albeit in bacterial
hancement of biofilm formation by the pneumococcus is pathogens other than the pneumococcus, that methylation of
p ¼ 0.0016), as well as a corresponding increase in erythromy- only those which mediate resistance to classes of antibiotic
cin resistance (11 vs. 1%, p ¼ 0.0031).66 Although indicative of commonly used in the treatment of pneumococcal infection,
an emerging threat, these findings should, however, be viewed specifically β-lactams, macrolides and respiratory fluoroqui-
in the context of a recently reported point-of-prevalence study, nolones (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin), are covered here.
which reported low, global rates of antibiotic resistance in
adult patients with proven pneumococcal pneumonia, diag- Resistance of the Pneumococcus to β-Lactam
nosed within 24 hours of admission to 222 hospitals spanning Antibiotics
54 countries.67 Continental prevalence rates of S. pneumoniae The antibacterial action of β-lactam antibiotics results pre-
drug resistance were 7.0 and 1.2% for Africa and Asia, respec- dominantly from the irreversible binding of these agents to
tively, with a corresponding rate of 1% for Europe, South one or more of the six enzymes involved in the synthesis of the
America, and North America, most commonly macrolide peptidoglycan backbone of the cell-wall of gram-positive
(0.6%) and penicillin resistance (0.5%).67 bacteria.11,75 Inhibition of these enzymes, known collectively
as penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), results in weakening of
the cell-wall and eventual bacteriolysis. Acquisition of resis-
Genetic Determinants of Pneumococcal
tance results from horizontal transfer of genes encoding PBPs
Antibiotic Resistance
which have reduced affinity for β-lactams. The resultant
Genetically determined antibiotic resistance of the pneumo- “mosaic” genes generated via homologous recombination
coccus, as well as other types of respiratory bacterial patho- confer mostly low-level β-lactam resistance, which, with the
gens, is mediated by various mechanisms, most commonly exception of central nervous system infections, may be over-
altered target binding and accelerated efflux in the case of the come by administration of high doses of these antibiotics.11,75
macrolide efflux is lower than that conferred by the erm(B) DNAse1 to patients with cystic fibrosis infected with P. aeru-
gene.77 ginosa.92 This enzyme, which targets both bacterial and human
DNA, reduces sputum viscosity via dismantling of both biofilm
Resistance of the Pneumococcus to Fluoroquinolone and neutrophil extracellular traps.92
Fluoroquinolones are the only class of antibiotics which target
Impact of Antibiotic resistance in S.
bacterial DNA synthesis, most importantly, moxifloxacin and
levofloxacin, which are known as the “respiratory fluoroqui-
nolones” due to their potency against bacterial respiratory Several review articles published over several years have
pathogens, including the pneumococcus.11,47,76 With respect highlighted the emergence of antibiotic resistance among S.
to their mechanism of antimicrobial action, fluoroquinolones pneumoniae isolates worldwide, describing not only the epi-
target the type II class topoisomerase enzymes, DNA gyrase, demiology, mechanisms of resistance, and risk factors, but also
and topoisomerase IV. These enzymes, each of which is the clinical relevance and appropriate approach to antibiotic
comprised of two subunits (gyrA and gyrB; parC and parE), management.93–98 Emerging resistance has been documented
promote unravelling of the coiled structure, as well as break- to all the major classes of antibiotics including β-lactams,
age and re-ligation, of DNA, which are critical events in macrolides, and even fluoroquinolones. Data from the SENTRY
bacterial DNA synthesis.84 However, as mentioned below, Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, a continuously active
acquisition of resistance necessitates stepwise, progressive global antibiotic resistance surveillance network, describe
accumulation of point mutations in the subunits of DNA gyrase very succinctly the changes in antimicrobial resistance that
and topoisomerase IV, with those in gyrA alone or gyrA/parC, have occurred among S. pneumoniae isolates between 1997
patients in that study had actually received penicillin thera- with bacteremic CAP and infected with nonsusceptible strains
py (see discordant therapy below). Feikin et al documented had a worse outcome than patients infected with susceptible
that when deaths in the first 4 days were excluded, mortality strains.122
was significantly higher in isolates with a penicillin MIC " 4 Thus while bacteriological failures of less active penicillins
µg/mL (high level penicillin resistance) and cefotaxime MIC (ticarcillin) and cephalosporins (cefazolin, cefuroxime, and
"2 µg/mL.113 At least partly because of these inconsistencies ceftazidime) have been documented there are also case reports
and the demonstration, using appropriate PK/PD principles, of apparent failures of the more active cephalosporins.123 One
that adequate serum and tissue levels of parental β-lactams study documented the occurrence of pneumococcal meningi-
and oral amoxicillin could be achieved with appropriate tis in a child with sickle cell anemia treated with vancomycin
dosing, the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and cefotaxime.124 However, low-dose cefotaxime was used
increased the breakpoints for cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and and the patient was also immunocompromised. High-dose
amoxicillin for nonmeningeal pneumococcal infections ini- oral and intravenous amoxicillin, as well as high dose intrave-
tially and subsequently for penicillin.114,115 Tleyjeh et al116 nous penicillin, ceftriaxone and cefotaxime, should achieve
evaluated 10 studies that examined the association between successful treatment of infections caused by pneumococcal
penicillin-non-susceptible pneumococci and outcome in isolates with penicillin minimum inhibitory concentrations
pneumococcal pneumonia and found a significant difference (MICs) of $ 4 µg/mL.123 Another case of breakthrough bacter-
in the mortality rate of 19.4% in the penicillin nonsusceptible emia and meningitis was seen in a patient with pneumococcal
group and 15.7% in the penicillin-susceptible group. The pneumonia treated with cefotaxime; however, the antibiotic
authors indicated that despite these findings, they will not was changed to cefuroxime on the second day and immuno-
significantly affect our empiric treatment for CAP as current compromise was not excluded in the child.125 Lastly, failure of
Fluoroquinolone Resistance leads to the same conclusions that have been espoused in
There is also emerging evidence of fluoroquinolone resis- review articles published over the years.123,153–157 In the
tance occurring in pneumococcal isolates.143–145 Fluoroqui- case of the penicillins, aminopenicillins, and cephalospor-
nolones target mainly DNA gyrase or topoisomerase IV.143 ins, failure occurs mainly with the use of agents that are
The main mechanism of fluoroquinolone resistance is the poorly active against the pneumococcus, or with the use of
occurrence of mutations in the quinolone resistance-deter- doses of ostensibly efficacious antibiotics with PK/PD
mining regions of parC and gyrA, which encode topoisomer- parameters that likely predict treatment failure, the latter
ase IV and DNA gyrase, respectively.143,146 Fluoroquinolones, being overcome with the use of more appropriate dosing.
which possess dual activity against S. pneumoniae, are less In the case of the macrolides, and despite the suggestion
likely to select for fluoroquinolone resistance than nondual that there may be an in vivo/in vitro paradox, failures have
activity agents, since in the former, mutations in both DNA occurred in patients infected with pneumococcal isolates
gyrase and topoisomerase IV are required for clinically with both low-level and high-level resistance, such that
relevant resistance.143 In general, parC mutations confer macrolide monotherapy is not recommended routinely in
resistance to ciprofloxacin, but not to levofloxacin or moxi- patients with CAP; however, the routine combination of a
floxacin, while mutations in gyrA or both parC and gyrA macrolide with standard β-lactam therapy is recom-
confer resistance to the latter agents.143 Low-level resistance mended in sicker hospitalized and critically ill patients
occurs with one-step mutation in the target genes, whereas with CAP. In the case of the fluoroquinolones, high-level
high-level resistance requires a second mutation, in the other resistance is likely to be associated with treatment failure
target gene.146 Isolates with a single parC mutation are in fluoroquinolone-resistant pneumococcal infections.
usually reported as being susceptible to fluoroquinolones, However, an additional concern is being able to document
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