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Infrared Spectra and Bonding in Transition Metal Nitrosyl Complexes

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Vol. 5, No.

11, November 1966 IN TRANSITION



Infrared Spectra and Bonding in Transition Metal Nitrosyl Complexes


Received May 10, 1966

The infrared spectra of various metal-nitrosyl complexes have been recorded between 80 and 4000 cm-I. The N-0 stretch-
ing frequency shows large solid-state effects. The metal-nitric oxide vibrations in the complexes [M(NO)X,]n- (M = Ru,
Os, Ir and X = C1, Br, I ) and [M(NO)(CN)6]*- (M = Cr, Mn, Fe) have been tentatively identified. The theory of metal-
nitric oxide bonding is reviewed in the light of the metal-ligand vibrations.

Introduction suitable ligand orbitals such as the N 2s orbital of the

Infrared spectra have been widely usedl to obtain nitric oxide. The metal d,, orbital is available for T
information concerning metal to ligand dn-pr bonding bonding only in the xy plane and d,,,d,, form a degener-
in complexes of the metals with the ligands CO, NO, ate pair which can combine with the doubly degenerate
and CN-, but until far-infrared spectrophotometers T * orbitals on nitric oxide, with the T acceptor orbitals

became available most of this information has come of the ligand trans to NO and of the ligands along the
from the study of only the ligand vibrations. We now x and y axes, respectively.6
report data concerning the low-frequency infrared- The 33 normal modes of vibration of the ion [M(NO)-
active fundamental vibrations in various nitric oxide (XY)6]%* span the representations 8A1 Az 4B1 + +
complexes and reexamine the theory of bonding in the + 2Bz +
9E, of which only the A1 and E species are
light of the infrared spectra measured in the range infrared active. The "group" vibrations are divided
80-4000 cm-l. into symmetry species as follows. v(N-0) (N-0
stretch) and v(M-N) (M-N stretch), A1; v ( X - Y )
Experimental Section (X-Y stretch) and v(M-X) (M-X stretch), 2A1 +
Most compounds were prepared by well-known methods.2*a B1 + E ; s(M-NO) (M-NO rock), E ; S(M-XU)
The compound Agz[Fe(NO)(CN)s] was obtained by adding silver
(M-XY rock), AI Az + + + +
B1 Bz 3E; S(X-M-
nitrate t o an aqueous solution of the sodium salt. The other
salts of [Fe(NO)(CN)6I2-were obtained from the silver salt by X(N)) (X-M-X(N) deformation), A1 + + + B1 Bz
reaction with the appropriate halide. The spectra were re- 3E. The 18 normal modes of vibration of the
corded on Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometers: Model 421 (4000- ions [M(NO)XF,]'- are entirely analogous with the
600 cm-I), Model 21 with cesium bromide prism (660-375 cm-'), exception of the v(X-Y) and s(M-XY), which, of
and Model 301 (400-80 cm-l). Nujol mulls supported on cesium
bromide or polythene plates were employed, and in those cases
course, are absent in these complexes.
where pressed potassium bromide or polythene disks were High-Frequency Region (above 1500 Cm-').-The
also used no differences were noted. Below 600 cm-I repro- compound Naz[Fe(NO)(CNb) ].2H20 crystallizes with
ducibility was ca. 1 2 cm-' and accuracy was probably 1 3 cm-'. the space group D2h12-PnmnJ the complex ions lying on
Results planes of symmetry.' The number of vibrations
expected of the complex ions in the crystalline state
The frequencies of the absorption bands are given in
can therefore be calculated by means of the correla-
Tables I, 11, and 111. Some of the spectra obtained
tions shown in Chart I. The BIU,Bzu, and Bsu species
are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 . The spectrum
are infrared active.
of Na2 [Fe(NO)(CN)s].2H20 agrees with that pub-
lished by BO^,^ but not with that of Tosi and D a n ~ n . ~ CHARTI
Discussion point symmetry site symmetry factor group

All the compounds investigated are octahedral C," C S D2 h

complexes of the form [M(NO)Li,]"* where the ligands

L are not necessarily identical. The complex ions
belong to the point group Gv,the M-N bond being
coincident with the Cq ( 2 ) axis. I n the molecular
orbital treatment u bonding occurs by combination of
the metal s, pxJ p,, pz, dX2-,2, and d,l orbitals with

(1) J. Lewis, K. J. Irving, and G. Wilkinson, J . Inoig. N u d . Chem., 7, 32

(2) G. Brauer, "Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry," Aca- Thus, eight C-N stretching modes should be active
demic Press, New York, N. Y., 1963; Gmelin, "Handbuch der Anorgani- in the crystal. Six well-resolved bands are observed
schen Chemie," Teil 63 (ruthenium), Teil 66 (osmium), Teil 67 (iridium),
Verlag Chemie, Berlin. and a seventh is detectable (Figure I). We therefore
( 3 ) L. Malatesta and R L Angoletta, Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed. En&, 2, (6) H. B. Gray, I. Bernal, and E. Billig, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 84, 3404
155 (1963). (1962); a. B. Gtay, P. T. Manoharan, I. Pearlman, and 12. F. Riley, Chem.
(4) G. Bar, J . I n o i g . Nucl. Chem., 17, 174 (1961). Commun., 62 (1965).
(5) L. Tosi and J. Danon, Inorg. Chem., 3, 150 (1964). (7) P. T. Manoharan and W. C. Hamilton, Inorg. Chem. 2, 1043 (1863).
AND L. SACCONI Inorganic Chemistry

M-N str. M-C str, and
Compound C-N str region N-0 str M-NO rock M-CN rock lattice modes
Naz[Fe(NO)(CK)j].2Hz0 2170 m, 2160 m, 1935 vs 658 m, 647 m 515 w,=497 w, 466 w, 189 s, 145 ni,
2158 m, 2142 s, 430 sh, 422 s, 416 s, 138 s, 117 m,
2125 vw, 2109 318 m 91 m
vw, 2098 vw
CSZ[ Fe(N O ) (CS);] 2149 w, 2140 s, 1929 vs, 1910 s 663 in, 658 in,
500 w, 454 w,430 sh, 139 s
2133 sh 651 w 417 s,406 s, 391 sh,
318 m
[(CH,)~NIZ[F~(SO)(CN)~I 2147 w, 2138 s, 1908 vs, 1883 s 660 m, 656 m 498 w, 465 sh, 455 m,a 141 s, 91 s
2133 s 405 s, 385 w, 317 w
[(CzHj)4r\;]z[Fe(SO)(CS)6] .HzO 2162 m, 2156 m, 1880 vs, 1845 sh 662 m, 653 17’ 540 m,a 500 m, 469 UT, 149 s, 79s
2150 m, 2142 s 463 m-,424 w, 405 s,
389 w, 319 m
K3[Mn(NO)(CS)6] 2130 w, 2101 s , 1700 s 655 m 487 m, 454 m, 448 m, 174 s, 130 s
2060 w 405 s, 367 s, 327 w,
314 w
K B[ Cr(K O )( CN)S] 2120 s, 2073 vu’ 1630 vs 616 in 428 s, 397 s, 346 s, 169 s, 126 s
305 w, 291 w
[ (CH3)4S13 Cr ( X O ) (CN)sl 2110 s, 2067 vw 1625 vs 607 m ~ s, 388 s,
460 w , 427 161 s, 101 s
347 s, 327 w, 303 w
Q Band not arising from vibrations of the complex ion. Abbreviations: s, strong; m, medium; w,weak; v, very; sh, shoulder.

( c M - ~ AND
Ru-NO str, Deformation Lattice
Compound S-0 str Ru-NO rock M-X Str modes vibrations
Kz [ R u (NO)C15] 1912 vs, 1897 vs 604 vw, 587 vv 334 vs, 288 w 190 sh, 181 w 143 vw, 96 vs
Rbz [ Ru( NO )Cls] 602 vw, 588 w 330 vs, 284 w 184 sh, 178 w 107 vw, 80 vs
CSZ[Ru(NO)Clj] 1873 vs, 1863 vs 599 sh, 589 w 322 vs, 279 vw 178 w <70
[ (CzH6)4N]z[Ru(NO)Clal 1830 vs 613 w, 588 w 315 vs, 281 w 168 TV <70
K2[Ru(KO)Brj] 1880 vs, 1865 vs 605 vw, 573 m 257 vs, 221 m, 128 vw, 111 vw 81 s
185 vw, 181 VTY
Rbz[Ru(NO)Brj] 606 vw, 578 m 255 vs, 220 w, 125 vw, 108 vw 70 s
180 vw
599 vw, 578 w 251 vs, 222 m, 123 w, 106 vw <70
176 w
[(CH3)iNl,iRu(NO)Br,1 1840 sh, 1821 vs 610 w,5‘77 w 247 vs, 217 m, 121 w 75 m
175 w
[( C Z H ~ ) ~ N I Z [ R U ( K O ) B ~ ~1832
~ vs 609 w, 573 w 245 vs, 222 w, <70
178 vw
K2 [Ru(NO)Id 1840 vs 598 vw, 573 vw, 214 s, 172 TV 105 vs
552 w
CSZ [Ru(XO)Ij] 598 sh, 581 vu’, 210 s, 169 w, <io
559 w 128 vw
[(CZHF,)~X]Z[R~(KO)I~] 605 vw, 578 vw, 208 s, 172 w <70
559 w
Kz [ OS( xo)c16] 1865 vs 617 vw, 593 w 320 vs, 294 w 196 w, 173 w
Kz[Os(XO )Br6] 623 vw, 585 w 230 s, 217 w
K [ Ir(NO)Br,] 1973 s, 1955 vs 552 w,534 vw 236 rn, 225 m
a Abbreviations: s, strong; m, medium; w,weak; v, very; sh, shoulder.

conclude that C-N stretching vibrations of different C,, Chart I also applies to this compound. The
complex ions within the unit cell are coupled together N-0 stretching vibrations span the representations
despite the large distances between cyano groups. A, + B1,+ Bzu +Bau and two infrared bands are
Other spectra illustrated in Figure 1 show that the indeed observed (Table 11), indicating that the vibra-
pattern of splitting of v(C-N) in [Fe(NO)(CN)6IZ- tions of the NO groups in different complex ions are
depends strongly on the nature of the cation. I t may also coupled together in spite of the groups’ large
be noted that the greatest splitting occurs in the hy- separation of a t least 5 A. Splitting of v(N-0) was
drated compounds, although in Naz[Fe(NO)(CN)s]. also noted in other compounds.
2H20 the intermolecular distances were considered too In the compounds A2[Ru(NO)X~], no splitting of
large for hydrogen bonding to exist.’ X] ,= C1,
Y ( N - 0 ) was observed for A = [ ( C Z H ~ ) ~ N
The coinpound Kz[Ku(NO)Clj] cryslallixs in the Br. It was also tioled that v(N-0) is corisiclerably
space group D2hlG-Pnma.*As the site symmetry is lower in the tetzaethylammonium salts than in the
(8) T.S Khodashova and G 13. Bokii, Z h Sliukl Khzm , 1, 161 (1000). potassium salts. Similar differences were observed in
VoZ. 5, No. 11, November 1966 IN TRANSITION

[Ru(NO)- [Ru(NO)- [Ru(NO)- [Ru(NO)-

(NHs)aOH]- NHdaOHl- NHa)aOH] (NHs)aCl]-
Cl2 Br2 I2 c12
O-H str 3470 m 3498 m 3510 m
N-H str 3250 s 3250 s 3280 s 3250 s
N-H str 3120 s 3140 s 3130 s 3150 s
N-0 str 1837 vs 1840 vs 1850 vs 1880 vs
N-0 str 1874 sh
N-0 str 1835 sh
NHa def 1550 m 1570 m 1570 m 1550 m
NHa def 1320 w 1328 m 1330 w 1303 s
NHa def 1290 s 1300 sh 1300 m
NH3 def 1279 w 1295 s
NHs def 1283 sh
Ru-OH rock 970 w 960 w 930 w
Ru-NHa rock 850 m 845 s 840 m 855 m
Ru-NHa rock 820 m
Ru-OH str 633 m 626 m 625 w
Ru-NO str,
Ru-NO rock
Ru-NHa s t r
{E: {2: {E: ","
500 w 497 vw 497 vw
Ru-NHa str 478 rn 469 m 462 w
Ru-Cl str
Deformation 325 sh 264 vs U
Deformation 271 vs 204 sh
Deformation 218 sh
Lattice vibr 130 s 112 sh U
Lattice vibr 89 s

0-H str 3530 m
N-0 str 1879 vs
NO%str 1400 vw
NOz s t r 1350 sh
NOn str 1340 sh
NOz s t r 1330 m
NO? str 1317 vw
M-OH rock 957 m
NO? sciss 834 w
NO2 sciss 828 s
NO2 sciss 820 w
M-OH str, NO3 wag 628 m

M-NO str, M-NO rock (586 w

M-NOz rock, M-NO2 str, deformations 347 m

307 m
299 sh
< 291 s
(192 m 278 vs
259 w
245 vw

Lattice vibi 132 m

a Not investigated. Abbreviations: s, strong;

w, weak; v, very; sh, shoulder.

salts of [Fe(NO)(CN)s]2-, and solvent shifts of v(N-0)

have been also rep0rted.O Clearly the electronic struc-
ture of the polar NO group is greatly influenced by the
electric field generated by its surroundings. The
frequency shifts observed imply that the electrons of
the NO group are attracted more toward the oxygen
atom in the higher field generated by the K+ ions.
The effect of replacing K + by Cs+ is also to reduce
v(N-0). This may be due to the smaller charge/size V
ratio of Cs+ or to a general expansion of the crystal
650 600 550 500
lattice. v ( M - X ) frequencies are also influenced by
Wavenumbers, crn-'
the cation (see tables), and this in turn may affect
Figure 2.-v(M-N) aud 6(M-NO) in (A) Kz[Ru(NO)Clal,
(9) W. Beck and K. Lottes, Z. Nalz~~Jo?,sch., 19b, 987 (1964); M. B. ( B ) Csz[R~(N0)Clal,( C ) [ ( C ~ H ~ ) ~ N I Z [ R U ( ~ O
) C Kz[Ru-
Fairey and K. J. Irving, Sfiectrochim. Acta, 20, 1757 (1964). (NO)Br51, (E) KZ[RU(NO)I~], and (F) K[Ir(NO)Brs].
AND L. SACCONI Inorganic Chemistry

v(N-0). The solid-state shifts and splitting of v(N-0) not represent ~ ( R u - N ) , split by solid-state interac-
are presumably both the consequences of a large tions, as has been recently suggested.13
change in the bond dipole moment of the KO group (b) Pentacyanonitrosyl Complexes.-Our spectrum
during its vibrations and hence a sensitivity to the of iYaz[Fe(NO)(CN)5] .2Hz0 agrees well with that
external electric field. of Miller, et aZ.I4 (though our resolution is better),
Low-Frequency Region. (a) Ruthenium Com- but not with that of Tosi and Danon.5 A com-
plexes.-The following bands are expected in this parison of the hydrated salts with the anhydrous cesium
region, in order of increasing frequency: lattice vibra- and tetramethylammonium salts shows that the bands
tions, s(X-Ru-X(N)), ~ ( R u - X ) , v(Ru-N), and 6- a t 515 or 540 cm-l must be ascribed to the effect of the
(RU-NO). hydrate water molecules. I n order to make a rough
The lattice vibrations are easily identified in most assignment of the remaining bands we assume that
cases by comparing the spectra of different salts of the v(M-C) and s(M-CN) will be similar in compounds
same complex ion, since the change of counterion where v(C-N) is similar and compare the spectrum
causes little alteration to the spectra except for the of [Fe(NO)(CN)j]Z- with that of [Fe(CN)6I3- and
lattice vibrations. [12!I(NO)(CN)jI3- with [1GI(CN)6]3- (M = Mn, Cr).
v(Ru-X) and s(X-Ru-X(N)) are assigned by analogy It is found that for each v(M-C) and 6(M-CN) band
with other halo complexeslo and also for internal con- in the hexacyano complex there exists a strong band
sistency. Three Ru-X stretching bands were found, of similar frequency in the nitrosyl comp'ex. The
as expected, in Csz[Ru(NO)Ij] and all the bromo use of this analogy is strengthened by the observation
complexes, but only two bands were found in the that the bands in [Fe(NO)(CN)b]z- found between
chloro complexes. Woodward and Warell have also 300 and 500 cm-1 fall within the complete range of
found anomalous intensity behavior in the Raman frequencies, including those not active in the infrared,
spectra of [ReClol2-and [ReBr6Iz-. found in [ C O ( C N ) ~ ] ~ -apart
, ' ~ from the band a t 318
The band a t ca. 180 cm-l in K2[Ru(NO)Br;] shows cm-1.
signs of being a doublet, but i t does not do so in the I t is not possible, on the basis of the present data
other salts. This leads to the probable assignment of alone, to make a more detailed assignment of v(&-C)
this band to the v(Ru-Br) doubly degenerate mode. and G(M-CN). On the basis of the qualitative assign-
Comparison of the spectrum of Kz[Ru(NO)Clj]with ment, however, the bands found a t ca. 660 cm-' must
that of trans- [Ru(NO)(NH3)4C1]C12makes it likely be ascribed to v(M-N) and G(M-NO). In [Fe(NO)-
that the band a t 337 cm-l in the former is largely (CN)5l2- the relative intensity of the two bands in
associated with vibrations of the Ru-CI bond trans this region varies, as did the corresponding bands
to the NO group. We therefore have a provisional in [ R u ( N O ) X ~ ] ~according
-, to cation. In the chro-
assignment of v(Ru-Br) in [ ( C Z H ~ ) ~[N R]uZ( N 0 ) B r ~ l : mium and manganese compounds only one band is
A1 (trans), 245 cm-l; A1 ( x y plane), 222 cm-l; E, found, so it must be concluded that the other is particu-
178 cm-I. larly weak, or accidentally degenerate. Regardless
v(Ru-N) and G(Ru-NO) are assigned to the two of any precise assignment in this region v(L4-N)
bands found a t ca. 600 cm-l. In gaseous Co(N0) (CO)O can be given the value of ca. ?Jobad f 30 cm-l since
an N1j substitution experiment12 led to the firm assign- this is the largest frequency difference found in the
ment of these two modes to bands a t 665 and 594 ruthenium compounds and in Co(K0) (CO)3.
cm-l, frequencies to be compared with 573 and 609 (c) Other Compounds.-The spectra of Kz [Os-
cm-I found in [(CzHj)4N]a [Ru(NO)Erj]. Further (NO)Cl,] and Kz[Os(KO)Brj)are very similar to those
evidence in favor of the assignment may be drawn of the corresponding ruthenium compounds. In K [Ir-
from the solid-state effects illustrated in Figure 2. (NO)Br5], however, the intensity pattern a t ca. 560
The three bands found in [ R U ( N O ) I ~ ]probably ~- cm-l is different.
correspond to the E mode, split by solid-state Some data for compounds of the type [Ru(NO)-
interactions, and the A 1 mode. For [ R U ( N O ) C ~ S ] ~ -(NH3)4L]X~ and K z [ M ( N O ) ( N O ~ ) ~ Oare
H ] given in
the N-0 stretching region provides clear evidence Table 111, together with a set of self-consistent assign-
that solid-state interactions are weakest in the tetra- ments. The spectra of the ammine complexes are
ethylammonium salt. In this salt the relative in- less complex than expected for a molecule of sym-
tensities of the t n o bands become inverted from the metry except for the M-N stretching frequencies.
pattern more commonly found in the ruthenium com- The deformation frequencies, of which three (E) are
plexes. These observations suggest that the tn-o expected, are presumably all contained within the
bands found a t ~ 7 600 . cm-l do represent the funda- very broad envelope of the band a t ca. 270 cm-l.
mental vibrations v(Ru-iY) and G(Ru-NO) and do Fairey and IrvingI3 have also published data on some
of these compounds, and their experimental results
(10) R. J. H. Clark and T. 51. D u n n , J . Che7n. Soc., 1198 (1963); D. M. are in entire agreement with ours. They were un-
Adams, J. Chatt, J . A<I. Davidson, and J, Cerrat, ibzd.,2189 (1963); D. hT. able to make more than a tentative assignment of the
Adams and H. A. Gebbie, Spect~ochim.A d a , 19, 926 (1963); A. Sabatini
and L. Sacconi, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 17 (1964). (13) M. B. I'airey and R. J. Irving, Speclruchim. Acta, 22, 359 (1966).
(11) L. A. Woodward and A I . J. Ware, Spectiochifn. Arle, 2 0 , 711 (1964). (14) F.A. RIiller, C. L. Carlson, F.I?. Bentley, and U'. 13. Jones, ibid., 16,
(12) R. S. ?\IcDowell, \V. D. Hot-rocks, and J. Yates, J . Chem. P h y s . , 34, 165 (1960).
530 (1961). (1.5) L. H. Jones, J . Chem. Phys., 36, 1209 (1962).
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1966 STUDY

bands between 565 and 635 cm-l. We suggest that involved in a bonding to an exceptional extent. This
the three bands found in this region in the compounds is demonstrated quantitatively by the calculation of
[Ru(NHa)d(NO)(OH)]Xz should be assigned to v(Ru- the a*(NO) character of the e(xy,yz) orbital.16 How-
OH), v(Ru-NO), and ~(Ru-NO),but neither the deu- ever, M-NO a bonding has very little effect on the
teration datal3 nor correlations with other compounds bonding between M and the other ligands since orbitals
permit us to make a more precise assignment. of quite different energy (and perhaps symmetry) are
Bonding in Nitrosyl Complexes.-The large changes involved. This accounts for the fact that the infrared
in the spectra found to result from solid-state inter- spectra in the v(M-C) and 6(M-CN) region of various
actions make the problem of interpretation a difficult pentacyanonitrosyl complexes are remarkably similar,
one. Small differences in v(N-0) from one compound considering the variation in v(N-0). It also accounts
to another may have virtually no significance with for the similarity, previously noted,5between v(C-N) in
regard to the metal-ligand bonding. the complexes [Fe"(NO+) (CN),I2- and [Fe111(CN)6]3-;
The metal-nitrogen stretching frequencies are very there is an analogous similarity between [Cr'(NO+)-
high compared with metal-carbon stretching frequen- (CN)613- and [ C I - ~ " ( C N ~ ] and
~ - the corresponding
cies in carbonyl and cyano complexes. On the other manganese compounds. One result of extensive T
hand, the opportunities for a bonding are a priori bonding to NO+ is that the effective electrical charge
greater in a mononitrosyl complex in which the other on the central metal atom is nearly the same as in
ligands are weakly a bonding. The nitric oxide inter- the hexacyano complexes of the metal in a higher
acts strongly with the d,,,d,, pair, reducing the avail- oxidation state, and this largely determines the v(C-N)
ability of these electrons to the other ligands. The frequencies.
situation is not like that obtaining in an octahedral
Acknowledgment.-Thanks are expressed to the
carbonyl complex where the three Tzgd orbitals are
Italian "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche" for finan-
shared equally among six ligands.
cial support.
The very low v(N-0) frequency of many pentacyano-
nitrosyl complexes shows that the ligand NO+ is (16) P. T. Manoharan and H. B. Gray, Chem. Commun., 324 (1965).


An Infrared Study of the Directive Influences

by Ligands in Nitrosylru thenium Complexes1

Received May 16, 1966

The infrared spectra of several complexes of nitrosylruthenium have been recorded from 4000 t o 50 cm-l and assignments
of the bands t o the fundamental vibrational modes have been made. A study of the frequency of the ligands in both the
cis and trans positions is interpreted in terms of a cas- and trans-labilizing influence. The trans series formed was: I- >
Br- > NHa 2 C1- > OH- > CN-. While the influence of cis ligands was less than that of the trans, it is much too large
t o ignore in these complexes as has been done in square-planar complexes. The following fundamental vibrational fre-
quencies have been assigned: Ru-NO stretching at 638-572 cm-l; Ru-NOs stretching at 480-470 cm-l; Ru-NHa stretch-
ing a t 497-445 cm-l; Ru-OH stretching at 588-519 cm-l. Suggested assignments for the low-frequency bending modes
are also presented.

Introduction study was initiated in an attempt to discover whether

In octahedral complexes of transition metal ions, such a trans effect is dominant in octahedral complexes
very little is known about the influence which different or if cis groups also have large effects upon metal-
coordinated groups have on the bond strength and the ligand bonds. For this purpose we have chosen to
lability of other ligands present in the complex. Such study a number of nitrosylruthenium complexes by
influences have been well studied in square-planar infrared spectroscopy.
complexes of platinum and other metals and are best In our previous paper5 on some nitrosylruthenium
interpreted by a trans e f f e ~ t . ~ Our
- ~ present infrared complexes, a review of earlier infrared studies on this
(1) Presented a t the Southeast-Southwest Regional Meeting of the series of compounds was presented. One study of
American Chemical Society, Memphis, Tenn., Dec 2-4, 1965. particular pertinence to our present report is that of
(2) F. Basolo and R. G. Pearson, "Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions,"
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1958,p 171.
(3) F. Cotton and R. Wilkinson, "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,"
Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1962, p 552. (5) J. R. Durig, W. A. McAllister, J. N. Willis, Jr., and E. E. Mercer,
(4) F. Basolo and R. G. Pearson, Progv. Inovg. Chem., 4, 381 (1962). Spectvochim. Acta, 22, 1091 (1966).

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