How Social Software and Rich Computer Me
How Social Software and Rich Computer Me
How Social Software and Rich Computer Me
Tanguy Coenen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Department of Mathematics, Operations research, Statistics and information technology applied to the human sciences
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
The arrival of software allowing the expansion of the personal social network in combination with cheap and rich modes of
computer mediated communication changes our capacity to access information. How does this change the way we share
knowledge and how can this influence our creativity ? This paper presents some insights related to these questions.
social software, knowledge sharing, creativity, computer mediated communication
Wellman et al (2002) observe that since the 1970’s, the proliferation of cheap and effective transport and
communication networks has brought about a change in the nature of community life. Today, community life
transcends spatial boundaries, changing its nature “from the local and densely knit to the far flung and the
sparsely knit” (Wellman et at 2002: 153).
The recent advent of social software systems can be seen as the next step in this evolution to a networked nature
of community characterized by networked individualism. Dozens of systems like Orkut, LinkedIn, Ecademy,
Humnity or Multiply allow the creation and maintaining of social ties over the internet. Coinciding with this
evolution, new communication channels like voice-over-IP (e.g. Skype), instant messaging (e.g. MSN messenger,
AOL instant messenger, Jabber) and video communication (e.g. MSN messenger) have become available to the
public at almost zero cost. The combined use of these computer mediated communication (cmc) technologies can
bring about rich and cheap long distance communication sessions.
Knowledge sharing is a communication process involving an exchange of information between people. In this
context, information is produced by a cognitive system containing knowledge. At the receiving end, information
is transformed back to knowledge when the receiver embeds the information in his own cognitive system. As
one’s capacity for creativity is influenced by the amount of knowledge and the variety of this knowledge,
technologies which allow people to communicate with more people from various backgrounds may impact our
ability to be creative. Drawing on literature from cognitive psychology, knowledge management and sociology,
this paper presents a conceptual model of how this impact may occur.
ISBN: 972-99353-7-8 © 2005 IADIS
IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2005
can influence Amabile’s first category, housing domain relevant knowledge. To understand this, it seems
appropriate to briefly point out how creativity can take place.
This following quote of the mathematician Pointcarré illustrates the creative mechanism which can be
influenced by knowledge sharing :
"To create consists of making new combinations of associative elements which are useful. The mathematical
facts worthy of being studied... are those which reveal to us unsuspected kinship between other facts well known
but wrongly believed to be strangers to one another. Among these combinations the most fertile will often be
those formed by elements drawn from domains which are far apart."(Mednick 1962: 220-221)
Creativity can occur by associating previously unconnected concepts in a cognitive system (Mednick 1962,
Simon 1985, Cronin 2004). This is conform to some ideas described in organizational literature like
Boland&Tenkasi (1995) and Cohen&Levinthal (1990), who see innovation as depending on the integration of
knowledge from various fields. Further evidence in support of this associative cause of creativity is found in
Kasperson (1978), who reported that creative scientists in the fields of physics and engineering are more likely to
be exposed to information from different scientific disciplines than their non-creative colleagues. As information
from various disciplines can be gathered over social contacts in different domains, it can be concluded that
creativity is related to social network structure. This was recently illustrated by Perry-Smith and Shalley (2003).
Such information access occurring over social ties occurs through knowledge sharing, which is a
communication process between people. The next chapter compares face-to-face communication with computer
mediate communication in the context of knowledge sharing.
As will be explained throughout this paper, social software and cmc may be able to influence creativity through
their support of knowledge sharing between people. This can happen in either a pull or push mode. Information
push occurs when someone takes the initiative to provide a receiver with relevant information. Information pull
takes place when a receiver takes the initiative and asks another person for information.
The richness of a communication mode refers to the ability of the communication to change one’s
understanding within a time interval (Daft & Lengel 1986). Its range of possible communication cues and
possibility for synchronous feedback make face-to-face communication the richest communication mode and
therefore the most efficient way of sharing knowledge between two people (Daft & Lengel 1986).
Face-to-face communication is, however, heavily limited by spatial constraints. Alternatively, cmc channels
are less sensitive to spatial limitations, but suffer from a lack of richness. Until cmc has developed to a stage
where it allows the same information transfer rate and feedback as face-to-face communication, a trade-off
between spatial independence and media richness will persist.
But what are the consequences of being able to project our social ties, which are important sources of
information, across the globe ? The causal model presented in the next chapter proposes a number of ways in
which this may influence knowledge sharing and creativity.
ISBN: 972-99353-7-8 © 2005 IADIS
Personal 4.2 Information
network Creativity
closure Information
Node degree
pull Information
Tie creation push
Personal memory directory
visibility development
4.6.2 Assimilation
4.6.1 efficiency
Capacity for
Absorptive feedback Channel
capacity synchronicity
4.5 Information
Communication transfer rate
Targeted richness
Figure 1. causal model of the influence of social software and cmc on creativity. Numbers indicate paragraphs in which
elements are discussed.
IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2005
4.4 Personal visibility, transactive memory directories, information push and pull
New ties created though the intermediary of a social software system may link two people who are very different.
For example, a Western European working in IT may link to a Brazilian architect. It can be hard to know what
information is relevant to the person at the other side of the tie and what potentially useful information this
person has in store.
Transactive memory system theory (Wegner 1987) studies how people create and use cognitive network
entries of other people’s knowledge. These entries, called transactive memory directories, allow us to assess what
information others find useful and forward it to them, for example through speech or writing.
The construction of such directories can occur through frequent face-to-face communication, but can also take
place through cmc, in spite of cmc’s lower richness. Evidence of this can be found in the information pushing
behavior occurring over the WWW between people who have never met face-to-face. This kind of behavior is
information push. It occurs when a source encounters information of which he believes it could be beneficial to a
receiver, based on the transactive memory entries the source has of the receiver.
ISBN: 972-99353-7-8 © 2005 IADIS
Transactive memory directories can also guide one’s search for a source to pull information from. When
looking for specific knowledge, the receiver can query his transactive memory directories in search of a person
who holds the knowledge he needs.
Social software systems allow a person to add personal profile information, enabling the creation of
transactive memory entries on this person by other people. Currently, many social software systems allow the
adding of profile information as pre-defined fields in a database, limiting the form and content of the profile.
Only a minority of systems supports the adding of custom information in various media types which is necessary
for people to present themselves in a rich way.
This concludes the discussion of how the increased visibility brought about by the profiles of social software
systems can support the creation of more accurate transactive memory directories and therefore benefit
information push and pull. The next paragraph will discuss the capacity of sources to externalize their knowledge
in a way which is targeted to the receiver’s understanding.
IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2005
Some insights have been presented of how social software and cmc may influence knowledge sharing and
creativity by influencing network closure, node degree, personal visibility and communication richness.
Empirical validation is required and will be undertaken in future research.
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