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Quick Reference Card: Model 3440 Surface Moisture-Density Gauge

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The gauge can be adjusted using an offset. The gauge applies After the measurement is complete, the gauge displays:
the offset to measurements until the offset is disabled or the Model 3440
gauge is turned off. %PR = xxxx%
Press 〈OFFSET〉. The gauge displays the Offset menu.
DD = xxxx Surface Moisture-Density Gauge
WD = xxxx
M = xxx% M = xxx
To select wet density offset from the Offset menu, press 〈1〉. If To store the reading, press 〈STORE〉 (see Storage Function).
the function is disabled, enable it by pressing 〈YES〉. To
change the current factor, press 〈YES〉. To enter a new wet
density offset, select either + (positive) or – (negative) to ASPHALT SURFACE
After the measurement is complete, the gauge displays:

-WD Offset-
%MA = xxxx
Press Enter WD = xxxx
M= xxxx %M= xxxx
when completed
%VOIDS = xxxx

Enter the new factor and press 〈ENTER〉.

To store the reading, press 〈STORE〉 (see Storage Function). CARD
To select moisture offset from the Offset menu, press 〈2〉. After
selection, enable the function by pressing 〈YES〉.
When storing a reading, the gauge can also prompt the operator
When prompted Do you want a new M–Offset?, press for information required on U.S. Federal Highway
〈YES〉. For a gauge-derived offset, value 〈1〉. For a stored Administration (FHWA) projects. To select this option, select
Special Rdwy from the Special functions menu. The gauge
value, press 〈2〉.
displays the current storage status. Press 〈YES〉 to toggle the
For more information on offsets, see the Model 3440 function ON or OFF. To accept the displayed status, press
Manual of Operation and Instruction. 〈NO/CE〉.

Assign a project number before storing readings by pressing

TESTING AND MEASUREMENT 〈SHIFT〉 and 〈PROJECT〉. If the displayed project number is
correct, press 〈NO〉. If the project number is incorrect, press
Ensure that the gauge is in the correct mode. Press 〈SHIFT〉 〈YES〉 and enter a new project number (up to 12 characters). Troxler Electronic Laboratories, Inc.
and 〈MODE〉.
To store readings, press 〈STORE〉. Follow the gauge prompts
3008 Cornwallis Road
For Soils mode, press 〈1〉. For Asphalt mode, press 〈2〉. to enter any additional project information. P.O. Box 12057
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Ensure that the count time is correct. Tel (919) 549-8661 Fax (919) 549-0761
Ensure that the depth is set properly. If not, see if the Depth
function is set to Automatic. To check the mode, press 〈SHIFT〉
then 〈DEPTH〉.
PN 104337
When the gauge is in the correct position, press 〈START〉 to October 1999
begin the test. Edition 1.1

NOTE If changing either a Marshall or Proctor value, the gauge Surface preparations are critical to gauge performance and test
The operator should wear a dosimeter or radiation prompts for either a Stored value (press 〈1〉) or a New value result accuracy. The following procedures will help ensure
badge when working with the 3450 Surface Moisture- (press 〈2〉). accurate test results.
Density Gauge.
If enabling a stored value, the gauge displays the values. Press SOIL AND BASE COURSES
Press 〈ON〉. The display will come on and the gauge performs a the numeric key that corresponds to the desired value.
short self-test routine. Following the self-test, the gauge CAUTION
displays: For a new value, use the numeric keys number keys to enter the Safety glasses must be worn during this procedure.
new value, then press 〈ENTER〉. At the Do you want to
READY mm/dd/yyyy save this value for later use? prompt, press 〈YES〉. As Place the scraper plate on the test surface. Smooth the area by
Depth: XXXX when enabling a stored value, select the desired value. sliding the plate back and forth. Lift the plate from the surface
Time: XXXXXX and fill any voids or
Batt volts: XX Density Value depressions. Replace the plate
and press down slightly to
Enter the voidless density value and press 〈ENTER〉. further level the surface.
While displaying the count time, depth, and remaining battery
life, the screen alternates between displaying the current time
and date. Put the drill rod through the
THE STANDARD COUNT extraction tool then through
one of the guides on the
GAUGE SET UP scraper plate (see figure).
To check the gauge operation and allow the gauge to
compensate for natural source decay, take a standard count Wearing safety glasses, step
TIME FUNCTION on the scraper plate and
daily. Use the reference standard block for this operation.
hammer the drill rod at least
To view the current time for test measurements, press 〈TIME〉. 50 millimeters (2 in) deeper
Make the desired time selection with the numeric keys and Place the reference standard block on a dry, flat surface of
asphalt or compacted soil with a density of at least 100 pcf than the desired test depth.
press 〈ENTER〉. The drill rod increment
(1600 kg/m3). The location should be at least 2 m (6 ft) from
any building or vertical structure and 10 m (33 ft) from any markings include the additional depth. Mark the test area.
CHANGING THE DATE AND TIME Remove the drill rod by pulling straight up on the drill rod
other nuclear gauge or radioactive source.
extraction tool. Do not loosen the drill rod by moving it from
To access the current date and time settings, press 〈SHIFT〉 side-to-side.
Ensure that the top surface of the reference standard block and
then 〈SPECIAL〉. Press 〈1〉, 〈9〉, and 〈ENTER〉. Enter the
bottom of the gauge are clean of debris. Place the gauge
access code and press 〈ENTER〉. To select the Time/Date To ensure no debris falls into the hole, remove the scraper plate
between the grooves on the reference standard block with the by lifting it straight up.
function, press 〈1〉. source rod to the left and the right side of the gauge against the
metal butt plate on the block. Place the gauge on the smoothed surface and ensure the source
Current Date:
rod is over the drilled hole. Lower the source rod to the correct
mm/dd/yyyy For the first display, press 〈STANDARD〉. For the second depth and release the trigger. Gently slide the gauge to the
Do you want to display, press 〈YES〉. right, so the source rod touches the side of the hole.
change Date?
-Standard Count- -Standard Count-
To change the date and time, press 〈YES〉. Both the date and Is gauge on Ref. DS=xxxx ASPHALT SURFACE
time must include leading zeros. For example, September 5, block & Source MS=xxxx
rod in SAFE pos? Take new count? Locate a smooth, level site on the asphalt. Fill the voids on
1999 must be entered as 09051999 and 9:05 must be entered as open mixes with sand or cement. The gauge base must rest on
0905. Enter the new date and, when prompted, the new time. the asphalt, not the fill material! Ensure that the gauge does
To begin the count, press 〈YES〉. Upon completion of the not "rock." It must remain level and steady. If the gauge rocks,
CHANGING MARSHALL/PROCTOR/VOIDLESS VALUES count, the gauge will “beep.” Write the count in the standard then find a more suitable test site.
count log and accept the count by pressing 〈YES〉. When in the
To select or change a Marshall, Proctor, or voidless density Place the source rod in the backscatter position (lower the
Ready mode, the gauge is ready to take test measurements.
value, press 〈PROCTOR/MARSHALL〉. At the Want to source rod one notch) and release the trigger. Ensure that the
change? display, press 〈YES〉. At the next display, use the source rod is in the proper index rod notch and not resting
numeric keys to select the type of value you are using. on the asphalt.

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