DRUG Study
DRUG Study
DRUG Study
Nomenclature of the drug/dosage, route, Mechanisms of action Indications & contrainications Side effects, adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name: Sodium Action of the Drug: Indications; Adverse Effects: Asses for history of
bicarbonate NaHCO₃ allergy to component of
Brand Name: Increase plama Treatment of metabolic GI: gastric rupture ff preparation, low serum
Classification/s: Antacid, bicrbonate; buffers acidosis, with measures to ingestion. chloride, metabolic &
Electrolyte, Systemic excess hydrogen ion control the caue of Hematologic: sytemic respiratory alkalosi,
Alkalinizer, Urinary Alkalinizer concentration; raise acidosis. alkalosis (headache, hypocalcemia, impaired
blood pH; reverses Adjunctive treatment in nausea, irritability, renal function, HF,
DOSA ROUT FREQU clinical manifestation evere diarrhea with weakness, tetany, edema, oliguria or anuria,
GE E ENCY of acidosis; increases accompanying los of confusion), potassium depletion,
1.0 the excretion of free bicarbonate. hypokalemia secondary pregnancy.
mEqs + SIVTT base in the urine, Treatment of certain drug to intracellular shifting Assess skin color, turgor,
10 cc of effectively raising the intoxications that require of potassium, injection site, peripheral
sterile urinary pH; neutralize alkalinization, of the hypernatremia. rhythm, peripheral
H₂O or reduces gastric urine, prevention of Local: chemical edema, bowel sounds,
acidity, resulting to an methotrexate cellulitis, tissue abdominal exam, urinary
increase in pH, which nephrotoxicity by the necrosis, ulceration and output, serum
inhibits the alkalinization of the sloughing at the site of electrolytes, erum
proteolyrtic activity of urine. infiltration. bicarbonate, ABGs,
pepsin. Minimization of uric acid urinalyis, renal fxns.
crystalluria in gout, with Monitor ABG and
uricosuric agents. calculate base deficit
Minimization of when administering
ulfonamide crystalluria. parenterally. Adjust
Oral: symptomatic relief dosage based on
of stomach upset from response. Administer
hyperacidity associated slowly.
with peptic ulcer, Check potasium level
gastritis,, peptic before IV adminitration,
esophagitis, gastric risk of metabolic acidosis
hyperacidity, hiatal is increased in states of
hernia. hypokalemia, requiring
Oral: prophylaxis of GI reduction of NaHCO₃.
bleeding, tress ulcers, If infiltration occur,
aspiration pneumonia. promptly elevate the site,
To reduce incidences of apply warm compress.
chemical phlebitis, and Instruct to chew tablet
patient discomforts due to thoroughly, and follow
vein irritation at/or near the with a glass of full water.
infusion site by raising the Do not use within 1-2
pH of IV acid solutions.
hours of any other drugs
to decrease risks of drug
Advise to have periodic
Contraindicated with
blood tests and medical
allergy to component of
preperation, low serum
Monitor cardiac
chloride (secondary to
arrythmias. Report
vomiting, continuous GI
irritability, headache,
suction, diuretics
tremors, periopheral
associated with
edema, DOB, blac or
hypochloremic alkalosis);
tarry tools, and pain at IV
metabolic and respiratory
alkalosis, hypokalemia
(alkalosis may precipitate
Nomenclature of the drug/dosage, route, Mechanisms of action Indications & contrainications Side effects, adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name: Penicillin G Action of the Drug: Indications; Adverse Effects: Assess hitory of allergy
sodium to penicillins,
Brand Name: Harbipen
Classification/s: Antibacterial Bactericidal: inhibits Treatment of severe CNS: lethargy, cephalosporins,
syntheis of cell wall of infections caused by hallucinations, seizures imipenem, beta-
DOSA ROUT FREQU sensitive organisms, enitive organism e,g. GI: glossitis, stomatitis, lactaminase inhibitors,
GE E ENCY causing cell death. streptococci, gastritis, sore mouth, and other allergens, renal
550,000 IV q°6 pneumococci, furry tongue, black diease, lactation &
“u” as straphylococci, Neisseria “hairy” tongue, nausea, pregnancy.
drip gonorrhoeae, Triponema vomitting, diarrhea, Assess for culture
pallidum, abdominal pain, bloody infections, skin rashes,
meninggococci. diarrhea, enterocolitis, lesions, adventitious
Actinomyces israelii, pseudomembranous sounds, bowel sound,
Clostridium perfringens, colitis, nonpecific and normal output: CBC,
and tetani, Leptotricia hepatitis LFTs, renal fxn test,
buccalis, Spirillum minus GU: nephritis--- serum electrolytes, Hct,
or Streptobacillus oliguria, proteinuria, urinalysis, skin test with
moniliformis, Listeria hematuria, cast, pyuria benzylpenicyllol-
monocytogenes, axotemia polylysine if
Fusobacterium Hematologic; anemia, hypersensitivity rxns to
fusiformisans, Pasteurella thrombocytopenia, penicillin hace occurred.
multocida, Erysipelothrix leukopenia, neutropenia, Culture infection prior to
insidiosa, E. coli, prolonged bleeding time treatment, reculture if
Enterobacter aerogenes, Hypersensitivity respone is not as
Alkaligenes faecalis, reactions; rash, fever, expected.
Salmonella, Shigella, wheezing, anaphylaxis Use the smallest volume
Proteus mirabilis, Local: pain, phlebitis, possible for IM
Corynebacterium thrombosis at injection injections to avoid pain
diptheriae, Bacillu ite, Jarich-Hercheimer & discomfort.
anthrax rxns when used to treat Continue treatment for
Treatment of syphillis, syphilis 48-72 hr after the patient
gonococcal infection. Others: superinfection; is assymptomatic.
Lyme disease (unlabeled odium overloadleading Monitor serum
use). to HF electrolytes and cardiac
Contraindications: Keep epinephrine, IV
fluids, vasopressors,
Contraindicated among bronchodilators, oxygen,
with allergy to and emergency
penicillins, equipment readily
cephalosporins, available in case of
imipenem, beta- serious hyperenitivity
lactaminase inhibitors, rxn.
and other allergens. Arrange for cortcosterod
or antihistamine for kin
Caution: rxns.
Advise to eat frequent
In patients with renal meals to counteract
diease, pregnancy, nausea & vomiting; do
lactation, (may cause frequent oral care for
diarrhea, or candidiasi in mouth sores.
infants) Report unusual bleeding,
sore throat, rash, hives,
fever, severe diarrhea,
Nomenclature of the drug/dosage, route, Mechanisms of action Indications & contrainications Side effects, adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name: 5% Dextrose in Action of the Drug: Indications; Adverse Effects: Maintain sterility
1/3 NaCl sol’n throughout preparation,
Brand Name: When administered Intravenous solutions Reactions which may infusion &
Classification/s: IV fluid intravenously, these containing dextrose and occur because of the discontinuation of IV
(hypertonic solution) solutions provide a sodium chloride are solution or the fluid solutions.
source of water, indicated for parenteral technique of Check IVF bottles, and
DOSAG ROUT FREQU carbohydrate and replenishment of fluid, administration include cannula set for integrity
E E ENCY electrolytes. minimal carbohydrate febrile response, and optimal functioning.
80 IV Solutions which calories, and sodium infection at the site of Monitor serum
µgtts/mi provide combinations chloride as required by injection, venous electrolytes prior and
n or 20 of hypotonic or the clinical condition of thrombosis or phlebitis closely during recurrent
gtts/min isotonic concentrations the patient. extending from the site administrations.
of dextrose and of of injection, Adjust rate according to
sodium chloride are extravasation and an individual’s
(-) ANST suitable for parenteral Contraindications: None hypervolemia. tolerance/per doctor’s
maintenance or known. Too rapid infusion of order.
replacement of water hypertonic solutions Use of the largest
and electrolyte Cautions: may cause local pain peripheral vein and a
requirements with and venous irritation. small bore needle is
minimal carbohydrate Rate of administration recommended.
calories. Solutions containing should be adjusted If an adverse reaction
sodium ions should be according to tolerance. does occur, discontinue
Solutions containing ss the infusion, evaluate the
carbohydrate in the used with great care, if at patient, institute
form of dextrose all, in patients with Symptoms may result appropriate therapeutic
restore blood glucose congestive heart failure, from an excess or countermeasures and save
levels and provide severe renal insufficiency deficit of one or more of the remainder of the fluid
calories. Carbohydrate and in clinical states in the ions present in the for examination if
in the form of dextrose which there exists edema solution; therefore, deemed necessary.
may aid in with sodium retention. frequent monitoring of
minimizing liver Excessive administration electrolyte levels is
glycogen depletion of potassium-free essential.
and exerts a protein- solutions may result in
sparing action. significant hypokalemia. Hypernatremia may be
Dextrose injected
associated with edema
In patients with and exacerbation of
undergoes oxidation
diminished renal congestive heart failure
to carbon dioxide
function, administration due to the retention of
and water.
of solutions containing water, resulting in an
sodium ions may result in expanded extracellular
Sodium chloride in sodium retention. fluid volume. If infused
water dissociates to in large amounts,
provide sodium (Na+) chloride ions may cause
The intravenous
and chloride (Cl¯) a loss of bicarbonate
administration of these
ions. Sodium (Na+) is ions, resulting in an
solutions can cause fluid
the principal cation of acidifying effect.
and/or solute overloading
the extracellular fluid
resulting in dilution of
and plays a large part
serum electrolyte
in the therapy of fluid
and electrolyte
overhydration, congested
disturbances. Chloride
states or pulmonary
(Cl¯) has an integral
role in buffering action
when oxygen and
carbon dioxide The risk of dilutional
exchange occurs in the states is inversely
red blood cells. The proportional to the
distribution and electrolyte concentrations
excretion of sodium of administered
(Na+) and chloride parenteral solutions. The
(Cl¯) are largely under risk of solute overload
the control of the causing congested states
kidney which with peripheral and
maintains a balance pulmonary edema is
between intake and directly proportional to
output. the electrolyte
concentrations of such
Water is an essential solutions.
constituent of all body
tissues and accounts
for approximately
70% of total body
weight. Average
normal adult daily
requirements range
from two to three liters
(1.0 to 1.5 liters each
for insensible water
loss by perspiration
and urine production).
Water balance is
maintained by various
mechanisms. Water
distribution depends
primarily on the
concentration of
electrolytes in the
body compartments
and sodium (Na+)
plays a major role in
Nomenclature of the drug/dosage, route, Mechanisms of action Indications & contrainications Side effects, adverse effect Nursing responsibilities
Generic Name: Iron+Vitamin B Action of the Drug: Indications; Side Effects: Monitor history of
Complex anemia. Do not use iron
Brand Name: Ferlin Iron is irregularly and For the prevention and Orally administered to treat hemolytic
Classification/s:Hematinic incompletely absorbed treatment of iron iron, due to its anemias unless an iron
from the deficiency anemia in astringent action, deficient state also exists.
DOSA ROUT FREQU gastrointestinal tract, infants and children. produces GI irritation Do not administer
GE E ENCY the main sight of and abdominal pain therapeutic iron doses
5ml PO OD absorption being the Contraindications: with nausea and longer than 6 months
duodenum and vomiting (these irritant except under the
jejunom. Absorption is Primary hemochomatosis, side effects are usually supervision of a
aided by the acid peptic ulcers, regional related to the physician.
secretion of the enteritis, or ulcerative elemental iron taken Do not administer
stomach or by the colitis. rather than the type of parenteral iron together
dietary acids and is preparation). with oral iron to avoid
more readily effected Other effects may iron overload.
when the iron is in the include either diarrhea Do not administer iron to
ferrous state. or constipation (side patients receiving
Absorption is also effects may be reduced repeated blood
increased in conditions by administration with tranfusions, since there is
of iron deficiency or in or after food or by considerable amount of
fasting state but is starting therapy with a iron in the hemoglobin of
decreased if the body small dose and transfused erythrocytes.
stores are overloaded. increasing gradually). Folic acid should be
Ferrous iron passes May cause staining of administered with caution
through GI mucosa teeth. to patients with
directly into the bl;ood Stools may appear undiagnosed anemia
and is immediately darker in color. since it may obscure the
bound to transferrin. Prolonged folic acid diagnosis of pernicious
Transferrin transports therapy may cause a anemia resulting to
iron to the bone decrease in vitamin progression of neurologic
marrow where it is B12 serum complications.
incorporated into concentration. Administer with food or
hemoglobin. after meals to minimize
Most of the iron irritation. To promote
liberated by the better absorption, take
struction of along with vitamin C or
hemoglobin is citric juices and NO to
conserved and reused milk within and 1-2 hours
by he body. Iron after intake.
excretion occurs Advise to drink with
primarily as straw to prevent staining
desquamation of cells on teeth.
such as skin, GI Inform that straining with
mucosa, naIls and hair; defecation is expected
only trace amounts of with prolong therapy and
iron are excreted in the that stools may appear
bile and sweat. darker (greenish black) in
The B complex color.
vitamins are generally
readily absorbed from
the GI tract. They are
also widely distributed
in the body tissues.
Excretion is through
the urine as metabolites
or in the original form