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Drug Mechanism of action/ Indication Contraindication Nursing responsibilities

Side affects
Brand Name: -By blocking -Treat high blood -Hypersensitivity to - Observe 10 rights in
Lopressor catecholamine-induced pressure. treat illnesses Lopressor and related giving medication
Generic Name: increases in heart rate, in that cause an irregular derivatives, or to any of - Teach patient and
Metoprolol velocity and extent of heartbeat. prevent future the excipients; family how to check
Classification: myocardial contraction, heart disease, heart hypersensitivity to other pulse daily and BP
Beta blockers and in blood pressure, attacks and strokes. beta blockers biweekly and to report
Route: metoprolol reduces the prevent chest pain significant changes to
PO oxygen requirements of caused by angina. health care professional.
Dosage: the heart at any given - Advise patient to notify
100mg level of effort, thus health care professional
Frequency: making it useful in the if slow pulse, difficulty
daily long-term management breathing, wheezing,
of angina pectoris. cold hands and feet,
dizziness, light-
Side Effects: headedness, confusion,
 dizziness or depression, rash, fever,
lightheadedness sore throat, unusual
 tiredness bleeding, or bruising
 depression occurs.
 nausea -Instruct patient to take
 dry mouth medication as directed,
 stomach pain at the same time each
 vomiting day, even if feeling well;
 gas or bloating do not skip or double up
 heartburn on missed doses. Take
 constipation missed doses as soon as
 rash or itching possible up to 8 hr
 cold hands and before next dose
 runny nose
Drug Mechanism of action/ Indication Contraindication Nursing responsibilities
Side affects
Brand Name: - Betaxolol is a beta- -Betaxolol - Contraindicated in -Observe 10 rights in
Betaxolol adrenergic blocking Hydrochloride patients with sinus giving medication
Generic Name: agent that is used for the Ophthalmic Solution has bradycardia, greater than -Advised patient the
Kerlone treatment of glaucoma. been shown to be a first degree correct application of
Classification: When taken by mouth, effective in lowering atrioventricular block, their drops
Beta blockers betaxolol and other beta- intraocular pressure and cardiogenic shock, or -Instruct client to report
Route: adrenergic blocking is indicated in the patients with overt itching, drainage, ocular
Eye drop gtt agents act mainly by treatment of ocular cardiac failure. pain, or other ocular
Dosage: blocking the action of hypertension and abnormalities.
0.5% solution 5mL the sympathetic chronic open-angle -Instruct client to:
Frequency: (adrenergic) nervous glaucoma. It may be ■ Wash hands prior to
BID 1 to 2 drop system, for example, on used alone or in administering eye drops.
the heart. combination with other ■ Avoid touching the tip
anti-glaucoma drugs of the container to the
Side Effects: eye, which may
-Temporary contaminate
stinging/discomfort of the solution.
the eye, ■ Administer the eye
watery/dry/itchy/red drop in the conjunctival
eyes, blurred vision, sac.
feeling as if something is ■ Apply pressure over
in the eye, headache, the lacrimal sac for 1
trouble sleeping, or minute.
dizziness may occur ■ Wait 5 minutes before
administering other
ophthalmic solutions.
■ Schedule glaucoma
medications around
daily routines such as
mealtimes, and bedtime
to lessen the chance of
missed doses.

Drug Mechanism of action/ Indication Contraindication Nursing responsibilities

Side affects
Brand Name: -Diphenhydramine acts - Diphenhydramine is - Closed angle glaucoma. - Observe 10 rights in
Benadryl as an inverse agonist at used to relieve red, high blood pressure. giving medication
Generic Name: the H1 receptor, thereby irritated, itchy, watery stenosing peptic ulcer. - Report difficulty
Diphenhydramine reversing effects of eyes; sneezing; and blockage of the urinary breathing,
Classification: histamine on capillaries, runny nose caused by bladder. hallucinations, tremors,
Antihistamines reducing allergic hay fever, allergies, or loss of coordination,
Route: reaction symptoms. the common cold. unusual bleeding or
PO Lastly, diphenhydramine Diphenhydramine is also bruising, visual
Dosage: acts as an intracellular used to relieve cough disturbances, irregular
25mg sodium channel blocker, caused by minor throat heartbeat.
Frequency: resulting in local or airway irritation. - Avoid alcohol; serious
TID anesthetic properties. sedation could occur
- Administer with food if
Side Effects: GI upset occurs.
 dry mouth, nose, -Drug causes
and throat drowsiness. Avoid
 drowsiness activities requiring
 dizziness mental alertness
 nausea
 vomiting
 loss of appetite
 constipation
 increased chest
 headache
 muscle weakness
 excitement
(especially in
 nervousness

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