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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Task 3 - Developing Research in My Own Setting

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

School or Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Academic Unit
Academic Level Professional.
Academic Field Disciplinary formation.
Course Name Teacher Development
Course Code 551023
Course Type Theoretical- Retake yes ☐ No ☒
practical. exam
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☒ r of 4
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Total score of the activity: Environment to submit the activity:
100 points. Monitoring and Evaluation.
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity: May the 9th,
activity: march the 29 , 2019 2019

Competence to develop:
Communicative Competence (argumentative) and transversal.

Topics to develop:

Unit 2. Educational research methods.

Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop

Task 3: developing research in my own setting

Students will do some research to determine how they can start working
on investigation being students from UNAD.
Activities to develop

- To read references in unit 2

- To Answer Questions based on UNAD Webpage
- To develop a Research Project proposal.
- To develop a literature review.
Initial information environment
s for the
Knowledge environment
Collaborative learning environment
of the
Evaluation and monitoring environment

Students will read the references in Unit 2 and prepare

to Develop a research project proposal (as a team)


Each one of the students is going to work in the link:

Products to https://academia.unad.edu.co/ecedu/investigacion-y-
be productividad answering the following questions:
submitted by
students Note: Please make sure you add important information
on each chart instead of simply copy and paste the
Name of the Questions Answers
Example: Which ones are VIRTUALEX
the research UMBRAL
Ana Maria groups in AMECI

Student 1 Which ones are

lines of
Student 2 Which ones are
Planning the hotbeds of
of research?
activities Student 3 What is the
for the CVELE?
developm Student 4 What are the
ent of CVELE Academic
collaborat Services?
ive work Student 5 What are some
of the books in

General guidelines for the collaborative work


The group is going to plan a research project and upload a

chart in the collaborative environment with the following

Questions Answers
What Pedagogías mediadas
Line of investigation
did my group pick?
What research group Virtualex
and hotbed does my New Aproach
team want to work

What could be the How can the practice,

research question of qualification and research
my group? contribute to the teacher

What references is EVA WILDEN, & RAPHAELA

my group going to PORSCH. (2017). The
work with? Professional Development of
Primary EFL Teachers: National
and International Research.
[S.l.]: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
Retrieved from

Orgovanyi-Gajdos, J. (2016).
Teachers’ Professional
Development on Problem
Solving: Theory and Practice for
Teachers and Teacher
Educators. Rotterdam: Sense
Publishers. Retrieved from

National Research Council

(U.S.). (2007). Enhancing
Professional Development for
Teachers: Potential Uses of
Information Technology, Report
of a Workshop. Washington,
D.C.: National Academies Press.
Retrieved from

Evans, L. (2014). Leadership for

professional development and
learning: enhancing our
understanding of how teachers
develop. Cambridge Journal of
Education, 44(2), 179–198.

Vergara Luján, O. (2009).

Classroom Research and
Professional Development.
Profile: Issues in Teachers’
Professional Development, (. 1),
169. Retrieved from
Dotger, B. H. (2013). Clinical
Simulations for Teacher
Development: A Companion
Manual for Teachers. Charlotte,
North Carolina: Information Age
Publishing. Retrieved from

What could be the - To motivate the students

objectives of my to achieve great
research? qualifications as teachers
in their classrooms and
outside them taking into
account the need to keep
on studying, practicing
and doing research.
- To make the students
aware of the way to
develop themselves as
teachers reading the
experiences form others
and sharing with their own
partners in the course.

Finally, the student in charge of the deliveries will post a

single pdf file with:

a. Cover page (names and last names, course info,

tutor name, date).
b. Introduction referring to the main points of the
task 3 and the importance of the research you are
c. Charts delivered previously in the collaborative

c. References (APA style).

Upload the final product in the Evaluative

Environment It should include all the information as
requested. Name your file as follows:

Task3_ Name of the group.pdf

Puts together the final product and includes the work done
only by those who participated on time. Informs the
student in charge of alerts about people who did not
participate and will not be included in the final product.

Reviser /editor:
Makes sure the written work follows all the criteria
established in the activity guide.
Roles and
duties for Evaluator:
the Evaluates the final document to ensure it follows the
submissio evaluation criteria of the rubric and informs the student in
n of charge of alerts about any changes that need to be made
products before delivering the product.
students Deliveries:
Student in charge of informing about the dates set for
presenting each task and delivering the final product
according to the course agenda. Also informs other
students that the final product has been sent.

Informs group participants about any news in the work
being done and reports the delivery of the final product to
the course tutor.
All references considered for this activity have to be cited
using APA Style. Here you can find the most relevant
aspects of the sixth edition of the APA Standards Manual,
such as references, citations, preparation and presentation
of tables and figures, headings and seriation, among
others. You can check how to implement them by going to
Students must be aware of the risks and penalties in case
of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is defined by the dictionary of the Royal
Academy as the action of "copying in the substantial works
of others, giving them as their own." Therefore, plagiarism
is a serious fault: it is the equivalent in the academic field,
to theft. A student who plagiarizes does not take his
education seriously, and does not respect the intellectual
work of others.
There is no small plagiarism. If a student uses any portion
m policy
of another person's work, and does not document their
source, they are committing an act of plagiarism. Now, it is
evident that we all have the ideas of others when
presenting ours, and that our knowledge is based on the
knowledge of others. But when we rely on the work of
others, academic honesty requires that we explicitly
announce the fact that we are using an external source,
either by means of a cite or by means of an annotated.
When we make an cite or a paraphrase, we clearly identify
our source, not only to give recognition to its author, but
so that the reader can refer to the original if he wishes.

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity type: Individual Activity ☒ ☒
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Performance levels of the individual activity
Evaluated items Score
High score Average score Low score
The student
The student fills
completes the The student did
Chart 1 out some parts of
information not fill the chart. 40 points
the chart
(Up to 40 points) (Up to 20 points) (Up to 0 points)

The student
The student fills
completes the The student did
out some parts of
Chart 2 information not fill the chart. 40 points
the chart
(Up to 40 points) (Up to 20 points) (Up to 0 points)

Performance levels of the collaborative activity

Evaluated items Score
High score Average score Low score
The student
socialized his/her The student
document, gave socialized the work The student did
meaningful but didn´t not socialize
feedback about contribute to his/her document
Group interaction partners’ partners’ works. and didn’t assess 20 points
and pdf contributions and The assessment his/her partners’
made a wide was partially works.
assessment to made.
partners’ work.
(Up to 20 points) (Up to 20 points) (Up to 0 points)

Final score 100 points.

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