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Medical Gas Spec

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This section consists of the general rules that apply to the design, manufacture, shop testing,
delivery to site, erecting, commissioning, site testing, maintaining and handing over the
material, equipment plant and services required for Piped Medical Gas system (Balance
work) to be installed at proposed international ward complex (7th Floor) at Lanka Hospitals Pvt Ltd.

Fittings and equipment’s shall be complied with existing system.

1.2 Applicable Standards

The products and work shall comply with the Health Technical Memorandum 2022 and British
Standards for Medical Gas System.

1.5 Required Submittals along with the Offer

(a) Data on products offered for the installation.

(b) Lists of recommended spares & consumable for one year period.

1.6 Engineer's Drawings

(a) The Engineer's Drawings, plans are intended to be diagrammatic. They are not intended
to show every item in its exact location, the exact dimensions or all the details of the
equipment proposed to ensure that the equipment would fit in the available space.

(b) Installations shall be within the limitations imposed by the architectural, structural,
electrical and plumbing requirements with adequate space for maintenance.


2.1 General

(a) All products shall be first-line quality of grade and type shown on the drawings and
specifications or equivalents accepted by the Engineer in writing.

(b) All products shall be in current production with no notice having been given that this
product is to be drastically changed, modified or discontinued from production.
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(c) The Contractor, by submitting, certifies that equipment being proposed is proper for the
application intended and that it has the capacity called for.

2.2 Complete System

All products, materials and accessories shall be furnished and installed as required for a
complete system ready for Employers beneficial use.


3.1 Workmanship

(a) All work shall be performed by competent mechanics using proper tools and equipment
to produce first-quality work. All work shall be neatly installed, accessible for
maintenance and complete with all accessories required.


4.1 Terminal Units

a) General

The medical gas terminal unit shall be designed, manufactured and tested to comply with
the requirements of BS 5682 and HTM 2022. Each terminal unit shall be gas specific and
shall only accept the correct medical gas probe.
Gas specific components within a terminal unit shall be pin indexed to ensure that a
correct gas specific assembly is achieved and each gas specific component shall be
identified to the requirements of BS 5682.

4.2 Fixed Pipe Lines

a) Pipes

Pipes used for internal installations and any installations carried in protective pipes,
shall be of copper to BS 2871 Part 1 Table X or equivalent to above standard. Pipe
fittings and valves for Oxygen, Vacuum, and Medical air should be degreased. Pipes of
diameter up to and including 54 mm internal diameter shall be steam cleaned
internally, dried, shot blasted and blown through with medical quality air and
individually capped at both ends after passing a visual internal inspection. Bundle
pipes should be sealed with an adhesive tape marked "medical gas pipes".

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The selection of pipe diameter shall meet the requirement of the relevant BS standard.
The pipes shall be designed for a pressure drop of 5% for Oxygen and medical air from
the manifold to the remote terminal unit.
The minimum outside diameter of the pipe used shall be not less than 15 mm.

b) Joints

Joints shall normally be made on site by silver copper phosphate brazing using British
Standard 1845 type AG 14 alloy. Brass brazing should not be employed. Where screwed
joints are permitted they may be made with unsintered. (de - greased) P.T.F.E. tape.
All brazed joints shall be completed by flux less brazing technique in inert CO 2 or N2

4.3 Fittings and Valves

(a) General
Fittings and valves shall be supplied already cleaned and degreased and in sealed plastic
bags identifying them as medical gas fittings. Fittings should be of the "high duty" type
suitable for steam services gauge pressures up to 17 bars.

(b) Area valve service unit and Line Isolation Valve

Area valve service unit and lockable line valve of acceptable quality and reputed make
shall be installed as indicated in the drawings.

(c) Valves
Valves of the lever operated ball type shall be provided, with a clear indication of the 'ON'
and 'OFF' position. Valves on the distribution system shall be of the non-lubricated type
and constructed of non-ferrous materials. They shall preferably be designed for capillary
joint connections to the pipelines by silver brazing. Where screwed connections are
provided for pipe line connections they should have threads in accordance with BS 3648
or pipe threads to BS 21 but this does not exclude valves having integral union joints with
other threads. Non-ferrous material should be used for plant room valves for those
components, which may come into contact with the gases.

(d) Valve Accessibility

Valves shall be readily accessible in an emergency from the area served by the sections of
pipe work and they should be mounted at a height of 1.22 m from floor level in positions,
which are unlikely to be obstructed by other equipment or apparatus. They should be
clearly marked to indicate their functions in simple language describing the areas affected
by the operation of each valve.
Each valve outside the plant area shall be mounted in a standard box irrespective of their
function. Any valve larger than those for 28 mm O.D. pipe which are not required to be
operated in an emergency may be accommodated in readily accessible parts of the duct,
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or in ventilated cupboards, provided the valves are lockable in the open and closed
positions. Every valve shall be fitted with an identity number plate for operations

(e) Valves Boxes

Each box should be lockable and each emergency valve box shall be fitted with a suitable
breakable cover. The box shall be provided with vents at the top and bottom and be large
enough to allow adequate access for maintenance and for the fitting of the identification
label. The keys for the boxes shall be non-interchangeable. If this involves an impossible
range of keys, then at least the non-interchangeability feature may be limited either to
valve boxes within one building or to those in adjacent departments within the building.
The cover must be non-interchangeable with other covers, if it is marked with the name of
a gas.

4.4 Shop drawings

The contractor should supply a complete set of shop drawings covering all necessary aspects to
extinguish the required details mentioned in specification as well any other detail not
mentioned, but necessary for proper operation of the system.

4.5 Installation Procedure

The medical gas pipe risers shall be concealed in the riser ducts while the lateral runs and down
drops to terminal units shall be exposed.
Pipelines shall be suitably protected where there is a possibility of physical damage. Clearance
of 150 mm shall be maintained between the fixed pipelines and all other services. A minimum
clearance of 6 mm shall be preserved where services cross.

Care shall be taken to prevent the pipes coming into contact with electric cables and wiring to
minimize the risk of electric shock in the event of a fault on the adjacent cables.

No joints in pipe work other than the silver copper phosphate brazed capillary joint to a terminal
unit tail pipe or a connection to a valve in a box should be buried within the thickness of walls,
partition or floors. Where this is unavoidable the pipe shall be carried in a copper sleeve. Where
pipe work has to be buried within a partition, terminal units and boxed valves with tail pipes
extending into the ceiling void or duct shall be used.

Further protection to the pipelines shall be provided in the following circumstances.

i. Where pipes pass through walls, partitions or floors they should be fitted with sleeves of
copper pipes to BS 2871 and provided with appropriate wall or ceiling plates.

ii. Where the pipes come into contact with timber treated with fire-resistant or flame-
retardant compounds, contact shall be avoided by the use of impermeable, non-metallic
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materials such as PVC spacers or adhesive PVC tape. If spacers are used they shall not be
liable to drop out due to subsequent movement of the pipe or timber or due to shrinkage.
Such precautions are not required where untreated timber is used or where the timber is
effectively sealed with paint or varnish before the pipes are fixed to it.

Valves for oxygen and nitrous oxide shall be carefully located and positioned so that any
leakage from the valves cannot result in a buildup of gas in an unventilated space e.g. Ceiling
void, unventilated roof space. Valves shall not be inserted in the middle of main distribution
runs but on the branches at points as close as possible to the main run. A main shut off valve
shall however be inserted in a ready accessible position at the bottom of each rising main on the
distribution system.

Valve boxes shall as far as practicable be located so that the covers are flush with the surface of
the building structure.

The pipeline shall be adequately supported at sufficient intervals in accordance with the table
given below to prevent sagging or distortion. Supports for surface mounted pipe work shall
provide clearance to permit painting of the surface. Where it is essential for pipes to cross
electric cables or conduits, they shall be supported on both sides of the crossing and prevented
from touching the cables or conduit. Supports should be of suitable material or suitably treated
to minimize corrosion and to prevent electrolytic action between pipes and supports.

Metric sizes Maximum intervals Maximum intervals

outside dia. for vertical runs for horizontal
mm (meters) runs (meters)
12 1.2 1.0
15 1.8 1.2
22 2.4 1.8
28 2.4 1.8
35 3.0 2.4
42 3.0 2.4
54 3.0 2.7
76 3.6 3.0

A full way drain cock shall be provided at the bottom of each vertical run on the compressed air
system. These shall be of the same high quality as the other valves on the distribution system
and shall be sited carefully so that no damage could occur to them.

Pipelines should be identified in accordance with BS 1710 and color banding of the pipelines
shall be provided outside the plant room. Color band identification shall be provided near to
valves, junctions, walls etc. Each gas pipe should be identified in 6 mm letters. Self-adhesive,
adhesive plastic or clip-on labels of approved manufacture may be used for this purpose. A band
150 mm wide is usually adequate. All color-coded tapes applied by the manufacturers should
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be removed before a pipeline is identified in accordance with this paragraph. Care should be
taken to maintain pipeline identification during painting.

4.6 Electricity Supply to Medical Gas Installation

All electrical works required in connection with the medical gases system shall be carried out
under this section of the works and shall be allowed for in the quoted rates. The wiring shall be
in PVC insulated copper cable enclosed in rigid PVC conduit. The conduit shall be concealed
in ceiling voids & ducts where available and in the building fabric except in the plant rooms
where they shall be exposed. In other areas (operating theatre etc.) all surface wiring shall be
carried out in surface PVC casing.

All electrical works shall be carried out in accordance with the IEE Wiring Regulations.
All electrical drawings shall be approved by the Engineer.

4.7 Earthing

Pipe lines should be bonded to the consumer's earth terminal as required by Regulation D10 of
the IEE Regulations. This bonding should be made as near as possible to the point at which the
pipe line enters building from the plant. The size of the bonding conductor should be in
accordance with Table D.2M of the Regulations. The pipe lines should not themselves be used
for earthing the electrical equipment.

Flexible connections in the fixed pipelines should not normally be used but if they are specially
approved they should be similarly bonded.


Before the installation is formally handed over, the following checks and tests shall be carried

1. Pressure test for leakage in pipe lines only

2. Check valve tightness and correct valve zoning
3. Test relief valve operations
4. Pressure test for leakage on complete installations
5. Check for satisfactory mechanical operation and non-interchangeability of each terminal
by means of test probes
6. Check for cross connections
7. Check flow rates and pressure at each terminal unit
8. Check total flow rate and delivery pressure
9. Check satisfactory operation of manifold change over valves
10. Check performance of alarm signaling system
11. Purge the completed installation with medical air and check the internal cleanliness of the
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12. Purge the complete installation with the working gas.

The formal commissioning procedure should be completed in accordance with the Hospital
Technical Memorandum No. 17 - Commissioning of Engineering Services.

Tests and checks shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer at times to be agreed with
the Engineer.
After completion of work the following checks shall also be carried out.

i) Tests on the identity of gas supplied at each terminal unit

ii) Test on the quality and purity of gas at each terminal unit.

Procedures (1), (2), (3) stated above shall be completed in sequence for one gas at a time. After
completion of procedure (4) (separately for each gas) and (5) arrangements shall be made for
tests (6) and (7) to be completed for the whole installation in one session. The remainder of the
procedures shall then be completed in the order given for each gas.

5.1 Pressure Tests for leakage in pipe lines

The completed pipe lines with all ends sealed (but terminal units not fitted) and all valves on the
distribution system open, but with control panels and theatre fittings disconnected shall be tested
to twice the working pressure or 10.5 bar whichever is greater and shall be held for 24 hours and
no leak should occur during this period.

5.2 Valve Tightness Test

On completion of the pressure on the pipeline all isolating valves shall be tested for 15 minutes
at a gauge pressure of 6.9 bar for tightness by closing them in sequence and releasing the
pressure on the downstream side. No leak shall occur during these valve tests.

5.3 Relief Valve Test

On completion of the isolating valve tightness test the pressure on the pressure gas system may
be reduced for the purpose of testing the safety valves. The service safety valve shall be fitted
and this shall be tested to ensure that it discharges safely at 125% of the working pressure.

5.4 Tests for proving correct connections on the piped medical gas systems

Each system (oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, medical air, Vacuum and AGSS) shall be tested in turn,
preferably at the same session. The test shall not commence until all work on the installation is
complete. Should any alteration to the system be made, the test shall be repeated.

5.5 Medical quality compressed air shall be used for this test

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The system under test shall be connected at the normal working pressure. The other system
shall be isolated at their source but all other isolating valves on all system shall be OPEN.

Checks shall be carried out to ensure that the test air is delivered from every terminal unit
bearing the name of the "gas" and is not delivered from any other terminal unit.

5.6 Total flow rate and delivery pressure test

This test shall be carried out to simulate working conditions by providing an appropriate number
of small metered leaks while further typical flow rate and pressure tests are taken at vulnerable
and representative points in the installation. The total leak rate shall be approximately equal to
the total design flow.
The test may be made with the bobbin type flow meters or plug-in type metering equipment as
designed to pass the quantities specified. The calibrated jets shall conform to BS 720.

The test shall be carried out with medical quality compressed air at a gauge pressure of 4.1 bar
and not with the oxygen or nitrous oxide as the case may be.
Test jet units for medical gases shall be calibrated to pass 40 liters, 20 liters and 15 liters per
minute at a gauge pressure 3.9 bar. Units for compressed air shall be calibrated to pass 250
liters per minute and 50 liters per minute at a gauge pressure of 6.9 bar.

5.7 Tests for manifold change over valve

The action of the manifold change over valve shall be tested by connecting a small cylinder of
the working gas or of medical quality compressed air on each side of the manifold and
discharging to a carefully sited leak while the operation of the pressure gauges and change over
valve is checked. Each half of the manifold shall be tested on this manner. The test shall be
carried out on every automatic manifold during the period when the flow rate tests are in


The Contractor shall be required to provide complete as-fitted drawings, circuit diagrams valve
charts and maintenance instructions.
Complete maintenance manuals shall be supplied and handed over at the time of satisfactory
testing and taking over of the installation.

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