Manual V Series 23a 1 1.pdf New 1
Manual V Series 23a 1 1.pdf New 1
Manual V Series 23a 1 1.pdf New 1
1. Content.......................................................................................................................................1
2. General information................................................................................................................... 3
3. Technical description................................................................................................................. 5
4. Mechanical installation .............................................................................................................. 8
5. Electric connection .................................................................................................................. 10
6. The calibration system ............................................................................................................. 11
7. OVP – Oden Valve Program ................................................................................................... 13
8. Maintenance.................................................................................................................. .........15
9. Trouble shooting ...................................................................................................................... 16
10. Tips .......................................................................................................................................... 18
11. Actuator sizes and assembly connections ................................................................................ 19
12. Control signal and feedback connections ................................................................................ 20
13. Explanations for in and outputs on connection board ............................................................. 21
14. Linear actuators. Sizes and technical drawings............................................................. ........ 22
15. OVP-V valve program installation help ............................................................................23-24
16. Lubricant recommendations....................................................................................................26
Technical specifications
Electrical connection
Version 2017-10-17
NOTE ! This manual is valid for OVP-V version V5.0.23A software
and firmware, which are developed just for this software!
Actuators can be delivered with many different types of external gears, lever modules, linear units,
turning modules and assembly kits.
This Oden OVP-V.23 program is compatible with Windows 7 Windows or newer
General information
The Oden® family of electric actuators are made specifically for the process industry. The family consists of
turning and linear actuators designed for the most demanding industry environments. The standard product line
of electric actuators consists of five basic units in different sizes. These basic units, combined with turning or
linear modules, or added gears can be used for regulation of most types of valves on the market.
All the Oden electric actuators are programmable by the OVP (Oden Valve Program) software. The actuator is
pre-programmed with default data, unless set to the specific customer demand prior to shipment.
Summary of Oden product range
*) Depends on chosen force and power supply (24V or 48V) If questions, take contact with Oden Control AB for more information.
When running actuators with 48V DC, it is possible to get approx. 50-100 % higher speed V models V30, V65 and V180 models!
Speed (QL mm/min)( ˚/sec) 400 250 250 ˚/sec 180 ˚/sec
OTHER SIZES of screw pitches also available, depending on needed force! Please contact Oden Control AB for more information.
Terms concerning safety
It is of outmost importance that all users are follow instructions on how to install, maintain and use this series of
electric actuators. The safety terms DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE are used in these instructions
to point out particular dangers and/or providing additional information on aspects which are not readily apparent.
− DANGER: Indicates that death, severe personal injury and/or substantial property damage will occur if
proper precautions are not taken.
− WARNING: Indicates that death, severe personal injury and/or substantial property may occur if,
proper precautions are not taken.
− CAUTION: Indicates that minor personal injury and/pr property damage can occur if proper
precautions are not taken.
− NOTE: Indicates and provides additional information, which may not be very obvious even to qualified
personnel. Compliance with other, not particularly emphasized information, with regard to transport,
assembly, operation and maintenance and with regard to technical documentation such as operating
instructions, product documentation or on the product itself is essential, in order to prevent faults, which
may directly, or indirectly cause severe personal injury or property damage.
In English:
Read carefully this manual before installation and operation as well as before maintenance. The actuator must
only be used for controlling valves and similar applications. Incorrect use may harm the actuator. Hence,
functions cannot be guaranteed. Local regulations concerning technical equipments must be observed at
installing or maintenance. Warning texts must be followed and necessary steps to prevent accidents must be
taken. This manual deals with the following types of Oden actuators: V-series
In Swedish:
Läs noggrant denna manual före installation och idrifttagande liksom vid service av ställdonet. Detta ställdon får
endast användas till att styra ventiler och liknande objekt. Felaktig användning kan skada ställdonet och därmed
kan inte funktionen garanteras. Lokala bestämmelser beträffande teknisk utrustning måste följas vid installation
och/eller underhåll. Varningstexter måste följas och nödvändiga åtgärder måste tas för att undvika
olyckshändelser. Denna manual behandlar följande typer av Oden ställdon: V-serie.
In German:
Bitte lesen Sie diese Manual genau bevor der Installation und in Betriebnahme. Gleichweise bevor Service von
dem Antrieb. Dieser Antrieb darf nur benutzt werden für Steuerung von Ventilen und Gleichartigen Objekte.
Falsche Verwendungen können dem Antrieb schaden und damit kann die Funktion nicht garantiert werden.
Lokale Vorschriften betreffend die technische Ausrüstung muss bei Installation und/oder Unterhaltarbeiten
beachtet werden. Warnungstexte müssen beachtet werden und notwendige Maßnahmen durchgeführt werden um
Unglücke zu vermeiden. Dieses Manual behandelt volgende Type:V-serie
In Finnish
Lue tarkkaan käyttöohje ennen asennusta, käyttöönottoa tai huoltoa. Tätä toimilaitetta saa käyttää ainoastaan
venttiilien ja vastaavien kohteiden ohjaamiseen. Väärä käyttö voi vahingoittaa laitetta. Tällaisessä tapauksessa
emme takaa virheetöntä toimintaa ja turvallisuutta. Toimilaitetta asennettaessa tai huollettaessa on noudatettava
paikallisia säännöksiä jotka koskevat teknistä laitteistoa. Turvallisuus ja varoitustekstejä pitää noudattaa tarkasti
jotta vältyttäisiin henkilövahingoilta ja toimilaitteen toimintahäiriöiltä. Tämä ohjekirja koskee V- sarjan
V30QL and V65QL V30 and V65QL BU V30QL and V65QL Linear actuator high speed
V30Q and V65Q V30 and V65Q BU V30 and V65Q R Turning actuator high speed
*All models
Basic unit
The basic unit has a sealed aluminium housing which includes a step-motor, a reduction gearbox, electronics and
a connection board with a terminal block. The reduction gearbox is based on the patented Oden-principle and has
a reduction ratio of 100:1. The hand-wheel at the top (option) of the unit is engaged by pushing it in. NOTE! the
warning sign and only use hand wheel in case of emergency when power is off.
The electronics with all its power and logical components are placed inside the unit, close to the motor. No
batteries, potentiometers, limit switches or other sensitive electro-mechanical components are used. The step-
motor is fed by 24 or 48 V DC. The control signal can be chosen with OVP program.
The actuator should not be placed in a control system with a feedback loop, i.e. the feedback signal must not be
reconnected to the control signal.
Cables for power and control signal should be connected through the cable inlets on the removable lid, which
hold the connection board. The cables are not included in delivery. When selecting cables, choose one or two
cables with shielding. The diameter of the cable/cables should be about 4-10 mm. For more information and
examples of suitable cables, see section 5.
All parameters such as torque, speed and working range are set by the OVP-V software (Oden Valve Program).
Features, such as automatic power calibration, automatic time calibration and the shut off function can be
adjusted or disabled in OVP-V The parameter settings in the software are stored in a permanent memory and
cannot be lost even during an extended power failure. The current position will be automatically saved in a
permanent memory during a power break. If the power break does not exceed 600 hours, any movement of the
actuator will be detected and added to the position memory. This means that the hand wheel can be used without
the risk of losing the calibration point at closed position. However, if the power break lasts more than 600 hours,
the actuator will perform an automatic calibration when power returns (if selected in OVP program. Go to
section 6 for more information about calibration methods.
Turning module
The turning module consists of a gear wheel, working as an inner part of a gear coupling, and two indicator pins
firmly fitted and locked by Loctite. The indicator pins operate as rough visual
valve position indicators as well as internal mechanical stops. A protection
plate is placed on the valve flange adapter to reduce the risk of personal injury.
The turning module has to be machined to fit to the actual valve spindle.
Normally it should have a round hole with a keyway, but also square or holes
with splines, are common.
Sometimes is better to use a tapered clamping sleeve. These make the
installations quicker and easier. See picture in page 9.
The valve adapter will vary depending on valve type for the models from V30R/V30Q to V700R.
The unit consists of aluminium housing with a nut and a ball screw, a thrust bearing and a protective rubber
bellows. The ball screw of the linear module has very little backlash and has a preloaded double row angle
contact ball bearing which will take the high thrust forces.
The outer end of the screw, which is not rotating and just making a linear movement, has a clamping device
which connects the valve spindle to the screw. This device has to be machined with the same thread as the actual
valve spindle.
The clamping device is sliding along one of the two bars which have a flange fitted at their outer ends. The
flange will vary depending on valve type.
See page 22 in this manual.
The flange adapter is machined to fit the actual valve flange and the
rods have a specific length for the actual valve. The two spindle
adapters have the same thread as the actual valve spindle.
See page 22 in this manual!
Connection board.
Connection board CT1296 l is standard and included in delivery. See page circuit diagram on page 20.
Standard connection board
The connection board is placed on the inside of the terminal lid, on the side of the actuator. The board has 3
separate terminal blocks with inlets and outlets, marked with numbers .Power supply 24 V DC or 48 V DC to
terminal block P3 and control signals to or from terminal block P1.
A diode on the connection board protects the electronics from a polarity switch on the power inlets (24 / 48 V
DC). However, the control signal inlets are not protected; make sure to follow the wiring instructions.
WARNING: 24 V DC or 48 V DC at the control signal4-20mA inlet will result in irrevocable damage to the
electronics. 48 V DC at the control signal inputs and other signal inputs, will result in
irrevocable damage to the electronics. (Do not connect 48 V DC to pins 1 to 16 on connection
board )
Maximum input to pins 2,3,4,5,11,12,14 and 16 at terminal block P1 is max 24V, max I=120mA
OVP-V (Oden Valve Program for V-series actuators) and USB / MINI USB cable
Standard actuator is programmed with default values of torque, speed, and working range etc. These settings can
be changed by using the OVP-V software (Oden Valve Program). The software can be installed from the CD
delivered with the actuator. Please ask for software from the manufacturer or supplier, if not delivered with
Actuator has MINI USB connector at control board and it can be connected to computer with USB/USB MINI
cable. The computer cable is optional and not included in delivery, if not separately ordered. Please contact your
Oden dealer if you wish to order.
USB/MINI USB cable is a standard product and can be found with most computer accessory dealers.
For further information about OVP-V, go to section 7.
Open the blind plug to connect USB MINI cable connector to actuator. Connect USB mini connector to actuator
and then the other end of USB cable to computer. Warning: if actuator is exposed to water or dust during
handling, make sure that the hole for USB connector is protected. Tighten the blind plug after use.
To make connection
between actuator and
computer. Open the
blind plug to connect
cable connector here!
The examples in this chapter should be regarded as guidance only. Actual installations may vary depending on
the type of valve used. Some adapter consoles and screws might differ from those described below.
NOTE: The manufacturer warranty will be void if the cover is dismantled.
WARNING: If the 24 or 48 V DC is connected during assembly or function control, the valve may move.
Please check that the delivery is complete according to the delivery specification:
− Basic Unit (V30 to V700 )
− Turning or linear module (V30QL, V65QL)
− Product certificate
− User’s guide
− CD including software OVP (Oden Valve Program+ manual)
− Computer cable USB/ USB MINI (option)
The following installation instruction refers to the standard turning module described in section 3. When using
the tapered clamping sleeve leave out the section about machining the turning module. Contact Oden Control for
more information.
4. Check that the spindle length above the valve flange Type A max A min B max shaft
adapter is within A max and A min, see table on the (mm) (mm) Size (mm)
V30 37 15 16
5. Check also that thickness of valve shaft is suitable for
turning module. B max shaft size V65 52 20 25
Ask for information for tapered clamping sleeves, for assembly without keyway.
Mechanical control
The hand-wheel is engaged by pushing it in with special key (option) or hand wheel. Notice the warning label at
the hand-wheel. Careless handling will damage the valve or the actuator. The hand wheel must not be
used when the power supply to actuator is on.
NOTE: The hand-wheel moves in the opposite direction to the valve.
Please, check that the actuator can be operated easily by hand within the whole working range. The valve must
be closing completely. It should be running smoothly. If not: loose the adapter screws and let the unit centre its
self, then tighten alternately the screws. If the actuator is horizontal, relieve the weight of the actuator manually
during alternately tightening of the screws.
It is not necessary to align the Oden actuators to the valve by using shims. For other types of actuators this
alignment process is difficult and you easily get an uncontrolled loading to the valve spindle bushings and the
gland sealing. Hence the Oden actuator significantly improves the lifetime of the valve.
1. Check that the spindle adapter has the same thread as the valve spindle.
2. Fit the linear module with its rods and adapter flange to the valve flange.
3. Put the valve spindle in maximum opened position. Fit the valve spindle to the ball-screw by the
spindle adapter.
4. Check by rotating the gear coupling in the linear unit that it runs smoothly in whole working range
and that there is a small guiding play between the spindle adapter and the rod.
5. Fit the Basic Unit to the linear unit by the enclosed screws and washers.
NOTE Check that the set working range in OVP-V is within the mechanical working range of the linear module
Cable connection
1. Remove carefully the terminal lid and disconnect the ribbon cable and red and black cable (VD and
GND cables from connection board to the control board)
2. Put the shielded cables through the cable inlets and connect the wires to the terminal block at the
connection board.
3. The cable shield should be connected to the cable inlets which are grounded to the actuator housing.
Note that the cable shield should only be fitted to the grounded cable inlets. Not in the free end of
the cable.
4. Connect the ribbon cable to the connector. Do not force it in the wrong way.
5. Check that the voltage is 24/ 48 V DC, and the wires are correctly connected to the terminal block.
NOTE! 24V DC or 48V DC (you must select in OVP program which will be used )
6. Connect the ground cable from the terminal plate to a suitable ground point on the valve or
7. For more information about electric wiring, go to Appendix.
See also separate data sheet for input/ output limitations (download from Oden Control website)
DANGER: The cable between the actuator and your connection terminals must be clamped (fixed
DANGER: Check that the voltage is 24 V DC / 48 V DC, and that the wires are correctly connected to the
terminal block.(Pins 1 -3 on connection board.)Please, verify polarity to avoid damage!
NOTE: Do not connect the cable shield(s) to ground in the free end of the cable(s).
NOTE: Do not twist the cable(s) in the cable inlet(s).
NOTE: If only one cable inlet is used, the other one must be plugged by the enclosed rubber washer
(warranty condition).Voltage drop
If a long cable is used between the power source and the actuator you need to calculate the voltage drop.
The maximum power peak current:
− V30: 5A V65: 5A V180: 7A V250: 10A V400: 13A V700: 13A
− V30Q: 10A V30QL: 10A V65Q: 13 A V65QL: 13A
Use a cable which gives a voltage drop of max 2V. A bigger drop will reduce performance and may affect the
function of the electronics.
It is possible to compensate for the drop by raising the voltage at the power source. However, be careful not to
exceed 48 V DC at the power supply terminals on the connection board
The return (position) signal circuit should be loaded by about 250 ohm (max 350 ohm).
Choice of cable
Cable for power supply should have conductors with each 1,5 mm² cross-sec. Actuator types V400, V700,
V65Q and V65QL should conductors be with each 1,5- up to 2,5 mm² cross-sec, max cable length between
power supply and actuator is 5 m, twisted cable when 13A current . Our connection board inlets can take
max conductors with each 2,5 mm² . Ask your actuator supplier for more info.
To calibrate the actuator/valve-system means to find the closed valve position which corresponds to the closed
position of the control signal, normally 4 mA. The Oden calibration system PC/PC means power calibration.
The position value will be automatically saved to a permanent memory during a power failure, see 6.3 Summary
of calibration methods. The position value will never be lost even during a long period of a power failure. If the
valve position has been changed during a power failure, the motion will be detected and added to the saved
value. This detection occurs during max. 500-600 hours after a power failure. When the power returns, an
automatic calibration will be performed (only if the last calibration was a Power Calibration).
Manual Calibration
If you for some reason want to perform a calibration within about 600 hours after a power failure or for any other
reason, please do as follows:
1. Connect your actuator with computer and open OVP-V program. Power supply and control signal
IN must be on. NOTE! Connect always USB cable first in actuator, then in your computer!
2. Wait couple seconds, in some cases your computer will activate used USB port first.
3. Check in OVP window that you really are connected with actuator!.
4. Now you can open Settings window and press PAUSE and then START CALIBRATION.
Actuator performs now calibration. When ready, press RUN
5. In this SETTINGS window you can change basic settings for your actuator type.
Manual calibration without computer- see page 21!
The calibration values are stored in permanent memory in the electronics.
Summary of calibration methods:
Type of calibration Automatic/Manual Description
Power Calibration Automatic Automatic ( auto init after long time power loss) Choose in settings window
− When power return after > about 600 hours
Actuator keeps position in memory about 600 hours
If you do not move the hand wheel!!
The Oden Valve Program, OVP, can be used to change the default settings of torque, speed, working range etc.
However, it is not required for operating the actuator. If the default values are adequate for your application, it is
not necessary to use the software. A list of default values can be downloaded from our website.
The actuator parameters can easily be changed by any of these two methods:
− making the changes interactively in the program with the actuator connected to the PC
− remotely on a separate PC by saving the changes in a data file and later loading them to the actuator
when it is connected to the PC
The software communicates with all Oden® actuators, using the USB mini interface. The available languages are
Swedish and English. The OVP runs on any PC with Windows 7 and later versions. Latest version of OVP-V
program is available on our website: (normally delivered by actuators).
Main menu
The START menu of OVP contains actual valve model and type. You can also learn about the program in OFF
LINE MODE: Up in the left corner you can find: FILE, OPTIONS and ABOUT menu, under FILE, you close
the program, Under OPTIONS you can find OVP basic settings like: language, speed units and fond sizes.
Under ABOUT you can read what version of OVP you have. Check that you have the latest version.
You do not need any SUPERVISOR password to change or see basic settings in settings menu.
Settings menu appears after pressing CONNECT button .Here you can see actual settings, change settings and
make manual calibration.
Parameter settings
To change settings in real-time the computer cable has to be connected to the computer/connection board. Check
that OVP can detect connection with the actuator (green dot in left corner).
It is possible to program a new set of parameters and submit the values later. In that case, check that the
computer cable is removed from the computer/connection board and that the dots flash in green in the OVP
window. To save settings, use the “APPLY and SAVE” button. Do not leave any “YELLOW” push buttons on
WARNING: When the actuator is connected, a change of a parameter in OVP-V will be carried out instantly.
A list of the changeable parameters and OVP-V functions follows;
− Valve closing direction
Sets closing direction. Viewed from the actuator towards the valve. Default - clockwise.
− Loss of control signal
Decides what happens when control signal is lost. Actuator will open, close or stand still. Default is
"unaffected". You can select 3-points control, if control mode is 4-20mA only. Useful when using
external manual control box.
− Closing torque / force
Set max. torque / force, for closing.
− Control torque Sets max torque when the valve is moving to open or close direction.
− Holding torque Normally 50% or less of closing torque. ( can be selected only in V models, not VQ )
− Auto init after long time power loss.
A process to find the closed valve position. Two choices : on or off
− Auto init once When you select this function, actuator make the calibration once when power supply
turns ON. This occurs without warning. Selected choice will disappear by itself after init!
− Position recovery after power loss Actuator will move to last known position for present control
WARNING Actuator (even valve) goes automatically to closed position, when power supply returns
If Auto init after long time power loss or Auto init once are selected!
− Check Firmware (app) and Firmware (boot), are like in picture, when using V5.0.23A program.
Manual override: Press once green push button with arrows, beside the text. Enable manual override.
Wait until: MANUAL OVERRIDE starts flashing in STATUS field. Now you can run the actuator with
green push buttons ( push buttons with motives of open and closed valve) to open or closed position .
You can see feedback position in %, at the bottom of the window. To come back to normal control mode: press“X”
Manual override stops now flashing. Electrically adjustable limits, see page 15.
Control and function test should be carried out only in every three years. In case of heavy loads of the actuator
(and the valve) the intervals should be shorter. The Oden actuator gears and the bearings are lifetime greased and
need no service.
Check points
Torque control
With the OVP software, it is possible to control the condition of the valve by slowly increasing the control
torque/force until the actuator starts moving. You can then notice a change in valve bearing condition. The
results of these controls can be written down in the notepad in the saved OVP data file.
CAUTION: This test must be done with the gland nuts slightly released, because these will affect the torque.
Calibration control
Perform a new OVP-V calibration by computer or manually without actuator. See instructions on page 22.
Position control
Position the valve near the middle of the working range. Increase the control signal very slowly until the valve
spindle starts to move. Read the mA-value. Decrease the control signal very slowly until the valve spindle starts
to move in the other direction. Read the mA-value. The signal difference is a measure of the “control backlash”
of the system (positioning accuracy).
First check that it is no mechanical backlash in the coupling between the valve spindle and actuator. It is possible
to measure the valve motion by using an indicator clock against a pin fitted to one of the free M10 threads in the
clamp collar (turning valve). A common cause for backlash is that the spindle adapter is not properly fixed to the
valve spindle.
Note that in some applications most of the total mechanical backlash in the system is eliminated by the media in
the pipe system which will give a torque/force load at the valve spindle always in the same direction. Hence, this
test should be performed on a normally pressurised system. Some valves have high internal friction. In such
valves the backlash will have a direct influence on the positioning accuracy.
NOTE! Feedback signal OUT: Max loop resistance is 700 Ω (TBC) Accuracy: + 0,05 mA.
Electrically adjustable limits:
and “OPEN” to “SET MANUALLY”. Press: APPLY and SAVE
Press once CALIBRATION push button. Text area next turns yellow. Text SET OPEN ENDPOINT appears
Wait until push buttons for open and close became green coloured
Move actuator position to needed ( CLOSED) position by green ( OPEN) push button . Press once round
CALIBRATION push button. Please wait, message appears.
Text area next turns yellow with text: SET OPEN ENDPOINT.
No you can move actuator position to needed open position (angle) with OPEN and CLOSE push buttons.
Press once CALIBRATION push button and wait until RUN push button appears.
Press once RUN push button and actuator goes in to normal operation mode.
Trouble shooting
When problems occur, begin with checking that the unit is correctly mounted and that the parameter settings are
suitable for the application. If you have trouble with older installations, it is often related to the valve. Check that
the valve is not jammed or blocked for some reason.
Mechanical problem
The interface between the actuator and the valve can cause problems depending on the lack of standards for
valve flange and spindle. Oden Control can offer adapters for almost all types of valves. It is important to check
that the right adapter is used. Check that the right valve closing direction, torque, speed and working range have
been chosen.
If the actuator hits a mechanical stop in max opened position (normally 20 mA) and the return signal is changing
to error signal (2 mA ), check that the valve is in closed (calibration) position at 4 mA (normally setting). Verify
that the working range setting in OVP is correct. It is important that this working range is smaller than the
maximum mechanical moving range in the valve.
Control problem
Blocked valve
If the return signal is 2 mA (default) and the actuator does not react on a control signal the valve is probably
blocked. Some common reasons for blockage;
1. The necessary torque/force for the valve is not provided by the actuator. Check the setting in OVP.
NB For a certain speed, use the maximum torque/force acceptable according to the valve
specification. This gives margin to handle increased torque/force valve demands in the future. See
point 3 below.
2. The working range is set to a higher value than the actual possible working range. Check the setting
in OVP.
3. The valve has a too hard preloading of the valve gland sealing, bad valve bushings or corroded
valve spindle.
To find out if the valve is blocked, one method is to give the actuator a control signal of 10 mA. Then decrease
the control signal to 7 mA and thereafter increase to 13 mA. If the actuator starts vibrating for a few seconds and
then stops, this indicates a blocked valve.
Another method is to break the power and manually operate the valve to find out if runs smoothly within the
working range. If not, the actuator needs to be removed and the necessary torque for moving the valve should be
measured and compared to the setting in OVP.
Calibration problem
If the valve is not closing properly after a Power Calibration the reason may be that the calibration torque/force
is not high enough. By default the calibration torque/force is about 80 % of the control torque/force value set in
OVP. If possible increase the control/force setting in OVP. If this is not possible, please contact your Oden
OVP-V problem
NOTE! When connecting computer with actuator, put in first mini USB to actuator, then other
end of your USB cable, to your computer !
− If you have any control problem, please go to chapter Trouble shooting. If you still have problem please
contact Oden Control AB.
− When using OVP always check that you are using the latest version. which can easily be downloaded
from our website:
− All parameter settings in OVP are stored in a permanent memory in the electronics. That means that
your settings will not be affected if the electronics is upgraded with latest software version at service..
If the limit of the working range has been exceeded, by entering the password protected Supervisor
menu in OVP, no saving occurs. To maintain the calibration point for an extended working range, you
will need to continuously power the actuator, for example by an UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).
Please contact Oden Control AB for more information.
− Concerning your choice of cable, check that the voltage at the actuator is within 24 V DC +/- 15% when
the actuator is running. Too low voltage will reduce the output torque of the actuator and may affect the
electronic function.
− There are options concerning other types of spindle adapters. Tapered clamping sleeves are alternatives
to the traditional method. These sleeves make the installations quicker and easier. Please ask for more
specific information.
− If you want to control the actuator locally, close to the actuator, please ask for more specific
− There are options concerning different types of turning and linear units which are not mentioned in this
manual. Please ask for more specific information.
− Visit our website: for more information. The latest versions of manuals and
drawings can be downloaded from this website.
Oden Control AB
Norra Bruksgatan 2
15533 Nykvarn
Phone: (+46) 8 767 76 57
Fax: (+46) 8 767 04 17
Actuator sizes:
Actuator Sizes:
Step A B C D E F G H I
V30 185 150 40 20 20 Ø138 116 93 119
V65 202 167 57 37 19 Ø138 116 93 119
V180 273 238 128 108 28 Ø138 116 93 119
V250 307 272 162 142 28 Ø175 152 111 137
V400 331 296 186 166 50 Ø175 152 111 137
V700 369 334 224 204 50 Ø175 152 111 137
V30Q 251 216 106 86 20 Ø138 116 93 119
V65Q 268 233 123 103 19 Ø138 116 93 119
*V120Q 296 261 151 131 28 Ø175 152 111 137
*V120Q is not available yet !
Actuator Connection Weight:
Step J K (kg)
V30 M6 (2x),M8 (4x),M10 (4x) 50 (iso F5),70 (isoF7),102 (iso F10) 4,4
V65 M10 (4x) 102 (iso F10) 5.1
V180 M10 (4x) 102 (iso F10) 7,7
V250 M10 (4x),M12 (4x) 102 (iso F10),125 (iso F12) 13.3
V400 M12 (2x),M16 (2x) 125 (iso F12),140 (iso F14) 17
V700 M12 (2x),M16 (2x) 125 (iso F12),140 (iso F14) 18,8
V30Q M6 (2x),M8 (4x),M10 (4x) 50 (iso F5),70 (isoF7),102 (iso F10) 5,8
V65Q M10 (4x) 102 (iso F10) 6,5
*V120Q M10 (4x),M12 (4x) 102 (iso F10),125 (iso F12) 12,5
System alarms
Adjustable limit
Terminal Board
−4…20 mA
+4…20 mA
+4…20 mA (0…10V) Note 1
Binary input
N/- (also manual calibration)
A (+)
RS 485
B (-)
calibration VP
Manual calibration. External limit 2
Manual calibration. External limit 1
Normally not in use. External power supply to
control board L/+ 24VDC or 48VDC
13. Explanations for in and outputs on connection board:
Power supply to actuator:
1. L/+ 24V DC or 48V DC NOTE! : Max 52 V peak!(see also Output/input limitations, brochure!)
2. N/-
3. PE
Connection board: Pins 1 to 16:
1. V-LO (normally not IN use). External power supply to control board)
2. Limit 1. Signal IN from external limit switch (open or close) Also manual calibration!*¹max24V
3. Limit 2. Signal IN from external limit switch (open or close) Also manual calibration !*¹Max24V
4. INC ( opens ) signal IN DIGITAL and 3-points control 24V DC
5. DEC (closes) signal IN Digital and 3-points control 24V DC
6. GND ( also for manual calibration use)
7. Control signal IN +4-20mA ( for 0-10V control, jumper must be removed from control board)
8. Control signal IN -4-20mA (for 0-10V control, jumper must be removed from control board)
9. Analog feedback signal OUT +4-20mA ( actuator generates) Max loop resistance is 700 Ω (TBC)
10. Analog feedback signal OUT -4-20mA (actuator generates) Max loop resistance is 700 Ω (TBC)
11. Signal OUT for CLOSED position NOTE: PASSIVE NPN (Max load 120mA / 24V) *
12. Signal OUT for OPEN position NOTE: PASSIVE NPN (Max load 120mA / 24V )*
13. COM 1 Return for signal for CLOSED and OPEN position (pins 11 and 12)
14. Error status. Will be connected with COM 2 if everything is OK
15. Off line. Will be connected with COM2 if in MANUAL OVERRIDE or CALIBRATION mode.
16. COM 2 At closed contact current may flow into the terminals 14 and 15 and out trough COM2
ON /OFF control connections: 4 and 5. Actuators will be pre-adjusted for ONOFF control mode by
If the actuator is bought like OnOff actuator, it will be locked to OnOff mode and can only be
changed to control actuator by factory. You get the analog position signal from pins 9 and 10
MODBUS: ask for more information from actuator supplier or Oden Control AB
NOTE: Maximum load for digital outputs is 120 mA ! (NPN transistor)
Actuator can be calibrated for to correct 0 (zero) point and also for open position point (if selected in OVP settings). Make
following connections, to make calibration: Connect wire from Pin 2, 0V (GND) to Pin 6 (GND in terminal block (in
terminal block 1 to 16! )Then connect wire from pin 2 and 3 (on terminal block with pins from 1 to 16) to Pin 1 ( 24V DC
power supply on terminal block for incoming power supply) *See diagram down here! Wires from pin 2 and 3 should be
twisted in the free end of wire. Put that free end of that wire to screw head for Pin 1 (24 V DC IN power supply) Keep
connection about 3 sec. then remove connected cables. Actuator makes now calibration and returns to normal run mode.
14. Linear actuators and sizes
V30Q/V65Q (Q=quick, actuator with servo motor V30QL/V65QL (L= with linear module)
Installation help for OVP-V.23A program. Compatible with XP, Windows 7 and newer windows versions.
If you have another Oden OVP program version in your computer, select a different folder. If not, press
Press : NEXT
Select: Install Windows USB drivers, if you don´t have older versions of OVP program in your computer.
And here you can choose if you want to create a desktop icon! Then press NEXT!
Go to next page!
Note: You cannot connect your actuator with older versions (OVP-14 or OVP-17 )with this program.
You must install a new firmware with OVP-14 or OVP-17 program. Then you can use this program.
Ask your Actuator dealer or Oden Control support for help to get a new firmware and installation help!
Lubricant recommendations for Oden V-Series actuators.
At the service of the electric actuators, the recommended fat products should be used for the best function.
For Oden actuator gear parts, KLÜBER, ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 52 grease should be used.
KLÜBER, ISOFLEX TOPAS NB 52 is grease with a wide service temperature range for smooth and roller
bearings. It consists of synthetic hydrocarbon oil and barium composite soap. It is resistant to water, surrounding
media, oxidation aging and it reliably protects against corrosion. Isoflex Topas NB 52 grease is designed for
long-term lubrication of coal and roller bearings and sliding bearings. Isoflex Topas NB 52 has a wide service
temperature range, resists water, pollution, oxidation and corrosion
Temperature range: -50 / +150 ºC Dropping point: 240 ºC
When servicing or charging fat to Oden linear devices, OILKEY, JET-GREASE GT-500XT should be used.
GT500-XT (Red) is a lithium complex grease based on mineral oil, containing EP and anti-corrosion inhibitors
and corrosion-resistant additives. The fat has very good mechanical stability, extremely good adhesion and good
corrosion-inhibiting properties.
OilKey XT is designed for lubrication of sliding and rolling bearings. The fat is designed to withstand high
temperatures. OilKey XT is used for lubrication of wheel bearings, short nuts, chassis on both light and heavy
vehicles. Suitable for lubrication of machinery in construction, forestry, agriculture. Extremely suitable for
marine equipment as well as industrial applications where water resistance and corrosion inhibiting properties
are demanded.
Temperature range: -25 / + 180 ºC Dropping point: 260 ºC
Safety data sheets can be downloaded from / download /
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