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Types of Housing: Cottage Kotrqy

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Types of Housing
permanent residence nocmiiJHe Micl.{e npo>KuaaHHR detached house
OKpeMuii 6yOUHOK, oco6HRK
block of flats (BrE) = apartment building (AmE)
6azamoKaapmupHui1 6youHOK semi-detached house
060K6apmupHUiJ 6yoUHOK
multi-storeyed building = high-rise building
6azamonoaepxiaKa terraced house /'terrst/
(MiCbKUiJ) OOHOKaapmupHUU 6youHOK
sky-scraper xMapo4oc
weekend house oa4a bungalow /' bArJgalau/ 6yHrano,
OAHOnosepxos1-1i:l 6yAl-1HOK 3 sepaHAOIO
castle /'ka:sl/ JaMoK
palace /'prelrs/nanal.{ cottage /' kotrqy 38MiCbKUU 6yoUHOK
country house = mansion /'mrenfan/ aem1Kui1 (on) a farm
38MiCbKUU 6yOUHOK, oco6HRK cj)epMa

caravan /'kreravren/ (BrE) = trailer (AmE) flat (BrE) =- dpartn ;'. Jf',t (AmE)
6yOUHOK-c/)ypZOH Kaapmupa

(student) hall of residence (BrE) =

semi-detached house (BrE) = duplex (AmE)
dormitory /'do:mrt(a)rr/ (AmE) zypmo>KumoK /' dju: pie ks/ oaoKaapmupHuii 6youHoK, oynneKc
a hut = a shack xamuHa, xanyna, 6apaK terraced house (BrE) = townhouse, row /rau/
house (AmE) MicbKuu ooHoKaapmupHuii 6youHoK,
6yOUHOK cmpi4K060i' 3a6y006U

Types of flats:
condominium (condo) - an apartment building in which each apartment is individually wholly ownedand the common
areas are jointly owned - anacHa Kaapmupa y KoonepamuaHOMY >KumnoaoMy 6youH1<Y
studio apartment (AmE) = bedsit (BrE) - an apartment containing one main room and a kitchenette (part of the
room equipped as a kitchen) - ooHoKiMHamHa Kaapmupa
penthouse flat - a flat or maisonette built onto the top floor or roof of a block of flats - neHmxayc, cj)eweHe6enbHa
Kaapmupa 6 Ha06yc)oai Ha Oaxy XM8p040C8.

Renting/selling/buying a dJ~ng:
a tenant /'tenant/ Hai1Ma4, opeHoap a landlord / landlady ooMoanacHuK, RKuii Joac Ka.
to pay rent nnamumu opeHoHy nnamy to let a flat (a house to let) Joaaamu a opeHoy
tenement /'tenamant/ opeHooaaHa Kaapmupa a host /haust/ / hostess /' haustrs/ xaJRi°H,
real property (BrE) = real estate (AmE) HepyxoMicmb zocnoouHR (cmocoaHo zocmR)
estate agent (BrE) = real estate agent, realtor /' rralta/ (AmE) azeHm y cnpaaax npooa>Ky HepyxoMocmi

WORD CHOICE: storey, story, floor

Storey (BrE) ~!RIJ.JAmE) is usually used to talk about the structure of the building
• a building d&"gngof storeys high • a three-storey house
To talk about where sb or sth is in a building, use floor
• We went up to the top floor. • He works on the fifteenth floor. • Is there a bathroom on this floor?
2. Location
to be situated / located 6ymu po3mawoeaHUM
in the country y ceni I 38 MicmoM
in the mountains /' mauntmz/, near the sea
in a (new) residential area /,rezr'denfel 'eerie/ y pauoHi (y Hoeo6yooeax) .
in a suburb called Dakhnivka /'s/\ba:b/ y nepeoMicmi, ll.40 Ha3ueacmbcH ,aaxHJeKa
on the outskirts of town /,aut'ska:ts/ Ha oKonuu,i Micma
in a good neighbourhood /' nerbehud/ y aapHoMy (MiKpo)pauoHi

The neighbourhood is picturesque /prktfe' resk/ ManboeHulluiJ

safe 6e3nel/HUiJ
quiet /' kwaret/ muxuiJ
lively /' larvlr/ no>KeaeneHuiJ
green 3eneHuiJ (6aaamo 3eneHi)

;n t'l.iliarin street Ha eynul.{i ,aaapiHa

on the road
Rd Road Blvd Boulevard /'bu :lva:/ 6ynbeap block Keapman
St Street Ave Avenue f'c13VI,nju:/wupoKa eynu(4R, npocneKm lane npoeynoK

within easy reach of 30BCiM 6nU3bKO shops
quite close to oocumb 6nU3bKo a shopping mall TPLJ
a stone's throw from nopRiJ 3 my school
a long way from iJaneKO BiiJ the city centre
a walking distance from MO>KHa iJitJmu niWKU
most of the theatres
a fifteen minutes' walk from Ha eiiJcmaHi 15 X8UflUH XoiJy
a short drive from underground station (BrE) =
MO>KHa ooi'xamu Ha MawuHi
subway station (AmE) Mempo
round the corner the bus stop
Ja poaoM
3. Moving In
to move house (BrE) nepeixamu
to move in(to) sth nepeixamu e
to have a housewarming party ceRmeyeamu exoauHu
ground floor, first floor, second floor ... (BrE) nepwuiJ noeepx, apywii noeepx, mpemiii noeepx
to live on the 3d floor >1<umu Ha 4 noeepci
to overlook the square }
face the yard euxoaumu Ha
look over a busy street with heavy traffic
a flat with the view of the river Keapmupa 3 euaoM Ha pi'IKY
to be a must of every flat me, U(o Mac 6ymu e KO>KHiii cy'lacHiii Keapmupi
to be typical of a modern flat 6ymu munoeuM anR cy'lacHoi' Keapmupu
with all modern conveniences /kan'vi:nransrz/ = amenities /a'mi:nrtrz/ J yciMa cy'lacHuMu eueoaaMu

to remodel /rr'modal/ = renovate /'renaverU = repair /rr 'pea/ peMoHmyeamu

to paper the walls= to have the walls wallpapered, papered walls 061<ne10eamu wnanepaMu
to paint the walls yellow = to have the walls painted yellow cpap6yeamu y >1<oemuiJ Konip
to floor a room with parquet /'pa :ker/ (linoleum /lr'naulram/) Hacmunamu napKem (niHoneyM)
to tile /tarl/ the walls= tile (tiled walls) Hacmunamu Kaxenb, o6po6umu cmiHi KaxneM
The flat is very run-down, it needs remodelling (renovating, repairing).

4. Modern Conveniences = Facilities /fa's1ht1z/

I . ~
central heating 1..1eHTpanbHe onaneHHSl alarm system
electricity /,rlek'trrsrtr/ (a burglar alarm
eneKTpi.1Ka oxopoHHa cu;maniJa1.4iR
/'b3:gla/, a fire alarm)
guarded territory mepumopiR, U(O

/' ga: drd 'terrtarr/ 0X0p0HRCmbCR

running water BOAOnpoBiA
concierge KoHcbcp>K
l)...lift = elevator niq>T
underground parking nia3eMHa napKoeKa
/'elrverta/ (Am)
air-conditioning KOHAMl..litOBaHHSl noBiTpSl
fitness club <PimHec Kny6
heated floors C\.,j
niAnora 3 niAirpiBoM
heated outdoor pool 308HiWHiiJ 6aceiJH 3
0..,. nii'JizpieoM
Internet access IHTepHeT
sauna /'so:na/ cayHa
satellite TV /' sretelart/ cynyrHMKose
Jacuzzi /c:t3a 'ku:zr/ = iJ>1<aKy33i
Tene6a4eHHSl ().,.

hot tub /'hot 'tAb/

5. Inside and Outside a House

1 attic /' cBtik/ zopuU{e 12 garage /'gcBra:3/

2 bedroom cnanbHR 13 upstairs ezopi; apyzuiJ noeepx 2-noeepx. 6yauHKY
3 spare room /spea/ KiMHama anR zocmeiJ 14 downstairs nepwuiJ noeepx 2-noeepx. 6yauHJ<Y
4 bathroom eaHHa (KiMHaTa) 15 ground floor nepwuiJ noeepx
5 landing cxoaoea nnoU{aaKa 16 first floor apyzuiJ noeepx
6 living room= parlour /'pa:la/ = lounge /laund:3/ = 17 stairs /steaz/ cxoau
sitting room Jana, eimanbHR 18 balcony /' bcBlkanr/ 6anKoH
7 dining room cmonoea 19 terrace /'terrs/ 6anKoH, nopmuK
8 study po604uiJ Ka6iHem (y Keapmupi e'leHozo) 20 patio /' pcBtiau/ paved area btw house and garden
9 kitchen 21 garden
10 hall = corridor /' korrdo:/ KOP111AOP 22 chimney /'tfrmnr/ auMoxia
11 toilet /'torlrt/ myanem
More ...
reception room = waiting room npuiJManbHR, eimanbHR
gate eopoma, xeipmKa
children's room, playroom aumR4a KiMHama
hedge >Kueonnim, ozopo>Ka
pantry /' pcBntrr/ KoMopa
lawn /lo:n/ zaJoH
utility room niaco6Ha, zocnoaapcbKa KiMHama
mow /maul Kocumu
basement (windows) niaeanbHe npuMiU{eHHf1, 1.40KonbHUii noeepx
lawn-mower zaJoHoKocapKa
cellar /' sela/ (no windows) niaean, nozpi6
flower garden KBiTHl,1K
shed (for storing garden tools) capa'1
flower bed KnyM6a
garden caa, zopoa
porch zaHoK
orchard cj)pyKmoeuiJ caa
fence steps cxoau
windowsill niABiKOHHsi
The house is surrounded with a fence.
6. Furnishing and Decor /'de1k:>:1
scarcely /' skeaslr/ neaae Me6nboBaHa

to be poorly furnished 6iaHo Me6nboBaHa

well- ao6pe Me6nboaaHa

elaborately /11 · aebaratlr/ yMe6moaaHHR aemanbHo npoayMaHo

elegantly /' el1gantl1/ 6ymu eneaaHmHo o6cmaaneHUM

to be furnished in a modern style 6ymu yMe6nboBaHuM y cyl/acHoMy cmuni

to furnish a room with sth o6cmaanRmu KiMHamy
comfortable = cosy /' kauzr/ JamuwHuil, npueMHuil well-maintained y ao6poMy cmaHi
spacious = airy npocmopuil neglected /m' glektid/ JaHea6aHu0
cluttered = in a mess y 6ewaai outdated JacmapinuO
cramped /kraempt/ micHuu modern cyllacHuO, Hoeuu
brand new Hoauil

curtain /'k3:tn/ JaHaaicKa wall-to-wall carpeting KunuMoee noKpummR

net curtain mionb oriental / plain / patterned carpet KunuM (y cxiaHoMy
Venetian blind /vi' ni:fan 'blamd/ )/(anioJi cmuni, 6e3 ei3epyHKa, 3 ai3epyHKOM)

roller blind pynoHHa wmopa rug KunuM, nnea

to draw the curtains JamRayaamu JaHaaicKy mat KunuMoK, poao)Ka
to draw the curtains apart aiaKpuaamu, poJcoayaamu doormat at the doorstep to wipe one's feet KunuMoK
Ha nopoJi anR aumupaHHR Hia

mirror /' mrra/ aJepKano

knick-knacks api6HUl/KU, npuKpacu a framed picture <j)omoKapmKa y paM~i

statuette I,staetfu ·et/ cmamyemKa an oil painting KapmuHa MacnoM

chinaware nop~enRHoai eupo6u landscape nei1Ja)/(

fan aeHmunRmop, aiRno still-life HamiopMopm

sewing machine /' sau111/ waei1Ha MawuHa water-colour aKeapenb

vase BrE /va:z/, AmE /verz/ aaJa portrait /' po:trit/ nopmpem
(grand)piano /pr· aenau/ niaHiHo (poRnb) poster /' pausta/ a<j)iwa, nnaKam, nocmep
candlestick cail/HUK

The carpet matches the wallpaper. KunuM nacye ao wnanep.

The carpet completes the furnishing of the room .
KunuM aonoaHioe 03ao6neHHR KiMHa mu.
living Room
to switch / turn on the light eMuKamu ceimno
a three-piece suite = sofa set
M'RKUU aapHimyp
to switch / turn off the light euMuKamu ceimno

sofa /' saufa/ = couch /kautf/ auaaH

settee /se 'ti:/ HeaenuKuiJ duaaH, KaHanKa bookshelf KHU>KKoaa nonu4Ka
sofa bed ouaaH-ni>KKo bookstand KHU>KKoeuiJ cmena>K, cmeHi:J
corner sofa M'RKuiJ eymo4oK bookcase KHU>KKoea wacpa
armchair Kpicno
cushion /' kufn/ deKopamuaHa nodywKa sound system MYJU4HUiJ 1.4eHmp
wall unit= entertainment unit cmiHKa (flat-screen) TV meneaiJop
cupboard /' kAbad/ = cabinet wacpa, 6ycpem coffee table >KypHanbHUiJ cmonuK
chandelier /.famdi'l1a/ KaHi:JenR6p, mocmpa stool ma6ypemKa
standard lamp /'stcEndad/ = floor lamp mopwep radiator /'re1d1e1ta/ 6amapeR (onaneHHR)
table lamp = desk lamp = reading lamp fireplace KaMiH
wall lamp 6pa air-conditioner K0Hi:Ju1.4i0Hep

double bed i:JeocnanbHe ni>KKo bedding = bedclothes nocminbHa 6inuJHa
single bed oi:JHocnanbHe ni>KKO a coverlet = bedspread noKpueano
bunk beds oaonoaepxoae ni>KKo a sheet npocmupai:Jno
bedside table npuni>KKoea myM6o4Ka a blanket /' bl<El')kIU wepcmRHa Koei:Jpa
chest of drawers /'tfest av 'dro:az/ KoMoi:J a blanket cover nii:JKoei:Jpa, niiJoiJiRnbHUK
dressing table myanemHuiJ cmonuK a quilt /kwilt/ cmbo6aHa (Kilamesa) Koaopa
desk nucbMoeuiJ cmin a duvet /' du :ve1/ nyxoea Koeopa
computer, laptop KoMn'iomep, Hoym6yK a pillow noiJywKa
wardrobe /'wo:draub/ wacpa i:JnR oi:JRay a pillow case = pillow slip nowueaHKa, Haaono4Ka

kitchen unit KyxHR (RK KoMnneKm Me6nie)
Kitchenware /' k1tf1nwea/ KYXOHHMIII nocyA
cabinet /' k<Ebm1U (Jac1<neHa) wacjJKa
pots and pans Kacmpyni ma cKoaopioKu
sideboard /'sa1dbo:d/ cepeaHm
kettle 4a0HuK (iJnR Kun 'RmiHHR)
work surface = worktop po6o4uu cmin, cmonewHu1.4R
teapot 4a0HuK (onR JaeapioaaHHR)
cooker = stove /stauv/ nnuma
crockery nocyo (c/JaRHcoeuu, 4epen'RHuu)
oven /' Avn/ iJyxoeKa, ni4
saucer /'so:sa/ 6moo1.4e
sink paKoeuHa
dish 6niooo
plate rack cywapKa onR mapinoK plate mapinKa

tap = faucet /'fo:s1t/ KpaH bowl /baul/ MucKa

garbage bin aiopo onR cMimmR cup 48WKa, zopHRmK0, cpini>KaHKB

Gadgets /' gcect31t/ npHcTpo"i mug Kyxonb

(electric) appliance eneKmponpunao cutlery HO>Koai eupo6u

coffee machine Kaaa-MawuHa knife, fork, spoon Hi>K, euoenKa, no>KKa

coffee-maker KaaoaapKa tin-opener KOHCepBHUU Hi>K

coffee-grinder KaaHu~R, KaaHU4Ka chopsticks nanu4KU, U(O npaanRmb Ja euaenKy

food processor /' prausesa/ K}'XOHHuu KoM6auH tea towel = dish towel KyxoHHuD pywHu'loK anR nocyay

microwave /' ma1krawe1v/ MiKpoxaunboaa ni4 pot holder npuxeamKa

dishwasher nocyooMutJHa MawuHa oven glove /glAv/ KyxoHHa pyKaau~
washing machine npanbHa MawuHa tray nioHoc, ma~
fridge = refrigerator /n 'fm:'3are1ta/ xonoounbHUK tablecloth cKamepmuHa
freezer M0p03UflbHUK oilcloth KneDoHKa, 14epama
meat-chopper= mincer M'Rcopy6Ka napkin cepaemKa
juice extractor /1k'straekta/
geyser /' gi:za/ aaJoea KonoHKa

bath= bathtub /'ba :8tAb/ eaHHa (pi4) sponge /spAnd3/ ay6Ka
(walk-in) shower oyw (oywoaa Ka6iHa) bottle of shampoo /faem'pu:/ nnRwKa waMnyH,o
toilet roll pynoH myanemHozo nanipy shower gel /d3el/ aenb anR oywy
(wash)basin /' be1sn/ paKoauHa jar of cream 6aH04Ka 3 KpeMoM
linen basket/' Imm/ KowuK onR 6pyoHoi' 6inuJHu tube /'tu:b/ of shaving cream KpeM Amt roniHHR
electric razor /'re1za/ (eneKmpo)6pumea
bar of soap /saup/ KYC04oK Muna aftershave nocboH nicnR aoniHHR
terry towel /' taual/ oKcaMumoeuD pywHuK
bath towel eenuKuiJ oKcaMumoeuD pywHuK
to have / take a bath npuDMamu eaHHy
hand towel pywHuK onR PYK
to have / take a shower npuDMamu ayw
towel rail eiwanKa onR pywHuKia to brush one's teeth 4ucmumu y6u
to dry oneself with / on a towel eumupamucR pywHuKoM to shave oneself aonumucR
tube of toothpaste /'tu :8pe1st/ ml06UK 3y6Hoi" nacmu
to brush / comb /kaum/ one's hair poJ'licyeamucR
toothbrush Jy6Ha U(imKa
to do one's hair po6umu Ja'licKy

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