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Структура екзаменаційного білета
1. Theoretical question
2. Define the terms and provide examples, where required
3. Practical task (in Ukrainian)
Define the place of 6 languages in the genealogical classification. Show on the
geographical map those regions where these languages are (were) spoken.

Питання, що виносяться на екзамен

1. Theoretical question

General Aspects

1. Linguistics and its objectives. Linguistics vs. traditional grammar. The scope
of linguistics.

Phonetics and Phonology

2. Phonetics vs. phonology. Acoustic phonetics and articulatory phonetics.

Organs of speech. Stages of articulation. Merging of stages and
interpenetration of stages. Articulatory basis of a language. Orthoepy.
Spelling and pronunciation.

3. Phoneme: definition. Allophones. Phonemic and phonetic transcription.

Segmental phonemes and non-segmental phonemes. Understanding of a
phoneme by the Moscow and Leningrad phonological school. Contribution
to the theory of a phoneme made by the Prague School, Copenhagen School,
and American School of Descriptive Linguistics. Integral and differential
features of phonemes. Phonemic oppositions and their types. Strong and
weak position of a phoneme. Neutralization of phonemic oppositions.

4. Combinatory phonetic changes: assimilation and its types (according to the

direction, degree of completeness, and degree of stability), synharmony of
vowels, dissimilation and its types, accommodation.

5. Combinatory phonetic changes: elision, intrusion and its types, metathesis.

Positional phonetic changes: reduction and its types.

6. Prosody. Syllabic stress and its types. Word stress and its types. Metrical
phonology. Stress group and clitics.

7. Intonation. Speech melody. Sentence stress and its types. Rhythm and its
types. Tempo of speech and its types. Pause. Voice timbre.

8. Lexicology: definition. Lexeme. Lexical semantics: semasiology,

onomasiology, and the theory of naming (basic objectives). Methods of
semantic analysis applied in semasiology, onomasiology, and the theory of

9. Word-stock formation: affixation, back formation, clipping and

abbreviation, compounding and types of compounds, semantic word-
formation, transposition, borrowing and types of borrowings.

10.Word-stock stratification: chronological stratification of the vocabulary, and

stylistic stratification of the vocabulary.

11.Word-stock organization. Lexicography. Types of dictionaries. The entry of

a linguistic dictionary. Ideographic dictionaries.

12.Studies of lexical groups. Onomastics. Types of onyms. Terminology.

Phraseology. A phraseological unit. Phraseological units vs. free word-
combinations. Deformations of phraseological units.

13.Phraseological units: structural, semantic, stylistic and etymological


14.Internal word-form. Motivated and non-motivated words. Etymon.

Etymology. Folk etymology. Translator’s ‘false friends’. Historical

Lexical Semantics

15.Lexical semantics. ‘Semantic triangle’ model. Lexical meaning and its


16.Direct and indirect word meaning. Metonymy and its types. Metaphor and
its types. Metonymy-metaphor.

17.Semasiology vs. onomasiology. Semasiological studies of words. Polysemy.

Homonymy, and types of homonyms. Paronymy.

18. Onomasiology vs. semasiology. Onomasiological studies of words.

Synonymy, and types of synonyms. Antonymy, and types of antonyms.
Partonymy. Hyponymy.

19.Grammatical category: definition. Grammatical category and conceptual

category. Grammatical meaning vs. lexical meaning. Formal means of
representing grammatical meaning. Grammeme. Types of grammatical
categories. Grammatical categories of different languages.

20.Morphology and its branches. Grammatical word. Grammatical word vs.

lexical word and phonetic word. Morphemics. Morph, morpheme, and
allomorph. Immediate constituent analysis. Types of morphemes.
Morphological processes.

21.Derivational morphology. Simple words and derived words. Stems and their
types. Formal derivational pattern. Derivational meaning. Productivity of
derivational patterns. Derivational paradigms.

22.Parts of speech. Part-of-speech meaning. Part-of-speech formal properties.

Parts of speech in different languages.

23.Syntax and its types. A phrase. Formal pattern of a phrase. Types of phrases.
Types of subordinate relations.

24.A sentence. Formal pattern of a sentence. The parts of a sentence. The types
of sentences. A simple sentence and its types. The constructive basis of a

25.A compound sentence. Syndetic and asyndetic coordination. Types of

coordination. Parataxis. A complex sentence. Types of subordinate clauses.
Hypotaxis. A compound-complex sentence. A sentence with a parenthesis.

26.Semantic syntax. Meaning of a sentence. Proposition. Modality. Semantic

roles. Information structure of a sentence. Communicative syntax.

Classifications of languages

30. Typology of languages. Syntactic types of languages. Nominative and

ergative languages. Morphological types of languages. Inflectional vs.
agglutinative languages.

2. Define the terms and provide examples, where required

1. Phonetics vs. phonology. Acoustic phonetics and articulatory phonetics.

Articulatory basis of a language. Orthoepy.
2. Phoneme. Allophones. Segmental phonemes and non-segmental phonemes.
Neutralization of phonemic oppositions.
3. Synharmony of vowels. Accommodation.
4. Assimilation. Dissimilation.
5. Elision. Intrusion. Metathesis. Reduction.
6. Syllable. The sonorous and muscular theories of a syllable. Monosyllabic
7. Prosody. Syllabic stress. Word stress. Sentence stress. Intonation.
8. Stress group. Proclitic. Enclitic. Metrical phonology.
9. Lexeme. Lexical meaning. Semasiology, onomasiology, and the theory of
10. Affixation. Back formation. Compound and compound derived words.
11. Clipping and abbreviation. Acronyms and initiaisms.
12. Semantic word-formation. Transposition and conversion.
13. Basic word-stock. Historical and archaic words. Neologisms and occasional
14. Neutral words. Bookish words. Terms. Exoticisms.
15. Colloquial words. General slang. Special slang (jargon). Professionalisms.
Dialectal words.
16. Vulgarisms. Dysphemism. Taboos and euphemisms.
17. Internal word-form. Motivated and non-motivated words. Etymon.
Onomasiological model.
18. Etymology and Historical Lexicology. Folk etymology. Translator’s ‘false
19.Lexical meaning. The signified. Referential meaning. Connotational
meaning. Pragmatic meaning. Componential analysis.
20. Direct and indirect word meaning. Metonymy. Metaphor. Metonymy-
21.Semasiology. Polysemy. Homonymy. Paronymy.
22. Onomasiology. Synonyms. Antonyms. Wholonym and partonym.
Hypernym and hyponym.
23. Grammar in its broad and narrow sense. Branches of grammar in its broad
sense. Branches of grammar in its narrow sense.
24.Grammatical category. Grammatical categories of words, word forms,
syntactic positions, and syntactic constructions. Grammeme.
25.Morphemics. Morph, morpheme, and allomorph. Immediate constituent
26. Morphological processes. Redistribution. Simplification. Analogy.
27. Derivational morphology. Simple words and derived words. Stem. Formal
derivational pattern. Derivational meaning.
28. Parts of speech. Part-of-speech meaning. Part-of-speech formal properties.
29. Syntax and its types. Phrase vs. sentence. Simple, compound, complex
sentences. The constructive basis of a sentence.
30.Meaning of a sentence. Proposition. Modality. Semantic roles. Information
structure of a sentence.

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