Using The Dungeon Train in A Game
Using The Dungeon Train in A Game
Using The Dungeon Train in A Game
Inspired by the season 5x36 Adventure Time episode, “Dungeon Train”. For use with the ICRPG game.
A dungeon made up of 21 green, scaly train cars all Using the Dungeon Train in a Game
linked together going around a track in an endless
loop with no locomotive to pull them. The Dungeon Train can be used as a simple, no-
brains-needed adventure locale, where the
The cars have infinity symbols on their doors
players can go to collect coin and loot and
made up of a single ouroboros and another
prepare for harder adventures.
infinity symbol on top of the cars themselves. The
inside of the train appears to be made up of An adventure set in the Dungeon Train can also
different colored paneled rooms. It also might be become serious as the heroes become trapped by
somewhat magical as it can make many magical the subtle curse of the Dungeon Train and refuse
items and monsters appear as one enters a room to leave the place. In extreme situations,
where there was nothing before. explorers may even turn against each other.
The dungeon is easy to leave as each car has a Reaching the Dungeon Train
door on the side they can exit through. However,
those who board the train can become engrossed Finding the dungeon can be as easy or hard as
in the endless fighting and collection of loot, and needed for the campaign. Originally placed in the
with some of the loot being sustenance, they middle of a dense forest, the Dungeon Train
could spend their entire life on it – which some might turn up in a city, underground (“dungeon
dungeoneers do. subway”?), or even up in the clouds. It can be
unknown, a well-guarded secret, or a famous
Some go through the train and become obsessed,
training ground for novice adventurers.
refusing to leave and attacking other
dungeoneers for their gear. These souls become
Dungeon Train Bosses. They remain so until they
are defeated and explode into light, leaving
behind any loot they had collected thus far.
Dungeon Features and Layout The Curse
Each car is around 15 feet by 25 feet in size, with Although it’s a subtle feature, the Dungeon Train
15 feet in height and set into a random theme or is cursed. Adventurers who decide to take on its
color, and contains different monsters and other challenges can quickly evolve and become more
dungeon features (such as traps, puzzles, etc.). powerful in a relatively safe dungeon (since you
The cars are not always “clean” – they might can leave at any time) but they are subjected to
contain obstacles and terrain designed to the effects of the curse and slowly become
improve the adventuring experience. addicted and obsessed with the fighting and
Adventurers can move from one car to another collection of loot.
through a sliding door at the end of the car once Playing Out the Curse. Once inside the
all the monsters are defeated. Each car also is Dungeon Train each character is subjected to the
fitted with a side door that serves as an exit, but Curse, albeit it doesn’t really affect them until
the explorers may refuse to use it due to the after they’ve defeated their first car and collected
Curse. some loot. On that moment, each character puts a
single CURSE DIE (a D10) on their sheet with “1”
up. This represents how much they’re consumed
by the Dungeon Train’s Curse. After each car
finished, increase the die by one number, or by
two numbers if they defeat a Boss. Once this
number is equal or higher than the character’s
Wisdom modifier, they will refuse to leave and
will try to keep going on and on until dead or
defeated. At that point, if a character wishes to
leave, they must make a check (Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma – whichever is higher)
against the current TARGET with a penalty equal
Suggested Targets and Evolution to the number on the CURSE DIE.
The magically-sentient Dungeon Train will A character might lift the curse through their
challenge the adventurers with harder rooms the own will or with the help of an outside force, such
longer they explore. The table below provides as a friend or another loved one providing
some ideas on how to escalate Dungeon Train support. A HERO COIN can also be spent to
encounters based on how many cars the heroes ignore the CURSE DIE penalty on checks to leave
explore. Also, notice that “car” refers to the count the Dungeon Train.
from the moment the explorers board the
Dungeon Train. After the third boss battle, the
characters come back to the “beginning” of the
train, with the TARGET resetting.