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Agro Seed Processing Plant: Product and Its Applications

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Agro Seed Processing Plant

Home » Technology » Project Profiles » Agriculture & Food Processing » Agro Seed Processing Plant

Project cost : 2 tonnes per hour (Paddy 26 tpd or wheat 35 tpd in 3 shifts) or 4,540 tpa.
Uploaded on : February 2009

Product and its applications

Cereal grains like paddy and wheat together constitute the main staple food in the country. Hence production of these crops ranks highest in quantity.
The use of certified agricultural seeds ensures higher agricultural production. The certified seeds are produced and processed under Indian Seed Act
1996 (amended in 2002). These are sound, healthy and genetically pure with higher yields. The process consists of agricultural activity as well as
processing activity under a licence from State Authority.

Market Potential
India has made phenomenal strides in production of food grains, yet there exists a vast scope for further improvement in productivity. Replacement of
10% seeds annually would ensure higher production. The farmers procure certified seeds from different suppliers. However supply is far short of the
demand.. There is a tremendous scope for setting up seed processing units to meet the local demand and make the region self sufficient in food grain

Basis and Presumption

 The processing plant will work for 180 days per annum on 3 shifts basis.
 The unit can achieve its full capacity utilization during the 2nd year of operation.
 The wages for skilled workers are taken as per prevailing rates in this type of industry.
 Interest rate for total capital investment is calculated @ 12% per annum.
 The entrepreneur is expected to raise 20-25% of the capital as margin money.
 The unit would construct its own building as per Seed Certification Authority specifications.
 Costs of machinery and equipment are based on average prices of manufacturers.

Implementation Schedule
Project implementation will take a period of 8 months. Break-up of the activities and relative time for each activity is shown below:

Scheme preparation and approval 01 month

SSI provisional registration 1-2 months

Sanction of financial supports etc 2-5 months

Installation of machinery and power connection 6-8 months

Trial run and production 01 month

Technical Aspects

Since the process consists of crop cultivation and processing activity, the plant should be located inside/near the farm wherein crop is cultivated.
Availability of power, road connectivity and marketing links for supply of seed to various traders/users should be ensured.

Process of Manufacture
Agricultural activity
Quality Control and Standards
As per State Seed Certification requirements.

Pollution Control
Mushrooms are picked at button stage (cap. diameter 2-2.5 cm) by gentle hand twisting. The soil and portion carrying any microbial flora is then cut
off/removed with the help of a sharp edge stainless steel knife/blade. The stalk length should preferably be kept 0.5-1 cm. long.

Energy Conservation
Only electricity is being used in the process.

Production Capacity
Quantity 2650 tpa paddy seed + 1890 tpa wheat seed 20 tpd

Installed capacity 20 tpd

Optimum capacity utilization 70%

Working days 300/annum (processing activity 180 days)

Manpower 28


Motive Power 15 kW
15 kW 01 kL/day

Financial Aspects

Fixed Capital

Land & Building Amount (Rs. lakh)

Land 10,000 m2 09.00

Built up area 1,000 m2 30.00

Total cost of Land and Building 39.00

Machinery and Equipment

Mechanical dryer, elevators-3, pre-cleaner, size grader, indented centrifugal cylinder, chemical treater, automatic dosing machine, 22.00
conveyor belt, bag stitching machine, misc. equipment

Erection and electrification @ 10% of machinery cost 2.20

Office furniture & fixtures 1.50

Total 25.70

Pre-operative Expenses
Consultancy fee, project report, deposits with electricity department etc. 1.30

Total Fixed Capital (9.1.1 + 9.1.2 + 9.1.3) 66.00

Recurring expenses per annum

Designation No. Salary Total (Rs)

Factory manager 1 10,000 1.20

Supervisor & marketing staff 2 6,000 1.44

Office Assistant 2 5,500 1.32

Technician 1 5,000 0.60

Skilled workers 4 3,500 1.68

Unskilled workers (6 months) 16 2,000 1.92

Unskilled workers (Regular) 2 2,500 0.60

Perquisites @ 15%


Total 28 10.07

Raw Material Including Packaging Materials

Particulars Qty(t) Rate/t (Rs.) Amount Rs. lakh

Paddy 26 tpd x 120 days 3,120 8,850 276.12

Wheat 35 tpd x 60 days 2,100 10,600 222.60

Gunny bags for paddy seed, cap. 12 kg 2,21,000 5.00 011.05

Gunny bags for wheat seed, cap. 40 kg 47,250 10.25 004.85

Fungicides, stitching, marking LS LS 005.63

Total 520.25
Power 4.30

Other Contingent Expenses Amount (Rs. lakh)

Repair and maintenance, building @5% 1.50

Repair and maintenance, machinery @10% 2.42

Repair and maintenance, furniture @20% 0.30

Consumables & spares!

Transport & travel !

Publicity ! 3.42

Postage & stationery ! 0.30

Telephone !

Insurance 0.66

Total 8.30

Total Recurring Expenditure Amount (Rs. lakh)

(9.2.1+9.2.2+9.2.3+9.2.4) 542.92

Working Capital
Recurring Expenditure for 2 months Recurring Expenditure for 2 months

Total Capital Investment Amount (Rs. lakh)

Fixed capital (Refer 9.1.4) 66.00

Working capital (Refer 9.3) 90.50

Total 156.50

Financial Analysis
Cost of Production (per annum) Amount (Rs. lakh)

Recurring expenses (Refer 9.2.5) 542.92

Depreciation on building @5% 1.50

Depreciation on machinery @10% 2.42

Depreciation on furniture @20% 0.30

Interest on CapitalInvestment@12% 18.86

Total 566.00

Sale Proceeds / Annual turnover

Item Qty (t) Rate/t (Rs.) Amount (Rs. lakh)

Paddy seeds in 12 kg bags 2,650 14,600 386.90

Wheat seeds in 40 kg bags 1,890 15,200 287.28

Total 674.18
Net Profit per year
Sales - Cost of production
674.18 - 566.00
108.18 lakh

Net Profit Ratio

Net Profit ×100

108.18 x 100
= 674.18

Rate of Return on Investment

Net Profit ×100
Capital Investment

Capital Investment
= 69.12 %

Annual Fixed Cost Amount (Rs. Lakh)

All depreciation 4.22

Interest 18.86

40% of salary, wages, utility, contingency 9.07

Insurance 0.66

Total Total

Break even Point

Annual Fixed Cost x100
Annual Fixed Cost + Profit
32.81 x 100
32.81 + 108.18

Addresses of Machinery and Equipment Suppliers

 Rohilkhand Eng. Works
Bareilly (U.P.)
 Batliboi Engineers (Bangalore) Pvt. Ltd.
99/2&3, N.R.Road
Bangalore - 560 002
Narene Tulaman Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd.
Hyderabad - 500 037
 M/s. Kodesia Eng Works,
 Shree Murugan Industries,
Plot No. 68/W, Hootagalli
Industrial Area, Balawadi Post
Mysore - 571186
 Nalanda Agro Works
Nalanda Nagar, Kurji
Patna - 800 010
 Mac-Well Engineering Works,
14, Kartar Compound, LBS Marg
Behind State Bank
Vikroli (West)
Mumbai - 400 079
 Septu (India) Pvt. Ltd.
12/7, Urban Estate,
Post Box No. 4
Gurgaon - 122 001
 Raylon Metal Works
Kondivitta Lane
Post Box 17426
J.B.Nagar, Andheri (E)
Mumbai - 400 059
 SSP (Pvt) Ltd.
13th Milestone, Mathura Road
Faridabad - 121003, Haryana
Grovers Pvt. Ltd.
223, Kaliandas Udyog Bhavan
 Mumbai - 400 025
Macneill and Magor Ltd.
4, Mangoe Lane
Kolkata - 700 001

Other Special Features

A careful selection of product mix is necessary based on the local market demand and availability of raw materials. The facilities can also be utilised to
manufacture quality seeds of carrot, radish, peas, spinach, coriander, okra, other vegetables and pulses for fuller utilisation of capacity.

Contact for more information

Information Manage

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